Therapeutic baths for hands. The best recipes for home remedies. Whitening and softening bath

The most exciting activity is self-care. All kinds of masks and baths, massages and peelings can be done for hours, and it's worth it. The body thanks us for the absence of stretch marks and cellulite, ingrown hairs and problematic skin. Hand skin care is a particularly interesting and important process, because in fact everything about a person can be said only once by looking at his nails and fingers: whether he is neat, how well-groomed and how he treats himself. Let's learn together about homemade hand beauty recipes.

Baths for hands

Full hand care is a comprehensive approach, from skin peeling and massage to more complex procedures: paraffin therapy and manicure using professional products. It is customary to start with baths. Indeed, at this stage, they get rid of rough and keratinized skin, and even an expensive salon program contains such a procedure.

Helpful Hints:

  • in the spring you need to drink special vitamin complexes;
  • try to regulate your diet, eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible;
  • trim broken nails, otherwise they may grow into the skin;
  • turpentine baths help fight not only excess weight, but also other skin problems, and even coarsening of the elbows, heels and feet;
  • The principles of hand care at home are extremely simple, but they must be strictly followed.

Very good effect on the dermis all sorts herbal decoctions such as chamomile or sage. For such a bath, we need to take half a glass of dried chamomile flowers and pour hot water over them, you don’t need to boil, because most of the beneficial substances evaporate in this way. Pour this amount with a liter of water and leave to cool in a dark, cool place. As soon as the liquid has become pleasantly warm, maybe even slightly hot, we put our hands in it and soar for at least half an hour. After the skin will immediately become much velvety and more beautiful.

No less often with a variety of skin diseases, for example, if the palms sweat, girls use decoction of oak bark. This is a wonderful remedy for local inflammatory processes, which is very affordable, and most importantly, all recipes are extremely simple. You need to brew yourself "tea" from this bark with the expectation of a glass of plant per liter of hot water.

It is very important to take timely measures for cracks and calluses on the hands, it will be very useful here milk baths or its derivatives. Milk proteins are generally widely used in the beauty industry: they are used in hand masks. So a milk bath with oatmeal will very quickly and easily eliminate painful and rather unaesthetic cracks on the hands: you need to take two glasses of water for two glasses of hot milk, pour half a glass of oatmeal into it and mix thoroughly until smooth, then dip your hands. We withstand this “test” for 20 minutes, then wipe it off and apply a nourishing cream.

Milk can be substituted serum. But for this it needs to be slightly warmed up, in no case do not boil, otherwise it will curl up, the proteins will die, and there will be no point in the bath. Pour the warm liquid into a ceramic or wooden bowl, and steam your hands. Such care helps to give the skin a pleasant radiant color and softness.

Helps well against calluses and very deep cracks bath of starch and milk. Stir potato starch (2 tablespoons) in a glass of milk. You need to keep your hands in this remedy for not long - only 10 minutes, but after that we do not wash it off, but lubricate the skin with olive oil or fish oil on top.

Whitening masks for hands have no less good effect on the color. Such care for pigmented and aging hand skin is simply necessary. Can be used lemon juice. In warm water (half a liter), pour fresh lemon juice, half an ordinary glass will be enough. It is advisable to use fresh, because. there are a lot of chemicals and allergens in the purchased ones. We lower our hands into this liquid and hold it there for at least half an hour. It is advisable to repeat the procedure every two days, but keep in mind that the hair on the handles will also whiten.

No less miraculous effect at home has bath with honey. You need to warm up flower honey - three spoons and add it to a bowl of milk. Mix well and dip your hands into it. It is best to carry out this procedure at night, and we will relax better and soften the skin, and whiten more effectively. The basis of care is the preliminary scrubbing of the skin.

In winter, it will be an excellent tool bath with glycerine. It softens and soothes chapped skin. To prepare it, we need to purchase two ampoules of glycerin and mix them with half a liter of warm water. It will turn out such a viscous and translucent liquid. We put our hands there and mark it on the clock for 30-40 minutes.

Hand masks

Many folk remedies for hand skin care are based on olive oil, and not surprising, because this tool is just a godsend for cosmetologists and girls who love themselves and save their money. Sometimes just wiping your hands with clean oil is enough. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of very dry skin and exfoliating nails.

To make the effect even more productive, you can mix two oils: lemon and olive, or cedar. Cover the dermis with these essential products and put on a linen glove, then do not remove it for several hours, or until the oil is absorbed in order to form a vapor effect according to the principle of anti-cellulite wrapping.

A good recipe is based on olive oil and extract kombucha. Everything is very simple and affordable. Water after kombucha (1 cup), you need to mix with a tablespoon of oil. Such a "broth" must be applied to the handles and left on them for at least an hour. Then rinse with warm, slightly soapy water.

If the handles turn red from the cold and begin to peel off, then it is recommended to make a mask from boiled potatoes. Boil vegetables and three on a grater, or crumple with a special tool. After the resulting mass can be applied to the hands in its pure form, or mixed a little with milk. The same hand mask is great for getting rid of foot odor, just add a couple of drops of lavender or clove essential oil instead of milk.

Mineral-based masks are often used on the skin of the hands, and they are great for helping against hangnails and roughness. For example, iodine. Every day it is recommended to draw an iodine grid on the hands and nails, and then lubricate the handles with a nourishing cream. The rules for the care of this chemical element require prior consultation with a specialist.

Many therapeutic care products are based on egg proteins. Such substances effectively saturate the nails and skin with minerals and vitamins, and also contribute to the strengthening and growth of the nail plate. For our mask you need only one beaten egg, some honey and milk. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, and apply a dense layer on the skin. We keep 40 minutes.

Another option: mix a beaten egg with a crumb of white bread, we will get such a “bun”, after we knead it and apply it to the skin. It is best to wear hand gloves or ordinary cotton gloves over this mask, and you can leave it overnight, so the effect will be even better.

And how many different fruits are in nature that help whiten and smooth the skin! Below is a list of recipes that use fruits for:

  1. lemon. Whitens and smoothes even the roughest skin, for a mask it is enough to mix the pulp of the fruit with two tablespoons of oil, preferably olive oil, and with two pre-beaten egg whites. Apply for half an hour.
  2. Strawberry- also simply delightfully whitens the skin, especially with honey. The recipe is simple: for mature skin with signs of pigmentation, you need to mix three berries with a spoonful of honey, and apply on the skin, do not avoid nails either, because. strawberries contain vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens the nail plate. Apply and hold for at least 30 minutes.
  3. banana. Cosmetic products for hand skin care from banana pulp are especially popular, because. it is a natural antioxidant that not only uplifts the mood when taken internally, but also helps very well with dry and cracked skin and face. For the mask, you need to beat the egg yolk and mix it with the pulp of the fruit. If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the mass.
  4. grape. This mask is great for women after 40 and 50, because. in half a month it is able to smooth out most of the wrinkles on the hands and face. Just cut the berry in half and rub the juice on your face, but do it regularly - and the result will not be long in coming.

Very popular in cosmetology are masks with herbal bases. These liquids can replace ordinary water or dairy products, if they are not currently available. We highly recommend decoctions of nettle and string, masks with such bases help well not only with superficial problems, such as peeling or irritation, but also get rid of warts.

Hand peels

Any proper hand care consists not only in masks and baths, but also in complex exfoliating procedures. Any procedure should begin with cleansing the epidermis of dead or diseased particles, and for this, scrubs are needed, which are very easy to make at home.

With the help of sugar, not only epilation is carried out, but also peeling of the skin, for this two spoons Sahara mixed with a spoonful of cosmetic oil, if there is none, then you can take olive, or the most common - sunflower.

Another option for abrasive peeling - coffee. This homemade scrub will help smooth the skin and perfectly cleanse it. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of ground coffee (natural, if there is no coffee grinder, then just grind it in a mortar), olive or rose oil (but again, it can be replaced with sunflower). We mix and begin to massage the skin, stroke the hands with soft circular movements, special attention to the cuticles and nails, so we continue to do this for another 20 minutes.

Folk remedies help well against keratinized burrs based on sea salt, soda or honey massage. As you know, you can even wash your head and face with soda to cleanse dandruff and make your skin soft. So it is with pens, such hygienic care for the skin of the hands does not require any special products at all, just once every two days it is enough to massage the pens with baking soda or salt, but if salt is either sea or iodized, then the hands and nails will complex mineral care.

Age-related hand skin care requires the use of vitamins. We recommend truly feminine products: vitamins A and E. These ampoules can be easily purchased at pharmacies, and for peeling, you just need to mix the liquid from the cones with grape juice, the skin will immediately noticeably smooth out and become softer.

Many effective products are also produced by world famous brands of cosmetics, such as eveline. This brand combines the two most important qualities - availability and quality. The winter care kit from this company is known for very good results.

No less famous is the nourishing cream produced by mary kay. This tool is a little more expensive than the previous one, but it is widely used in the treatment of hands and feet in manicure rooms or for pedicures at home.

The gentle care of satin hands is mainly known to young women over 30. This remedy is used to treat dryness and roughness of the skin, it is recommended as a cream against the first wrinkles and to prevent them. The hand skin care system of this brand is world famous and quite affordable in the domestic market.

The well-known planet spa brand, whose cream helps with inflammation, is used in professional salons to care for chapped, rough and keratinized skin of the hands. And the complex of this company conducts a variety of spa treatments for the body and legs.

Salon treatment tips:

  • at least once a month, and even better two or three (especially in winter), you need to carry out the procedure of paraffin therapy;
  • salon manicure is a mandatory procedure every two weeks;
  • do not neglect imported creams, although they are not cheap, they are very effective;
  • all recommendations are optional, but highly desirable in execution;
  • nails should be the same length, it looks more aesthetically pleasing and much more practical, so keep an eye on the general condition of your hands;
  • regularly lubricate your hands and nails with olive or sunflower oil;
  • if the ear is followed by a solemn reception or evening, then you need to lubricate your hands with cream;
  • first of all, the attitude towards oneself is important, well-groomed hands and hair help us become more feminine and charming.

Important Materials

Well-groomed hands - what could be easier! In the arsenal of a modern woman there are a lot of hand care products. Baths - effective, affordable, easy to use. They will help to cope with any problem that has arisen without the use of expensive components and in a short time.

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Nothing complicated:

  1. It is necessary to heat the water to a comfortable temperature (hands are warm, but not hot);
  2. Wash hands with soap. You can apply a short scrub or peeling to remove dead particles;
  3. Add all components to the water;
  4. Dip your hands in a container of water. Only 15-20 minutes, no more needed;
  5. The cream that you use to nourish your skin all the time completes the procedure.

How to effectively soften the skin of the hands?

Of course, make hand baths!

At home, you can pick up simple tools that will help soften hardened areas and get rid of cracks.

Procedures will make the skin very tender.

For example:

Baths with starch

For hands hardened by the wind, sun, frost, they will be a real salvation. Need:

  • Starch - 1 tsp;
  • Glass of water;
  1. Stir, bring the volume of liquid to 1 liter;
  2. Keep your hands in a warm solution for a quarter of an hour;
  3. Wash your hands, pat them dry, and massage oily cream into them.

Highly useful a hand bath from cracks that cause pain.

The healing power of herbs

  1. Make a decoction of plantain, sage, chamomile, lime blossom;
  2. Use the same way as the first recipe.

Healing hand baths using medicinal herbs are very effective for cracked, inflamed skin.

Bath with oil and decoction of flax seed

  1. Take flaxseed - a couple of tablespoons, add a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes;
  2. Cool, add olive oil, which needs to be slightly heated;
  3. Bring the volume to such an amount that you can put your hands there;
  4. For about 15 minutes, hold your hands, wipe, grease with a suitable nourishing cream.

soda bath

For hands that are chapped, flaky and red from cleaning products and chemicals.

What do you need:

  • Drinking soda - a tablespoon;
  • Iodine - a few drops;
  • About a liter of warm water.
  1. Dissolve soda;
  2. Pour in iodine;
  3. Mix well;
  4. Lower your hands for 15 minutes;
  5. After that, as always, wipe your hands and fix the effect with cream.

Baths are very easy to make, and the benefits are great. Delicate, soft skin, without a feeling of tightness, will bring you joy.

At least once a week you need to carry out such a procedure. Such softening baths for hands will not take you much time, but the effect will be simply amazing!

What to do if the skin of the hands is very dry?

Hand baths will come to the rescue again. From dry skin there are wonderful home remedies that are always on hand. Some components are easy to buy at the pharmacy. As with other procedures, regularity is important here.

Effective oil baths for hands

  1. Oil (preferably olive oil) is heated in a water bath;
  2. Fill them with a container;
  3. You need to keep your hands in warm oil for about 15 minutes;
  4. Then gently pat your hands dry with a tissue.

Repeat for a week (every other day).


You can make a wax bath for dry skin of the hands not only in the salon, but also at home. Heat opens pores, hands sweat, but the wax film keeps moisture out. The skin is hydrated. The heat also flushes out toxins and revitalizes the skin. It is easy to carry out the procedure:

  1. In a pharmacy, you buy cosmetic wax for hands, melt the wax up to 50 degrees in a water bath in an enameled bowl;
  2. Essential oils (5-6 drops) will enhance the effect;
  3. Try to keep the wax not very hot. Dip your hands for a couple of minutes in the melted mass - get it for 15-20 seconds. The process is repeated several times;
  4. Put on plastic bags, then woolen mittens;
  5. Wait 20 minutes, remove insulation and wax;
  6. If there is an assistant nearby, it will be more convenient for you to put on bags and mittens.

1 time (not more often) a week will be enough for this remedy to show its truly magical effect.

Glycerin with chamomile infusion

  1. Mix half a liter of boiling water and incomplete 2 tablespoons of chamomile;
  2. After 10 minutes, drip glycerin into the liquid: up to 15 drops and up to 10 drops of ammonia. Stir well;
  3. Further - everything is as usual.

Hand baths with glycerin, if used regularly (once or twice a week), reduce skin irritation, restore tone and moisturize it well.

Sea salt

Baths with sea salt for hands have a moisturizing, tightening, toning effect. A very beneficial effect on the whole body is provided by procedures with a healing gift of the sea, in which magnesium, iodine, bromine, and selenium are present. Salty sea water, which splashes in your bowl on the table, will also help strengthen your nails.

  1. Pour sea salt (1 tablespoon) + 6 drops of essential oil + a little liquid soap into a glass of warm water;
  2. Mix, pour into a bowl. Temperature - about +40 degrees (warm enough);
  3. 20 minutes of rest for you and your hands. After - get your hands wet, rub the cream with massage movements.

Salt baths for hands should be carried out in a two-week course, at least 2 times a week.

How to eliminate sweating of the skin of the hands?

To get rid of this unpleasant situation, use decoctions of medicinal herbs and take baths with them that will help reduce the activity of sweat glands.

Baths with decoction help well:

  • oak bark;
  • St. John's wort. You can enhance the effect by adding vinegar (slightly).

Tip: while applying the cream after the procedures, give a light massage to your hands. Gently massage your palms, walk along biologically active points to improve blood circulation and feel a surge of vigor and strength.

Many women and girls use this method to make their hands look great. There are a lot of positive reviews:

My problem is dry skin. I work outside, my hands are cracked and peeling. I read that you need to keep them in an oil-water solution, and then smear with cream. I tried. The result is excellent. I take fir essential oil. Cracks heal. I've been doing this for two months now. Very satisfied. Anna, 45 years old.

I take care of my hands all the time. I used to go to the salon to get waxed. Recently, a friend said that she makes such a bath for dry skin of her hands at home. Why spend a lot of money - I decided. I'll try. I recommend to all. The effect is the same, it is easy to do, and I bought cosmetic wax at the nearest pharmacy. Irina. 35 years.

I have been making moisturizing hand baths for over a year now. I read it on the Internet, did it once, and now I don’t shy away from the procedure. I use glycerin. Cheap and cheerful. I'm always in a hurry, I keep my hands in the solution for about 10 minutes, but that's enough. Eleanor. 55 years.

And I got baths with soda. For hands that have washed and cleaned more than one mountain of dishes in their lives, they are very suitable. The skin softens and becomes smooth. Massage with cream helps relieve fatigue. Try it too, you won't regret it. Marina.40 years old.

I pamper my hands with baths on the advice of my mother. I have no problems yet, the skin is fresh, so I dissolve sea salt, drip orange oil and enjoy beautiful hands in 15 minutes. Nice process, trust me. Sofia. 25 years.

The use of baths for the beauty and tenderness of your hands will help to avoid dry skin, moisturize and fill it with nutrients.

The wind, the scorching sun and frost will not be afraid of the skin of the hands, if you regularly indulge it with pleasant and healthy baths to support it, which are very easy and affordable to do.

And in this video, you will learn some more wonderful recipes for hand baths:

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Hand baths at home are one of the important steps in hand care, which, unfortunately, is often neglected. We said “unfortunately” because hand baths can do wonders for the skin: they improve the quality of the skin, transform it in appearance, eliminate many problems and defects, and are also a rather pleasant and relaxing procedure. We have collected the best recipes for hand baths at home, which in various ways have a positive effect on the skin of the hands: moisturize, nourish the skin with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals, heal cracks and abrasions, relieve calluses and roughness, soothe the skin and remove irritation, eliminate peeling and inflammation, relieve swelling, eliminate sweating of the skin of the hands, relieve redness, etc. Do not forget to perform the hand bath procedure along with other stages of hand care and your hands will delight you with tenderness, smoothness, radiance without any feeling of tightness and discomfort. Shine with natural beauty with Womans-Beauty.

Hand bath rules

at home

  • Before the procedure, the hands must be thoroughly washed with soap or gel, thereby cleaning them of dirt, dust or cosmetics or chemicals remaining on the skin.
  • Hand baths should be used immediately after preparation.
  • The key to success is regularity, use baths at least once every 7 days and the result will be fixed for a long time.
  • After the procedure, smear your hands with a cream with a nourishing composition.
  • After the procedure, for some time do not come into contact with chemicals, detergents, products, as well as with water.

Hand baths with sea salt

Sea salt is an irreplaceable, priceless mineral containing many useful components such as magnesium, bromine, iodine, selenium, chromium, which magically affect not only the skin of your hands, but also the nail plates. Baths with sea salt will have a truly miraculous effect on your hands: they will provide blood flow to the skin, promote the renewal and synthesis of skin cells, eliminate sweating, relieve inflammation and irritation, remove puffiness, eliminate skin pigmentation, and also strengthen your nails. If you have sensitive skin on your hands or are prone to allergies, then we advise you to choose sea salt without dyes and fragrances to prevent irritation, inflammation and allergies.

Leaves hands incredibly soft and smooth.

Sea salt - 1 tbsp.
Grape seed oil - 5 drops
Liquid soap - 1 pea

How to apply:

1. Mix all ingredients in a separate container, add 0.25 l. warm water and mix well until the salt is completely dissolved.

2. Dip the pens in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

3. Wipe your hands with a tissue and apply moisturizer.

It makes the nail plate stronger, more durable and shiny, and also relieves the skin of the hands from pigmentation.

Sea salt - 2 tbsp.
Essential oil of lemon (tangerine) - 3 drops
Soda - 1 tsp

How to apply:

1. To 0.5 l. Add all ingredients to warm water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

2. Dip your pens in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

3. Wipe the handles with a disposable tissue and smear them with moisturizer.

Sea salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Dried calendula - 1 tbsp. l.
Dried oak bark - 1 tbsp. l.

How to apply:
1. Mix the herbs in a separate container and pour 1 liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat, then boil for another 10 minutes.

3. Dip the pens in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

4. Rinse the handles with clean warm water and grease them with a fat cream.

An excellent bath that disinfects the skin, heals small cracks and abrasions, and also makes the skin of the pens soft and tender.

Sea salt - 1 tbsp.
Orange juice - ½ cup
Iodine - 7 drops

How to apply:
1. To 0.25 l. pure water, add the juice and heat over low heat.

2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

3. Dip your pens in the resulting solution for 15 minutes.

4. Wipe your hands with a tissue and apply moisturizer.

This bath softens the skin of the hands, strengthens the nail plate, and also fights pigmentation of the skin of the hands.

Sea salt - 3 tbsp. l.
Citrus peels (orange, lemon, or tangerine)

How to apply:

1. Grate the crusts on a fine grater, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them and let stand for about 20 minutes.

2. Then add salt and mix well.

4. Wipe the handles with a tissue and apply moisturizer.

Lemon bath with sea salt

Gives the nail plate incredible strength and durability, eliminates the layering of nails.

Sea salt - 3 tbsp.
Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Pour 0.5 liters of salt. warm water and stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.

2. Add juice and dip the handles into the solution for 20 minutes.

3. Rinse the handles with clean water, pat them dry with a tissue and smear them with moisturizer.

Bath with sea salt against sweating

This bath can be used only in the absence of any damage on the skin and allergic reactions.

Vinegar (9%) - 3 tbsp. l.
Sea salt - 1 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Pour 0.5 liters of salt. warm water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.

2. Add vinegar and dip your hands into the resulting solution for 5 minutes.

3. Rinse your hands with clean water, blot them with a napkin and grease them with a greasy cream.

Herbal bath with sea salt

Nourishes the skin with essential nutrients.

Sea salt - 1 tbsp. l.
Dried sage - 1 tbsp. l.
Dried nettle - 1 tbsp. l.

How to apply:

1. Mix the herbs in a separate container and fill them with 1 liter of water, bring to a boil over low heat, then boil for another 10 minutes.

2. Let the broth brew for 20 minutes and strain, then add salt and stir until it is completely dissolved.

3. Dip your pens in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

4. Rinse your hands with clean water, pat dry with a tissue and smear them with a moisturizer.

Healing baths for hands

dryness and cracks, abrasions and calluses

These and some other troubles can attack your pens at any moment. Use our baths for dryness and cracks, abrasions and calluses and restore smoothness, comfort and softness to the skin of your hands.

Bath with potassium permanganate

A bath that will save your hands from scratches, cuts, abrasions and cracks.

Potassium permanganate - at the tip of a knife

How to apply:

1. Add potassium permanganate to a glass of water and mix (you should get a dark purple solution).

2. Then add 1 tablespoon of this solution to a glass of clean water (you should get a clear pink solution).

3. Soak your hands in this solution for 20-25 minutes.

4. Repeat the procedure once a day and you will get rid of these cosmetic defects.

starch bath

Relieve the feeling of tightness, give the skin softness and tenderness.

Starch - 1 tbsp.
Retinol oil (vitamin A) - 3 drops
Hand cream

How to apply:

1. Heat 1 liter of water, add starch and mix thoroughly.

2. Dip your pens in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes, then blot your hands with a napkin.

3. Then squeeze the cream with celandine into the palm of your hand, add vitamin A to it and apply a thick layer on your hands.

5. It is best to leave such a compress overnight, if this is not possible, then stay with it until you have enough patience.

Potato bath

Potatoes - 3-4 pieces
Flaxseed - 1⁄2 cup

How to apply:

1. Wash and peel the potatoes well, finely chop the potato peel.

2. Combine the peel with flaxseed in a small saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water and cook, stirring, over low heat until you achieve the consistency of sour cream.

3. Let the mixture cool slightly, then dip your hands in it for 10-15 minutes.

4. Rinse your hands with warm water and pat them dry with a tissue.

6. Spread the handles with celandine cream.

Bath with calendula

It has a magical wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect.

Dried calendula - 4 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Fill our grass with 1L. clean water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil and boil for another 10 minutes.

2. Allow the broth to cool slightly and dip your hands in it for 15 minutes.

3. Wipe the handles with a napkin and smear them with celandine cream.

Bath with almond oil

Abundantly moisturizes the skin of the hands, making it very soft and matte.

Flaxseed - 3 tsp
Almond oil - 3 tsp

How to apply:

1. Grind flaxseed in a coffee grinder, add almond oil to it and mix thoroughly.

4. Wash your hands in warm water, blot with a disposable tissue and spread with celandine cream.

Such a bath has a disinfecting effect, eliminates scratches and cracks, and in addition will give your skin softness and tenderness.

Dried periwinkle small - 3 tbsp. l.

How to apply:

1. Fill our grass with 0.5 liters of clean water and put on a slow fire.

2. Bring to a boil and boil, stirring, for another 10 minutes.

3. Let the broth cool a little and dip your hands into it for 10 minutes.

4. Wipe the handles with a napkin and smear them with celandine cream.

Traysfor hands with glycerine

Glycerin is just a godsend for girls with dry, chapped, damaged skin, and especially for those who clean and wash dishes without gloves, whose skin is daily exposed to aggression from chemicals, heavy metals and bleach found in detergents and tap water. . Hand baths with glycerin have an excellent effect on the skin of the hands, softening, smoothing fine wrinkles, making the skin matte and velvety. Glycerin has several actions on your skin at once: it moisturizes and nourishes the skin, prevents it from further drying out (from the sun or frost), relieves the skin of cracks and scratches, cleanses the skin of dust and dirt that has eaten into the pores, and maintains water balance.

For tenderness and smoothness of your hands.

Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
Starch - 2 tbsp.
Mandarin essential oil - 2 drops

How to apply:

1. Dilute all ingredients in 0.5 l of warm water.

2. Dip the handles into the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes.

3. Wet your hands with a disposable napkin and spread them with a cream with a useful composition.

Well moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the hands.

Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
Ammonia - 1 tsp
Dried chamomile - 2 tbsp

How to apply:

1. Pour 0.5 liters of water into the chamomile, bring to a boil and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes over low heat.

2. Allow the broth to cool, then strain.

3. Pour 2 liters of glycerin. warm water, add alcohol and our chamomile decoction.

4. Dip the handles into the resulting solution for 15 minutes.

5. Then blot them with a disposable napkin and spread with a moisturizer.

Helps with very dry skin.

Soda - 1 tbsp.
Glycerin - 2 tsp

How to apply:

1. Mix all the ingredients in a separate container, pour 1 liter of warm water and mix well.

2. Dip the handles into the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

3. Wet your hands with a disposable napkin and spread them with a nourishing cream.

Makes the skin of your hands silky, smooth and supple.

Potato starch - 1 tbsp.
Glycerin - 1 tsp
Lemon - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 4 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Pour starch 1l. water and put on a slow fire, simmer until you get liquid jelly, then let cool slightly.

2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add it together with glycerin to our "jelly" and dip the handles into it for 15 minutes.

3. Rinse your hands in clean, cool water and pat dry with a towel.

4. Warm the oil a little and rub it with massaging movements into the skin of the hands for 10 minutes.

5. Wipe the handles with a disposable tissue and apply moisturizer.

Hand baths with baking soda

Soda is a priceless gift of nature, which, fortunately, is very affordable. Soda miraculously affects the skin of the hands: it softens the skin, whitens, smoothes fine wrinkles, and is also an excellent antiseptic. After baths with soda, your hands will immediately change: they will become soft, smooth, well-groomed with a beautiful matte color.

After regular use of this bath, you will forget about dryness, redness and inflammation.

Soda - 3 tsp

How to apply:

1. Dilute soda in 0.5 liters. warm water and lower the pen into the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

2. After that, blot the handles with a disposable napkin and smear them with a moisturizer.

Wonderfully cleanses the skin and disinfects it. After such a bath, the hands are soft and well-groomed.

Soda - 1 tsp
Ammonia - 1 tsp
Liquid soap - 1 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Mix all the ingredients in a separate container and pour 1 liter of warm water.

2. Dip the handles into the resulting solution for 15 minutes.

3. Wet the handles with a towel, and preferably with a disposable napkin and smear them with a greasy cream.

Evens out skin tone, eliminates pigmentation, while remarkably moisturizing the skin.

Dried chamomile - 2 tbsp
Milk - 1 glass
Soda - 2 tsp

How to apply:

1. Pour 1.5 cups of water over chamomile, bring to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes.

2. Allow the broth to cool slightly, then strain.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients to the resulting broth, mix well and dip the handles into the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes.

4. Rinse your hands with clean water and pat dry with a disposable tissue.

5. Apply moisturizer to your hands.

After this procedure, the skin of your hands will become tender, soft and very pleasant to the touch.

Soda - 1 tsp
Oatmeal - 1 cup

How to apply:

1. Mix all the ingredients in a separate container, pour 0.75 liters. warm water and mix well.

2. Dip your hands in the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes.

4. Apply moisturizer to your hands.

After the presented bath, the skin on your hands will soften, become silky and the existing fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Soda - 1 tbsp.
Liquid soap - 1 tbsp.
Glycerin - 1 tbsp.
Ammonia - ½ tsp

How to apply:

1. Mix all the ingredients in a separate container, pour 0.5 l of warm water and mix well.

2. Dip the handles in the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes.

3. Rinse your hands with clean water and dry them with a disposable tissue.

4. Spread the handles with a thick layer of oily cream.

Moisturizing hand baths

at home

In most people, the skin of the hands suffers from a moisture deficiency, this may be due to contact with aggressive detergents, exposure to adverse climatic conditions (frost, wind, sun), dry air in the room, etc. If the skin of the hands is not moistened in time, this will lead to the appearance of peeling and irritation. Which in turn will lead to unpleasant, uncomfortable, and even painful sensations. Moisturizing baths for hands nourish the skin of your hands with the moisture it needs, and also prevent further loss of it. The result after applying such baths is moisturized, nourished, even and elastic skin on your hands.

In addition to the necessary moisturizing, such a bath easily relieves the skin of irritations and redness.

Dried eucalyptus - 2 tbsp.

How to apply:

3. Wet your hands with a towel, and preferably with a disposable napkin and spread with a moisturizer.

This bath will relieve the skin of your hands from dryness, it will also help with delamination of nails.

Peach oil - ½ cup
Lemon juice - 5-7 drops

How to apply:

1. Heat some peach oil (olive, almond or coconut oil works well too).

2. Add lemon juice to it.

3. In the next step, soak your pens in oil for about 13-17 minutes.

4. Then wipe your hands with a regular napkin.

A wonderful bath that will give the skin the necessary moisture and nourish it with useful substances.

Flaxseed - 3 tsp
Almond oil - 3 tsp

How to apply:
1. Grind flaxseed in a coffee grinder, add almond oil to it and mix thoroughly.

2. Pour the resulting mixture with hot water until a slurry is formed.

3. Dip your hands in it and rub them with it for about 10 minutes.

4. Wash your hands in warm water, blot with a tissue and spread with a fat cream.

Nourishes your skin with many vitamins (C, K, E, B) and trace elements.

Dried nettle - 3 tbsp.

How to apply:

2. Strain the resulting infusion and dip the handles into it for 10-20 minutes.

3. Wet your hands with a towel, and preferably with a napkin, and smear them with a moisturizer.

The bath helps with rough skin of the hands, after this procedure the skin of your hands will become soft and smooth. Also, this bath relieves redness on the hands and helps with brittle nails.

Water - 1 glass
Soda - 2 tsp
Salt (sea or table) - 1 tsp

How to apply:

1. Heat the water a little and add soda and salt to it.

2. Hold your hands in this solution for 15-20 minutes.

3. Wipe your hands with a tissue and apply moisturizer.

If your palms sweat excessively, the next bath will help.

Vinegar - 6 tsp

How to apply:

1. Pour two cups of water into a bowl and add vinegar.

3. Then blot your hands with a tissue.

4. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week until your problem is completely eliminated.

Emollienthand baths

at home

Linden bath

Not only perfectly softens the skin, but also eliminates inflammation and soothes the skin of your hands.

Linden flowers - 3 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Boil 1 glass of water and pour our herb over it, close the lid and let it brew for 25 minutes.

2. Strain the resulting infusion and dip the handles into it for 10-20 minutes.

3. Wet the handles with a towel, and preferably with a disposable napkin and smear them with a moisturizer.

Bath with chamomile

It has an antiseptic effect, eliminates fatigue and fights fine wrinkles.

Dried chamomile - 3 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Boil 1 glass of water and pour our herb over it, close the lid and let it brew for 30 minutes.

2. Strain the resulting infusion and dip the handles into it for 10-20 minutes.

3. Wet the handles with a towel, and preferably with a napkin and smear with a moisturizer.

potato bath

The effect of this bath: your hands will become soft and silky.

Potatoes - 4 pcs.
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

How to apply:

1. Peel the potatoes and boil them.

2. Drain the broth into a separate container, add oil and dip the handles into the broth for 20-25 minutes.

3. Dry your hands with a towel, or better with a napkin, and spread them with a nourishing cream.

Linen bath

Makes the skin of your hands matte, soft and silky.

Our hands speak of our age much more eloquently than a face or a figure: the skin of the face can be well-groomed, the make-up is flawless, and the figure is slim and athletic; however, if the skin of the hands lacks moisture and nourishment, it ages very quickly and it is easy to notice.

It is on the hands that the skin is very vulnerable.: with a lack of fat and moisture, it becomes dry, hard and rough, then becomes thinner, covered with wrinkles and age spots. Of course, this does not decorate a woman in any way, so it’s better to take care of your hands on time.

A well-known home remedy to keep skin soft and smooth is hand baths. Hand baths are softening, moisturizing, nourishing, etc.

Paraffin baths for hands

For example, paraffin baths are often used in hand care, and they can be done not only in salons and beauty parlors - it's easy to do it at home.

Paraffin baths for hands improve blood circulation, metabolic processes, normalize the water balance in the skin, heal microcracks, eliminate peeling and dryness. Already after the first procedure, the skin on the hands becomes softer, and its elasticity and smoothness gradually return. In winter and early spring, paraffin baths are especially needed, as they help protect the skin from the effects of frost and wind.

If there is no special vessel and device for paraffin baths at home, you can melt cosmetic paraffin in an ordinary deep enamel bowl - hands should be immersed up to the wrists. Paraffin (about 2 kg) is placed in a bowl and melted in a water bath. During this time, the skin of the hands is wiped with lotion, treated with a scrub, and then a moisturizer is applied.

Prepared hands are first immersed in paraffin for 5-7 seconds, then removed for 10 seconds, lowered again, and this is repeated up to 6-8 times - the paraffin should cover the skin of the hands with a thick layer.

After that, you need to put on special polyethylene gloves, and warm mittens on top, so that the paraffin works better. They hold such a mask for up to 25 minutes, and then remove mittens and gloves, and carefully remove the paraffin. The hands are wiped with a warm and damp soft cloth, towards the fingertips, and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin. It is enough to do such baths 2 times a month - if there are no unhealed wounds, burns or sores on the hands.

Baths for softening the skin of the hands

To soften the skin of the hands, you can make starch baths: dilute 1 tsp. starch with a glass of water, and then add warm water to 1 liter. Hands are dipped in the solution for 15 minutes, then washed with warm water and a nourishing cream is immediately applied.

Another bath with starch: 2 tbsp. starch per 1 liter of water, hold hands for about 15 minutes, and then, without rinsing, grease with pharmacy fish oil, glycerin on top, and put on soft gloves. This bath is done at night.

Baths with a decoction of chamomile, lime blossom, plantain and sage also soften the skin of the hands well; a decoction of flaxseed and heated oil - olive, sunflower, etc., have a beneficial effect on the hands.

If the skin on the hands often turns red, then it is necessary to do contrast baths, first dipping your hands into hot, then into cold water - up to 10 times, and then lubricate them with camphor ointment; redness is also removed by baths from the infusion of oak bark.

Warm oatmeal baths perfectly soften the skin of the hands..

Baths for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the hands

Baths with glycerin are very useful for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the hands.. 1 tbsp glycerin is diluted in 2 liters of water, ammonia (1 tsp) and a decoction of chamomile (1 glass) are added. Hands are dipped into the solution for 10-15 minutes, and then, without wiping, they are lubricated with a moisturizer.

You can make baths from warm water with oil: 2 tbsp. vegetable oil in 2 liters of warm water.

Oil baths 1-2 times a week help to relieve the skin of the hands from increased dryness.. If at the same time the nails also break, it is necessary to add iodine tincture (4-5 drops) to the oil, and make such a bath for 10-15 minutes.

After baths with milk whey, you can not rinse your hands - just blot the skin with a gauze cloth and apply a nourishing cream. Milk whey (2 cups) is slightly heated, and hands are dipped into it for 15 minutes. Milk can also be used, in the same amount: it is heated in the same way, and hands are kept in it for about 30 minutes. If you add cabbage pickle to the serum, then the rough skin of the hands will soften and become lighter.

Herbal baths help to soften and nourish the skin of the hands very well.- you should try to stock up on herbs in summer and autumn, but in extreme cases you can buy them at a pharmacy. A bath of nettle (2 tbsp) and calendula flowers (1 tbsp) promotes healing of cracks. Herbs are brewed with a liter of hot water, insisted, take a warm bath for 15 minutes, then blot the skin, apply a nourishing cream and lightly massage.

Nourishing hand baths

The following baths perfectly supply the skin of the hands with vitamins and nutrients:

  • St. John's wort and cranberries: 2 tbsp St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. cranberries - leaves and berries. The raw materials are mixed, poured with boiling water (2 cups), insisted in a thermos for half an hour and filtered.
  • Bone and wild rose: crushed rose hips (4 tbsp), stone berries (1 tbsp). Pour a liter of water, bring to a boil, and boil for half an hour over low heat. Shortly before removing the mixture from the heat, add more rosehip flowers (2 tbsp), after a few minutes remove, cool and filter.
  • Blueberries and blackberries: berries (2 tablespoons each) are brewed in a thermos with a liter of boiling water, insisted for about a day and filtered.
  • Horsetail, hawthorn, St. John's wort, mint: hawthorn flowers (4 tbsp), horsetail grass (1 tbsp), peppermint leaves and St. John's wort (2 tbsp each) are mixed, brewed 1 tbsp. l. mixture with boiling water (2 cups), insist, cool, filter, squeeze the remaining raw materials.
  • Herbs: 1) motherwort grass, cinnamon rosehip flowers (2 tbsp each), calamus root, valerian root, St. John's wort, sage leaves and peppermint (1 tbsp each), pour water (1 l), boil on low heat for half an hour, add rosehip flowers (see above), remove, let cool, and strain;
  • 2) grass centaury umbrella, peppermint, St. John's wort, knotweed, warty birch leaves, chamomile flowers (1 tbsp each) mix, pour 2 tbsp. of this mixture in a thermos with a liter of boiling water, insist and strain.

Baths with infusions of all these herbs are made for 25-30 minutes, and then any moisturizer is applied to the skin.

Softens, moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the hands celery decoction. Several small roots are boiled for half an hour in a liter of water, cooled, and take a bath for about 20 minutes.

Well nourish and restore the skin of the hands baths of fatty oils with the addition of essential oils - for example, citrus. To warm (up to 60 ° C) peach or olive oil (100 ml), add a few drops of orange or tangerine, immerse hands for 10-15 minutes, then wash them with mild soap and apply a nourishing cream.

In May, when the summer season begins, the hands become rough, even if we work with gloves. You can use the means that are available - for example, young nettles or dill seeds.

Dill seeds (2 tablespoons) are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes, filtered and cooled. The bath is taken for 10 minutes.

Grind the nettle, pour 2 tbsp. raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour, filter, cool. Hands are kept in the infusion for 15 minutes, then wiped dry with a soft towel and a nourishing cream is applied.

Baths for hands should be done at least once a week, but preferably more often, and use different ingredients - it is better to alternate them.

In addition to baths, you also need to make masks for the skin of the hands: they also have a healing effect - the skin becomes soft and smooth, and the nails are well-groomed and strong. If you do everything right, and take care of your hands regularly, then their beauty and youth will last much longer.

Hand baths are a medical or cosmetic procedure during which the hands are immersed in water for a certain time. They help relieve fatigue, prepare the skin for a massage or manicure, saturate it with useful substances. There are a large number of bath recipes. The best of them are presented in this rating.

From flaxseed

4 teaspoons of flax seeds pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. When the liquid has cooled slightly, pour it into a glass jar with a screw cap. Shake vigorously. This step is necessary for the seeds to form more slime. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth and pour into a bowl. Keep your hands in the decoction for 20 minutes. Take a bath every other day. Thanks to the healing effect of flax seeds, after just a few procedures, the hands will look well-groomed and attractive, as if after visiting an elite salon.

Bath with soda

The simplest recipe includes only two ingredients - baking soda and warm water. But, despite the ease and availability, the procedure will help with many cosmetic problems. After all, soda does an excellent job with excessive sweating of the palms, eliminates unpleasant odors after cooking, deeply cleanses and softens dry skin, and eliminates inflammation.

For cooking, you need 1 tsp. Mix baking soda with a glass of boiled water. Immerse your hands in a warm solution and hold for 10 minutes. Dry your brushes with a towel. Apply your favorite cream.

Vegetable oil bath

Once a week, it is recommended to do oil baths for hands. As a rule, extra virgin olive oil is used for the procedure. However, the desired product is not always in stock. In this case, it can be replaced with unrefined sunflower oil. The result will be just as good.

To prepare the bath, you need to slightly warm half a cup of vegetable oil. Squeeze out 2 capsules of vitamin A and E. Add a few drops of tincture of iodine. To stir thoroughly. Soak your fingers in the warm mixture for 15 minutes. Then rub the oil into the skin and nails with massaging movements. Pat dry with paper towel.

Warm vegetable oil will strengthen brittle nails, soften the skin. An important advantage of this procedure is that the prepared mixture can be used several times. It is stored in a dark glass container.


Our grandmothers used a simple but effective recipe. When preparing potatoes for dinner, the broth was not poured out. It was used to make a bath. Women noticed that their hands after it became soft, velvety. The reason is simple. Potatoes contain starch, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and restoring it. Now there is no need to cook vegetables for the sake of a cosmetic procedure. The decoction is easily replaced with a starch solution, which can be prepared in just a couple of minutes.

Mix a teaspoon of starch with a little cold water. Pour the resulting liquid into a deep bowl. Top up with warm water. Keep your hands in the solution for 10 minutes. After this procedure, the brushes do not need to be rinsed, but only slightly blotted with a towel. Lubricate wet skin with your favorite cream.

From dryness and cracks

In winter, the hands are especially affected by cold air and wind. Even protective creams do not always help. Weathered and dry skin will help save milk with the addition of oils. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1 tsp any vegetable oil;
  • 5 drops of orange essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil

Warm milk, but do not boil. Pour in oils. Mix carefully. Dip your hands in fragrant milk for 10-15 minutes. Wipe with a napkin, then grease them with cream.


A bath with the addition of mustard is designed to improve blood circulation, get rid of excessive sweating, and relieve tension. It is also recommended to carry out as a prevention of colds.

Pour dry mustard powder (no more than 2 tsp) with a liter of hot water, stir. Gently immerse your hands in the liquid and hold for 10 minutes. The bath has a warming and locally irritating effect, so after a while the skin will turn a little red. Rinse your hands with cool water. Lubricate with cream. Course - 15 procedures.

It is important to remember that mustard can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, as a cosmetic product is not suitable for everyone. To avoid irritation, a sensitivity test should be performed before the procedure.

With sea salt

Sea salt has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating properties. Salt baths increase skin elasticity, strengthen nails, relieve fatigue. In stores and pharmacies, they sell ready-made mixtures for taking baths. You can use the product of industrial production. However, the tool is easy to prepare yourself. After all, hand-made cosmetics do not contain harmful dyes and flavors. To make a bath, you need the following components:

  • sea ​​salt,
  • essential oils,
  • water.

Add a few drops of any essential oil to sea salt. To stir thoroughly. The resulting mixture is recommended to be stored in a tightly closed dark glass jar. For the procedure 1 tbsp. flavored salt dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Immerse the brushes in a bowl, keep until cool. Then rinse your hands with cool water and treat with cream.


A decoction of medicinal plants softens, rejuvenates, tones, strengthens the skin, reduces dryness and flaking. To prepare the remedy, you will need the following herbs:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • succession;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort.

Mix herbs. If desired, you can use only one type of plant. A tablespoon of herbal collection pour 1 liter of hot water, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Insist. Strain through cheesecloth or clean cloth. Dip your hands in warm water. Wipe dry after 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily. The course is 20 days.


Paraffin not only effectively softens rough skin, but also gently cleanses, removing dead cells from the upper layers of the dermis. First, the product must be melted. To do this, put it in a bowl and melt it in a water bath. Cool down a bit. Paraffin should remain liquid, but not hot. During this time, wash your hands with warm water and soap and gently dry them. Carefully lower into melted paraffin. Remove your hands and wait a few minutes for the warm mass to solidify. You should get a kind of paraffin "gloves". Wrap the brushes with cling film, and put on warm gloves on top. Keep for half an hour. Remove paraffin, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.


To get rid of sunburn, freckles and dark spots, a whitening bath with lemon will help. In addition, the procedure will even out skin tone, reduce sweating. Heat the water and pour in the juice of half a lemon. Dip your hands in the liquid. After 10 minutes, rinse the brushes with cool water, dry with a towel. Apply a thick layer of oily cream or cosmetic oil. Massage the skin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening before going to bed. To achieve the maximum effect, brightening baths should be done in courses - in spring and autumn.

The skin of the hands is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of the external environment and aggressive detergents. Regular use of cream and protective gloves is not always able to protect it from damage. A variety of baths will help keep your hands tender, soft, beautiful.