Batman costume made from scrap materials. How to make a Batman mask out of colored paper with your own hands in stages. Step-by-step photo lesson

Batman is the Batman. Therefore, in order to transform into such a fabulous hero, you need to sew a bat costume, or, as it is also called, a Batman costume with your own hands.

This outfit is perfect for boys for New Years or any other carnival. It can also be used during staging games.

The Batman costume can be worn not only by a child, but also by a man. In this case, such an outfit is done in the same way as a suit for a boy.

The costume consists of two parts: a mask and a cloak. Pants will also be needed as an addition. They can be purchased separately at a clothing store.

The cloak is made from an old umbrella. To do this, carefully remove the raincoat fabric from it. In this fabric, cut a cutout so that it fits under the neckline.

After that, an incision is made in this cut-out to insert the zipper. Note that the head should fit freely into this cutout. Baste and sew on the zipper with a sewing machine. Trim the neckline with tape.

Take any pattern and sew your own Batman costume hat using it.

The mask is made of cardboard in the same way as any other carnival mask. Measure your forehead and draw a line that is the same size on the cardboard. Add another 7-20 cm to its length. Fold the paper in half, draw another line perpendicularly. It should be the same size as the height of the forehead together with half the bridge of the nose. Form a mask based on what you have drawn, cut out the places for the eyes and the mask as a whole.

Glue the ears to the mask. They are also made from cardboard.

Shade the resulting ear mask with water-based paint and cover with black. Use varnish or tape as a fixer.

You can also use another version of the Batman costume mask described in this video:

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What boy doesn't dream of being Batman? After all, this superhero is the ideal of masculinity, fearlessness and strength. Comic book heroes do not leave anyone indifferent, especially boys. Children's Batman mask is one of the most popular among boys, so why not please your beloved child and create such a masterpiece on your own right at home.

There are many ways to create your own Batman mask. It can be made of paper or fabric, using a single sheet, or make a three-dimensional structure. All these methods are distinguished by the necessary materials and complexity, nevertheless, each of them can be used in the process of creating a product together with your child. It will be very interesting for him to create a carnival mask with you.

Such New Year's masks cannot go unnoticed. They will surely attract attention, and your child will know that he has the most beautiful mask.

Paper option

The quickest and easiest way to make a Batman mask out of paper. We are talking about the standard version, which requires ordinary cardboard or felt. To create it you need:

  1. Measure the baby's face to determine the half-girth of the head. This measurement will be needed to create the option that suits your child.
  2. Next, you need to make sketches on paper, for this you can use an existing stencil.
  3. Be sure to draw the ears on top.
  4. Draw ovals for the eye holes.
  5. Transfer the resulting contour to cardboard, felt. Use any shade, not necessarily black.
  6. Make holes to attach the elastic.

It is very easy to make options out of paper and felt. In such masks, any child will feel like a real superhero.

Volume mask

Making flat blanks is not the only way. A volume mask, for example, is made more difficult, but it also looks more effective. The step-by-step plan below will help you create a real masterpiece. Have to take:

  • stencils;
  • cardboard;
  • paper, preferably glossy;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • electrical tape;
  • hot glue gun;
  • falzbein.

Such a product may take a lot of time and effort. But the Batman mask template will help in the process.

  1. First you need to cut out all the pieces from thick cardboard.
  2. Take stencil A and fold it along the dotted line.
  3. Stencil B must be glued to the bottom.
  4. Using stencil D, you need to make Batman's nose.
  5. The eyes on stencils A and B are positioned symmetrically on the main "tube". They attach directly above the mouth opening. You can use duct tape or hot glue.
  6. Both parts C are attached above the eyes - these are the eyebrows.
  7. A nose is attached between the eyes and a hole is cut out on the basis along its contour.
  8. Need cuts from the eyebrows up. You should have a sloping forehead. Incisions are made around the entire circumference of the head.
  9. For a sloping forehead, cuts above the eyebrows are also required.
  10. Then you need to attach a black strip to your forehead with electrical tape.
  11. Stencils E must be inserted into the curved cut as shown. Then you need to align the ears and attach with tape.
  12. Further, around the entire circumference of the head, glue the cuts with tape to make a neat hall.
  13. Use 2 stencils F. These pieces need to be glued on the back to add volume.
  14. The G stencils are glued on the front of the ear. Black paper will help close the gaps.
  15. Two triangles will help add volume. They fold down the center and are glued to both sides.
  16. The final version can be wrapped with black tape.
  17. First, cover the eyes and nose completely, then the holes can be simply cut out.
  18. On the finished face, you need to glue the nose with a drop of hot glue.

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One of the most popular superheroes after Superman is Batman. He first appeared in comics in 1939 and does not leave the laurels of the most beloved character. Outwardly, it is not possible to confuse him with someone else's superhero: a black mask, a bat costume and a long cloak.

Surely your child has long dreamed of being like him. Therefore, today you can please him with such a wonderful Batman mask. However, the child himself can do it, and you can be there and, if necessary, help in difficult times.

  • Black half-carton
  • Black tape or waxed cord
  • Stationery glue
  • Pencil
  • Scissors

Step-by-step photo lesson:

On the black semi-cardboard we outline the silhouette of the Batman mask. It shouldn't be too small or too big for your head. After all, it will be uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to immediately check and, if necessary, partially correct or completely redo. Then we take scissors and carefully cut out the mask along the outlined silhouette.

We outline the silhouettes of the eyes on the mask. They will be roughly below the middle.

Cut out the eyes with scissors along the drawn silhouette.

Then we measure the required length for the ties. There should be a total of one on each side.

We glue on the back of the tie. Let the glue dry thoroughly before putting it on.

On this, the Batman mask made of colored paper is ready. A themed costume should be prepared for this mask so that the child can fully feel like a superhero from comics. After all, what is Batman without his black suit with an emblem on his chest and a long cloak on the back.

Good and useful recommendations, tips, interesting and original ideas for every mother on making a Batman baby costume for a boy for the New Year. How to make, sew and prepare a New Year's outfit for a child, step-by-step instructions for a Batman costume for the New Year.

A happy and long-awaited holiday is ahead, which means that mummies and daddies will sit at night and make carnival costumes for their kids. Today the child announced that he wants to be Batman for the New Year. Well, everyone will be doing such a costume together.

Preparation of scrap materials for sewing

Probably everyone knows the image of this character. A man in dark clothes, with a black cloak and a yellow emblem. Nothing complicated.

For this it will come in handy:

Black turtleneck
- dark pants
- cardboard
- yellow sheet of paper
- a piece of dark material
- glue and threads
- as well as patience and sleight of hand

Batman costume for a child at ng children's party

We start with an easy one - collecting the costume. A black turtleneck and pants are the most relevant option for a suit. Thermal underwear of a dark shade is also good for this role (by the way, it is very useful in winter). The main thing is that the color is suitable, and the clothes are more tight.

The costume can be left as it is, or you can add a little twist. Using gray paint on the outerwear, paint the abs. You should not overdo it, after all, the costume is for children.

Black boots on my feet. Of course, it will not be comfortable for a child - in a room where it is also hot in such shoes. But for the sake of his beloved character, he will agree to a lot + black gloves.

How to make a black Batman cape with your own hands

Batman's cloak all the way to the floor. A child should not do this, as he or other children may accidentally step on it. Optimal knee length. It remains only to figure out what and how to make it. If in the closet there is accidentally black material and a suitable length - you are incredibly lucky. But miracles happen only in fairy tales.

There are 2 options: buying the cheapest material or creating a new one. How? With black paint and an unnecessary sheet. Here, of course, you will have to tinker, since you will not have to paint in one layer and from 2 sides. But the minimum cost.

The cape is ready, you can connect it with a pin in front or, for safety reasons, sew the corners together with your own hands. In the center of the connection, glue the emblem of the protagonist.

Distinctive mark - the emblem of the main character

Before creating an emblem, you need to decide on its size. If it is at the junction of the cape - 10-15cm is enough. To do this, a stencil is printed from the Internet (this will be faster than drawing yourself) and transferred to cardboard.

The yellow sheet is glued to the back of the cardboard. One of the laborious works is performed, cutting out the element along the edges. Glue the resulting emblem to the raincoat. The only thing left is the character's headdress.

Making a Batman mask with your child

The image of the hero is already stifling, so we will not "burden" the costume with a hat yet, we will make a mask. A mask pattern is drawn on cardboard; it can be downloaded from the Internet. At the corners of the mask, an elastic band is glued, suitable for the size of the volume of the child's head.

The eyes are cut out in the sketch. The resulting element is transferred to the material + 5 cm, for tucking. The material is glued to the cardboard, carefully making the necessary cutouts for the eyes. Wait until the glue is completely dry before trying on the mask.

The image for the New Year is ready - the child is happy

A special belt bought in a toy store, where various devices are inserted, will help to give more seriousness to the image. It could be a pistol, a walkie-talkie, a Batmobile key. Such a hero will attract many looks.

See, papercrafter, how to make a Batman mask.

Many people ask two eternal questions - how did life on earth originate and how to make a Batman mask with your own hands? We are glad to inform you that you have just found the answer to one of these questions. We print comrades, look at the pepakura, read the forum and rejoice at our handmade masterpieces. Moreover, we do not have one Batman mask, but we will throw off two of the most successful ones available.

So, the first version of how to make a Batman mask takes 14 pages in pepakura. Although it has a few and more pages than in the second version, it is a little easier to assemble due to the large number of small but simple parts. It is worth noting that these copies of Batman masks differ from each other not only in the number of parts and the complexity of assembly, but also in shape, appearance, so to speak.

How to make a Batman mask with your own hands -

The second version of the Batman mask is 11 pages in pepakura. The polygonality of this mask is much higher than that of the first one. The details are mostly solid, which is good news, however, this is overshadowed by a large number of cuts and joints. In some places, you don't need to cut them, where the line is solid and there are no docking "ears", but I'm afraid that lovers of scissors will have a hard time here, so I advise you to stock up on a scalpel if you haven't done it yet.