When is the summer equinox of the year. Children decorated houses with rowan branches. Our ancestors believed in the protective properties of this tree. According to legends, rowan fruits protect from troubles, misfortunes and evil spirits, save a person from insomnia, sent by dark forces.

There are many facts and warnings associated with the vernal equinox. It is also well known that a lot of unique astrological events take place on this day.

Spring equinox in 2016

Every year, the vernal equinox is observed on March 20. Day becomes equal to night - hence its name originates. March 20 is considered the date of farewell to winter, since the day is now increasing, the night is decreasing, and the sun's rays are warming the surface of our northern hemisphere more strongly. By the way, winter will begin in the southern hemisphere at the same time.

In many Muslim states, such as Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran and others, this number is a New Year celebration. March 20 is also the biological new year, which marks the beginning of the countdown in the natural world.

March 20 is the day when you can say goodbye to winter, because now absolutely everything is against it, even the Sun. Moreover, this year people's observations and meteorological forecasts agree that winter will go away quickly, giving way to warmth and good mood. This is the day of the unity of the planet and people, because on March 20, World Earth Day is celebrated, when scientists call on people to realize that the Earth is a common home for everyone. It must be protected and preserved for future generations.

Astrologers on the vernal equinox

The vernal equinox is an important starting point in astrological forecasts and horoscopes. The zodiac circle begins on March 20. The first Zodiac Sign Aries comes into force, which is famous for its impulsiveness, powerful creative energy and determination. Aries are strong in spirit, because they are the first in the list of Zodiac Signs, and it is not for nothing that they open the next year in the astrological calendar.

On this day, it is good to plant plants and start new businesses, which, with the proper level of diligence, can bring great success, since on March 20, 2016, the Moon will grow, being in the constellation Leo.

On this day, it is important to avoid any risky activities and adventures. Also, beware of quarrels and conflicts - they can have a serious imprint on future success in your personal life. Otherwise, March 20 will be a very auspicious lunar day. Astrologers suggest to be careful, but not to make an elephant out of a fly - enjoy life on this beautiful spring day.

On March 20, 2016, a unique day awaits us when significant, albeit invisible, changes take place. We wish that each of you could attract good luck to your side. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.03.2016 00:30

Each sign of the Zodiac, in addition to talismans, has its own colors, emphasizing its best features. Sometimes their ...

Each sign of the Zodiac can enhance its energy with a metal that is close to them in its aura. ...

The ancestors of the Slavs said: The sun will not fade, the people will not break. The sun was revered by the Slavs as a divine deity, for it gave invisible spiritual light, wisdom and prosperity. Dedicated to the Sun and the holiday of the Autumn Equinox, on this day the Slavs meet the God of the Autumn Sun Avsen.

Nothing in the world can live without the Sun, it has been known since ancient times. Therefore, the Slavs celebrate solar holidays and divide the year into four parts according to the days of the solar break: two Equinoxes and two Solstices.

How did our grandfathers divide the seasons?

The four days of the Solar Fractures gave rise to the seasons of the year in the calendar of the wise Slavs. Their power comes from the Sun, which moves across the sky, and from that date of holidays they are slightly changeable, from year to year they are shifted by a couple of days. When is the Autumn Equinox and other Solar Fractures this year? On the 20th of March, the God of the Spring Sun Yarilo took over, on the 20th of June we welcomed the God of the Summer Sun Kupala, on the 22nd of September - the meeting of Avsen, the Autumn Equinox, on the 21st of December the God of the Young Sun Kolyada will come.

What does the 2016 Autumn Equinox prophesy?

The Autumn Equinox is coming soon. How to determine what ceremonies to carry out on this day? Our ancestors did this, looking at the Moon, watching whether it was growing or aging. At the Autumn Equinox of 2016, the Moon was decreasing in the sky. Therefore, rituals and daily deeds, with which we greet Avsen, should be avoided in the direction of purification: leave only what is required in housing, in thoughts, it is worth getting rid of all rubbish.

If you are sad, heavy thoughts interfere with rejoicing, if multiple failures haunt you - remember the ancient rituals, throw off all unnecessary things that have become unnecessary. The autumn equinox and the days after it, while the moon is waning, is the best time for that.

They said among the people: the sun sets - the lazy person is having fun, the sun rises - the lazy person is going crazy. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were very fond of work, they did not respect laziness at all. Therefore, passionate desires, for the rituals charmed, it is necessary to help themselves to be fulfilled. So that Mother Nature will help you, you can perform ceremonies on the growing moon when the Autumn Equinox ends, already in October. As the moon begins to grow, the time will come for happiness, to call upon prosperity, to ask for good things to Avsen. On the growing moon, you can persuade the Gods about strong love, full barns, a generous harvest, good work, an inextinguishable hearth at home. The sun is in place, the chickens are in the saddle, a good wife is in the spindle, then there will be no reason to grieve and be sad.

In order not to know sorrows, the wisdom of ancestors must be read

It is not for nothing that we tell the Travelers what date the Autumn Equinox is in 2016. Much water has flowed under the bridge since ancient times, much has changed in the world, but it is definitely not worth getting angry with the wise Slavs - they knew a lot about such life that even nowadays not everyone understands.

"Northern tale" shares predictions for the fall for each of the signs of the Slavic horoscope - for people born under the auspices of one of the Solar Gods. May she wish you to leave all sorrows in the past, and meet the Autumn Equinox with joy!

The days of solstices and equinoxes are marked in all ancient and modern calendars of the world. And it's no coincidence! These are special points when the axis about which our planet rotates, in the direction from the Sun, takes special positions. The winter solstice is associated with the maximum tilt angle of the Earth's axis in relation to the Sun is 23 ° 26 ′. In our Northern Hemisphere, this corresponds to the maximum length of the night and the shortest day.

The magic of the winter solstice

The winter solstice in 2016 falls on December 21. The winter solstice begins on December 21, 2016 at 10:45 UTC or 13:45 Moscow time, when the Sun enters 0 ° of the Capricorn zodiac sign.

This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. The winter solstice is one of the main solar points of the year in astrology, along with the days of the spring and autumn equinox, the summer solstice.

Winter solstice traditions

Traditionally, in the old days, the revival of the Sun was celebrated on the winter solstice, it was celebrated at night, before the sunrise.

The holidays Kolyada among the Slavs and Yule among the Germanic peoples are associated with this day. To give strength to the Sun, which, according to beliefs, should be reborn on this day, there was a custom to kindle a ritual fire.

Often the logs for the fire were oak, because oak was considered to be a space tree. Sometimes they took a pine tree, which symbolized the dying sun god. The logs were decorated with carvings and corresponding symbols.

To perform the ritual of the revival of the Sun, they took 13 red and green candles with the Sun and other magical symbols carved on them.

Old pagan customs of the winter solstice included the tradition of placing bread or cakes on the branches of old trees, pouring sweet drinks on the trees as a gift to the forest gods. This was done in the hope that in gratitude the people would be given a good harvest in the coming seasons.

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient feast of the winter solstice was timed to coincide with Christmas and the beginning of winter Christmastide. According to custom, on the longest night of the year, they would carol and divine for the future.

Winter solstice magic rituals
This is a great day to do a meditation to celebrate new beginnings and projects. If you are thinking about something new, take some time on this day, because meditations on the winter solstice are especially powerful.

The winter solstice is a good day for those who are engaged in spiritual self-development, it inspires to open spiritual spaces and reveals past lives.

The day is suitable for rituals to fulfill desires. If you have a cherished wish, make it on the day of the revival of the Sun.

They carry out rituals of healing, prosperity, gaining strength and wisdom.

Fortune-telling of the winter solstice gives accurate results, divination of the Tarot Three Cards, fortune-telling on the Tarot for love and the Oracle are well suited.

The room where the ritual or meditation is performed is decorated with dry leaves, nuts and fruits. 13 candles decorated with the symbols of the Sun are placed in the center of the ritual altar. It is good to use oils of juniper, cedar, pine and rosemary to flavor the air.

Winter solstice herbs, stones, and metals

Use the herbs, stones, and metals appropriate for the day to aid in rituals and meditations:

Herbs: anise, elderberry, verbena, cloves, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jasmine, lavender, laurel, juniper, lemon balm, moss, rosemary, rue, blackthorn, thistle.

Stones: aventurine, turquoise, moonstone, ruby, sapphire, tiger's eye, black tourmaline.

Metals: gold, silver, brass, steel.

As treats for the festive table on the winter solstice, you can offer: pork and lamb dishes, pies, fruits (apples, pears, bananas, etc.), nuts, juices, ginger tea.

The next major solar point of the year is the Vernal Equinox on March 20, 2017


Different cultures interpreted this event in different ways, but most peoples perceived the winter solstice as a rebirth that sets the beginning of a new one. At this time, they organized festivals, holidays, meetings, carried out appropriate rituals, organized mass celebrations with songs and dances.

The Solstice was a special moment in the annual cycle even during the New Stone Age (Neolithic). Thanks to astronomical events, from ancient times, managing crops of grain crops, procurement of food until the next harvest, periods of mating of animals, it is possible to trace how various traditions and myths arose.

The layout of the oldest monuments of the Late New Stone and Bronze Age can be considered as evidence of this. Such as Stonehenge (Great Britain) and Newgrange (Ireland), the main axes of which were carefully aligned and indicated the sunrise in Newgrange and the sunset in Stonehenge on the winter solstice.

It is noteworthy that the Great Trilith (the construction of the "letter P" of the three largest stones) at Stonehenge is turned outward relative to the center of the monument in such a way that its front flat part turns out to be facing the Sun by the middle of winter.

How the ancient Slavs celebrated the winter solstice

One of the most significant holidays revered by our ancestors were the days of the Solstice and Equinox. Brace, solstice, solstice, equinox - they personify the four hypostases of the ancient Slavic god of the Sun Dazhdbog, the giver of light and warmth. His name sounds in the short prayer that has survived to our time: "God grant!" According to legends, Dazhdbog unlocks the summer and closes the fierce winter.

The Slavs considered this holiday a time of renewal and birth of the Sun, and with it of all living things, a time of spiritual transformation, a time conducive to both good material changes and spiritual ones. The night that precedes the day of the winter solstice is considered the patroness of all nights, because it is on this night that a young solar baby is born to the Goddess - Dazhdbog, symbolizing the birth of life from death, order from chaos.

During the winter solstice, the Slavs celebrated the pagan New Year, which was personified with the deity Kolyada. The main subject of the celebration was a large bonfire, calling and depicting the Sun, which, after one of the longest nights of the year, was supposed to rise higher and higher.

They also baked ritual New Year's pies of a rounded shape, reminiscent of a heavenly body.

Winter solstice festival among other nations

These days, in Europe, pagan festivals will mark the beginning of a 12-day cycle of lavish festivities that marked the beginning of the renewal of nature and the beginning of a new life.

In Scotland there was a tradition to launch a burning wheel, symbolizing the solstice. The barrel was abundantly coated with resin, set on fire and launched from a hill, resembling a fiery luminary in rotating movements.

In China, earlier than all other seasons (and there are 24 of them in the Chinese calendar), the winter solstice was determined. The Chinese believed that it was from the beginning of this period that the male power of nature grew stronger and gave rise to a new cycle.

The winter solstice was a worthy celebration as it was considered a happy, fortunate day. Everyone, from a commoner to an emperor, rested and had fun that day, showered each other with gifts, went to visit, laid large tables filled with various dishes.

An important role on this special day was assigned to sacrifices to the ancestors and the God of Heaven, appropriate ceremonies and rituals were carried out in order to protect oneself from diseases and evil spirits. The winter solstice is still one of the traditional Chinese holidays.

Hindus the day of the winter solstice is called Sankranti. The holiday was celebrated in both Sikh and Hindu communities, where at night, on the eve of the festival, bonfires were lit, the flame of which resembled the rays of the Sun, which warm the earth after a cold winter.


IN Human Design the position of the Sun on the Wheel of Life (I-Ching) corresponds to the 10th hexagram or 10th gate of the Center of the Identity of a person. These gates are associated with our roles and characterize the potential of our Self's Behavior. In the Chinese I-Ching, they are called Walking - "Stepping on the tail of a tiger, you need to know how to behave!"

It is this gate and the corresponding DNA codon of our genetic structure that guarantees the perfection of our form and its survival, as well as the beliefs that guide it. Since these gates enter the Incarnation Cross of the Vessel of Love, they first characterize the Love of Life itself and what it means to be alive in human form. Many human characteristics are concentrated in this gate: instinctive awareness, reinforced by the sacred power of Life, and the manifestation of a person in the present moment "I Am", his ability to awaken. Awakening is impossible without fixed behavior. The only way to get there is to surrender to the privilege of exploring Life in a self-conscious form!

Awakening is the oldest of our three mystical possibilities.The first and foremost initiation is to recognize who we are. This is perfectly illustrated by the inscription above the Delphic Oracle "Know thyself"

Awakening is not a commitment to become someone, it is a commitment to BECOME YOURSELF. It is impossible to know what is not yet completed. The mystical love of this gate of the Vessel of Love is love for SELF as it is in the Present. This is Awakening.

From Complete Rave Yi Ching Ra Uru Hu

The autumnal equinox is a day when night and day are identical in length. September 22, 2016 is a kind of border point between summer and winter.

From an astronomical point of view, the equinox does not mean anything special. This only indicates that the Earth has covered a certain distance, moving around the Sun. The autumnal equinox is a kind of call that it's time to "reel in the fishing rods". Summer is coming to an end, and winter is gaining momentum. This suggests that it is time to start increasing our energy, since the winter period deprives us of our vitality.

The astronomical meaning of the autumnal equinox

On September 22, 2016 at 18:21 Moscow time, the Earth will cover exactly three-quarters of the way to complete a revolution around the Sun. Day will be equal to night, so after September 22, the day will decline sharply. The sun will hide faster and more slowly.

In astronomy, this day is also called the end of the tropical year. This phenomenon no longer has any additional significance in astronomy. Astrologers can tell us much more about this day.

Astrologers about the autumnal equinox on September 22

On the days of the equinox, there is usually a large release of solar energy. We are talking about magical energy that awakens people to action. On September 22, 2016, it will be useful to perform some important actions. For example, if you have long wanted to make peace with a loved one, then you can try to do this on the 22nd, that is, today.

New businesses will be a huge success. If you have been hatching plans for a business for a long time, but did not dare to start their implementation, then today will be the perfect time for this. Be proactive and don't try to hide from problems. Fight like lions against everything and everyone. This is the only way to win today. Since the Sun will be in Libra, it is best not to try to build a relationship on hostility. Be diplomats.

Today is the day when balance in everything is important. If you do your best to get promoted, you can expect failure in love. Simply put, pay attention to everything that matters to you.

Today has come, so the waning moon and Gemini will join their efforts to create favorable conditions for any mental and physical activity. This is very, very good, because everything will be in harmony. Astrologers can call such a day not just auspicious, but super successful and incredibly strong in terms of energy. Don't relax to catch your luck.

Folk holiday September 22

For the ancient Slavs, the equinox day in autumn was a great holiday and an important event, because by this time all cultures were removed and perennial plants were preparing for wintering. On this day, people usually bake pies and go to visit with treats. This tradition has passed to our generation hundreds of years later. Wine will be prepared in the south on September 22, 2016, and mushrooms will be picked in the north and in the middle lane.

One way or another, but in the minds of people, summer is already saying goodbye to us. As they used to say in Russia: "On this day, take off your light clothes, put on warmer." There is a special sign for September 22 - if the day is rainy and cold, then winter will come early.

May this day be successful and bright for you. There is no need to be sad about the departure of summer, because there are still many summer seasons ahead of us. to know how the stars affect our lives. This will make it easier for you to adapt to winter and help you cope with energy problems. All the best and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.09.2016 01:11

Recently, there have been many natural anomalies. Scientists have come to the conclusion that it may be to blame ...

February 8, 2016

Autumn equinox 2016

In 2016, the autumnal equinox falls on September 22, 14.21 UTC.

The autumnal equinox is the beginning of the astronomical autumn. From the day of the autumnal equinox, the nights are longer and the days are shorter.

The autumnal equinox is a special time in esotericism, magic and astrology.

Autumn equinox in astrology:

On the day of the autumnal equinox, the Sun passes into the sign of Libra. This means that the autumnal equinox is the time to come to harmony with yourself and others, to settle conflict situations, to compromise, to use diplomatic skills to resolve disputes. The day of the autumnal equinox is the best time to find new connections, useful contacts - new business partners, companions. This time is favorable for starting a joint project, cooperation, joining various communities, and also for getting a job. As a rule, interviews and business negotiations during the autumn equinox bring good results.

The autumnal equinox is a favorable time for marriage, engagement, as well as for loving explanations and confessions. Relationships established on the day of the autumnal equinox are harmonious and durable.

On the day of the autumnal equinox, it is very good to do creative work - this is the most favorable time to create some kind of masterpiece.

Autumn equinox at:

The autumnal equinox is a special time for practicing magic. On the autumn equinox, magical rituals and rituals, conspiracies and spells acquire great power, so if you want to radically change something in your life, attract well-being, love, health, use this magical time of the autumn equinox!

On the autumn equinox, magic rituals, prayers and conspiracies to attract love are most effective. At this time, the Sun passes into the sign of Libra, and the planetary energies of this aspect are aimed at harmonizing love and family relationships.

If you have any cherished desire - make it on the day of the autumnal equinox, and it will certainly come true.

The autumn equinox is one of the most energetically strong periods of the year, when many thoughts are able to materialize, therefore, on the day of the autumn equinox, it is advisable to control your thoughts so as not to attract negative energies into your life. On this day, one should not be sad, cry, and especially - take offense and quarrel.

And, of course, the autumnal equinox is the best time for.On the day of the autumnal equinox, fortune-telling will help you find out the truth about the attitude and feelings of your loved one towards you, learn about the future and fate with the help of Tarot cards, playing cards, the Lenormand oracle, runes and

Autumn equinox - traditions and signs:

Traditionally, our Slavic ancestors celebrated the day of the autumn equinox with festivities and fun. Also, as in the cultures of other peoples, the day of the autumnal equinox falls on the harvesting period, preparing supplies for winter. A rich harvest has long been considered a guarantee of a comfortable existence and general well-being, since people considered it a blessing of Heaven and the favor of Mother Earth. On the day of the autumnal equinox, it was customary to rejoice, to thank God and the Universe for a good harvest. In honor of the holiday of the autumn equinox, they organized mass festivities with songs and dances, prepared a variety of delicious dishes, baked pies.

In the Slavic tradition, the day of the autumnal equinox was celebrated as the day of Peter and Paul, the mountain ash. It has long been believed that from this day you can pick mountain ash, since after the first autumn frosts it becomes sweet. However, when harvesting mountain ash, our ancestors necessarily left on each bush several clusters of this juicy, beautiful berry to feed winter birds.

The rowan harvest was used to judge what the weather would be like in autumn and winter; if there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, it means that the autumn will be rainy, and the winter is frosty; if there are few, the autumn is dry and the winter is warm.

Autumn equinox - name day of mountain ash

The mountain ash was revered as the personification of the sun, the energy of good, well-being and health. Harvesting mountain ash on the day of the autumnal equinox was very important - making good reserves of mountain ash meant protecting yourself, your home and family from diseases, adversity and setbacks. In addition, their rowan branches make very beautiful amulets that can be hung throughout the house - above the front door to protect against evil spirits, in the kitchen - for prosperity in the family, in the children's room - for the health and harmonious development of children, in the bedroom - to improve relations between spouses.

What you need to do on the day of the autumnal equinox:

  • Thank the expiring year for the "harvest";
  • Bake a pie of well-being for the autumnal equinox;
  • Protect your home and family from evil spirits with rowan twigs;
  • Attract love

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