How to express condolences over death in your own words: examples. How to express condolences for a death

Condolences on the occasion of death is an expression of involvement in the grief that has befallen people - the death of a loved one. At such moments, the closest ones simply need support and participation. They are expressed in words, orally, in writing, and through action, which is the most sincere form of empathy.

Oral condolences - samples

  • I loved him / her (name). I sympathize!
  • He meant a lot to me and to you, I grieve with you.
  • Let it be a consolation for us that he gave so much love and warmth. Let's pray for him.
  • There are no words to express your sorrow. She meant a lot in your life and mine. We will never forget…
  • It is very difficult to lose such a dear person. I share your grief. How can I help you? You can always count on me.
  • I'm sorry, my condolences. If I can do something for you, I will be very glad. I would like to offer my help. I would gladly help you ...
  • Unfortunately, in this imperfect world, you have to experience this. He was a bright person whom we loved. I will not leave you in your grief. You can count on me any minute.
  • This tragedy affected everyone who knew her. You, of course, are now the hardest of all. I want to assure you that I will never leave you. And I will never forget her. Please, let's walk this path together
  • Unfortunately, I only now realized how unworthy were my arguments and quarrels with this bright and dear man. Forgive me! I grieve with you.
  • This is a huge loss. And a terrible tragedy. I pray and will always pray for you and for him.
  • It is difficult to express in words how much he did me good. All our disagreements are dust. And what he did for me, I will carry through my whole life. I pray for him and grieve with you. I will be happy to help you at any time.

The main thing is sincerity!

Speaking about etiquette, it should be noted that the words of condolences to the relatives of the deceased should be filled with sincerity. You can say a lot of pompous phrases with a cold heart, simply because the norms of decency require it, or you can say a few words from the bottom of your heart and these words will be a balm for the soul of the closest people of the deceased.

Condolences over death should not be a memorized text, and even less a text read from a piece of paper or any medium, for example, a telephone. Sincerity is defined in empathy, the realization that such grief, like death, does not bypass a single person. Long speeches sound insincere and pretentious. A short condolence in your own words will be the best option.

The help offered will also be a manifestation of sincere compassion and empathy. How can I help you? What can I do for you? If you need anything please contact me! - everything must be confirmed by deeds. Do not be unfounded, and even more so do not offer help knowing in advance that you will not be able to help in any way.


Condolences over death can be a couple of phrases or even a couple of words. For example:

  • (Name) was / was a person of great soul. We sincerely sympathize with you!
  • He was a bright / kind / powerful / talented person. An example for all of us. We will always remember!
  • How much good she did to her neighbors! How they loved her, appreciated her during her lifetime! With her leaving, we have lost a piece of ourselves. We really empathize with you!
  • This is a tragedy: we are in great pain at this hour. But it's harder for you than everyone else! If we can help you with something, contact us immediately!
  • He meant / did / helped me a lot in my life. I grieve with you!
  • What a pity that I didn’t have time to say “Sorry!” To him. He opened a new world for me, and I will always remember this! Sincerely my condolences!
  • I mourn your loss. I know this is a hard blow for you
  • We bring our sincere condolences to all family and friends
  • I was told that your brother is dead. I'm sorry, I grieve with you
  • A wonderful man is gone. I send my condolences to you and your entire family in this sad and difficult moment.
  • Condolences for Death - The words above are an example of genuine empathy. They can be tailored for a specific person.

What is the right way to express sympathy?

The first and most important thing has already been given above - this is sincerity, which is expressed in the fact that words do not come from the head, like a memorized text, but from the heart.

Second, when offering condolences for death, offer help, this will be an expression of participation in the grief that has befallen. It can be a little help - pick up and bring wreaths, help with organizing a funeral / commemoration. To express condolences over death means to join the common grief, not only in words, but also in deeds.

Third, you shouldn't keep your emotions to yourself and keep a calm appearance. You should not be ashamed of your feelings - you have come to the funeral of a familiar person who is no longer there. You can cry, hug your family, provided that the first rule is observed - sincerity. An obviously feigned hysteria will not be able to support relatives.

Fourth, it will not be superfluous and even important to say at least a couple of phrases that characterize the deceased from the best side - he was an excellent friend / she is a wonderful hostess or it was a pleasure to work with him / she was a kind and sympathetic person. These words will become a balm for the soul of the deceased's dearest people.

Examples of condolences

  • We deeply mourn the death of (name). She was a wonderful woman and surprised many with her generosity and kind disposition. We miss her very much and can only guess what a blow her departure was for you. We remember how she once (name). She also involved us in doing good, and thanks to her we became better. ... was a model of compassion and tact. We are happy that we knew her.
  • Even though I have never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Thanks to your stories about his thriftiness, love of life and how anxiously he cared for you, it seems to me that I knew him. I think many will miss him. When my father died, I found comfort in talking about him with other people. I would be very happy if you could share your memories of your dad. I think about you and your family.
  • We deeply regret the death of your dear daughter. We would like to find words to somehow ease your pain, but it's hard to imagine if there are such words at all. The loss of a child is the worst grief. Please accept my sincere condolences. We pray for you.
  • I was deeply saddened by the news of (name )’s death and would like to express my sincere sympathy to you and other employees of your firm. My colleagues share my deep regret for his / her passing.
  • It is with deep regret that I learned about the death of the president of your institution (name), who has faithfully served the interests of your organization for many years. Our director asked me to convey to you my condolences on the loss of such a talented organizer.
  • I would like to express to you our deep feelings about the death of (name). Her dedication to her work earned her the respect and love of all who knew her. Please accept our sincere condolences.

What is not worth talking about?

Old grievances - death forgives everything and puts an end to any conflict. Popular wisdom says that only good things can be said about the dead. If you cannot let go of the situation, the conflict, then it is better to limit yourself to a couple of phrases, since if by chance aggression or negative attitude towards the deceased slip through the words, it can hurt his relatives. Or, even worse, it will cause a scandal.

The text of condolences on death should not contain banal and hackneyed phrases that essentially mean nothing. This "everything will be fine", "with time everything will pass", "young - still give birth", "soon the pain will subside, with time it will become easier" and so on. Those who have lost loved ones at the moment cannot understand all this and such phrases will only cause an outbreak of aggression.

No need to ask to stop crying, worry. It will not find a response either. On the contrary, one should support “don't keep everything to yourself - cry”. Here tears are the main way to throw out the grief and pain that have accumulated inside. This really makes it easier. It is much more difficult to survive everything inside yourself, which can lead to psychological and even mental illness.

It is not worth mentioning such banal things as age - "he was already old", "he was sick for so long that death is liberation." You will hurt your relatives deeply. Especially if it's condolences on the death of mom or dad. Parents are hard to lose at any age. These are the closest people, whose support and love we need at any age.

Condolence texts

  • (Name), accept my heartfelt condolences ... The death of a husband is a bereavement that must be endured. It's hard for me to put it in words, but we really need you. Hold on!
  • (Name), I express my deepest condolences to you on the death of (name). The words are stupid, and maybe in vain, but we are always by your side. We will support and help you to survive.
  • I sincerely share your pain and convey my words of sympathy and support to you and your family.
  • The death of a loved one is a great grief and trial.
  • (Name) please accept my sincere condolences. Unfortunately, words are difficult to heal a terrible wound in the heart. However, bright memories of a person who honestly and with dignity lived his life, leaving behind the fruits of his good deeds, will always be stronger than death.
  • In this bitter moment I share your grief, grieve with you, bow my head in grief.
  • We understand how much he meant to you. Such a wonderful person is very hard to lose. He brought us so much warmth and love. We will never forget him. We grieve with you
  • His passing is an irreparable loss for all of us. This is a terrible tragedy. After all, he was such a kind, loving and sympathetic person. He did so many good things in his life for everyone. We will never forget him

Condolences in verse

Condolences in verse are not the best option. Death is not a time for poetry, but moderate, short poems can be an outlet for everyone in the audience. Pronounced in a low voice with intonation and expression, poems of sorrow and condolences will resonate in the hearts of the audience. So, the condolence verse for death:

When you left, the light faded,
And time suddenly stopped.
And they wanted to live together for centuries ...
Why did it all happen ?!

We remember, dear, and we grieve
The wind blows in the heart of cold.
We love you forever
No one can replace you for us.

You brought us light - magic, kind,
Your world was incredibly beautiful.
You are the only one (/ yu) - we remember
Thank you for your talent.

May your sleep be serene
No one will disturb forever
Nothing can break
Oblivion eternal peace.

Not chasing meaningless fame
Keeping love in your heart,
He left, but managed to leave us
Eternal music light motive

So, condolence is an expression of sincere sympathy, empathy. It doesn't have to be long. You shouldn't send condolences by SMS. If it is not possible to express them personally, then it is better to call. Let a couple of lines, phrases, saturated with sincerity, replace a long memorized text.

Loving you ...

They do not part with their loved ones
They just stop being near.

You sleep and we live
You wait and we will come ...

You left us early, our beloved.
He took away our happiness and joy.

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears cannot help grief.

You are not with us, but forever

You gave us life in this world,
In another you have found peace.
Gone, leaving a trail of sorrow
outbursts of grief and longing.

Remember me Lord,
Visit me with your salvation.
Blessed are those who weep: for they will be comforted.
Remember me God
And do not leave those who love you.

Like dew drops on roses
There are tears on my cheeks.

You are no longer there, but we do not believe.
In our souls you are forever.
And my pain from that loss
We will never heal.

Love for you, dear son,
He will die only with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Cannot be expressed in words.

Our pain cannot be measured
And do not pour out in tears.
We take you as if you were alive
Let's love forever.

We love you, we are proud of you.
In our memory
You are always alive.

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears cannot help grief.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.

What a pity your life
Was so short
But the memory of you will be eternal.

Sleep, darling daughter, calmly.
You've come your short way
Honestly and joyfully.

To your timeless grave
Our path will not overgrow.
Your dear image, dear image
Will always lead us here

No one could save you
He passed away very early
But the bright image of yours is dear
We will remember constantly.

Words cannot be expressed
Tears do not cry out our grief.
You are always in our hearts. It's so easy to imagine you alive
What's in your death
It's impossible to believe.

Hush the leaves, do not make noise,
Don't wake up my friend

The question is over with life.
There will be no more sorrow, no more tears.

Dear angel
I'm sorry to blame
That I was not at the hour of death
Next to you.

The heart went out like a lightning
The pain will last for years.
Your image will be kept forever
Always in our memory. You have lived your life with dignity
Leaving the memory for us forever.
Sleep well in a silent world
The person we love.

You won't come back, you won't look back
You will not become wise and gray-haired.
You will remain in our memory
Always alive and young.

Passing by, stop
For me, a sinner, pray.
I was like you
You will be like me.

The dust will return to the ground
Which he was.
And the spirit will return to God,
Who gave it.

K.N. Batyushkov:


No inscriptions are needed for my stone,
Just say here: he was and he is not!

A.S. Pushkin:

My epitaph

Here Pushkin is buried; he is with a young muse,
I spent a cheerful century with love, laziness,
I didn’t do good, but I was a soul,
By God, a kind person.

Epitaph to the baby. Book. NS. Volkonsky

In radiance and joyful peace,
At the throne of the eternal creator,
With a smile, he looks into earthly exile,
He blesses the mother and prays for the father.

M.Yu. Lermontov


The simple-hearted son of freedom
For the senses, he did not spare life;
And faithful traits of nature
He often liked to write off.

He believed in dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He sacrificed his days.

And in it the soul kept a supply
Bliss, torment and passion.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not made for humans.

Epitaph of Napoleon

Yes, no one blames your shadow,
Rock husband! You are with people that doom is over you;
Who knew to announce you, only he could overthrow:
Great nothing changes.

V.S. Soloviev

Vladimir Soloviev
Lies in this place.
First there was a philosopher
And now it has become a shkeleton.
Some are kind,
He was also an enemy to many;
But, madly in love,
He plunged into the ravine himself.
He lost his soul
Not to mention the body:
The devil took her
The dogs ate him.
Passer-by! Learn from this example
How harmful is love and how useful is faith.

I.A. Bunin

The inscription on the tombstone

There are, Lord, sins and atrocities
Above Thy mercy!
A slave to the earth and vain desires
Forgive sins for his sorrows.
I kept the covenant of love sacredly in my life:
In days of melancholy, in defiance of the mind,
I have not harbored a snake of enmity against my brother,
I have forgiven everything, according to your word.
I, who knew the silence of the grave
I, who perceived the sorrows of darkness,
I preach the gospel from the bowels of the earth
Verbs of Non-Sunset Beauty!

M.I. Tsvetaeva


To the one who lies here under the spring grass,
Forgive me, Lord, evil thought and sin!
He was sick, worn out, alien,
He loved angels and children's laughter.

I did not crumple the snow-white lilac stars,
Although he wanted to overcome Vladyka ...
In all sins he was - a gentle child,
And therefore - forgive him the Lord

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We intuitively and subconsciously understand how to behave in joyful, easy life situations and festive events. But there are events of a tragic nature - the death of a loved one, for example. Many are lost, faced with their unpreparedness for loss; for the majority, such events are beyond acceptance and comprehension.

People experiencing loss are easily vulnerable, acutely feel insincerity and pretense, their feelings are overwhelmed with pain, they need help to calm it down, accept, reconcile, but in no case add pain with an accidentally thrown tactless word, incorrect phrase.

You need to be able to show increased tact and correctness, sensitivity and condescension. It is better to remain silent, showing delicate understanding, than to inflict additional pain, hurt disturbed feelings, hook nerves overloaded with worries.

We will try to help you understand how to behave in a situation when the person next to you has suffered grief - the loss of a loved one, how to condole and choose the right words so that the person feels your support and sincere sympathy.

We must take into account the existing differences in condolences.

The form of expressing condolences for the loss will differ:

  • Grandparents, relative;
  • mother or father;
  • brother or sister;
  • a son or daughter - a child;
  • husband or wife;
  • boyfriend or girlfriend;
  • colleagues, employee.

Because the depth of experience differs.

Also, the expression of condolences depends on the severity of the grieving person's feelings about what happened:

  • Inevitable death due to old age;
  • inevitable death due to serious illness;
  • premature, sudden death;
  • tragic death, accident.

But there is the main, general condition, independent of the cause of the death that has occurred - the genuine sincerity of the expression of your grief.

The condolence itself should be short in form, but deep in content. Therefore, you need to find the most sincere words that accurately convey the depth of your sympathy and your willingness to provide support.

In this article, we will provide samples and examples of various forms of expressing condolences, we will help you choose sorrowful words.

You will need:

Form and method of filing

Condolences will have distinctive features in form and method of presentation, depending on their purpose.


  1. Personal individual condolences to family and friends.
  2. Formal individual or collective.
  3. Newspaper obituary.
  4. Farewell words of mourning at the funeral.
  5. Funeral words at the commemoration: for 9 days, for the anniversary.

Submission method:

The factor of timeliness is important, therefore, the postal delivery method should be used only for sending a telegram. Of course, the fastest way to bring your condolences is to use modern communication tools: e-mail, Skype, Viber ..., but they are suitable for confident Internet users, and these should be not only senders, but also recipients.

Using SMS to show sympathy and empathy is acceptable only if there are no other opportunities for contact with the person, or if the status of your relationship is distant acquaintance or formal friendship. Follow this link to get on different occasions.

Submission form:

In writing:

  • Telegram;
  • email;
  • electronic postcard;
  • an obituary is a mourning note in a newspaper.

In oral form:

  • In a telephone conversation;
  • in person.

In prose: Suitable for both written and oral expressions of grief.
In verse: Suitable for writing expressing grief.

Important accents

All oral condolences should be short in form.

  • It is more delicate to express formal condolences in writing. For this, a soulful verse is more suitable, to which you can pick up a photo of the deceased, the corresponding electronic pictures and postcards.
  • Personal condolences must be exclusive and can be expressed both orally and in writing.
  • For the most dear and close people, it is important to express or write sorrowful condolences in your sincere words, not formal, therefore, not stereotyped.
  • Since poems are rarely exclusive, exclusively yours, so listen to your heart, and it will tell you words of comfort and support.
  • Sincere should be not only the words of condolences, but also the offer of any help that is within your power: financial, organizational.

Be sure to mention the distinctive personal virtues and character traits of the deceased person that you would like to keep in your memory forever as an example: wisdom, kindness, responsiveness, optimism, love of life, hard work, honesty. ...

This will be an individual part of the condolences, the main part of which can be formulated according to the example proposed in our article.

Universal Mournful Texts

  1. “Let the earth rest in peace” is a traditional ritual phrase that is uttered after the burial has taken place, can be condolences at a commemoration, and is suitable even for atheists.
  2. "We all mourn your irreparable loss."
  3. "The indescribable pain of loss."
  4. "I sincerely condole and sympathize with your grief."
  5. "Please accept my deepest condolences on the death of a dear person."
  6. "We will keep in our hearts the bright memory of a wonderful deceased person."

Help can be offered with these words:

  • “We are ready to share the brunt of your grief, be by your side and provide the necessary assistance to you and your family.”
  • “Surely, you will need to resolve many issues. You can count on us, accept our help. "

To the death of mom, grandmother

  1. "The death of the closest person - mother - is an irreparable grief."
  2. "The bright memory of her is forever in our hearts."
  3. “How much we didn’t have time to tell her during our lifetime!”
  4. "We sincerely grieve and condole with you at this bitter moment."
  5. "Hold on! In memory of her. She would not want to see you desperate. "

To the death of her husband, dad, grandfather

  • "I offer my sincere condolences and express deep sympathy for the death of a loved one who was a reliable support for you and your family."
  • "In memory of this strong man, you must show perseverance and wisdom in order to survive this grief and continue what he did not have time to complete."
  • "We will carry the bright and kind memory of him through our whole life."

To the death of a sister, brother, friend, loved one

  1. “It is painful to realize the loss of a loved one, but it is even more difficult to come to terms with the departure of young people who have not known life. Everlasting memory!"
  2. "Allow me to express my most sincere condolences on the occasion of this grievous, irreplaceable loss!"
  3. “Now you have to become a support for your parents! Remember this and hold on! "
  4. "God help you to survive and endure the pain of this loss!"
  5. "For the sake of your children, their peace and well-being, you need to cope with this grief, find the strength to live and learn to look into the future."
  6. "Death does not take love, your love is immortal!"
  7. "Bright memory to a wonderful person!"
  8. "He will forever remain in our heart!"

If you are at a distance, find out via SMS. Select the appropriate message and send to the addressee.

To the death of a colleague

  • “We have worked side by side for the past few years. He was an excellent companion and an example for young colleagues. His professionalism served as an example for many. You will forever remain in our memory as an example of life's wisdom and honesty. May the earth rest in peace to you! "
  • “Her / his dedication to her work earned her / him the respect and love of everyone who knew her / him. He / She will forever remain in my memory. "
  • “You have been a great employee and friend. How we will miss you. May the earth rest in peace to you! "
  • “I can’t come to terms with the idea that you are not there. It seems only recently we drank coffee, discussed work and laughed ... I will really miss you, your advice and crazy ideas. "

To the death of a believer

The text of condolences may contain the same mournful words as for a secular person, but an Orthodox Christian should add:

  • Ritual phrase:

"Kingdom of heaven and eternal rest!"
"God is merciful!"

My dear, I very much empathize with your grief. My condolences ... Be strong!
- Friend, I mourn your loss. I know this is a hard blow for you and your family. I offer my sincere condolences.
- A wonderful man has left. My condolences to you, my dear, and to all your family in this sad and difficult moment.
“This tragedy has hurt all of us. But of course, she touched you the most. Accept my condolences.

How to give condolences in Islam (Muslims)?

It is sunnah to express condolences in Islam. However, it is undesirable for the relatives of the deceased to gather in one place to receive condolences. The main purpose of expressing condolences is to call people who have suffered adversity to patience and contentment with the predestination of Allah. The words that should be spoken when expressing condolences are: "May Allah grant you beautiful patience and may He forgive the sins of your deceased (your dead)."

How to give condolences over the phone?

In the case when words of condolence are pronounced over the phone, you can (but not necessarily) add briefly: “Let the earth rest in peace!”. If you have the opportunity to provide assistance (organizational, financial - any), then this phrase is convenient to complete the words of condolences, for example, “These days you will probably need help. I would like to be of service. Count on me to call at any time! "

How to deal with a bereaved person?

It is not necessary to grieve, cry with him, letting someone else's suffering pass through him. You will be much more effective in your help if you act rationally, deliberately. One way to deal with loss is to talk about it over and over again. This will react with strong emotions. You need to listen carefully to the person, answer his questions if necessary. Let the person express his emotions, experiences. It can be tears, anger, irritation, sadness. You do not give assessments, you just listen carefully, you are there. Tactile contact is possible, that is, a person can be hugged, taken by the hand, the child can be put on his knees.

No 5

It is customary to express condolences over death in few words. But sometimes it can be unbearably difficult for us to find even these few phrases. Any words seem empty and banal, we are afraid to open up fresh wounds in the hearts of relatives and friends who have just lost a dear person. However, it is worth gathering strength, finding simple and delicate words of sympathy that will sound informal, sincere and cordial. It is not in vain that they say: "Shared grief is half grief."

The words "condolence", "sympathy", "empathy" speak for themselves. We pronounce them to share the pain of loss with the loved ones of the deceased, to make it clear that we are also shocked by the sad news that we grieve and grieve with them. Condolence is not only words of sympathy and consolation, but also being around, a willingness to help. Sometimes, in order to express empathy, it is enough to mentally hug the grieving person, take the hand and be silent for a few moments, or even cry together.

You might find a few tips useful:

  1. You should not come up with any special, florid and pretentious phrases. They can sound fake and insincere. You don't need to talk too long. Lingering condolence can cause only tears in a person who has not yet resigned himself to the bitterness of loss.
  2. When choosing your words of condolence, think about how you feel about the sad event, who the deceased was for you, what kind and warm memories are associated with it. Feel free to show your feelings. And do not forget to offer all possible help to the family of the deceased.
  3. Pray for the repose of the soul of a departed person, ask God to grant strength of spirit and consolation to his relatives. Surely, after this, sincere and heartfelt phrases of sympathy will not need to be invented. They will come by themselves.
  4. When giving condolences, try to speak with restraint and calmness, not cry, not lament. An outburst of your emotions can trigger a backlash in the bereaved, exacerbate their grief and mental anguish.
  5. Having come to the house of the deceased with a visit of condolences, you should not inquire in detail about the reasons for what happened, talk about the fact that the tragedy could have been prevented in one way or another, look for “positive” moments in death (for example, say: “he’s better off like that, he’s exhausted” , - if a person died from a serious illness).
  6. The phrases “I understand how hard it is for you,” “I know how bitter you are,” may sound insincere. You cannot know the depth of another person's suffering. It would be more correct to say: “I am shocked by this sad news”, “I sympathize with you”, “for me it is also a grievous loss”, “I grieve with you”.
  7. There is no need to console the grieving person with the future. The words: "you will still have children", "you are young, you will still get married", "time heals everything", "do not be sad, everything will pass, everything will be fine" and the like are not only stupid, empty and insincere, but also tactless ... In the acute stage of grief, a person is simply not able to think about the future, any statements on this topic seem like betrayal and cause mental pain.
  8. The wishes: “try to take care of yourself”, “go to work as soon as possible”, “I hope you will be able to come to terms with the loss”, “I wish you to come to your senses as soon as possible” - also sound formal, ridiculous and tactless.
  9. It is advisable to express condolences on the occasion of death orally. It is permissible to say words of empathy and consolation over the phone, in a letter or SMS message if, for one reason or another, you cannot attend the funeral ceremony.
  10. If you are intimately familiar with the family of the deceased, but were unable to attend the funeral, visit them as soon as possible and say words of sympathy. It is customary to do this within one and a half to two weeks after the funeral. But not in the first three days.
  11. Relatives and close friends usually come to the house of the deceased with a condolence visit before the funeral, colleagues, classmates, classmates and distant acquaintances say words of sympathy at a farewell ceremony or after a memorial dinner.

How to properly express condolences in connection with death:


  • Maria Andreevna, please accept our condolences. The novel was for us a very dear and close person. It's hard to believe what happened. We share your loss and grieve with you. Tell me, how can we help?
  • Petr Ivanovich, Tamara Igorevna, we sympathize with you. This bitter news shocked us. Nikolay was the soul of our team, one of the best. Please accept help.
  • Irina Petrovna, Alexander Ivanovich, Oleg, our condolences. Vasily Alexandrovich was a bright and sincere person, he supported me more than once in word and deed. For me, this is an irreparable loss. I pray for the repose of the soul of Vasily Alexandrovich together with you. Let me be there and share the sad chores in these difficult days. How can I help?


  • I sympathize with you, Andrey, Olga. What happened seems inconceivable, impossible. We are close were friends with Larisa, and it will be hard for me to come to terms with this unfair loss. Larisa was for me not just a soulful friend - a dear person. Tell me, how can I be of help these days?
  • Please accept your condolences. For us, the departure of Igor Nikolaevich is also a huge loss. We will always remember Igor Nikolaevich as a bright and sincere person. We grieve and pray for the repose of his soul. Let me be with you in these sad days. We are ready to provide any help.
  • Elena Petrovna, let me share the burden of your loss and help in organizing the funeral. The fact that Alexander left so suddenly is very hard news, in which the mind refuses to believe. Sasha and I are school friends. He was a sympathetic person, a wonderful friend and class leader. Only thanks to Sasha, we, classmates, have not lost each other over the past years. We grieve with you.


  • Timofey Ilyich, Anna Mikhailovna, I sincerely sympathize with you. For me, the death of Mary is also an unbearable grief. Masha treasured her family very much. And for me, your home has always been dear. Let me still visit you. How can I help you?
  • Nikolai Ivanovich, Elena Alexandrovna, I condole on your trouble. Unfortunately, we did not know you during Alexander's lifetime. He spoke so warmly and lovingly about you, was proud that he had such wonderful parents. Alexander will forever remain in my memory as a true friend and an incredibly positive person. It is impossible to believe that he is gone. Let me help with the funeral.
  • We understand that there are no words that could comfort you today, Marina Vladimirovna. We are colleagues and subordinates of Timur Andreyevich. Your husband was a bright person, a wise mentor, a fair leader, supported and helped in everything ... It will not be easy for us to come to terms with the death of Timur Andreyevich. Let me share your grief, help and be close to you on these difficult days.

What words to express condolences in prose

How to express condolences to a mother

  • Dear Anna Fyodorovna, I sincerely sympathize with your grief. For me, your daughter was more than just a friend - a close and dear person. The memory of Lyudmila is in my heart forever. Let me be by your side during these difficult days.
  • Irina Ivanovna, please accept our condolences. It is impossible to believe and reconcile, it hurts to speak ... The blessed memory of Andrei. You can always count on our help.
  • Maria Alexandrovna, dear, condolences with all my heart. Your son was a reliable friend and soulful person. I understand: any words today will not diminish your grief. Let me share with you the bitterness of loss, be near. I am ready to provide any help.

How to express condolences to a friend

  • Nadya, how painful and bitter it is not to express. Your mom was a close person to me too. Be strong, my dear. And just know: I am always there.
  • I grieve and cry with you, Anya. Such unexpected and terrible news ... Lidia Petrovna was an unusually sincere and loving woman. How impossible it is to talk bitterly about your mother in the past tense ... Let me share my grief and help you.
  • My condolences, dear. For me, the death of Pyotr Andreevich is also a heavy loss. Your dad was a man of great soul. I will always remember him with gratitude. I am ready to help in everything.

How to express condolences to a colleague

  • Kirill, please accept my sincere condolences. I know that my mother's departure is the most bitter loss. And any words are powerless here. Blessed memory of Tatyana Ivanovna. Be strong.
  • Anton, our condolences. We understand how hard you are going through the death of your brother. Please accept our help.
  • Irina, we sincerely share your grief, this is a very heavy loss for you. We remember how cordially your husband received us as a guest ... We grieve with you. We are ready to help with the organization of the funeral and memorial dinner.

How to express condolences in writing

  • Dear Antonina Vasilievna! I deeply regret and mourn the departure of your mother. Irina Semyonovna was an amazingly benevolent, sympathetic and wise woman. It is bitter to say "was" ... I think many will remember your mother with warmth and gratitude. I'm ready to help with the funeral. I ask you to write how I can be useful.
  • Dear Andrey Ivanovich! All of us, employees of LLC "Garant", sincerely condole with you. Blessed memory, to your father Ivan Ivanovich. Fortress of spirit to you and your family. We will forever remember our Ivan Ivanovich as a true master of his craft, a true professional, sensitive, sympathetic, great soul of man.
  • Our condolences, dear Alexandra Petrovna and Valery Vasilyevich! It will not be easy for all of us to come to terms with Andrey's death. He was always open, honest, very positive person. He helped many of us in the difficult vicissitudes of life. We will all remember your son with light and gratitude. We are ready to offer any help.

How to express condolences via SMS

  • Alexander, shocked by the bitter news. Be strong. We will immediately visit you.
  • Dear Lydia Andreevna, please accept my condolences. We cry and grieve with you. We will be with you tomorrow.
  • Tatyana, Igor, what sad news ... My condolences with all my heart. Unfortunately, I will not be able to be with you on these sorrowful days, my mother is seriously ill. Brace yourself, dear ones.

Condolence verse

Muslims, like people of other religions, feel pain, bitterness, sadness and cry the same way, losing their dear and close people. However, they have a slightly different worldview, a different attitude to life and death, different traditions and customs. It is not customary to express sorrowful emotions in the Muslim world openly. This means that the words of condolences sound differently.

It is impossible to prepare for death. Each person has faced the loss of loved ones, dear people, so many are familiar with the pain of loss.

But often we do not know how to calm down, support the bereaved, how to express words of condolences in connection with the death of his loved ones, dear people.

note! It is imperative to offer condolences to the grieving person. This is a tribute.

But it is worth remembering that after the death of loved ones, people are in a stressful, shock state. The words of condolence for death are chosen carefully, carefully.

Examples of condolences on the occasion of death in your own words to the relatives of the deceased:

  1. “I was shocked by the event. It is difficult to accept and reconcile.
  2. "Let me share with you the pain of loss."
  3. "The news of death was a terrible blow."
  4. "I sympathize with your pain."
  5. "We empathize with your loss."
  6. "My condolences."
  7. “I was struck by his death. I will pray for his soul. "
  8. "The deceased meant a lot to us, it's a pity that he left us."
  9. "Grief cannot be expressed in words, but you can always count on our support in difficult times."
  10. "We grieve with you."

Sometimes it is better to express grief briefly.

Short and sincere words of sympathy:

  1. "Hold on."
  2. "Be strong."
  3. "I'm sorry".
  4. "My condolences".
  5. "I sympathize".
  6. "This is a heavy loss."

If a grieving person deeply believes in God, then they say the following words of grief:

  1. "The Kingdom of heaven".
  2. "Rest in peace".
  3. "Lords, rest with the Saints!"
  4. "Peace be bright to his dust."
  5. "Rest in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Table: rules for presenting words of condolence

What not to say

Everyone wants to support the bereaved. But there are a number of words and phrases that are not appropriate for a funeral. Expressions can cause anger, aggression, resentment.

What not to do:

  1. To comfort the future... When a baby dies, do not say "you are still young, give birth again." This is tactless.

    It is difficult for parents to accept the loss of their own child, because they rejoiced in him, dreamed of the future.

    The words “do not grieve, you are young, you are still getting married” sound like “say goodbye to your beloved”. It's cruel. There is no future for people who have lost their children, spouses, parents at the time of their funeral.

    They are not ready to think about it. Their pain at the time of loss is strong and painful.

  2. Seek the extreme... If there is a culprit in death, do not remind about it. It is forbidden to say what would have happened if they had acted differently. It is not recommended to make the deceased guilty.

    Examples: "he himself is to blame, he drank a lot of alcohol", "this is his punishment for his sins." Do not denigrate the memory of the deceased, because it is not in vain that they say that one should only speak well of the dead.

  3. Asking to stop crying... The grieving person must mourn the deceased and calm the soul.

Forbidden phrases:

  1. « Death has taken its own, do not shed tears". A person in the phase of acute shock does not finally understand what happened, that his close and dear ones have passed away forever. Such words sound cruel.
  2. « Don't worry, everything will work out"- sounds like a fairy tale or a cruel mockery. A person is not ready to accept such a statement, he does not believe that the pain will release him and life will improve.
  3. « Time cures". Even time cannot heal mental wounds. The pain of loss will always be there. Any person who has survived death will confirm this.
  4. « So he was tortured, he feels good there". If the deceased was very sick, then the words are unlikely to calm the grieving person.

    He has one desire - to see a loved one nearby, and not to think that he is good in heaven.

  5. « Think, but others are even worse, at least you still have relatives". Don't use comparisons. Respect the person's pain.
  6. « I understand how much it hurts"Is a common and tactless phrase. It is difficult to understand the grieving person.

Never depreciate a loss with the words “it’s good that you didn’t get hurt,” “think about your children, parents,” and so on.

For those who grieve, death is a shock in life. He is not ready to look for positive moments in the loss of loved ones.

Important! It is worth remembering that condolences are brought from the heart. But this does not mean that it is allowed to say whatever comes to mind.

Grieving people do not perceive reality well, their subconscious is clouded with grief and resentment, so you should not provoke a person.

During the shock phase, one should not be interested in the details of the death of the deceased.

Written condolences

Do not condole with:

  • In verse.
  • By sms.

This is neglect. A funeral is not a place for poetry, and it is better to replace SMS with a phone call. If it is not possible to call, then you can express condolences in writing.

Sample text:

  • « We deeply mourn the death of the deceased... He was an amazing, kind and well-mannered person, surprised with his joy and spontaneity.

    It is difficult to write, my hand does not hold a pen out of grief, but still I have to. We are sorry that it happened, but we are happy that fate brought us together with such an amazing person. Peace to him on earth and in heaven. "

  • « The news of the loss struck my mind... I convey my condolences and express deep respect to the deceased. "
  • « It's hard to find words when a storm is raging in my soul and the bitterness of loss... I can't believe it happened. Our condolences. We pray for him. "

Choose sensitive phrases that do not go beyond the bounds of morality... In the text, you need to briefly acknowledge the loss, support the relatives of the deceased.

When writing a letter to relatives, describe the memories associated with it. When writing a text to a colleague, remember his business, personal qualities.

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