What should be the ideal girl for a guy. The ideal girl supports her man. What should be the ideal girl

The ideal appearance of a girl, what is she like, how to achieve it and always look perfectly beautiful? This difficult question interests women most of all, it is practically not important for men. For real men, the ideal appearance is the appearance of his beloved! But females are so often looking for this “ideal appearance” in order to get a little closer to it.

What is such an ideal? Notorious parameters 90-60-90? Are your legs long and slender? Thick hair and perfect skin? Not at all! Any will be ideal if she knows how to present herself correctly.

Well-being always comes first!

Any girl who strives to have a perfect appearance must first of all learn how to properly care for all parts of her body. Such care includes not only well-chosen cosmetics and perfumes, not only cleanly washed and beautifully styled hair, not only beautiful and fashionable clothes. There are many more components

Sports, even regular exercises in the morning will help keep the body in good shape. Sometimes, with the help of the same physical exercises, you can correct some of the shortcomings of your figure - tighten your stomach and hips, make your back straight and walk royal. And it also raises the girl's self-esteem, which makes her steps towards ideality just gigantic.

A hairdresser and a dentist are the best friends of girls with a perfect appearance. And this is not a joke, this is very serious! Properly selected hairstyle, snow-white healthy teeth simply attract the eyes of not only men, but also other women to their owners.

In addition to cosmetic beauty, healthy teeth allow a girl to eat properly and avoid gastrointestinal problems - and this will give a good complexion, ease of walking and a great mood (if nothing hurts, then there is nothing to worry about).

Now a little about the "competent" hairstyle. Thanks to some nuances when choosing a hairstyle, you can emphasize the main advantages (for example, a long and graceful neck) and hide flaws (for example, protruding ears or overly narrow eyes). You can change your features or style so drastically that even your friends won't immediately recognize you.

Clothes will emphasize and disguise! The real charm is not in the fashion and price of clothing, but in its style. And a girl with a perfect appearance should always know what and when she should wear. Moreover, the selection of clothes, as well as the selection of hairstyles, will help hide all the flaws and highlight and emphasize all the advantages of the figure.

Large and high breasts plus a neckline - and you will not take your eyes off such a girl. Slightly crooked legs with graceful ankles - sandals or shoes with beautiful straps plus a hippie-style skirt will completely change the image and add mystery and grace. There are as many options for combining and selecting clothes for the style of an ideal girl as there are figures - the main thing is to find something of your own, individual!

The mind and charm of any "gray mouse" can make a girl with an ideal appearance.
Wanting to have a perfect appearance, for some reason many girls forget about their inner beauty, which is much more valued than the outer one. Cheeky behavior, swear words, excessive outrageousness can erase any beauty from a girl like an eraser drawing from a piece of paper. And then what kind of ideal appearance can we talk about?

Ability to keep up a conversation. This feature always attracts not only men, but also women. Do not interrupt, listen to the interlocutor with real, and not ostentatious attention, with interest - this is what the ability to maintain a conversation is.

Don't be smart, just have a conversation. Eyes open towards the interlocutor, supporting nods - and the appearance of such a girl will immediately become so perfect that it will attract not only the views, but also the hearts of people. And the most important thing here is the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

Smile and smile again. Moreover, a sincere smile, and not a “duty grin”, is able to smooth out any flaws in the face and appearance. There are always several such smiles, depending on the situation and on who she communicates with. This may be a slightly condescending smile towards the child, or it may be encouraging for your interlocutor, who is a little embarrassed.

It can be a joyful smile towards your young man, or maybe a little sad if he is wrong. The more such smiles in a girl's arsenal, the more ideal her appearance becomes. She not only disposes, she arouses the admiration of others.

A persuasive voice. This is another important factor for the ideal appearance of a girl. Agree, a beauty who literally deafens you with her loud voice is unlikely to cause admiration. But the softness of intonations, iridescent laughter, can simply attract attention.

The softer and quieter the girl speaks, the more they listen to her. The more “good” attention is paid to her, the more ideal she becomes. A woman is a thunderer, with a bass that can break glass with its decibels, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to attract even her ideal beauty.

It is from these components that the ideal appearance of a girl is formed, which many dream of. It's not about natural data, but about the ability to work on yourself and achieve this ideal appearance!

This article is for those of you who for some reason do not have a serious relationship with men. Although there are plenty of examples around when your acquaintances young ladies (and far from beauties!) have long and successfully been happy with their men. What's the matter? And let's turn to the men themselves and find out what the ideal girl looks like through the eyes of a man. So, below are the generalized results of surveys of the representatives of the strong half of humanity themselves. Get armed!

Let's start, of course, with appearance. Men do not yet possess telepathic abilities, therefore they cannot immediately see your rich inner world, they have to rely on vision when meeting you. “A man loves with his eyes!” is a hackneyed, but still relevant phrase.

The appearance of a girl, and later a mature woman, should, according to men, remain attractive even after 25 years of marriage. So the idea that for a successful acquaintance and the subsequent wedding, you need to maintain excellent physical shape, and then you can relax and immerse yourself in sweet nothing-doing-with-yourself for appearance is fundamentally wrong. The right thought “A stupid woman watches her husband, a smart woman watches herself!”
So men are advised not to relax, to develop the habit of being ALWAYS in excellent physical shape, to monitor their appearance at any age, to forget about the “home” (that is, old patched) clothes in which you go home - “Well, no one, except she doesn’t see me as a husband and children!”

Think about how pleasant it will be for your boyfriend, and then for your husband, when a slender, youthful and stylishly dressed girl is ALWAYS next to him - both at home, at a party and on the street. And wouldn’t it be nice to catch the admiring glances of other men and envious ones from women? Especially if your man keeps himself in great shape. In general, do not bring yourself to the point where, when looking at the two of you, people would mutter under their breath: “Beauty and the Beast!”

The ideal girl through the eyes of men. Mind

Are you still sure that "men only need beautiful silly ones?" Then it’s not surprising that they still haven’t started a serious relationship with a normal man ... “Silicone Zina” is needed today, well, except for one-time carnal pleasures by some close-minded, suddenly rich man. Satisfied with such a role? (By the way, men are categorically not advised to get involved in silicone and botox. Maybe such an intervention in oneself today looks good, but how will it look in 5-6 years? ... Swollen lips that have moved to one side and breasts of different sizes are unlikely to delight a man, and it doesn't work for you either.)
According to most men, a girl with an open book in her hands looks sexier than her friend in a mini skirt and with a deep neckline! Did you know about it? So the ability to keep up a conversation on various topics, without confusing Havana with Hawaii and dominoes with a dominant, will dramatically increase your rating when it comes to meeting a worthy man.

Advice: do not go too far, demonstrating your IQ. A man may regard this as an attempt to humiliate his mental abilities. Highly appreciating the female mind, he will not allow his ego to suffer! Keep a reasonable balance and do not become like young ladies who simply suppress men with their intellect, showering them with sophisticated scientific terms even during the prelude to sex.

The perfect girl through the eyes of a man. Character traits

There is quite a wide range of options - each man has his own preferences. But the most common ones are:


Well, everything is clear here. Probably there are also such men who are thrilled by a ferocious fury who hates everything that surrounds her and kicks cute kittens that get in her way. But most people prefer to see a kind and affectionate young lady next to them.


Condescendingly referring to their own numerous flirtations and hobbies, most men categorically do not accept this with their girlfriends, and even more so with their wives. Almost everyone said that they were unlikely to forgive the girl's betrayal.

Caring for him, beloved

It is in the service that he is strict, brutal, courageous (continue the list yourself). And at home, he turns into a small child with pleasure, who likes care and attention. Fresh cutlets every day, fulfillment of whims when he is sick, an ironed suit and fresh shirts .. Taking care of him, the only one ..


We do not live in Ancient Rus', there is no need to demonstrate the ability to stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. You have to be more feminine, ladies, more feminine. You are not a cool woman, you are a girl with a capital letter!


Stumbling for the 1001st time about his socks scattered around the apartment, not the first freshness, do not swear out loud, followed by a showdown. Be sympathetic to the gloomy mood of a man after trouble at work. Don't be nervous about him forgetting your mom's birthday. Well, and so on. Patience and more patience.


Surprised? Let me explain. When he is in big trouble (you know, this happens in his life), a man really needs your support, so feel free to give him your shoulder in difficult times, instead of smearing snot of pity and sobbing in the corner of the apartment.

The perfect girl through the eyes of a man. What else should be in it.

Caring for the future

Taking care of your health, and therefore the health of future children from him. Therefore, the categorical rejection of the abuse of alcohol, tobacco. A reasonable attitude to money (the ability to save for future purchases of part of the earnings, even better the ability to invest - in general, the possession of at least the initial concepts of financial literacy), preparation for future family life.


The rating of girls who do not know how to cook deliciously and maintain order in the house is much lower than those for whom this is all familiar. Men argue simply: “If her parents didn’t teach and accustom her to do all this, then I won’t be able to change her even more! .. I’ll look for another!”


I mean, having a job. And better than some, albeit tiny, but your own business. Freeloaders, sitting on the neck of a spouse and requiring more and more expenses for themselves, disappear from a man's life quite quickly. Break up with them, to put it simply. But if a young lady earns on her own, even if she is sitting at home at the computer (which is generally ideal in the eyes of a man, she runs the household and brings a penny to the house!)

And finally smile

“A man is writing to me today

-Let's meet, honey! Don't look that I'm over 50.. I'm a stallion in bed!

How is it, I ask? Neighing, kicking and losing manure? ..

He sent me to the “black list” .. Offended, probably ... "

We all dream of a long and happy life filled with love and understanding, joy and miracles. We learn, develop and grow, learn how to improve our personal lives and meet that one and only, if we are not lucky yet, or how to strengthen existing relationships, if he is already there. All this, of course, is useful and important information, but sometimes even it does not help to understand why not everything in life goes well or people who were nearby suddenly disappear. And often the fact is that many of the fair sex simply do not know what is expected of them and what a girl or woman should be, according to men and not only. Which causes many problems and difficulties.

What should be the ideal girl

People tend to think in categories. Our brain is designed in such a way that it tries to discard unnecessary information in order to free up energy for solving more important life tasks. Therefore, we expect in advance from a certain circle of people the behavior that should correspond to them because of their gender, age, social status, nationality, etc.

It is unlikely that when they see a girl in front of them, people expect her to swear, smoke, be rude or behave cheekily. They will not believe that an adult woman does not know how to cook and maintain comfort at home, deciding that she does not need it.

Children are not required to be responsible for the family. Adults, on the other hand, have very different requirements. Although sometimes they are too old-fashioned or unacceptable to some people for a variety of reasons, they have to be taken into account, whether we like it or not. After all, the influence of public morality on us is difficult to overestimate. Sometimes ignoring it leads to huge problems and the person is "thrown to the sidelines." Not meeting male expectations, the girl remains lonely and unhappy, or she is left to choose only from those who themselves do not meet the criteria, the presence of which is necessary in order to be a real man.

Therefore, if it is difficult for a representative of the beautiful half of humanity to be alone, and she does not want to limit her choice to a few representatives of the opposite sex, she willy-nilly needs to have at least a minimum of those qualities that attract and help create a strong family. True, so that it would not be so offensive because everyone is trying to force a woman to meet men's requirements, remember that the stronger sex is also doomed to have certain criteria in order to be popular.

Among the qualities that are valued in girls, first of all, we can mention her ability to take care of herself. External beauty is a gift of nature and labor. And if we do not choose our appearance, then we ourselves are responsible for clean hair, neat nails, well-groomed skin and neat clothes.

Photo: what should be a girl

No matter how beautiful you are, unwashed hair, peeling varnish and dirty shoes will turn you into the most ordinary girl who does not care about herself or those around her. Neatness and grooming are essential qualities of any self-respecting girl, even if she is still looking for herself and her place in this world. Because in this way she demonstrates love for herself and attitude towards those around her. And hardly anyone will like such a demonstrative disrespect.

Men are not very versed in fashion trends and some things can simply shock them, but this does not mean that a stylishly selected outfit that emphasizes the femininity of its owner will be ignored by them. On the contrary, it is the way a girl looks that makes them evaluate her and understand whether she belongs to those who are for one night or to those whom they eventually marry.

The appearance of an ideal girl does not have to meet any generally accepted standards. Height, weight, age, hair and eye color, complexion - all this is not so important. The main thing is that a woman should be well-groomed. The figure of the girl should be distinguished by smartness. Some of the fair sex are chasing some parameters, dieting, reaching a certain size, but do not follow the skin.

A thin, but emaciated woman looks much worse than a fit and curvy one.

The ideal girl is characterized by a healthy look. Smooth hair, radiant skin, a beautiful smile, natural attractiveness distinguish women that men go crazy for. Such ladies know how to emphasize their own femininity, they know how to choose clothes well to look sexy, but don't forget about heels and accessories.

The ideal girl behaves with dignity. She will not stoop to jealousy and scandal in public, she will not make public the details of her personal life and the nuances of her relationship with a young man. Such a girl is incapable of discussing her boyfriend behind his back. She treats her man with respect.

The woman that men want to see next to them is trying to accept and understand her young man. Yes, some disagreements may arise between representatives of different sexes due to the difference in the perception of the world around us and differences in the psyche. But it is important to go towards your partner, try to reach mutual understanding, be able to put yourself in the place of your man. Guys appreciate these qualities in girls.

Some guys want to see their girlfriend as a whole, self-sufficient person. The ideal representative of the fair sex has her own goals, hobbies, profession. Maybe men make up the first impression of a girl in her appearance. However, the ability to maintain a conversation, the presence of intelligence and a sense of humor are also very important.

Among the qualities of the character of their chosen one, some men would like to see kindness, gentleness. This is natural, because hardness and rigidity are more likely to be inherent in guys. For harmony in a couple, a girl must have opposite features. A woman who constantly seeks to humiliate her man, to assert herself at his expense, disgusts the guys.

You should not often nag your young man, criticize him and try to remake him.

The ideal girl should maintain at least a little home comfort. Some men know how to do many things around the house themselves and do not expect their chosen one to turn into a housekeeper. However, the ability to cook and improve the interior of the house is desirable for a woman.

But what a woman who strives for the ideal should give up is bad habits. Smoking and alcohol abuse repel the representatives of the stronger sex. If you want a young man to see you as a dream girl, get rid of bad habits.

What kind of woman can be called ideal for a man? Which one will make him look for not one entertainment for the night, but a relationship long, perhaps a lifetime? Does she have to have some special appearance, clothes, figure, spiritual qualities, etc.? What do men look for in women?

Even if everyone claims that there are no ideal people, and that each person has his own flaws and virtues, society is still trying to find and understand what an ideal girl should be. Smart and beautiful? Understanding and caring? Which?

If we start to study the opinions of many men on this issue, we will quickly realize that each person is looking for something different. Of course, men love with their eyes, which means they will really like an attractive-looking girl. But is it possible to find the ideal? A wise man once said: that some people like dark ones, others like light ones, and others like redheads in general. But everyone likes these, and others, and thirds. This means one thing: beauty is definitely not a determining factor in a relationship.

You probably understand that for men of different ages, the ideal of a girl will be completely different. Young guys who have not yet reached twenty years old usually do not mind their beloved drinking and smoking. But time goes by, and it is the moral qualities of the girl that come to the fore. After all, now a man considers her not just as a companion for parties and other things, but as the guardian of his family hearth.

Does the ideal girl have to be smart? On this issue, the opinions of men are slightly divided. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to admit that he likes the type of blondes that jokes are so fond of telling about: beautiful, but stupid as a cork. Of course, anyone will be more interested in a girl who strives to be educated, well-read and intelligent.

But unfortunately for us, there are a lot of young people who say that it is enough that a girl is a little smarter than a tree. With an educated girl, some guys feel extremely uncomfortable, because you don’t know what to expect from them. If there is such a stereotype that beautiful girls only need money, fame and general adoration, then what smart girls need is far from being easy to understand.

Of course, it is impossible to deduce some kind of algorithm that will definitely make a girl ideal for absolutely any young man. Each has its own ideal. Therefore, girls should understand and support only their man, take care of him and contribute to the growth of not only him, but also herself. It is very important for men that they can never blush for their soul mate. Even though she is a housewife, does not work and keeps house, she should in any case remain a well-groomed and beautiful woman with whom you can talk about everything.


Young people pay great attention to the fact that their ideal girlfriend should always be faithful to them. They absolutely do not need to check the feelings of their chosen one, but they must understand for sure that she is not capable of treason.

In addition, men really do not like it when women delve into his earnings and wallet, seek to find out how much his friends and relatives earn. This is very annoying for them. After all, when a man does not earn enough, he himself understands this very well and tries with all his might to change this situation. Therefore, you never need to annoy him once again with your reminders and notations.

How long love will live between a man and a woman mainly depends on the two of them, on the understanding and interests of two people. As it turned out, a lot of men want their girlfriend to share their hobbies: watch football, be able to keep up the conversation about all car brands, and always allow them to go fishing or hunting with friends.

Quite often, the main factor that men pay attention to when choosing a wife is the presence of interesting hobbies for both. But what is remarkable: many young people are ready to exchange the same football fan as they are for a master in the culinary arts. Do you think that the phrase "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" is greatly exaggerated? It's not like that at all! Every man who feels like a breadwinner in the family really wants a delicious dinner to be always waiting for him when he comes home.

A rather important factor is the first impression a girl makes. Representatives of the stronger sex believe that she simply must be bright, such that the eyes in the crowd rush to her. Someone said that if a person is drawn to a girl whom he sees for the first time, this, of course, can be called love at first sight, but most likely it is nothing more than a combination of gestures, facial expressions and smells. And already the subconscious interprets them in its own way and gives the brain a signal about whether he likes the girl or not.

Men definitely do not like girls decorated with make-up, but at the same time they will not like the so-called gray mice either. So strive for the ideal - something in between the first and second options.

In general, it does not matter at all what qualities a girl has. After all, each of them is an ideal for a particular man who is looking for her. It doesn't matter if she's blonde or brunette, tall or short, funny or serious. The main thing is that she does not build herself out of what she really is not. When a man loves, the weight and length of the legs of his beloved is not very important to him.

The ideal is a fickle thing that changes with the passage of years and the acquisition of experience. Appearance, intellect and character are just fickle and temporary criteria that are far from being as important as the inner fulfillment and connection between a man and a woman.

In a word, you realized that it is impossible to make a portrait of an ideal girl. But one thing is important for all men, that a woman loves him not for some specific qualities, such as materials, moral or physical, but simply because he exists and lives in this world.