What poses are preferred by the zodiac signs in sex? Sex horoscope: how to surprise representatives of different signs of the zodiac


Most of all, Libra in a sexual sense needs the full attention of a partner. Don't look at others. And why do you need this, if next to you is such a magnificent lover like Libra? Libra understands the needs of the opposite sex so well that it is simply impossible not to choose them.

Libra always capitalizes the word "sex". Life for them is a constant sexual competition, both in business and in personal life. Flattery and charm allow them to gain the most terrible reputation. But Libra loves to look after more than to bring the matter to bed. Libra will not rush into bed with just anyone, unless you can convince them of your own exclusivity. Libra knows how to give and receive love, but in their souls they are constantly tormented by doubts about their own sexual attractiveness.

It is vital for Libra to flirt; they simply cannot stop. This is their way of life. But I want to remind you to reassure you: they very rarely allow feelings to prevail over obligations. If they are married, you can be sure of their love. Libra will love you like no one has ever loved. Hope you are good with your hands? Libra loves a leisurely massage, hugs and kisses, long lovemaking. With sensual Libra, you should not immediately take the bull by the horns. Libra wants their partners to always look great. You will definitely have to remove hair on your legs and along the bikini line, paint your toenails, keep an eye on your hair and manicure - and not only for girls (the joke is old, but it makes sense!). Don't be surprised if your Libra lover suggests having sex in the middle of the day. The time of day does not play any role for him, the main thing is the atmosphere and mood. Just make sure you are not in the office, or at least lock the office door. And do not make love on a fax - it will not do the device good. Be truthful with your beloved, otherwise he may turn away from you. Libra hates lies. Keep your promises, even if it's just a back massage. Libra does not forgive deception, even in small things.

Be ready to fulfill any fantasy of your partner - be an advisor, poet, massage therapist and, of course, his lover. Libras love to be pampered, so don't stay late at work. Trust me, you will be repaid a hundredfold, and you will not regret the effort. There is no happier person in the world than Libra, who has found a loving and reliable partner. And for him, the Libra will do everything in their power to raise him to the seventh heaven.


There are no prohibitions on sex for Scorpio. For him, the most important thing is to self-actualize sexually and mentally. Marriage or a relationship without sex does not exist for him. Scorpio is very persistent. And if he or she doesn’t feel welcome twenty-four hours a day, he or she feels uncomfortable. On the other hand, an overly self-confident Scorpio can literally kill his unfortunate partner with incredible demands and unbridled imagination.

Scorpios have one wonderful trait (of course, there are a lot of good traits in them, but this one is very rare: they know how to keep secrets and do not inform the whole world about what they have achieved. A lady in public and a whore in bed is a typical Scorpio, and rightfully so not only in relation to women. Your Scorpio friend may ask you about your sex life, but do not expect reciprocal revelations. And if you hear, then do not rush to believe. Sometimes Scorpios are seized by real megalomania, and since they are not going to tell you the truth, you can be considered a liar. The tactics are somewhat unusual, but quite effective. Scorpio perceives every new relationship as an adventure. He is capable of even drastically changing his lifestyle if his new partner wants it. For a Scorpio, a beautiful face and a harmonious body are very important, but physical attractiveness - Sex is unthinkable for a Scorpio without true love.If a relationship is built on a purely physical basis, it will not last long.

Massage, dim candlelight, champagne - these are the essential accessories for great sex with Scorpio. Don't forget about Valentine's Day, the anniversary of the first kiss - this is the only way to impress this incorrigible romantic who will never agree to be content with little. He needs everything. And this means that in bed you will have time to talk about life, love and work. Such conversations for Scorpio are true love. But he must be careful not to put the relationship on too mundane ground, which is detrimental to his own love. A passionate date on a secluded beach is good, but when night falls, it's best to move under the roof. Scorpios need to learn to stop.


Now you want to know what to expect from this sign in the bedroom. And this is your main mistake! The bedroom is not the most favorite place for representatives of fire signs, Sagittarius is easily aroused, he is unpredictable. The night under the stars seems to him much more attractive than silk sheets. This sign has remarkable energy. When a Sagittarius says he wants to stay with you all night, he means all night. This is not empty talk. Lest you be mistaken about him, I will say that for Sagittarius, quality is much more important than quantity, including with regard to sex. Stamina is a good thing, but Sagittarius needs a lot more.

Sagittarius pay attention to physical attractiveness, but most of all they are attracted to intelligence. A Sagittarius wants to be in love with the person he sleeps with, but he just can't get enough. I'm afraid it's not uncommon for this sign to have a one-night stand. Sagittarius are not selfish, rather the opposite. If you fall in love with a Sagittarius, immediately let him know that you will not tolerate polygamy in any way. If you don’t tell about it, he simply won’t know it. Sagittarius is like a child who is ready to eat all the sweets from a huge bag, and then declare that he was not forbidden to do this, and if he gets sick, then this is all the fault of nasty adults. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, an ever-expanding planet. Sagittarius constantly strive for self-improvement and set new high goals for themselves. They rarely return to their former partners, as they are always forward-looking. If they return to their old love, it is only in order to set themselves new, higher standards next time. Changeability is their motto. At the very least, you don't have to be jealous of their old partners.

Sagittarius are great individualists. In their sexual life, there are many prohibitions for them. A one-night stand doesn't scare them, but for a more serious relationship, Sagittarius wants to have a partner whom he can fully confide in. Sex plays a very important role for Sagittarius. They are ready to give a lot to their loved ones. Sagittarians are generous and considerate. They are constantly tormented by doubts, despite external confidence. Try not to offend Sagittarius so that he does not feel abandoned and alone. Trouble starts small but builds up very quickly. If the fire sign begins to boil, it is better not to be near it.

If you want to maintain a good relationship with a Sagittarius, you have to be romantic. You will immediately know what your partner wants because Sagittarius talks about sex completely free. They have tremendous stamina, you will not get bored with such a partner in bed. Even when you think that everything is over, you just have to say “more!”, And everything will happen again. Passionate lovers by nature, at heart, Sagittarius want to have a partner completely in the most romantic sense of the word.

And don't forget about their fickleness. What suits Sagittarius sexually today may not be useful tomorrow. These people want to fully explore their feelings. If they seem chilled to you, don't worry. Sagittarius will not stay with you if he himself does not want to, he just needs to constantly analyze everything that happens in his life. Let him have this little weakness. He simply cannot live without her. It's in his blood.

Sagittarius can be pretty awkward. They need another sign to balance them. Treat your Sagittarius with warmth and he will reward you handsomely. Just don't play with sex and don't use sexual relations as a weapon. Sagittarius don't like this, they can collect things and leave. They prefer ardent, passionate love to stable, long-term relationships, but this need is easily satisfied after several years of true love. Sagittarius always strives to conquer new horizons and explore new territories.


Capricorns love to indulge in love slowly, with sense, feeling, constellation. Love is serious business. Capricorns consider themselves a great value and will not allow anyone to meddle in their personal world. For Capricorn, sex is very important. Some of them use sex to understand people and figure out how to get them to do something. However, as soon as they get burned, they run to mom and dad, ready to marry the neighbor's beauty. Don't expect an adventurous spirit to awaken in them. If there is work to be done, it needs to be done well, and there is no need to hammer nails into the wall while balancing on the washing machine. Unless everything will be thought out in advance and the necessary precautions will be taken.

You've probably heard rumors about Capricorn's incredible sexual stamina. It is difficult to say whether this is so or not, but I myself have repeatedly heard similar statements. In any case, Capricorn is a wonderful lover. There is no limit to perfection, and Capricorns hone their love technique for hours, trying to achieve the ideal. They don't go the beaten path. On the first date, you might think that sex doesn't interest them at all. This is not true. And in the bedroom, Capricorns are much better than you think of them.

So. We already know how serious Capricorn is. But we also know that he has charm and charm. If you want to know how he feels about flirting, I can assure you that Capricorn loves and is great at flirting. Perfect flirting, you say. Not as perfect as wonderful sex. Nothing is forbidden for Capricorns. If necessary, they will calmly sleep with the boss, although I cannot say with certainty that this will not be anything personal. Subconsciously, Capricorns are drawn to variety. They are not deceivers by nature, and if they change, then they do it only out of natural curiosity ...

Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but I will. A lot of Capricorns have told me that in their dreams they make love to a person under the watchful gaze of someone else. Deep down, Capricorns want their qualities to be appreciated - and appreciated at the highest mark. Sex on a pile of money is their cherished fantasy (unless the money is too wrinkled).

Capricorns are good at sending mixed signals. They always leave their escape route. They make great politicians. If your plans differ from those of your Capricorn partner and you are not going to change them, it is better to pack your things right away. Capricorns are adorable but very selfish. They do not tolerate self-righteousness. They love their family, especially their mother. If you want to win the heart of Capricorn, make friends with his family. Capricorn is allowed to make comments about his family, but you are strictly forbidden. Are you arrogant? Yes. Overbearing? Yes. Erotic? Yes. Make up your own mind before embarking on the thrilling yet challenging journey that this amazing sign has to offer.


My words may sound strange to you, but it's true. Aquarians prefer dark-haired partners. They love those around whom there is a halo of mystery, and blondes seem too simple-minded and ordinary to them. They do not like it when every thought of a partner can be read on his face. They want your secrets to be revealed to them slowly and gradually. A mask and a semi-darkened room is too much, but captivating Aquarius at a masquerade is as easy as shelling pears.

Like all air signs, Aquarians know exactly what their interlocutor wants to hear. They also know what should not be said. The only danger in dealing with Aquarius is not to go to bed with them too quickly. They will try to get close to you on the first date, but they really don't like it when their desires give way too quickly. This is just an exam. So take your time. The problem is that the first date for you can be the culmination of six months of suffering, anxiety, flirting and flattery. Unfortunately, Aquarius doesn't notice courtship. This is completely normal and natural for him. Therefore, on the first date, your partner will think that this is just an acquaintance. It is better to talk about sex, but you should never do it after the first date. Only then will your phone ring in the coming weeks.

Aquarians are very confident people with powerful sex appeal. It is not difficult for them to find a partner. Although Aquarius is somewhat old-fashioned in regards to life and home, in terms of sex they are power users. Unpredictable, ready for change, demonstrative and natural, they are able to prove their love in all available ways. Aquarius lovers are very happy. But don't be fooled. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t waste your time. Once you have a physical relationship with Aquarius, your life will change forever. Aquarius will give you their love and will not be afraid to talk to you about plans for the future. Don't rush to make promises you don't intend to keep. And if Aquarius does not keep promises, do not be offended: this is because he is always looking into the future and does not always remember about the present. When the time comes to fulfill the promise, Aquarius is already embraced by new, global and very erotic ideas. So wait and don't complain. Sexually, Aquarius always strives for variety. They want their partners to boldly talk to them about their dreams and desires. Be open-minded. Half of what Aquarius talks about remains words - but think about the other half!


So, you managed to fool this wonderful sign - one of the sexiest signs of the zodiac. Pisces have a penchant for drama and are able to turn the most ordinary and ordinary place into a mysterious and romantic one. These are not ordinary people. It is necessary to conquer their hearts very carefully so that this fish does not slip away. Pisces do not like purely sexual relationships, they need something more. Pisces love to impress people, they love to flirt and give compliments, and then sit and watch what came of it. This behavior is very easy to misunderstand and can lead to misunderstandings and embarrassment. Pisces do not strive for this at all, but nevertheless this often happens and this should be avoided (both by Pisces themselves and by those who surround them).

Sex is a very personal matter for Pisces. They can show their sympathy in public, but nothing sexy. They like to create a halo of mystery around themselves and never lay their cards on the table. They don't like familiarity, especially from those they don't know well enough.

Before moving on to sexual relations, Pisces must feel sincere love. While they love dramatic twists and turns, what matters most to them is feeling and sincerity. This does not mean that you can quickly see through your Pisces partner. Fish in love is very difficult to understand. It is even more difficult to predict her behavior. A fish may be planning a wedding, but if on the day of the ceremony it seems to her that she is in a hurry, she simply will not come to church. Be a little old-fashioned, take care of your Fish. Pretend you're in an old black and white movie, staring at Pisces with loving eyes. Don't try to be too smart, but don't get carried away with silly jokes. Pisces are very attentive to what people think of them, and will not want their name associated with the name of a local fool. I already told you that Pisces are incredibly ardent, but at the same time they can remain completely cold. Did you understand? Everything is very simple: in front of friends and relatives this is one person, and behind closed doors it is completely different. You just have to convince him of the sincerity of your feelings, and the trick is in the bag. When the lights are out, candles are lit and the door is locked, the cold fish disappears and a passionate animal appears. Tell your friends or relatives at least a word, and you can say goodbye to your own happiness forever. Pisces want to be bitten gradually. This applies to you as well. Even after ten years, a trump card unknown to you will remain in Pisces's sleeve, but that's good, isn't it? Pisces does not forgive infidelities. Betray them and they won't want to stay with you. A cheated lover will turn your life into a nightmare. Multiple engagements are not uncommon for Pisces, and they often enter into a passionate but short-lived relationship. Actress Drew Barrymore married a man she had known for only a week in order to instantly divorce him. Pisces needs lovers that are sensitive but dominant. Not sure how to combine these two qualities? Don't worry, Pisces will teach you.

Fish catch fire quickly and cool down just as quickly. These are not the most comfortable marriage partners. Pisces may forget that there are other people in the world, but their heart will always be given to you. The fish will be able to lift you to such a height that you could not even dream of.

Human relationships are simple and complex at the same time. How can two people achieve perfect understanding and mutual respect? First of all, you need to learn to feel your loved one as well as yourself. The relationship between a man and a woman is formed not only from a community of interests, tastes and preferences. In many ways, the harmonious development and duration of attachment depends on intimate relationships. It is very important for any couple to make their sexual relationships as varied and sensual as possible. And the question arises, how can this be done? Sometimes complexes and various moral prohibitions stand on the way to intimate harmony. However, if two people want to become one and give each other real pleasure, then nothing is impossible. The Kama Sutra is a fairly straightforward guide for those people who really want to learn how to be completely liberated and always arousing partners. And what is no less important, teaching how to satisfy these desires, to perfectly manage not only your body and emotions, but also the body and emotions of your partner. Kama Sutra helps to diversify your sexuality, add joy and creativity to it. In addition, a person becomes a tireless and highly resourceful lover.

But in order to bring all this to life, simply studying the Kama Sutra is not enough. It is necessary to pay attention to other factors that affect the character and behavior of a person. Everyone has long known what a strong influence astrology has on people. From the earliest times, the actions of some people were determined precisely by the influence of planets and horoscopes.

The sex horoscope is a kind of guide to the world of human feelings. With its help, you can find out exactly how this or that sign of the zodiac affects your sex life, which signs are perfectly combined with each other, and which do not fit together. You can also get information about what attracts partners, what you like, and what, on the contrary, repels and hinders the creation of a harmonious union.With the help of astrological analysis of the possible compatibility of partners, you can not only predict various difficulties and difficulties, but also learn about the advantages and characteristics of specific relationships women and men.

Astrological knowledge in the sexual sphere will help answer many relationship questions: how to find the right approach to your loved one, help to realize some erotic fantasies and warn of possible pitfalls.

The problems in many ways are related to the fact that some people are embarrassed to openly ask their partners about their preferences, and also remain silent about their desires and fantasies. In such cases, familiarization with the astrological Kama Sutra will help solve many issues that arise during close communication between two people.

Astrological Kama Sutra will suggest a technique for maintaining sensual attraction for representatives of a particular zodiac sign. She will also recommend the most suitable positions from a fairly large number of all sexual positions known in the East. And then sex life will turn into an exciting adventure that delivers incredible pleasure to both partners.

With the help of the astrological Kama Sutra, you can reveal some intimate secrets of a partner and even find out something interesting about yourself. As a result, you will learn to get great pleasure from intimacy, and your relationship with your partner will be frank and harmonious. Don't be afraid to discover the art of love through the starry sky!

You can see the descriptions of the poses in the section Poses of the Kamasutra... Also, a book has been published on the site. Kamasutra- full text.

What kind of sex do zodiac signs love, what positions do each sign prefer and how to please a specific sign in bed? Bed is a meeting place that really can't be canceled. At the same time, everyone is in anticipation of something of their own. In order to understand in more detail and not be mistaken in sexual relations, we recommend looking at this issue from an unusual angle of view - a stellar one. So what does the horoscope recommend?

Sex and Aries

Usually you get what you want: you just take total control of the situation and do not lose confidence in yourself. Prefer to experiment rather than follow beaten paths. From intimacy you expect full return and unrestrained joy, spontaneity and the search for innovations in familiar poses. Aries men prefer waiting tactics: this inflames their interest, since they are used to dominating. Aries women excellent lovers: energetic, interesting and fiery in a relationship. Who is suitable? Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo.

Sex and Taurus

Sensuality and romance prevail in you, so you prefer touch - both giving and receiving. You need long foreplay and caresses that inflame so much that later you feel like a "locomotive", unable to slow down. At the same time, choose a passive role, at the mercy of your partner. This makes you completely boring. Stay in positions that are beneficial to both.

  • The husband is not looking for intimate adventures, remaining devoted for a long time.
  • The woman is seductive and brings a lot of creativity into the process.

Who is suitable? Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo.

Sex and Gemini

The love of flirting is what characterizes you in the first place. You are also risky, so you are not inclined to become attached to a person for the rest of your life due to intimate relationships. Wait in bed for spontaneity and the opportunity to give yourself free rein, otherwise it is difficult to please you. You adore erotic images with conversations and puns.

  • Men at the time of sexual intercourse prefer to conduct a conversation on an intimate topic, with descriptions and transmission of sensations.
  • Women are no less chatty, with an innovative streak and a creative approach to the process.

Who is suitable? Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Libra.

Sex and Cancer

Although you are a closed nature, you make love with undisguised pleasure, and also teach your partner. In your first place, you have a comprehensive knowledge of the chosen one - both on the physical and emotional levels. Only after that do you agree to intimacy. In bed, expect complete safety. You also have a well-developed intuition, so you know exactly how to please your partner.

  • Men are slow in sex, love to lie around, hugging their beloved, rely on more significant connections - spiritual.
  • Women are mega-emotional and gentle, but at the same time attractive and active, waiting for the feeling of being needed.

Who is suitable? Capricorns, Virgo, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio.

Sex and Leo

Although you are a little harsh in bed, you are damn sexy, joyful, voluptuous and charming. You know how to deliver pleasure, despite excessive dramatization (sometimes) and expect to be constantly played along, anticipating behavior, sensations, desires. In general, strive for complete harmony at the expense of your partner's abilities.

  • A man born under this horoscopic symbol is adventurous in intimacy, is not afraid to try the unknown, is constant and devoted. In affection is very extravagant.
  • A woman has a creative attitude to the process, is distinguished by fieryness and liveliness.

Who is suitable? Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries.

Sex and Virgo

Neither excessive criticism, nor routine, nor logic, nor perfectionism interfere with you in intimate relationships, since the main thing is to understand what is expected of you - and then there is no limit to perfection! Looking for security and relaxation in proximity. With pleasure, you show the sensuality donated by nature, giving it to your chosen one.

  • It is important for a man to make love "according to the prescribed rules", which turns him a little into a bigot, but this is only superficial.
  • The woman does not like to rush, preferring that everything goes slowly but sensually. She is correct and rational; she usually does not agree with one-night affairs, because she chooses constancy.

Who is suitable? Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus.

Sex and Libra

The romantic attitude that is characteristic of you in life does not interfere with giving pleasure to your partner. In return, you expect one thing - gratitude. Talkativeness and a penchant for communication perfectly provokes you into role-playing games, which you gladly accept, since they start to go wild.

  • Men, despite the complexity of their character, quickly tune in to the necessary wave - it is enough to turn to their gustatory and olfactory senses. That is, to start it, you should use smells and something that will inflame the taste buds - food.
  • Women are responsive during intimacy to sweet conversations, compliments and caresses.

Who is suitable? Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Gemini.

Sex and Scorpio

In this regard, you are maximalists, so you expect a lot from the chosen ones. Seductive and always open to experimentation in bed. Love not only to receive, but also to give. You have an active energy, energetic. They tend to be domineering in all matters, including intimacy.

  • A man demonstrates himself as an unprecedented lover, indefatigable and dependable, willing to research even what is taboo.
  • A woman can try unconventional things with pleasure, showing confidence in any situation and in any position.

Who is suitable? Pisces, Capricorns, Virgo, Cancer, Taurus.

Sex and Sagittarius

Excellent and unbridled imagination, a penchant for vivid fantasies help you in intimacy. Plus, you love a pleasant pastime. But your inherent spontaneity does not allow you to control you from the outside and expect something specific - you love freedom of choice and independence. Not created for long-term relationships, remaining an adventurer.

  • Men are seduced much more easily: it is incredibly easy to give them whatever they want in bed.
  • Women are much more sophisticated and more difficult to satisfy, embarking on erotic adventures.

Who is suitable? Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Leo, Aries.

Sex and Capricorn

You are closed natures and are unlikely to prefer intimacy with those whom you do not see in your future. From the outside it may even seem that they are completely uninterested in sexual intercourse, but this is not at all the case. You are just waiting for manifestations of heart affection at the same time, because for you personally, sex and love must complement each other. That is, your principle: no love - no sex.

  • A man can go over to an active "offensive" only on condition that all formalities, trifles, conditions are observed.
  • A woman is difficult to seduce, but the wait is worth it: a very sexual partner is hiding under a tinge of officialdom.

Who is suitable? Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Taurus.

Sex and Aquarius

When you are intimate, you show incredible ingenuity and experimentation. You prefer to try new, even challenging things, confirming your eccentricity. You are a passionate nature, full of enthusiasm, which is what you expect from a partner. Strive to keep your sexual intercourse on fire.

  • Men explore all sides spiceily, so expect unconventional positions and spicy ways of making love from them.
  • At first, women may seem constrained, but, having got used to it, they gradually reveal their passionate side, turning even into too self-motivated mistresses.

Who is suitable? Capricorns, Leo, Aries, Libra, Gemini.

Sex and Pisces

So you found out what kind of sex the signs of the zodiac love, the last sign remains - Pisces, read on. You do not belong to the most active horoscopic symbol: slow, inhibited, in anticipation of an external push. Heart affection is more important to you than bed, so you will not even try to satisfy sexual desires with an unloved person. But with someone who is dear to you, you will become much more inventive and begin to foresee all the intentions of your partner, to satisfy any of his whims. The only limitation is that you need to be extremely careful with you, because you are taking everything too close.

A horoscope is such a thing in which, despite its ghostly truthfulness, one still wants to believe. Each of us has already re-read a bunch of characteristics of our personality, depending on the sign of the zodiac. But ... the topic of sex is always interesting, and therefore, even if you have already read and know, we suggest you once again refresh your memory of knowledge on sexual activity depending on the sign of the zodiac. Useful when choosing a partner ... 🙂

Aries (03.21-20.04)

Who can not be blamed for the lack of a passionate temperament is the indomitable Aries! They are able not only to "start" a partner (or a partner) from a half-turn, but also to kindle the flame of passion even with the most restrained of them. Remember the mythological Phoenix bird that can rise from the ashes? So next to Aries, her skill modestly fades!

These restless people will start a real fire on a seemingly level place. With their assertiveness, it will not be difficult to knock your partner on his back, kneel over him and anticipate the pleasure of an exciting "ride on horseback". In this case, the pulse quickens at once for both partners, both the leader and the follower. Aries will not pull the cat by the tail and will immediately set the desired rhythm and depth of penetration. At the same time, the feeling of their own unlimited power will turn their heads into a sweet dope. With Aries, you don't need to be ashamed of anything, on the contrary, you can allow yourself to move as fast as your sexual temperament allows! If you feel that you have gained too dizzying momentum, you can freely give the reins to your partner Aries. Since flammable, demanding, charming and at the same time authoritarian representatives of the fire sign can easily set the tone not only in bed, but also in everyday life.

Taurus (04.21-21.05)

Taurus has no less ardor, who, among other things, are also prone to self-sacrifice. Such partners need to surrender and submit to the mercy of the winner, merging with them in a single ecstasy! Once you are comfortable on the bed, you can ask the object of your passion to sit behind you and sensually massage your back. By the way, it is generally common for this sign of the zodiac to take possession of a partner from behind, wrapping his arms around him, caressing his shoulders, chest, stomach. Razomlya in the hands of such a skillful partner, you feel a gradually increasing pleasure from slow, but strong enough body movements. Taurus hates in sex, as, indeed, in any other area of ​​life, haste. It is important for them to bask, to feel the depth of the pleasure they receive, to the last drop, and only then, slowly but surely, approach the peak of sexual pleasure. In addition, Taurus has incredibly sensitive skin that responds to the most subtle touch. Despite the fact that such partners "swing" for a long time, with the advent of trust in their soul mate, they no longer stop and act for sure!

Gemini (22.05-21.06)

Twins are crazy about sex from all kinds of strokes! With the help of this manipulation with the partner of this zodiac sign, you can do real miracles! It is best when partners lie facing each other. After the penetration has already occurred, you can try to make a couple of forward movements, while not forgetting to stroke each other. In addition, Gemini is crazy about sex in motion, so periodic rolls from one side to the other will have an incredible effect! As an air sign, Gemini, like a string in the wind, rings and vibrates from the slightest and barely perceptible impressions. Responsiveness is the most striking feature of Gemini, so representatives of this zodiac sign need a wide variety of erotic sensations - you want not only to see sex, but also to hear it, smell and touch it. If you are a Gemini, then the expression “love with your ears” is just about you. The sounds of your favorite voice can inflame a real volcano of passion in your soul.

Cancer (06.22-22.07)

Representatives of the Cancer sign are extremely sensitive persons who are always in search of some kind of special intimacy. Probably, the pose "Lotus" was invented especially for them. Having tried it, Cancers are unlikely to still believe that they can get even closer to their partner. And therefore, it will be quite nice to sit on the bed and move with your partner in the same rhythm of slow, but very tangible body movements. It's a sin not to play on Cancer's sensitivity. Therefore, you need to snuggle up to such a partner as close as possible in order to let him feel your body with all the cells of his own. The fastest and most effective way to warm up Cancers is oral sex. They just drive them crazy. So you can make sure once again that the Lotus position is ideal for them. Cancers, more than other signs of the zodiac, seek complete physical and emotional reunification with their partner in sex. If you are a Cancer, then you do not feel any constraints in expressing your preferences, in addition, you demand from your partner the manifestation of at least some kind of fantasy!

Leo (07.23-23.08)

The well-known craving of lions for exhibitionism, who will not fail to show off themselves even while in bed, can be completely satisfied in a position - on their knees. They love this kind of sex! Well, of course, because Lions are used to receiving intense pleasure from intimate relationships! So there is nothing better for them than joint swinging with a partner during sex, like on a swing. At the same time, partners often hold each other's hands. This tactic leads to a rapid increase in sexual pleasure, and therefore, if there is a desire to darken and wind up your partner a little more, you can stop for a moment. All kinds of caresses also lead to a violent orgasm in Lions. At the same time, Lions reach their peak of sexual pleasure before their sexual partner and, as a rule, enjoy watching the opposite side orgasm a few seconds later. Representatives of this zodiac sign in sex are simply unbridled and hot. At the same time, if you are a Leo, speak directly and categorically about your desires.

Virgo (08.24-23.09)

In an intimate relationship, Virgos are looking for sophistication, some kind of aftertaste of a rare delicacy or something ... So it is quite possible to think about sex at the very edge (is it a bed?). Virgos are less concerned with independent control of the rhythm and tempo of their own body movements, and therefore easily outweigh this responsibility on their partner. But in order to reach the peak of sexual pleasure as soon as possible, Virgos do not hesitate to engage in self-stimulation. They will not shout publicly about their feelings and will not allow their partner to do it. They prefer to hide their purely personal relationships from prying arrogant eyes. The secrecy of Virgos is also manifested in the fact that their love date turns into a mysterious ritual with a mandatory long-playing prelude. At the same time, excessive modesty is not inherent in Virgos. They are well aware that their sexuality excites the minds (and not only) of many potential partners. In addition, if you are a Virgo, then you do not need to talk about the technique of sex, you yourself can provide anyone with full instructions in this matter.

Libra (09.24-23.10)

The incredibly romantic nature of Libra will help to reveal in the best possible way such a sexy pose as "Cherry Blossoms". In addition, it will give them a significant amount of seduction. Representatives of this zodiac sign prefer to have sex from top to bottom, while intertwining with their arms and legs with their partner. To somewhat calm down the rapidly growing arousal, you can stop for a moment and sensually caress each other in the most intimate places. After that, you need to continue the forward body movements much more slowly, and in order to bring the peak of sexual pleasure closer, you can engage in mutual stimulation of the genitals. Libra gets its greatest pleasure when reaching orgasm while looking into the eyes of their partner. Despite the external shyness, Libra still manages, like a magnet, to attract the attention of the opposite sex and feel the top of the permitted pleasure. At the same time, the most sexually attractive feature of a Libra partner is usually called his intellect. In general, they tend to dream of an ideal in which spirit and body would be optimally combined.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

The ardent and unbridled temperament of the Scorpio can be tamed in the "Anaconda" pose, which is incredibly sensual. It will not be difficult for a Scorpio to lay his partner (or partner) on his back and sit on top of it, turning his back. After that, Scorpio will slowly but surely begin to caress the genitals (not forgetting, by the way, about himself) with his lips and tongue, slide his chest and stomach over the subordinate body, after which he will move on to more decisive actions. Scorpio does not stop stimulating the partner's genitals, feeling how, with incredible speed, both of them are covered by a wave of stunning orgasm. It is enough to bend and forward a little more, and then bend with the whole body to make the sensation complete. If you are a Scorpio, the slightest spark can set off a raging fire. Irresistible and possessing a hypnotic gift, representatives of this zodiac sign are delighted when they see that their desires are being obeyed.

Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)

Sagittarius tend to be fond of wild forms of love. A pose called "Panther" will help them in the best way possible to express the expression of animal passion. Naturally, the entrance is only at the back. Despite the fact that Sagittarius knows how to make compromises, the rhythm and pace will set on their own. Representatives of this zodiac sign catch an orgasm of crushing power during stimulation of the genitals. At the same time, they, like a tiger or the same panther, sweetly arch their backs. If you are a Sagittarius, you are distinguished by some wildness in sexual behavior, finding indescribable pleasure in submission to your own insane animal instincts. You get excited extremely quickly, especially if your partner stimulates your erogenous zones, which include the stomach and ... genitals.

Capricorn (12.22-20.01)

Capricorn should lead in all areas of life, including sex. They should try the Orchid pose, which will help them fulfill their global domination claims. Capricorns get incredible sensations from squatting or kneeling. The pace is a measured canter. Tactics - less selfishness towards a partner. But they also think about their own pleasure. The result is a stunning synchronized orgasm. Capricorns are looking for loving, loving and ... completely submissive partners. If you are a Capricorn, then you get the maximum pleasure from sexual contact when you give you complete freedom of action. Erotic massage, good wine and exquisite aromas contribute to your arousal. As a rule, Capricorns love it when their secret desires are awakened with the help of gentle, sensual, but persistent strokes. The fire of passion is supported equally with the partner, while they do not disdain oral sex, which themselves lead to an extreme degree of arousal.

Aquarius (01.21-19.02)

Aquarians are always busy looking for unusual sex, so the challenging Peach pose is perfect for them! You need to stand facing each other. Foreplay should gradually develop into the act of love itself. After the penetration has occurred, the partners take a horizontal position. At the same time, all movements are controlled by Aquarians. An incredibly exciting effect on the representatives of this zodiac sign is conversations on hot topics. If you are an Aquarius, then you have the ability to have multiple orgasms! So you can only be envied! And the "Peach" pose will only contribute to the peak of pleasure for you to be bright and colorful. Aquarians, as, indeed, in all other spheres of life, are distinguished by a kind of avant-garde. They need access to numerous experiments, as a result of which the most unpredictable sexual desires are born. Aquarians do not suffer from selfishness, and therefore, in full measure, they not only take, but also give their partner all kinds of affection. At the same time, they experience incredible excitement from the very thought of increasing pleasure.

Pisces (20.02-20.03)

Vulnerable and gentle Pisces should get into a state of sexual and emotional euphoria when trying out the Dolphin pose, which is sensual and romantic. In this case, the partners should lie on their sides very close to each other, but remain sufficiently free in their movements. Pisces don't need to worry about the rhythm. The main thing is to have the opportunity to stroke each other and whisper all sorts of obscenities in your ear! Step by step and unearthly orgasm for Pisces is guaranteed! If you are a Pisces horoscope, then seduction is in your blood from birth! And with your intuition, you can easily find your partner's secret erogenous zones. At the same time, Pisces are incredible idealists, therefore they place increased demands on their partners. The sexuality of gentle and dreamy Pisces draws its energy from emotions that literally overwhelm them. Despite the fact that Pisces are well aware of their external attractiveness for the opposite sex, they often pretend to be subdued and go with the flow.