Synopsis of the lesson on moral and patriotic education in the middle group “Russian masters. Synopsis of the lesson on moral and patriotic education with children of the middle group Topic: "Me and my friendly family"


methodological development

on patriotic

raising children

in the middle group

Prepared by the educator Artamonova R.R.

« Russia is my homeland»

Purpose: fostering a feeling of love, pride and patriotism for their country, small homeland.

to consolidate the knowledge of children about our country, about our village;

continue to form the idea that our country is Russia, and there are many cities and villages in it;

systematize children's knowledge about the symbols of the state,

learn to answer questions depending on the content, using an accurate, expressive vocabulary;

foster love for the works of Russian poets, artists, composers

Vocabulary work: Motherland, Russia, Russia, clan, parents, pedigree, relatives, people, love, appreciate, respect, symbolism, coat of arms, anthem, flag, banner, map, globe.

Prior work:

Learning verses of Russian poets about the Motherland, nature; songs, nursery rhymes, folk games, round dances; proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, work, friendship.

Reading works of Russian writers about the Motherland, people, nature,

Examination of illustrations of books, atlases; pictures; postcards; flags, coats of arms of the country, republic;

Listening to musical works of a patriotic nature;

Excursions around the village.

The course of the lesson.

(the verse of the song "Native Side" by Yu. Antonov sounds)

Educator: - Guys, you listened to an excerpt from Yu. Antonov's song "Native Side". Who can tell what this song is about?

Children: (about their native place, about our Motherland)

Educator: - That's right, this song is about a native place, about a native side, about a Motherland, about a native place.

And what is the name of our country, who knows?

Children: (Russia)

Educator: Our country is called Russia. This is the largest country in the world. In Russia, the largest and most abundant rivers, the deepest lake is Baikal. How diverse the nature of our Motherland is, how many beautiful cities we have, how diverse the occupations of people in different parts of the country are. Many poets, writers, composers, artists have written wonderful works about our great Motherland. And the people composed proverbs and sayings, songs about the Motherland, and invented fairy tales. And what is Homeland for each of you?

Children: (this is my home, my village, my family, my mother and me, my country)

Hello, my Motherland!

1 child In the morning the sun rises.

Calls everyone to the street.

I leave the house -

Hello my street

I sing, and above

The birds are singing to me

2 children Herbs whisper to me on the way

You quickly, my friend, grow.

I sing along to the herbs

I sing along to the winds

I sing along to the sun -

Hello, my Motherland!

Educator: - You are right, guys, all this is our big Motherland, which is made up of small parts (my family, my house, my village, my street). Let's remember the poems of Russian poets about the Motherland, which we have studied.

Children: (children recite poetry)

Better no homeland


He flew a hundred lands.

I flew around, I went around

Wings, legs worked.

We asked the crane:

- Where is the best land? - He answered, flying:

- There is no better homeland!

P. Voronko

Kremlin stars

Kremlin stars

They are burning above us

Their light reaches everywhere!

The guys have a good homeland,

And better than that Motherland

S. Mikhalkov

Educator: - Our Motherland is so big that if we want to travel from one region to another, then on the fastest train this road will take a whole week, and by plane you will have to fly all day.

How great is my land

How wide are the expanses!

Lakes, rivers and fields

Forests and steppe and mountains

My country is spread out

From north to south.

We live in a joyful land

And we must know it.

His Russian country.

Your beloved land of light.

Children: (completing the task)

Educator: - Can you show our country on the globe, on the world map?

Children: (children complete assignments)

Educator: -. We continue our conversation about our Motherland. Our State is called.

Children: (Russia, Russian Federation)

Educator: Quite right. And how does our state differ from another?

Children: (size, language, customs, traditions, coat of arms, anthem, banknotes, national costumes, culture, flag,)

Educator: - Everything is correct. And name the symbols of the country.

Children: (anthem, flag, coat of arms)

Educator: - the anthem of the Russian Federation is the music of the Russian composer M.I. Glinka. Now we will listen to an excerpt from the Russian anthem.

(an excerpt of the anthem of Russia sounds, everyone stands up)

Children: (everyone stands up)

Educator: - You did the right thing by standing up. Any hymn is listened to while standing. Children will tell about other symbols of the country.

Children: Coat of arms - We have a beautiful coat of arms, it features a double-headed eagle. The eagle is a symbol of the sun and heavenly power, immortality. The double-headed eagle appeared on the coat of arms a long time ago. Inside the coat of arms, on the eagle's chest, is the coat of arms of the city of Moscow. George the Victorious pierces a dragon with a spear. The coat of arms is the emblem of the state. He is depicted on all seals, banknotes and on paper and metal, passports, documents.

Flag - Our flag consists of three horizontal stripes. White above, blue in the middle, red below. These colors symbolize: the unity of the world, earth and sky. It symbolizes the cooperation of three Slavic peoples: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. Our flag is also called a banner, tricolor, tricolor cloth).

Educator: - You gave full answers and explanations about the symbols of the state in which you live. Well done! And now I propose to everyone to play the Russian folk game "Zarya" in order to have fun and relax after such difficult stages. Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks from behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field

I dropped the keys

The keys are golden

The ribbons are blue

Entwined rings -

I went to fetch water.

With the last words, the driver carefully puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn.

Educator: - At this stage, you need to explain the meaning of the words: Motherland, relatives, give birth, pedigree)

Children: Homeland is where we live.

Educator: Quite right, it came from the ancient word "clan", which meant a group of people united by blood kinship.

Children: To give birth means to have offspring; the woman, the beast, and the earth will give birth.

A relative is a relative, a member of a clan, of the same blood.

Relatives are all relatives by blood and family ties.

Pedigree - a list of generations of the same genus.

Educator: - I hope everyone understands the explanation

Educator: - Now it was the turn of the guests to ask their questions

1. The capital of our Motherland?

2. The most important person in our country?

3. What are the streets of our village you know?

4. What is the name of our republic?

5. The capital of our republic?

Guests: Well done and coped with this task just fine.

Educator: - This is the last stage. You need to remember proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, friendship, work

Children: The best friend is the mother, the best country is the Motherland.

The Volga is the mother of all rivers.

There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world.

If you work, you will have both bread and milk.

On the home side and a pebble is familiar.

Life is tight without a friend.

He who speaks little does more.

The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother.

Every bird loves its nest.

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won't fold it.

Educator: Well done, how many proverbs and sayings you remembered!

Summing up: presentation of souvenirs.

Reb Take care of Russia, there is no other Russia.

Take care of her peace and quiet,

This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table

And a native window in a forgotten village.

Take care of Russia to be strong

To save us from trouble in difficult times.

She knows no fear, and her steel is strong.

And she is not sorry for the last shirt for her friend.

Educator: Did you like playing guys? What new have you learned today? Well done, you were all active today, everyone tried. Thanks.

Download documents:

Elena Lepkova

Theme: "Our Motherland is Russia."

Age: 4-5 years old, preschool.

Integration of educational areas:

cognitive, speech, physical, artistic - aesthetic,

social and communicative.

Target: to shape the feeling patriotism, cultivate love for the Motherland, to the native nature.

Activities: motor, playful, productive.

Forms of work: conversation, reciting poetry, examining illustrations of the symbols of the Russian state (especially the flag).

Tasks: to consolidate the concept "Flag"- the symbol of our country; activate speech; develop attention, thinking; continue to train the hands and fingers; to consolidate the ability to work with elements of non-traditional drawing and applique.

Preliminary work: observation on excursions, reading poetry about

Russia, examining illustrations of the symbols of the Russian state (especially the flag)

Materials and equipment:

Large flag, small flag, paintings depicting Russian landscapes (field, river, mountains, forest, grove, glue brushes, brush stands, green corrugated paper, watercolors, cotton swabs, blanks on sheets of white paper, glue, napkins ...


1. “Open events for children of the middle group»

Voronezh "Method." 2014

2. "Developing hands"... Shcherbinina S.V.

"Development Academy" Yaroslavl 2001

Educator: Children, guests have come to us today, let's say hello to them.

Children say hello.

Vos-l: Today guys, we'll talk about the Motherland!

What we call the Motherland.

1Child: The house where you and I live

And birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

Vos-l: What we call the Motherland.

2Child: Field with a thin spikelet

Our holidays and songs

Warm wind outside the window.

Vos-l: What we call the Motherland.

3Child: All that we cherish in our hearts

And under the blue-blue sky

Russian flag over the Kremlin!

Vos-l: Children, tell me the name of our country in which we live.

Answers children.

And the people who live here, we are with you.

Answers children.

Vos-l: Right. Each country has its own insignia, that is, the symbols are the anthem, coat of arms, flag. Let's talk about the Russian flag.

(Consideration of the big flag)

Vos-l: what color is the Russian flag.

Children: white, blue, red.

Vos-l: how many colors there are. Answers children.

Vos-l:Yes. Russian tricolor flag (white - blue - red).

White is the color of purity

Blue - blue skies,

The third is bright red,

That the dawn is beautiful.

Child: I have a small flag in my hands,

It burns like a flame

May it live and live for centuries

White-blue-red Russian flag.

Vos - l: Now let's practice our fingers.

(finger gymnastics)

These white flowers bloom petals

Our blue flowers bloom petals

The breeze breathes a little, the petals are kalysh.

Our red flowers bloom petals

The breeze breathes a little, the petals are kalysh.

Multicolored flowers cover the petals

They shake their heads, fall asleep quietly.

Vos-l: Each of us absorbs love for the Motherland with mother's milk. The first words we say are "Mama",after "Motherland".

Let's listen to a poem told by Katya Emasheva.

"Mom and Motherland are very similar ..."

Vos-l: A man has one mother, one is his homeland. Loves her people deeply. He added a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. Let's remember them. I will start and you continue.

1. Beloved homeland - what a dear mother!

2. If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong!

3. To live and serve the Motherland!

4. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

5. Motherland, know how to stand up for it.

Vos-l: Our landless country, there are many fields, rivers, mountains, lakes, forests in it. And here is the grove! What kind of trees are there?

Answers children.

Vos-l: That's right, these are Russian beauties of birch trees!

At the edge of the forest

Girlfriends are standing.

Helen's dress,

The curls are green.

Guys, let's take a walk through the grove.

(exercise minute).

We are walking through the grove (march)

We sing a song loudly (claps)

We walk along the path (march)

Raise your legs straight (march)

Take a step one, two (march)

Turned my head (head turn left, right)

Wave your hands - three, four (wave of arms)

Hands up and legs wider (according to)

Let's jump high together (bounce)

And we run easily (running in place).

Vos-l: Russian birch is another symbol of Russia. Only here you can see such a beautiful birch grove. This is what our Russian people are proud of. Listen to the poem told by Alena Myakinina.

I love Russian birch ...

Vos-l: let's, now, make our own birch grove.

Children are doing their job.

Reflexion: What is the name of our country? What symbols of Russia do you know? What did you like about occupations?

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Compiled and conducted by the teacher: Ivanova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Target: fostering interest in the history of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers, a desire to imitate them.
to familiarize children with the origins of Russian folk culture;
foster patriotic feelings.
To form ideas about the heroic past of the Russian people, the great Russian heroes - the defenders of the Russian land;
to cultivate a sense of pride in the heroic strength of Russia, respect for Russian soldiers.
to consolidate knowledge about the names of armor and weapons of the Russian hero, expanding and enriching the vocabulary of children.

Preliminary work:
Reading epics about Russian heroes;
Viewing cartoons about heroes.
Listening to a musical excerpt from the song: "Heroic Power" in processing
A. Pakhmutova, study of the song "Heroes".
Examination of illustrations from the books: "Epics" by A. Shevtsov, "Vasnetsov" by G. Vetrova, "Journey to the Beautiful" by O. Selezneva.
Examination of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes".
Material: painting by Vasnetsov "Three heroes". A large iron egg, a toothpick needle, a tape recorder, "Epic tunes" (music), three chests, an owl made of paper with a spell. Surprise moment: coloring pages, candy "Cockerels on sticks"
Vocabulary replenishment: Russia, Slavs, heroes, epics; armor - clothes of heroes (chain mail, helmet); weapons of heroes (sword, shield, bow, arrows, spear, bowstring, bow, quiver, club, mace).
For experimental activities: 1) a container with water, scissors, matches, a needle, an iron product and a cloth.
Planned results. Children will have an interest in the history of Russia, and respect for Russian soldiers, a desire to imitate them.

Course of the lesson

Children enter the hall to the music of E. Grieg "Morning"
- Hello, good fellows and red girls!
- This is how the guys used to greet each other.
- Do you know what the word "hello" means?
Children: according to the custom “hello”, we wish each other well, prosperity, health. "Hello" means "be healthy, live long."
Educator: Guys, look, we have guests today, let's wish them well, prosperity, health. Let's say hello
Children: Hello!
Educator: Music by E. Grieg "Morning"
Educator: Once upon a time, in the place of cities and villages where we now live, there were impenetrable forests full of animals and birds. Many territories were occupied by swamps. From ancient times, the Slavs lived on this land. More than 1000 years ago they founded their own state, called Rus. The Russian land is rich in everyone. She can feed with warm bread, drink with spring water, surprise with her beauty.
And only he cannot defend himself.
The defense of the fatherland is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, admire its beauty.
In ancient times, raids of enemies posed a great danger to the Russian lands; Khazars and Mongols-Tatars often went to Russia, ravaged villages and villages, took women and children prisoner, and took away the stolen riches with them.
And every time the Russian people stood up to defend their homeland.
- Guys, tell me what the defenders of Russia were called then?
Children: The defenders of the Russian land were called heroes.
Educator: And who are the defenders of the Fatherland?

Children: Those who defend the Motherland, guard, protect, warn of danger.

Educator: Tell me guys, what were they like, how do you imagine them?

Children: They were strong, brave, mighty, tall, courageous, courageous. fearless, decisive, heroic, valiant, brave.

Educator: And why did the heroes have immeasurable strength?

Children: because they didn't waste time, they always trained, played sports

Educator: About the heroic silushka, about the heroes, the people composed songs - legends, which were called epics. They have come down to our times, they were passed "from mouth to mouth" - the storytellers. They played the harp and told bylinas. Tell me guys, what epics did we meet?

Children: "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - the robber", "Dobrynya and the serpent", "Alyosha Popovich".

Educator: Guys, do you want to go to the past of our Motherland? In the days of heroic Rus?
Children: Yes.

Educator: I have a "Magic Game". Let's play and she will take us to the distant past

The dynamic pause "Bogatyrs" is performed to the music of our heroic strength "

Standing together 1-2-3
We are now heroes
We will put our palm to our eyes
Let's set our strong legs

Turning right
Let's look around majestically
And you have to go to the left too
Look from under the palms.
And right, and more
Over the left shoulder.
Legs wider, arms to the side
Let's go to protect the people.

Educator: And now let's sit down, close our eyes, spin like a top and imagine that we are in the past, We open our eyes.
(while the children are doing the exercise with their eyes closed, a model of a house with an owl appears with a note in its paws, disturbing music and a voice sound)

Educator:- what is this? Suddenly the earth swayed - mother. The violent winds howled. Eagles screamed from the oak trees. A terrible Russian monster wants to attack the land.
- What do we do? Do you want to protect mother earth?

Educator: Then we need to get ready for a difficult, dangerous path, where unusual adventures will await us, won't you be afraid?

(we go to the house on it Owl, curled paper in its paws)

At the edge of the house there is a lock on the door,
The old Owl sits here looking in all directions.
- Oh, guys, he has something in his paws. This is a riddle - a clue. If you guess it, you will learn how to defeat a terrible monster
Above the standing forest
Below a cloud of a walking
Neither bird nor beast flies,
And with three snake heads.
Heroes notes
Fire starts from mouths,
Is not afraid of anyone
And his strength is stored in the egg.

Guys, we need to find his strength. It is in the needle, and the needle is in the egg, and the egg is in the chest. Find
The chest, we will find the egg, and in the egg we will find the needle, which contains the power of the Gorynych snake. Well - ka, my squad build up!
(Children line up one after another and march.)
- here is the first obstacle on the way,
you need to walk along the gorge

They crawl through the gorge. Traces of the serpent Gorynych appear in the hall
Guys, look, what is this?
Children: Footprints.
Educator: Traces? Whose?
Children: Snake Gorynycha.
Educator: then we are on the right track. Look at the chest, it looks like you and I have already found it, let's open it soon. (we open and there are tasks). Oh, what is it? After completing the tasks, we will be able to go further to look for the strength of the Serpent Gorynych.
I take out a task from 1 chest - painting by Vasnetsov "Three heroes"
Educator: Guys here is a picture, some sort. Do you know who is painted on it?
Children: Heroes.
Educator: Do you know your name? Please name the Russian heroes.
(in Vasnetsov's painting "Heroes", children show and call Ilya Muromets on a black horse in the center, Dobrynya Nikitich on a white horse to the right of Ilya, Alyosha Popovich to the left of Ilya.).

Educator: Well done. Let's go further.

Here is the river on the way. Do not pass, do not pass.
Nightingale - A robber broke an evil bridge over the river here.
Cross the river over the pebbles

The music of the whistle of the nightingale of the robber turns on.
Educator: guys look quickly, somewhere on a tree a Nightingale the robber is sitting
While the children are distracted, traces appear.
Educator: And here are some more traces, probably a chest, somewhere nearby, let's take a closer look.
We find the chest we get the task
Quest from the second chest.
- Here's a job for us. "Dress the hero" is called. Your task is to choose the items that the hero needs to defend his homeland. (helmet, chain mail, cloak; weapon - sword, shield, faithful horse)

Independent work "Dress the hero"
Educator: Well done guys coped with the task. Do you know what the hero's armor is made of?
Children: made of iron
Educator: And what are our clothes made of?
Children: From fabric.
Educator: What do you think is stronger and more reliable: fabric or iron?
- Let's check?

Research activity "Properties of metal and fabric"
Children come up to the table and study durability, water resistance.
The teacher offers to wet with water, cut with scissors, set fire to a match, pierce with a needle.
Educator: Guys, I suggest you check the strength of our clothes and armor of the heroes.
Let's try to cut with scissors first. Guys, can we cut the fabric, but what about the iron? (the teacher leads the children to the conclusion)

Children make a conclusion. Fabric can be cut, but metal cannot.

Educator: Now let's try to set it on fire. (set on fire) Guys, what happened (children conclude)
Children: Fabric burns, metal, no.
Educator: Let's try to wet it. (wet) Are the guys wet with metal? And the fabric?
Children: (children conclude) Fabric gets wet, but metal doesn't. If you wipe it off with a dry cloth, the metal becomes dry again.
Educator: Guys, what kind of clothes does the hero get?
Conclusion: the clothing of the hero is very durable, does not get wet, does not tear, does not burn.
Educator: What do you think, Why does the hero need such clothes, made of metal? (Helmet and chain mail protected the warrior - hero from blows)

Which is heavier than fabric or metal?
- What do you think a hero should be to wear such heavy clothes?

Children: Conclusion: a hero must be strong, courageous, brave.
Educator: So, we have found out that the hero wears strong, heavy metal clothing that protects him from blows.
Well done, they did the job. Let's go further. Only I forgot what we are going in search of? What are we swami looking for?
Children: We need to find the power of the monster. To defeat him. And she is in the needle, and the needle is in the egg, and the egg is in the chest.
Educator: You, as real heroes, have found the right path, look again at the tracks. We will soon find where the power of the Gorynych snake is hidden.
We are looking for a chest.
Educator: Well, we got to the treasured chest, let's open it. (children take out the "egg", open it and take out the needle. Music "Gusli" sounds)
I read an excerpt from the epic:
“Do not gallop enemies on our land!
Do not trample their horses on the Russian land.
They cannot overshadow our red sun!
Russia stands for a century - does not stagger
And it will stand for centuries - it will not budge!
And the strong, mighty
The heroes defend our glorious Russia! "
(We break the needle.)

We defeated a terrible monster, we saved Russia - mother. And as a reward for us, a magic chest, a gift was in store. Take it, help yourself. (treating children to sweets)
Have not noticed with you how the red sun has set, it's time to return. To turn from heroes back into children.

Preliminary work: conversations about Lipetsk (history, culture, folk crafts, attractions, etc., viewing illustrations, photo postcards about the native land, organizing a photo exhibition "Lipetsk's past and present", making an album "Attractions of our city", a thematic exhibition of books about Lipetsk, excursion to the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts, memorizing poems, songs, proverbs and sayings about the native land, GCD within the framework of the thematic week "My native city".

1. Organizational moment.


We have an unusual day today:

We are glad to welcome our guests now!

I look - my kids are gathered-

It's time to go for knowledge.

2 words will help us to define today's route. That's just the trouble-

The letters in the words are messed up. Restore these words, they will tell you the topic of our conversation today. (Children put together words from cubes: Motherland, Lipetsk).

What do you think we will talk about? Express your assumptions. (Answers of children).

2. Conversation with children about the Motherland.

Guys, explain how do you understand what Motherland is? (Children answer).

What proverbs and sayings about the Motherland do you know?

To live is to serve the Motherland.

On someone else's side, I'm glad my funnel.

Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

In the native land and the air heals.

And onions are sweet, like honey, if they grow in their homeland.

Your side is never cold.

There is no more beautiful Motherland in the world.

On the foreign side, the Motherland is twice a mile.

Needed where was born.

Guys, remember and read the poems about the Motherland.

1 child:

Each leaf

Every stream

There is the main thing in the world -

There is a homeland of its own.

2 child:

For weeping willow

There is no river more mile.

For a little white birch

The edge is no more mile.

3 child:

There is a branch at the leaf,

Gully - by the stream.

Everyone in the world

There is a homeland of its own. (L. Daineko).


That's right, guys, each of us has a big and small homeland, and love for the native land, city, street lives in the heart of any person. We love our home, we feel good among friends, close people. Homeland is all that is dear to us.

And now let's hear how they say about the Motherland in V. Stepanov's poem.

4 child:

What do we call the Motherland?

The house we live in.

And birches by the road

On which we go.

5 child:

What do we call the Motherland?

The sun is in the blue sky.

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

6 child:

What do we call the Motherland?

The land in which we live.

And favorite places

In your city, mine.

3. Didactic game "My city".

The goals are to enrich the vocabulary of children, to activate adjectives in the speech of preschoolers that denote the signs, qualities of the subject, to foster love for their hometown.


Guys, now we will pass a flag in a circle, naming words - signs that characterize, describe our city. I begin: "My favorite city." (Then the children continue: ... beautiful, blooming, green, young, amazing, dear, sunny, festive, sporty, cozy, cultural, theatrical, best, developing, spring,

Sparkling, clean, etc.).


What good fellows you are, how many beautiful words you have picked up!

4. The past of the city.


Today our city looks beautiful, clean, it is changing every year. A long time ago, everything was different. Want to see how it all started? We will go on a journey with you, and a time machine will help us. Let's close our eyes and say the magic words.

Children in chorus:

One, two, three, four, five,

If we press the button,

You can get into the past.

Let's say together: “Three, two, one!

Take us all to the past. "


Oh guys, look where the time machine took us.

Trees in three girths

Beautiful places,

Among the woods once

Our city has begun.

And here is the Russian hut in front of us. Let's knock and find out who's in charge here.

The girl is the mistress:

I am the mistress of this hut.

Hello kids,

Boys and girls.

Thank you for not passing by

They came to visit me.

Come on don't hesitate

Make yourself comfortable!

Where are you keeping your way? In our area, we have not seen such, and your clothes are kind of strange.

We are from the Antoshka kindergarten, came here from the future, we know a lot and want to learn more about the history of our region.


And we will check it now. Guess my riddles, and maybe you will see the answers.


There is a fat man

Akimbo the barrel,

Hisses, boils,

He tells everyone to drink tea.

Small, butter,

The wheel is edible.

I won't eat it alone

I will share the guys with all.

Not boots, not boots,

But legs love them too.

You run in them in winter:

In the morning - to the kindergarten, in the afternoon - home.

Two jackdaws are sitting on one stick.

He doesn’t eat, but there is enough food.

What grabs, gives

He goes to the corner himself.

Our fat Fedora

Eats up not soon.

But when you are full,

From Fedora - warmth.

Two slender sisters

In the hands of the craftswoman.

We dived into loops all day ...

And here he is a scarf for Petenka. (children show the answers: on the table - samovar, etc.)

Well done boys! Do you like to play?

5. Folk game "Wicker".

Children are built in two lines opposite each other, hands clasped in a criss-cross position. At the signal of the 1st rank goes towards the 2nd rank, which stands still and bows. Then 2 lines do the same. At the signal, children begin to move randomly around the site, and then squat. Actions are accompanied by the words:

There is a folk game

It is called "The Wattle".

We hunt to play it,

We are not too lazy to play it.

One wattle, two wattle.

Hide from the sun in the shade

Let's sit and rest

And let's start playing again.

With the end of the words, the children should line up in 2 lines. The winning team is the one that built up quickly and correctly.

6. Peter 1 and the city of Lipetsk.


If we press the button,

We will come to a new place.

We were led to be our way! "



An old casket, and in it ... an envelope with the inscription "Experts of the Lipetsk Territory."

Quiz questions:

Whose name is the history of Lipetsk associated with? (Peter 1)

What is depicted on the coat of arms of our city? (Linden)

What do the yellow and green colors on the coat of arms of Lipetsk mean? (Yellow is the color of the sun, wealth, grain, fertility; green is the rich nature, prosperity, prosperity, the color of life).

What was produced at the first ironworks in the time of Peter the Great? (Ship cannons and cannonballs).

What was the name of the famous Lipetsk resort? (Lipetsk Mineral Waters).

Russia was famous for its wonderful masters,

They turned wood and clay into a fairy tale.

They created beauty with paints and a brush,

Young people were taught their art. What folk crafts originated in the Lipetsk land? (Romanov clay toy, painting on wood "Lipetsk Patterns", Yelets lace).

What was the name of the city streets before? (Sovetskaya st. - Voronezhskaya st., Lenin st. - Dvoryanskaya st., Papina st. - Kolkhoznaya st.) / show photo /.

What is the most widespread profession in our city and why? (Metallurgist, steelmaker, because there is a metallurgical plant in the city).

Educator: Well done! Cope with all the questions, you can rightfully be called experts in the Lipetsk region. And the time has come for us to return to our time, to the d / garden.

We will press the button again -

And we'll start the car.

Let's say together: “One, two, three!

Transfer to kindergarten. "

7. D / game "What will we tell the guests of our city".

The goals are to arouse in children a feeling of admiration and pride for their hometown, to foster love for their small homeland, to develop coherent speech of preschoolers by compiling descriptive stories about the sights and memorable places of the city.

8. Results.


Today we talked about the past and present of our city. But its future also depends on you - little Lipchan. How would you like to see your city? (children's answers).

7 child:

The city will develop

There are many things ahead.

Soon we will come to replace

It only remains to grow up.

8 child:

We live, we grow

In our native city.

For someone small,

And for us it is huge.

Let him live! Let it grow!

Our modest town!

RS (I AM) Khangalassky district of the item Mokhsogolloh st. Factory 10.

Program content: To educate children to love their Motherland - Russia. Arouse their interest in folk art, consolidate knowledge about folk applied art. Arouse in children a sense of admiration for the talent of the Russian people and pride in their homeland!

Visual material: Illustrations depicting the nature of Russia - forests, mountains, seas, etc .; image of beautiful buildings and temples. Items of folk applied art - nesting dolls, Dymkovo toys, Khokhloma; dolls in Russian national costumes.

Course of the lesson: - Guys, today our acquaintances have come to our lesson - these are dolls Alyonushka and Ivanushka. They brought you different pictures, let's see them (to put on the stand illustrations depicting the nature of Russia, as well as various beautiful buildings, for example, the Winter Palace, Petrodvorets and other beautiful buildings and temples of different cities of Russia).

What do you see? (Children list - forest, rivers, sea, etc.)

All this is our country in which we live. What is it called (Russia)

What is our Motherland? (Big, beautiful, huge, rich, strong, etc.)... And very talented people live in Russia.

Alyonushka and Ivanushka brought many different items made by Russian craftsmen.

Let's take a look at them. (Children come to the table, on which are laid out objects of folk applied art - nesting dolls, Dymkovo toys, Khokhloma dishes)

What do you see here? (Children list)

All this Russian masters learned to do a long time ago. The masters had students, they watched the masters work, and also learned to make the same beautiful objects. The disciples became masters and taught others. And so for many years in a row and to this day, Russian craftsmen have been making such beautiful objects.

Everything that you see here is done only in our country - Russia. When people from other countries come to our country, they are sure to take away such beautiful objects as a keepsake of Russia. Do you like them?

- Alyonushka and Ivanushka want to tell you riddles about these objects. Try to guess them:

This is a toy made of clay. The toy is white and painted with different colors. And the pattern is very unusual: these are cells, and in the cells there are multi-colored circles. (Dymkovo toy)

The item I'll be talking about is made of wood. It is covered with gold paint. And on a golden field, bright red berry leaves and thin, thin grass with curls. (Khokhloma).

This is a doll. It is wooden, beautifully painted. It is very interesting to play with her, you can unfold and immediately become several dolls, fold and again there will be one doll. (Matryoshka).

Well done, you guessed all the riddles.

Alyonushka and Ivanushka brought you something else. Look, this is a Dymkovo young lady, but her skirt is white and not very pretty. And here is the cover from the Khokhloma table. It is golden in color and has no patterns on it. Now you will be Russian craftsmen. You will need to decorate the skirt of the Dymkovo young lady and the cover of the Khokhloma table. To do this, Alyonushka and Ivanushka brought you different details (The details are on a large tray all together).

Boys will decorate the lid of the Khokhloma table, and girls will decorate the skirt of the Dymkovo young lady. All the details lie together, so when you choose, carefully look at which of them will fit the haze and which will fit the Khokhloma. After all, Dymkovo toys and Khokhloma products are decorated in different ways. (Children complete the task, the teacher helps them, advises, prompts if children find it difficult).

When the work is finished, the teacher, together with the children, review the work, correct if mistakes are made.

You have done well, and now we will rest. Get up in a round dance. Russian people were very fond of leading round dances and singing. Let's take Alyonushka and Ivanushka into our round dance. (children sing and dance)... After the round dance, the children sit down.

Today, guys, we talked about Russia, about its talented masters. Many poems have been written about Russia, many songs have been composed. Listen to the verse of M. Isakovsky:

Travel across seas - oceans
Fly over all the land:
There are different countries in the world
But one like ours cannot be found.