Card file of games for children of the second younger group. Many useful things for the development and learning of children: funny children's games, nursery rhymes, rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc.

Svetlana Pimenova
Card file of didactic games in the second junior group

"This is how sounds are pronounced"

Equipment: "Talking Cube" - where they change cards, which depict insects and animals. then different items.

"Loud quiet"

Target: Teach children to change strength vote: speak now softly, now loudly. To cultivate the ability to change the strength of the voice.

Equipment: Pictures with the image of large and small objects (big and small cars, drums, pipes, airplanes, etc.).

Content: The teacher provides 2 cars and is talking: "When a big car is driving, it beeps loudly, like this" BI, BI ", Repeat... And when small, then quietly "BBC". The teacher cleans up the cars and is talking: "be careful, as soon as the car starts, be careful, do not make a mistake, the big car beeps loudly, and the small one is quiet. Similarly, the game is played with other objects.

"Horses clatter their hooves"

Target: Develop phonemic hearing, develop children's speech attention.

Equipment: Pictures with the image of a horse, elephant, bear, pigs, hedgehog.

"The ball burst"

Target: Development of a long smooth exhalation. Activation of the muscles of the lips. Automation and differentiation of sounds with-sh.

Content: Children stand in a tight circle with their heads tilted downward, imitating a bubble - a ball. Then, repeating after the teacher: "Blow up the bubble, blow up big, stay that way, but don't burst", the children raise their heads and gradually step back, forming a large circle. On signal educator: "The bubble burst, the air is out", the children go to the center, pronouncing: s-s-s (or w-w-w).

"Snowflakes are flying", "Snowstorm"

Equipment: Storyline picture" Snowstorm".

At the signal of the teacher "Blizzard begins" - quietly they say: oo-oo-oo-oo; on signal "Strong blizzard" loudly they say: oo-oo-oo; at the signal "The blizzard is over," they say more quietly.

"Name it affectionately"

Target: Expansion and activation of the vocabulary of children. Learn to form words with the suffixes "chk-chn"

"Help me find mom"

Target: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Exercise in the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

Educator: "Who are you drawn, Kolya?" (Chick)"Who is the mother of the chicken?" (hen)... Call the chick your mom (pee-pee) etc.

"One - many"

Target: Learn to use the singular and plural nouns.

Equipment: cards depicting objects in the singular and plural.

Stroke: In children cards

1. The task of the children is to name what is on picture. Sample: I have one cube and many cubes.

2. Change the words so that they represent many things. Sample: ball - balls, cube - cubes.

3. Change the words so that they mean one thing. Sample: trees - a tree, ducklings - a duckling.

"Wonderful bag"

Target: In the course of the game, children learn to determine what kind of object it is, by characteristic external signs, that is, by form. It can also be used to develop speech and imagination.

Equipment: Opaque bag. For babies, it is recommended to sew it from bright fabrics (to increase interest in what is happening, and for older children - from dark fabrics.

Items. They must be relevant to a specific topic. (vegetables, geometric shapes, animals, letters or numbers) and have pronounced shape differences.

The course of the game. The meaning of the game is very simple: you need to put your hand into the bag, grope for an object and name it, not seeing what it is specifically. So that children do not get confused, first you can put 1 object, and then, when they learn to play like that, already several.

The players, in addition to the main task, can be given additional:

describe the object (color, size, taste, material) or animal (what does it do, where does it live); tell which fairy tale this object or hero is from; describe it so that other children will guess it;

name words for this letter;

For very young children, you can offer in this way to choose a toy with which he will then play. To do this, they are first shown the objects that are put in the bag, and then each one in turn takes out his own.

"Parts of the day"

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day; exercise in juxtaposition pictures with parts of the day: morning afternoon Evening Night.

Game rules: by the word spoken by the teacher, show card and explain why he picked it up.

Game action: search for the desired Pictures.

The players on the table are different Pictures reflecting the life of children in kindergarten. There should be several plot points for each part of the day. pictures... Children choose for themselves picture are examining her carefully. On word "morning" all children holding the appropriate Pictures, raise them and each explains why he thinks that he has morning: children come to kindergarten, a teacher is waiting for them, they do morning exercises, wash, have breakfast, study, etc. Then the teacher says the word "day"... Raise pictures those who has a picture of any event or activity of children at this time days: walking, working on the site, having lunch, sleeping.

Educator. Evening.

Children raise appropriate cards.

Why did you show this card?

Child. Because mothers came for the children, it's dark outside.

Educator. Night.

Children raise cards with the image of sleeping guys.

This is how the knowledge of children about the parts of the day is consolidated. For each correct answer, children receive chips: pink counter - morning, blue - day, gray - evening, black - night.

Then all cards are shuffled and the game continues, but the words are called in another sequences: the teacher first calls "evening", and then "morning", thereby increasing attention to the verbal signal.

"Tell me which one?"

Target: development of tactile sensations in children, enrichment and activation of the vocabulary.

The objectives of this manual are: development of tactile memory, mental operations, fine motor skills, impressive and expressive speech; fantasy and imagination (it all depends on the tasks in didactic game) .

Game progress: Children are given cards depicting different moods of people, the state of objects.

The child must name the definitions in comparison (here the girl is cheerful, and on the other the picture of the girl is sad).

Complication: the child is given the task of choosing several definitions for the subject (ball - round, rubber, blue, large).

"What season?"

Target: Teach children to understand the weather changes by seasons, the behavior of plants and animals, as well as the life of people at different times of the year.

Exercise: it is necessary to select pictures and objects corresponding to the seasons.

rules: remember what happens and at what time of the year; v group to help each other; individually, you can play with the parents and use their prompts.

Material: a circular disc divided into four parts. Decorate each part or cover it with a fabric that matches the color of the season (white is winter; green is spring, pink or red is summer, and yellow or orange is autumn). Such a disk will symbolize "All year round"... For each part, you need to pick up several episodes pictures with relevant themes (changes in nature, animals and birds, people working on the ground, children having fun).

"One - many"

Target: Learn to find a different amount items: one or many.

Equipment: cards with picture items: one piece and many pieces.

Game progress: In children cards depicting one item and many items.

The task of the children is to find, on the instructions of the teacher, where there is one subject, where there are many of them.

"Find out by the form"

Target: learn to match the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Material. Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval, objects of different shapes.

Game progress:

1. Pictures are divided into two parts: geometric shapes, images of various objects. Match objects to a geometric figure, explaining your choice: "The Christmas tree looks like a triangle, it is triangular in shape"... The game continues until all items are matched to samples.

2. Children are given geometric shapes. Every child chooses from everyone cards images of objects of the desired shape. The teacher helps children to correctly name the shape of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular).

"What is more - what is less"

Target: learn to compare equal and unequal in quantity groups of subjects, establish equality and inequality groups of subjects using words "more", "smaller", "equally".

Equipment: Pictures with the image of a different number of objects

Game progress: Children are given Pictures with the image of different objects and it is proposed to compare and say which objects are more or less. Complication: put a figure in the circles according to the number of items shown.

"Guess what it is?"

Target: Teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes.

Equipment: Houses with carved windows, geometric shapes in the form of windows.

Game progress: The teacher distributes the houses to the children, offers to trace the contours of the window with a movement of his hand, find a geometric figure and close the window. The teacher shows the figures to the children, traces each one with his finger. Gives a task children: “On your tables are houses with windows of different shapes, and the same figures. Place all the figures on the windows so that they are hidden. "

"What figures does the subject consist of?"

Target: Learn to highlight parts of the image, determine their shape. Exercise in drawing up the silhouette of an object from separate parts (geometric shapes).

Equipment. Pictures depicting objects composed of geometric shapes.

Option 1:

Children are invited to tell what geometric shapes the image is composed of, how many and what color they are.

Option 2:

Children are encouraged to post the same Pictures from a set of geometric shapes, first by superimposing on card, then next to picture and then from memory. Educator asks: “What did you make up? What geometric shapes? ".

Option 3:

Children are shown card and it is proposed to remember which figures are used in the image.

"What is where"

Target: Introduce spatial concepts. Anchor concepts on, over, under, in, about.

Equipment: plot pictures, Pictures subject from the plot pictures.

Instructions for conducting: The teacher offers to name where the subject is on picture in relation to other objects, place the object on picture.

"Put it where I tell you"

Target: Develop spatial representations, the ability to navigate the sheet.

Equipment. Cards divided into upper and lower stripes, small Pictures.

The course of the game. Are given to children cards -"Shelves" and Pictures.

The teacher suggests putting a ball on the top shelf. Place the machine on the lower rack.

Children gradually spread pictures on cards -"Shelves".

Educator: What's on the bottom shelf? On the top shelf?

Encourage children to respond with a full sentence.

"What's Longer, Higher, Thicker"

Target: Development in children of a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of magnitude.

Material. Satin or nylon ribbons of different colors and sizes, subject toys: a fat bear and a thin doll, pictures with objects, different in size.

The course of the game. V. places the game sets on two tables in advance. didactic material(multicolored ribbons)... The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a doll Katya. He tells the children that Misha and Katya want to be smart today, and for this they need belts. Calls up two children and gives them rolled up in a tube ribbons: one short - a belt for Katya, another long - a belt for a bear. Children, with V.'s help, try on and tie belts to toys. But then the toys want to swap belts. V. discovers that the belt of the doll does not converge on the bear, and the belt is too large for the doll. The teacher offers to consider the belts and spreads them side by side on the table, and then puts a short ribbon on a long one. He explains which ribbon is long and which is short, that is, he gives the name of the quality of the quantity - length. Compare items by size pictures.

"Arrange in order (within 3)»


Material. 2 sets of triple nesting dolls, 2 sets of circles of different sizes. Target: learn to arrange objects in ascending or descending order in size.

The course of the game. All nesting dolls are displayed in a row. Let's get to know them! The teacher calls the name of each matryoshka, tilting it when this: "I am Matryosha, I am Natasha, I am Dasha"... Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (one matryoshka is taken by the teacher)... The game begins. First the nesting dolls walk (walk around the table)... Then they are called to measure their height. They line up one after another and take turns, starting with the smallest, rise in height, and the teacher specifies which matryoshka is the tallest? Then the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher puts a set of circles on the table (plate) of three sizes, calls the children in turn, who select plates of the corresponding size for their nesting dolls. After dinner, the nesting dolls are going for a walk. The teacher puts on the table second set of nesting dolls, and children pick up girlfriends of the same height for their nesting dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they scatter and mix. ( "Matryoshka wanted to run"). Suggests to build them according to their height.

"Say the opposite"

Target. Teach children to name objects of opposite quality in size and quantity.

The teacher shows picture and says: "This is a tall building, but on the contrary, how to say?" The child finds picture and says: "And this house is low" etc.

"Name the color"

Target: Continue introducing children to the six primary colors, distinguishing and naming them. Develop responsiveness, attention, thinking. Consolidate knowledge about animals.

Material: Colored sheets 10x8, white squares on them 5x5, colored squares.

Children choose a square of the desired color and cover the square.

"Name the shape"

Target: Teach children to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval) and perform actions with them.

Material: Cards with the image of the contours of the figures, plastic figurines.

"Let's treat the mice with tea"

Target: Develop the ability to compare objects by size (3 items)... Activate the words "Big, smaller, small" in the speech of children

Material: Image of three mice of different sizes, three cups and three saucers.

Purpose: To acquaint children with the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.

Course: The teacher shows objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to guess riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects have different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and everyone sounds differently.

Did. game "Clock"

Move: H-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: "Tick-tock, tick-tock", how the clock strikes: "Bom-bom ...". To make them go, you need to start them: "trick-truck ..."! ...

Let's start a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); our clock goes on and at first it ticks, then it beats (sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times).

Now we will start a small clock, the clock is running and singing softly, the clock strikes very softly (children each time imitate the course and chime of the clock with their voices).

Did. game "Teddy bears eat honey"

Hod: The teacher tells the children that they will be cubs, and the cubs love honey very much. He suggests bringing your palm closer to your mouth (with your fingers and yourself) and "licking" the honey - children stick out their tongue and, without touching their palm, imitate that they are eating honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove it. (obligatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.)

The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Then the teacher says: “The cubs are full. They lick the upper lip (showing, lower lip (showing). Stroking their tummies, saying "Ooh" (2-3 times).

Did. game "Frog and frogs"

Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.

Course: The teacher divides the children into two groups: these are large and small frogs. Says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly:“ Kva-kva ”(children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly).

Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak softly (children imitate actions and croak softly). All the frogs were tired and sat on the beach on the sand ”. Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.

Did. game "Let's feed the chicks"

Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children.

Stroke: (I am a mother-bird, and you are my baby-chicks. The chicks are funny, they squeak "pee-pee" - and flap their wings. The mother-bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly and squeak merrily Mom flew in and began to feed her children (children squat, raise their heads up, chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher tries to make the children open their mouths wider). The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Did. ex. "At the doctor"

Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.

Stroke: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the kids have teeth hurting.

Q: Show the doctor your teeth (the teacher with the doll quickly walk around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if you have a sore throat. Whoever she approaches will open his mouth wide (children open their mouths wide).

The doctor is pleased: no one has a sore throat.

Did. game "Guess What Sounds"

Purpose: To continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

Stroke: The teacher shows musical instruments in turn and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to guess riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and children recognize where different sounds belong.

Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Course: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to pronounce how it screams. He closes the screen and one subgroup of children takes the toys and speaks for their animals in turn. Another group is guessing who was shouting.

Did. game “Who lives in the house? "

Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop speech breathing in children.

Move: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: "av-av". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks softly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: "Meow meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly.

Send the animals home (pictures are removed for cubes). Guess who lives in this house: "av-av" (pronounced loudly? (Children's answers) That's right, the dog (shows the picture). How did she bark? (Children's answers).

Guess who lives in this house: "meow meow" (pronounces softly? How did the kitten meow?

Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat the sound combinations several times.

Did. game "Who is shouting how? "

Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.

Stroke: The mother of the bird had a little chick (exposes pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: "tweet - tweet" (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: "tweet-tweet" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (moves the picture with the image of the chick further away). The bird is calling his son. What does she call him? (Children, together with the teacher, repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he tweet? (Children speak softly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

Did. game "Call your mom"

Move: All children have object pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who is your drawing, Kolya? (chicken) Who's the chicken's mom? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Pee-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture.

The same work is done with all children.

Did. game "Call me back"

Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonational expressiveness.

Stroke: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How is she screaming? Who is her cub? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And her cub - how does the lamb cry? etc. Pictures are exhibited on a flannelegraph.

The teacher distributes pictures of animals and birds to children. Cubs walk (children leave the tables, nibble grass, nibble crumbs. Whose mom or dad will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put the picture next to them.

The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. A child with a cub is making sounds and puts the picture on a flannelgraph.

Didactic games aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the second junior group

Didactic game "Find the object"

Purpose: to teach how to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns.

Material. Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval).

Content. Children stand in a semicircle. In the center there are two tables: on one - geometric shapes, on the second - objects. The teacher tells the rules of the game: “We will play like this: to whom the hoop rolls up, he will come to the table and find an object with a mongrel of the same shape that I will show. The child, to whom the hoop rolled up, comes out, the teacher shows a circle and offers to find an object of the same shape. The found object rises high, if it is chosen correctly, children. Clap their hands. Then the teacher rolls the hoop to the next child and suggests a different shape. The game continues until all items match, matched to samples.

Didactic game "Pick a figure"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes, exercise in naming them.

Material. Demonstration: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle cut from cardboard.

Handout: cards with 5 geometric lotos outlines.

Content. The teacher shows the figures to the children, traces each with a finger Gives the task to the children: “You have cards on your tables on which figures of different shapes are drawn, and the same figures on trays. Lay out all the figures on the cards so that they are hidden. " Asks the children to trace each shape on the tray, and then superimposes (“hide”) it on the sketched shape.

Game "Right as Left"

Purpose: mastering the skills to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Content. The nesting dolls were in a hurry and forgot to finish their drawings. You need to finish them so that one half is similar to the other. Children draw, and an adult says: “Point, point, two hooks, minus a comma - a funny face came out. And if a bow and a little skirt-man is that girl. And if there is a forelock and pants, that little man is a boy. " The children are looking at the drawings. "

Geometric lotto

Purpose: to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure, to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

Material. 5 cards depicting geometric shapes: 1 circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. 5 cards each with the image of objects of different shapes: round (tennis ball, apple, ball, soccer ball, balloon), square rug, handkerchief, cube, etc .; oval (melon, plum, leaf, beetle, egg); rectangular (envelope, briefcase, book, dominoes, picture).

Didactic game "Hedgehog"

Purpose: to teach to correlate objects in size, to highlight the value as a significant feature that determines the action; to consolidate the meaning of the words "big", "small", "more", "less", to enter them into the active vocabulary of children.

Equipment. Cardboard stencils with the image of hedgehogs, umbrellas of four sizes.

The course of the game. The teacher says that now he will tell a fairy tale about hedgehogs: “A family of hedgehogs lived in the forest: dad, mom and two hedgehogs. Once the hedgehogs went for a walk and went out into the field. There was neither a house nor a tree (Invites the children to find figurines of hedgehogs on trays and put them in front of them. He approaches each one and arranges the figurines in a row in size). Suddenly daddy the hedgehog said: “Look what a big cloud. It's going to rain now. " “We ran into the forest,” suggested the mother of the hedgehog. - Let's hide under the tree. But then it started raining, and the hedgehogs did not have time to hide. You guys have umbrellas. Help the hedgehogs, give them umbrellas. Just look carefully to whom, which umbrella suits. (Looks to see if children use the principle of matching objects by size). “Well done, now all the hedgehogs are hiding under umbrellas. And they thank you. " The teacher asks someone why he gave one umbrella to the hedgehog dad and the other to the hedgehog mom; the next child - why he gave the little hedgehogs other umbrellas. Children answer, and the teacher helps them to formulate the answer correctly.

Didactic game "Lotto"

Purpose: to teach to isolate the contour of an object, to correlate the volumetric form with a plane one, to recognize objects in a drawing, to know their names.

Equipment. Cards with the image of three monochrome shapes (for example, on one - a circle, square, triangle; on the other - a circle, oval, square; on the third - a square, rectangle, triangle, etc.), a set of cards with an image of one shape for imposition on large cards.

The course of the game. The teacher gives each child a large card, and he takes small cards for himself, having previously laid them out in forms. Raises one card, for example, a circle, and asks: "Who has this?" (the form is not named). Those who have a circle on the cards raise their hands and the teacher gives them small cards with circles, at the same time checking the correctness of the choice: "Well done, I have a circle and you have a circle." Children put small cards over the corresponding image. Then, he moves on to the next shape and lifts, for example, a trapezoid. However, when assessing the children's answer, he does not name this form, since the children are not introduced to its name, but simply notes that the children did the right thing.

As they master the game, the children are given two and then three cards. The choice is made not from 3, but from 6-9 forms.

In the future, a child may play the role of a leader, the teacher sits down among the children and takes a large map for himself.

Game "Build a pyramid"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. Development of an emotional mood.

Course of the game: The teacher offers the child containers from the filler (peas, beans)

Make a slide, a pyramid.

Equipment: Container with filler, fillers.

Game "Helper"

Purpose: Development of fine and general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. Instill hard work.

The course of the game: The teacher invites the child to transfer the contents from one container

to another.

Equipment: Containers with fillers, scoops, fillers.

Cinderella game

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity. Know the fillers of the container. Development of an emotional mood.

The course of the game: The teacher offers the child from one container, where there are different fillers, to shift them by type into different containers.

Equipment: Container with filler, different fillers.

Game "Plant a tree"

Purpose: Development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills and eyes. To instill love in the nature around us.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the child to fill the container with filler

and "plant trees."

Equipment: Container with filler, tree models.

Game "Where are our hands"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements. Development of dexterity, emotional mood.

Game progress: The teacher invites one child to hide their hands in a container with filler. Another child must find his hand.

Equipment: Containers with various fillings.

Game "Let's cook porridge"

Purpose: Development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, eye. Repeat the name of the croup.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to go to the store, buy the necessary cereal and cook porridge.

Equipment: Various fillers from cereals. Various containers.

Game "Draw"

Purpose: to train the small muscles of the fingers, the development of visual and spatial representations, to form the correct grip of the hand. Develop creative imagination, speech.

Course of the game: For the child, the teacher offers to draw a needle to the hedgehog, nuts to the squirrel, and berries to the bear.

Blow up the blot game

Purpose: to train the small muscles of the fingers, the development of visual and spatial representations, to form the correct grip of the hand. To develop creative imagination, speech.

The course of the game: The teacher, together with the children, inflates a blot of gouache, determine what it looks like.

The game "Draw on the contour"

Purpose: to train the small muscles of the fingers, the development of visual and spatial representations, to form the correct grip of the hand.

Develop creative imagination, speech.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the child to circle the drawing along the contour, guess the contour image.

GAME "Bag of toys"

Target. The development of tactile perception, the formation of the ability to recognize an object by touch.

Game material. A pouch, small toys of a contrasting shape: cubes, balls, toy dishes, bunnies, cars, etc.

The course of the game. The game is played with a subgroup (4-6 people). The teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs and see what is in his hands (a bright bag). The teacher informs that there are many, many toys in this bag for everyone. Then he asks the children: "Do you want to know what is in the bag?" To do this, you need to take turns approaching the bag, but do not look there, but only choose a gift for yourself with your hands, then say what you have chosen, and only after that take it out of the bag and show it to everyone. The teacher takes turns calling the children and offers to look for a toy. Thus, all the children receive gifts and return to their places with them. Then the teacher allows you to play with toys, carefully examine them, touch them. Then the toys are put back in the bag and the game is repeated again. Children are again looking for gifts for themselves, but now every child already knows what kind of toy he wants to find.

Name the car "

The aim of the game. Introduce the child to the names of the cars.

The course of the game. Place 3-4 cards in front of the child, for example, cards with a picture of a bus, a steamer and an airplane. Ask the child to find the bus card. Praise your baby if he did it. Help if you have any difficulties.

Tell that the bus is big, it carries people around the city or even to other cities. What is the color of the bus? Tell your child about other cars.

Before moving on to the next games, make sure that the child is well versed in the names and purposes of the cars.

Types of cars

The aim of the game. Teach a child to combine cars into groups.

The course of the game. Lay the cards face up in front of the child. Place four large (summary) cards separately. Invite your toddler to look for a picture of a form of transport, such as a boat. Where can you see it? To which of the four generalization cards can it be attached? The child can check the correctness of his choice by the background color.

Ask to collect chains of cards: water transport, air transport, ground passenger transport, special vehicles.

Ask your child additional questions. For example, what unites the machines in each chain? What are the names of the cars that fly across the sky. What types of ground vehicles does the child know (official, passenger transport; cars, trucks, etc.)? what can you call a tram, trolleybus and bus (city transport)?

Car color

The aim of the game. Teach a child to distinguish cars by color.

The course of the game. The player's task is to put together all the cars of the same color and put them in a chain. Summary cards are not used in this game.

Ask your baby additional questions. What is the name of this or that color? Which car is yellow? What color is the fire truck

What is what

The course of the game. Arrange the cards in random order. Take two cards that form a pair, for example, a whole and a cut apple. Ask your child where is the whole apple? Where is the half of the apple? Which is more - a whole apple or half?

Explain to him unfamiliar concepts, for example, what is "in half", "two parts", "half". What items on the cards are divided into equal parts? Unequal?

Invite your child to find pairs: the whole object and its part. If the cards are right, they connect easily. If he has trouble finding the cards, ask him leading questions, for example, what part did the artist forget to draw? What object can be made from these parts? What is this piece from?


Foam game

I whip the foam dexterously

And decorate her cake

Goal: Development of fine and general hand motor skills in children. Work on the formation and development of the tempo and rhythm of speech. Formation of a correct hand grip.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to whip up the foam - a cream for decorating a birthday cake.

Equipment: A container with water, a whisk, a means for foam.

Game "Catch a fish"

Purpose: Development in children of coordination of movements, general motor skills, attention. Formation of a correct hand grip. Dexterity development.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to go fishing and catch a fish with a fishing rod.

Equipment: Tank with water, fishing rods and fish.

Game "Start the fish"

Purpose: Development of attention, coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills in children, the formation and consolidation of ideas about the inhabitants of reservoirs.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to bring and launch fish into the reservoir.

Equipment: Tank with water, clockwork fish.

Blow off the cloud game

I whip the foam dexterously

And they decorate her cake.

Purpose: Development of attention, coordination of movements in children. Activation of the muscles of the lips, the formation of the ability to carry out a deep breath and a long, smooth exhalation.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to catch the "cloud" in their palm and blow it off.

Equipment: A container with water, a foam cleaner, a whisk

Game "Drowning, not sinking"

Purpose: Acquaintance with the properties of various materials, development of coordination of movements, consolidation of the concepts of "light", "heavy". Development of logical thinking.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to lower objects of different quality into the water and observe them, characterize them.

Equipment: A container with water, heavy and light objects.

The game "Let's make a fountain"

Purpose: Development in children of general and fine motor skills of hands, attention. Formation of the correct grip of hands, emotional mood.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to fill the syringes with water and, by pressing, make a "Fountain".

Game "Choose the right color"

Purpose: Development of sensorimotor skills in children, coordination of movements, visual attention, consolidation of color shades.

Course of the game: The teacher invites the children to get objects of the same color from the bottom of the container.

Equipment: A container with water, multi-colored caps, lids.

Game "Captain"

Purpose: The development in children of attention, mental processes, coordination of movements, the formation of the ability to perform a deep breath and a long smooth exhalation. Work on articulatory motor skills. Creating a positive attitude.

Game progress: The teacher fills a container with water and launches paper boats with the children. Offers to blow on boats, sending them sailing.

Equipment: A container with water, paper boats.

Game "Halves"

Purpose: Development of attention, eyes, coordination of movements in children. Formation of dexterity, emotional mood.

Course of the game: The teacher offers to fill the glass halfway with water.

Equipment: A container with water, a glass.

Game "Get the Shell"

Find a treasure in the sand,

I'll be very happy.

Purpose: To develop children's attention, general and fine motor skills of hands. Formation and development of coordination of movement and speech.

Course of the game: Several pebbles and shells are laid out on the bottom of the container with water. The teacher invites the child to get the "put" from the bottom.

Equipment: a container with water, pebbles, shells, a net

Game "Drink the elephant"

Purpose: Development of movement coordination in children, fine and general motor skills, attention.

Formation of the correct grip of the hand, the development of dexterity.

Creating a positive emotional mood.

Course of the game: The teacher plays up the syringe: "The elephants have come to visit us, they really want to drink." Invites children to water the elephants.

Equipment: A container with water, syringes.

The game "Warm, cold"

Purpose: Consolidation of the concepts of "warm", "cold", the development of an emotional mood, the development of attention.

Course of the game: The teacher fills the container with warm and cold water and invites the children to put the ducklings into warm water and the fish into cold water.

Equipment: Tank with warm and cold water, ducklings, fish.

Game "Catch a piece of ice"

Purpose: Development of attention, movement coordination, fine and general motor skills in children. Acquaintance with the properties of water. Formation of a correct hand grip. Development of tactile sensitivity and dexterity.

Course of the game: The teacher lowers 5-6 pieces of ice into the container and invites the children to take them out and watch how they melt and turn into water.

Equipment: Container with water, ice, net, empty container

Card file of didactic games and exercises in the second junior group "Introduction to sound reality and the development of voluntary hand movements"

Gorobets Marina Valerievna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "UNDS of general developmental type No. 36" Birch "
Locality: Yakutia Oymyakonsky district of Ust-Nera settlement
Material name: methodical development
Theme:"Card file of games for the 2nd junior group"
Date of publication: 31.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education






Games aimed at building a team of children

and establishing positive relationships between children

in the second junior group "
Purpose: Formation of positive emotions in the morning.
Spiders and mosquitoes.
Purpose of the game: to create an emotionally positive background. All children are mosquitoes, they move around the room to calm music. Two children, holding hands, represent spiders. The task of the spiders is to stain the mosquitoes as much as possible. Those children touched by the spider sit on chairs. When all the mosquitoes are caught, the next pair is selected and the game resumes.
Purpose of the game: teach you to coordinate your actions with all children. Children become a chain and put their hands on each other's shoulders. Thus, they begin to move around the room, overcoming various obstacles.
Find your home.
Children sit on high chairs. They have different toys in their hands. In the words of the presenter, “Let's go for a walk,” everyone leaves their toys “at home” (on chairs) and follows the teacher. For some time, all the participants run, jump, walk around the room, and the teacher imperceptibly changes the places of the toys. Then he says: "It's raining" and everyone runs away to their "houses". But since not their toys are sitting on their chairs now, they need to find their own and “move” to her on the chair.
Purpose of the game: to teach to negotiate. Children are divided into pairs. The presenter says "They gave Tole for his birthday ...". Children in a couple agree and, at the signal of the presenter, name a gift together.
Purpose of the game: to teach to negotiate, to subordinate your desires to the interests of others. Children are divided into pairs. The presenter says “We are going on a journey today” Children in a pair decide where and at the signal of the presenter (clap) voice their decision together. Variants of the continuation of the game "We will take with us on a journey ...", "On the way, we met ...". When the children are good at working in pairs, they can be divided into no more large groups.
Guess me.
Purpose of the game: rallying, establishing trusting contact between children. Children sit on chairs, blindfolded driver walks around the room. He approaches one player, puts his hands on his shoulders and guesses who it is. If guessed correctly, the player says "Yes, it's me"
Affectionate names.
Purpose of the game: establishing positive contact between children. An adult invites the children to “Give your neighbor an affectionate name so that he would be pleased. In the game, you can use any object (toy, flower), passing it to a neighbor, the child calls him an affectionate name.
Hello photos (for children from 3 years old)
Greeting ritual "Sunshine"
Purpose: creating a positive mood in the group; develop the ability to use affectionate words in communication with each other. It is carried out in the morning using the Good Sun toy. Children stand in a circle holding hands. The use of a circle, as you know, is a guarantee of the safety of those who are in it. The friendliness and warmth of the circle determine the general atmosphere of children's life. Educator: Good morning, guys! Look, our Sun has been waiting for us and I really want to say hello, to warm you with its warmth. Let's say hello to him. Whoever has the sun in his hands will call his name affectionately. But first, we will all say the magic words together and we will pass the sun from hand to hand, when the words run out and whoever has our sun in his hands will start the game. The sun walks in a circle Gives the kids its light. And with the light Friendship comes to us - sunny greetings. You can also use the following emotional attitudes, which can be carried out both in the morning and in the afternoon.
- What kind of facial expressions do mom and dad have when they are angry? What do you do when you get scolded? How do dad and mom smile when they hug you?
The cat's ray touched, the Cat stretched sweetly. (Draw an affectionate kitten asking for milk).
"Wake up"
Educator. Let's play. I - as if a daughter (son) - and sleep. And you - my mom (dad) - wake me up. Just try to wake up with gentle words, a gentle voice and soft touches, so as not to frighten me from sleep (The situation is played out in roles. At the same time, the "waking up" can reach out to rub his eyes, smile in the morning and "mom". When repeated, the participants in the game change roles.). The child wakes up the sleeping toy with gentle, soft touches of the hand and quietly, affectionately says: "Wake up, my sun!" etc.
a) Draw frogs hunting mosquitoes. They hid and froze. Caught a mosquito - happy. b) Now imagine that one of the frogs jumped on your palm. What will you do? (I will gently plant it on the grass.) Show how you will do it. (It is necessary to achieve not only the development of fine motor skills of the hands, but also the expression of the emotional state of the characters).
"Outdoor games"

"Round dance"
Purpose: to teach children to lead a round dance; exercise in squats. Children speak the words behind the teacher. Holding hands, walk in a circle. Around rose bushes, among grasses and flowers We spin, we dance in a round dance, oh, we are cheerful people! We whirled to the point that we fell to the ground. Boo! When pronouncing the last phrase, squats are performed.
Purpose: to develop children's balance in movement, running skills, to increase emotional tone. Description. The teacher invites the children to ride the carousel. He is holding a hoop in his hands (being in the middle of the hoop) with multi-colored ribbons tied to it. Children take up the ribbons, the teacher moves with the hoop. Children walk and then run in circles. The teacher says: Barely, barely, barely, the merry-go-rounds started spinning, And then, and then everything was running, running, running! Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel, One and two, one and two, that's the game over! The children stop.
"Sparrows and the car"
Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions, without bumping into each other, to start movement and change it at the signal of the teacher, to find their place. Description. Children - "sparrows" sit on the bench - "nests". The teacher portrays a "car". After the teacher's words: "Fly, little sparrows, to the path" - the children get up and run around the site, waving their arms - "wings". At the signal of the teacher: "The car is going, fly, little sparrows, to their nests!" - the "car" leaves the "garage", the "sparrows" fly into the "nests" (sit on the benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".
"One, two, three - run!"
Purpose: to train children in the ability to act on a signal; to develop speed of running, coherence of collective actions. Description. Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he has to say. If the teacher says: "One, two, three, run to the tree," the children run to the tree and wait for the teacher. If the teacher says: "One, two, three, run to the sandbox," the children run to the sandbox and wait for the teacher.
"Little white bunny is sitting"
Purpose: to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children. Description. Children - "bunnies" are sitting on the bench. The teacher offers the "bunnies" to run out to the middle of the site ("clearing"). Children go to the middle of the site, stand near the teacher and squat on their haunches. The teacher says the text: Little white hare sits Children wiggle their brushes And wiggle their ears. hands, lifting them to the head, Like this, like this imitating hare ears. He wiggles his ears. Bunny is cold to sit, Clap their hands. It is necessary to warm the paws Clap, clap, clap, clap, It is necessary to warm the paws. The bunny is cold to stand, They jump up on both The bunny must jump. legs in place. Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny must jump. (Name of the toy) scared the bunny, Specifically, it is indicated who scared the bunny. Bunny jumped and rode away. (the teacher shows the toy). Children run away to their places.
"My jolly ringing ball"
Purpose: to teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken. Description. Children stand on one side of the playground, near them a teacher with a ball in his hands. It shows how lightly and high the ball bounces if you hit it with your hand, accompanying the actions with the words: My cheerful ringing ball, Where did you gallop? Red, yellow, blue, Can't keep up with you. Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: "Now I will catch up!" Children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to jump, while he himself raises and lowers his hand over the heads of the children, as if hitting the balls.
Purpose: to teach you to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; exercise children in running, make turns around you. The teacher reads a poem: White fluffy snow whirls in the air, And quietly to the ground, falls, lays down. Children run in circles, spinning. An outdoor game "The sun and the rain" Purpose: to teach children to walk and run scattered, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher. Description. Children squat behind the line indicated by the teacher. The teacher says: “There is a sun in the sky! You can go for a walk. " Children run around the playground. At the signal: "Rain! Hurry home! " - run over the designated line and squat down. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk, "and the game repeats itself. Outdoor game "Airplanes" Purpose: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; train them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal. Description. The teacher invites the children to prepare for the "flight", having shown in advance how to "start" the engine and how to "fly". The teacher says: “Prepare for the flight. Start the motors! " - children make rotational movements with their hands in front of the chest and pronounce the sound: "Rrr". After the teacher's signal: "Fly!" - children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and "fly" - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the teacher: "To land!" - children sit on the bench. Bubble mobile game Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle, to make it wider or narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words. Description. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says: Blow up, bubble, blow up, big, Stay like that and don't burst. The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: "The bubble burst!", Then they lower their arms and squat down, saying: "Clap!" You can also invite the children after the words: "Bubble burst" to move to the center of the circle, still holding on to
hands and while uttering the sound: "Sh-sh-sh" (air comes out). Then the children "inflate" the bubble again - they move back, forming a large circle. Outdoor game "Snowflakes and the wind" Purpose: development of children's imagination, attentiveness, the ability to play in a team; exercise in running, make turns around yourself, in squats. The teacher says the words: And now I'll see: Who knows how to have fun, Who is not afraid of frost. The teacher - "wind" imitates the wind, and children - "snowflakes" move around the site, depicting the flight of snowflakes. Children hide (sit down) when the teacher stops blowing.
Purpose: to teach children to walk and run in a convoy one at a time, to speed up and slow down, to make stops at a signal; to teach children to find their place in the column, not to push their comrades, to be attentive. Description. Children stand in a column one by one (without holding on to each other). The first is a "steam locomotive", the rest are "cars". The teacher gives a beep, and the "train" begins to move forward slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally, the children start running. After the teacher's words, “The train is approaching the station,” the children gradually slow down - the train stops. The teacher invites everyone to go out, take a walk, pick flowers, berries in an imaginary meadow. At the signal, the children again gather in a column - and the train begins to move.
"Sparrows and a cat"
Purpose: to teach children to jump gently, bending their knees, run without touching each other, dodge the catch, quickly run away, find their place, teach children to be careful, taking a place, not to push comrades. Description. Children - "sparrows" sit in their "nests" (in circles marked on the ground or painted on the asphalt) on one side of the playground. On the other side of the site is the "cat". As soon as the "cat" sleeps, the "sparrows" "fly out" to the road, "fly" from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (children squat, knock their fingers on their knees, as if pecking). But the “cat” “wakes up”, “meows” and runs after the “sparrows”, which “fly away” to their “nests”. First, the role of the "cat" is performed by the educator, and then by one of the children.
"Hares and the wolf"
Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the teacher, to perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place. Description. Children - "hares" are hiding behind bushes and trees. To the side, behind a bush, there is a "wolf". "Hares" run out into the clearing, jump, nibble the grass, frolic. At the signal of the teacher: "The wolf is coming!" - "hares" run away and hide behind bushes and trees. The "Wolf" is trying to catch up with them. In the game, you can use a verse text: Bunnies jump: gallop, gallop, gallop - On the green on the meadow. They pinch the grass, eat it, Listen carefully, Isn't there a wolf walking? Children perform movements on the text. With the end of the text, a "wolf" appears and begins to catch "hares". At first, the role of the "wolf" is played by the educator.
Didactic games

"Guess What To Do"

Target. Teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children of the ability to switch auditory attention. Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child. Stroke: Children sit in a semicircle. Each of them has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher is loudly ringing a tambourine, the children raise the flags and wave them, if quietly, they keep their hands on their knees. Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and the correct execution of movements; it is necessary to alternate the loud and quiet sounding of the tambourine no more than four times so that the children can easily perform the movements.
"Sun or rain?"
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. Education in children of the ability to switch auditory attention. Course: An adult says to the children: “Now we are going for a walk. We go out for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring with a tambourine, you will have fun walking to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start knocking on the tambourine, and when you hear the knock, you must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it. " Methodical instructions. The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.
"Butterfly, fly!"
Target. Achieve long, continuous oral exhalation. Preparatory work. Prepare 5 Paper Brightly Colored Butterflies. To each tie a thread 50 cm long and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between the two uprights so that the butterflies hang at the level of the child's face. Stroke: Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look how beautiful butterflies are: blue, yellow, red! There are so many of them! They are like living! Let's see if they can fly. (Blowing on them.) Look, let's fly. Try it and you blow. Who will fly next? " The adult invites the children to stand one by one near each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies. Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to make sure that the children stand up straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without drawing in air. Do not puff out your cheeks, push your lips slightly forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may become dizzy.
"Loud quiet"
Target. Teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak now loudly, then softly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice. Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: big and small cars, big and small drums, big and small pipes. Move: An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car is driving, it beeps loudly:“ BBC ”. How does a big car signal? " Children say "BBC" loudly. The teacher continues: “And the small car beeps softly:“ BBC ”. How does a small car honk? " Children quietly say: "BBC". The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car beeps loudly, and the small one is quiet. " The rest of the toys are played in the same way. Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that when quietly pronouncing onomatopoeia, children do not switch to a whisper.
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Move: H-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: "Tick-tock, tick-tock", how the clock strikes: "Bom-bom ...". To make them go, you need to start them: "trick-truck ..." !. - Let's start a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); our clock goes on and at first it ticks, then it beats (sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times). - Now we will start a small clock, the clock is running and singing softly, the clock strikes very quietly (children each time imitate the course and chime of the clock with their voices).

"Cubs are eating honey"
Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children. Hod: The teacher tells the children that they will be cubs, and the cubs love honey very much. He suggests bringing your palm closer to your mouth (with your fingers and yourself) and "licking" the honey - children stick out their tongue and, without touching their palm, imitate that they are eating honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove it. (obligatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.) The game is repeated 3-4 times. Then the teacher says: “The cubs are full. They lick the upper lip (show), lower lip (show). Stroke their tummies, saying: "Ooh-ooh" (2-3 times).
"Frog and frogs"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Course: The teacher divides the children into two groups: these are large and small frogs. Says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly:“ Kva-kva ”(children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly). Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak softly (children imitate actions and croak softly). All the frogs were tired and sat on the beach on the sand ”. Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.
"Let's feed the chicks"
Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children. Stroke: (I am a mother-bird, and you are my baby-chicks. The chicks are funny, they squeak "pee-pee" - and flap their wings. The mother-bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly and squeak merrily The mother flew in and began to feed her children (the children squat, raise their heads up), the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher tries to make the children open their mouths wider.) The game is repeated 2-3 times.
"Who lives in the house?"
Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop speech breathing in children. Move: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: "av-av". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks softly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: "Meow-meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly. Send the animals home (pictures are removed for cubes). Guess who lives in this house: "av-av" (pronounced loudly)? (Answers of children) That's right, dog (shows the picture). How did she bark? (children's answers). Guess who lives in this house: "meow-meow" (says quietly)? How did the kitten meow? Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat the sound combinations several times.
"Who is shouting how?"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children. Stroke: The mother of the bird had a little chick (exposes pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: "tweet - tweet" (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: "tweet-tweet" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (moves the picture with the image of the chick further away). The bird is calling his son. What does she call him? (Children, together with the teacher, repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he tweet? (Children speak softly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?
Role-playing games

"We are going for a walk"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach how to correctly name the elements of clothing, to consolidate the generalized concepts of "clothes", "shoes", to foster a caring attitude towards others. Equipment: dolls, clothes for all seasons (for summer, winter, spring and autumn, a small locker for clothes and a high chair. Age: 3-4 years. Proceedings: a new doll comes to visit the children. She gets to know them and wants But the guys are going for a walk and offer the doll to go with them. The doll complains that she cannot dress, and then the guys offer her their help. The children take out doll clothes from the locker, name them, choose what they need to wear now according to the weather . With the help of the teacher in the correct sequence, they dress the doll. Then the children dress themselves and go out with the doll for a walk. After returning from a walk, the children undress themselves and undress the doll in the correct sequence, commenting on their actions.
Purpose: to teach children to classify objects according to common characteristics, to foster a sense of mutual help, to expand the vocabulary of children: to introduce the concepts of "toys", "furniture", "food", "dishes". Equipment: all toys depicting goods that can be bought in the store, located in the window, money. Age: 3-7 years old. Course of the game: the teacher offers the children to place in a convenient place a huge supermarket with such departments as vegetable, grocery, dairy, bakery and others, where customers will go. Children independently distribute the roles of salespeople, cashiers, salespeople in departments, sort goods into departments - food, fish, bakery products, meat, milk, household chemicals, etc. They come to the supermarket to shop with their friends, choose a product, consult with sellers, pay at the checkout. During the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the relationship between buyers and sellers. The older the children are, the more departments and products there can be in the supermarket.
"Toys at the doctor's"
Purpose: to teach children to care for the sick and to use medical instruments, to educate children in attentiveness, sensitivity, to expand vocabulary: to introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “sick”, “treatment”, “medicine”, “temperature”, “hospital”. Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, medicine jars, bandage, gown and cap for a doctor. Age: 3-7 years old. The course of the game: the teacher offers to play, the Doctor and the Nurse are selected, the rest of the children take toy animals and dolls in their hands, come to the clinic for an appointment. Patients with various diseases come to the doctor: the bear has a toothache because he ate a lot of sweets, Masha's doll pinched her finger on the door, etc. We clarify the steps: The doctor examines the patient, prescribes treatment for him, and the Nurse follows his instructions. Some patients require inpatient treatment, they are admitted to the hospital. Older preschool children can choose from several different specialists - therapist, ophthalmologist, surgeon and other doctors known to children. When they get to the appointment, the toys tell why they got to the doctor, the teacher discusses with the children whether this could have been avoided, says that you need to take more care of your health. During the game, children observe how the doctor treats patients - makes bandages, measures the temperature. The teacher assesses how the children communicate with each other, reminds that the recovered toys do not forget to thank the doctor for the help provided.
"Building a house"
Purpose: to acquaint children with construction professions, to pay attention to the role of technology that facilitates the work of builders, to teach children to build a building of a simple structure,
foster friendly relationships in the team, expand the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of construction workers, expand the vocabulary of children: introduce the concepts of "building", "bricklayer", "crane", "builder", "crane operator", "carpenter", "welder", "construction material". Equipment: large building materials, cars, a crane, toys for playing with buildings, pictures of people in the construction profession: bricklayer, carpenter, crane operator, driver, etc. Age: 3–7 years. The course of the game: the teacher asks the children to guess the riddle: “What kind of turret is there, and the light is on in the window? We live in this tower, and is it called? (House) ". The teacher invites the children to build a large, spacious house where toys could settle. Children remember what kind of construction professions are, what people are doing at a construction site. They look at the pictures of the builders and talk about their responsibilities. Then the children agree to build a house. Roles are distributed between the children: some are Builders, they build a house; others are Drivers, they bring building materials to a construction site, one of the children is a Crane Operator. During construction, attention should be paid to the relationship between children. The house is ready, and new residents can move in there. Children play on their own.
"Baiushki bye"
Swaddle the doll. Pat, hug her. Sleep in your arms. Put in a crib, cover with a blanket, shake the crib. Sing a lullaby or read a poem, for example, this: Here's a soft feather bed under your back. Top on the feather bed. A clean sheet. Here are White pillows under your ears. A down comforter And a handkerchief at the top.
"We must, we must wash"
Bathe the doll in a bath (instead of soap and a sponge, you can use a cube, a ball, a piece of foam rubber). Wash the doll's head with shampoo (from a plastic jar), wipe with a napkin. Comb the doll (with a comb, stick), let it look in the mirror. Wash the doll out of the basin. Brush the dolls' teeth (you can use a child's toothbrush or stick) Place on a pot (for small toys, you can use the bottle cap or the bottom of a plastic jar). The game can be accompanied by short rhymes, for example, such as: Water, water, Wash my face, To make my cheeks turn red, To make my mouth laugh, To bite a tooth Who is good with us: Who is good for us? Katya is good! Katya is very nice!
"We go for a walk"
Preparing for the walk (swaddling or dressing the doll). Rocking her in her arms or in a wheelchair. Walking by car (in a wheelchair). Downhill riding by car or on a board. The doll can be worn on
hands. If the child is already using active speech, invite him to tell the doll what she can see. A walk with a doll can be played out using construction elements. This can be done as follows. You put a small doll and cubes (bricks) on the table, tell the child: "Our Lyalechka is bored alone, wants to take a walk. Let's build a path for her?" Take one brick, attach another to it, then invite the child to continue the path. After the path is built, you and your child walk along it with a doll, saying: "Top-top, the baby is stomping" or: "Little feet are walking along the path. Top-top-top". Subsequently, the game can be complicated by introducing another doll into it, which also walks and goes to meet the first. They meet, hug, talk to each other.
"The doll got sick"
The doll's complaint, questions about what hurts, how it hurts, her consolation. Take the doll to the hospital by car. Listen to the heart (with a straw; macaroni; a button strung on a string; with an ear) Measure the temperature (with a toy thermometer, stick, pencil) Inject (with a toy or a real plastic syringe, stick, finger). Give a pill (a bead, button, pea or bean, a piece of paper, an empty palm are suitable for this purpose). Put mustard plasters (using a piece of paper, a piece of cloth, a leaf). Put the jars (you can use small bottle caps or just bend your palm). Treat the throat (rinse it out of the cup, grease it with a stick with ointment). Treat the ear (drip the medicine with a pipette or two folded fingers, lubricate with a stick with ointment). Make a bandage with a piece of bandage. Give vitamins (peas, buttons) Drink hot tea with honey (with raspberries) Put in a bed. Sing a song, calm the doll. "Kind Doctor Aibolit" During this game, you should read to the child excerpts from K. Chukovsky's poem "Aibolit", and then act out the corresponding scenes with various animals, using the actions and objects listed in the game "the doll got sick."
"The circus"
Invite your child to take the dolls and animals to the circus. Have them sit on the sofa. On the rug in front of the sofa, arrange the "arena" of the circus, place the "artists" on it. They can be soft and clockwork toys (for example, a tumbling monkey, "Thumbelina", etc.), as well as folk toys that are set in motion with ropes or sticks and imitate the actions of adults (for example, a bear chopping wood, a hare playing a drum and etc.). You say: "Now the monkey will perform. Look how she can somersault." Then turn on the monkey and show it tumbling. - "And now the bear is performing. He knows how to chop wood." The cockerel can sing and flap beautifully, the hare can beat the drum, etc. In this game, you can use masks or half masks of different animals, doll mittens, etc. After each performance, clap your hands with your child.
"Putting toys to sleep"
This game is good to play before bed. Toddlers are not always willing to put toys back in place. Try to play this moment by helping the child and talking with toys. For example: "Ball, you are tired of rolling, lie down in a box, rest. And you, cubes, run and run on the shelf. That's how beautiful, you stand straight! And you, Mishenka, it's time to sleep too, let's put you on a bench, cover you with a blanket , and the dog - under the bench, let it guard you. Cups, stand on saucers, otherwise they miss you. " So, talking with toys, you will make a boring activity interesting for the baby and play out a new plot.
Low mobility games

"Who will pass quieter"

Purpose: to acquaint with walking in a given direction, to develop the ability to maintain balance. Course of the game: Children walk in a free formation in one direction. The teacher suggests walking quietly on tiptoes (shows how this should be done). Then he gives a signal: "And now they walked quickly." The walking speed changes several times on a signal.
Course of the game: Children depict how the balloon is gradually filled with air: slowly raise their hands up and puff out their cheeks. But the ball "burst": the children are slowly in a relaxed state and sink to the floor saying: shhhh
Purpose: to teach children to act by the rules, develop endurance. The course of the game: Educator: They planted the seeds in the ground. (Children sit on the floor, shrink into a ball.) It poured down the rain, and then the sun shone. The grains began to germinate, sprouts appeared (Children slowly rise, pull themselves up, raising their hands - "sprouts" up and turning to the "sun").
Purpose: to teach children to act on the command of the teacher, to develop attention. Course of the game: Children together with an adult stand in a circle holding hands. Educator: Inflate the bubble. Pout big. Stay that way. Don't burst. Children gradually moving back expand the circle. On the words "Bubble burst," they lower their hands and say "shhhh". The game is repeated 2-4 times.
Objective: To develop auditory memory and to some extent motor coordination and attentiveness. Game description: The presenter is blindfolded with a bandage, and the rest of the children are around him. The presenter begins to spin and pronounce the words: "Here is a frog on the path Jumps, stretched out its legs, I saw a mosquito, Screamed ..." On the word "screamed", the presenter points his fingers in front of him. The player pointed to by the presenter (or closer to whom) says: "Kva-kva-kva". The host must give the name of this player. If the leader guesses correctly, then the identified player becomes the next leader. Game rules 1. The leader is blindfolded, and the rest of the children stand around him. 2. The presenter whirls around and pronounces the above words. 3. On the word "screamed", the presenter points his fingers in front of him, and the player at whom he points should say: "kva-kva-kva". 4. If the leader guesses correctly who is in front of him, then this player becomes the leader, otherwise the game starts over from the second point. Notes: The host is not allowed to touch the players. To complicate the game, it is allowed to pronounce kwa-kwa in an unnatural voice for oneself.
Purpose: to develop artistry, dexterity. Course of the game: The child crawls on all fours, imitating a kitty. Stops and turns his head (the cat looks around), then tilts his head (the cat drinks milk).
For children over two years old, the game can be complicated: the cat crawls between the legs of an adult, under a chair, climbs onto the sofa, lies down, purrs.
"Cold and warm"
Purpose: to develop attention, thinking. Course of the game: Children sit on the carpet with their legs folded in Turkish style. Educator: The north wind blew. It became cold, cold. (Children shrink into lumps, crossing their arms over their chest.) At the signal “The sun came out. It has become warm, warm ”children relax fan themselves. The game is repeated 2-3 times.
"Find a Pair"
Find a Pair - the game develops classification and sorting skills, hand-eye coordination, hand motor skills, and thinking skills. Game description: Items are laid out on the table, which are counted with each other according to some criteria. Mix them up. The child is invited to take any object and find a pair for it, and also explain why he considers these objects to be paired. Game rules 1. Collect various objects that go together (pencil and paper, sock and shoe, lock and key, etc.) 2. Place objects on the table and mix. 3. The child is seated at the table. 4. An adult chooses any object and asks the child to find a pair for him (or the child chooses an object on his own). 5. If the child finds a pair, they are put aside. 6. Take the next item and repeat the same. 7. The game continues until all the items are collected in pairs. Note: Instead of objects, pictures from an object can be used.
"Find by description"
Find by description - a game for children of two to three years old. Promotes the development of observation, memory and attention of the child. Game description: Ask the child to show what you describe to him. For example: “Please show me the object. It is round, with one side red and the other blue. You can play with it: roll it, throw it to each other ”(this is a ball). Game rules: 1. Describe an object to the child: its color, shape, what it is made of, what can be done with it 2. The child guesses and names the object from the description Note: You can describe people, animals, nature - precipitation, trees. .. (yes, everything that surrounds us) and ask the child to guess who / what you are talking about.
"Ocean is shaking"
Purpose: to develop attention, teach to act according to the rules. According to the number, the player places the chairs in two rows so that the back of one chair is in contact with the back of the other. All participants in the game sit on chairs. The driver says: "The sea is worried." The players get up and run around the chairs. "The sea has calmed down" - says the driver and the children take empty seats. Someone will be left without a seat, as one chair is occupied by the driver, the one who missed goes to drive. Rules 1. Players are not allowed to run close to chairs. 2. It is possible to occupy a free space only after the words “The sea has calmed down”.
"Finger games"

1. "Our pens"
Where are our pens?
Where are our pens? Where, where are our pens? Our pens are missing. Here, here are our pens, Here are our pens. Pull the handles forward. Indicate the handles. They hid the handles behind the back. They show the handles again.
2. "Cams"
They folded their fists, They beat them with their fists. Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Fold in the fists of both hands. Hit with fists.
3. "Points"
Grandma put on her glasses And saw the kids. And the kids put on their glasses. Grandma saw. The rings are brought to the eyes Children repeat the actions after the teacher.
4. "Rain, rain"
Rain, rain, drip and drip, drip ... Wet paths. I’ll just go for a walk, Let my feet get wet. ... Children turned their palms up and with the Index finger imitate Raindrops and repeat after adults: "Cap .."
5. "Steamer"
The steamer sails along the river, And he puffs like a stove: Puff, puff ... Children both folded palms turn left and right, repeat after adults: "Puff .."
6. "We are tired of the rain"
Rain, rain! Wait! We are tired of the rains! You were frequenting the rooftops, You woke the kids up. Children take turns turning their palms up and with the fingers of the other hand imitate raindrops, repeating after adults: "Cap, drip"
7. "Okay, okay"
Okay, okay, Mom baked pancakes, Watered it with oil, Gave the kids: "Na-na-na" Children clap their hands and repeat the words: "Na-na-na"
8. "Fish"
Fish frolic merrily In clean warm water. They will shrink, They will unclench, Then they will bury themselves in the sand. Imitate movements in accordance with the text, repeating the words of the text after an adult.
9. "Feet walk on the road"
Big legs We walked along the road. Top-top-top .. Little feet They ran along the track Top-top-top. Four fingers of the right hand tap on the left hand, children repeat the text after adults.
10. "I'm going to my grandfather, I'm going to see a woman"
I'm going, going to a woman, to my grandfather On a horse In a red hat, On a flat path, On one leg Gop-gop-gop ... Children roll a pencil between their palms and repeat the words after adults: "Gop-gop-gop"
11. "Katya walks"
One, two, three, four, five. We are going for a walk. Tied Katenka a striped scarf. Katya walks along the path Top-top-top .. Children roll a pencil between their palms and repeat the words: "Top-top-top".
12. "Squirrel"
I am a squirrel in a fur coat, Fluffy tail is my Helper, He helps me to ride Everywhere I have time to visit. Jump-jump, jump-jump.
Children run a brush across their palm with a pile and repeat the words after an adult: "Jump-jump, jump-jump"
13. "Spring has come"
As in a meadow, meadow, Water spills over a green meadow, Grass spreads, Grass spreads, Silk grass. Children run a bristle of brushes along the outer brush from fingertips to the wrist, repeat the words of the text after an adult.
14. "Cabbage"
We chop the cabbage, chop, We salt the cabbage, we salt the cabbage We three cabbage, three We press the cabbage, we press. Movements with palms up, down. stroking the pads of the fingers. rub the cam on the cam. squeeze and unclench the cams.
15. "Horses"
On the road white, smooth Fingers gallop like horses Chok-chok-chok. Chok-chok-chok. A frisky herd is galloping Fingers are jumping on the table, repeating the text after an adult: "choke-choke, choke-chock"
16. "Round dance among flowers"
Round dance among flowers, Around rose bushes. Among the grasses and flowers We lead, we lead a round dance. The child has a walnut in his palms, with circular movements of the hands, the child performs movements for adults and repeats the words of the text.
17. "Bells"
Ding-ding, ding-ding Days in a row Bells are ringing. Ding-ding, ding-ding. The child has a walnut in his palms. With circular movements of the hands, the child performs movements for adults and repeats the words of the text.
18. "Let's count our fingers"
One, two, three, four, five Let's count our fingers. Strong and friendly All are so necessary. On the other hand again Fingers are fast Although not very clean. Children bend their fingers on their left hand. Compress and unbend the fists. Children bend the fingers on their right hand. Compress and unbend the fists.
19. "This finger wants to sleep"
This finger wants to sleep, This finger has gone to bed, This finger has taken a nap, This finger has already fallen asleep, This finger is fast asleep. Quiet children do not make noise, Do not wake up your fingers. Children bend their fingers, starting with the little finger.

Card file of didactic games and exercises for children of the younger group
Section: "Introduction to Sound Reality"

Game "Guess What To Do"
Target. Teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children of the ability to switch auditory attention.
Preparatory work. Prepare 2 flags for each child.
Stroke: Children sit in a semicircle. Each of them has 2 flags in their hands. If the teacher is loudly ringing a tambourine, the children raise the flags and wave them, if quietly, they keep their hands on their knees.
Methodical instructions. An adult needs to monitor the correct posture of children and the correct execution of movements; it is necessary to alternate the loud and quiet sounding of the tambourine no more than four times so that the children can easily perform the movements.

Game "Sun or Rain?"
Target. Teach children to perform actions according to the different sounds of the tambourine. Education in children of the ability to switch auditory attention.
Course: An adult says to the children: “Now we are going for a walk. We go out for a walk. There is no rain. The weather is good, the sun is shining, and you can pick flowers. You walk, and I will ring with a tambourine, you will have fun walking to its sounds. If it starts to rain, I will start knocking on the tambourine, and when you hear the knock, you must run into the house. Listen carefully when the tambourine rings, and when I knock on it. "
Methodical instructions. The teacher conducts the game, changing the sound of the tambourine 3-4 times.

Did. game "Guess What Sounds 2"
Purpose: To continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.
Stroke: The teacher shows musical instruments in turn and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to guess riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different instruments, and children recognize where different sounds belong.

Did. game "Guess What Sounds 1"
Purpose: To acquaint children with the sounds of the world around them, to isolate and recognize them.
Course: The teacher shows objects one by one and demonstrates how they sound. Then the teacher offers to guess riddles. Closes the screen and acts with different objects, and children recognize which objects have different sounds. Explains that there are many sounds in the world and everyone sounds differently.

Game "Where did they call?"
Target. Teach children to determine the direction of sound. Development of the focus of auditory attention.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a bell.
Course: Children sit in a circle. The adult chooses the driver, who stands in the center of the circle. At the signal, the driver closes his eyes. Then the teacher gives one of the children a bell and offers to call. The driver, without opening his eyes, must use his hand to indicate the direction from which the sound is coming. If he points correctly, the adult says: "It's time" - and the driver opens his eyes, and the one who called, picks up and shows the bell. If the driver is mistaken, he guesses again, then another driver is appointed.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated 4-5 times. It is necessary to ensure that the driver does not open his eyes during the game. Indicating the direction of the sound, the driver turns to face the place from where the sound is heard. You need to call not very loudly.

Game "Butterfly, fly!"
Target. Achieve long, continuous oral exhalation.
Preparatory work. Prepare 5 brightly colored paper butterflies. To each tie a thread 50 cm long and attach them to the cord at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Pull the cord between the two uprights so that the butterflies hang at the level of the child's face.
Stroke: Children sit on chairs. An adult says: “Children, look how beautiful butterflies are: blue, yellow, red! There are so many of them! They are like living! Let's see if they can fly. (Blowing on them.) Look, let's fly. Try it and you blow. Who will fly next? " The adult invites the children to stand one by one near each butterfly. Children blow on butterflies.
Methodical instructions. The game is repeated several times, each time with a new group of children. It is necessary to make sure that the children stand up straight, do not raise their shoulders when inhaling. You should blow only on one exhalation, without drawing in air. Do not puff out your cheeks, push your lips slightly forward. Each child can blow for no more than ten seconds with pauses, otherwise he may become dizzy.

The game "Launching boats"
Target. To achieve from each child the ability to pronounce the sound f for a long time on one exhalation or repeatedly pronounce the sound p (p-p-p) on one exhalation. Education of the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of exhalation.
Preparatory work. An adult prepares a bowl of water and paper boats.
Stroke: Children sit in a large semicircle. In the center, on a small table, is a basin of water. The summoned children, sitting on chairs, blow on the boats, uttering the sound f or p. The teacher invites the children to take a boat ride from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the basin. In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, lips folded, as for pronouncing the sound f. You can blow by simply pulling out your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. At the same time, the ship moves smoothly. But then a gusty wind swoops in. "P-p-p ..." - the child blows. (When repeating the game, you need to drive the boat to a certain place.)
Methodical instructions. Make sure that when pronouncing the sound f, children do not puff out their cheeks; so that children pronounce the sound n on one exhalation 2-3 times and do not puff out their cheeks.

Game "Loud - Quiet"
Target. Teach children to change the strength of their voice: speak now loudly, then softly. Education of the ability to change the strength of the voice.
Preparatory work. The teacher selects paired toys of different sizes: big and small cars, big and small drums, big and small dudes.
Move: An adult shows 2 cars and says: “When a big car is driving, it beeps loudly:“ BBC ”. How does a big car signal? " Children say "BBC" loudly. The teacher continues: “And the small car beeps softly:“ BBC ”. How does a small car honk? " Children quietly say: "BBC". The teacher removes both cars and says: “Now be careful. As soon as the car starts, you have to give a signal, make no mistake, the big car beeps loudly, and the small one is quiet. "
The rest of the toys are played in the same way.
Methodical instructions. Depending on the number of children in the group, one pair of toys or 2-3 can be used in the lesson. Make sure that when quietly pronouncing onomatopoeia, children do not switch to a whisper.

Did. game "Clock"

Move: H-l: Listen to how the clock ticks: "Tick-tock, tick-tock", how the clock strikes: "Bom-bom ...". To make them go, you need to start them: "trick-truck ..." !.
- Let's start a big clock (children repeat the corresponding sound combination 3 times); our clock goes on and at first it ticks, then it beats (sound combinations are repeated by children 5-6 times).
- Now we will start a small clock, the clock is running and singing softly, the clock strikes very quietly (children each time imitate the course and chime of the clock with their voices).

Did. game "Teddy bears eat honey"

Hod: The teacher tells the children that they will be cubs, and the cubs love honey very much. He suggests bringing your palm closer to your mouth (with your fingers and yourself) and "licking" the honey - children stick out their tongue and, without touching their palm, imitate that they are eating honey. Then, lifting the tip of the tongue, remove it. (obligatory demonstration of all actions by the teacher.)
The game is repeated 3-4 times.
Then the teacher says: “The cubs are full. They lick the upper lip (show), lower lip (show). Stroke their tummies, saying: "Ooh-ooh" (2-3 times).

Did. game "Frog and frogs"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Course: The teacher divides the children into two groups: these are large and small frogs. Says: “Big frogs jump into the pond, swim in the water and croak loudly:“ Kva-kva ”(children imitate that they are swimming and croak loudly).
Little frogs also jump into the pond, swim, croak softly (children imitate actions and croak softly). All the frogs were tired and sat on the beach on the sand ”. Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.

Did. game "Let's feed the chicks"
Purpose: To develop the speech apparatus of children.
Stroke: (I am a mother-bird, and you are my baby-chicks. The chicks are funny, they squeak "pee-pee" - and flap their wings. The mother-bird flew for tasty crumbs for her children, and the chicks fly and squeak merrily The mother flew in and began to feed her children (the children squat, raise their heads up), the chicks open their beaks wide, they want tasty crumbs. (The teacher tries to make the children open their mouths wider.) The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Did. ex. "At the doctor"
Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.
Stroke: The doll is a doctor. She wants to see if the kids have teeth hurting.
Q: Show the doctor your teeth (the teacher with the doll quickly walk around the children and says that everyone has good teeth. Now the doctor will check if you have a sore throat. Whoever she approaches will open his mouth wide (children open their mouths wide).
The doctor is pleased: no one has a sore throat.

Did. game "Recognize by voice"
Purpose: To clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds.
Course: The teacher shows the toys and asks who it is, asks to pronounce how it screams. He closes the screen and one subgroup of children takes the toys and speaks for their animals in turn. Another group is guessing who was shouting.

Did. game "Who lives in the house?"
Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop speech breathing in children.
Move: (The teacher shows a picture of a dog). Who is this? The dog barks loudly: "av-av". And who is this? (children's answers) The puppy barks softly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). (The teacher shows a picture of a cat). Who is this? The cat meows loudly: "Meow meow." And who is this? (children's answers) the kitten meows quietly.
Send the animals home (pictures are removed for cubes). Guess who lives in this house: "av-av" (pronounced loudly)? (Children's answers) That's right, dog (shows a picture). How did she bark? (children's answers).
Guess who lives in this house: "meow-meow" (says quietly)? How did the kitten meow?
Similarly, children guess who lives in other houses and repeat the sound combinations several times.

Did. game "Who screams like?"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Stroke: The mother of the bird had a little chick (exposes pictures). Mom taught him to sing. The bird sang loudly: "tweet - tweet" (children repeat the sound combination). And the chick answered quietly: "tweet-tweet" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). The chick flew and flew away from the mother (moves the picture with the image of the chick further away). The bird is calling his son. What does she call him? (Children, together with the teacher, repeat the sound combination). The chick heard that his mother was calling him, and chirped. How does he tweet? (Children speak softly). He flew to his mother. The bird sang loudly. How?

Did. game "Call your mom"

Move: All children have object pictures with baby animals. Educator: “Who is your drawing, Kolya? (chicken) Who's the chicken's mom? (chicken) Call your mother, chicken. (Pee-pee-pee) The teacher imitates the cackling of a chicken and shows a picture.
The same work is done with all children.

Did. game "Call me back"
Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonational expressiveness.
Stroke: Educator: This is a goat (showing a picture). How is she screaming? Who is her cub? How does he scream? This is a sheep (show picture). How does she bleat? And her cub - how does the lamb cry? etc. Pictures are exhibited on a flannelegraph.
The teacher distributes pictures of animals and birds to children. Cubs walk (children leave the tables), nibble grass, nibble crumbs. Whose mom or dad will call the cub. He must shout - answer them - and run - put the picture next to them.
The teacher pronounces the cry of an animal or bird. A child with a cub is making sounds and puts the picture on a flannelgraph.

Did. game "Shop"
Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonational expressiveness.
Stroke: The teacher offers to go to the store and buy toys. You can only buy if you talk like a toy. Children come up to the table and pronounce the characteristic sound combinations for this toy (doo-doo, me-me, b-bi)

Did. game "Be attentive"
Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop intonational expressiveness.
Move: Educator: I have different pictures, if I show a picture where an animal is drawn, you have to shout the way it screams and pick up the blue circle. If I show you a toy, you raise the red circle and name the toy.

Did. game "Bells"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Stroke: B: Look, this is a big bell, and this is a small bell. The girls will be little bells. They are ringing: "Ding-ding-ding". Boys will be big bells. They are ringing: "Melon-melon-melon."
The teacher offers to "ring" and sing songs first to girls, then to boys. The exercise is repeated 2 times, then the children change roles, and the game is repeated.

Did. game "Animals are coming"
Purpose: To develop the speech attention of children.
Course: The teacher divides the children into four groups - these are elephants, bears, piglets and hedgehogs.
Educator: There are elephants walking, they stomp their feet very loudly (children loudly pronounce the sound combination "top-top-top", repeat it 3-4 times.
- Bears are walking, they stomp more quietly (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times a little more quietly).
- Piglets are walking, they stomp even quieter ...
- Hedgehogs are walking, they stomp very quietly ...
- Send the elephants (children walk through the group, stomp and pronounce the sound combination loudly).
The same work is done with other animals. Then the children switch roles of their choice and the game is repeated.

Did game "Cuckoo and pipe"

Stroke: B: There is a cuckoo bird living in the forest (showing a picture). She kukuet: "Ku-ku, ku-ku" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times). One day the children came to the forest to pick mushrooms. We gathered a lot of mushrooms. Tired, we sat down in a clearing to rest and started playing pipes: "Doo-doo-doo" (children repeat the sound combination 3-4 times).
The teacher divides the children into two groups - cuckoos and pipes. Without a system, he gives different commands 6-7 times (sometimes to cuckoos, then to pipes). Then the children change roles and the game is repeated.

Did. game "Hammer a carnation with a hammer"
Purpose: To develop children's phonemic hearing, speech attention.
Move: B: When the big hammer knocks, you hear: "Knock-knock-knock" (children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times). When a small hammer knocks, you hear: "Bale-bale-bale" (children repeat the sound combination 5-6 times).
Let's hit the nail with a big hammer ...
Now let's hammer a small carnation with a small hammer ...
Close your eyes and listen to which hammer is knocking (without a system, the teacher repeats the sound combinations 4-5 times, and the children say which hammer is knocking).

Did. exercise "Let's blow on the ball"
Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.
Move: Children take the ball by the string, hold it in front of their mouths and say: "Pf-f-f" (blow on the ball). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children rest and repeat the exercise 3 more times.

Did. exercise "Breeze".
Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.
Move: Children take a leaf by a string, hold it in front of their mouths and say: "Pf-f-f" (blowing on an autumn leaf). The exercise is repeated 3 times, then the children rest and repeat the exercise 3 more times.

Did. ex. "Lick Lips"
Purpose: To develop the articulatory apparatus of children.
Course: Educator: Let's eat candy (children and teacher imitate eating candy and smacking their lips). The sweets are delicious, let's lick our lips (show: slide your tongue along the upper lip from edge to edge, then along the lower lip - circular movements should be obtained).

Did. game "Geese"
Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the pronunciation of the sound a, to prepare children for composing a text - a description.
Material: painting "Geese"
Course: The teacher shows the children a picture, they look at it together. These are geese. Geese are white and gray. The goose has a long neck and red legs. The goose shouts: ha-ha-ha. What is the neck of a goose? What paws? How does a goose cry? (Answers of the children.) Now we will be geese. We waddle from foot to foot. (The teacher shows how the geese walk. The children repeat the movements after him.) Cackle: ha-ha-ha.
Q: Geese-geese!
Children: Ha-ha-ha
Q: Do you want to eat?
Children: Yes, yes, yes
Q: Show how the geese open their beak wide.
Children: Ha-ha-ha.
Q: Do you want to eat?
Children: Yes, yes, yes
Geese flapped their wings, flew away.
(The game is repeated 3-4 times)

Did. game "Guess by the voice"
Purpose: to clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound in isolation and in words; learn to form verbs from onomatopoeic words.
Material: basket with toys.
Q: Who came to us? (This (takes out the cockerel, frog, duck) ...
D: Rooster
Q: And this, children (shows a picture), a cuckoo. How does a cuckoo cuckoo? Ku-ku, ku-ku! Whose voice is this? Who quacks like that ?: quack-quack7
Children: Duck.
Q: Who croaks kwa-kwa? ....
Q: Who crows: the crow? ...
Q: And how is the cuckoo cuckoo?
Q: Now we will play with you. Here is a cockerel (shows a toy cock). How does he sing? When a cockerel sings "Kukareka!", What does he do? (crows)
Q: And this is a cuckoo (shows the picture). How does she give her voice? (cuckoo)
D: When the cuckoo says cuckoo, what does it do? 9 blessed)
Q: Show how the cuckoo flies. (Children get up from the carpet and fly.) How does a cuckoo cuckoo? (children cook.) Show how the cock flaps its wings. (children show.) how does he shout to a crow? (Children crowing) What were you doing now, like a cockerel? (crowed.)
Listen to the words: cuckoo, rooster, duck, frog. In these words, the sound is heard. pull it up: woo. Name the words with the sound u: kukuuushka, petuuuh, froguuushka, uuutka. (Pronounces with children)
Toys are left for the free play of children.

Did. game "Let's teach the bunny to speak correctly"
Purpose: To develop intonational expressiveness.
Q: The bunny brought a wonderful bag with him. It contains different pictures. The bunny will speak. What is painted on them. If he says wrong, you teach him to speak correctly.
Ishka - children correct the "bear"
Herringbone - squirrel
Onik - elephant
(After "training" the bunny begins to name all the objects correctly.

Did. game "Riddles"
Q: Our frog loves to guess riddles.
V-l with the help of gestures, facial expressions, sounds depict an animal, children guess the riddle. The teacher offers to read a poem about the guessed animal. (The mistress threw the bunny ... the clubfoot bear ...)
Further, children make riddles.

"Into the forest for mushrooms"

Purpose of the game:to form in children the idea of ​​the number of objects "one - many", to activate the words "one, many" in the speech of children.

Game progress:we invite children to the forest for mushrooms, we specify how many mushrooms there are in the meadow (a lot). We offer to rip one by one. We ask each child how many mushrooms he has. “Let's put all the mushrooms in the basket. How much did you put, Sasha? How much did you put, Misha? How many mushrooms are in the basket? (a lot) How many mushrooms do you have left? (no one).

"Raspberry for cubs"

Purpose of the game:to form in children the idea of ​​equality on the basis of comparing two groups of objects, to activate the words in speech: “as much as how much, equally”, “equally”.

The course of the game.The teacher says:

Guys, the bear loves raspberries very much, he gathered a whole basket in the forest to treat his friends. Look how many cubs have come! Let's arrange them with our right hand from left to right. Now let's treat them to raspberries. It is necessary to take as many raspberries as enough for all the cubs. Tell me, how many cubs? (many). And now we need to take the same number of berries. Let's treat the cubs with berries. Each bear should be given one berry. How many berries did you bring? (many) How many cubs do we have? (a lot) How else can you say? That's right, they are the same, equally; there are as many berries as bears, and as many bears as berries.

"Treat bunnies"

Purpose of the game:

The course of the game.The teacher says: “Look, the rabbits have come to visit us, how beautiful and fluffy they are. Let's treat them to carrots. I'll put the rabbits on the shelf. I'll put one hare, one more, one more and one more. How many bunnies are there? (a lot) Let’s bunny, we will treat you to carrots. We will give each bunny a carrot. How many carrots? (many). Are there more or less of them than the rabbits? How many bunnies? (many). Are rabbits and carrots equally? That's right, they are equally divided. How else can you say? (the same, the same). The hares really enjoyed playing with you. "

"Let's treat the squirrels with mushrooms"

Purpose of the game:to form in children the idea of ​​equality on the basis of comparing two groups of objects, to activate the words in speech: "as much - how much, equally", "equally", equally ".

The course of the game.The teacher says: “Look who came to visit us. Red-haired, fluffy, with a beautiful ponytail. Of course, these are squirrels. Let's treat them with fungi. I'll put the squirrels on the table. I'll put in one squirrel, I'll leave the window, I'll put one more squirrel and one more. How many squirrels are there? And now we will treat them with fungi. Give one squirrel the fungus, one more and one more. Have all the squirrels had enough fungi? How many fungi? How else can you say? That's right, squirrels and fungi are equally divided, they are the same. Now you will treat the squirrels with fungi. The squirrels really enjoyed playing with you. "

"Bugs on Leaves"

Purpose of the game:to form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects on the basis of comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets.

The course of the game.The teacher says: “Children, look how beautiful the bugs are. They want to play with you, you will become bugs. Our bugs live

on the leaves. Each bug has its own house - a leaf. Now you will fly through the clearing, and at my signal you will find yourself a house - a leaf. Bugs, fly! Bugs, into the house! Have all the bugs had enough houses? How many bugs? How many leaves? Are they equally divided? How else can you say? The bugs really enjoyed playing with you. " Then we repeat the game, establishing the relationship "more, less", while learning to equalize sets by adding and subtracting.

"Butterflies and Flowers"

Purpose of the game:to form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects on the basis of comparison, to establish equality and inequality of two sets, to activate the words in speech: “as much - as much, equally”, “equally”.

The course of the game.The teacher says: “Children, look how beautiful butterflies are. They want to play with you. Now you will become butterflies. Our butterflies live on flowers. Each butterfly has its own house - a flower. Now you will fly through the clearing, and at my signal you will find yourself a house - a flower. Butterflies, fly! Butterflies, into the house! Have all the butterflies had enough houses? How many butterflies? How many flowers? Are they equally divided? How else can you say? The butterflies really enjoyed playing with you. "

Didactic games for the development of ideas about quantities

"Let's decorate the rug"

Purpose of the game:

Game progress... The teacher says: “Children, a bear has come to visit us. He wants to give his friends beautiful rugs, but he did not have time to decorate them. Let us help him to decorate the rugs. How will we decorate them? (in circles) What color are the circles? Are they the same or different in size? Where do you put the big circles? (to the corners) Where do you put the little circles? (middle) What color are they? Mishka really liked your rugs, he will now give these rugs to his friends. "

"Houses for teddy bears"

Purpose of the game:to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words "big, small" in the speech of children.

Game progress... The teacher says: “Guys, I'm going to tell you an interesting story. Once upon a time, there were two teddy bears, and one day they decided to build houses for themselves. They took the walls and roofs for the houses, but they just do not understand what to do next. Let us help them make houses. See what are our largest bears? Which is the largest teddy bear, big or small? What kind of house are we going to make for him? Which wall will you take, large or small? What kind of roof should I take? And what is the biggest bear? What kind of house should he make? What kind of roof will you take? What color is it? Let's plant Christmas trees near the houses. Are the Christmas trees the same size or different? Where do we plant a tall Christmas tree? Where do we plant a low Christmas tree? The cubs are very happy that you helped them. They want to play with you. "

"Treat the mice with tea"

Purpose of the game:to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words "big, small" in the speech of children.

The course of the game.The teacher says: “Look who came to visit us, gray mice. Look, they brought a treat with them. Look, are the mice the same size or different? Let us treat them to tea. What is needed for this? We'll take the cups first. Which cup is the largest, big or small? Which mouse are we going to give it to? " Then we compare the size of saucers, candies, cookies, apples and pears and compare them with the size of the mice. We invite children to water the mice and treat them with fruits.

"Pick up the paths to the houses"

Purpose of the game:to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in length, to activate the words "long, short" in the speech of children.

Game progress:we tell the children that the animals built houses for themselves, but did not manage to build paths to them. Look, here are the houses of bunnies and chanterelles. Find paths to their houses. Which path will you take for the bunny, long or short? Which path will you put to the fox's house? Next, we select paths to the houses of other animals.

"Fix the rug"

Purpose of the game:to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words "big, small" in the speech of children.

Game progress... The teacher says: “Look what rugs the bunnies brought us, beautiful, bright, but someone ruined these rugs. Bunnies now don't know what to do with them. Let us help them fix the rugs. What are the largest rugs? What patches will we put on the big rug? Which ones do we put on the little rug? What color are they? So we helped the rabbits to fix the rugs. "

"Bridges for rabbits"

Purpose of the game:to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words "big, small, long, short" in the speech of children.

Game progress... The teacher says: “We lived - there were two bunnies in the forest and they decided to make themselves bridges to the meadow. They found the planks, but they just didn’t understand who should take which plank. Look, are the bunnies the same size or different? What is the difference between the boards? Place them side by side and see which one is longer and which one is shorter. Run your fingers over the boards. Which tablet will you give to the big bunny? Which one is small? Let's plant Christmas trees near the bridges. What is the height of this Christmas tree? Where do we put her? What kind of Christmas tree will we plant near the short bridge? The bunnies are very glad that you helped them. "


Purpose of the game:to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in size, to activate the words "big, small" in the speech of children.

Game progressThe teacher tells that the bunny has grown a very large crop, now it must be harvested. Consider what has grown in the beds (beets, carrots, cabbage). We clarify what we will collect vegetables. The teacher asks: “What is the largest basket? What vegetables are we going to put in it? " At the end of the game, we generalize that the large basket contains large vegetables, and the small basket contains small ones.