How to choose your wife. How to choose a wife? What an ideal wife should be. When choosing, look at the positive qualities

In youth, almost everyone makes mistakes - lack of experience is the reason for many unsuccessful marriages.

Therefore, before the spouse was chosen by the parents - and marriages were strong. If there are no parents who can make the choice for you, carefully read the tips below - they will save you from a failed marriage.

First and foremost, never trust your feelings. Love marriages are the most fragile. The overwhelming majority of men cannot distinguish love from falling in love. The problem of choosing a life partner must be approached with a cold mind. You must learn to identify those feminine qualities that are guaranteed to lead to a failed marriage.

Here are the most basic pitfalls that men fall into.

The very first is appearance.

A woman with an above-average attractiveness is not a good wife. From all your applicants, cross out all the ladies who are in high demand among men. Trust my experience - beautiful women are almost always unhappy and they will make you unhappy too.

Further - exclude individuals that are too young - they have not yet formed a personality and you do not want your chosen one to suddenly realize that she made a "mistake" and start looking for a new prince in 2-5 years. It is best to marry a woman at an age when she already knows what she wants and has even been married. Marrying a 17-year-old virgin is dangerous.

Then check all applicants who grew up in single parent families. If her mom was abandoned by her dad, then she will take out her frustrations on her husband - her mother's words that all men are free ... she absorbed into the subconscious.

From those who remain, remove all those who are too sociable - if she has three hundred girlfriends, then she will continue to live more for them than for you. A large number of girlfriends should immediately alert you.

Avoid being too withdrawn and uncommunicative. It is not always clear what to expect from them.

In no case do not marry a girl if she has lived with her mother for a long time - you cannot break this knot and if you do not want your mother-in-law to make all decisions in the family, cross out such a girl right away.

If when you meet with her and her mother rings three times per hour and they begin to discuss some issues, leave such a girl right on the date - you will not regret it.

Pay attention to the specialty. Avoid teachers, for example. The specialty leaves a strong imprint on a woman, do you want to be taught something all your life? You must understand that a woman is an integral being, if she teaches everyone to live all day, then when she comes home she will continue this process.

In no case do not take a woman with strong ambitions who wants to achieve everything in life by herself - have you seen a lot of top managers of women who have a happy marriage? Either family or career - it will not be possible to combine.

Crossing out girls who love TV shows is the first sign that she will make a movie out of your life.

You should not mess with the daughters of wealthy parents - the requests of such girls are very serious.

Also, you shouldn't marry a poor orphan girl. Her insecurity will drive you crazy, and in a couple of years you will not know where to get away from her.

Pay special attention to whether the girl's housing issue has been resolved. It often happens that a girl will portray passion in order to solve it - why would you then find yourself on the street or share a house?

Avoid very well-read, intelligent individuals - otherwise you will have to endure contemptuous looks all your life due to the fact that you do not remember all the works of Borges by heart.

You should not marry foreign women - the charm will pass and you will find yourself next to a person whose culture may not suit you at all.

Run from stupid women like from fire - you will quickly get tired of her stupidity.

Avoid both extremely temperamental and too cold persons.

When you meet a girl, ask her more questions and listen more - almost any woman will let her talk about all her negative qualities - just give her the freedom to talk. Does she tell you how she kicked her ex-boyfriend out of the house in the middle of the night? Think about it. Take a closer look at how she treats the people around you - if arrogant and dismissive, then run from her like from fire - someday she will treat you like that.

You should not take a woman with a child from a previous marriage. Remember one thing - you need a loved one, and she needs a husband and father for her child. Your interests may not coincide - you do not want to take the third place in the family after her son and mother?

Don't get married on the fly - this is almost a guarantee of a bad marriage. You should not marry a woman who speaks very badly or condescendingly about men,

Run from a woman who has many unresolved problems - becoming your wife she will expect you to solve them all.

Fear small women like fire - remember, small women have huge complexes!

The list of characteristics of women you shouldn't marry goes on - but you can't describe everything.

After you have thrown out all the ladies with the indicated traits from the lists of applicants, proceed to testing.

The first thing you should check a woman for is greed. Greed is one of the main female vices, and you should not connect your life with a greedy woman.

Start small - invite her to a restaurant and tell her you forgot your wallet - see how she reacts. If you are a successful businessman or wealthy person on one of your dates, tell her that you are broke and will be on the street tomorrow. Take her to a jewelry store and tell her that you want to choose a very expensive piece of jewelry for her - not to buy, but only to choose. Put on her expensive necklace and then take it off and give it back. See how her behavior changes. If she began to breathe deeply and her eyes widened, then you can take your time with her at the registry office - the marriage will be unsuccessful. But if you see that she is extremely frivolous about money, then it is also better to move away from her - she will treat your money in the same way.

Then check her for jealousy - come on a date with another girl, tell her that she is your sister. See how your potential darling will react. If she makes a scene of jealousy - leave her and leave with your "sister" - an overly jealous wife will make hell out of your life. If she is completely indifferent, it is also bad. On this test, she must show her dignity or lack of it.

After testing for jealousy, test her for caring - "get sick" and see how she will take care of you. This will show a lot.

This is how you can choose a wife, but it is better not to burden yourself with a search, go about your business, make a career, develop your business. When you become rich and successful, the woman will find you herself. Probably, and maybe your heart will become so petrified that by this moment you will no longer need a wife!

After all, as the song says: "And the wife will not go to another if you do not have a wife!"

For men, choosing the right wife is of the utmost importance. Therefore, they need to know how to choose the right wife, even a good one, and not regret their choice? What are the goals set for themselves by the representatives of the stronger sex, marrying? Why should you be serious about choosing a soul mate? What do you need to know when choosing a spouse? What criteria show that a woman is capable of becoming a good spouse? What to look for? As you read the article, you will find tips and guidance to help you make the right choice.

For a man, marriage is a kind of contract between him and a woman, which must be correctly concluded. It is difficult to do this when you are emotionally and blindly ill with love, like a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl. Therefore, when choosing a life partner, one should be guided not only by feelings (love), but also by reason.


  • Minimize the likelihood of divorce and child blackmailing each other.
  • Receive with your spouse mutual satisfaction from the performance of family and parental responsibilities.
  • Instill in children respect for their parents, helping them to become well-mannered, educated people. not pampered sons and daughters, but people who value family values.
  • Get an outlet, refreshment from the troubles of life.

Given these goals, most of the stronger sex see their soul mate as a joyful woman who can comfort her husband when needed. They do not want the wife to be an "independent", domineering lady with a masculine character.

Choosing a wife

Consider tips why you need to take your choice seriously.

As soon as a man gets married, his wife immediately gains power over his money and future children. For example, in case of divorce, all the advantages are on the side of the spouse. It turns out that a divorce is a legal theft of property from a husband. This is the redistribution of wealth, fortune, property of a man to a woman. In addition, she receives a "salary" in the form of good alimony to provide for the children + help from the state as a single mother.

For the law, the wife is a victim, and the husband is a tyrant. (It is worth noting that in many cases the woman is indeed the victim.) Therefore, a divorce for a man is an extremely unprofitable solution to family disagreements. This means that you need to take seriously the choice of a girl for the role of a future wife in order to avoid the collapse of the family.

Cinema, women's novels give an idea that the main thing in marriage is love and a kindred spirit, only then the marriage will be long and happy. All this is a fantasy of television and authors of books. The reality is this: marriage is an exchange of resources (qualities, cooperation), where spouses provide each other with their resources. Therefore, when thinking about how to choose a good wife, it is important to remember:

If a girl does not provide her resources, does not want to provide, or her share is significantly less than the male share, then she cannot have the privilege of being your wife.

When choosing a wife, you need to have the same approach as millionaires choosing a company for themselves in which they want to invest money? They don't trust chance. Businessmen do a good job of researching the company, considering all the pros, only then make decisions. At the same time, they sign a contract with a sober head, having previously studied it, having familiarized themselves with all the pros and cons.

Therefore, a guy, wishing to marry, must do this not only out of blind love for the girl, but after having familiarized himself with all her shortcomings and positive aspects. Only then will his decision be weighed.

It is necessary to take seriously the choice of a wife: in order to eliminate the risk of loss of property through a possible divorce in the future. Such a probability should be minimized, especially if then it is difficult to believe in the accident of a divorce, when he initially chose the wrong life partner. Then divorce is a purely male fault, since you had to watch who you choose.

How to choose a wife: what a man needs to know

  1. With age, a man's chance to marry correctly, choosing for himself, does not decrease, but only increases. For him, age is like a fine aged wine. Wine does not age, it becomes more expensive! Therefore, it is worth waiting a little, not rushing to get married. 27-30 is an acceptable age to start thinking about marriage. (Of course, everyone decides for himself). This is the age when the choice is influenced more by reason than feelings. Moreover, women are more than half of the world's population. Agree there is a place to choose from.
  2. A man should not be like a woman. The things she has to do don't apply to him. For example, the decoration of an apartment: wives cannot have complete, absolute control over home decor. It is unlikely that peasants want to live in emasculated rooms with catchy pillows, napkins, ruffles or flowers placed everywhere.
  3. The marriage should be traditional old school. The husband is the head, the captain. The wife is the subordinate, the first assistant. This is a traditional marriage. If on the contrary, then it may end with alimony and meeting with children once a week every weekend. Marriage is a big decision. Before plunging into it with your head, you should make sure that you can “swim” well.
  4. As a rule, marriage with a woman of the same culture is the best solution, then it is easier for the spouses to find a common language.

What are the criteria to choose

One of the most common questions among the male half of the population is how to choose a girl as a wife? After all, you want to have a good, correct spouse. Therefore, we will consider some criteria for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

A normal man likes to deal with an intelligent woman, not a dummy. This means that the girl's IQ should be above average. It's not about age. If a girl in her twenties does not have a normal IQ, it is unlikely that one will appear when she is 30 years old. It's just that a 30-year-old with a low level of intelligence looks dumber than a 20-year-old. To develop intelligence, a woman must love to read (not the yellow press), and also be able to think. (Do you want to know what character traits a girl needs to have in order to attract male attention? Then).

Negative attitude towards divorce.
If a girl believes that divorce can be a means of resolving family troubles or it is better to get a divorce than to try to glue the relationship, then it is worth looking for your own goldfish. (A divorce can be justified by treason, abuse by a spouse).

Remember: A marriage is successful when the spouses do not even think about divorce, not considering it as the only option for solving problems.

Must have an attractive face and qualities.
Most women after thirty begin to gain weight. When a woman's body changes its forms, the only thing left for a man is the face and qualities that he will see every day. Therefore, the future spouse must have an attractive face and qualities for a man. (It is worth noting, 1) that every man has his own ideas about a handsome face; 2) Any).

For a woman, family is above all, not career.
Does the lady want to become the mother of your children and the mistress of your house, or does she want to pursue a career being married? If he is going to make a career, he is unlikely to be able to devote enough time to his family, children, husband, home. Let the husband think about the family's income. A real man seeks from his wife not help in increasing income, but the keeper of the family and his heart.

Remember: If a woman says that first a career, then, perhaps, there will be children (if this is not mutual consent), then this is hardly a good candidate.

The only way for the fairer sex to marry a good man is to start a family, not a career. This is the desire of the majority, whose job is to be earners and provide for the family. In the lady of their hearts, they want to see, first of all, taking care of their husband, children, creating home comfort, and only then a career.

This does not mean that husbands are against the spouse developing, having any hobbies, doing business. It will simply be incredibly difficult for her to combine one with the other without harming her family or her health. Most work for lack of other choice. They would gladly leave their jobs to take care of their family, children, husband, home, if they could.

Good Girl.
A good girl does not smoke, does not "fall in love" with alcohol, does not take a great interest in tattoos. In her past, there are no drunken "parties", drugs, a dirty sexual past, and there was a minimum number of sexual partners. Ideally, she is a virgin. It is difficult for a woman with an active, promiscuous sexual past (prostitute ...) to find a good marriage partner. The more sex partners there are, the more likely the marriage will end in future divorce. Therefore, trying to change a bad girl by marriage is playing with fire, you can get burned. Although we must admit, there are exceptions. All the same, it is better to choose your future wife from among the good girls, focused on family comfort, family.

Readily changes himself for a man.
When a lady loves, she readily changes herself: her preferences, views, tastes, in order to please a man. Her new favorite food is the one that her lover loves. The style of clothing prefers the one that pleases the beloved. The wife finds his films and books interesting for herself. She changes herself to please a man, trying to love what she has never loved before. (It should be noted that this is a reciprocal rule, that is, a man does the same when he loves a woman).

Remember: A woman who does not want to change, trying to behave independently of a man, does not respect him. A girl who is able to change her views, tastes, adjusting to a loved one, is called a loving wife.

Considers the future marriage partner as the head of the family.
All representatives of the fairer sex dream of being with a man whom they could willingly, readily obey. Whom you want to consider as your patron, chapter. For them, this is a recognition of masculine strength, giving a sense of security, making them happy, contented women.

These girls have no desire to challenge male dominance or to behave independently. They regard submission to a man not as something humiliating, but as when the chosen one looks at a man in this way, she will never covet his property and joint children in the future, using the latter as a means of blackmail.

Remember: the guy is obligated by nature. He must look and behave like a man so that his wife continues to admire him, love him.

A girl with a cheerful nature.
Her eyes should shine with joy, and a smile should play on her face at the sight of her beloved. The brightly shining smile of a beloved woman is dearer to a man than any of her university degrees. A pleasant happy smile is dearer to him than any of her work. A happy female smile attracts him more than a career.

Do you want a happy wife, not wanting to see her nagging, discontent and constant pessimism? Then choose a lady with a cheerful disposition and a good sense of humor as your wife.

She must be able to and love to cook.
If a girl does not have a desire to cook every day or she does not know how to do this, then think and tell me, how will such a lady take care of her children and her husband in the future? Will she be feeding semi-finished products, sandwiches, ordering pizza at home, or planning family lunches and dinners at restaurants? Then it will not only make the husband's wallet skinny, but also "ruin" the health of the family. Therefore, it is right to choose a woman who wants to cook normal food.


The prospect of living without a family, children + growing old alone can be more difficult than the effort of choosing the right wife. It is important to remember that civilization exists thanks to the family. Of course, over the past 50 years, marriage has undergone a dramatic, "dirty" change to the detriment of everyone. Therefore, if men have a traditional view of marriage, when they are going to marry, let them do it in a smart way. How to choose the right wife for a man should be the most serious decision in life, which cannot be based on emotions and luck.

Best regards, Andronic Oleg.

Watch the video: parable how to choose a wife?


Free relationships are in trend today. The maximum is a civil marriage.

Men don't want to get married. The women scream that men are all busy. They hug cats at night. And we are strangers.

Therefore, it is not so easy to find a woman with whom you want to spend your life.

But everything is in your hands. There are also many decent girls. How to define it?

When choosing, look at the positive qualities:

1. She is pumped like a woman.

Firstly, such a girl always looks good. You can forget about stretched homemade leggings and sandwiches for the night. She loves herself and will look after her appearance.

Emotional maturity also plays an important role. She must be able to prioritize, have her own principles and views. She knows what she wants from life and from you. She sets goals and achieves them.

She knows what a real woman should be like. She knows what you expect from her, as from a wife and from a mother. Understands what a strong marriage should be. If she undertakes to build it together with you, she will fully invest in it, since she is used to doing everything efficiently.

She is negative about divorce. If a woman is ready to solve problems by parting, she is not for you. A status man is a status woman.

2. She has hobbies, hobbies and a life of her own.

This point stems from the first.

Creativity, career, hobbies, sports. A worthy woman will spend time doing what she likes. Will be pumped in its own way. And not watch Mexican TV shows, monotonously stirring borscht and degrading.

Such a woman will not control you or make your life common, pushing her nose everywhere. She is self-sufficient and has a lot of free time to do. Support her in this and be interested in what is important to her.

She manages to develop and earn her own manicure. Let it be a small income in comparison with yours, but it should be. She does not beg you for money, she does not need it.

At the same time, she should like the work, be a vocation. Ask her what she would like to do. Support and help. Do not let a woman hunch back where she is not comfortable, she will be unhappy from this.

3. Your expectations are the same.

An important point. Do not be silent about how you see your future family. Her views may vary.

Tell us about your vision of whether a woman should work, and how much. Talk about cheating. Maybe it's okay and fun for her. Discuss how many and how soon you want children. Where would you dream to live. Tell us everything that you think is important. Listen to her answers.

Your picture of your future family seems obvious and correct to you. Is she perfect? But she has a different picture. Maybe her ideal of the future is so different from yours that you shouldn't even try.

Find that young lady whose eyes will shine just like yours.

Avoid negative qualities:

1. She is not looking for a lasting relationship.

Ask the girl basic questions about her plans on the first date. Make sure her goal is family and not just fun. Don't waste time simply because you were ashamed to talk about it.

Pay attention to her age and emotional maturity. A young girl may also be ready to start a family. Talk about topics that will help you understand this.

Ask about her family. Often girls are brought up so that they are able to be good wives from childhood.

Discuss that family loyalty is important. Look at her reaction. Talk about everything that is important to you from the very beginning of your communication. Throw away women you don't like in some way.

2. She is not candid enough.

Relationships are built on trust. If you have already started dating, over time, take a closer look at how much she lets you close to her.

Does she behave openly? You must be sure that you have no secrets. And you will also have to honestly answer her questions. Does she share all her experiences and problems?

If you see that it closes sometimes, don't panic. Ask directly, is she ready to become your best friend? Talk to her frankly and find out what the problem is. It may turn out that she does not see the future with you and the point in telling personal things. Or maybe you yourself have not yet aroused confidence.

There may be different options. But you cannot become one whole until you know who she is - your half.

3. She is not ready to be led.

The wife in the family is number two. The main one is a man, and this is not news.

Of course, in order to properly lead your woman, you need to level up enough, be able to be a leader. But I hope you have already dealt with this, since you are going to start a family and be responsible for it.

If so, then you need to look for a wife ready for the fact that she will be led. There are ladies who are used to managing everything themselves. This will never calm down, will pump the rights to the last. Trying to solve all the issues and pinch your balls as soon as possible. But it will be seen from her, such girls are usually unfeminine.

A wise and pumped young lady understands that her role is different. It will be pleasant and comfortable for her to listen to a confident and strong male next to her.

Look for the one that will make you happy. And be able to accept the happiness that you will give her as a man.

Where can I find a wife?

1. Colleagues at work.

One of the most common places for future spouses to meet. Where you spend so much time.

Look around, maybe an unmarried and cheerful Masha has been sitting next to you for two years, and you are wasting time looking for girls in bars.

Flirt with her at work. Make it clear that you are not only a roommate. And also a pumped free man. Look at the reaction and you can make an appointment. Be calm, confident, honest and direct.

As soon as you started flirting, she began to perceive you as a male. And long ago I decided what to answer if you call her to see you. So do not hesitate and feel free to build your personal life.

Try not to enter into relationships with subordinates and assistants. It will be extremely awkward and uncomfortable for her. It is possible only if she herself was the initiator. But see if she is sincere about you. Or just trying to pump up.

2. Friends of friends.

Also a popular way to find a pair. And pretty reliable.

Why? Because there is almost no risk that you will not like her. There is no risk that she is a bitch, materialistic, dumb or scary.

You are well known in your company. Friends will be able to pick up the one who will suit you for sure. They have many acquaintances about whom they can tell something.

A friend will immediately understand if it will be interesting for you with a girl. He knows who you might like and who might not. He already knows if she is busy or free. Knows what she is fond of and some of her character traits. Can show you a photo and give you a brief description.

Blind dates are a good old way to meet a good lady.

3. New locations.

In the gym you can meet motivated and ambitious ladies. It is very likely that she also leads a healthy lifestyle. A good trait for a wife-to-be.

Your changes after watching the video tutorials:
- You realize where your limiting beliefs about girls grow from;
- Strengthen your inner state - you will become more confident in yourself;
- You will learn how to behave correctly with a girl.

This step does not oblige you to anything, but if you need help in conquering a girl, you know who to turn to.

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Be sure to read these articles by Anton Glomozda:

Most young men are in no hurry to get married and start a family early. But if such a desire has already appeared, then it is necessary to carefully and responsibly approach the choice of a potential wife. After all, you need a woman who in the future will become a caring mistress and mother of your children. To learn how to choose a wife to create a strong and close-knit family, you need to be attentive to the little things. Analyze the attitude of your beloved towards you, parents, evaluate her priorities, goals, character. How to do it correctly, and what criteria should you rely on?

How to choose a good wife

Having made the decision to find a girl who will become your wife in the future, it is important to understand that ideal people do not exist. But you should have a list of those qualities and merits of women that will help you navigate the choice. When in doubt about how to choose a wife for a happy and long marriage, you should seek advice from an older generation, such as your parents or close friends. In a state of love, some moments of a relationship with a girl will be completely invisible to you, and a realistic look from the outside will help to more accurately clarify the situation.

Main selection criteria

Choosing a potential wife among girls on your own, you must take into account a number of basic criteria:

  1. Assess her priorities. For a strong and friendly family, you need a wife for whom the main values ​​are family comfort, care and love. If you do not feel support in your partner, then you should not connect your fate with this person.
  2. Attitude towards children. The main purpose of a woman is the birth of a child. Therefore, ask how she treats children, whether she already has maternal feelings. If the beloved is a born business woman, it will be difficult to convince her to leave her career and become a mother.
  3. Financial questions. When evaluating a potential wife, consider her addiction to money. If a girl is a true shopaholic, most likely she will spend the entire family budget on buying clothes or unnecessary things. We recommend choosing a woman who is more restrained in financial spending as your wife.
  4. Health. A happy marriage requires excellent health from both partners. If your beloved often complains about her well-being, this should alert you. To go a long and shared path, the beloved should not have serious illnesses.
  5. Character. Family relationships depend on both partners. But if a potential wife, long before marriage, begins to hysteria, then you should not consider her as a wife.

Meeting her relatives

If the relationship with the girl has been going on for a long period, then it's time to get to know her relatives, parents, friends. During these meetings, try to find out as much as possible the necessary information that concerns the future wife. Pay attention to the behavior of her environment, since your girlfriend was brought up in this society. The following meetings will be informative for you:

  1. With parents. To choose the right wife, you must first organize an acquaintance with her relatives. Discuss this issue with your beloved so that she can warn the parents about meeting with the future son-in-law. First, you need to choose a convenient time for the acquaintance for you and her family. At the time of the meeting, carefully observe the parents, their traditions, habits.
  2. With friends. It is also important to get to know the friends of the future wife. Observe the behavior of those people with whom the girl spends her free time. With those people who will cause you negativity, you need to limit communication. You should, long before the wedding, explain to the girl that among her friends there are people with whom you are unpleasant to see and spend time.

Compatibility check

If you have already found a girl who claims to be the future wife, you need to make sure of the correctness of your choice. For such a check, psychologists, astrologers, and Feng Shui specialists have created a large number of techniques that help determine the compatibility of a couple. But many men are skeptical about such methods of finding out the details, so they trust more realistic methods. For example, living together before the wedding.

To check each other for compatibility, a young couple, before registering a marriage, negotiates a temporary residence together without formalizing their connection. You need to give time to get used to living together. This method will allow you to see all the flaws, flaws in the partner, which were not noticed before. Living in a civil relationship for several months is a good way to determine the feasibility of entering into an official marriage.

Living together is a good test for both partners. The emergence of conflicts, quarrels, financial problems, omissions is a reason for doubts about the need to continue a civil marriage. But if both partners reasonably approach living together, find compromise solutions in moments of disagreement, such a couple can become a happy family.

Probably, many men are racking their brains about choosing a woman with whom he will live the rest of his life, because how to limit himself? How to give up everything for one? How to abandon all wild nights with friends, freedom and independence? But in fact, you can choose a woman with whom you want to live more than one life, with whom you can fly away even to the edge of the universe! But this will require knowing how to choose the right wife for a long and happy marriage. This problem is not new and is always topical. Men have been tormented by this issue for a long time. Choosing a wife is a responsible and important step for everyone. Here you need to be very scrupulous about the issue, because you choose your wife, the mother of future children, the grandmother of your lovely grandchildren.

Do not give in to emotion and fuss in the choice, and if you already have a candidate, then look at her not through the prism of feelings, but soberly. Look at a number of characteristics that can help you decide.

  • Meet her parents and close relatives. Look at the behavior of your parents, at their habits - these are the characteristics that are inherent in the behavior and characters of your future wife. If there is a minimal amount of irritation in communication, and you would like your children to have such genes, then everything is in order. The first stage of choosing a companion has been completed.
  • Pay attention to the friends she is surrounded by. Here you need to observe their behavior, because after the wedding, people you do not like will not just disappear and dissolve, so try to influence the choice of friends. If everything is categorical, then think, do you need your wife to communicate with such people? Then draw your own conclusions: accept or change the girl.
  • Check the personal qualities of your chosen one, for example, shopping. This way of solving the problem of how to choose a wife is very effective. If a companion can control herself at the sight of various bright and fashionable things, and also not buy everything that she saw, this is a big plus. But when she went into the store and began to choose everything for herself, and then criticize each blouse and tell you about fashion, then try to run away from such a girl faster and further.
  • If, after a terrible shopping check, you are still together, then go on vacation together. Look at her behavior on vacation, if she is passive, it means that she will always get tired. But if she is the initiator of excursions, hikes, then this is exactly the option that will suit you. After all, with such a wife, everyday life will not be gray and monotonous.
  • Consider living together. Deal with yourself in the piggy tog, but are you ready to endure it 24 hours a day? Will she be able to fit into your lifestyle, will you be pleased at the moment when she opens the doors in the evening? It's very easy to figure out how to choose a good wife. Many psychologists advise you to take this step: take the girl to your place, hand in a certain amount for expenses and leave for 3-4 days from home. If you come back and see your apartment clean, cozy, a refrigerator with fresh food and lunch on the table, then this is a huge plus. And if a girl comes out to meet you dressed up, in neat clothes, then here he is an argument in her favor. These are all factors of choosing her as his wife. Well, if there is still the remaining amount of money on the table in the hall, grab the girl and run to the registry office. You shouldn't give such a beloved treasure to someone!

Men, remember that a wife is a state of heart and soul, not stamps in passports. You should think about the merits and demerits of your companion. Remember that she will also need to close her eyes to your disadvantages, because we are all imperfect. Only you should think about which wife to choose, and not your parents, psychologists and friends. Family life is based on many aspects, so take a closer look at the chosen girl - whether she can become a support in problems, solutions to a question and simple support in difficult times. Do not choose a wife according to the rules or canons, take her in with your heart. There is one little truth: when you have something to talk about with a person, if you are not tired of him, then you should already think about a serious step in your relationship.