How to stir up with bark. Guide: All Romance Lines - Mass Effect: Andromeda

BioWare has always loved adding romance to their RPGs, and Mass Effect: Andromeda is naturally no exception. Interspecies, interracial, same-sex - any fantasy (almost any) of yours is already included in the scenario of Mass Effect: Andromeda.

Knowing how to romance in Mass Effect: Andromeda will make it easy for you to do it with any member of your party's crew. We will not tell you how to start a relationship with Peebee, or Liara, but teach the basics, because the whole system is based on the same rules.

Start flirting already

BioWare hasn't changed the rules, despite the new setting and characters. Once you've created a bond with a specific NPC, certain dialogue options will appear. Use them whenever possible, and your "love ship" will set off on a journey. It doesn't matter which of the Ryder twins you play as. Another thing is important. Your companions are picky, and not everyone will want same-sex relationships.

  • If you started playing as Bristle Ryder, the best options to start with are Abel, Cora, Gil, Keri, Peebee, Reyes and Vetra.
  • If the choice fell on the fair half, then the options are as follows: Jaal, Keri, Liam, Peebee, Reyes, Suvi and Vetra.

The path to a successful relationship

Mass Effect: Andromeda uses loyalty missions to build relationships with certain characters, so you'll need to complete them before reaching first base. You will need to flirt with your partner at least three times before receiving a response.

In addition, you will have to follow the whims of your intended goal and do whatever she asks. You have to make the “target” feel special and important, so read every message sent to you.

Don't try to build relationships with everyone at once. Focus on a couple of characters. Each of them requires its own approach and specific actions.

But seriously ...

We will be adding new guides for each potential companion to create a romantic relationship. We will update this post.

Learn how to position your favorite NPCs in Mass Effect: Andromeda.

BioWare has become famous for the various options it offers players when it comes to love and relationships, and while Mass Effect: Andromeda is set in a new galaxy with new protagonists, the romances and relationships that emerge have changed quite a bit.

How to have an affair

In Mass Effect: Andromeda, romance works the same way as in previous BioWare games. After reaching certain points in the story, players will be able to speak to some of their favorite NPCs with certain lines. These lines will then lead to new dialogue options, the choice of which will lead to a relationship between the main character, Ryder, and any NPC that the player is trying to arrange.

The Ryder twins can flirt with most of the main characters in the game, but not every member of the team will be ready to move on. Some crew members may only be romantically involved with one of the Ryder twins.

Most of your potential romantic interests are partners, people who will end up on your team. Some of them are outside the Tempest ship. Here is a list of all romantic partners, as well as their races and preferences:

Romantic dialogue options

Andromeda offers easy-to-understand symbols next to dialog options to help you decide which choices to make if you want to take the next step in your relationship with one of the Tempest members. The heart symbol means that this is a romantic version of the dialogue.

This does not mean that choosing the option of dialogue with the heart automatically leads to sex. Most characters need a lot of dialogue and loyalty missions before they are ready for an intimate relationship. Talking to your teammates can only help build those relationships. If you crave romance, there is a fairly simple procedure that you must follow throughout your walkthrough.


After each mission, you must return to the Tempest ship. Once there, the first thing you need to do is check your email. You can do this in one of two places. The email box is located behind the galaxy map, on the left, or you can check your mail at Ryder's quarters, in the corner next to SAM. Missions and relationships are often promoted through email, so go through the messages and select “confirm” the message you want. After checking your email, talk to each member of your team. Most of the time, the crew will have nothing new to discuss and you will find that you have exhausted most of the dialog box options, but talking to them often will certainly not ruin your relationship. Crew members usually move freely around the ship. Be sure to check the map for their location.

You can start building your romantic relationships after establishing a settlement on Eos. This is the first large planet that you will meet. After that, you will return to the Tempest and the crew members will be more talkative with you. Keep in mind that you can talk to team members twice after this mission. If they seem to have finished speaking, talk to them again to learn more about them and strengthen your bonds.

Character loyalty missions

Character Loyalty Missions won't always lead to romantic relationships, but they can certainly steer relationships in the right direction. Be sure to take on missions as early and often as possible. You can check your journal to see if you have any loyalty missions available. On the Journal tab, select “Allies and Relationships”. This will show you a list of missions you can do to please specific characters aboard the Tempest. Completing these missions will build the relationship you want. Even if they don't lead to romance, you will be able to level up the characters the mission concerns.

Your gender affects the relationship you can get. For example, Gil will only sleep with Scott, and Liam will only sleep with Sarah. The characters will show early on how interested they are or not. Just watch out for the heart option to delve deeper into romantic relationships.

  • Typically, players will need to flirt with a character at least three times to begin a romantic relationship with them.
  • Certain characters will also require you to complete specific “missions of loyalty” in order to build relationships.
  • Talk to the character you are interested in more often. Decide which character you want to have a relationship with and start working on it at the very beginning to make sure you don't miss any of the conditions for starting a relationship.
  • Do whatever your fan asks, including loyalty missions. It will go a long way towards building your relationship.
  • Read all the emails that your crush sends you. This will allow you to make sure that you fulfill all the conditions that might be appropriate to successfully build a specific relationship.
  • Use the “romantic” heart-style response style whenever it is available, when you are communicating with your crush.
  • Don't waste time trying to flirt with a lot of characters. The number of signals to trigger relationships required for each character is different, and if you are sprayed, you can skip some of them.

Different potential partners also have different desires - some want a serious relationship and will not consider you until they feel they know you well enough. Others just want non-committal flirting, so they're just ready to jump into bed with you. Each of them will tell you what they want out of the relationship, so don't worry about getting into a romance that you can't get rid of. There are even characters who will flirt, wanting nothing more.

As the title suggests, this is a relationship guide at ME Andromeda, this means that you will encounter spoilers. If this does not bother you, feel free to read on, but if you want to figure out all the intricacies of relationships yourself, return to reading after completing the game.

This guide is not final, because the game has a lot of interactions and various plot and personality twists. If you find an inaccuracy, or want to add, write on the forum or personally to the author of the article.

In the new Mass Effect, the player can flirt with several characters at once without consequences, and it doesn't matter for Scott or Sarah you play, an easy relationship is possible with both the strong and the weaker sex. However, if you choose to commit to a relationship, it leads to the severing of possible serious relationships with other characters, so first carefully consider if you need same-sex relationship, it might be better to go the natural way. The developer left the possibility of developing serious feelings with several characters at once. True, in one case, everything will be limited to kisses, and in the other, only a fleeting attraction to relieve tension. Full-fledged feelings that have grown into love will remain the lot of only two personalities and no third ones are superfluous.

We should also mention those who like to get achievements and trophies in games. Mass Effect sets the player the task of achieving: Tasty. You have to finish novels with three different characters. Given that the game is long, the developer made it possible to get the trophy in one playthrough of the game. How exactly? Read on in this guide.

Andromeda is distinguished by a certain ease. in choosing a character for flirting and subsequently bringing a relationship with him / her to a romance. All the player needs to do is regularly check mail on the Tempest space shuttle, especially after each story mission and after conquering planets with outposts based on them, and, subsequently, complete a mission of loyalty for a beloved character. Visit the Nexus periodically for some surprises. You can start building relationships as soon as the character is accepted into the team, or a "big heart" will appear in the answer menu - this means that the character is not indifferent to you. Always choose this answer. In order not to offend anyone by accident, then our advice is to choose the answer option at the top left (in the form of a small outline of the heart). This is, so to speak, a universal answer that works 90% of the time. After missions of loyalty, the companion will offer you to visit a specific place with him to start a close relationship. This will happen after the story mission "Journey to Meridian". Accordingly, before completing it, you need to complete all missions related to personal relationships. Upon returning to The Tempest, Scott, or Sarah, will receive a letter indicating the meeting place, for an already serious relationship called love. Just follow your heart.

There are two characters in the game - a brother and a sister. Scott and Sarah Ryder. Accordingly, the personalities in the game are divided into those who prefer the opposite to themselves, and those who are of the same gender.

Let's start with Scott Ryder. Who is ready to go into a serious relationship with a man.

Cora Harper.

A girl who adheres to traditional views. There is no place for same-sex love in her relationship, once she already refused - Azari. If you also adhere to traditional views, feel free to start building a serious relationship with Cora from the moment you appear on The Tempest. Chat with her regularly, flirt until she asks you for help. Mission of Loyalty: The Limits of Duty. Should open after the "Archon Hunt" story mission. As you finish the "Journey to Meridian", a letter will come with a request to meet on Eos. After that, upon returning to The Tempest, you will have violent sex with Cora Harper, provided that your heart is free. An affair with this character BLOCKS the development of relationships with others. beyond flirting.

Abela Chiar.

Angarsk historian who is not averse to flirt with Scott. You will meet her for the first time on the planet Aya. Talk to her and start completing her quest line. First, she will ask you to find the Helmet, lost on the planet Hawarl. When you return the relic to her, be sure to answer that "it's just for you." After that, you will still need to find several relics on the planets: Voeld, Elladen and Kadar. Missions "In Search of the Past" and "Forgotten History". You can find their location in our Guide. Do not forget to talk to her after the story missions and give artifacts. After the "Travel to Meridian" she will make an appointment with you and reward you with her kiss. In the last dialog select "last kiss" again. This is necessary in order for the novel to be considered completed (especially valuable for lovers of trophies). Developing a relationship with Abela to the end does NOT block relationships with other characters!

Gil Brody.

This character does not hide his sympathy for Scott Ryder. The space shuttle engineer is not averse to translating the friendship with the protagonist into a closer channel. If you are in tune with him, then communicate with him during each visit to the "Tempest". Especially between story missions and his proposal "Play Poker" at the whirlwind bar on the Nexus won't keep you waiting long. Accept it and after a couple of story missions after that you will already have a very close relationship. A close relationship with this character BLOCKS relationships with others. Please bear this in mind.

Sarah Ryder. Consider the playable characters that the girls prefer.

Liam Costa.

One of two men in Mass Effect, preferred by girls. Perhaps this is exactly what Sarah needs. Like-minded person, team member. The first man willing to develop a relationship far beyond friendship. You can start communicating with him immediately after visiting the "Tempest". Develop relationships without fear of breaking up others, if any. This can be done up to his mission of loyalty to you: Together. Until this moment, he will have several requests with help to you. Complete these missions, it will bring you closer to each other. Quests: Planets for outposts, Walks in Aya, Something for neighbors, Diplomacy around the armor. Having completed the mission of loyalty, you will have the opportunity to develop relationships to the end, or to remain friends. Again, the start-end point is the Journey to Meridian mission. An affair with Liam BLOCKS possible relationships with other characters.

Jaal Ama Darav.

An exotic character for Sarah's relationship, albeit of the opposite sex. Jaal is a real Angarian, therefore he is always frank in interests and emotions, but he does not always pursue them. The development of Sarah's relationship with him will be unhurried, progressive. He will not immediately become a member of the team, keep this in mind when building relationships in the game. When communicating with Jaal, in the absence of a "heart", choose honest and open answers - Angara people appreciate this. The novel with him is interesting in that you have to complete the mission for Liam: "Diplomacy around the armor", because they are friends and comrades. After communicating with Jaal between story missions, a loyalty test follows: "Flesh and blood", after which we can already say that you are entering the home stretch. A conversation will follow between you and your friends on the Tempest. The ending of the flirting BLOCKS other relationships.

Suvi Anwar.

Prefers girls. Sarah is exactly what you need. The affair with her is simple and not complicated. Chat with her every time you visit The Tempest, and choose answers with hearts all the time. Obligatory dialogues will be after the missions: "Establish an Outpost on Eos", "Ray of Hope" and "Hunt for the Archon". After the "Journey to Meridian" story mission, a letter will come suggesting a romantic relationship. Head to the Nexus for a romantic date with Suvi. As soon as the relationship reaches a degree of seriousness, it BLOCKS romance with other inhabitants. Keep this in mind.

BI-sexy characters. They flirt equally with Scott and Sarah.


A typical representative of the Azari race. This nationality has only one gender, which is why they are equally good as with a man, there and with a woman. The second moment to start twisting a relationship with her, what kind of Scott, what kind of Sarah - this is what sex with Peebee, the one that without commitment DOES NOT block flirting and love with other characters. In addition, this is the "fastest" individual in terms of the development of relationships. After the mission "Ray of Hope" you can have a great time with her, secluded in a small escape pod. You will first meet Peebee on Eos during your next mission. She will jump on you, do not push her away (until it is known whether repulsion blocks the relationship with her). Then, when you go with her to the Relic Vault, let her jump down first. Further in the story, you will need to help her collect the VI-Relic, finding the missing parts "Secret Project". This is followed by: "Walk through the Museum", "Relic Scanner" and "Return of the POC". After the storyline quest: "Hunt for the Archon", if you plan not to limit yourself to simple sex without obligations, but intend to bring the romantic relationship to the end, you need to complete the mission of loyalty: "Mysterious Relic Signal". After this and the next story mission, she will offer you either, all the same, to move on to a relationship with obligations, or to remain friends. Obligations are already BLOCKING romances with other personalities, but if you had intimacy without obligation before - this will be counted as bringing the novel to its logical conclusion(which is of value to trophy hunters).

Keri T "Wessa.

The same race as Peebee, so both Andromeda's main characters can count on a passionate night. Carey is a journalist who lives on the Nexus and interviews you after each story mission. Therefore, it is logical to visit the "Nexus", otherwise you risk missing the proximity. During the interview, do not count on flirting, but after that you can say a couple of warm words. Subsequently, she will invite you to the "Whirlwind" bar, right there nearby. The result of this meeting will be an invitation to a hot night spent in private. This prank does NOT block the development of other romances.

Winds of the Knicks.

Vetra is ready to spin a relationship with both sexes, however, it won't be fast. Relationships with her will develop slowly and without visible attraction, especially if you play as Sarah. After dialogues on the Tempest, completing several missions in support of it and assigning loyalty: Goals and Means, a letter will be sent to the mail, where Vetra will invite you to visit the sulfur springs. After that, return to the "Tempest", where you will meet in private and the finale of the relationship. Commitments with Verta BLOCK romance with other characters. However, Vetra is a turian with her own manner of communication and emotions, which makes her an attractive and unusual companion of the protagonist, regardless of gender.

Reyes Vidal.

Breathes equally easily towards both sexes. Reyes is the only character whose fate does not go through the main places of the game and can be easily missed. He lives on the planet Kadar and is an outcast. Moreover, he is a direct competitor to another group led by Sloan Kelly in the struggle for dominance on Kadar. His methods of life are unprincipled, and his connections are promiscuous. But, if you bind them it will BLOCK other romances. In order to gain his attention, you will need to complete several tasks on the planet of Kadar, which will ultimately lead to a bloody denouement between Reyes and Sloane. Naturally, need to save Reyes, if you want to end a relationship with him. In addition, in dialogues (as with all characters), do not forget to choose answers with "heart".

The main characters are indifferent to both Scott and Sarah.

Lexi T "Perrault.

Even though Lexi is easy to flirt with and can even do a couple of things for her, beyond that, nothing will progress. Even when in a bar you meet with her drunk, it would seem that the most suitable time for flirting, she will easily stop everything and turn you back with her intentions. She is too professional to waste her time on trifles.

Nakmor Drak.

Is a member of the team, plays an important role in the game, for him are available as regular tasks, as well as a mission of loyalty, as a result of which his trust in you will infinitely increase, but further binges with massacre it will not go. For all your flirting, he will answer that there will not be enough space for his love. Maybe it's not Draka at all, but his spacesuit, under which there is nothing ?! Maybe the developer has prepared a surprise for us for further additions and will reveal to us Lexi and Nakmore's addictions in the future?

Instead of an epilogue.

In the new Mass Effect "e the developer has noticeably changed the concept of romantic relationships, simplifying it and making it more understandable for players. Bringing them closer to real life, because in real life, sometimes a simple affair is enough, followed by nothing. Not every meeting of two people ends with a wedding. In the new game, we were given the opportunity to flirt in order to understand if this character suits you in spirit and communication. We would like to see him next to us, or this will be enough for just one night.

In custody I want to dwell on the trophy: Tasty, the conversation about which was conducted at the beginning of the guide. Its essence is to end a romantic relationship with three different characters. It would seem that everything is simple, all you need to do is complete the game 3 times. Note that the game is already long enough to go through it 3 times. This achievement can be obtained in one playthrough.

The easiest option for Scott - Peebee Avela Chiar(the end of the romance will be 2 kisses that do not block another flirting) + any other character for a serious relationship.

The easiest option for Sarah - Peebee(in the dialogue, select "one time", Keri(the ending of the novel will be a hot night for one time in her room in the "Nexus" this does not block another flirting) + any other character for a serious relationship.

As in the previous parts of the series, in Mass Effect: Andromeda novels will be possible with several characters at once, and we are talking not only about the companions of the protagonist, but also random representatives of other races. Something similar was present in Mass Effect 3, where Shepard could have an affair with a TV presenter, who, in fact, did not participate in hostilities, but simply conducted reports from the Normandy.

However, we can only build a truly expanded romantic relationship with our comrades in arms. The developers did their best to make them look as realistic and believable as possible. This also applies to bed scenes, because it is not without reason that Mike Gamble, the producer of the game, once said that it was quite possible to make a "light movie for adults" from the erotic scenes created by BioWare. Below we present a list of the main Andromeda characters with whom to start a romance, and tell you what you need to do to get with them to the climax.

Note: To develop relationships with your teammates, it is worth talking to them constantly on The Tempest after completing personal or story missions.

Cora Harper

  • Race: Human
  • Relationship type: serious

Belongs to the human race and is a former Alliance officer. She was transferred under a special program (interspecific integration of military forces) to the Azari paratrooper unit, who called themselves "Talen's Daughters." Due to her incredible biotic abilities and considerable combat experience, she was considered the best successor for the role of Pathfinder if something happened to Alec Ryder.

Cora is a true professional in her field, who boasts an excellent mind, high loyalty and cunning. In addition, she is well versed in the rules in order to know how to get around them if something happens. You can start an affair with her, starting with a simple flirtation. You should not play around with her and try to pass off wishful thinking.

Roman: In order to strike up a relationship with Harper, you need to constantly talk to her when the opportunity arises. She will share with you her thoughts and feelings, gradually opening her soul. In the end, the girl will tell you her innermost secret and tell you what lies behind her self-doubt. Plus you have options for flirting.

Note that in the absence of flirting options, you should choose the upper left line in the dialogue to show your care and attention for the girl. Be sure to complete Kora's Loyalty Mission to save the Asari Ark. Be sure to talk to her after completing this mission. When you talk to her, press the right mouse button in time - as a result, you will hug her. She will appreciate the gesture and tell you how she feels.

Don't stop flirting and chatting with her. After visiting the planet Eos, which is in the Pitya system (the Eleus Cluster), she will send you an email. In this message, the girl will ask you to meet her in this new world. If you have not had a serious affair with anyone before (the exception is Peebee), then you can start a romantic relationship with Cora. The bed scene will be shown.


  • Race: asari
  • Location: Starship Tempest

The full name is Plessaria B'Sale, but for friends it is just Peebee. It belongs to the Asari race and is a common outsider. She was willing to do anything to become part of the Andromeda Initiative. She managed to get to the new galaxy on the flagship Nexus, but almost immediately after arriving at her destination, she flew away from it. She is very interested in alien technology and uncharted places that can only be visited in Andromeda.

Peebee is a classic adventurer who does and thinks later. However, this does not turn her into a fool, she is just used to using her mind for reckless actions, and not scientific research. She is alien to formalities and social norms, which is why some consider her rude, although in reality she is simply too straightforward. Plus, you’ll hardly be able to silence her if she doesn’t want to. A hanging tongue helps her to get out of a variety of scrapes.

We advise you to romance it to players who love non-standard and unusual personalities. You will definitely not get bored with her. To attract her attention, you just need to behave freely and not limit your actions by rules and laws.

Roman: to start a romantic relationship with Peebee, you will have to complete a couple of simple quests and click on the correct answers in the dialogues. Although the asari loves to flirt with the protagonist, this will not be enough to start a full-fledged romance. The first thing you should do is solve her secret project "Technologies of the Past". It is not necessary to complete all the tasks from the chain - it is enough to unlock the equipment created by Peebee especially for you. This will help you learn more about this funny asari.

The next stage of the relationship starts when you visit the planet Aya. At some point, you may find a drunk Peebee in the museum. She will tell you about her problems and start taking you more seriously. Return to the ship and talk to the asari again - the girl will reveal her fears to you and tell you why she is constantly on the verge of breaking down. A cut-scene will appear here, in which you will need to click on the RMB.

You need to make it clear to Peebee that there is nothing to worry about (right option in the dialog menu) and ask her what she is doing to relax her nerves. You will be taken to Zero-G's room and she will ask you if you would like to join her. The invitation should be accepted.

Peebee will then ask if you would like to fool around with her. She will put forward only one demand - no conditions. After that, you can sleep with Peebee. In the future, you will be able to find her in the room with the escape pod and flirt a little in order to start the bed scene again. By the way, she doesn't mind at all if you decide to court other characters, so you will be able to romance not only Peebee, but also someone else.

Jaal Ama Daraev

  • Race: hangara
  • Location: Starship Tempest
  • Relationship type: serious

A representative of the hangar race, with whom the main character will meet in the first half of the game and will be able to make him his companion.

Roman: Once Jaal is aboard the Tempest as a companion, you will need to talk to him regularly after each mission. At first, you will not be able to flirt with him or have lengthy conversations, but after the liberation of Moshae on Voeld, the first romantic option will appear in the dialogue menu. You will be able to select it when talking to Jaal aboard the ship.

You can tell him that you like his company and you are extremely interested in him. Jaal will respond in kind. To continue the relationship with him, it will be necessary to fulfill his mission of loyalty. In this mission - Friend or Foe - you have to visit several planets and face another hangar named Akksul. In the end, it will be necessary to use the terminal in the Tempest conference room to inform Jaal that Akksul is jealous of him.

When you complete the mission "Hunt for the Archon", a letter from Jaal will come to your email inbox, asking you to meet with him. You need to go to the alien's apartment and talk to him. He will ask you to help him save three hangars from Akksul - this will give you access to the next loyalty mission called Flesh and Blood.

This quest will take you to Hawarl, where you have an important decision to make. Akksul will aim his weapon at Jaal, and you, in turn, must put the cannon to Akksul's head, but you should not pull the trigger. Your opponent may fire a shot, but he will miss. As a result, Jaal will thank you and send you a letter in the future asking you to meet with him and his family.

To do this, you just need to sit on the planet and meet with the mother of the house of Jaal. As you talk to her, you will be able to hug her, which will further improve your relationship with Jaal. After that, he will take you to his room, where he confesses his love to you.

From this point on, you will not be able to build serious relationships with other companions (the exception is Peebee). After completing the quest "Journey to Meridian", you should talk to Jaal in the technical laboratory of the ship and select the option in the dialog menu: "I adore you." The climax of the novel will take place near the waterfall.

Liam Costa

  • Race: Human
  • Preferences: Only a female character can romance him
  • Location: Starship Tempest
  • Relationship type: serious

Roman: To start a relationship with this character, you need to complete a couple of story missions and gain access to The Tempest. Once aboard the ship, you can take on the mission to explore Eos. After establishing the Prodromos Outpost on this planet, you can find Liam in one of the rooms near the cargo hold.

It is necessary to help the boy with moving the couch, and then talk to him - this is the point of establishing relations between Liam and Ryder. During this conversation, you can start flirting with your interlocutor, not forgetting to select the following answer option in the dialog menu: "I like your company." You can continue the conversation and try to show your interest in Liam, but he will say that he does not know you well enough, and therefore your romance will stall at this point.

After completing each major mission, it's worth returning to The Tempest and visiting Liam, talking and flirting with him to increase your chances of starting a romantic relationship. When Jaal joins your team, you can visit Liam's apartment to see a conversation between him and Jaal. There will not be any romantic options here, but you should definitely participate in this event in order to open up more options in future conversations with your chosen one.

After completing the task on Voeld, where you need to free the imprisoned representatives of the hangar race, you need to talk to Liam again in his room, where he will do push-ups. Liam will seem to you a little angry during this conversation, however, you can calm him down, and he decides to tell you about his hobbies, for example, you will be able to find out that on Earth he was interested in cars.

In the end, Liam will tell you that his family sent him his old car, which is a relic of the 21st century. He built it with his family. While the car may well never reach it in time, the thought that it is on the road makes it happy.

At this moment, a dialog option will appear: "I need someone like you", which will lead to an interactive prompt showing that you need to click on the right mouse button. As a result, a romantic scene will begin.

To become the only partner of Liam, you must complete his mission of loyalty and meet with him on Prodromos (planet Eos). Thus, you will be able to bring your relationship with this character to the climax.

Gil Brody

  • Race: Human
  • Preferences: Only a male character can romance him
  • Location: Starship Tempest
  • Relationship type: serious or light flirting

Roman: Gil can be found near the Cargo Bay near the Tempest Energy Core. Most of the time, he will be in this location, so you do not have to constantly look for him to promote a relationship with him.

During the first conversation with Gil, you must choose the following dialogue option to start the novel: "I can do more than just show up here." In subsequent conversations with him, you will learn that Gil is very fond of poker and plays it well. When you get the opportunity, be sure to agree to play this game of chance with him.

After visiting the planet Aya and returning to the "Tempest", you should go to Gil and talk to him a little, until the answer appears in the dialog menu: "so what now?" that will lead to better relationships.

Gil is a rather fickle character, and therefore his mood can change dramatically. For this reason, you will have to chat with him quite often in order to promote your romance. When you complete the mission "Ray of Hope", talk to him again and choose the option: "Slow down, big guy."

As soon as you complete the mission "Hunt for the Archon", you will receive a letter from Gil in your mail, where he will ask you to meet him on Prodromos. If you accept his invitation, you can fix your romance, and then significantly advance the relationship by talking to Gil already on the ship. As a result, he will become your permanent partner.

Reyes Vidal

  • Race: Human
  • Preferences: he can be romanced by a character of any gender
  • Location: Kadara
  • Relationship type: serious or light flirting

Roman: this relationship ends with a unique scene that opens access to additional content. Below we will note the cases when flirting options will be available to you, which must be selected in order to romance this character:

  • "No deal with Sloane" during the mission "Hunt for the Archon."
  • After interrogating Ven at the Tartare bar.
  • During the murder in the port of Kadar.
  • During the quest Divided Loyalties in Roekaar's hideout.
  • During the quest "Divided Loyalty" when leaving the shelter.
  • When asked about Reyes' codename.
  • During the quest "Precious Cargo" in Krall's song.
  • During the quest "Precious Cargo" in the warehouse.
  • During the quest "Precious Cargo" when summing up the results.
  • During the "Night Out" quest when attending a party.
  • During the quest "Night Out" when talking with Keema Dohrgun.
  • During the quest "Night Out" in the pantry.

Suvi Anwar

  • Race: Human
  • Preferences: she can only be romanced by a female character
  • Location: Starship Tempest, sits to the left of the galactic map
  • Relationship type: serious

Novel: Suvi is a fairly easy-to-romance character as she does not have a mission of loyalty, however, players will have to reach certain stages in a relationship with her in order to advance further.

To start a relationship with this beauty, when you first talk with a girl, which will take place on the Tempest bridge, select the flirting option in the dialog menu, that is, say: “I can show you”.

This dialogue option is the first trigger for the novel. The second will arise after the creation of the Prodmos outpost on the planet Eos. Return to the Tempest Bridge and talk to Suvi again. At some point, choose another option for an answer with flirting: "We should talk about this in more detail."

After completing the "Ray of Hope" mission, you must return to "The Tempest" and again chat with the girl of your dreams, choosing the answer in the dialog menu: "You are not alone." As soon as you complete the quest "The Hunt for the Archon", return to the ship and begin a serious relationship with Suvi. However, in this case, you will not be able to create novels with other characters. Exceptions are NPCs like Keri T'Vessa, with whom you can continue to flirt.

To culminate in your relationship with Suvi, you need to complete the "Journey to Meridian" quest, and then read her letter addressed to you. Next, you need to find Suvi in ​​the Tempest technical laboratory and talk to her. Then press RMB during the dialogue to start the bed scene.

Keri T'Wessa

  • Race: asari
  • Preferences: she can be romanced by a character of any gender
  • Location: Nexus Station
  • Relationship type: light flirting

Roman: it is quite easy to start a romantic relationship with her, since you do not have to carry out a mission of loyalty or carry out other difficult tasks - you just have to follow the quest line of the "Hero's Path" task. It will begin aboard the Nexus following a first conversation with Director Tann and Addison. The main character will receive a letter from Keri, in which she will express a desire to interview him. When you talk to her, a flirting option will appear in the dialog menu, which you will need to select if you decide to get yourself an asari girlfriend.

After each important mission, you will need to return to the Nexus and talk to Keri, flirting with her and thereby promoting your relationship. Here are the tasks you need to complete in order for the Asari to decide to interview you: Better Beginning and Ray of Hope.

The last stage will begin after completing the "Path to Meridian" quest. After another flirtation with her, you will have an additional option that allows you to move your romance with Keri much further. Note that you may well be in a serious relationship with another character - T'Vessa will not mind.

Wind Nyx

  • Race: turian
  • Preferences: she can be romanced by a character of any gender
  • Location: Starship Tempest
  • Relationship type: serious

Roman: After visiting the planet Eos, it's worth going to the cargo department. In one of the rooms (arsenal) you will find a cute turian woman. Talk to her to get to know her better. When talking with a little girl, you will have the opportunity to flirt - you should definitely choose the phrase “You are an impulsive person. I like" . This will advance your relationship with the girl, although Vetra will try to quickly end the conversation.

If you talk to Vetra again after a while and ask her if she has someone special, she will not give an answer, but will immediately ask a counter question. You will need to answer it as follows: "Hopefully it will appear soon."

After completing the "Ray of Hope" mission on Voeld, you will need to talk to the turian again, as a new option will appear in the dialogue, allowing you to develop your relationship with her. You will learn more information about her family during this conversation, and you can choose an additional flirtation option by saying "you are too cool for that." She will love your answer.

To improve your relationship with Vetra, we advise you to constantly take the turian girl on missions, read and validate her letters, and try to flirt with her during every conversation. As soon as you complete the "Hunt for the Archon" quest, you will be able to have a heart-to-heart chat with your chosen one again and tell her that it would be nice to go on some joint journey. After this conversation, you will receive a letter in the mail, in which Vetra will invite you to go to Sulfur Springs, located on Kadar.

You have to take part in a race with the Wind, in which the first one to climb the top of the cliff wins. You will need to choose a reward for winning this competition. We advise you not to deceive the turian and not use the jetpack, but rather let her win at all.

Once you are both at the top of the cliff, Vetra will ask you if your feelings for her are real. If you want to promote your novel, then answer yes. Then a prompt will appear about urgent actions - click on the desired button and thereby kiss the turian. From this point on, you will not be able to build serious relationships with other characters. After completing the "Path to Meridian" quest, talk to Vetra again to view an interesting scene with her.

Lexi t'perro

  • Race: asari
  • Preferences: she can only be romanced by a male character
  • Location: Starship Tempest
  • Relationship type: light flirting

Roman: It's pretty easy to earn Lexi's trust as you only have to complete one loyalty mission to do so. In addition, you will not need to fight with anyone - just talk to the girl.

To unlock the mission "At the Bottom of the Bottle" you need to develop your relationship with Lexi (just talk to her). Once you access the quest, head to The Tempest to speak with the Asari.

However, your team will report that Lexi has left and can be found at the Whirlwind Bar in the Nexus Common Zone. She will be depressed, so try to support her by praising her for her excellent work. This will be the limit of your romantic relationship with her.


  • Race: hangara
  • Preferences: she can only be romanced by a male character
  • Location: Aya
  • Relationship type: light flirting

Roman: flirting options appear already during the first conversation, which will take place on Aya. To meet her there you will need to visit Efra, and then make your way to the dock. She will give you several different quests, completing which will advance your relationship with her.

To start the novel, when talking with Abela at the docks, you must select the following phrase in the dialog menu: "To meet people like you." The next opportunity to advance the relationship will appear when completing the mission "Restoring the Past". You will need to go to the museum on Aya, and then talk to the hangara girl there.

The third trigger will appear when completing the "Forgotten History" quest - you have to go to the museum again and talk with Abela again. When talking with her, you must choose the following dialogue options:

  • I did it for you.
  • You understood.
  • Not all, thanks to you (will open after the return of the instrument).
  • Hopefully my chances will increase (after the return of the figurine).

If you choose any other answer, then you will not be able to move your relationship further and flunk the affair with Abel. If successful, the next step should be taken after completing the "Path to Meridian" quest. You will receive an email from the girl.

After reading the letter, go to the waterfall on Aya and talk to Avela. Then select the second kiss option. This will be the culmination of a little flirtation with her.

Features of romantic relationships

It should be noted that your potential partners may have their own desires and personal quests, and therefore if they do not get to know you well enough, they are unlikely to start building a serious relationship with you. The other characters do not need to know your background thoroughly. In addition, they are not interested in long-term romances and agree to the usual intrigues, and therefore you can quickly get to your first sex scene. In any case, NPCs will openly tell you that they do not mind starting to date you, so if you do not turn out to be an underdeveloped tree stump, you can easily catch their hints.

As a result, the developers significantly changed the concept of romantic relationships in the game, trying to make them more believable. From now on, players will be able to find a partner for themselves, both for an ordinary flirting, and for a full-fledged romance with the love of their whole life.

In Mass Effect Andromeda, you can have romances with many characters. This guide will show you how to get the heroes in your favor.

First of all, it's important to note that at the start of the game you can choose between a male character (Scott) or a woman (Sarah). This will determine who you can start a relationship with. Some characters are bisexual. After completing romances with three different characters, you will receive the "Matchmaker" trophy. Let's take a look at Scott's potential partners.

When talking to the character you want to romance with, listen carefully. Don't upset them. Choosing emotional dialogue options is usually best. If you think you did something wrong, reload the last autosave. In most cases, you will see a big heart icon during some conversations. Always choose one that allows you to flirt with your partner and improve your relationship. They are all your teammates found on the Tempest spacecraft. Chat with them regularly between missions. Also complete your loyalty assignments when they become available. Read your letters on board often, some of which lead to new love quests. Note that entering an exclusive relationship will block you from other romances. The exception is Keri, she can always start an affair, regardless of the status of her relationship.

How to romance Scott Ryder

With Cora Harper

  • Return to your spaceship during / after visiting Planet EOS: from where you are viewing the galaxy map, turn around and go to Cora's room. During the dialogue with Cora, select “We’ll be good together”.
  • Right after the last conversation, you can talk to her again. Choose “Oh? What about now? "
  • On a spaceship after creating the first outpost on Planet EOS: Dialogue “You’re a romantic”.
  • Aboard the spaceship after the A Trail of Hope main quest: Read Cora's letter and then talk to her to receive the Cora Harper: Asari Ark quest. Complete this quest.
  • On a spaceship after completing the quests Dialogue "You and I can handle everything". This option becomes unavailable when you go on the Journey to Meridian main quest, so talk to her before that.
  • On the spaceship, after the main quest "Hunting the Archon", kiss Cora.
  • On a spaceship (corridor and then Ryder's cabin), after the main quest "Journey to Meridian": you must be in an exclusive relationship with Cora. Talk to her on the spaceship and meet her in your cabin to reach the climax of this romance.

Jill Brody

  • Upon returning to his spaceship after Planet EOS. From where you are viewing the galaxy map, turn around and head to the far end of the spaceship. There is a door with a red lock that takes a few seconds to open. This leads to the engine room above the cargo hold. You can talk to Jill here. During the dialogue, select "I do more than show up".
  • In the same place as before, after visiting Aya: Dialogue “And now what?”.
  • Check all dialogue options and check your emails frequently. You will receive an email from him that will start the quest "Gil Brodie: A Game of Poker". Complete this quest.
  • In the same place as before, after the main quest "A Trail of Hope" and after completing the quest in poker: dialogue "Slow down, big guy"
  • Check your email frequently on board. Wait for a message from Jill. Then meet him at Prodrome (your outpost on the planet EOS). Choose to commit the relationship.
  • Once you have established a relationship with Gil, return to the spaceship. Talk to him on the Engineering Deck and finish the romance in your private cabin.

Avela Chiar

  • After the main mission "A Trail of Hope": Move to the planet Aya and check your world map. Abela Chiar must be marked on the map. It can be either at the docks or in the museum (depending on how far you get in the game). Talk to her and select the "To Meet People Like You" dialog.
  • Start Abela's quest "Recovering the Past" and complete it. During the quest, you must restore the relic helmet from Planet Hawarl. Returning to Abel, after finishing the quest, select the dialogues: “I did it for you”> “You got it”
  • Accept her follow-up quest "Forgotten History". This requires you to retrieve three relics from the planets Voeld, Kadara, and Elaaden. Every time you give her one of the relics, there is a dialogue to flirt with her “Not everything, thanks to you” and “Hope it helps my chances”. Complete her quest.
  • After the main mission "The Journey to Meridian": Visit her again on the planet Aya, choose to kiss her to end this novel.

Mass Effect Andromeda is the fourth action-RPG game in the series launched a few years ago by BioWare. The game takes players back to the famous universe, where they can travel across a vast galaxy and meet dozens of different alien races. A complex plot full of intriguing themes and sudden twists and turns is an integral part of the series. The fourth game in the Mass Effect series offers not only a new story, but also better technology.