What pregnancy test is the most accurate? What a test for the definition of pregnancy is the most accurate and more sensitive in early time

Ladies suspecting the presence of an interesting position are often asked as the most accurate pregnancy test. These convenient accessories for confirmation at home pregnancy, allowing without appeal to the akuster-gynecologist to establish the fact of the accurate conception. This is a fairly truthful technique that helps a woman to decide whether to worry about menstrual delays either need to be consulted for registration.

Any product for pregnancy detection explores a sample of urine, because it contains a hump hump - hCG, if the patient is in position. This hormonal substance is produced by a chorion shell formed after fertilization. The increase in hCG starts approximately a week after conception, but not every test device is able to catch hormonal fluctuations in such early time.

It is difficult to say, the choice of which pregnancy test is better, because there is a lot of dedication on the time of wear and other factors. Although the principle of activity is reduced to one mechanism - identification of hCG. In any express test there is a component containing a reagent that produces antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin. When the watering of the pregnant feels on the working surface of the test, the corresponding reaction occurs, and the strip of bright red or pinkished color is manifested, which indicates pregnancy.

Also, any device is equipped with a control zone on which the trait must manifest itself. If the strips are two, then testing showed a positive result proving the fact of conception.

Varieties of test devices

How to choose a pregnancy test? Manufacturers offer a lot of homework types for testing.

  1. Test strips - the first generation of strips, which are considered the cheapest. This option is quite easy to operate and has a primitive diagnostic system. That is why women often choose stripes (strip tests) to confirm the fact of conception. The strip should be dipped in the dishes with urine to the specified risks on the test and hold about 10-20 seconds. This short period of time is enough to have a reaction. After three minutes, the result is manifested. In favor of what pregnancy tests it is better to make a choice if there is a little money? Strip tests will be the perfect option. To identify pregnancy such strips are capable from the first day of the delay. In the early deadlines, they are useless, because they have low sensitivity.
  2. Tablet is a more modern method for detecting pregnancy, having increased hypersensitivity to hormone hgch. Therefore, among the best tests for pregnancy, the experts call the tablet. In the package with the product attached a pipette for a dialing of urin. Then the biomaterial dripped on a special tablet dough window. When urine is absorbed, the reaction will occur, depending on which the result will manifest. The device of the tablet express test is more intricate, but the result is reliable. Such a test will cost much more expensive strip test - in 150-280 rubles.

Other species

A more modern option for home testing is an inkjet. Such products are distinguished by reliable results and are almost never mistaken. The inkjet test is as convenient as possible to use, the woman does not need to collect urin in the dishes or pipette to conduct a study. It is necessary to substitute the product under the stream in the process of urination, and after 60 seconds it is familiar with the results in a special dough window. This is the best pregnancy test in terms of reliability, because it shows the most accurate results. The sensitivity to hCG inkjet tests is somewhat higher than at tablet, so they can be applied in the earliest times, but differ in high cost.

Test systems. A lot of women considers test systems equipped with a reservoir, the best. This product is a tank with a special indicator. Urine is placed in the tank, the indicator absorbs it, and then gives out the result. It is impossible to call test systems are quite convenient, but they use much easier than the usual strip tests. Yes, and the cost of them is lower than in jet or tablet test models.

Electronically digital. This is the latest generation of products that determine the pregnancy. Among them there are also reusable models that not only report pregnancy, but also help determine the exact date of the kid.

Which is better

The pharmaceutical market is replete with various tests, so a woman sometimes is quite difficult to decide on the choice. What pregnancy tests are the most accurate results? Of course, those who possess the greatest sensitivity. Among both domestic, and foreign tests there are decent representatives who have sufficiently high reliability. Each woman in suspected pregnancy wants to acquire a high-quality and reliable product so as not to doubt the results obtained. How to choose among such a variety? Let's try to figure out.

Russian test products to identify pregnancy are necessarily undergoing registration in the state control of lexins and medical equipment. Russian stamps are not particularly popular and are often inferior to foreign fellows in hgch sensitivity and quality characteristics. Among our brands today, strip tests have the greatest popularity. Be sure to the tablet type bioocardium, the strips of HCG-IH-Recycling and HGH-IHA-Faith, vera-plus jet device, hgch-ya-eaks and bee-sure-s.

Among foreign articles for rapid diagnostics of pregnancy, such brands like Fraience, Eviest, Cleable, etc., are considered the most famous, each of the tests in more detail below.

Brief overview of popular tests

What pregnancy test choose from all the proposed manifold, the question is quite problematic. When you get a test, I want to immediately get a reliable result, in order to not be nervous and not to take useless trips to the female consultation. It is better to immediately buy a high-quality modern test and not waste time on unreliable and low-quality products. As for manufacturers, they are enough, many of them deserve high opinion

Frautest Express.

Ultra-sensitive strip test with hypersensitivity from 15 mmc / ml. The manufacturer assures that you can use the test without waiting for the delay. The test can determine the fact of conception for a couple of days before the intended delay. The results are known after 3-5 minutes after removing the strip from the urine, in which you need to keep the strip of 10 seconds. For some women, this is not entirely convenient, especially if testing is not carried out at home.

But still, Fraience is in fairly high demand, because it can show the right result when studying for pregnancy in the early stages. According to statistics, the accuracy of the results reaches 99%. Yes, and the cost of such a test is relatively small. Experts consider it one of the best tests.

ClearBlue Digital.

Let's immediately say that the tests of this brand are quite expensive, their price is about 500 rubles. But the price is justified by quite high quality. We can safely say that Cleablo is the best test with which few may be compared. The percentage of accuracy with which the test determines the fact of the accomplished fertilization reaches more than 99%.

In addition, ClearBlue Digital, in addition to the presence or lack of pregnancy, shows its term. The format of the displayed indicators may look like 1-2, 2-3 or 3+. The accuracy of the period of pregnancy is 92%. It is usually recommended to test the delay in the first day of the delay, but if you do not want to wait, it can be spent on four days before the beginning of the alleged menstruation.

But not all women is so important to know from the test the term of pregnancy, because mommy still has to undergo a survey and ultrasound examination when registering in the LCD. But sometimes it happens that monthly occurs when there is a pregnancy. Here it can be useful to use the ability of the test to determine the period from the moment of conception. In general, the test deserves praise, but he has a kind of drawback - high cost.


This is a test of a tablet type, which is characterized by high values \u200b\u200bof the truthfulness of the results. This is the most reliable test to determine pregnancy, at least one of the most accurate. Yes, and the purity of the results obtained is no doubt. To the window to be bought by urine, it is impossible to touch and stain it, so nothing can affect the results. A few droplets of urine with a special pipette are applied to the surface in the window, where the result of the diagnosis is shown soon.

If we talk about the accuracy of the results, the Eviest is a good product that has many positive feedback. The indicator of its authenticity reaches more than 99%, which makes it attractive for women.

Lady Test

A fairly cheap product that is convenient to store even in the wallet. The sensitivity of the test is slightly lower and starts with an indicator of 20 MME / ml. Therefore, in the early launchers, it is quite difficult to determine the presence of pregnancy, especially if a woman drank a lot of liquid on the eve. The cheapness of the product on one side and not a special reliability on the other, which can force a woman to spend a number of tests, makes a lady test not particularly attractive. But in general, the product is quite reliable.

Premium Diagnostics.

Inkjet test, which is recommended to purchase any woman who needs a quick and reliable result. Accuracy of indicators reaches 99%, provided that the study was conducted on the first day of delay or later. In general, this is a great test for determining pregnancy, which is convenient to use both at home, and in less comfortable conditions. A relatively low price and high accuracy make it very attractive in the eyes of many women.

According to statistics, the fatest tests are considered the most truthful, Cleabley and be sure.

When to conduct a study

If the test sensitivity is 15 MME / ml, it is not possible to do no earlier than 2-3 days before the intended occurrence of menstruation, although it all depends on the exact timing of the conception and time of attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine endometrium. Therefore, it can sometimes happen that a woman will make a test a week before the presumptive start of menstruation, and the test will show that there is a pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a woman's ovulation happened earlier, so the conception also happened earlier. Therefore, sometimes women mistakenly believe that the test was able to determine the fact of pregnancy on a very early period.

How to do testing

The main priority in testing, and, more precisely, the choice of express test is its sensitivity. Tests that have a sensitivity indicator of 25 MME / ml will show a reliable result only after 13-15 days after fertilization. Therefore, accurate results can be obtained after 2 weeks from the duty of ovulation. Many worries, what sensitivity is preferred that the result is as reliable as possible. Specialists say it is better to stop the choice of products that have a sensitivity indicator of 10 m / ml. These tests will be able to establish the fact of pregnancy from 8-9 days of conception.

Whatever express test uses a woman, be sure to explore the instructions. At least the principle of action they are identical, the nuances of use can be somewhat different that as a result can affect the reliability of the data obtained. Testing can be carried out at any time, but it is better to plan it for an early morning when the level of chorionic gonadotropin is the highest. The main thing is to eliminate the reception of ridicule preparations of abundant drinking.

Also, when conducting testing, it is necessary to read the results correctly. At least one strip must be manifested on the test - the control, which indicates the functionality of the product, indicates the operation of the express test. If the test showed one strip, then the woman is not pregnant, and if two dashes manifested, the result is positive. If after the diagnostic procedure, not one band was not manifested, the test is overdue or faulty.

With a positive result, the strip will be two, but it is not at all necessary that they are the same. The shade of the second strip depends on the concentration of HCG in the urine of a woman. The less time, the dask will be the second feature on the test product.

Are errors possible

So, with the choice of express test, you were determined, now it is necessary to clarify that sometimes test results may be erroneous.

  • If a weakly pronounced strip manifested on the product, it may indicate pregnancy.
  • Sometimes dull color of the strip indicates a weak concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.
  • But sometimes it happens that the test shows a positive result in the absence of conception. This is quite possible if the girl acted some drugs or has tumor pathologies.
  • It also happens that testing gives a negative result, while the pregnancy actually exists.
  • False negative results arise in several cases, for example, with renal pathologies, with abundant drinking.
  • If the express test showed the absence of pregnancy, and you are worried about all signs of baby tooling, then you must contact the LCD.
  • It is worth consulting with the doctor, what tests worth buying with suspected conception. Also it will not know what can affect test results.

Statistics of false results

We have convinced that there are many express tests to determine pregnancy with different price indicators. But the high price does not always talk about the high reliability of the results. Statistics are such that not only cheap, but expensive tests are mistaken. A survey among women was conducted as to which tests issued them false results. Women noted that most often false positive or false-negative results were observed when testing Bee-Sure stamps, Eviest, Vera, Eva test, L-Test, BB test.

Even if testing showed the absence of pregnancy, and signs of an interesting position on the face, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination.

How to make a choice in favor of one or another pregnancy test, not leaving advertising, marketing tricks of manufacturers? Is the most accurate pregnancy tests? Is it possible to trust such a "home" diagnostics in principle?

Very often, when buying a particular product, we will ask various issues. What is already talking about the purchase of products confirming pregnancy. In such a delicate and intimate purchase, I do not want to be deceived and get a "cat in a bag", and it is really high-quality to acquire, and what is important, a reliable product.

What is the most accurate pregnancy test

Today, the range of express tests is pretty rich. Pharmacy stores, kiosks offer products, as they say, for every taste and wallet. In the segment of tests, the following categories are presented:
  1. ordinary striped, strip tests;
  2. cassette, tablet tests;
  3. inkjet;
  4. digital disposable / reusable devices.
When choosing a pregnancy test, the buyer must be guided by the following factors:
  1. study accuracy;
  2. convenience of operation;
  3. ease of reading results.
The principle of home the dough is to discovery hormone hgch in Urin. At the first stage of conception, when the embryo is attached to the uterus, the number of "pregnant hormone" is rapidly increasing, especially from 8 to 10 weeks of conception. Just during this period, pregnancy tests can work and throw out an existing pregnancy.

The most highly, easy to use and best pregnancy tests in general, according to experts, are inkjet and electronic tests - third-generation products.

The best pregnancy test

Looking through the dialogues of the girls on different forums on "Pregnancy", noticed that the question of quality, as well as the principles of applying tests for confirmation of fertilization, is very often risled. Many girls are asked to advise them a good and inexpensive test brand.

Referring to the reviews of consumers, as well as having studied the positioned products, I note that express tests of foreign production have been proven excellently. Good pregnancy tests are products under stamps:

  • ClearBlue (United Kingdom);
  • Frautest (Germany);
  • EVITEST (Germany);
  • Test for Vest (USA);
  • DUET (Canada) and others.
The cost of mentioned tests ranges from 80-250 rubles, depending on the type of test. The price of electronic disposable / reusable devices varies in the range of 15-40 cu

Products of domestic manufacturer are presented under the BONA brand. These are the first generation tests - strip tests. The price of such a test is approximately 25 rubles. Not all Russian buyers support the domestic producer, causing their choice of low product quality, and as a result - incorruptibility of the study. Other users consider the stereotype not to support the "their" manufacturer, explaining that the research method and the principle of evaluating results are identical to a foreign analogue.

What to choose a pregnancy test

From a huge assortment of pregnancy tests, you can immediately be confused. Which of the existing stop your gaze and not deceive?
To make sure which pregnancy test is better to buy, consider them more detailed:
  1. Tests with stripes or strip tests - the first swallow in the segment of the product determining pregnancy. The sensitivity of such tests reaches 20-25 MMA \\ ml. By choosing this type of test, you can confirm your interesting position on the first day of the monthly delay. To do this, it is necessary to dip a strip in the bowl of urinus for a couple of seconds and to interpret the result in 5 minutes. It despite the change of strip tests came more innovative "counterparts", many buyers still believe that it is better to choose proven strips.
  2. Tablet or other words cassette tests are second-generation products. The sensitivity of those reaches 15-20 MME / ml, which, according to experts, the indicator of accuracy and veracity of information. The argument in favor of the acquisition, according to the manufacturers, is the design of the device and the ease of it in use (it is necessary to pump urin with a special pipette in the window and after some time see the result). However, according to customers, such a type of test is actually inconvenient in operation and from the previous one is different only by the presence of a beautiful tablet.
  3. Inkjet - the third "call" in the segment of pregnancy tests. The opinions of consumers, the manufacturers are unanimous in favor of this type of test. This is an efficient and reliable product, besides very convenient in work. It is necessary to simply substitute the rod under the stream of urine, and to find out the result for five minutes. The sensitivity of the inkjet dough is 10-15 MME / ml, which indicates its accuracy. Unfortunately, the cost of such a product is not small.
  4. Electronic pregnancy tests - an innovative approach to the determination of pregnancy. The diagnostic method is similar to the inkjet, with the difference that by means of a digital device can be confirmed not only the presence of a fetus, but also to find out the period of pregnancy and the date of the alleged childbirth. The degree of sensitivity is 10 MME / ml, so this product is the most truthful in the testimony. Cost from 15 cu and higher.

What test will show pregnancy before delay

As mentioned above, express tests with high sensitivity are the most truthful and are often applicable when determining pregnancy, especially in the initial periods. The best pregnancy test is used to delay, as experts explain, is a product with a marker of sensitivity 10-20 MME / ml. These include:
  • inkjet tests;
  • digital (disposable and reusable) devices.
That is, through these tests, confirm the fact of pregnancy is possible after two weeks after fertilization, a couple of days before the start of menstruation. Just during this period, a pregnant woman increases hormone hCG.

The range of pregnancy tests is huge. The choice is always yours. According to the recommendations of gynecologists, whatever the pregnancy test you have chosen, a blank blood test is a blank test.

At the first symptoms of pregnancy, a woman hurries in a pharmacy to conduct a diagnostic test. Sometimes his purchase disappoints himself. The goods do not correspond to the stated characteristics and causes distrust of the strips of this kind.

There are several types of tests to determine pregnancy:

  1. Test strip. The most affordable tool that is used early in the morning, dropping the test strip in the urine.
  2. Jet. It is brought under a stream of urins for a few seconds and lay out on a horizontal surface.
  3. Tablet. Cheaper inkjet, but more precisely strip. Using a pipette, it is necessary to drop a little urine into a special window.
  4. Digital. It has the same principle as the test strip. The result appears on the screen. In the case of a positive result, the number of weeks from the moment of conception is displayed.

Choose the best test is quite difficult: in the overpriced price, others do not always give a reliable result. Everyone chooses what is convenient for him. Someone like inkjet tests, others are confident that tablet options are better. Not to make a mistake with the purchase will help the rating based on the following criteria:

  • harmonious ratio of quality and price;
  • accurate information;
  • ease of use.

The main thing is to correctly use the diagnostic strip and follow according to the instructions.

There are contraindications. Meet your doctor.

Best Pregnancy Tests in Early Starts

Many people in a row, women finally convinced that they were pregnant, only feeling the movement of the fetus. Modern ladies are not capable of waiting for so long, and there is no need to do it. Pregnancy tests allow you to make sure its presence in the first days of delay (manufacturers claim that before, but you should not believe it, why we will tell a little later). We offer two best tests that allow you to determine the pregnancy in the early stages.

2 ClearBlue Digital.

The most high-tech
Country: Switzerland
The average price: 350 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

It is assumed that this test is able to determine pregnancy 5 days before possible delay. Why it is nothing more than a marketing trick, (as we told, describing the leader of our rating). In the same way, it is skeptical to relate to the fact that the test is allegedly able to determine the term of pregnancy. The growth of chorionic gonadropine both in blood and in the urine - the process is individual out of a variety of factors, up to a drinking mode. Therefore, blindly trust the numbers in the window is not worth it. But if you do not impose unjustified expectations in the early time - the test is quite convenient for use. No need to collect urine into the container, it is enough to put a test test. The digital screen shows the presence or absence of pregnancy, its estimated period (as we have already said, the numbers are quite approximate) and, most convenient - the data is saved during the day, while in conventional paper tests often disappear.

How and when it is better to do a pregnancy test

  • whatever manufacturers promise, try to check for pregnancy to the term of the alleged menstruation meaninglessly: high probability of a false negative result;
  • the largest concentration of hormones - in the first morning portion of urine;
  • with the fact that the principle of action of all tests is the same, in the procedure itself there are nuances: carefully read the instructions;
  • do not postpone the visit to the doctor in case of a positive result: what would be your further intentions, a positive test in itself does not insure from ectopic pregnancy and other possible complications.

1 Frautest Express Ultra

Best economy
Country: Germany
The average price: 80 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The manufacturer declares that the test is able to determine pregnancy two days before the intended delay due to the high sensitivity to the minimum concentrations of chorionic gonadotropin. Doctors and pharmacists converge in the opinion that this is a marketing trick. And that's why.

As you know, the menstrual cycle is considered since the first day of menstruation. On average, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs on 14-15 days, that is, 2 weeks before the delay. The egg retains the ability to fertilize 3 days. After that, another 6 to 8 days, it moves in the uterine tube into the uterine cavity before implantation occurs. That is, the production of chorionic gonadotropin will begin not earlier than 6-8 days after fertilization, but if you count from the day of ovulation - by 6-11 days. But only begins! In order for the test to "feel" a hormone, its amount in the urine should achieve a certain concentration. For Frautest, this is 15 MME / ml. The hormone level grows in different ways, but, on average, a week is needed to achieve such numbers. Total we have a spread from 13 to 18 days after ovulation, which does not fit into the manufacturer "two days before the expected delay".

However, marketing marketing, but the test is inexpensive and quite accurate, judging by the reviews - if, of course, do not expect from it the impossible. Made in the traditional format of paper strips with indicators that need to be dipped into the sample of urine and wait for the result. It takes place in the ranking for the best efficiency.

Best reliable pregnancy tests

These tests do not claim "ultraventiveness" - most of them are designed for a rather high concentration of chorionic gonadotropin 25 MME / ml. But they accurately and confidently diagnose pregnancy on the terms for which they are intended: from the very first days of delay. And this accuracy is confirmed by numerous reviews.

3 Know now Optima

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Canada
The average price: 50 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Another cassette test for pregnancy to which the pipette is attached. For testing you need to add 4 drops of urine into a special window. The result can be estimated after a minute. Like all the tests from this category of our rating, Know Now Optima does not promise results on ultra-partitions, but stable and accurate: we could not find a single negative review. And considering a completely humane price, the test rightfully falls into the rating for the best combination of price and quality.

2 Premium Diagnostics.

The most comfortable
Country: China
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The inkjet test is very convenient to use: you do not need to look for a container for collecting urine, it is enough to substitute the edge of the dough. The result appears after 1-2 minutes. The result is displayed in a separate window, guess "one or two strips" is not necessary. Among the reviews there are complaints about false-negative results, but they celebrate them who tried to carry out the test without waiting for the delay. In general, the test enters the rating not only for accuracy, but also for the convenience of use.

Why are false results

  • The false negative result happens if the test is taken too early. Sometimes the desired hormone level is achieved only 2 weeks after the delay.
  • The false positive result is possible in dysfunction of ovaries or spontaneously interrupted in the early period of pregnancy. Yes, the defective implantation of the fetal egg happens quite often and in the "dotesting" times it would simply notice it: there was a delay and passed. Another possible reason: an expired test.


Best accuracy
Country: Germany
The average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The cassette test for a pregnancy, in which the reagent strip itself is enclosed in a plastic cassette. Pipette is attached to the test - it is believed that the result will be more accurate if the sample is applied to the test gently, point. Reviews about how convenient to use such a test, were divided approximately in half: someone additional manipulations with a pipette seemed to be existed, somehow, on the contrary. After 4-5 minutes, you can estimate the result, but it is impossible to wait for more than 10 minutes. But there are practically no complaints about the inaccuracy of the results. That is why the test takes place among the best reliable pregnancy tests in our ranking.

Test tests when planning pregnancy

Someone is lucky: the desired pregnancy comes literally from the first attempt, causing even a slight bewilderment: how, already? For someone, the path to the long-awaited "two stripes" is a long and difficult, and you have to use all possible ways to find out the ovulation time to enhance the chances. It is these pairs that the tests for pregnancy planning can be useful, which, in fact, determine the ovulation time when the chances of getting pregnant as high as possible.

2 Ovuplan

Definition of ovulation
Country: Canada
Average price: 195
Rating (2018): 4.7

It is an ordinary test that defines the days with a greater probability of conception. Releases his company Salute LLC. It is used to control the effectiveness of the treatment under infertility in women. Since using the test you can learn a favorable day to conceive the baby, the manufacturer offers it also to use as a means of contraception. The set has one or five strips packed in aluminum foil.

For diagnostics, you need to collect biological fluid on the specified rules and omit the test strip for five seconds. The result can be seen in ten minutes. For one strip of an overlap will have to give about 60 rubles. Five tests in one package to buy more profitable. They cost about 200 rubles.

1 Frautest Planning

Best convenience
Country: Germany
The average price: 450 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

In essence, this is a whole diagnostic set: packaging contains 5 tests to determine the ovulation time, two pregnancy tests and 5 urine collection tanks. And it is not "excesses": ovulation is stable for 14 days the cycle comes only in the literature, and in fact the time of its offensive can be deviated for 1-3 days in one direction or another, so from the first attempt to "get" on the day of ovulation not always. The test of ladies with an irregular cycle will be especially useful when counting are ineffective and in principle cannot be effective. For the fact that the test manufacturers took care of everything, up to the containers for collecting analysis, the test gets into our rating of the best.

Top tests for pregnancy Russian firms

Not only foreign companies are engaged in the release of analyzers to determine the fact of conception. Domestic pharmaceuticals implements several diagnostic analyzers presented in the form of strips and cassettes. The best of them are worthy to be in the ranking.

3 BiOcard hgch.

Definition of conception before delay
Country Russia
Average price: 60 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.5

Cassette test Biocard hCG is produced by the company LTD Dialat. It is an analyzer with a set of reagents and a comfortable pipette. The goods differ from other Russian participants rating high sensitivity. Reviews of Biocard CGC can be found that he detected the fact of fertilization before the menstruation delay.

Proms of the test also include a quick result and ease of use. However, some girls do not like the need to collect urine and the manifestation of dull strips. The result can be estimated at five minutes.

2 faith

Good quality
Country Russia
Average price: 37 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.8

The goods are made by the Russian FM Trade LLC. Buyers noted that, despite the low cost, the strip itself is made qualitatively and "in the hands it is not falling apart." It is necessary to keep it in the blade liquid thirty seconds, in contrast to other analyzers, where enough and 10 seconds. In this case, the result is important, not speed. As a result, strips are clearly manifested on the strip, often the outcome indicators are accurate.

Many young ladies who later confirmed pregnancy from the gynecologist, they say that the vera test showed them two clear stripes. Of the disadvantages, it is possible to allocate what the goods are not always available.

1 Be sure

High popularity
Country Russia
Average price: 38 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.9

This is one of the most popular tests among Russian girls, manufactured by the company Honey Express Diagnostics. The strip strip shows the exact results due to hypersensitivity to the hormone of their chorion tissue in the biological fluid. It is lowered in a portion of urine and kept according to the instructions. The result is evaluated in a few minutes. The appearance of the control strip suggests that the analyzer is suitable for use.

The goods have all the certificates of compliance with GOST. Its price is perhaps the lowest of all brands represented. The test is also available in inkjet. It is possible to carry out diagnostics from the first day of the menstruation delay.

A woman who is planning a pregnancy prepared for conception and together with the future dad actively "working" over the replenishment in the family, is quite logical asking the question of which the most accurate pregnancy test today can help her to determine an interesting position in which a woman will be after the accomplishment of fertilization. Of course, the timely diagnosis of pregnancy for a woman in this case is very important - the future mommy can provide its body in a timely manner, treats his health carefully, to protect themselves (and now the new life already originated inside it) from all sorts of negative factors.

To determine which current test can be called the most accurate and effective, it is quite difficult - each of them does not promise one hundred percent warranty. Therefore, the most accurate "test" for pregnancy is, perhaps, a test determining in the blood, inspection of a doctor and an ultrasound confirming or refuting the likelihood of fertilization. Regarding the analysis of chorionic gonadotropin: during pregnancy, the level of hCG in the body significantly increases. There is also an increase in the level of hCG in the urine - it is on chorionic gonadotropin that reacts home tests for pregnancy. However, the concentration of hCG in the urine increases only after a certain time after the occurrence of pregnancy, which means that in the early stages no test this pregnancy is able to determine. But the level of hCG in the blood increases immediately after fertilization, because the blood test to chorionic gonadotropin is able to point to pregnancy even in the first days of the occurrence of pregnancy.

As for home tests for pregnancy, today there are quite a large number of such tests. To choose exactly there is from anything - there is also a tablet, and even a test that determines the presence or absence of pregnancy for possible changes in the tissues of the uterus. The degree of accuracy of tests largely depends on compliance with the rules of their conduct, primarily it concerns the traditional strip test.

The test strip is considered the simplest pregnancy test, but also such that the erroneous result can "issue" with a large probability. The name of his test received, probably, in connection with its appearance, the test looks like an ordinary strip, which is applied by the uninhabited eye of the reagent in the form of two strips. For testing, the strip should be omitted to the selected portion of urine (morning) to the specified mark and keep a certain time (from 3 to 5 minutes - the exact time is indicated in the instructions). The reagent reacts to the absence or presence of HCG in the urine, respectively, the color changes either one or two reagent strips at once. The test strip with a large share of the probability can react inaccurately: if the strip in the urine is incorporated or redisched, if the urine for testing was selected, for example, in the afternoon.

Tablet test specialists are called more accurate than the test strip, although it looks like it. But in this case, the strip falls into the container with urine only by the tip - the urine itself climbs up the strip and react with the reagent.

An even more degree of accuracy and efficiency has an inkjet test. In addition, the inkjet test is reliable, it is also very convenient: it is possible to conduct it at any time of the day, and not only in the morning. The only thing for a more accurate result is advised to refrain before testing from urination at least 4 hours.

At the beginning, we mentioned the existence of a pregnancy test, which reacts to changes in tissues in the event of pregnancy. We are talking about the so-called blue test, when conducting which is almost excluded. The blue test is a long wand that you need to insert into the vagina to the distance so that it gets in touch with the cervix. If pregnancy takes place, for several minutes, the wand will be painted in blue, reacting to changes in the tissues of the cervix. The blue test is perhaps the most accurate test from all domestic - similar changes in the tissues of the cervix in other cases, besides pregnancy, simply does not happen.

Especially for - Tatyana Argamakova

When there is a question about possible pregnancy, women face a choice of text for pregnancy. Now there are many varieties of express tests, but only a gynecologist can accurately establish a fact of pregnancy. The choice of product depends on the possibilities and preferences of a woman.

All express texts work on one principle. They determine the presence in the urine of the hormone of chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG. Such a hormone begins to be produced immediately after the embryo is attached. With each afternoon, the amount of hormone is becoming more and more, but at the very beginning the number of such a hormone can be determined only by studying blood from Vienna. The level of sensitivity of such tests begins with 25 MUI hCG.

Sometimes you can meet the inscription on the package, which suggests that you can diagnose pregnancy, even at 10 MUI hCG, but it is very difficult to prove the truthfulness of such information. Most pharmacists argue that this inscription is more advertising, than reliable information.

Another trick of advertisers is an inscription, which indicates that the accuracy of such a diagnostic method is 99%. This can not be, to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy, only after visiting the doctor or the same analysis.

Pregnancy tests species

Types of such products There are three:

  • strip texts;
  • inkjet;
  • tablet;
  • digital.

The principle of action of all devices is the same. The determination of the result is carried out due to the chemical reaction between the reagent and the hormone, which is produced in the urine of a pregnant woman.

Test strips

This is the most accessible option. Such a test is best done in the first half of the day, since at this time the concentration of hCG is maximum.

To take advantage of such a product, you should dial several milliliters of urine into the container and perpendicular to lower the strip there. Note that it is necessary to lower the strip to the control line. Hold it there for 5-10 seconds and put the text on a dry horizontal surface. Waiting for the result will take from 3 to 5 minutes. To get the most truthful result, you should carefully follow the instructions. The false result may be if urine in the container was not enough or the strip was lowered not to the control line.

The advantages of the test strips are as follows:

  • availability;
  • easy to use;
  • fast result.

The only minus is that for the dough, urine should be collected in a separate container. An example of such a product is "Mila".

Tablet type

it direct equivalent stripesThe difference lies only in the fact that the reagent strip is placed in a plastic container. Such a device has two windows. In one, it should be placed a few drops of urine, and the result will be displayed in the second. To get the most reliable result, the test is better to spend in the morning.

The advantages of the tablet test are that it is more hygienic and easy to use. Among the minuses can be noted a high price, use only at home.

Inkjet variety

This is a product differs from the previous ones Both the principle of use and appearance. To use them, you should remove the protective cap and substitute the strip under the stream of urine. For a wand, the liquid comes to the reagent, and after 3 minutes in the window you can see the result.

The advantages of such a product are as follows:

  • hygienicity;
  • high sensitivity;
  • the ability to use outside the house;
  • the ability to use at any time of the day;
  • the minimum probability of error.

The main minus is at a high price.

Digital tests

Despite the fact that such products are an order of magnitude more expensive above, the principle of their work is the same. The use of this product involves the end of the end under the stream or in a separate capacity with urine for 5 seconds. Strip has a color indicator. After the color is changed, the product should be put on a flat surface and wait 3 minutes. In the result window, the "+" sign will appear if the result is positive, and "-" in the absence of pregnancy.

Some electronic products indicate information about which week of pregnancy, if present.

The advantages of electronic devices include:

Such products may differ in sensitivity.

Accuracy of the device

No test can give 100 percent of the fact that the result is positive or negative. The sensitivity of standard products can be 25 MME / ml, they can be used from the first day of delay. The tests with mean sensitivity range from 15-25 MME / ml, they can determine pregnancy a few days before the start of the menstruation delay.

Highly sensitive tests have a sensitivity of 10-15 MME / ml, and they can be applied at any time. Them can be used for 5-7 days before the expected delay.

Choosing the most accurate test, pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The result can be truthful and reliable only if the diagnosis was carried out according to the instructions.
  2. Such products have their own shelf life. If he came out, the test becomes invalid.
  3. The higher the sensitivity of the product, the more accurate the result it will show. The most accurate products have a sensitivity of 10 MME / ml, that is, pregnancy can be determined for several days after conception.

Time spending

In some cases, the effectiveness of the diagnosis may depend on what time the test was made. Please note that hong hong appears in the urine only on 7-10 days. Consequently, you can learn about pregnancy only a week after sexual intercourse.

The number of hormone hCG with time begins to grow. Therefore, early test can show an erroneous negative resultSince the concentration of hormone will be very small.

Use a highly sensitive inkjet test is best a few days before the alleged menstruation, and more cheap options should be used only after the first date of delay. To fully ensure the result, you should use several products with an interval of several days.

Features of use

It is very important to know how to properly use a pregnancy test, as the accuracy of the result obtained depends on this. Even when using the most expensive text, one incorrect action will lead to a false result.

Before proceeding with the diagnostics, learn the instructions where it is indicated how to use a pregnancy test. Often this procedure is the same for all tests. First, it is necessary to open hermetic packaging, touch the test strips with reagents is impossible. Next should ensure the contact of urine with a reagent and wait until the result appears.

Before use, it is necessary to make sure that the packaging is sealed and the shelf life is in order. It is also important to observe the time frame. If the term is small, then two strips on the test can be very weak. But even if the second strip is very weak, but it is present, then you need to consult a doctor.

Deciphering questionable results

The product for diagnosing pregnancy can sometimes show an uncertain result. The second strip can be blurred, pink or can form one and a half strips. The reasons for such a phenomenon are as follows:

  • hCG level is very small;
  • border hormone level with minimal;
  • the test has an overdue shelf life;
  • non-fulfillment of instructions for use;
  • a woman really wants to see the cherished two stripes.

If the product has shown a doubtful result, then wait a few days and take another one, or consult a doctor.

Some women to understand what position they would use folk methods, but they cannot give an accurate guarantee that the result is defined correctly. The most popular folk method It is that it is necessary to collect a little urine of the alleged pregnant and get a little iodine in it. If the drop remains on the surface, the result is negative, if it broke up, the result will be positive.

There is also a version of the fact that a pregnant woman is urine will be a dark yellow shade. Lovers of folk methods also connect urine and wine in equal proportions. If urine remains transparent, then pregnancy is present.

An interesting method for determining the position of a woman is that you need to plant two bulbs in a glass with water. One of the glasses symbolizes pregnancy, and its second absence. In what glass of the feathers of Luke will grow by 4 cm faster, such and there will be a response.

Initiality tests

The causes of the false result may be the following factors:

  • incorrect procedure;
  • recently transferred abortion or miscarriage;
  • tumor and oncology;
  • hormonal disbalance.

At first, after the abortion or unsuccessful pregnancy, the hormone level according to which the condition is diagnosed is at a high level.

Dough reliability depends on:

  • its storage conditions;
  • the state of the kidneys of a woman;
  • perform instructions for use.

If you have a suspected pregnancy, it is recommended to make several tests with an interval in a few days, while the products of different firms should be used. The choice of the type of test species depends on the preferences of a woman. To accurately confirm the result, you should pass at a doctor. He can send you to an ultrasound or blood test.

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