How to speed up the process of skin regeneration? How to return the face to the normal view after skin problems

Today on the Internet you can find a lot of information on face and body care. Many girls and women, trying their natural beauty at risk, begin to try all the means at once.

And the consequences of the inappropriate or illiterate care are simply frightening.

This article is written for those who are concerned about the skin problems after improper care. In it, we will consider the most common disadvantages that require skin restoration. Since skin diseases are a huge set, and all of them are manifested differently, then they need to be eliminated in different ways.

Before thinking about treatment, you need to determine which problem you have to fight and after which, in fact, defects appeared.

If in the youth of the loss of even a large number of unnecessary kilograms can pass almost without a trace for the person, then in women aged certain complications may appear in the form of the epidermis and violation of the contours of the face.

All this is due to the fact that the dermis loses the elasticity and ability to restore. The most efficient ways to pull up your already lost face are:

  • Exercise on modeling the boundaries of the face;
  • Special masks;
  • Modern hardware ways to restore the skin of the face;
  • Face massage;
  • Cryotherapy.

Plastic surgery - as the most radical method.

Recovery after sunburn

In the summer, we all strive for the beaches, and often it happens that the desire to give the skin a handsome shade leads to burns. The buried epidermis begins to peel and get out what looks very unattractive. What will help return the skin the former look after the burn?

Many mistakes begin to rub fatty ointments and creams into the injured dermis. This is dangerous! Under the thick layer of ointment, the burnt epithelium will only be heated, you need to, on the contrary, cool it. Cold water, and use kefir or serum to moisture.

Equality products have a softening effect and nourish the skin, while not clogging it.

Restoration after acne (pedestal)

The problem of acne worries many, but even after the successful treatment of this ailment, traces of former pimples in the form of brown or yellow spots may remain on the face, which can be completely different sizes.

Eliminating them yourself quite difficult. In the event of such darkens, it is better to turn to a good cosmetologist and deal with the problem with microtonal therapy.

Restoration after smoking

Anyone who refused this harmful habit has the right to be proud of himself. After all, Nicotine poisons the body, including our sensitive dermis, which under the influence of this poison loses color and ages even faster.

To finally clean the body from harmful substances and improve the condition of the dermis, you will have to do the following steps:

  • Add more vegetables and fruits to the diet and abandon fatty food;
  • Put a course of money for removing sputum from the lungs;
  • More often visit the sauna or bath, since along with then all toxins come out of the body;
  • Sport or at least just move more;
  • Eat more water per day.

Apply masks containing antioxidants.

Care after chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is definitely a very effective method of rejuvenation. He became a real discovery in the field of beauty. But still, has its drawbacks. The procedure itself is quite painful, the skin after it is injured.

Therefore, the person after such operations requires serious and careful care. The first rule - the derm should be constantly moistened.

The second, which you need to remember - the skin, after the removal of the upper nozzle layer, becomes more susceptible to bacteria and microbes.

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Therefore, it is recommended not to struggle to face with your hands and not to apply decorative cosmetics at least the first few days after the peeling. Also, the purified dermis will perceive the ultraviolet intensively. Direct sunlight should be avoided.

Consequences of pregnancy

The birth of a child is always associated with the moments of joy and happiness. But, unfortunately, many women pregnancy gives it difficult. All vitamins and useful elements go to the power of the fetus, and the hormones "jump" up and down.

A sharp increase in progesterone hormone during pregnancy and a decrease in its level after childbirth is the cause of redness or pigmentation on the face. With this problem, newly minted mothers have to face quite often.

Strong sleep would help to cope with this ailment, if with the advent of the baby it was possible to sleep hard for a long time. It is clear that the mothers are often ready for the eyes not to be plated, watching the condition of their children, but still, it is also not worth overwork.

It may not affect health, and, therefore, on beauty. That is why mothers who have noticed deterioration on the face should pay attention to its diet and try to use as much fresh fruit as possible, it is also recommended to drink a course of vitamins.

Only useful products must prevail in food. The easiest way to give a licho after pregnancy is in order to use cosmetic products, which include collagen. Its impact on the body is very similar to the influence of the progesterone hormone, which is produced in large quantities during pregnancy.

If you want to have perfect skin, you need to clean it every day, moisturize and nourish it. All these features perfectly performs cosmetics, whether you do not care whether you prefer folk recipes or corporate production. External face care - Holy duty of each woman!

In addition, it is important to remember that beauty is evidence of the health of the body. The correct lifestyle is the key to female attractiveness. Watch for meals, engage in sports and give up bad habits. And then in the mirror you will see beautiful, fresh and taped face.

Every woman is obliged to look excellent. If you call for help reliable allies of beauty, then elastic, shining freshness, flawlessly smooth skin will be the best decoration of the face. What is this allies and how to restore the skin of the face?

How to restore the skin of the face? Will get drunk

If the feeling of discomfort and dryness left the destructive traces on the skin, it is necessary to provide full-fledged care and moisturizing.

You can use the method of instant moisturizing from Cindy Crawford: mix milk with water and sprinkle on the face of the spray. By the way, it is not bad to have a habit of carrying a bottle with a thermal spray with you.

  • Yeast treatment

One of the proven ways to improve the skin of the face - yeast. Mix the yeast with milk so that the mask looks like sour cream. After washing warm water on the face, there will be no traces of fatigue.

  • Hugging Morpheus

Okay when he overcomes Dund. Hugging Morpheus is a better reducing agent for the skin of the face. 15 minutes "quiet hour" so that the skin rested and recovered.

  • Smooth recipes

Tremitting wrinkles on the tired skin really say to tell about age. Yes, and extended pores do not add beauty. To carefully disguise them, it is enough to beat 2 squirrels and a strong foam on the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the film with mineral cold water. Instant result - the skin is smooth and shines freshness.

  • Ambulance after party

Our skin is the most important excretory body. Therefore, intoxication of the organism "bad habits" during parties is reflected on the face.

You can use scrubs with abrasives to clean the pores and enhance the blood supply, and after applying an ambulance professional assistance. If there is no time to think how to restore the skin of the face, then the ampulle cosmetics becomes a real ambulance. The active ingredients give a quick result of lifting and fast rejuvenation.

But the choice of the desired ampoule should depend on the task you need to solve.

  • Ampoule with hyaluronic acid moisturizes and improve appearance.
  • Vitamins-antioxidants, marine collagen and elastin tighten the skin.
  • Fruit acids, various trace elements and essential oils will be needed for soft exfoliation.
  • Ampoule with Coenzyme Q10 and ceramides may also take care of the rapid recovery.

Do not regret the time and means for yourself, your loved one. Because, as they say, beauty must be either paid, or mourn!

The skin has an unpleasant feature to fade under the influence of many factors. These include poor ecology, incorrectly balanced diet, the use of low-quality cosmetics. It is also worth mentioning age-related changes, frequent susceptibility to stress, lack of sleep, dehydration. As a result of all the above, the skin loses elasticity, it is possible to return it using massage, cosmetic ice, special masks. Let's talk about everything in order.

Cosmetic ice elasticity

The led from the decoction of medicinal plants activates all metabolic processes, contributes to the production of collagen, levels the skin structure. To maintain elasticity, the face must be wiped every day - after the morning awakening, at lunchtime, before bedtime.

It is not worth violating the duration of the procedure, it is 3 minutes. First, wipe the forehead, then go to the cheeks and eyelids, descend on the chin, the line of cheekbones, neckline and neck. Do not stop a piece of ice in one place for longer than 2 seconds.

  1. Cucumber ice. Rinse vegetable, remove the fruit, pour the fruit with pieces. Send to the blender, bring to the consistency of Kashi. Pour a little filtered water, bulk the composition over the bags for ice. Remove into the freezer, then use the destination.
  2. Lode of salt. Take 30 gr. Large sea salt, pour 200 gr. Cool boiling water and mix. When the grains dissolve, break the mixture in the form compartments. Put in the freezing chamber, use after morning awakening. Complete wiping with pure water rinsing.
  3. Lemon Lod. Take a third of the lemon, grind in porridge along with the skin. Add 70 ml. Cold water and 50 ml. chamomile beam. Pour the contents of the shape cells, leave freeze. Use no more than 2 times a day.
  4. Loda of herbs. Purchase in the pharmacy collecting dry herbs. It must be present to the yarrow, nettle, currant leaves or lingonberries. Make the composition of hot water, insist half an hour. Before bottling through cells, strain.
  5. Berry Loda. Take 20 gr. Red currant, 50 gr. Strawberries, 10 gr. Kalina or gooseberry, 30 gr. raspberries. Send all the fruits into the blender, pour 40 ml. Lemon juice and 60 ml. milk. Wipe the composition until uniformity, package, clean the freezer.

  1. Technology is designed to increase the tone of the epidermis. Regular mechanical impact helps to get rid of wrinkles, saturates tissues with oxygen and moisture.
  2. Prepare coconut, almond or olive oil. Natural composition will provide a slight slip, and also enrich cells with useful elements. Lubricate face with oil.
  3. Professional massages are recommended to stick to certain lines. The procedure starts from the forehead. Put your fingers on the upper eyebrow point, go up to the hair. Smooth wrinkles with zigzag movements.
  4. After 5 minutes, go down to the cheese. Place your palms on both sides of the nose, go through the cheeks to the temples. Perform actions 3-4 minutes, then put your fingers to the corners of the lips. Move up to the uches.
  5. After 3 minutes, treat the zone between the eyebrows, smooth the nasolabial wrinkles. Next, spend your hand over the jaw, go down to the neck. Treat it with the back side for 3 minutes.
  6. Now wipe your face, neck and zone with cosmetic ice. Clear to remove oil residues. Turn your face with a tonic, lubricate with a moisturizing cream.
  7. Pay due attention to the skin around the eyes. Spend special serum or hydrogel. Move along the orbital bone (from an inner corner of the eye to external).
  8. It is recommended to perform a massage every day without breaks. Duration - 3 months, people with dehydrated gray skin - longer. After reaching the desired result, conduct a procedure for prevention.

Correct diet for skin elasticity

  1. The elasticity of the skin depends on the amount of fluid in the lower layers of the dermis. Fill the drawback will help regular use of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. In addition, you need to drink at least 2.2 liters. filtered water per day.
  2. Complete drinking with milk cocktails, eliminate beet sugar. Do not neglect the breakfast, eat linen porridge with bran or oatmeal.
  3. Do not forget about the protein, it forms new cells. An excellent source of protein is considered to be lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, beans. Fly buckwheat, it contains fatty acids that increase the skin tone.
  4. If you have a skin with a gray or yellowish tint, it is important to fill the iron level in the body. Use greens, fresh garlic, sea products (cocktail), beef liver, cocoa butter, mushrooms.
  5. Make a menu so that the diet is rich in vitamins A, E, B3, B6, B12, omega-acids, selenium, zinc, magnesium. Twice a year, write a complex of minerals for the whole body and fish oil.

  1. Oatmeal and sour cream. Take 2 handstone frozen or fresh strawberries, grind the berries in the blender. Add 40 gr. thick honey, 35 gr. Oat grooves of medium grinding, 30 gr. Fat sour cream. You must get a thick mass, otherwise adjust the consistency of oatmeal. Apply the composition on the skin of the face with a very thick layer, leave for 40 minutes. Then scroll the mask to remove the burned particles. Rock surplus, wipe the skin of the ice.
  2. Cottage cheese and sugar. Mix 70 grams. Homemade cottage cheese with sugar sand, pour 20 ml. Linen oil. While the granules did not dissolve, apply a means to face, hand over a quarter of an hour. Then massage the skin, rubbing the composition on the cheeks, the wings of the nose, neck and neckline. Wash the mask with cold water, prepare the mixture twice a week.
  3. Egg and Vitamin E. We break two chicken protein into the bowl, pour 1 ampules of Vitamin E. Add 40 gr. Wheat or rye bran, 10 ml. Olive oils, 50 gr. Natural yogurt. Mix the mass of the mixer, apply on the face, cover gauze or film. Leave the mask for 25-35 minutes, after the time expires, remove the mixture with water. This composition can be used as light peeling.
  4. Milk and pearl cereals. Preheat 60 ml in the microwave. fat milk, brew 30 gr. Perlovki, wait a third hour. If the mass is liquid, add more cereals. Now pour 10 ml. vegetable oil, pour the pinch of sea salt. Mix, make a mask, keep it at least half an hour. Next, spend the scraping by paying attention to the forehead, cheeks, neck. Wash the remedy with contrasting water, apply cream.
  5. Olive lemon and oil. Cut from one-piece fetus half, scroll it into porridge with a grater or blender. Pour 30 ml. Olive oil, add 35 gr. Wheat bran. Optionally, you can pick up currant berries, strawberries or viburnum. Add 10 gr. Gelatin, mix. After 10 minutes of insistence, distribute the composition on the skin of the face, to withstand half an hour. Remove the remnants with a napkin, beware.
  6. Honey and salt. To prepare the composition you need a naval salt of fine grinding. Take a handful of composition, mix from 70 grams. dense honey. Send a mixture to the fridge for 20 minutes, then distribute the face. Start doing massage. To do this, press your palm and turn it sharply, perform light patches on the cheeks, neck, forehead for 10 minutes. Then squeeze the mixture on the skin, wash the cool water.
  7. Glycerin and cucumber. Stop through a grater or a sieve washed and no cucumber from the peel, squeeze the juice. Pour 10 ml. Glycerin, add 20 grams. Vodka or brandy. In a separate bowl, melt 30 gr. Money, mix for the main composition. Place the skin, apply the mass on the face, excluding the zone under the eyes. Blank by a piece of bandage or gauze, leave for 25 minutes. After the expiration of the allotted period, remove with ice water.

To increase the elasticity of the skin, resort to people's ways. Consider the recipes of natural masks, every day rub the face with cosmetic ice cubes. MAY MASSAGE, Observing the sequence of processing each zone. Normalize the daily menu, turn on the products rich in vitamins, drink more water.

Video: how to make the skin of the face elastic

Any restoration of the skin of the face at home begins with regulating the operation of the digestive and immune system. It is impossible to restore the skin of the face without the normal operation of the intestines and the liver.

Comprehensive skin rejuvenation includes activities aimed at improving blood microcirculation process in subcutaneous capillaries. To do this, it is recommended to engage in active sports in the outdoor air. A tangible rejuvenation of the skin of the face at home is possible in normalizing the mode and diet, the introduction of a sufficient amount of pure drinking water into it. To effectively rejuvenate the skin of the face, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of water in at least 1.5 liters without adding sugar and other food components.

This article presents the simplest and most affordable methods of skin rejuvenation, which largely improve the color and turgor of the epidermis, retain youth and beauty for many years. Improve the condition of the skin can be at any age.

Improving the condition and color of the skin of the face at home

There is no such magic stick that would give you seductive complexion. But we reveal all the secrets of good fairies in improving the skin of the face at home, allowing you to turn the emaciated skin into infant!

Shine, first of all depends on the light. And the light is not reflected as good as the smooth surface. Therefore, to improve the skin of the face, it is necessary to remove dead cells going on the epidermis at each cellular update. Take a soft cosmetic tool containing gumming grains, for example, jojoba, which exfoliate dead cells, not irritating the skin.

Are you lazy and sensitive? Make when improving the condition of the skin of the face, a bet on chemical exfoliating means, from which the skin becomes clean even without friction. Our recommendation to improve the color of the face color of the skin: clean the skin twice a week with cautious circular movements of fingertips, thanks to which blood microcirculation is accelerated, and the epidermis becomes pink.

If you dream about having a transfusional, like opal, skin, but rather, you think you are constantly carrying a wax mask? This, of course, is due to the imbalance in the content of melanin (staining pigment skin). On the dock: uncontrolled sunbathing, violating melanin production. Act until stains formed! Choosing ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face, prefer the tools from spots, regulating the synthesis of tyrosinease, an enzyme activating the production of melanin so that you are not confused with the figure from the museum of wax figures. How best to do? Rely on serum in combination with high-quality moisturizing cream to revive the skin.

How to improve the condition and color of the skin of the face at home

You noticed that the skin is never so beautiful, as after a long walk in the fresh air? Why? Because oxygen activates blood microcirculation (hence and pink color) and contributes to the inflow to the skin of nutrients. Meanwhile, enemies everywhere: stress, insomnia, environmental pollution, cigarettes and even diet are those factors that deplete the life forces of the skin, the face at the same time fades and sulfur. There is no better way to improve the skin of the face at home, than regular, better daily walks in the fresh air.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of active in the active substances that fill the skin of the energy. Among them are manganese, ginseng and even precious stones. Look for them in cosmetics with labeling "radiance", "Antistress" or "against fatigue". Before improving the skin of the face, do not forget to massate the skin (as usual, circular motions).

Before improving the condition of the skin of the face, remember that thin as cigarette paper, the epidermis around the eye very quickly gives any ailment. Circulation of blood and lymphs slow down, resulting in dark circles and unpleasant bags under the eyes. Since 25 years old, use the skin care tool around the eyes, choosing the compositions that simultaneously tone, draining bags, and amplify microcirculation, removing the circles.

Note that the tea bags put on the eyelids always helplessly help. Granny was right! It is better to take green tea saturated with antioxidants protecting the skin around the eyes. And nothing prevents you from trying it so that the body takes advantage of all his healing properties!

Does your skin obviously on the side of the dark forces? So before improving the complexion of the face and the skin of the skin, make it filled with light with hitrophic portholes. The program is pearl tones, as well as pigments with a so-called soft focus effect, impellent defects and skin-making completely smooth. Two ways of their use are possible:

  1. apply the porthole under the tonal cream powder so that the skin caught the light and remained absolutely transparent;
  2. walk through this magic cosmetic wand on the protruding areas of the face, such as the abnormal arcs, the back of the nose and cheekbones.

However, nothing prevents you from combining both methods. The only condition - you need to have a light hand so as not to become like a Christmas garland.

Key concept? Deleting makeup. We are probably not the first of those who are inadvertible to you in the head, but skin cleaning before bedtime is the necessary procedure that provides a shining facial expression in the early morning. Why? Because a saturated day leaves indelible traces on the epidermis. A small overview of unpleasant consequences: a grayish film, a mixture of polluting atmospheric substances with tobacco, pigments contained in cream powder, powder, rosy, and toxins that are emitted by the skin during the day. And rubbish! Wow, everything is quite strongly removed (milk for removing makeup, cleansing gel, micellar water)! And the result? Clean skin ready to get the most diverse high-tech care, which you give her.

After all the efforts made, it is not enough only that some extended pores spoiled your good mood. If you have mixed skin, bring it in order with the help of a course of treatment (three weeks of morning and evening procedures will help you cope with the problem) and without the revelation of conscience, use silicone tonal bases that align the surface of the skin exactly in one minute. Secret? Apply a means to where it is necessary, easily tapping with your fingers, not swinging so that its action is directed.

Helpful advice. Put two coffee spoons in the freezer for twenty minutes. Then take a spoon in each hand. Change the convex side of spoons on the forehead, the contour of the eyes, then on the cheeks, chin and neck. The touch of a small icy spoon to the skin fills its energy, and there is also a survive!

Helpful advice. Smoothing face massage. To do early in the morning when after the night spent in the lying position still remains the influx of the blood to the skin of the face. First place even palms on your face. Wrap your hair back, then descend along the trapezoid muscles. Having reached the neck, shift the palm up face. Repeat three times.

The process of skin recovery after burns is quite difficult and that the cells restored faster must begin treatment in a timely manner. Treatment of burns is possible at home, only under the condition that they are easy. In more severe cases, do not do without the recommendations of the specialist.

Methods of skin regeneration after burns

Many are interested in the question, to which doctor to call for burns, the answer is simple - to the surgeon, but only with a small degree of skin damage. There are special burning centers in which the profile doctor takes a compositely. It is he who can help a person with severe and extensive body damage in burns.

The skin restoration process depends on the degree of damage, depth, will the epidermal layer of spike cells affect. To accelerate the regeneration process, local action drugs, surgical and physiotherapy procedures are used. These treatments include:

  • Pisidone iodine;
  • Bepanten;
  • Streptocidal;
  • Fastin;
  • Medherma;
  • Indisputable;
  • Decantenol.

The active substance of the last agent (provitamin B5) is part of Panthenol spray. There are also special dressings consisting of silicone. They are used to relieve pain, itching, associated with the healing of tissues. An example of such dressings - Mepform.

The dressing must be applied to dry skin

Among surgical interventions are distinguished:

  1. Skin transplantation.
  2. Cell cultivation.
  3. Ceratinocyte transplantation.
  4. The use of collagen matrices for transplantation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes.

To eliminate the consequences of burns, namely scars, use:

  • balms and creams with reducing action;
  • grinding a laser beam;
  • peeling fruit acids;
  • ultrasonic therapy.

The purpose of conducting physiotherapy procedures is the resumption of normal blood flow, an increase in the healing speed, preventing the rotation process, if the tissue death occurred on the site. There are the following physiotherapy methods:

  • electrotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • phonophoresis or ultrasound therapy;
  • UHF therapy (ultraviolet irradiation);
  • darsonvalization;
  • photochromotherapy;
  • aeroionotherapy;
  • laser therapy.

First degree

Restoration of the skin after burning 1 degree occurs quite quickly, for 3-4 days. This degree of damage is considered easy, characterized by redness of the skin and does not harm the corneal layer. Improvement occurs due to the frequency of cell renewal. But, if such a burn happened on a large scale, the water balance and regulation of temperature in the body is broken. This situation requires treatment. The recovery process is long. Useful vitamin complexes containing:

There are such means to restore the skin after the first degree burn:

  • Silverm;
  • Mazi with Kalanchoe;
  • Salcossuril;
  • Balsams with a swake;
  • Levomekal;
  • Aloe liniment;
  • Rescuer;
  • Panthenol.

The restoration of the skin of the face is also possible when the use of some listed means. So, - effective facial agent. It also helps to get rid of burns 1-2 degrees. The components of the gel are extracted from the calf serum. The medication launches collagen generation process, promotes the growth of the dermis.

Second degree

For burns 2 degrees there are swelling and blisters, with filled with liquid. If you do not open them, then the cells begin to recover within 3 weeks. The duration of the regeneration process increases if bubbles are damaged. There is a risk of attaching an infectious agent. If infection occurs, then the therapeutic course increases to 30 days.

Treatment of burns of the second degree occurs with special ointments and gels, but in addition, the doctor may also write a solution of sodium deoxyribonucleate. In pharmacies, this agent is more known as Derinat. It stimulates the process of cell regeneration. You may need to receive xymedon in tablets. The estimated and similar means are called "Regenerates", i.e., accelerating the speed of recovery of the skin.

It is necessary to take 0.5 g of Xmedon 3 times a day

Accelerate regeneration after burning 2 degrees using ointments, creams and gels:

  • Metaluracyl;
  • Actovegin 5%;
  • Tramel with;
  • Thymogen;
  • Winchil;
  • Salcossuril;
  • Repaare.

Third degree

Damage to the skin of the third degree is considered the longest in the treatment. This is explained by the fact that most cells die during this injury. Next, the rejection process comes, and then - the recovery of the cell. Skin restoration after such wounds takes more than 3 months.

With severe damage, skin transplantation (transplantation) of the skin from one body portion to another is required. This is called "autotransplantation". As an option, you can consider xenotransplantation - the lusion of the animal organs. In parallel, the doctor discharges attending drugs, and ointment to restore the headless skin after burning 3.

List of effective ointments that are dissolved scars:

  • Zeraderm ultra;
  • Hydrocortisal ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Contracturex gel.

Vitamins for skin regeneration

The process of recovery of epithelium cells can be accelerated by the reception of vitamin complexes. Immunity strengthening will also benefit the body. For skin regeneration, you must purchase vitamins in a pharmacy or add certain products to your diet.

The name of the most efficient vitamin complexes:

  • Aevit;
  • Pent;
  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Vitrum;
  • Undevit;
  • Complivit;
  • Gendsitis;
  • Alphabet;
  • Roar;
  • Duovit;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Gerimax;
  • Biomax;
  • Solgar;
  • Peak;
  • Trovit.

The required components are also contained in the following products:

  1. Tocopherol (E): Sunflower oil, walnuts, rosehip, dairy products, liver, eggs, swine fat, pears and apples seeds.
  2. Retinol (a): Fish fat, carrots, eel, parsley, droplet, celery, broccoli, quail eggs, sorrel, dill, black caviar.
  3. Ascorbic acid (c): Rosehip in fresh and dry form, red and green pepper, black currant, kiwi, red rowan, strawberry.
  4. Group vitamins in: mushrooms, buckwheat, potatoes, asparagus, vegetable oil, pineapple, beets, oranges, green vegetables, liver, tomatoes, legumes.
  5. Rutin (P): Podpper, blackberry, kinza, cabbage, grapes, apricot, tea, blueberries.