Karmic connections. Soul mates

Soul soul: how to recognize and not lose

One day, when you will survive a lot of personal failures and, finally, in parts you will collect your broken smashing heart when you understand that no one is to blame in your troubles, besides you, when you realize that everything in this world is done only to So that you love yourself and was happy, this day will come - the most important thing in your life.

It will come exactly when you already stop waiting for him when you learn to enjoy the loneliness - communication with your own soul, when you want yourself and in the morning you will start to smile to your reflection in the mirror. Then he is your native person, your own soul - will surely feel your promise, this signal is about what you are ready for happiness. A dizzying, comprehensive, fills all of you and your whole world.

What is she, your dear soul?

After all, he is the same as you. He feels at a distance, even if he lives at the other end of the world, even if I have never seen you. He also experienced a lot and survived, he lost himself and returned to his Ya. Perhaps he even tried to love others, unconsciously looking for you in them, desperately tried to create a family and live, like everything, pretending happy.

Do you know it? Remember, you too lived so much ...

Yes, you both went about the same way, made similar mistakes, learned similar lessons. Only then you have not yet knew that it was a long and difficult road to each other. Each event only brought you closer to you, reduced the period before the onset of the day - the day of your meeting. That is how it was formed and disassembled by your similarity on each other.

All this was not accidentally done. You grew in different places, but thought about the same since childhood. You had similar hobbies and a common look at life - as if one for two.

You accumulated all this experience so that later, at last, having met, you are the word for the word - they found this frightening, sometimes shocking loosely and convinced: yes, it's he! Yes, it is her!

How to recognize your native soul?

At first you will not even be aware of this. The information will be read by subconscious and accumulate in it. Yes, you never know about people who are passionate about the same?! Well, yes, it is interesting to discuss, it is easy to communicate, fun to laugh.

But day after day you will be with surprise you will find:

    You trust this unfamiliar person more than your close friends and even yourself

    You naturally show your best qualities in dealing with it.

    And at the same time you do not need to build from myself whom you are not - to wear masks to seem better

    From conversations with him in the heart calmly - gradually it ceases to be afraid that it will disarm him again, it begins to joyfully beat from his calls, messages and views

    From communicating with him the soul wants to sing, dance, draw, collectific candy and burn out wooden jacks - whatever, just to create and create

    Together with him you are not afraid to open for yourself a new and expand your own horizons. And now you already feel that it is ready to jump with a parachute, learn to ride on the rollers, sign up for salsa lessons, move to the north or south - no matter if

    You notice that he belongs to you even better than you yourself - exhibits your talents, praises you for little victories, admires large achievements

    And even if you are more successful in something, he is not offended. On the contrary, he is proud of acquaintance with such an amazing person as you

The soul comes to each of us ...

Probably, now you read these lines and think that the author offers you another fabulous story, in which there is no word of truth, but only her stormy fantasy?

Well, no, you will not think about it! And each of us, girls, since childhood, dreamed of such a satellite of life. Only we mistakenly called him the prince, not knowing that everything is much easier that he is just your native man, your own soul with which you have already made many dizzying travels before. All this was already, but before the current incarnation. Just you forgot, and he forgot ...

Gradually, in parallel, passing the life lessons, you cleared your mind from all unnecessary, gave old debts to other souls, received new qualities, recreated our true Ya.

And then you met and started ahead of each other, remember, restore in mind those distant impressions of your common flights, walks, sacraments, revelations, touches ...

I am sure, each of us at least once in life gets a chance to meet his relative soul. The trouble is only that the majority left away from their own desires and needs, miring in stereotypes imposed by society.

We are trying to convince us that we are just vital to the beautiful, pumped, successful, rich, brutal ... There is nothing wrong with such people. And, perhaps, your own soul is exactly this if all of the above is laid in the list of your true needs.

And you did not think that your native person could be a simple guy, until he had not achieved special career heights, not brilliant outwardly, but quite pleasant? And even sensitive, able to understand and appreciate you as you are. Just he is waiting for a meeting with you to fall in love, get unprecedented inspiration and conquer all the peaks of the world in one fell.

Such people often become our friends and even vests. And we, knowing that they understand us, are ready to share our love failures with them, offenses on the most brutal and successful who do not feel so good.

Look around - perhaps he has long been with you. In his presence, you breathe easily, he always listens to you, will support and protect you, and he agrees on you such - imperfect, non-ideal, but native and understandable.

Magic rituals to attract a native person

If the soul has not yet been manifested in your life, I will try to help you attract her. Just promise that you yourself will try to do everything for this.

Begin with yourself. Analyze all your own relationships and aware where I made mistakes. Wrong to the notebook all you will never allow in your relationship. It is very important. The specified list will become your filter through which you miss all the stereotypes imposed by the society. It will be a kind of test for men. The reality is such that many girls are ready to endure the resentment for the possibility of living in material comfort. You are unlikely such. Surely you are looking for a comfort heart ... And you will find it!

You still need to let go of all past relationships and clear from the offense. On this site you will probably find a lot of recommendations on this topic. If the disappointment is too deep, I advise you to work with a good psychologist TET-A-TET. There is nothing terrible in this. After all, you treat your teeth on your own, but you go to the dentist. Often we choose not those people because we manage distant children's injuries. And to recognize them, the specialist will let go.

It is very important to accept and love yourself. And these are not empty words. While you do not appreciate yourself and do not respect, the world will put Tiranians and Tirants to you. By themselves, these people are not bad, they just teach you love for yourself from nasty. Why do you need it? We want a relationship with a related soul. I will definitely publish a big and detailed article based on personal experience.

When you want yourself with all your imperfections, it will be easier for you to realize your desires. Very advise you or make a card of desires either to make a secret daddy on a computer - there are all your dreams, real and not very materialized in bright pictures. Then you will share them with your native person and amazed that he likes all your ideas and ideas.

And necessarily, better in the new moon, make a list of qualities that you want to see in the satellite of your life. Here we will have to try to very much and write your true needs. Do not be shy, remember your naive childhood dreams of a beautiful prince, write more, indicate the desired age, eye color, growth. More precisely, you describe your native soul, the more chances you have such a person. You know that the universe responds to all our requests.

Do not think that everything will be strictly on the list - perfect people do not happen. However, there are many coincidences, believe me.

When you do all this, I ask you, let go of the dream and do not wait for him. Live your life - rich, interesting, holistic. Kaifui from communicating with girlfriends and friends, develop, enjoy loneliness, make yourself small and big pleasant every day. And know - the soul soul will certainly be in your life. Now you know exactly how not to miss it.

Anna Feechko

People sometimes mistakenly take empathy (the acceptance of another person) for the kinship of souls. And the kinship of souls is a big rarity, mysterious and invaluable phenomenon that can happen on the God's mercy and only under certain conditions.

How to find a delicate soul, advises Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich).

Christ in the midst of us

Most people around us are good and good by themselves, and with them a pleasant time for conversations and a cup of tea, relax from the working cases. But these people can be absolutely unbelievers.

Is it possible to become truly close relative souls with unbelievers?

The fact is that kindness and pleasantness are not always the personal qualities of a person, rather - the fruits of good heredity.

The genuine kindness is estimated only in Christ, only through his divine love, and our goodness is valuable only when we do good in the name of the Lord of our Jesus Christ.

The only Bogolyubie leads people to humanity. Without genuine Bogida, humans are a lie.

Often, we choose the third option - selflessly, which is a wall separating us from God and man. Lovely people are needed exclusively as a background as a public, listeners, like an auxiliary detail of the interior. With the aim of self-exploitation.

The soul is first of all loving and seeking a soul god. And it is this desire that unites people.

The material world offers "kinship" on other features: social equality, origin, material wealth, education, general hobbies, objects of worship, etc.

Spiritual relationship crosses all these components, status and origin, financial situation and a circle of dating are not important. All this is tinsel. It is important how a person belongs to Christ and whether he is present in the midst of you in your society and in your communication.

Of course, common tastes and preferences are usually taken into account, but they are not determining, but only decorate and complement communication.

In the matter, if there is both the coincidence of all earthly interests, but in the absence of Christ in them, no question of the souls can be and speech. This is an illusion built on the sand. The foundation for deep and present relations can only be the Lord.

Genuine joy

One of their signs that you met your man, a relative soul - the presence of genuine joy in Christ in relations. The joy that always wants to share.

The inner nature of genuine joy is that it needs to be divided, so the apostle Paul is in the second message to Corinthians instructs: "Brothers, rejoice, comfort, be born, peaceful - and the God of love and the world will be with you" (13: eleven).

Leaving in eternity

Related souls are given an unprecedented feeling - involvement in eternity.

The resurrection of Christ removes all the boundaries between people and reveals the opportunity for us to become the sons of our Heavenly Father.

Only faith in the Risen Christ can be inextricably unite people both in earthly life, and in eternity, which no other doctrine can do, no logic, no other philosophy.

Christians, true, on earth will always be a bit. The Lord says to His disciples: "You are the salt of the Earth" (Matt. 5:13). According to the thoughts of the Holy Fathers, in order for the world to exist, sufficiently prayers and several righteous.

However, we should not be proud that the Savior called us a "salt of the earth", because if the salt is spoiled, I will not correct anything, as a result it will be doomed only for a break.

The words of the Savior need to be perceived as a reminder that a meeting with a true Christian in our life is a miracle, the feeling that this person is close to you; One of the miracle, if you met a relative soul, a person, when communicating with which you experience true joy in Christ, with which all temporary and spatial boundaries are destroyed, and relationships go into eternity.

This is the special mercy of God. For it, the Creator should be diligently.

Meetings with relative souls are special events in our lives. But let's see for a start in terminology. Related souls are the souls from one "family" in the world of spirits who have spiritual identity and having complementary vibrations.

The closest soul souls are with you in the primary spiritual group. This group usually consists of 5 to 25 people. Together they are developing and trained at about one pace. Often, such souls are embodied next to you at once, changing only their roles: Father, mother, sister, friend, spouse, etc.

There are relative souls of the second "circle". These are the souls that develop in the closest to your spiritual group. There are other related "circles" in the highest world. There are those who do not come in any of the related groups, but is karmically connected with us. You can read more about this in Michael Newton's books.
There is a common misconception that there can be no conflicts between related souls and misunderstandings. It is enough just to meet my delicious soul, and you can relax and live together for a long time and happily. However, this is not the case.

Related souls can consist with us both in harmonious and in a non-harmonic karmic connection . It may even seem that the soul is specifically tormented by you, but it does not have such a task. To torment themselves, as a rule, only you yourself, not fully understanding the purpose and tasks of your meeting.

How to learn a delicate soul from your spiritual family?

Such a meeting changes your life or your inner state, and in a short time. Sometimes the soul appears on your life path in the most difficult moments, literally pulling you out of the abyss. She shows you a different way, she teaches you love, patience, she wakes up your ability to work.

It is always an important person in life, even if your meeting lasted just a few minutes.

At the meeting almost immediately there is deep spiritual proximity. It is possible to contradict the intellectual level, but it does not prevent the feeling of heat and the deep understanding of another person. There is a feeling of some kind of relative proximity, as happens with regard to people who you have grown in childhood together and met again. Warm stream of calm love is felt in the chest area. Moreover, it seems that this is so natural, as if it was always. Love often arises, even if the partners are same-sex (not to be confused with homosexuality). I want to be close to this man, just be there.

It is important not to prevent the free flow of the stream of love in the event of a meeting with a related soul. Such souls may be somewhat during life. It may be people lower or higher than you for spiritual development. But every time it will be meetings that drastically change you and your life for the better.

It would be a big mistake to believe that the soul comes to our life to stay in her forever. And many begin to cling to such partners, to put them conditions and as a result of suffering. Related souls come to us at the right time and in the same way go over, having worked out their tasks. This is a sacred relationship. Be patient and careful with such partners, because unrealized desire can lead to disappointment and even personal tragedy. It is necessary to just enjoy communication and drink positive spiritual energy, not clinging and not tied.

Any meeting with karmic partners, including with relative souls, exacerbates internal problems, exposes psychological blocks, raises old injuries to the surface. The shortcomings of the soul, even from past incarnations, are bright. The struggle of good with evil begins. This process proceeds sometimes quite painfully. And the strategy of behavior here is only one - just stay in the stream of love having a divine nature.

In modern esoteric, there is still the concept of "twin flames". It is believed that these are two halves of one whole, which, having met, acquire the highest harmony. Reliable shower can be a lot, and the twin in the soul allegedly only one. Personally, I can't say anything about this phenomenon. I did not come to me such information, and I don't believe it in the Internet on the Internet. I did not have such experience, and I did not meet in my practice of bright and provable examples of such connections. Therefore, today I take it to this as a beautiful but utopian legend, nothing more. At the same time, I admit that, perhaps, my opinion will ever change. And then I will tell you on this topic.
Each soul is self-sufficient and at the same time is part of a single whole, and everything that the soul is necessary to achieve the Divine Entity is contained in it.

(c) Irina Fedorova (Elleirina)

When we born - we are not alone; We live and die we are also not alone. Although sometimes it seems that there is no one near anyone. However, most people do not even imagine what profound connections they have with other people. In addition to our well-known personal relationships, there is a higher order communication system. Consider thinner and deep connections.

Soul Relationships: Related Souls

When it comes to related souls, it is usually implied sexual partners - people who have deep sexually loving relationships. True deals, however, do not always enter sex. In many cases, they are not very interested in the sexual aspect of their relationship. The true relationship between the related souls is manifested very powerfully. In fact, they help each other to rise to new levels of consciousness and life. Often related souls support contact for a very short period of time with the sole purpose - to use a powerful combination of their energies to move at a certain stage of its development. They almost always have the opposite sex to balance polarity. However, in different lives it is possible to alternate male and female roles. Soul mates They can often meet at the highest plans and continue to keep in touch at these levels.
When the delicate souls are in physical bodies, they sometimes have complex relationships. If one person rose to a higher level of development than the other, then insufficiently developed aspects of the latter can annoy it. In this case, the second partner whose energies are less developed, it may seem that the overestimated requirements are imposed.

Perfect model of his "I"

In our body behind the sword-shaped process (at the bottom of the sternum), the energy is concentrated, which is associated with our. It can be called "our grain", or perfect
The model of our me, which we must implement. Therefore, it is in this area that the energies of fate prevail.
In the case of deep relationships, the perfect model of your self comes into contact with the same site in the body of another person, and thus the connection is established. At the same time, everyone feels that it is an individual soul, and the relationship opens up new opportunities to him.
When relative souls are nearby, these parts of the body are usually beginning to resonate.

Meditation: contact with relative souls

Immerse yourself in meditative condition.
a) Focus on the area behind the sword-shaped grudge process. Sign in contact with the energy of your true Ya.
b) Then ask to feel the energy of your relative soul. Are you familiar with this person in your current life?
c) Do you ahead of it in your development, or the soul is ahead of you?
d) Ask you a feeling of equilibrium and connection with your relative soul. Ask that this bright peace filled you both.

Souls - Gemini

Gemini souls Very similar to each other and usually there are one sex. Sometimes their astrological maps are so overhawed that they often make the same actions at the same time. It happens that twin souls do not know about each other's existence for many years. If one is intensively developing and successfully moving forward, the growth of the other is automatically accelerated.
Twin souls usually have a strong bond, which goes from past lives, where they have overcome many difficult situations together and thus laid the foundation of trust relationships. When these people meet, they immediately penetrate mutual confidence in each other and complete mutual understanding is established between them. If these are women, they can find that their kitchens, cabinets, storerooms are located in a similar way. In the same way in their lives, a lot in common, even the genus of their activity can coincide. If the twin souls are men, then their professions and the work method will be extremely identical.

Meditation: Establishing contact with its twin soul

Enter the meditative state.
a) Do you have a twin soul?
b) what does she do?
c) who is better in this life in this life - do you have or her?
D) Feel contact with her and ask him to be filled with light peace.

Family souls

Family souls may consist of several thousand people. You are again and again embodied with these souls, having them sometimes friendly relationships based on mutual support, and sometimes very intense and very instructive. You learn to be your father, mother, sister, brother, child, and also perform other roles, including the role of beloved and spouses. Ultimately, you trained to interact with any member of your spiritual family in all aspects of relationships. Therefore, we can find that our parents in the past life were our children, or that with their brothers or sisters we once consisted in marital relations. This is like the game of children in the mother's daughter: "Today is my turn to be a mom," or "My turn to be a child," or "spouse."
This type of role relationships, mutual alternation of roles suggests that we learn, control others or themselves under control, finding in the relationship of the "master-service" relationship. In short, any possible type of relationship is worked out in the family family again and again, while we do not develop the deep relationship between the universal level and the level of the soul. We learn to love - experience love in all its varieties and share it with others.
If one or more members of such a family lag behind in their development, they pull back the whole family of shower. If someone makes a big jump in development, it brings positive energy to the whole family, thus affecting each member.
Sometimes members of older and wise shower clans, embodied in one family, move to other families or clans, seeking to help them progress. Perhaps in this life they will not have contact with their own group, but after such a "missionary" incarnation will gather together in the next life to work on themselves and on their own development. Although sometimes it seems that the efforts made by them in the "missionary" embodiment do not give anything to members of their family, yet their favorable impact contribute to universal development within and outside a particular family clan of souls. Having such an embodiment, "missionaries" can feel "not in their plate", strangers in the family, but they have a goal and they know that they should be here.

Specialized groups of souls

There are special groups of souls whose members have an additional program. Their task may be to implement a leadership role, in the development of the spiritual consciousness of a group of people. Their goal is to speed up the evolution of mankind on the planet. Members of these groups often accumulate huge karma, which from time to time it is necessary to work before continuing to work together as a group. These groups in one life can occupy posts in the government, to another - to engage in entrepreneurship, and at some other - to maintain and develop the education system. They can also devote some lives of armed forces. Their focus is directed to the development of other people, and their own development is moving into the background.
Many of them come from other planets, and although they interact with the soul families, their main function is to work in their own specialized group.

Communication from past lives
Everyone with whom we have long or bright relationships are positive or negative - one way or another was associated with us in past lives. Understanding the communication dynamics can help us resolve many problems and enrich the relationship.

You must have ever heard more than once, or say words to the address sometimes barely familiar people: "He, she is my own soul"? As a rule, the reason is the cause of mutual sympathy and understanding, which, as if by chance, arise between people. But is it by chance? Why do people recognize each other relative souls? Because they are just like? What really means this concept? Who are these related souls and, what role do they play in our lives?

There is a multiple reincarnation theory (or reincarnation), according to it related bonds, a group of souls is united before it is embodied on Earth. And in this union, you can meet friends, and parents, and lovers - all the loved ones and those who go with us hand in hand and help us build our earthly life. When we first meet with our own souls, "learn" each other, and there suddenly arises a sense of mutual sympathy between us, ease and such an understanding in communication, in which it is not necessary to go into additional exhausting clarifications. Similar thoughts and feelings, the same tastes, a look at life, a sense of humor and even gestures, facial expressions and a gait, an understanding from a half-clow or one just look - such a soul mission is formed throughout the life. Their energy is vibrated on some frequencies. It is with such people that the most fruitful interaction is obtained: they do not have to spend neither nerves or extra forces to explain their mood and convey the desired thought.

There are two options of people's opinions about related souls. Some believe that there is only one single genuine soul in the world. Their union is the combination of two halves into one or a superlight, divided into two bodies. When a person meets her, he understands that, finally, found what he was looking for a lifetime.

Others say that a lot of children's souls have a lot. These are the souls that help a person to pass all his life lessons and themselves pass along with him - and so cheat karma. Some of them follow the whole path of his life with a person, others go, as soon as they perform their task.

To say that the first theory is not completely correct, it would not be correct. Indeed, throughout the life, a person meets many people who could be called relative souls. But the proximity of the relationship with them is not the same, which means that there is still one ideal person, the very second half, which you will definitely meet in this or the following embodiments. In the latter case, this is not the reason to be disappointed in life. If a person does not meet his most perfect soul soul, then only because he does not want it and is not ready at all for such a meeting.

Man attracts precisely those related souls that correspond to its level of development. And they are different depending on his age. But, as far as relative souls did not differ, they still appear to fulfill one goal: to help overcome all the difficulties and fears, all those obstacles that are found in the joint path. Although their help is sometimes not painless, but "that does not kill us, it makes stronger."

If you are engaged in self-development and spiritual growth, then you will have more chances to meet. In one, you can be absolutely sure: your souls have long been familiar, as you were together not one life. You had so serious relationships and strong feelings that you are now connected on century by durable connections, for which you will definitely find each other.

How to find a delicate soul?

One of the biggest mistresses of a person is to believe that he has only one chance to be happy, and if he misses his ideal, it means that he will not be happy. Think so wrong because it means denying the benefit of the experience gained from the relationship passed, and Ideal is often illusory. It happens: to go through the lesson you will have to lose something, but in return you will find something more: understanding and new ratio of a higher level.

If you still haven't found your half - it means you did not solve some problems that share you. If you still want to meet her, then you need to let go of the past: unleash affection with old partners and resolve family problems (for example, bad relationships, the parenting divorce could program the subconscious of their child for loneliness or misfortune in love). Overcoming the fear of losing what you now have, know: You will never lose what is truly yours.

A person is looking for his relative soul always and everywhere, he is aware of this or not. But, even if they meet, he may not know her because, not knowing himself, he cannot know the energy of his perfect halves and then, accordingly, what it should be in reality.

It happens differently: the relative souls find each other, meet, but then part forever. It cannot be said that such relationships may not be correct, they are needed for this particular time and the spiritual development of both partners. To let go of each other and live on, they need to understand what lesson they met and what useful experience (he certainly has) they received from their relationship.

In order to be prepared for a meeting with his relative soul, first of all, you need to start acting: you will not attract half to your life with one wish. You need to understand yourself, understand what you really want, and nothing, but as a relative soul can make you truly happy. Loneliness and dislike contradict the concept of human life: everyone is given to be happy for his faith, so you trust life and be in full confidence that it will bring you to the right track. And then, you will be open to new high relationships and meet your truly related soul!

So, the relative souls hold us into this world, playing the role of our parents, they also help us grow and develop, fulfilling the role of our friends, teachers, and we love with them, know the taste of life and create a new world, being in love.