What drops from sinusitis are possible during pregnancy. Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy. Natural medicines for rinsing the nose

Sinusitis is associated with a runny nose, viral diseases, bacterial infections. With a runny nose, the exit from the maxillary sinus closes, where pus accumulates. Infection adversely affects the course of pregnancy.

In general medical practice, vasoconstrictor drugs, Yamik procedures, puncture, are used for this. But, how and with what to treat sinusitis during pregnancy, so as not to harm the expectant mother with vulnerable immunity and the baby, in whom the vital organs and systems are laid?

The nose is directly connected with the cavities located in the lower jaw and the frontal part of the face, has direct proximity to the brain, organs of vision. The maxillary sinuses and the frontal sinuses open into the middle nasal passage. Its peculiarity lies in its structure. This is the ethmoid bone, the mucous membrane of which becomes inflamed with any cold, due to which the fistulas of the maxillary and frontal sinuses overlap, blocking the access of air.

Sinusitis is a term that indicates that the nearby nasal cavity is inflamed. Inflammation happens:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • allergic.

In the closed sinus, where pathogens began to multiply, pus accumulates. Such sinusitis is a complication of an acute viral infection, manifesting itself with the classic symptoms:

  1. Discharge from the nose.
  2. Smell disorder.
  3. Dull aching pain with a tendency to increase on bending of the head.

Acute sinusitis resolves within 3 weeks. The inability to cure inflammation in 3 weeks indicates the allergic nature of the disease.

Important! The condition is not only uncomfortably tolerated by the expectant mother, but causes fetal hypoxia, leading to complications in the patient.


The appearance of sinusitis during pregnancy is associated with hormonal changes in the body, as well as with the susceptibility of the nasopharyngeal mucosa to negative environmental factors. A runny nose is more common in early pregnancy.

Sinusitis can be caused by bad teeth or an unsuccessful visit to the dentist. The maxillary sinus is in contact with the upper jaw, where the upper row of teeth is located. When treating teeth, the dentist can get into the maxillary sinus, and with careful filling, the material can penetrate. Such an intervention provokes consequences in the form of a chronic form of sinusitis, often fungal.

Treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women

Different types of sinusitis need to be treated in different ways. Viral inflammation usually goes away on its own in the treatment of the underlying disease, without the need for punctures and antibiotics, unless signs of an associated bacterial infection are found. Purulent bacterial sinusitis requires intensive therapy.

Colds during pregnancy can be unpleasant, when you need to take special care when treating with drugs.

Acute sinusitis in a pregnant woman caused by viruses is not treated with pharmacological products. With the right help, the mother's body is quite capable of coping with the virus. With ARVI, the main rule is to prevent the mucus of the respiratory tract from drying out. This will require:

  1. Using saline solutions to rinse the nose.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids.
  3. Inhalation.
  4. Regular ventilation, humidification of the room.

The fight against sinusitis is carried out mainly by regular rinsing of the nose using a medical pear, a syringe without a needle, or a pipette. The solution is prepared at the rate of half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water. NS The frequency of the procedure is every 2 hours.

Attention! Treatment of sinusitis is based on a set of measures to restore drainage and suppress sinus inflammation.

Treatment for complications

If a viral infection is complicated by a bacterial infection, then improvised treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy at home is not allowed - you need a doctor's consultation. The question always arises about the use of drops and specific drugs. The use of vasoconstrictors to eliminate a runny nose, shortness of breath during pregnancy has a number of limitations:

  1. Not recommended for use. It should be limited to 2-3 days of their use in the acute period of the disease.
  2. A sufficient amount for instillation and elimination of symptoms - no more than a couple of drops of the drug in each nasal passage.

It is impossible to abuse vasoconstrictor drugs, since they are addictive, penetrate the gastrointestinal tract, providing a generalized effect on the body.

Safe and effective drugs in this case are natural remedies, for example, based on sea water. It contains sulfates, microcarbonates, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium chlorides, which contribute to the safe recovery of pregnant women.

Preparations based on sea water can be used up to 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks. Among the popular pharmacy products are sprays and drops Aquamaris, Physiomer, Aqualor.

The presence of the classic symptoms of sinusitis is the reason for antibiotic treatment. For pregnant women in difficult cases of the disease, sparing antibacterial agents are used that affect the embryo. The following are noted:

  • Azithromycin;
  • Spiramycin.

Antibiotics for pregnant women with sinusitis are injected or taken in tablets.

Peculiarities! The principle of antibiotic treatment is moderate doses and the physician's confidence that antibiotic therapy will outweigh the possible side effects.

Homeopathy is an alternative to antibiotic therapy, which is based on the use of drugs with minimal portions of the active substance, coupled with the characteristics of the patient. Among them are recognized as demanded:

  • Asinis;
  • Euphorbium compositum;
  • Cinnabsin.

Homeopathic remedies affect the strengthening of the body's defenses of a pregnant woman and are time consuming, therefore they are prescribed as additional measures to traditional methods. Determining the duration of treatment is only in the competence of the ENT doctor.

Treatment with folk methods

Folk remedies and herbs have not been canceled, but you need to be careful, since some medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy. Important medicines for nasal lavage include:

  • plantain infusion;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • infusion of St. John's wort;
  • chamomile, sage solution.

Essential oils are used for inhalation, which have the properties of killing microbes. Massage with circular movements of the paranasal region, the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose and rubbing in oils, which is done with heated fingers, is relevant.

Sodovotanin drops are one of the home remedies that is not difficult to prepare at home. Tannin is found in tea, and soda can be found in any household. The drops are prepared as follows:

  1. Brew a teaspoon of black tea with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Strain the infusion.
  3. Add a teaspoon of baking soda.

Instill 2-3 times a day, 1-2 pipettes for each nostril. After applying the drops, it is recommended to clear the sinuses of the mucus, in other words, blow your nose.

Home first aid kit drops can be made from fruit and vegetable juice. To get rid of sinusitis, carrot and apple juices are suitable. They soften and drain the nasal mucosa well.

Treatment of sinusitis without punctures, pain and antibiotics for the period of bearing a child consists in timely assistance and comprehensive implementation of preventive measures. If the symptoms are very annoying, disturb nasal breathing, interfere with sleep, you should visit a doctor to rule out bacterial or allergic sinusitis.

When there is nothing to breathe and the head is splitting as if a crowd of blacksmiths with hammers and anvils have settled inside, it's time to seek help from a qualified doctor. All these symptoms may indicate the development of sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose. During pregnancy, this condition is especially dangerous for its complications, which threaten both the mother and the fetus. How does the disease develop and how can you help an expectant mother?

Sinusitis: causes and mechanisms of development of the disease

The maxillary sinuses occupy almost the entire maxillary bone. In healthy people, they are filled with air, and only with the development of the disease does the sinus cavity fill with pus. The cause of the disease can be a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Dangerous agents enter the maxillary sinuses through the nose with a common cold. The source of infection can be inflamed tonsils in chronic tonsillitis, as well as carious upper teeth that are not cured in time.

The factors provoking the development of sinusitis include polyps of the nasal mucosa, allergic rhinitis, as well as curvature of the nasal septum as a result of an injury. During pregnancy, the situation is complicated by the weakened immunity of expectant mothers. In itself, a decrease in the activity of the body's protective factors is the norm for women in position, otherwise it would be impossible to bear and give birth to a child. With normal functioning of the immune system, the body would perceive the baby as something alien and would try with all its might to get rid of it. But with the development of sinusitis, reduced immunity only worsens the condition of the expectant mother and significantly lengthens the course of the disease.

Symptoms of sinusitis during pregnancy

Sinusitis can develop only on one side or capture both maxillary sinuses. With the development of inflammation, the expectant mother feels pain in the maxillary sinuses. Severe nasal congestion develops, purulent discharge appears. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the sense of smell, lacrimation and photophobia. A severe headache joins - diffuse or localized in the forehead and temple.

The expectant mother notes a decrease in appetite, severe weakness and fatigue. When the sinuses fill up with pus, a dull, aching pain appears in the cheeks, aggravated by tilting the head forward. If untreated, swelling of the eyelids and parts of the face appears. Often the temperature rises to 39 degrees, chills join. In severe cases, consciousness is impaired, delirium and convulsions develop.

What is the threat of sinusitis during pregnancy?

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. In the absence of adequate therapy, pus melts the sinus wall and leads to infection of the meninges. The development of meningitis is accompanied by severe headache, high fever, intolerance to loud sounds and bright light. During pregnancy, this condition is rather difficult to treat, because many antibiotics are prohibited for use while the baby is waiting.

No less dangerous is the transition of inflammation to the eyeball. Retinal edema, orbital infection can all cause loss of vision. Reduced immunity during pregnancy only worsens the situation, contributing to the rapid progression of complications.

Acute sinusitis, which first appeared during pregnancy, quickly becomes chronic. In this case, the expectant mother will have a constant runny nose that interferes with normal breathing. Usually, inflammation lasts for a long time only on one side, and then moves on to the other - and everything starts all over again. Against the background of chronic sinusitis, general weakness and fatigue become constant companions of the expectant mother.

How does sinusitis affect the fetus?

The disease itself does not directly affect the fetus. With local infection, viruses and bacteria that caused sinusitis are not able to penetrate the placenta and somehow damage the baby. But the constant nasal congestion reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood of the expectant mother, which means it can adversely affect the condition of the child. The development of fetal hypoxia (oxygen starvation) is one of the most frequent complications of sinusitis. That is why it is so important to detect the disease in time and take all measures to eliminate it.

With the development of complications of sinusitis, the expectant mother may have to undergo surgery or other invasive interventions. Severe intoxication of the body, like general anesthesia, does not have a very good effect on the condition of the fetus. Any intervention in the mother's body can cause premature birth and the birth of a baby with low body weight. Timely treatment of the disease allows you to avoid such complications and return the health of the expectant mother as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of sinusitis during pregnancy

After examining and identifying complaints, the doctor sends the patient for an ultrasound examination of the sinuses. This method makes it possible to see the pus in the affected area and find out the extent of the spread of the infection. Radiography of the maxillary sinuses is considered a much more informative method, but during pregnancy it is performed only on strict indications. If it is necessary to take a picture of the sinuses, the belly of the expectant mother is additionally covered with a special protective apron.

Puncture (puncture) of the maxillary sinuses is done at any stage of pregnancy. During the procedure, pus is pumped out of the affected cavity and taken for bacteriological examination. Then a drug is injected into the sinus to kill the infection (usually a broad-spectrum antibiotic). After the procedure, the expectant mother immediately feels relief. Nasal congestion decreases, normal breathing is restored, headaches disappear. In rare cases, the puncture has to be repeated if the desired result was not achieved during the first procedure.

Treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy: selection of safe remedies

Therapy of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in pregnant women is complicated by the fact that not all drugs are allowed while waiting for the baby. The attending physician is responsible for the selection of antibacterial agents. The choice of antibiotics depends on the suspected infectious agent, the severity of the disease, and the presence of comorbidities. All drugs prescribed to expectant mothers must be safe for the fetus and not interfere with the course of pregnancy.

In addition to antibiotics, a pregnant woman is prescribed antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs to relieve swelling and inflammation. Various nasal sprays are used to restore breathing. It is worth noting that vasoconstrictor drugs during pregnancy are prescribed only for strict indications and their intake should not last more than five days. To rinse the nasal cavity, solutions with a local antiseptic effect (nitrofural and others) are used.

Simultaneously with the treatment of the sinuses of the nose, the expectant mother, according to indications, is prescribed means that contribute to the preservation of pregnancy. With pronounced toning of the uterus, the gynecologist selects drugs that reduce the risk of premature birth. In the early stages, no-shpa is prescribed, after 16 weeks - ginipral and other effective remedies. After recovery, the expectant mother must be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Monitoring the condition of the fetus is carried out according to indications.

In addition to medication, rest and sleep is recommended for a pregnant woman. It is not necessary to stay in bed if there is no high temperature - it is enough just not to overwork yourself unnecessarily. Food should be balanced and rich in vitamins. Outdoor walks are allowed after the condition improves and the main symptoms of inflammation have been removed.

Can sinusitis be treated with folk methods?

Traditional medicine offers many ways to heal sinusitis with herbs. Many mothers-to-be are afraid of the side effects of antibiotics and other medications prescribed by a doctor, and therefore prefer home treatment methods. It is worth remembering that alternative medicine can only be used in conjunction with the doctor's prescriptions, but not replace them in any way.

Of the folk remedies allowed during pregnancy, rinsing the nose with antiseptic solutions has proven itself well. It can be sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, mint and other medicines. The main thing is that the nose breathes during the procedure, otherwise there is a risk of getting a complication in the ears in the form of purulent otitis media.

Sinusitis is a serious infectious disease, dangerous for its complications, and self-medication is not appropriate here. During pregnancy, a woman should be especially careful in choosing a method of therapy, because now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of her unborn child. Timely started treatment allows the expectant mother to quickly get rid of the problem and avoid adverse consequences for her baby.

During pregnancy, the body of expectant mothers is not always able to resist pathogenic viruses, bacteria, which, after penetrating inside, provoke the development of various diseases. Not uncommon among pregnant women is considered a disease such as sinusitis, the appearance of which not only disrupts the general condition of the woman, but can also cause significant harm to the fetus.

What is sinusitis and how does it manifest itself? What should you pay attention to in order to prevent complications and how to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in pregnant women?
Sinusitis refers to ENT diseases of an infectious origin, in which there is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, followed by the formation of a purulent secretion in them.

Often, inflammation proceeds without the formation of a purulent component, and in such cases, the doctor diagnoses catarrhal rhinosinusitis. In the practice of otolaryngologists, sinusitis occurs quite often, and pregnant women are no exception.

Like any other disease, sinusitis has the ability to progress, which causes a lot of discomfort. In the process of developing sinusitis, there is a violation of the outflow of mucus from the sinuses, which leads to its stagnation and the multiplication of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, which are the main cause of the disease.

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Sinusitis in pregnant women is no different from the course of the disease in other patients, but the only difference is that it is much more difficult to treat sinusitis during pregnancy, since most drugs are contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Causes of sinusitis in pregnant women

At the heart of the disease are various kinds of viruses, bacteria, which cause inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with the formation of purulent secretions. The most common causes of sinusitis in pregnant women are:

  • Complication after acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Features of the structure of the nose.
  • Allergic reactions of the body.
  • Lingering of unknown origin.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity and teeth.
  • Curvature of the nasal septum.

Almost all of the above diseases are of a viral or bacterial nature, therefore, we can say with confidence that in 85% of cases, sinusitis develops as a complication against the background of other diseases. In rare cases, sinusitis manifests itself as an independent disease.

Clinical signs of sinusitis in the early stages of the disease are mild and are accompanied by slight nasal congestion and resemble a common rhinitis. As the disease progresses and there is no correct treatment, the symptoms become more pronounced. Women show complaints about:

  • pain of varying intensity in the forehead and sinuses;
  • profuse nasal discharge with a yellow-greenish tint;
  • nasal congestion;
  • an increase in temperature (in the acute period);
  • dry or wet cough that occurs against the background of irritation with mucus in the back of the nasopharynx;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • headache;

In cases where chronic sinusitis is present in the history of a pregnant woman, the clinic is less pronounced and is accompanied by periods of remission and exacerbation.

Sinusitis treatment is aimed at eliminating the infection and restoring the natural drainage of the sinuses. Sinusitis in pregnant women should be treated comprehensively and only under the supervision of a doctor.

Considering that most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is quite difficult to treat sinusitis, and taking illegal drugs can harm the fetus, especially in the first trimester, when its formation occurs.

Despite the high toxicity of some drugs, pregnant women are still prescribed drugs for the treatment of sinusitis, but only those that have a minimum number of contraindications and do not harm the fetus and the woman herself.

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A fairly common method of treating sinusitis is a puncture of the maxillary sinuses, but such a procedure is recommended only when other methods of treatment do not give a positive result or when purulent exudate does not come out.

During the procedure, the doctor uses a sterile needle to hold the paranasal sinus. Through a puncture, with a syringe, pus is sucked out, then an antiseptic drug is injected. Relief after a puncture comes almost immediately, but such a procedure will not provide a complete recovery, since there are risks of relapse.
Source: website If a pregnant woman wants to treat sinusitis without punctures or the disease is in the early stages of its development, the doctor can prescribe physiotherapy, but it is better to carry it out during remission or as a prophylaxis for chronic sinusitis.

Pharmacy drugs for the treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women

Drug treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy is not always welcome, since most drugs cannot be prescribed to expectant mothers. That is why doctors try to find those medicines that will not harm.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a number of drugs that contain herbal ingredients or substances that do not pose a threat to the development of the fetus.

Basically, the treatment of sinusitis consists of suppressing the causative agents of the disease, so it is quite difficult to do without antibiotics and antimicrobial drugs.

Antibiotics are contraindicated for pregnant women, but given the complexity of the disease and the risks of its complications, pregnant women can be prescribed drugs such as:

  • Zedex
  • Augumentin
  • Spiramycin
  • Azithromycin

Antibiotics should be discarded in the first trimester of pregnancy. The dose and course of treatment should be prescribed individually for each woman. A good alternative to antibiotics is the use of topical preparations, which are produced in the form of aerosols and sprays, are injected directly into the maxillary sinuses and act on the very site of inflammation.

The advantage of such drugs is that they practically do not penetrate into the blood and placenta, but act locally.
Along with taking antibiotics, do not forget about taking probiotics, which will protect the intestinal microflora and prevent the development of dysbiosis:

  • Linex
  • Lactovite
  • Laktofiltrum and others.

An integral part of the treatment is the washing of the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses with various solutions. As a means for washing, you can take both saline solutions (Humer, Aquamaris, No - salt), and herbal decoctions.

It is also worth mentioning separately such a washing procedure as "" it is the same method of "washing according to Proetz". It is completely painless and gives excellent results in the treatment of nasal diseases.

With purulent discharge from the nasal passages, as well as to eliminate the inflammatory process, doctors often prescribe a drug such as Sinupret, which reduces the viscosity of mucus and allows the nasal passages to be freed.

Sinupret for sinusitis is a fairly effective drug that can be taken during pregnancy. A good result can be obtained from taking homeopathic preparations, which contain natural ingredients.

Homeopathy is not contraindicated in pregnancy. Therapeutic therapy can be carried out using the following drugs:

  • Euphorbium compositum
  • Cinnabsin

You should not take any medicine without first consulting a doctor. Self-medication or uncontrolled intake of drugs can not only fail to bring the desired results in treatment, but also harm both the expectant mother and her child.

In addition to the traditional treatment of sinusitis, many women turn to traditional medicine for help, which, during its existence, has accumulated many recipes.
A good result can be obtained by rinsing the nasal passages with herbal decoctions:

  • Chamomile
  • Calendula
  • Successively
  • A light solution of common kitchen salt

You can also inhale over boiled jacket potatoes, baking soda or propolis. It is important to note that with purulent sinusitis, warm steam inhalations are categorically contraindicated, and are allowed only in the initial stage of the disease, when there is only a common rhinitis. But you can use a device such as a nebulizer.

As a diaphoretic, it is recommended to drink tea with linden, raspberry. Beet juice diluted with water can be dripped into the nose. Traditional medicine should not act as the main remedy in the treatment of sinusitis, only as an auxiliary one.

Some traditional medicines can cause allergic reactions, so women with hypersensitivity need to be extremely careful and do not use such treatment without consulting a doctor.

Possible complications

Untimely or poor-quality treatment of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses can lead to various complications that can be dangerous to the woman's health and the life of the fetus. Against the background of this disease, women may develop problems with the heart, lungs, and in more severe cases, an abscess of the brain may develop.

The following situations can be the most dangerous:

  1. fetal hypoxia;
  2. lung and heart problems;
  3. miscarriage;
  4. premature birth;
  5. internal developmental pathologies.

With the progression of sinusitis, quite serious complications may appear, so do not hesitate to visit a doctor when the first signs of the disease appear. Only timely and high-quality treatment will prevent complications, thereby preserving the health of both the woman herself and the fetus.

How to prevent sinusitis during pregnancy?

Prevention of sinusitis should be carried out long before its development and conception of the child. The main preventive measures are aimed at the timely treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, since sinusitis is most often the result of improper treatment of colds, or its absence at all.

The following recommendations will help prevent the development of sinusitis:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. Perform breathing exercises.
  3. Eat properly.
  4. Strengthen immunity.
  5. Monitor the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.
  6. Timely treat concomitant diseases.
Observing elementary rules, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing sinusitis, and thereby protect yourself and your unborn child from all sorts of complications. Only a doctor can correctly assess the symptoms of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Therefore, every woman should understand that during pregnancy she bears great responsibility for the health of her unborn baby, and should take her own health with all responsibility. And at the first ailments, seek help from specialists.

Sinusitis is considered a rather dangerous disease, which is manifested by inflammation of the paranasal sinus. The inflammatory process can be purulent, cover one, both cavities. This disease is dangerous with complications that develop in the absence of timely therapy. Pregnant women should pay special attention to the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease.

Why is inflammation of the maxillary sinuses dangerous?

Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is considered a very dangerous pathology, because it develops inside the nasal cavity, which is responsible for cleaning, warming up the air going to the lungs. The timbre of the voice also depends on this cavity.

Given the nature of the course of the disease, doctors distinguish the following forms:

  • sharp. This form of the disease manifests itself for the first time, is characterized by rapid development, well-developed symptoms. If you start the correct treatment, sinusitis can be cured in 2 weeks. In the absence of proper therapy, the disease will drag on for several months;
  • chronic. This form of the disease is the result of prolonged, untreated acute sinusitis. A chronic illness is one that lasts more than a month.

The penetration of infection is carried out in the following ways:

  • hematogenous;
  • through the nasal mucosa;
  • odontogenic way.

The main signs of the development of the disease are:

  • weakness;
  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • headaches (they are aggravated by moving the head, tilting it down, sneezing);
  • the appearance of mucous, purulent discharge from the nose;
  • conjunctivitis, edema of the eyelids, lacrimation (these signs are characteristic of a severe course of the disease).

Sinusitis is especially dangerous during pregnancy due to:

  1. Oxygen starvation. The maxillary sinuses are responsible for providing the body with oxygen. Dysfunction of these sinuses causes oxygen starvation, which is dangerous not only for a pregnant woman, but also for a fetus that has a common circulatory system with the mother. Oxygen starvation is dangerous by the development of pathologies in the fetus, especially if it is observed in the early stages of pregnancy.
  2. Complications. Sinusitis can provoke inflammation of the teeth, eyes, cause the development of tonsillitis, meningitis. Infection from the site of inflammation can enter the brain. It is especially difficult to treat inflammation that has spread to an area of ​​the brain. This can pose a threat to the life of the mother, which entails a threat to the life of the child.
  3. Improper treatment. The use of vasoconstrictor drops has a negative effect on the placenta and can cause oxygen starvation in the child.

In the initial stages of pregnancy (1 trimester), the infection can provoke damage to the organs and tissues of the baby. If the infection of the fetus occurs at the later stages of bearing a child (2, 3 trimester), the risk of miscarriage and intrauterine fetal death increases.

With sinusitis, the body of a pregnant woman does not receive oxygen in the amount it needs. Also, oxygen starvation of the fetus begins.

In the photo, the etiology of sinusitis

Features of the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman has sinusitis, therapy should be:

  1. Timely. Early treatment increases the chances of avoiding complications. A neglected disease cannot be cured solely with medicines; a puncture will be required.
  2. Professional. It is not necessary to completely exclude traditional methods, but it is worth remembering that self-medication can provoke the development of complications. Treatment should be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the doctor. If it is impossible to carry out the procedures at home, you need to visit a medical institution, where specialists perform them.
  3. Integrated. It is impossible to cure sinusitis with one therapeutic method. Treatment should be comprehensive. Doctors prescribe drugs from different groups that complement each other.

Features of the treatment of sinusitis during pregnancy:

Taking medication

Sinusitis can be treated with medication, without surgery.

Experts consider the puncture to be stress for the mother's body, therefore, in every way they try to avoid this surgical method of treatment.

With sinusitis, drugs of different groups are prescribed:

  1. ... Most often, drugs are used in the form of drops, because they affect only a certain part of the body, instantly get to the site of infection. It is difficult to use drugs in this group during pregnancy due to the large list of side effects. Antibiotics are prescribed as a last resort; they are allowed to be used according to a strictly compiled schedule. Very rarely, antibiotics are injected into the sinus after a puncture is performed. Of the antibiotics for pregnant women, you can use sparing antibacterial drugs ("Azithromycin", "", "Spiramycin", third generation cephalosporins).
  2. Beneficial bacteria. They are recommended to be used as adjuvants in antibiotic therapy. Doctors prescribe Hilak Forte, Bifiform, Linex.
  3. ... This remedy can be used in the therapy of newborns, because they do not provoke the development of allergies. Thanks to the drops, mucus is washed out, an antibacterial effect is exerted.
  4. Drops based on essential oils. Thanks to these drugs, edema is reduced, and an antibacterial effect is obtained. Medicines of this group are unable to harm the mother, the fetus, because they are natural.
  5. Washing solutions. Designed to flush mucus, pus, cleanse the respiratory tract. The best outflow of the contents is facilitated by solutions of antiseptics: "Chlorhexidine", "", water-salt solution).

There is a certain list of drugs that are prohibited from using in the treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women:

  • Levomycetin.
  • "Streptomycin".
  • "Metronidazole".
  • "Tetracycline".
  • Aminoglycosides.

Permitted procedures

Of the procedures for sinusitis, rinsing, inhalations are allowed. The procedures must be coordinated with the attending physician so as not to harm the body of the mother or child.

Lavage of the nasal passages, conchas, sinuses from purulent, serous discharge are considered effective. They can be performed at a medical center or at home.

Self-rinsing is carried out by means of a pipette, spray. The solution is injected without pressure in large quantities into the nasal passages, then the solution is carefully removed. You need to perform 3-4 procedures per day.

Must be performed by a specialist in an office with special equipment. She will not harm pregnant women, her doctors consider her to be absolutely safe.

What folk remedies can be used

During pregnancy, sinusitis is dangerous due to its inept treatment. This is worth remembering for expectant mothers, who do not welcome medicines, but give preference only to folk remedies. Traditional medicine recipes are appropriate in moderation. They must be used very carefully. You can use warming up with such means:

  • ... They are boiled, cooled, placed on the sinus area;
  • salt, sand. These components are heated in a pan, poured into a special bag, which is placed on the inflamed sinuses;
  • clay. 2 small cakes are made from this material in the oven, then they are placed on the sinus area.

Also, doctors are allowed to perform inhalations with such products:

  • vegetables. It can be boiled potatoes in their uniforms, a head of garlic, onions;
  • essential oils. You need to breathe in pairs that appear over boiling water, to which drops of essential oil of sage, pine, eucalyptus are added;
  • ... You need to breathe over the fumes that form over the garlic gruel, which is placed in a pan, heated in the oven.

You need to be very careful when carrying out inhalation. If you feel dizzy, painful, you need to stop breathing in vapors.

To say that sinusitis is a very unpleasant disease is almost an understatement. People who have experienced this state at least once in their life will never forget those sensations: there is nothing to breathe, the paranasal sinuses are filled with thick purulent secretions that reluctantly come out, the whole face hurts as if it were one continuous bruise, and every movement of the head , and especially downward bending, causes very severe pain. Sometimes the pain is so strong that it is difficult for an adult to endure it. And what about pregnant women who managed to "earn" sinusitis at such a wonderful time? How can they be treated, because now not all methods and medicines are available to them?

Sinusitis(purulent inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus) is also called rhinosinusitis. It can be unilateral, when one of the sinuses is inflamed, or bilateral, when two sinuses hurt at once. Also, sinusitis can be acute (arising for the first time and marked by an acute course of the disease) or chronic (acute sinusitis turns into it with inadequate treatment or in the absence of treatment as such). As a rule, sinusitis is considered chronic, which does not stop for 6 weeks. Sinusitis usually develops due to a variety of infections of the upper respiratory tract, various pathological processes occurring in the nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx. The maxillary sinus is an air cavity that lies in the thickness of the maxillary bone. Its role, together with other paranasal sinuses, in the body is very large:

  • Formation of individual sounding of the voice
  • Warming up and purifying the air passing through the nose
  • Reduction of the mass of the facial skull and the formation of individual facial features

Causes of sinusitis

The most common cause of sinusitis is various kinds: staphylococci, streptococci, haemophilus influenzae, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, fungi. It develops no less often as a complication of an upper respiratory tract infection (ARI). It is difficult to imagine, but a bad tooth or inflammation of the tonsils can serve as a source of infection for the occurrence of sinusitis. Also, the cause of sinusitis can be a curvature of the nasal septum or allergic reactions of the body.

Symptoms of sinusitis

As noted at the beginning, sinusitis is characterized by nasal congestion (possibly one-sided), severe pain in the face (below the eye), discharge of abundant greenish mucus from the nose. With acute sinusitis, an increase in temperature is observed. In chronic sinusitis, the most pronounced symptom of the disease is a persistent nocturnal cough that does not respond to traditional treatment. Coughing fits torment a person, as pus flows from the affected sinus along the back of the pharynx. Also, a person suffering from chronic sinusitis often has a runny nose, stuffy nose, persistent keratitis and conjunctivitis. Another fairly common symptom is headache.


To determine the nature and extent of the disease, the most informative method is sinus radiography. But it should not be used during pregnancy. The only possible diagnostic method for pregnant women is a diagnostic and treatment sinus puncture, or, in a simple way, "puncture". The positive side of this procedure is that it is also part of the treatment "program".

Treatment of sinusitis in pregnant women

Treatment of sinusitis includes a set of measures to restore drainage and suppress the focus of infection in the maxillary sinus.

With sinusitis developing during pregnancy, there is a danger not only for the health of the mother, but also for the child. Therefore, it is especially important to diagnose and begin treatment of this disease as early as possible. One of the most dangerous periods for the development of the fetus is the first months of pregnancy, when all vital systems and organs are laid in the child.

As we just said, one of the methods of treating sinusitis during pregnancy is a puncture. The essence of this procedure is that the doctor pierces the paranasal sinus with a special sterile needle. Then he sucks out the pus with a syringe, and pours a special disinfecting medical solution into the sinuses. Immediately after the procedure, the patient feels significant relief: the nose begins to breathe, the headaches disappear, and the pressure in the sinuses decreases.

As for taking medications, it must be remembered that many of them are contraindicated during pregnancy, therefore, they often stop at local procedures, which is the above manipulation. The drugs that are injected inside (in the sinuses) should be safe for both the mother and the baby. One of these drugs is, for example, miramistin.

To relieve mucosal edema and open the outlet of the sinus, nasal sprays and drops that contain vasoconstrictor drugs (for example, nasivin, otilin, pharmacolin, nasal, etc.) are effectively used. But such drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women. In very rare cases, when the situation is already very difficult, the doctor may authorize the use of vasoconstrictors. In this case, a pregnant woman should choose those that are allowed for babies. It is recommended to carry out such procedures two or three times, no more.

Sinupret, which dilutes the contents of the sinuses, received positive reviews in the treatment of sinusitis. It is available both in drops and tablets. The second option is suitable for pregnant women, since the drops contain alcohol.

Very often, antibiotic therapy is used to treat sinusitis. The most common of them: augmentin, cephalosproins of the 3rd generation, azithromycin. During pregnancy, an antibiotic may also be prescribed in some situations. Its name is spiramycin.

Since during pregnancy, and especially in the early stages, the use of antibiotics is undesirable, another, rather effective procedure is carried out. Its essence is in the administration of topical antibiotics and antiseptics directly into the maxillary sinuses. In addition, rinsing of the nasal cavity and sinuses with various solutions is used: saline, herbal, antiseptic. It is also possible to use topical antibiotics in the form of aerosols, as well as agents that thin the contents of the sinuses. Along with antibiotics, antihistamines are also taken, which also help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Another procedure allowed during pregnancy, in addition to a puncture, is washing the maxillary sinuses by moving fluid. The people call this method "cuckoo". This is explained by the peculiarity of the procedure, during which the patient lies on his back on the couch, the head is located below the entire body, the doctor pours an antiseptic solution into one nostril (sometimes with the addition of an antibiotic), and from the second at the same time sucks the liquid together with pus using a special device, the patient at this time repeats "ku-ku-ku-ku ...". It is this sound that creates negative pressure in the nasal cavity and prevents fluid from entering the throat or lungs. During the procedure, do not inhale, otherwise the liquid with pus will enter the respiratory tract. Due to the negative pressure formed in the nasal cavity, pus is evacuated from the sinuses, and the medicinal solution, moving intensively through the nasal cavity, washes the sinuses. By cleansing the sinuses, inflammation is healed.

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

From the guest

At the 25th week of pregnancy, she fell ill with sinusitis, the doctor prescribed sinuforte, not only does it have VERY unpleasant sensations in the nose, it is currently 2300, but it has not helped yet !!!

From the guest

Snupret did not help me, Vilprafen is an antibiotic, a magnet, I tried everything, I stopped at rinsing my nose before giving birth and that's it !!!