When is the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops celebrated? Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops

On a professional holiday, wishes -
Strength, prosperity, wisdom and happiness,
Remember achievements and recognition,
Live beautiful memories.

Health, optimism, good nature,
Great joy, warmth and kindness,
And many more bright, bright cases,
Care of loved ones, warmth, love.

Police service glorious
You are an honorary veteran
Work has done a lot
You have sincere, bitter wounds.

On police day, let
Wish you health,
To be denied visits
You are nurses and doctors.

Optimism and strength to you,
Low bow to you for everything:
Over the years of excellent service
And for a strong shoulder.

You gave so many years to the police
Know you are a real veteran:
You detained many criminals
The bandits fell into your trap!

I want to tell you without further ado:
Your merit is very great!
Always be strong in spirit and healthy,
So that life is beautiful and easy!

Police veteran is no joke to you
This is your youth, this is your life.
Happy holiday and wish you happiness
Whatever happens, be a fighter, hold on!

On a holiday, police day, I bow low,
For your efforts, for your hard work.
May in great joy and great harmony
Your glorious years, dear, are running.

Happy Russian Police Day, dear veteran! And, before wishing you all the best and best, we want to tell you a warm "thank you" for your successes, victories and for our well-being. And now we wish you health, courageous strength, peace, good luck, joy, prosperity and warmth.

Happy Russian Police Day. To become a veteran of such a calling means to attain the highest rank for right and honor. And may your strength not leave, may the world of crime be exposed, I wish you still feel like a proud young eagle, I wish you to always remain on guard of the peace of respectable citizens.

Happy Police Day to us
Let me heartily you today,
You gave your life to the service,
Thank you endlessly.

We wish you good health,
Kindness, enthusiasm, optimism,
Let them pass by
In life, all of you are cataclysms.

On the day of the Russian police
Special attention to you
For the dangers and risks
For your special efforts.

Dear veterans,
I wish you retired
Always be cared for
To live a century without knowing troubles!

The Russian police celebrate the celebration!
May this service only flourish.
We also thank the veterans for everything
We sincerely congratulate you, dear ones!

We wish you health for centuries first,
So that no ailment bothers you.
We wish you a cherished dream come true
And so that prosperity multiplies itself.

You have served faithfully for so many years
For the good of the dear country!
Your career has always gone up,
Your successes are so important!

It's time to rest!
We wish you with all our heart
Good health, kindness,
And also the pension is big!

In our country, the authorities have always paid great attention to veterans. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War constitute a special category: they still enjoy a fairly significant package of benefits. This is quite natural, because people, having fought under Soviet flags with the Nazis, actually granted us - at that time future generations - freedom from possible German bondage. But there is one more group of veterans to whom the overwhelming majority of representatives of today's Russian society owes no less - the veterans of the internal affairs and internal troops. These wonderful people celebrate their, one might say, professional holiday, the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops, on April 17 every year.

Date history

The solemn event that takes place every spring is still very young. The Day of Veterans of Internal Troops and Ministry of Internal Affairs Troops was established only in 2011 by Rashid Nurgaliyev, who at that time was the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The date itself was chosen, according to the historical fact: it was on April 17 that the Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops appeared and began to function. It happened in 1991, so we can assume that the date is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the formation of this association.

Holiday on April 17, the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops is very important. People who have long retired, behind whom there are many solved crimes, do not sit idly by, but continue their activities outside the service organizations of law enforcement. How is this manifested? The work of veterans is carried out in various directions: promoting the need to comply with laws on the protection of law and order, disseminating valuable information among young people - first of all, among teenagers who have not reached the age of majority, helping young, current police officers. The result of the unofficial activities of veterans is obvious: according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, thanks to these people, a huge number of crimes are disclosed every year. This means that without the personal enthusiasm of veterans, many criminal cases would not have gotten off the ground for a very long time, and those who committed them would have remained unpunished. In other words, justice would have triumphed much less often.

Who are veterans?

Let's talk about the heroes of the occasion on this significant Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops.

The number of veterans in Russia at the moment is about 650 thousand people. I mean precisely the people who have dedicated their lives to serving the good of their homeland. These include the following categories of citizens:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • veterans participating in hostilities in hot spots (Afghanistan, Chechnya);
  • veterans participating in the liquidation of the monstrous consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

All kinds of veteran organizations function on the territory of our country. In addition to the already mentioned groups of citizens, they include veterans who served at the time in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Regional and district organizations of a similar nature are subordinate to federal associations. In principle, in fact, veterans of the civil service and labor veterans are also links in this chain that is significant for the life of the entire country, because their contribution to the development of social activities is also invaluable.

What does the state and the government apparatus do for veterans of all currently available categories? The policy pursued by the authorities focuses on such aspects as the adoption of certain measures for the social support of veterans, the formation of specific specific structures, the allocation of funds from the federal budget necessary to award this category of citizens with state awards (orders and medals). Most of the actions in relation to veterans are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterans" dated January 11, 1995 No. 5-FZ.

Among the variety of veteran communities, the largest are the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory". It is headed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The Central Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Veterans Affairs also functions. The head of this association is the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Similar, but smaller-scale organizations have been created in fleets, military districts and other divisions.

The history of the word and the very status of "veteran" is interesting. The term translated from Latin literally means "a soldier who served his time in the army" (from vetus - old). It is clear that the first veterans appeared in ancient Rome. They were former legionnaires during the time of Julius Caesar. Such soldiers had at least 20 years of service behind them, and after that they were dismissed or continued to remain with the army. The troops of that era had a fickle, unstable character: as soon as the hostilities died down, the legion was disbanded. Only in the 1st century BC. the formation of the army began on a permanent basis. Roman veterans enjoyed privileges of excellent quality: the right to use their own piece of land, which was given to them by the state, or, as an option, to receive remuneration for selfless long-term work in cash. In addition, the former Roman legionary no longer had to carry out the duties imposed on him by the state.

Veteran awards

We are all aware that there is a Veteran of Labor medal, which was previously awarded to persons who distinguished themselves in the professional field by conscientious work. It was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1974. Even more important is the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." Such award must be located on the left side of the subject's chest prior to the previous award.

Those who faithfully served for the good of the Fatherland in the internal troops are also entitled to a medal. It is jubilee and is called “200 Years of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”. This award is presented not only to ordinary veterans, but also to combat veterans. The delivery process is carried out by the deputy. The Minister of Internal Affairs or his deputy on behalf of the Minister himself on the basis of an appropriate order in a solemn atmosphere. In addition to the medal, the veteran is issued a certificate. The record of the presentation of the award is entered in the personal file and work book of the person whose work deserves the highest praise. The medal is to be worn on the left side of the chest, immediately after the insignia “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia”.

If we talk about the latter, then this medal is a departmental award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It was founded a little over 10 years ago, on June 5, 2002. On this occasion, order No. 542 was signed. The Medal “200 Years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” is awarded to veterans of this structure, as well as to persons who help the employees of the unit in their difficult work. The award is worn on the left side of the chest after the badge "For Excellence in Service".

Veterans of the internal affairs agencies and internal troops will be very glad to sincere congratulations on the significant Day of veterans of internal affairs agencies and internal troops on April 17. Especially if the addressees of warm wishes become, in addition to relatives and friends, the youth with whom the work is carried out, and the grateful employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Happy holiday, dear veterans!

We sincerely congratulate all veterans on their holiday on April 17, the Day of veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops.

On April 17, Russia celebrates the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops. This is a relatively young holiday. It was established on August 12, 2010 by order of the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Rashid Nurgaliyev. It was first celebrated in 2011. The date of April 17 was not chosen by chance, it was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate and Internal Troops, formed on April 17, 1991.

In Russia, veterans are always given special attention. A special category of our citizens are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who are respected by the whole society and have a package of various benefits. Such an attitude is natural, since thanks to these people who fought against fascism, virtually all of us were given a future, freedom from possible German bondage. At the same time, there is another group of veterans in Russia to whom the Russian society owes no less today - these are veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops.

The Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops is a holiday of all those people who served their country with honor, defended its citizens from the encroachments of criminals, defended us with weapons in their hands during counterterrorist operations, stood guard over law and order. Fidelity to civic duty and the chosen path of life, their heroism can only evoke deserved respect from the current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Currently, more than 600 thousand veterans live in the Russian Federation, who in different years served in the internal affairs bodies or internal troops. At the same time, veterans, even in retirement, do not sit idly by, continuing to benefit society. They are engaged in promoting the observance of law and order and the rule of law, work and train young employees of the internal affairs bodies, transferring the accumulated experience and knowledge, devote time to preventive work among minors by visiting schools. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, thanks to the help of veterans and veteran organizations and their invaluable experience, a fairly large number of crimes are disclosed in the country every year, it is possible to arrest dangerous criminals. In 2012 alone, with the help of veterans of internal affairs, almost 24 thousand crimes were solved. Today every 5th veteran takes part in the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies and subdivisions of the internal troops of Russia.

There are more than 30 thousand veterans of the Interior Ministry troops in Russia. At the same time, there are public organizations of veterans of the internal troops at all military units, formations and institutions of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Even where there were formerly military units and formations that were disbanded, sections of veterans of internal troops are often created in veteran organizations of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

They help veterans of the internal affairs bodies and orphanages, teenagers from single-parent and dysfunctional families, often taking patronage over them. They try, to the best of their ability, to fight against such a shameful phenomenon for the country as child homelessness. Unfortunately, Russia has not been able to defeat this phenomenon to the end since the time of the civil war. It is no secret that such work of veterans helps to form a positive attitude of Russian society towards the internal affairs department, employees of the internal troops, as well as to the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a whole - Russian citizens do not always treat law enforcement officers with respect and understanding, and for this, unfortunately, also find their reasons.

Among the veterans there are also relatively young people, some of them are not even 30 years old. These are those who served in the North Caucasus and in other "hot spots" on the territory of our country, who received serious wounds, injuries and disabilities during the service, but did not break down and did not lose their place in the ranks. At the same time, the veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate and Internal Affairs try to take care of the families of employees who died in the line of duty - they try to provide them not only material assistance, but psychological support, lending their shoulders.

Every year on April 17, veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops receive congratulations from colleagues, relatives and friends. In addition, on this day, festive events are organized not only in veteran organizations, but also in operating units, since the work of veterans continues to be a part of their activities. Traditionally, on this memorable day, festive concerts, tea parties, solemn meetings are held, veterans are presented with memorable gifts, honorary awards and certificates. But the festive events are not limited to this. ATS and VV veterans try not to lose their energy and activity, maintaining their physical shape. Sports competitions and shooting tournaments are held especially for them, with both men and women taking part in them. Both of them set a personal example for young law enforcement officers. Also, together with representatives of the public, veterans try to organize and conduct methodological conferences, at which fairly topical issues and problems are discussed.

We join the congratulations to the veterans. I would like to wish all veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of Russia health, longevity, may they also actively continue to participate in public life, helping their younger colleagues.
Author Yuferev Sergey

This is a very young, but very necessary holiday. To honor the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who all their lives stood for the protection of the citizens of great Russia - such a tradition was proposed by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011. And April 17 was chosen due to the fact that it was on this day, 20 years before the establishment of the new holiday, that the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed and began to operate.

The wisdom of the older generation and the initiative of young people are inextricably linked among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Experience and knowledge, as well as valuable recommendations, shared by veterans with new employees of the bodies, allow to solve serious issues more quickly and efficiently. And on a holiday, well-deserved awards are presented to the most active veterans in a solemn atmosphere. And then, of course, festive concerts are organized.

Show congratulations

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Dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs! You have devoted many years of your life to service in the internal affairs bodies. Today is your professional holiday. On this day, I would like to wish your loved ones next to you, so that your health is strong, and your soul remains forever young. Thank you for your work!


Congratulations on today's holiday to all veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You put your life on the altar of service to our Motherland, you defended it where it needed protection and support most of all. Now that you have retired, we express our deepest gratitude to you.


Dear veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
You protected the life of our citizens,
Could withstand trouble
They got in the way of the criminals.

Young green officer
Let the alignment take you.
Service impeccable you are an example.
Honor and glory! Respect and honor!


I am a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
May there be more happiness in life
There will be joy, laughter, peace of mind.
Do not get sick, do not know sadness,
Live without troubles and without hassle.
Let the misfortunes, failures
In the distance the wind will carry everything away.


Interior Ministry veterans, you think
Have you made way for the young?
Your country always needs you,
And no one has forgotten you, believe me!

After all, who, if not you, should teach
Survival of young fighters?
So it's enough to be sad about the past!
Happy Holidays! Honor and love to you!


This service is dangerous
And, as usual, difficult.
You did not serve in vain
Your experience is visible!

Great honor is laid to you,
Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
And you can also arrange
Songs, dances, etc.

Set the table, pour and drink
For success, for friends
And for being vigilant
And your spirit is retired!


You served faithfully, truthfully,
You looked danger in the eye
They fought with evil regularly,
We want to say thank you.

For our peace, for safety,
For your daily heroism,
All this was not in vain
For many you have become an example.

You are not a miss in retirement,
You will always help in trouble
On your holiday, we honor you again,
Happy veterans day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!


My grandfather worked in the police
And dealt with all the complicated cases,
I have earned the honor of colleagues and citizens,
The whole country is proud of you today.

I retired well-deserved,
And you became a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
So on a holiday, hear congratulations,
Let glory be given to you everywhere.

I wish you good health,
Prosperity, happiness for years,
May everyone treat you with love
I will always be proud of you.


Even if you are no longer in service,
We went on a well-deserved rest.
But you, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
We will always honor and remember.

You gave all your time
In outfits, poring over business.
So let love and courage
They will stay with you forever.

I wish you health, long life,
Let there be no anxiety in life.
You served the Fatherland a lot,
Now she won't forget you.


How many years did they give to the service
Are you in the dear Ministry of Internal Affairs?
Do you need to bring the bills?
You did not go to the "UD".

They held on to the last
Steadfastly in his post.
Bureaucracies didn't give up
But it's time for Istra.

You need to go to Mineralnye Vody,
To stay in Taganrog,
You need to go hunting
And visit all the relatives.

But just be calm
We won't hand over the ministry,
You have nurtured a change for yourself,
We will defeat all crime!


You don't go to ambush now,
And you don't need to get up in the morning
You are veterans, we are glad to see you,
And we are ready to congratulate again!

We congratulate you and wish you
To live on duty all the time,
Your rich experience, applying
We invite you to fight again!

Help us with advice, deeds,
Exercise in the morning
Know that our hearts are all the same we are with you,
And for everything we are grateful to you!


Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today
Congratulations in unison, from the heart,
We wish you health, blessings,
You are so kind to people!

Stand guard all the time
And we can sleep peacefully.
As long as you work fine,
Criminals are afraid to show their nose!


As a sign of respect for experience and seniority
Words of praise are heard
To all veterans who are on guard
Law and order of society
They gave up their entire working life.
Whose skill is beyond doubt,
Which was passed on honorably to the young
In the name of the glory of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!


Today we congratulate the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
We always remember, honor and respect you!
All your life you have defended the law,
You guarded order and peace.

We wish you many years of life
No grief, no disease and no troubles,
Warmth, love and respect,
Have a good mood!

This is a very young, but very necessary holiday. To honor the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who all their lives stood for the protection of the citizens of great Russia - such a tradition was proposed by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011. And April 17 was chosen due to the fact that it was on this day, 20 years before the establishment of the new holiday, that the Council of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed and began to operate.

The wisdom of the older generation and the initiative of young people are inextricably linked among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Experience and knowledge, as well as valuable recommendations, shared by veterans with new employees of the bodies, allow to solve serious issues more quickly and efficiently. And on a holiday, well-deserved awards are presented to the most active veterans in a solemn atmosphere. And then, of course, festive concerts are organized.

There are no former police officers
So any veteran will tell us
I congratulate you on the holiday today
And I wish you health.

Despite the years and gray hair
You will stretch your hand in trouble
They never leave their post
Our veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I wish you strength and vigor for years,
Don't know boredom and fatigue
I wish you my rich experience
To the young police officers.

On the day of April seventeenth
The holiday turned out to be great -
We are veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Congratulations with all our hearts.

We are grateful to you for everything -
That they could sleep peacefully
When you get up early
Serious service was carried.

Veterans of our faces
Still young, strong
And more powder flasks
Your gunpowder is full!

We wish you health
A lot of happiness and kindness
And mark you today
This holiday with a bang!

Day of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Great country celebrates
All those who gave their lives to the service,
Today we congratulate you with honor.

We wish you happy years
Goodness and good health.
May fate keep you all
And your angel is at the head.

A low bow to all of you today,
For years of service and courage,
For being faithful
Always power and oath.

This service is dangerous
And, as usual, difficult.
You did not serve in vain
Your experience is visible!

Great honor is laid to you,
Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
And you can also arrange
Songs, dances, etc.

Set the table, pour and drink
For success, for friends
And for being vigilant
And your spirit is retired!

How many years did they give to the service,
Both by duty and by friendship ...
Deserved respect
And by age of respect.

How many cases have been opened
And the crimes were solved!
You health, long years,
Have a rest without a twinge!

I am a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
May there be more happiness in life
There will be joy, laughter, peace of mind.
Do not get sick, do not know sadness,
Live without troubles and without hassle.
Let the misfortunes, failures
In the distance the wind will carry everything away.

Those who once served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Today we will congratulate from the bottom of our hearts,
May the veterans live happily
We wish them strength, great joys,
They gave so many years
Difficult to your country and service,
Let their health not let them down
And their fighting spirit will not go away!

You gave a lot of strength to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
And they became a veteran. And honor and praise to you.
We wish the sun to shine brilliantly,
So that life goes on calmly, smoothly, but interestingly.

Let the forces not fail, health will be strong.
On vacation, too, there are many glorious things.
Let the beauty Fortune not forget you today,
So that joy and happiness do not know the limit!

Honor and glory to the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
You, not sparing yourself at all,
Dedicated their lives to their native country,
They took risks, defended and were happy!

May fate reward you a hundredfold
Peaceful rest with loved ones, relatives!
How medals paint your outfit
So let life turn out beautifully!

You deserve this holiday,
After all, you defended your state,
You have served the Fatherland for so many years,
You have become an example for us in many ways!

May our younger generation
He respects you very much and listens to advice,
After all, your experience is really important,
And everyone now understands this!

We wish you all steel health,
Many bright and sunny days!
And, of course, great happiness,
So that all dreams come true as soon as possible!

Congratulations: 51 in verse, 16 in prose.