What kind of discharge when you insert terginan during pregnancy. Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy: features of using the medicine at different times. What is included in Terzhinan

Terzhinan - vaginal suppositories. Experts prescribe this drug for vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa), which was provoked by various infections, bacteria. When a girl is in position, she often develops immunodeficiency, which is why experts prescribe Terzhinan.

Have a specialist Treatment of vaginitis using suppositories
specialist doctor on the monitor
pregnant doctor exam

Women in an interesting position are prone to infectious diseases. Those diseases that passed in a latent form and did not cause any special problems in the normal state, became more active due to pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the vaginal microflora undergoes changes, like the entire body as a whole.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis, which is caused by the sensitivity of microorganisms to the substance. Therefore, the main indications for use:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • mycosis;
  • mixed infections of the genital tract;
  • trichomoniasis of the vagina;
  • vaginitis, frolicking thanks to fungi of the genus Candida;
  • mixed vaginitis.

It is also prescribed for prophylaxis before surgery, childbirth, and abortion.

Have a specialist on examination

Taking into account the fact that during pregnancy a favorable environment develops for the development of candidiasis, vulvovaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, specialists need to carefully select a drug for treatment. That is why, the main thing that the doctor looks at when choosing terzhinan during pregnancy is the safety of the medicine for the expectant mother and baby.

It contains ingredients that, when combined, are capable of preventing relapse. These are antifungal agents and antiseptics or antibiotics.

The use of the drug at different times

Gestational ageIndications for useContraindications
First trimesterIncreased white blood cells, thrush. After a doctor's appointment. When the symptoms are not pronounced and the disease does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and baby, doctors suggest waiting until the second trimeter with the treatment of infectious diseases.Strictly after a doctor's prescription, since any drugs in the first trimester must be taken with caution.
Second trimesterDuring gestation, Terzhinan is prescribed to get rid of microbes, bacteria and fungi, with the appearance of severe itching, burning, swelling.In the 2nd trimester, only individual intolerance or allergic reaction to components is taken into account.
Third trimesterThe drug is prescribed for infection, as well as to normalize the microflora of the vagina and restore the mucous membrane and epithelium. It is also prescribed for the treatment of the birth canal, in order to avoid infection of the baby with candidiasis.Almost everything is minimized, since the nervous system has already formed. Therefore, the appointment is determined by the doctor individually, as well as throughout the pregnancy.

For the treatment of vaginitis

Discharge and other consequences

Sometimes, when Terzhinan suppositories are used during pregnancy, a woman may be frightened by the appearance of discharge. It is necessary to determine the reasons why this is happening. This usually has no negative consequences. It's all about the candles themselves. They have peculiarities and when inserted into the vagina, they begin to dissolve under the influence of heat.

The mucous membrane absorbs the main part, the rest goes out. That is why part of the drug can be released during the next day after application. This is a normal process and is the norm. And it happens when using vaginal suppositories or when using rectal suppositories. There are no other reasons for the appearance of yellow discharge.

Sometimes a woman may experience a little discomfort after using candles. It can be expressed as a slight burning sensation, irritation on the skin. In this case, it is necessary to consult with a specialist; before that, the pregnant woman should stop taking terginan. This happens when a woman has a sensitive mucous membrane or is allergic to the components of the drug.

In any case, all side effects are expressed in local reactions. It happens that the reason is the incorrect entry of the candle. In some women, increased vulnerability of the vagina, if the painful sensation passes quickly, it is not worth stopping treatment.

If a double dose of the drug enters the body, its components can poison the body and harm the unborn child. When taken orally, the drug may penetrate the placenta to the baby. It is not yet recommended to take terzhinan in the 1st trimester, it is better to wait until the 16th week of pregnancy (if there is no urgent need, and the doctor does not insist on taking the drug).

There will be discharge after use

There can be no overdose of the drug, since it is not absorbed into the blood. That is why increasing concentration is impossible. With an increased dose, the condition may worsen, due to which the drug had to be taken. The reaction may be mixed, the symptoms may stop, or they may worsen. In this case, you need to remove the candle and consult a gynecologist.

Contraindications are limited only to individual intolerance and allergies. The action of terginan does not go beyond the vaginal mucosa. In any case, taking the drug should be under the supervision of a specialist, he will select the drug, taking into account the characteristics of the condition and your body.

Features of the drug

Terzhinan's instructions say that the drug must be used at night. A woman during pregnancy should inject a pill (before use it must be kept in warm water for at least 30 seconds) deep into the vagina once a day. Before going to bed, the most optimal time when a woman can lie still and not move, which will contribute to the normal absorption of the drug. If you use candles during the day, after the introduction of at least 10-15 minutes, you must lie still. The treatment usually lasts 10 days. If the expectant mother has candidal vaginitis, the doctor may extend the course up to 20 days.

The peculiarities of using terginan in the early period up to the 16th week of pregnancy are that the first trimester is always dangerous for taking medications and, if there are any pathologies, it is worth following the recommendations of a specialist. But it is also impossible not to pay attention to inflammatory processes. In special cases, the specialist will prescribe an individual treatment regimen; it will be necessary to follow his recommendations. Because infection can lead to premature birth or termination of pregnancy.

Each woman has an individual treatment regimen

In the 2nd trimester, there are fewer restrictions than in the 1st and 3rd trimesters. The main bans on the use of antibiotics, but terginan contains them in small quantities. Therefore, the medicine is safe for a pregnant woman and a baby. The dosage remains the usual, in the absence of any discomfort.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, approaching the time of childbirth, you do not need to give the body a strong load. This applies to the use of terginan, other drugs, as well as physical and emotional stress. Until the last month, the dosage remains the same. At any time, you cannot use the medicine yourself, only after consulting a specialist.

During pregnancy, the body of the expectant mother can be attacked by various bacteria and microbes that cause inflammation, the development of certain diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic ones. These most often include diseases of a gynecological nature, which must be eliminated immediately before childbirth. Among a number of drugs prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist, Terzhinan can be found. Further we will talk about him.

The release form of Terzhinan vaginal tablets.

What it is?

Terzhinan is a drug aimed at combating a number of gynecological diseases. It has the following properties:

  • actively fights Candida bacteria;
  • actively fights Trichomonas bacteria;
  • contains an antibiotic that excludes the development of purulent diseases;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • reduces itching, burning and redness.

The main components of Terzhinan are nystatin, ternidazole, neomycin sulfate, thanks to which it has the above properties. The preparation also includes such excipients as starch, lactose, magnesium stearate, sodium lauryl sulfate, etc. All of them are safe for the health of a pregnant woman and a baby.

Terzhinan vaginal tablet without packaging.

Terzhinan is available in the form of cream-colored oblong vaginal tablets, on which dark crumbs or the letter "T" are sometimes found. Dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription in cardboard boxes containing strips of 6 or 10 pieces.

Why are Terzhinan candles prescribed?

Due to its wide range of effects, Terzhinan is a popular drug used to treat diseases such as thrush, trichomoniasis, colpitis, vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, etc., and is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes before childbirth to prepare the birth canal, gynecological operations, installation or removal of the spiral, abortion, etc. Terzhinan also helps to restore the vaginal microflora and normalize the pH balance.

If we consider the properties of the drug in more detail, then according to the main components of the drug, we can say that ternidazole will help fight fungi of a different nature (for example, Gardnerella); neomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed to combat both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria; nystatin fights yeast, and prednisone soothes itching, burning, and inflammation.

The expectant mother should understand that Terzhinan suppositories are prescribed by a doctor, according to the tests and complaints of the pregnant woman.

The annotation to the drug says that it should be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist and used only in cases where the risk to the baby's health is less than the benefits of its use.

In medical practice, no studies were carried out with pregnant women when a drug was launched on the market of medical products, but there is a practice of using it on animals and violations of embryonic development were not found. However, according to the classification of teratogenicity, the drug belongs to group C, therefore, it must be treated with caution.

The use of Terzhinan suppositories during pregnancy

The expectant mother should use the drug only under the supervision of her obstetrician - gynecologist and after his appointment. It is the doctor who will be able to assess the risks of using this drug and compare them with the health benefits of the pregnant woman and the baby.

The introduction of the vaginal tablet Terzhinan into the vagina.

The course of treatment is also carried out according to the doctor's recommendations. Most often, it varies from 10 to 20 days, depending on the degree of the disease. It is necessary to inject Terzhinan into the vagina, lying on your back as deep as possible once a day. After the introduction, you need to remain in a horizontal position for at least 15 minutes, but for the greatest effect immediately before bedtime.

The instructions for use also say that the vaginal tablet is moistened with warm water for 30 seconds before administration. This is done for the fastest dissolution in the vagina and to eliminate difficulties during the introduction. When using the drug for prophylactic purposes, it is enough to use Terzhinan twice a week.

Terzhinan when planning a pregnancy

Consultation of a pregnant woman with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

During pregnancy planning, the use of Terzhinan is possible, but only as directed by a doctor. The specialist will appoint him, if necessary, and after the tests. The drug contains an antibiotic that can disrupt the microflora of the vagina and then some problems may arise with conception.

If the doctor has prescribed treatment with Terzhinan, then it is recommended to use it before ovulation, and not after. For prophylactic purposes, when planning pregnancy, it is not recommended to use Terzhinan.

Terzhinan in the first trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, like many other drugs, the use of Terzhinan is not recommended. This is due to the fact that at this stage of pregnancy, the fundamental systems and organs of the baby are formed. There are no such contraindications in the annotation to the drug, however, treatment of diseases with this drug should be abandoned at the moment.

Terzhinan in the second trimester

The second trimester of pregnancy is considered the safest for the treatment of various diseases and the use of drugs. Terzhinan is no exception. In fact, it is a fairly commonly prescribed drug in pregnancy. Terzhinan is popular due to its versatility, availability and absence of contraindications.

Due to the use of the drug intravaginally, Terzhinan practically does not enter the bloodstream, thereby reducing the risks to the fetus and increasing the benefits for the mother's health. Those. it acts locally.

Terzhinan in the third trimester

Obstetricians - gynecologists prescribe Terzhinan closer to childbirth, namely from the 35th week of pregnancy for preventive purposes to exclude the possibility of infection of the baby during childbirth. It is not necessary to use the drug for all expectant mothers, but only as directed by a doctor. Such a need arises if during pregnancy a woman was undergoing treatment for certain gynecological diseases, or even before pregnancy had, for example, candidiasis, colpitis, etc., which was not cured before the onset of the pregnancy itself. The duration of admission and the amount of the drug are discussed with the gynecologist.

Pregnancy is a new stage in the life of any woman. But no matter how cloudless it appears in the thoughts of the expectant mother, you need to be prepared for many difficulties that you will have to face within nine months. During pregnancy, the female body learns to live in a new way, for two.

Changes in hormonal levels, frequent mood swings and other delights accompany the expectant mother throughout pregnancy. Women endure all this with their heads held high, but what about all sorts of sores?

Unfortunately, during pregnancy, the female body is weakened, which becomes the reason for the awakening of old chronic diseases and the appearance of completely new ones.

So, candidiasis, popularly known as thrush, can darken this wonderful period. The disease is quite common among expectant mothers and is of great concern. No one wants to endure uncomfortable sensations, and the prospect of transmitting an infection to a child is also not encouraging. The question arises, is it possible to use any medications to combat the disease? If so, which ones? Are they harmful to a woman's health and how do they affect a child?

Doctors often prescribe Terzhinan suppositories for the treatment of candidiasis. Let's try to figure out what kind of drug it is and how effective it is.

The use of Terzhinan during pregnancy

The drug terzhinan is indicated not only for the treatment of thrush, but also for combating diseases such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis and many other diseases, the causes of which are an imbalance of the vaginal microflora.

Suppositories Terzhinan has antifungal, antibacterial, antiprotozoal and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is completely safe for use during pregnancy, as it is considered a local drug and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. Due to this, it can be used at any stage of pregnancy and even during breastfeeding.

Terzhinan is also indicated for women with pathogenic flora of the birth canal, for prophylactic purposes. This is to ensure that the baby does not contract an infection in the last trimester of pregnancy or during childbirth itself.

How to take terzhinan correctly - instructions

Terzhinan is available in the form of rectal suppositories (suppositories). It is necessary to insert suppositories into the vagina while in a supine position. The best time to do this is before bed. In this case, the drug will remain in the body for much longer and its therapeutic effect will be more effective. If you decide to inject terginan at a different time of the day, try to lie down for three hours after the introduction. Suppositories are administered once a day.

Contraindications and side effects of terginan

All contraindications to the use of this drug are reduced only to individual sensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug. In order to determine this, you need to consult with your healthcare professional.

The use of suppositories can provoke a burning sensation in the genital tract, this is a normal reaction of the body, but if the discomfort lasts indefinitely, discuss this issue with your doctor.

Despite all the usefulness and good reviews about terginan, be sure to consult your doctor before using it. It is strictly forbidden to assign candles to yourself on your own. If during the use of the drug you have any symptoms that did not appear before you started taking the medicine, be vigilant. Do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Do not forget that not a single Internet article can replace a full-fledged appointment with a doctor, so do not risk your health.

While waiting for the birth of a child, expectant mothers note that the body becomes more susceptible to infectious and inflammatory diseases. This feature is associated with a natural decrease in the synthesis of protective antibodies. Deterioration of the mother's immune system is necessary for carrying a baby.

Terzhinan during pregnancy is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of urogenital diseases of an infectious nature. The drug is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, therefore it is used during the period of bearing a child. The medicine is highly effective and affordable, therefore it is widely used in obstetric practice.

Composition of the preparation

Terzhinan is a combination drug that contains four components. The first of these is the antimicrobial agent Ternidazole.

The drug is effective against many types of bacteria living in the absence of oxygen - anaerobes. These include clostridia, peptococci, fusobacteria, spirochetes, etc. Also, the drug is effective against some protozoa - Trichomonas, chlamydia, lamblia, amoeba and some others.

When used topically, the drug produces an anti-inflammatory effect - relieves redness, swelling, soreness. Also, the drug has an antioxidant effect, it improves tissue regeneration.

At high concentrations, neomycin can damage the cell membrane, making it permeable to various substances. Thanks to this effect, harmful metabolic products and digestive enzymes enter the microbial cell, which causes its death - a bactericidal effect.

The fourth component of Terzhinan is the steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Prednisolone. This substance reduces the intensity of the body's immune response to the infectious process, reducing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The drug helps to relieve redness, swelling, pain, migration of lymphocytes.

The drug Terzhinan almost does not enter the general circulation, acting locally. A small part of the drug that has entered the bloodstream is metabolized in the liver. The half-life of the drug is 8 hours. About 70% of Terzhinan's metabolites leave the human body with urine, the rest with feces through the digestive system.

Release form and shelf life

Terzhinan is available in the form of vaginal tablets of 6 or 10 pieces in one package. One candle contains 0.2 g of Ternidazole, 0.1 g of Neomycin, 100,000 IU of Nystatin, 3,000 mg of Prednisolone.

The drug contains additional components - geranium and clove oils. They have a softening and astringent effect on the mucous membrane, relieving discomfort in the vagina. Also, plant extracts have a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect, which enhances the therapeutic properties of the drug.

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees Celsius. The medicine has a shelf life of 36 months, after its expiration, Terzhinan is prohibited. The medication should not be left in places that are accessible to small children. The drug can be purchased at pharmacies only with a prescription form.

Indications for use

Terzhinan during pregnancy is used for the following indications:
  • treatment of infectious inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • therapy for vaginal trichomoniasis;
  • therapy for vaginal candidiasis;
  • therapy of vaginal dysbiosis;
  • prevention of postpartum infection;
  • prevention of bacterial complications after cesarean section;
  • prevention of infection after surgical abortion.
The drug is included in the list of recommended medicines for the treatment of vaginal infections. Terzhinan is a priority for the treatment of Trichomonas inflammation in expectant mothers.

Terzhinan: indications, side effects, course of treatment, analogues.

The effect of the drug on the fetus

In the course of clinical trials conducted in Europe and Russia, it was found that the drug does not increase the frequency of complications from the fetus - etc.

However, experts believe that taking any medications is not advisable before. In the 1st trimester, all organs of the unborn child are formed, harmful metabolites of drugs can affect the complex processes of tissue division. That is why doctors do not recommend resorting to drug therapy in early pregnancy.

Terzhinan can be used according to indications in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The drug does not affect the intensity of labor, therefore it is prescribed before childbirth - at 37-39 weeks of the period of bearing the baby.

Instructions for use

The duration of the course of treatment is selected by the attending physician and depends on the disease. Its average duration is 10 days. You can not interrupt the course of therapy immediately after the disappearance of symptoms, as the patient increases the likelihood of a relapse. Cancellation of the drug is possible only after a negative vaginal smear for pathogenic flora.

Terzhinan is prescribed 1 tablet once a day. According to the instructions for use, the drug should be used at bedtime, but the patient can enter the candle at any convenient time of the day.

Before use, the patient should thoroughly clean her hands with soap, then immerse the tablet in water for 25 seconds. After that, the expectant mother should lie on her side, bend her legs at the knee and hip joints, inject the drug into the vagina to the maximum depth.

If done correctly, the patient should not feel discomfort. After the insertion of the vaginal tablet, the woman should lie down for 20 minutes. After a few hours, yellow discharge from the genital tract may appear - drug residues. If they have a sexual partner, they should also undergo antimicrobial therapy.


The drug is strictly prohibited for use in persons who have allergic reactions to its components. The drug is not recommended for use in the presence of the following contraindications:
  • defects of the vaginal mucosa;
  • chronic renal failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • severe chronic liver pathologies.

Side effects

Usually, the drug does not cause negative reactions during the course of treatment. Very rarely, patients notice the appearance of local effects. The most common of these are burning, itching, redness, and irritation of the vagina. Less common are pain in the genital area. If the symptoms described appear, treatment should be suspended.

Less often, against the background of drug therapy, patients note the development of allergic reactions. They appear as rashes or blisters on the external genitals or other parts of the body. Very rarely, hypersensitivity causes angioedema. If symptoms of allergy appear, the patient should immediately stop treatment, rinse the vagina from the particles of the drug and seek medical help.

Terzhinan's analogs

- a drug, the active ingredient of which is the antiseptic Chlorhexidine. The medicine is sold in the form of suppositories. The drug is effective against many pathogenic microbes - chlamydia, staphylococcus, etc. The drug is used for the therapy and prevention of urogenital pathologies in women.

Betadine is an antiseptic drug that comes in the form of liquid soap, solution, ointment and vaginal suppositories. It is effective against many types of bacteria, protozoa, viruses and fungi. In obstetrics, the drug is used to treat vaginitis of various etiologies. The medicine is not recommended for use from the third month of gestation.

Polygynax is a multicomponent drug containing the antibiotics Neomycin and Polymyxin. It also contains the antifungal agent Nystatin. The medication is sold in pharmacies in the form of vaginal capsules. The medicine is effective against many types of microorganisms. The drug is not prohibited during gestation.

A medicinal product sold in the form of vaginal suppositories. The active ingredient of the drug is the antifungal agent Ketoconazole. Livarol is indicated for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis and for its prevention during the use of antibacterial agents. The medicine can be used during pregnancy only according to indications after being prescribed by a specialist.

The drug is sold in the form of a cream, tablets and vaginal suppositories. The medicine is intended for the treatment of fungal pathogias, its active ingredient is Natamycin. In gynecological practice, the medication is used to treat and prevent thrush. Pimafucin is not contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, however, its use is possible only after consulting a doctor.

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Questions and answers for: terzhinan in early pregnancy

2016-09-11 09:30:47

Natalia asks:

Hello. I have 5 weeks of pregnancy, purulent discharge began. I handed over the tank sowing, showed corynobacteria 10 ^ 2 CFU. Doctor prescribed candles Terzhinan. Please tell me if this drug will harm the fetus at such an early date. Thanks in advance.

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello, Natalia! What do you mean by the phrase “purulent discharge”? What color are they - green, white? Is it itching? The fact is that titles up to 10 * 4 are generally not subject to reorganization. To be honest, Terzhinan is not very suitable for the very early stages of pregnancy. Perhaps, against the background of a physiological drop in immunity, your thrush has worsened? But then, during bacterial sowing, you would have sown Candida. If you wish, please write more specifically.

2011-10-11 13:26:02

Karina asks:

Good day!
I am asking you for advice!
I am now 10 weeks pregnant.
Confirmed cytological analysis "mild cervical dysplasia"
The doctor in the ZhK claims that it is necessary to carry out MANDATORY treatment in the second trimester.
According to the results of TORCH, only ureaplasma was found (increased titer)
Having passed a smear on the flora, Candida fungus was found, Terzhinan was prescribed for a period of 8 weeks. But after reading the instructions for the drug, I am very afraid to use it at such an early date, although the gynecologist claims the opposite ...

Tell me what to do with dysplasia, whether it is necessary to take measures and start treating after 14 weeks, as well as what to do with Terzhinan? ..
I would be grateful for your prompt reply!

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Good afternoon. Treatment with Terzhinan is best done after 12 weeks of pregnancy, and with dysplasia 1 tbsp. during pregnancy, observation is possible with a monthly colposcopy.

2011-08-22 14:47:29

Marie asks:

Hello! July 5th was her last menstrual period and pregnancy occurred between July 20th and August 1st. During this period I used the Dolobene mazza, I had a bruised leg. Then on August 2, 3, 4 I drank one Suprax tablet, that is, I drank 3 tablets and 1 tablet of fluconazole 150 ml. After that I didn’t take anything else. Please tell me if taking these drugs can affect the fetus in any way? And on August 19, I went to the doctor in the analysis of urine, they found protein, elevated leukocytes and erotrocytes, in addition, severe pains in the lower abdomen and in the urethra itself, regardless of urination, were prescribed terzhinan for 10 days, kanephron, ginalact for 10 days, kidney tea. I went to a consultation with another doctor, who took a smear, and at the same time prescribed treatment without waiting for the result of amoxil 500 ml. 3 times a day for 5 days, born 2 times a day vaginally, urolesan, folic acid and vitamin E. Could you please tell me these drugs can be taken at such an early stage of pregnancy? And in general, can they be taken during pregnancy? I am 24 years old, this is my first pregnancy, so I am very worried. Thanks in advance.

Answers Kravchuk Inna Ivanovna:

Dear Marie. During pregnancy, pregnancy is used as a hormonal drug, which is a synthetic analogue of progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy. According to the degree of safety for pregnant women, the drug belongs to the so-called group B - potentially safe, but still insufficiently studied. Amoxil should be prescribed with caution during pregnancy. In case of impaired renal function, the dose should be set taking into account creatinine clearance.

2015-06-09 09:43:48

Oksana asks:

Good day! Please help me figure out the situation! I have a pregnancy of 9-10 weeks, pregnancy with IVF, all tests were taken repeatedly and in full, no infections were detected! now I am getting registered and also taking tests, donated blood for TORCH infections, Chlamydia trachomatis Ig A- 1.109 at a rate of 0.208 and Ig G-1.451 at a rate of 0.206! the doctor said to retake Ig A in another laboratory and the result of Ig M is 0.37 at the norm of R

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Oksana! You do not have any chlamydia and where it could have come from, think logically. In addition, the ELISA method during pregnancy can give false-positive results, which an experienced specialist does not pay attention to at all. The presence of Ig G indicates contact with an infection in the past and does not require treatment. In addition, your antibody titers were initially low. From 10 weeks of pregnancy, you should pay attention to completely different, more important things.

2011-02-02 18:45:39

Anna asks:

Hello, Doctor! I am 27 years old, married. Blood group - II (negative), the husband's IV (positive). The last CD were on 12/29/2010. The delay is now 9 days.
1. Elements of inflammation;

Even at the end of a frozen pregnancy in the second half of the day, my body temperature rose every day from 37.0 to 37.5. And now, for a year and a half, every month the body temperature rises in the second phase of the cycle.
Can you please tell me how dangerous pregnancy is in my situation? What can a rise in temperature indicate in my case?
Thank you for the early!

Answers Silina Natalia Konstantinovna:

Anna, if a cytologist gives a conclusion - grade 2 dysplasia, a biopsy is necessary to confirm this diagnosis. However, the inflammatory process always worsens the cytological picture, therefore, first you need to sanitize the vagina and drink eubiotics and then re-do colposcopy and cytological examination. CIN II is not a contraindication for carrying a pregnancy. For pregnant women, a temperature rise of up to 37.5 is characteristic. Most importantly, donate blood for hCG and progesterone now and drink folic acid 800 mcg per day.

2011-01-29 18:08:44

Anna asks:

Hello, Doctor! I am 27 years old, married. Blood group - II (negative), the husband's IV (positive). The last CD were on 12/29/2010. I made 2 tests - positive. I haven't seen a doctor yet.
In October 2009, I had a miscarriage at a period of 12-13 weeks against the background of a frozen pregnancy at a period of 6-7 weeks. After that, I had a curettage of the CM cavity. On the recommendation of the attending physician, she was tested for infections, hormones and underwent treatment. In June 2010, two different laboratories gave me two different diagnoses:
1. Elements of inflammation;
2. Moderate DShM, HPV of high oncogenic risk.
I pierced 3 injections "Alokin-alpha", 10 injections "Mukoza", 10 candles "Terzhinan", tab. "Likopid", candles "Genferon". Until December 2010, video colposcopy showed a 2-fold reduction in the size of the affected area, and the doctor diagnosed "CM erosion against the background of grade I dysplasia?" But cytological analysis again showed - grade II dysplasia. The doctor prescribed for February radio wave treatment of dysplasia with the device "Surgitron". Naturally, now I will not carry out radio wave treatment.
A doctor I knew said that at the oncological dispensary I needed to take a permit to carry a pregnancy and would have to be under constant medical supervision.
Can you please tell me how dangerous pregnancy is in my situation?
Thank you for the early!

Answers Velichko Tatiana Ivanovna:

Dear Anna! You do not need to take any permission to carry a pregnancy. Carry a pregnancy, give birth, and after childbirth, continue cervical treatment.