Consultation on the topic: Consultation for educators “Interactive forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Interactive forms of interaction with parents

The whole life of children is full of play. Every child wants to play a role. But how to do that? How do you teach your toddler to play, take on a role and act? The theater will help this.

Theatrical activity allows you to solve many pedagogical problems, especially speech, intellectual and artistic-aesthetic development and education of children.

An important point in the work is the organization of the subject-development environment. The group has created a corner for theatrical activities. It contains many types of theater: finger, table, flat, conical and others. Illustrations for fairy tales, children's drawings, crafts, various attributes (ribbons, balls, handkerchiefs, hats of various characters, masks, costumes) are periodically updated and supplemented.

The introduction of FGOS DO allows organizing joint activities of a kindergarten and a family more efficiently. For the full and modern development of a child in preschool age, it is important that parents and teachers become partners and jointly realize their capabilities in raising children. Joint activity is considered to be the activity that occurs when people unite to achieve common goals. The defining goal of various joint activities in the system "teachers - parents - children" is to meet the needs of the child, which are of leading importance for his development. One of the forms of such activity is the creation of the "Family Club", the purpose of which is to develop the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of preschoolers, opening up new opportunities for joint creativity, introduction to theatrical art. Parents always take an active part in the theatrical activities of children: they help to prepare performances, sew costumes, make decorations, prepare posters, invitations, and most importantly, they themselves become full-fledged heroes of the action.

Children's love for the theater remains not only a vivid memory, but also a feeling of a holiday spent in kindergarten together with their peers, parents and educators.

Among the various forms of interaction between the family and the kindergarten, an important place is occupied by the joint artistic activity of raising adults and children. The simplest and most accessible form is to conduct master classes. To develop relationships between teachers and parents, parents and children, as well as relationships between families of pupils, a master class "Doll on a spoon" was held.

The doll is the most widespread toy in the world. “He who does not play with dolls does not know happiness,” says a popular proverb. For a child, a doll is not only fun. This is both the first teacher and healer. What materials are not made of dolls!

We invited everyone to a master class on making dolls in a hurry from disposable spoons. These dolls are very easy to make. It is convenient to play with them - it is convenient to hold by the handle.

Purpose: for theatrical play in a group, and can also be used as a gift.

Materials and tools:

- disposable plastic spoons;

- marker of different colors;

- woolen threads;

- fabric of different colors;

- scissors.

For a more convenient production of "Dolls on a Spoon", a booklet was published, in which they presented the technique of performing the work. All the dolls turned out to be different and each one is beautiful in its own way.

The main goal of our work was to attract parents to theatrical art, to theatrical activities, which contributed to raising the pedagogical culture of parents, replenishing their knowledge of theatrical activities of a child in a family and kindergarten. This contributed to the rallying of the parental team, involvement in the life of the group community and the development of the creative abilities of the parents.

Working with children in theater, we make their life interesting and meaningful, fill it with vivid impressions and the joy of creativity. And most importantly, children will be able to use the skills gained in theatrical games and performances in everyday life.

Joint activities of parents, teachers and children have a positive effect on pupils. Children of active parents become more self-confident, ask more questions about the family, about kindergarten, take initiative in those issues where they see the interest and activity of their parents. The child feels closer, dearer in relation to the teacher, as he sees close communication between the teacher and his parents, emotional uplift, the desire to be in the garden in the center of all games and activities. And as a result - a new positive attitude of parents to the preschool educational institution, a positive assessment of its activities.

Thus, the use of theatrical activities with families of kindergarten pupils gives positive results. With all our work, we prove to parents that their involvement in pedagogical activities, interested participation in the educational process is important not because the educator wants it, but because it is necessary for the development of their own child.



Interactive forms of interaction with parents

In the modern system of preschool education today there is a powerful resource of positive changes. But for these shifts to take place not in words, but in deeds, teachers and parents must work closely together. This path lies through the educational space - a fruitful field that harmoniously combines various directions and areas that help every child to discover the world around him.

Family and preschool educational institution are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Not a single even the best program can give a full-fledged result if it is not solved together with the family, if a single educational and educational space “parents - children - educators” has not been created in the preschool educational institution.

Therefore, the main goal of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is to create a single space "family - kindergarten", in which all participants in the pedagogical process will be comfortable, interesting, safe and useful.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are envisaged:

Establish partnerships with the family of each student

Create an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual understanding and trust between all participants in the pedagogical process

Expand the scope of parental involvement in organizing the life of a preschool educational institution

To activate and enrich the educational skills of parents, to maintain their confidence in their own pedagogical capabilities.

For the organization of effective interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution, 7 principles can be distinguished:

1. The principle of psychological comfortinvolves the removal of all stress-forming factors. It is important to focus on the needs of the family, the needs of the parents (respect, confidentiality, desire for dialogue, attentiveness, slowness).

2. Principle of operation- parents are not just observers, but are also actively involved in the joint educational and educational process with the preschool educational institution (use of non-traditional forms of work)

3. Integrity principlemeans that parents should have an idea of ​​the unity of the goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution and the family, it is very important to understand what a child of this age can do.

4. The minimax principle- provides an individual approach to each family.

5. The principle of variabilityinvolves providing parents with a choice of forms of participation and the degree of involvement in the upbringing and educational process (traditional and non-traditional forms of work). The selected forms can become effective only if it was possible to find an individual style of relationship with each parent.

6. Continuity principle- this is the unity of teachers and parents in the approaches to the child, in the requirements for him.

7. The principle of creativitymeans the maximum orientation towards creativity, the acquisition by parents of their own experience of social activity.

It is important to understand that parental activity does not always appear immediately: it is brought up in the same way as any personality quality.

There are 4 main stages in building partnerships with parents.

First step includes two important areas - study and information. The study includes a comprehensive monitoring of the family, which allows you to obtain information about the individual characteristics of each family.

Informing can be implemented through various forms of interaction: consultations, conversations, visually - informational methods (preschool educational institution website, stands, memos, booklets, folders-moving, etc.). Competent informing of parents at the first stage determines the effectiveness of increasing the level of motivation for joint activities

Second phase includes three areas: education, counseling, training. The meaning of work at this stage is associated with attracting parents to the preschool educational institution, turning them into like-minded people. The forms of work at this stage can be very different: meetings, seminars, trainings, evenings of questions and answers, "round tables", "open doors" days, pedagogical living rooms, consultations and more. The unity of parents and teachers allows you to achieve the most effective results in the development of the child.

The most effective forms of involving parents in a joint educational process are:

$1 ➢ The use of video recordings of observations of the child in the process of his activities.

$1 ➢ Interchange of photos, videos about the life of the child in the family.

$1 ➢ Days of "open doors"in kindergarten are one of the interactive forms of work with parents. At open classes and events, they can get acquainted with the tasks, rules and traditions of the preschool educational institution. Parents should be informed about this in advance.

Dear Parents!

Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry!

We are organizing an open day for you!

You come to us, look at us!

We will present a kindergarten for you,

Let's show you how we can learn and play.

We will open doors for you and a heart to boot,

Believe me, communication will be successful!

$ 1 ➢ Round Tables contribute to the formation among teachers of the need for close interaction with the families of pupils and the involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. Improve the quality of the work of preschool education in interaction with parents. The topics of the round tables can be varied: “Communicate. And how? "," Communication of the teacher with the parents "," Education of independence and perseverance in working with notebooks for homework ", etc.

Third stage - cooperative activity. Effective forms of joint activities are:

$1 ➢ Interactive leisure activitiesin which educators, children and parents are involved;

$1 ➢ Child-parent projects, which can be held throughout the year in the framework of various educational areas (for example, "Family crest", "A healthy mind in a healthy body", "Toys of our grandmothers", etc.).

This kind of work brings teachers and parents closer together.

$1 ➢ Creation of the Governing Board of the DOE.

At the stage of establishing partnerships between parents and educational institutions, one of the most effective forms of work with parents is the creation of a Governing Board. The governing council of the preschool educational institution is a collegial self-governing body, permanently operating on a voluntary basis at the preschool educational institution. The Governing Council makes the interaction between parents and kindergarten more systematic. Direct involvement in the management of the institution, familiarity with the problems facing the administration - removes the overwhelming number of claims ... kindergarten management. It is known that one head is good, and several are better.

Parents get the opportunity to contact the Governing Board as an intermediary between the parent community and the kindergarten administration. The council fulfills the role of reconciling different interests and opinions.

Systematic purposeful work with parents at the preschool level of education makes it possible to prepare not only children for school life, but also the parents themselves, who will have to conclude a social contract, as equal partners.

Thus, work with the family contributes to the self-development of parents, the creation of conditions for their self-realization of their parental potential. It is no secret that in order to form certain positive qualities in a child, adults need to start, first of all, with themselves, with their own self-change and self-education.

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Features of the organization of interactive forms of interaction with the family

In a modern preschool educational institution, new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents are used, allowing them to be involved in the process of learning, development and cognition of their own child.

The word "interactive" came to us from the English language from the word "interact", where "inter" is mutual, "act" is to act.

Interactive means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person).

Hence, interactive forms of interaction are, first of all, a dialogue in the course of which interaction is carried out.

Let's consider the main characteristics of "interactive":

This is a special form of organization, with comfortable conditions of interaction, in which the educated person feels his success, intellectual consistency;

The process of interaction is organized in such a way that all participants are involved in the process of cognition, discussion;

Dialogue communication leads to interaction, mutual understanding, to joint acceptance of the most common, but significant tasks for each participant;

Each participant makes his own special individual contribution, has the opportunity to exchange knowledge, his own ideas, methods of activity, to hear a different opinion of colleagues;

Dominance of both one speaker and one opinion is excluded;

The ability to think critically, reason, solve controversial problems based on the analysis of the information heard and the circumstances is formed;

Respect for the opinions of others is formed, the ability to listen, make informed conclusions and conclusions;

The participant can not only express his opinion, view, give an assessment, but also, having heard the evidence arguments of colleagues, abandon his point of view or significantly change it;

Participants learn to weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, express their thoughts correctly, participate in discussions, communicate professionally;

An indicator of the effectiveness of group activities is, on the one hand, the productivity of the group (its productivity), on the other hand, the satisfaction of the members of the group with joint activities.

The goals of interactive interaction can be different:

Experience exchange;

Development of a common opinion;

Formation of skills, skills;

Creation of conditions for dialogue;

Group rallying;

Changes in the psychological atmosphere.

The most common task of a teacher in interactive technology is facilitation (support, relief) - guiding and assisting the process of information exchange:

Revealing the diversity of points of view;

Referring to the personal experience of the participants;

Keeping the participants active;

Combining theory and practice;

Mutual enrichment of the experience of the participants;

Facilitation of perception, assimilation, mutual understanding of the participants;

Encouraging the creativity of the participants.

All of the above determines the conceptual positions of interactive forms of interaction:

* Information should be assimilated not in a passive mode, but in an active one, using problem situations, interactive cycles.

* Interactive communication promotes mental development.

* In the presence of feedback, the sender and recipient of information change their communicative roles. The original recipient becomes the sender and goes through all the steps of the communication process to transmit its response to the original sender.

* Feedback can contribute to a significant increase in the efficiency of information exchange (educational, educational, managerial).

* Two-way exchange of information, although it proceeds more slowly, is more accurate and increases confidence in the correctness of its interpretation.

* Feedback increases the chances of effective communication by allowing both parties to eliminate interference.

* Knowledge control should imply the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Interactive methods perform a diagnostic function, with their help parental expectations, ideas, anxieties and fears are clarified, and since their diagnostic orientation is not obvious to the parent, it is possible to obtain information that is significantly less influenced by the factor of social desirability.

The use of interactive methods makes it possible to significantly deepen the influence of the teacher on the parents. They gain experience of direct living and reaction, which contributes to the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills.

Currently, non-traditional interactive forms of work with parents are actively used, based on the cooperation and interaction of teachers and parents. In new forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented. Plan in advance for conflicting points of view on parenting (punishment and rewards, school preparation, etc.). The positive side of such forms is that the participants are not forced to a ready-made point of view, they are forced to think, to look for their own way out of the current situation.

Family clubs. Unlike parental meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and joint searches for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one big club or split into smaller ones - it all depends on the theme of the meeting and the idea of ​​the organizers.

Discussion is one of the most important forms of activity that stimulates the formation of a communicative culture.

The object of discussion can be a really controversial problem, in relation to which each participant freely expresses his opinion, no matter how unpopular and unexpected it may be.

The success or failure of the discussion is determined, among other things, by the formulation of the problem and questions.

There are the following forms of discussion:

* round table - the most famous form; its peculiarity lies in the fact that the participants exchange opinions with each other with full equality of everybody;

* symposium - discussion of a problem, during which the participants take turns presenting messages, after which they answer questions;

* debate - discussion in the form of pre-prepared speeches of representatives of the opposing, rival parties and refutations, after which the floor is given for questions and comments to the participants from each team.

The pedagogical value of the discussion increases if the discussion process itself is comprehended, and the presentation of one's point of view helps to comprehensively comprehend one's own position and understand another point of view, to master new information and arguments. A deeper analysis of the discussion can be carried out by recording it on a dictaphone.

By organizing a discussion, the moderator orients the participants to an attentive, unbiased attitude to various opinions, facts and thereby forms their experience of constructive participation in the exchange of opinions and judgments. Mastering communication models that include discussion is inevitably associated with work on changing one's own personality towards a discussion culture, which is so lacking in the world around us.

Interactive games as a means of interacting with parents.

An interactive game is a presenter's intervention (intervention) in a group situation “here and now”, which structures the activity of group members in accordance with a specific learning goal.

The simplified world of interactive games allows participants to better understand and understand the structure and cause-and-effect relationships of what is happening than in a complex real world. In this way, you can learn new behaviors more effectively and with relatively little risk and test your ideas in practice.

Such interventions are known by other names - "structuring exercises", "simulation games", "role plays" and the like.

The term "interactive games" emphasizes two main features: playfulness and the possibility of interaction.

Interactive games awaken the participants' curiosity, a willingness to take risks, they create a challenging situation and give the joy of discovery that is characteristic of all games.

Interactive games can be classified for different reasons:

Depending on the goals. It is always important to ask yourself the questions: “Why do I choose this interactive game? What are the goals pursued in this case;

From the number of participants. Some games involve individual work of the participants, others - work in pairs, in threes, in fours, in small groups. There are games in which the whole group interacts. You can organize the game so that small groups will compete with each other or some part of the participants will observe the actions of others.

The time required to conduct and subsequently evaluate an interactive game is another important classification criterion.

Another basis for classifying games is the means of communication that are involved in the course of their implementation. There are “verbal” games in which the participants talk to each other, there are “non-verbal” games in which they interact with each other using “body language”. There are other means of self-expression - pictures, noises and sounds, making three-dimensional objects, writing, etc. It is important to classify games on this basis because changing the means of interaction in the process of work has a positive effect on the willingness of participants to learn and maintains their readiness to development. Based on all this, the teacher should take care that the means of communication change from time to time.

Four steps to working with interactive games:

Step 1. Analysis of the group situation

The teacher must assess the situation in the group as a whole and the needs of each participant in order to understand what kind of parenting activity should be.

Step 2. Instructing the participants

After the educator has decided to offer the parents an interactive game, he must explain what exactly to do. The briefing phase contains the following:

* Information about the purpose of the game. After that, he also briefly informs the parents what they can learn through interactive play.

* Clear instructions about the process. The more clear, concise and convincing the teacher's explanations are, the sooner the parents will be ready to cooperate.

* Confident behavior of the teacher.

* Emphasis on voluntariness. Neither parent should get the impression that he is obligated to take part in an interactive game.

Step H. Play the game

At this stage, the teacher monitors the implementation of the planned activities and gives further instructions, clarifies misunderstood instructions and monitors compliance with time frames and rules. Finally, he carefully observes what the participants are doing.

Step 4. Summing up

The teacher should help the participants analyze their experience: encouraging the exchange of experience, helping to understand the specifics of the issue under consideration, helping to find a connection between the experience gained in the game and behavior in everyday life.

The Motivating Power of Interactive Games:

Each interactive game can be seen as a structured learning situation that allows parents to develop new understanding of the issue in question and shape new behaviors. Games can significantly increase the motivation of participants in the educational process. Games help the socialization and personality development of the participants, give them the opportunity to test different approaches in practice, develop and integrate different beliefs, skills and abilities.

Learning through interactive games is accompanied by “appropriation of knowledge”. This means that parents, for example, not only tell their children about the results of the discussion in the parent group, but can begin to behave in such a way as to become an empathetic and constructively limiting authority for the children, providing both warmth and the opportunity to show independence.

Specific aspects of interactive games that motivate parents:

Active participation - participants can observe their own complex internal processes, communicate with others verbally and non-verbally, play different roles, argue with each other, make decisions

Feedback - participants not only experiment with their own and other people's behavior, but also clarify for themselves what and how they did it. They behave in a certain way and receive feedback, both through their own awareness and receiving information from others. In the same learning situation, participants see the consequences of their actions and their behavior differently. In this case, the feedback is very useful for learning.

Open results - no one knows what he and the group will get in an interactive game, what the results will be, how other participants will react. In an interactive game, there are no right or wrong decisions. Reality is respected, and everyone decides on the appropriateness of a certain way of behavior, listening to their own inner feelings or to feedback from other participants.

Taking into account natural needs - while playing, parents can move in space, establish verbal and non-verbal contact with each other and release physical energy at the same time.

Competition and collaboration. A number of interactive games contain competition elements. Most interactive games reinforce a collaborative spirit. Many activities require two people or a group to act together.

The advantages of interactive games:

* Interactive games can create motivation. They awaken the curiosity of the participants, give them pleasure, increase interest in interaction between people.

* Interactive play can create a lasting interest in self-development and in unlocking one's human and parental potential.

* They facilitate the introduction of new communication and behavioral norms.

* Interactive games help a person to see the features of the educational process at a preschool educational institution, to feel the complexity of mental, social and organizational processes, to understand their relationship and learn how to use them in raising children.

* Interactive play can help parents to develop new beliefs and value orientations based on their experiences. teacher parent family interactive

* Interactive games can balance the activity of the participants.

* Interactive play can create a positive attitude in parents towards the teacher working with their children and encourage constructive polemics with him.

* Interactive games with parents help to work out the most important problems in the upbringing of preschool children.

Thematic actions are one of the interactive forms of working with parents. The actions are aimed at cooperation of the family in solving the problems of education and upbringing of children, increasing the role and responsibility of parents in civic education and raising a child. These actions can be both general gardening and group actions. The main goals of the campaigns are: the formation of a system of pedagogical interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the interests of the development of the child's personality, the development of technology for the implementation of this interaction in various directions.

As a result of the actions, a favorable environment is created for increasing the number of contacts between parents and teachers, positive attitudes of parents towards the institution are formed, and the need for organizing family leisure grows. During the implementation of thematic actions, the following tasks of family education are solved: the physical development of the child, labor and patriotic education, the formation of environmental culture, preparation for family life, and others.

Thematic actions, as an interactive form of interaction with parents, contribute to the expansion of ideas among children and parents in various educational areas of the program, in particular, they can be aimed at forming value attitudes towards their hometown, its history, main attractions, and contribute to improving the level of knowledge of preschoolers about their native land, to intensify cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in solving urgent issues of patriotic education.

The great preparatory work of educators for such events contributes to the improvement of their professional skills, the expansion of existing ideas about working with children and parents. The involvement of different preschool educational institutions in cooperation has a beneficial effect on the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process.

As a result of the actions, a favorable environment is created for increasing the number of contacts between parents and teachers, positive attitudes of parents towards the institution are formed, and the need for organizing family leisure grows.

Algorithm for preparing, creating and conducting thematic actions:

Determination of goals and objectives,

Drawing up an action plan,

Interactive forms of interaction with parents of preschoolers (consultations, interactive games, conversations, questionnaires, non-traditional parenting meetings, homework, contests),

Various forms of work with children;

Joint activities with parents and children;

Summing up the results of the promotion of children and parents as a result of the actions carried out.

The topic of the action is offered to teachers in advance. In the future, there is a creative search, a non-standard solution. The active involvement of teachers in the creation of a particular thematic action is an opportunity to become the main developers and performers of a number of actions to achieve the goal. Not shackled by other people's initiatives, teachers define problems, propose ways to solve them, and they themselves, together with children and their parents, implement them, increasing their creative and professional level.

When conducting thematic actions, the teacher, through the directed organized activities of children, solves pedagogical tasks: deepening knowledge, fostering personality traits, acquiring the child's experience of life among peers, adults.

These thematic actions can be used in work with parents of pupils of different preschool ages, but they become especially relevant when organizing interactive interaction with parents of older preschool children.

Thus, the interaction of a family and a kindergarten is a long process, long and painstaking work that requires patience, creativity and mutual understanding from teachers and parents. In new forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented. A variety of interactive forms of interaction with parents allows educators to significantly improve relations with families, increase the pedagogical culture of parents, and expand the ideas of children in various educational areas. Interactive forms of interaction between parents and preschool educational institutions means the ability to interact in the mode of conversation, dialogue. The main goals of interactive interaction are the exchange of experience, the development of a common opinion, the formation of skills, the creation of conditions for dialogue, group cohesion, and a change in the psychological atmosphere. There are the following non-traditional interactive forms of work with parents, based on cooperation and interaction in the mode of dialogue between preschool educational institutions and parents: family clubs, discussions: round tables, symposia, debates, training seminars, interactive games, master classes.

Thematic actions are a new form of interactive interaction, which are aimed at family cooperation in solving the problems of education and upbringing of children, in various educational areas, increasing the role and responsibility of parents in civic education and raising a child.

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The renewal of the preschool education system, the processes of humanization and democratization in it made it necessary to intensify the interaction of the preschool institution with the family. The family is a unique primary society that gives the child a sense of psychological security, emotional "rear", support. The family is also a source of social experience. Here the child finds role models, here his social birth takes place.

Domestic pedagogical science has accumulated significant experience in the field of interaction between kindergarten and family: KD Ushinsky, N.K. Krupskaya, P.F. Lesgaft, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Relevant for the modern pedagogical process are their scientific generalizations and conclusions that the family is the beginning of all beginnings, the educational institution where the foundations of a comprehensively developed personality are laid. And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, then we must solve this problem "with the whole world": kindergarten, family, community. The interaction of the family and the preschool educational institution plays an important role in the development and upbringing of the child.

Currently, interaction with the parents of pupils takes a worthy place among the priority areas of the educational process of preschool institutions. Most of the teaching staff clearly understand the priority of family education, along with the need for psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents.

Modern researchers note the importance of interaction between teachers and parents for the upbringing and development of preschool children. The inclusion of the family as a partner and active subject in the educational environment of a preschool educational institution qualitatively changes the conditions for interaction between teachers and parents who have their own strategic interests in the field of preschool education of the child.

In their works, scientists offer various forms and methods of fruitful cooperation between a preschool institution and a family - T.N. Doronova, T. A. Markova, E. P. Arnautova; reveal the need for self-development of educators and parents - A.V. Kozlova, E.P. Arnautova; offer interactive forms of work of a teacher with a family - E.P. Arnautova, T.N. Doronova, O.V. Solodyankina.

T.A. Markova, N.F. Vinogradova, G.N. Godina, L.V. Zagik, pay attention to the content of work with the family:

Unity in the work of the preschool educational institution and the family in raising children;

Mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;

The use of various forms of work of the kindergarten with the family in their relationship;

Individual and group forms of work with parents.

The inclusion of the family as a partner and active subject in the educational environment of a preschool educational institution qualitatively changes the conditions for interaction between teachers and parents who have their own strategic interests in the field of preschool education of the child.

Currently, the problem of the process of interaction between teachers and parents in the upbringing and educational process can be successfully solved on the basis of unified approaches to planning joint activities, the choice of performance indicators, a unified methodological, organizational, structural and methodological framework.

At the same time, it should be emphasized that at the moment more and more attention is being paid to the interaction of the kindergarten and the family. Practitioners try to make the fullest use of the entire pedagogical potential of traditional forms of interaction with the family and are looking for new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents in accordance with the changing socio-political and economic conditions of the development of our country.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that in recent years a new philosophy of interaction between the family and the preschool institution has begun to develop and take root. It is based on the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other social institutions are called upon to support and complement their upbringing activities.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of regulatory documents, including the Concept of Preschool Education, Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2011 N 2562), the Law on Education "(2013) - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ" On Education in the Russian Federation ".

So, in the law "On Education" in article 44, paragraph 1. it is written that "the parents (legal representatives) of underage students have a priority right over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality at an early age. "

Cooperation of teachers and parents presupposes equality of positions of partners, respectful attitude to each other of the interacting parties, taking into account their individual capabilities and abilities. The most important way to implement cooperation between teachers and parents is their interaction, in which parents are not passive observers, but active participants in the educational process.

Thus, we can conclude that there is a need for innovations in cooperation with parents. It is necessary to develop and implement a work system for the active involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. All this allows us to consider work with parents as an important condition for the successful pedagogical activity of preschool educational institutions at the present stage of modernization of the education system. In this regard, the question of finding and implementing modern forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most urgent today.

Features of the organization of interactive forms of interaction with the family.

In a modern preschool educational institution, new, interactive forms of cooperation with parents are used, allowing them to be involved in the process of learning, development and cognition of their own child.

Word "Interactive" came to us from the English language from the word "interact", where "inter" is mutual, "act" is to act.

Interactive means the ability to interact or be in a conversation mode, dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or someone (for example, a person).

Hence, interactive forms of interaction - This is, first of all, a dialogue, during which interaction is carried out.

Consider the main characteristics of the "interactive":

This is a special form of organization, with comfortable conditions of interaction, in which the educated person feels his success, intellectual consistency;

The process of interaction is organized in such a way that all participants are involved in the process of cognition, discussion;

Dialogue communication leads to interaction, mutual understanding, to joint acceptance of the most common, but significant tasks for each participant;

Each participant makes his own special individual contribution, has the opportunity to exchange knowledge, his own ideas, methods of activity, to hear a different opinion of colleagues;

Dominance of both one speaker and one opinion is excluded;

The ability to think critically, reason, solve controversial problems based on the analysis of the information heard and the circumstances is formed;

Respect for the opinions of others is formed, the ability to listen, make informed conclusions and conclusions;

The participant can not only express his opinion, view, give an assessment, but also, having heard the evidence arguments of colleagues, abandon his point of view or significantly change it;

Participants learn to weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, express their thoughts correctly, participate in discussions, communicate professionally;

An indicator of the effectiveness of group activities is, on the one hand, the productivity of the group (its productivity), on the other hand, the satisfaction of the members of the group with joint activities.

Interaction goals can be different:

Experience exchange;

Development of a common opinion;

Formation of skills, skills;

Creation of conditions for dialogue;

Group rallying;

Changes in the psychological atmosphere.

The most the general task of the teacher in interactive technology is facilitation (support, relief) - guiding and assisting the information exchange process:

- Revealing the diversity of points of view;

- referring to the personal experience of the participants;

- support for the activity of participants;

- combination of theory and practice;

- mutual enrichment of the experience of the participants;

- facilitation of perception, assimilation, mutual understanding of the participants;

- encouraging the creativity of the participants.

All of the above defines conceptual positions of interactive forms of interaction:

Information should be assimilated not in a passive mode, but in an active one, using problem situations, interactive cycles.

Interactive communication promotes mental development.

In the presence of feedback, the sender and recipient of information change their communicative roles. The original recipient becomes the sender and goes through all the steps of the communication process to transmit its response to the original sender.

Feedback can contribute to a significant increase in the efficiency of information exchange (educational, educational, managerial).

Although the two-way exchange of information is slower, it is more accurate and increases confidence in the correctness of its interpretation.

Feedback increases the chances of effective communication by allowing both parties to eliminate interference.

Knowledge control should imply the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Interactive methods perform a diagnostic function, with their help parental expectations, ideas, anxieties and fears are clarified, and since their diagnostic orientation is not obvious to the parent, it is possible to obtain information that is significantly less influenced by the factor of social desirability.

The use of interactive methods makes it possible to significantly deepen the influence of the teacher on the parents. They gain experience of direct living and reaction, which contributes to the integration of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills.

Currently, non-traditional interactive forms of work with parents are actively used, based on the cooperation and interaction of teachers and parents. In new forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented. Plan in advance for conflicting points of view on parenting (punishment and rewards, school preparation, etc.). The positive side of such forms is that the participants are not forced to a ready-made point of view, they are forced to think, to look for their own way out of the current situation.

Family clubs. Unlike parental meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and joint searches for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one big club or split into smaller ones - it all depends on the theme of the meeting and the idea of ​​the organizers.

Discussion is one of the most important forms of activity that stimulates the formation of a communicative culture.

The object of discussion can be a really controversial problem, in relation to which each participant freely expresses his opinion, no matter how unpopular and unexpected it may be.

The success or failure of the discussion is determined, among other things, by the formulation of the problem and questions.

There are the following forms of discussion:

round table - the most famous form; its peculiarity lies in the fact that the participants exchange opinions with each other with full equality of everybody;

symposium - discussion of any problem, during which the participants take turns presenting messages, after which they answer questions;

debate - discussion in the form of pre-prepared speeches of representatives of the opposing, rival parties and refutations, after which the floor is given for questions and comments to the participants from each team.

The pedagogical value of the discussion increases if the discussion process itself is comprehended, and the presentation of one's point of view helps to comprehensively comprehend one's own position and understand another point of view, to master new information and arguments. A deeper analysis of the discussion can be carried out by recording it on a dictaphone.

By organizing a discussion, the moderator orients the participants to an attentive, unbiased attitude to various opinions, facts and thereby forms their experience of constructive participation in the exchange of opinions and judgments. Mastering communication models that include discussion is inevitably associated with work on changing one's own personality towards a discussion culture, which is so lacking in the world around us [, Solovey S., Lvova T., Dubko G. Discussion as a form of work with parents]

Interactive games - as a means of interacting with parents.

Interactive game - it is the intervention (intervention) of the leader in the group situation "here and now", which structures the activity of the group members in accordance with a certain educational goal.

The simplified world of interactive games allows participants to better understand and understand the structure and cause-and-effect relationships of what is happening than in a complex real world. In this way, you can learn new behaviors more effectively and with relatively little risk and test your ideas in practice.

Such interventions are known by other names - "structuring exercises", "simulation games", "role plays", etc.

Term "Interactive games", emphasizes two main features: playfulness and the possibility of interaction.

Interactive games awaken the participants' curiosity, a willingness to take risks, they create a challenging situation and give the joy of discovery that is characteristic of all games.

Interactive games can be classified for different reasons:

Depending on the goals. It is always important to ask yourself the questions: “Why do I choose this interactive game? What are the goals pursued in this case;

From the number of participants. Some games involve individual work of the participants, others - work in pairs, in threes, in fours, in small groups. There are games in which the whole group interacts. You can organize the game so that small groups will compete with each other or some part of the participants will observe the actions of others.

The time required to conduct and subsequently evaluate an interactive game is another important classification criterion.

Another basis for classifying games is the means of communication that are involved in the course of their implementation. There are “verbal” games in which the participants talk to each other, there are “non-verbal” games in which they interact with each other using “body language”. There are other means of self-expression - drawings, noises and sounds, making three-dimensional objects, writing, etc. It is important to classify games on this basis because changing the means of interaction in the process of work has a positive effect on the willingness of the participants to learn and maintains their readiness to development. Based on all this, the teacher should take care that the means of communication change from time to time.

Four steps to working with interactive games:

Step 1. Analysis of the group situation

The teacher must assess the situation in the group as a whole and the needs of each participant in order to understand what kind of parenting activity should be.

Step 2. Instructing the participants

After the educator has decided to offer the parents an interactive game, he must explain what exactly to do. The briefing phase contains the following:

Information about the purpose of the game. After that, he also briefly informs the parents what they can learn through interactive play.

Clear instructions about the process. The more clear, concise and convincing the teacher's explanations are, the sooner the parents will be ready to cooperate.

Confident behavior of the teacher.

Emphasis on voluntariness. Neither parent should get the impression that he is obligated to take part in an interactive game.

Step H. Play the game

At this stage, the teacher monitors the implementation of the planned activities and gives further instructions, clarifies misunderstood instructions and monitors compliance with time frames and rules. Finally, he carefully observes what the participants are doing.

Step 4. Summing up

The teacher should help the participants analyze their experience: encouraging the exchange of experience, helping to understand the specifics of the issue under consideration, helping to find a connection between the experience gained in the game and behavior in everyday life.

The Motivating Power of Interactive Games:

Each interactive game can be seen as a structured learning situation that allows parents to develop new understanding of the issue in question and shape new behaviors. Games can significantly increase the motivation of participants in the educational process. Games help the socialization and personality development of the participants, give them the opportunity to test different approaches in practice, develop and integrate different beliefs, skills and abilities.

Learning through interactive games is accompanied by “appropriation of knowledge”. This means that parents, for example, not only tell their children about the results of the discussion in the parent group, but can begin to behave in such a way as to become an empathetic and constructively limiting authority for the children, providing both warmth and the opportunity to show independence.

Specific aspects of interactive games, motivating parents:

- Active participation - participants can observe their own complex internal processes, communicate with others verbally and non-verbally, play different roles, argue with each other, make decisions

- Feedback - the participants not only experiment with their own and other people's behavior, but also clarify for themselves what and how they did it. They behave in a certain way and receive feedback, both through their own awareness and receiving information from others. In the same learning situation, participants see the consequences of their actions and their behavior differently. In this case, the feedback is very useful for learning.

- open results - no one knows what he and the group will get in an interactive game, what the results will be, how other participants will react. In an interactive game, there are no right or wrong decisions. Reality is respected, and everyone decides on the appropriateness of a certain way of behavior, listening to their own inner feelings or to feedback from other participants.

- consideration of natural needs - during the game, parents can move in space, establish verbal and non-verbal contact with each other and release physical energy at the same time.

- competition and cooperation ... A number of interactive games contain competition elements. Most interactive games reinforce a collaborative spirit. Many activities require two people or a group to act together.

The advantages of interactive games:

Interactive games can create motivation. They awaken the curiosity of the participants, give them pleasure, increase interest in interaction between people.

Interactive play can create a lasting interest in self-development and in unlocking one's human and parental potential.

They facilitate the introduction of new communication and behavioral norms.

Interactive games help a person to see the features of the upbringing and educational process in a preschool educational institution, to feel the complexity of mental, social and organizational processes, to understand their interconnection and learn how to use them in raising children.

Interactive play can help parents to develop new beliefs and value orientations based on their experiences.

Interactive games can balance the activity of the participants.

Interactive games can create a positive attitude among parents towards the teacher working with their children and contribute to constructive polemics with him.

Interactive games with parents help to work out the most important problems in the upbringing of preschool children.

Thematic promotions Is one of the interactive forms of working with parents. The actions are aimed at cooperation of the family in solving the problems of education and upbringing of children, increasing the role and responsibility of parents in civic education and raising a child. These actions can be both general gardening and group actions. The main goals of the campaigns are: the formation of a system of pedagogical interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the interests of the development of the child's personality, the development of technology for the implementation of this interaction in various directions.

As a result of the actions, a favorable environment is created for increasing the number of contacts between parents and teachers, a positive attitude of parents to the institution is formed, the need for organizing family leisure is growing. ecological culture, preparation for family life and others.

Thematic actions, as an interactive form of interaction with parents, contribute to the expansion of ideas among children and parents in various educational areas of the program, in particular, they can be aimed at forming value attitudes towards their hometown, its history, main attractions, and contribute to improving the level of knowledge of preschoolers about their native land, to intensify cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in solving urgent issues of patriotic education.

The great preparatory work of educators for such events contributes to the improvement of their professional skills, the expansion of existing ideas about working with children and parents. The involvement of different preschool educational institutions in cooperation has a beneficial effect on the interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process.

As a result of the actions, a favorable environment is created for increasing the number of contacts between parents and teachers, positive attitudes of parents towards the institution are formed, and the need for organizing family leisure grows.

Algorithm for preparing, creating and conducting thematic actions:

Determination of goals and objectives,

Drawing up an action plan,

Interactive forms of interaction with parents of preschoolers (consultations, interactive games, conversations, questionnaires, non-traditional parenting meetings, homework, contests),

Various forms of work with children;

Joint activities with parents and children;

Summing up the results of the promotion of children and parents as a result of the actions carried out.

The topic of the action is offered to teachers in advance. In the future, there is a creative search, a non-standard solution. The active involvement of teachers in the creation of a particular thematic action is an opportunity to become the main developers and performers of a number of actions to achieve the goal. Not shackled by other people's initiatives, teachers define problems, propose ways to solve them, and they themselves, together with children and their parents, implement them, increasing their creative and professional level.

When conducting thematic actions, the teacher, through the directed organized activities of children, solves pedagogical tasks: deepening knowledge, fostering personality traits, acquiring the child's experience of life among peers, adults.

These thematic actions can be used in work with parents of pupils of different preschool ages, but they become especially relevant when organizing interactive interaction with parents of older preschool children.

Thus, the interaction of a family and a kindergarten is a long process, long and painstaking work that requires patience, creativity and mutual understanding from teachers and parents. In new forms of interaction with parents, the principle of partnership and dialogue is implemented. A variety of interactive forms of interaction with parents allows educators to significantly improve relations with families, increase the pedagogical culture of parents, and expand the ideas of children in various educational areas. Interactive forms of interaction between parents and preschool educational institutions means the ability to interact in the mode of conversation, dialogue. The main goals of interactive interaction are the exchange of experience, the development of a common opinion, the formation of skills, the creation of conditions for dialogue, group cohesion, and a change in the psychological atmosphere. There are the following non-traditional interactive forms of work with parents, based on cooperation and interaction in the mode of dialogue between preschool educational institutions and parents: family clubs, discussions: round tables, symposia, debates, training seminars, interactive games, master classes.

Thematic actions are a new form of interactive interaction, which are aimed at family cooperation in solving the problems of education and upbringing of children, in various educational areas, increasing the role and responsibility of parents in civic education and raising a child.


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The interaction of the kindergarten and the family, the parents of the children is aimed at ensuring the unity and consistency of educational influences. This is the main goal of cooperation. At the same time, the interaction of the family and the kindergarten is aimed at implementing the following functions:

  • - protection and strengthening of children's health (maternal function);
  • - developing (upbringing and teaching);
  • - diagnostic and correctional;
  • - communicative (defining the style of the relationship); design and organizational;
  • - coordinating;
  • - the function of professional self-improvement.

The implementation of these functions in the process of interactive interaction between the kindergarten and the family is based on the principle of openness of preschool educational institutions to society, which will provide an opportunity to justify parents' acquaintance with the programs and conditions for organizing the educational process in a preschool educational institution, as well as adapting the program material for parents. At the same time, the conditions for harmonizing relations between the teacher and the parents are as follows: principles of work of a teacher with a family:

  • observance of the rights and freedoms of the child;
  • tact and respect for the rights of parents to play a leading role in the upbringing and education of a child;
  • correct assessment of the reliability of information obtained in the process of family research;
  • understanding the inevitable subjectivity of the teacher's point of view;
  • taking into account parental requests in planning and implementing pedagogical activities.

Their implementation in practice is carried out through the use of various forms and methods of work with the family.

The main features relate to the planning of material on the organizational forms of work with children and parents, since it is they who determine the dynamics of the formation of cooperation between the family and the kindergarten as a condition for the dialogue of family and folk culture. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Interaction with the parents of pupils includes a complex of introactive and interactive forms of communication: a resource circle, family living rooms, child-parent projects, family excursions, joint holidays, a child-parent theater, collective creative affairs, a family club, etc. For example, in the program "Socio-cultural origins "the form of work is indicated as resource circle.

It is carried out in several stages:

  • 1. Preparatory stage(5 min), during which the teacher motivates parents and children, reveals the essence of the assignment, talks about the upcoming work.
  • 2. The main stage, consisting of a dialogue, when children consult with their parents (2-3 minutes); and delegation, during which children and adults formulate a joint decision and determine who will express it to the teacher (1 min); statements of "delegates" in the resource circle and the teacher's voice of his position (5 min).
  • 3. Reflection, in the process of which the teacher, his pupils and their parents analyze and evaluate the result, establish feedback with each other, during the discussion of assessments of the internal (children's) and external (adult) circle, summarize the results (3-4 minutes).

For example, at the end of the Thanksgiving resource circle, all participants are encouraged to answer the following questions:

  • - to children: do you think the words of gratitude are pleasant to adults? Why are these words valuable;
  • - to parents: what feelings did you experience while listening to the children, what is the value of the words spoken, what makes you happy in children.

Another form of interactive interaction is mainly associated with non-traditional forms of organizing the work of teachers with parents. In the traditional approach, they were carried out in the form of individual and subgroup consultations and parent meetings. Group parenting meetings have been replaced today family living rooms, whose tasks are formulated as follows:

  • - the formation of an understanding of family values ​​and traditions in children and parents, an awareness of what happiness it is to live in a family;
  • - introducing adults to the pedagogy of non-violence and reviving the traditional culture of family education;
  • - the formation of uniform principles for the upbringing of value ideals in kindergarten and in the family;
  • - creation of conditions for the exchange of pedagogical and family experience, the establishment of friendly relations between families, whose children attend kindergarten.

Family living rooms are included in the annual plan. The topic mainly concerns the social, moral and spiritual and moral education of children in the process of interaction with parents, the formation of family values.

To prepare living rooms, creative groups of teachers are created who prepare projects for their implementation. A family living room project should be attractive both in form and in content, meet the tasks of increasing the pedagogical competence of parents, include an arsenal of tools and methodological techniques for disclosing the topic.

Finished projects are discussed at the teachers' council, which makes it possible to find a joint solution: how to reveal this topic to parents, how to convey its moral essence. For example, with the help of competitions for invitation sketches, discussion of options for questionnaires for parents, collective development of draft memos for parents, the best pedagogical findings are selected, which educators borrow from each other.

The schedule for holding family living rooms on this topic is approved (another 2-3 weeks are given to teachers for their preparation). At the same time, a schedule of individual consultations is being developed with a senior educator, psychologist and other specialists who can help educators in preparing contests, questionnaires, interviews, games that bring family living rooms to life. For the content of the living rooms, teachers use the material from the Family Circle section of the Heritage program by M. Yu. Novitskaya.

Family living rooms can be arranged in three ways:

  • 1) a family pedagogical living room, in which only parents are present;
  • 2) a family living room, in which children are present only in any part of it, demonstrating fragments of children's activities or performances. Children can come to the end of the living room, which ends with a joint tea party;
  • 3) the family living room is held together with the children.

The variant of the living room depends on the topic, the tasks set and the choice of teachers. In any case, they are festive, interesting, with positive emotions. The "hostess" of the living room (one of the mothers) greets each of the guests with a cup of tea, treats them to homemade pies, which the mothers bake themselves. A cup of tea is an indispensable attribute of all meetings. After all, parents come home from work tired, most often - hungry, and a cup of fragrant tea and a pie show that they are expected in kindergarten and are taken care of. And if the child is still near, then the parents do not need to rush. So there is a leisurely conversation, friendship is struck between families.

As part of the work of family living rooms, the ideas of both adults and kids about the family, its traditions and customs are expanding. Teachers tell how to arrange holidays in the family: Angel Day, Name Day, Christmastide, Maslenitsa, etc., taking into account the traditions of Russian hospitality. Discussion of the topics: "The role of the father", "The wisdom of the grandmother", "The heart of the mother", "Brothers and sisters in the family", "Younger and older", "Raising boys and girls - different approaches" arouses keen interest among parents.

Throughout the living rooms, educators explain how to create family photo albumschronicles with comments, and help arrange them, how to store family heirlooms, how to tell about the awards of family members and create a family tree. Family albums are kept in groups and children look at them with pleasure, proudly showing each other. The issues of preserving family traditions are of vital interest to parents and help to form in children and adults an awareness of the value of the family.

At the events, exciting issues of raising children are discussed, parents share their experience in solving difficult problems, gain new knowledge from the field of family pedagogy, and most importantly, uniform principles in upbringing between teachers and parents are being agreed on the formation of social, moral and spiritual and moral ideals and values ​​in human life. ...

In family living rooms child-parent projects are being protected"The Values ​​of Good, Beauty and Truth in Our Family", "Palm Bazaar", "My Dear Capital". This is also one of the non-traditional forms of interaction with the parents of our pupils in the spiritual and moral upbringing of children. For example, a family jointly presents project(material) visiting a museum or exhibition, historical monuments, sights, or just walking around Moscow. The defense of the project is accompanied by a presentation, a joint story of parents and children about their impressions. A visit to the museum with parents is always an event for a child and the results of family excursions and trips are made out by parents together with their children in the form of photo almanacs, video materials, audio interviews, sets of drawings for the picture gallery "We are going to see the Motherland", various handicrafts, and other forms of co-creation.

The practical assimilation of these values, acquaintance with the artistic heritage of our people is facilitated by such a form of work as family excursions, whose tasks are formulated as follows.

  • 1. Education of the beginnings of patriotism, love for the native city, native land.
  • 2. Awakening in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of the surrounding nature, the sights of their native land.
  • 3. Fostering feelings of respect for historical monuments; sights of the native land, the desire to take good care of them.
  • 4. Improving parent-child relationships in the family, using non-traditional forms of work with parents, family leisure.

Respect for the history, past of their people, monuments and sights of their hometown is formed in children on joint family excursions to museums with which the kindergarten cooperates.

The guide acquaints children and parents in a form accessible to preschoolers with the materials of local history, with the architectural ensemble and its features. The cycle of excursions includes acquaintance with both nature and architectural monuments.

After the excursion, children and parents conduct joint classes in the museum, and this is a great opportunity for children to reflect their impressions and remember what they saw. In addition, such activities help to organize family leisure, fill it with interesting content. For example, the results of excursions are embodied in the form of albums of children's drawings and an art gallery "We are going to see the Motherland", in children's and parent's artistic constructive projects.

An important place in introducing children to traditional folk culture and its value ideals is occupied by joint holidays with parents. This is another form of work but the formation of the community of children, parents, teachers in the mainstream of spiritual and moral education. At such holidays, parents - active participants put on Russian costumes, lead round dances with children, whine folk songs, help teachers acquaint children with the traditions of Russian culture, with its ideals of love, mercy, diligence, hospitality. This is facilitated by the fact that the holidays are held according to the Heritage program, are associated with the national calendar and Orthodox traditions: "Autumn", "Christmas matinees", "Spring arrival of birds", "Maslenitsa - farewell to winter", "Easter joy". This orientation, the presence of the inner, spiritual meaning of the annual cycle of family and national holidays touches the heart very much and penetrates deeply into the souls of children and adults, unites them.

Special methods and techniques for the formation of skills and abilities of partnership for a mixed group of adults and children are aimed at uniting the family:

1. In the lecture part of the lessons of the parent lecture hall, family living rooms and the family club, methods are used to identify the parents' request, the method of comparison and analysis of all aspects of the development and existence of the family in traditional and modern society. At the same time, primary and current diagnostics of child-parental relations, social, moral and patriotic upbringing of children is carried out using the observation method, discussion of the results using the method of discussion and argumentation.

Argument methods are divided into the following types:

  • fundamental method - one of the methods of argumentation, which is characterized by a direct appeal to the interlocutor, whom we immediately and openly acquaint with all the information;
  • contradiction method based on the identification of contradictions in the behavior and methodology of the lesson, the arguments of the educator or parent;
  • method of two-sided reasoning, which sets out the advantages and disadvantages of the position defended;
  • - using chunks method first, the "weak" and "strong" sides of the reasoning, occupation and behavior of the interlocutor are highlighted and, without touching on the strong and indisputable arguments, attention is focused on the erroneous;
  • - v extraction method the arguments are not stated immediately, but gradually - through the partial conclusions of the interlocutor - lead to the desired conclusion;
  • - v accent method emphasis is placed on those moments that satisfy both parties in accordance with common interests;
  • boomerang method - one of the methods of argumentation in a conversation or dispute, during the application of which the argument "for" turns into an argument "against";
  • - v method of apparent support the point of view of the interlocutor is not refuted, but supplemented. Then, when he has outlined everything he thinks about this, the prepared counterarguments are given.

These methods are used along with the methods of analyzing pedagogical situations and discussing the experience of solving them by parents to form attitudes towards effective pedagogical cooperation.

1. In the practical part of the lessons, the search for forms and methods of implementation, adjustment and formation of a new request related to the formation of value orientations and family traditions through familiarizing the family with traditional culture is carried out.

The methods of the socio-cultural circle are used. The main stage begins with comprehending the question, an independent search for an answer. Then they share their opinion with the parents or the adults present (2-3 minutes). Then, in the circle, the children are given the opportunity to express their general opinion, if necessary, the adult helps. The teacher or psychologist also voices his position. Gradually, the opinion of children becomes more independent, and the resource circle is divided into two equal ones, then the results of the common work are summed up.

Then the psychologist and the teacher of additional education help to make the choice of the appropriate type of joint productive and creative activity, depending on the individual characteristics of the parent and the child, explains the meaning of individual operations for the formation of identification with members of his family, representatives of the clan and people, harmonizing the relationship of each member of the family with each other and the outside world.

Thanks to this, it becomes easier for children and adults to turn in problematic life situations to the tribal ethnic memory associated with the traditional methods of resolving internal and external conflicts for a given people, as well as with the traditional worldview, which determines a different, more harmonious perception of the world and helps to determine their place and the place of their family in it, the formation of correct and clear pedagogical guidelines for the process of establishing value orientations in their son or daughter. An important role in this is played by the use of the project method and the method of collective creative affairs: actions of "Mercy", meetings with veterans, etc., as well as methods of pedagogical reflection.

Thanks to the use of these methods, the effectiveness of interactive forms of work with the parents of pupils is increased. For example, now on their basis can be organized sociocultural club, combining different forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. This is a club for the interests of the parents of the pupils of the entire kindergarten. The following goals and objectives are highlighted:

- the formation of sustainable ways of creative interaction between children and parents in the course of joint development of the values ​​of traditional culture;

familiarization of children and parents with annually recurring calendar holidays, fostering respect for the traditions of their people and cultures of all peoples of the world;

  • - creation of pedagogical conditions for joint play activities of children and parents;
  • - the formation of skills and abilities of active communication between children and parents in the process of making a handmade doll and learning folk games.

Thus, the activities of the socio-cultural club unite adults and children, where they master the skill of making folk dolls, handicrafts from natural materials, and use this in play communication with the child at home.

For example, within the framework of the family club, the following topics are discussed that are of interest to parents of all age groups:

  • - games in the family: "We nurse the baby", "What our children play", "Folk games", "Self-made toys", "Games for boys and girls", "Summer games", "Winter games", etc .;
  • - family reading: "What our children read", "Helping parents in the selection of literature", "Books about Moscow", "Our holy names";
  • - family theater: "The influence of a fairy tale on the creation of a positive microclimate in the family", "Sitting", "Preparing an outfit for the holiday", "How to organize a home theater";
  • - computer and its alternative; and etc.

In the discussion of these topics and the continuation of the work of the family club in the form child-parent creative club a senior educator, social educator, psychologist, teacher of additional education, music director are involved. The objectives of the club are as follows:

  • - the formation of common parental interests;
  • - the formation of the experience of joint child-parent creative activity;
  • - uniting families in the process of developing the creative abilities of children.

Dialogue and project interaction methods are mainly used.

The main thing in establishing a dialogue is a joint striving for common goals, a vision of situations, a community in the direction of common actions. This is not about the obligatory coincidence of views and assessments. More often than not, the point of view of adults and children is different, which is quite natural given the differences in experience. However, the very fact of a joint focus on problem solving is of paramount importance. It is very difficult to achieve this in everyday family communication with a child. Usually a spontaneously emerging position of an adult is a position "above" the child. An adult has strength, experience, independence - a child is physically weak, inexperienced, completely dependent. Contrary to this, parents need to constantly strive to establish equality.

This work can be started by organizing joint holidays for parents and children - "In Search of the Treasure", "Ivan Tsarevich Saves Vasilisa", etc. - when children and parents are given sports, musical and visual tasks. In the fun of the holiday, parents need, together with their child, to assemble an origami toy according to a diagram or flow chart, create a pattern on cardboard from threads and complete other creative tasks. This is where the difficulties begin: the teachers tried to teach the children in advance, but who will teach the parents to understand the conventions of paper folding, who will teach the patterns of weaving threads?

After a joint discussion of the organizational difficulties of holding such holidays, parents can be brought to the solution of the most difficult and relevant types of creative activity for their children. At the same time, the requirement for equality of positions in the dialogue is based on the indisputable fact that children have an undoubted upbringing effect on the parents themselves - and adults, not wanting to lag behind the children, themselves apply to create a club of visual orientation. This is how creative workshops within the framework of the children's and parent's creative club.

The first classes of creative workshops are held without the participation of children, since it is necessary to give parents the necessary information and knowledge, techniques for working with paints, paper, threads and other materials with which their children work, to show a variety of image techniques, to give the necessary pedagogical knowledge in working with a child ...

The third participant in the educational process usually does not make one wait long: it is always interesting what mom does without him, from where she brings home beautiful drawings and works, so similar to what the guys do in the garden. Joint pairs begin to appear in the workshops: a mother with a child. The work moves to a new stage - joint assignments, creative work. At this stage, new tasks arise: to teach parents to act together with children, to plan activities, to discuss a plan, to share responsibilities; arouse interest in joint activities of parents with children; to teach parents to contact their child not only in specially designed classes, but also in everyday life.

Under the influence of communication with their own children, being involved in various forms of communication and interaction with them, the mental qualities of parents, their inner peace of mind, and their attitude towards their own children are significantly transformed. The need to form the values ​​of empathy and partnership and assistance comes to the fore. At the same time, constant tactful scrutiny, feeling into the emotional state, the inner world of the child, the changes taking place in him, especially his mental structure - all this creates the basis for deep understanding between children and parents at any age. To recognize the child's right to his inherent individuality, dissimilarity from others, including dissimilarity from parents. To accept a child means to assert the unique existence of this particular person, with all his inherent qualities. Therefore, it is so important that while performing interesting visual creative tasks, where children can use familiar techniques on an equal footing with dads and mothers, and also jointly master something new, adults discover for themselves the other side of the possibilities of their children, often seeing in them an equal partner. Therefore, the most interesting creative works are obtained by those parents and children where an adult is able to accept the individuality of the thinking of his "partner". Then, exhibitions of joint crafts by children and parents are organized.

According to O. L. Zvereva, the following criteria for the effectiveness of the work performed are distinguished:

  • - parental interest in the content of various forms and methods of interactive interaction between the kindergarten and the family (gratitude, questions, the need for further cooperation);
  • - the emergence of discussions at the initiative of parents;
  • - attraction of the experience of the parents themselves;
  • - the emergence of reflections on the correctness of methods, admission of their mistakes;
  • - increasing the activity of parents when attending open events, analyzing pedagogical situations.

In addition, when assessing the effectiveness of the interaction between the kindergarten and the family, it is necessary to assess the satisfaction of parents with the educational services of the kindergarten (usually carried out using a questionnaire survey) and conduct a "self-assessment of the success of the implementation of the functions of interaction between the teacher and the parents." To do this, you can use the recommendations of V.P.Dubrova and E.P. Milashevich.

After filling out the expert table by the senior kindergarten teacher, the average result (in percentage) is calculated according to the assessment of each function of interaction between teachers and parents. Based on the results, a summary table is drawn up.