The machine stinks the swamp. An unpleasant rotten smell of washing machine - reasons and how to remove? Places of breeding bacteria

An unpleasant smell of washing machine is the problem of many housewives. And the case is not at all in the novelty of technology or inappropriate care. The reasons may be a lot: from stagnant water to poor-quality powder. But what to do if it smells like a rotten, and detergents do not help? Often, the hostesses are buying expensive powders and air conditioners in the hope of removing the smell of the washing machine and save the equipment. But in fact it turns out that money is wasted, and the smell remains. Many people do not suspect that it is possible to deal with him at home with the help of remedies.

How to eliminate the smell of washing machine

There are several ways to combat the stale smell in a washing machine.

Before proceeding to the removal of the stench aroma, it should be understood, what parts is the washing machine:

  • drum for linen;
  • compartment for powder and air conditioning;
  • control panel;
  • heat and electro heating elements (Teni);
  • hoses for access and draining water.

Most often sources of unpleasant smell are:

The next step will be the establishment of a source of stench.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The main source of amber - bacteria. They breed in a warm and humid environment. Therefore, the washing machine is a favorable place for the reproduction of microorganisms. If the typewriter smells mold or dampness, then, most likely, there is a mud cluster inside it.

The reasons for the appearance of living microorganisms in your washing machine Maybe several.

  • wet drum. It must be wiped after each washing;
  • closed door. When you close the door of the machine, you prevent the evaporation of the accumulated moisture;
  • clothes in the drum. Do not forget about things - both about clean and dirty. Bacteria over time multiply, and the smell appears;
  • dirty filter. Inside the filter accumulates a large garbage, which should be cleaned regularly. You should also wash the compartment for detergents and the rubber gasket of the drum door. Often it is there that the mold accumulates;
  • powder. The cause of salty often becomes poor-quality powder or its incorrect dosage. It remains on the walls of the drum and in a special compartment and begins to rot;
  • rest of garbage. Food particles fall from clothes to the drum and become food for bacteria;
  • low temperature. The usual washing regimes at 30-40 degrees create an excellent medium for microorganisms.

Another smell can be a drain system. It is settled with hair, dust and garbage. If you are out of the smell of sewage from the drum machine, clean the hoses. If it did not help, then the reason is more serious. Could clog the main sewage, then the smell will proceed not only from the machine, but also from the sink. To eliminate this problem, use special means to clean pipes.

Sometimes the cause of the smell is thickening. It is formed on beans due to sedentary detergents, rigid water with an admixture of salts and strong dirt. It should be struggling with it immediately, since it may later lead to a breakdown of a washing machine.

How to clean the washing machine with the help of girlfriend

If you felt an unpleasant smell of drum, take action immediately.

If these struggle methods proved useless, try stronger tools.

How to get rid of smell from washing machine machine with vinegar:

  1. Fill 2 glasses of vinegar to the compartment for detergents.
  2. Stop the highest temperature on the panel.
  3. Select a long wash mode.
  4. After completion, wipe the drum and the parts of the machine with acetic solution.

Vinegar can help get rid of the stale smell in a duet with "White".

  1. Mix vinegar and "whiteness" in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Treat all the details of the washing machine with this solution.
  3. If the smell is strong, then with this mixture, do the same actions as in the instructions with vinegar.

Lemonic acid will help you eliminate the smell of mold.

  1. Practice in the separation for a powder of 6 tablespoons of citric acid.
  2. Put high temperature and long-lasting mode, start washing without linen.
  3. When half the wash time passes, stop the machine and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Resume washing and wait for the end.

Excellent assistant in the fight against unpleasant amber putting food soda

  1. Dilute the soda with water in the ratio of 1: 1.
  2. The resulting mass to spread the details of the machine, paying particular attention to the drum and a powder tray.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse the items.

The soda helps well when dealing with a gasoline smell, which comes from the drum (this sometimes happens if the machine was washed with machine oil and gasoline things). To do this, pour into the tray for detergents 5 spoons of soda and ride an empty wash at a low temperature of 30-40 degrees. Then post again only with the addition of vinegar. For the third time, replace vinegar powder.

Copper sulfate:

  1. Mix in equal proportions copper vigorous and water.
  2. Damnated in this solution with sponge to process the parts of the machine machine and leave for a day.
  3. After that, pour into the drum powder, set the mode of fast washing and high temperature.
  4. Ronge the typewriter.

Tablets for dishwasher:

  1. Put in the drum 6 detergent pills.
  2. Turn on the machine for a long wash at high temperature.
  3. After washing, wipe the drum with a dry towel.

Sometimes the smell of burned may occur. For new aggregates, this is due to new, not yet used in the work of the details, after several washing cycles, the unpleasant smell will take. But if the smell of Gary occurs in the old typewriter, then the reason may be serious. To begin with, perform the cleaning of the Tan. Perhaps on them dawn dust. If after that still smells a pawn, you should call the masters.

Methods of prevention

Exists several ways of preventing the appearance of smell of washing machine-machine:

The reasons for the unpleasant smell in the washing machine are many. The main thing is to find the right method of combating it.

ATTENTION, only today!

In washing machines, there are unpleasant odors for the period of their long-term operation. This phenomenon does not affect the proper technique. The emergence of extraneous fragrances after washing is inevitable. If you do not struggle with this phenomenon, then things that have been in a washing machine are soaked in stench.

Safety and precautionary measures

First, contact the service support service. On the machine housing, hotline phones are pasted. If there is no such information outside, you can refine numbers in the warranty coupon. A unit malfunction is possible, then the help of specialists is necessary.

If the washing machine was not broken, and the reason lies in incorrect use, then you can remove your own disturbing smell.

ATTENTION! In no case do not remove and do not disassemble the details if you do not understand the washing machines! Trust repair work to professionals!

The best folk remedies

The most famous and most affordable means for cleaning the washing machine are citric acid, vinegar and food soda. They are in the kitchen every mistress and are able to quickly cope with an unpleasant problem.

Lemon Acid + Vinegar

To remove unpleasant odors and scale in the washing machine, 100 grams of citric acid and 0.5 liters of table vinegar are used. The tool is placed in the drum and the washing program is launched with a maximum temperature - 90 ° C. If after the first time the fragrance remained, the washing is repeated without the use of funds.

Alpine deposits of scale are formed into large formations. They can break down and damage the drain hose. When this happens, the car makes a buzzing sound. In this case, immediately stop the washing, clean the hose and start the program again.

In the rubber sealing of the unit, scale and dirt accumulate. It is very important after washing thoroughly wipe all the elements of techniques that interact with water, including rubber parts and detergent compartment.

Baking soda

Regular (1 time per month) Washing with soda is able to protect the washing machine from scale. 250 g of food soda is covered with a powder compartment and a program is turned on to the long wash with a temperature of 90 ° C. At the end of the process you need to repeat the rinse.

Household ways to combat unpleasant odors, as experience shows, effective. The use of such methods does not harm the internal details of the washing machine and contributes to the silent operation of the aggregate.

Video advice

Purchase chemistry against smell of drum

There are a large selection of specialized means from unpleasant odors. The most popular cleaners are produced in Europe:

  • Frau Schmidt (Frau Schmidt) with the smell of lemon. Suitable not only for washing, but also for dishwashers.
  • Dr.Beckmann Cleaner (Dr. Berkman) fights odors and science.
  • FINE Tablets from Well Done (Weld Dan) increase the service life of the equipment and remove unpleasant odors.
  • Filtero is struggling with smells inside the drum and removes screaming from a washing machine.

These household chemicals must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions on the package. It is impossible to combine two or more types of cleaners at the same time. Apply tool only in gloves and protective mask.

How to quickly remove the smell of gasoline and White spirit

When the smell of gasoline or white spirit is felt from the washing machine, it is necessary to immediately clear the technique. This procedure is carried out in several stages.

  1. Food soda pumped into the compartment with the powder, turn on the program with a temperature of 30 ° C, and leave the drum empty.
  2. Then the process is then repeated with the addition of 9 percent table vinegar.
  3. Start the last wash at a minimum temperature without the use of cleaners.
  4. After the day, check whether the outsiders remained. To do this wash with unnecessary things or tissues.
  5. If the method does not help the first time, then it must be repeated.

When all possible methods are exhausted, and the smell is present, try the tower with chlorine content. It can only be used in extreme cases. The instructions for the technique should be mentioned whether it is permissible to use chlorine to this model of the washing machine.

If the hoses are made of plastic, and not from rubber, the probability of spoiling the device decreases. Before use, the bleach is bred in proportions according to the instructions. The washing temperature should not exceed 30 ° C. This is enough to remove the smell of gasoline. After one cycle, another wash is launched, but without additional funds.

Rubber elements are capable of more than other materials to absorb particle particles, so after each washing it is recommended to wipe them dry with a solution with food soda. Be sure to leave the drum door open for a while and ventilate the room where the machine is installed. Careful sorting of linen and separate washing helps to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors in the drum.

What if the mold appeared?

To combat mold thoroughly clean the details of the washing machine. Most pollution accumulates in seals and powder container.

  • Soda, copper sulfate or vinegar solution will help to get rid of unpleasant raids. If you constantly wash these parts, wipe them dry, then the mold will not start and the stench will not.
  • When an unpleasant smell appeared, an ordinary soap solution will help. Running the "Boil" program will eliminate microorganisms and the product of their collapse.

From the appearance of mold protects the timely processing of visible parts of the case and the drum.

  • Frequent washing at a temperature of 40 degrees using liquid means leads to the layering of fat and deposits on the drum and hoses. To prevent the smell, regularly start the washing at 90 degrees and add a small amount of powder.
  • Lingerie from the car immediately after washing, without waiting until it stalks.
  • Store clothing, store in a separate basket. Pollution is the reason for the appearance of mold and fungus. After completing the washing, keep the door open as long as possible.
  • Sub-quality household chemicals can cause an unpleasant smell. No detergent will help to help if the washing machine is regularly falling asleep or poured cheap powder or air conditioning.
  • In order for the machine-machine to serve as long as possible, use water filters and change them regularly. It is important to clean the pump regularly and the drain hose.
  • The reason for the appearance of unpleasant odors can be an incorrect connection of drain to sewage. Installation of equipment should be engaged in a specialist.

The use of high-quality detergents and constant prevention of scale and contamination will protect the washing machine machine from unpleasant odors, mold and breakage. The use of technology will not cause discomfort, poor mood, and the underwear will always smell freshness and sparkle cleanliness.

An unpleasant smell in the washing machine is a clear sign that inside household appliances develop pathogenic bacteria, mold or fungus. Many hostesses, when the shells appears in the drum or a washing pan, are trying to find a way to immediately eliminate it. However, first of all, it is necessary to figure out why the smell arises in a washing machine, and how to get rid of the vonya depends on the reason for its appearance. "Plumbing portal" will tell why the washing machine automatically stinks and what to do to eliminate the problem.

Numerous forums in the occurrence of "aromas" from the machine immediately advised to clean with citric acid, vinegar, whiteness, soda, toilet facilities or pipes and other folk remedies. At the same time, almost no feedback advises to find the cause of the stench. As a result, most measures are simply useless.

There are many reasons why the smell of the washing machine appeared in the washing machine, but all of them are reduced to the fact that there are harmful microorganisms inside household appliances: bacteria or mold fungi. It is the colony of these microorganisms that become a source of poor aroma from the subsoil of the washing device. Before removing the smell of a washing machine, you need to know the fungus and mold appear most often.

Malicious colony appears anywhere, but, as a rule, in some places, microorganisms multiply much faster, provoking the formation of mold in a washing machine:

  • tray for powder or liquid for washing and the surrounding walls;
  • the hose that leads from the tray to Baku;
  • sealing rubber ring around the hatch;
  • filter of the drain hose and the sewer hose itself;
  • bottom of the tank with water residues after washing;
  • heating elements - Teni, if scale formed.

Carefully inspect each of these places and rinse it well with water with chlorine-containing means to get rid of the washing machine from the shaft smell and bacterial plaque.

Most often a bad smell appears in machines in which housewives prefer economical washing modes at low temperatures and short rinsing. In such conditions, bacteria and fungi from the surface of things do not die. Harmful microorganisms remain not only on clothing, but also on the walls of the tank, in the hoses on the clusters of small garbage from pockets and tissue particles.

If this is also good not to dry the washer, then in such conditions fungi and bacteria are in general and actively multiply, increasing their colonies in geometric progression: the nutrient medium, humidity, heat, dark. As a result, after a short period of time, we can detect the manifestation of their livelihoods: mold and an unpleasant smell of drum, as if from the sewer pipe.

Attention! The use of cheap low-quality washing powder and excessive use of rinsers for linen also leads to a fungal or bacterial plaque.

The nasty rotten fragrance may appear when you erase clothes without checking your pockets for the presence of crumbs forgotten in them, sweets, cookies, paper napkins and other trifles that dissolve in water. These items are twisted and sticking into a lump, which serves as an excellent environment for the development of the colonies of bacteria and mold. Already a few days later, you feel the opposite smell of the machine's washing machine and think about how to get rid of it.

Another frequent cause of mold development is a scale on a pen. Even if you spend cleaning the washing machine from the scale of citric acid, but badly wipe the tank after the procedure, then the particles of salts dropped from the heating device will remain at its bottom. On these slices of a lime flush, a fungal or bacterial flare with an appropriate unpleasant aroma will soon appear, from which it is not so easy to get rid of it.

The latter possible factor, due to which it can stink from the washing machine - the wrong installation of the hose for draining to the sewage system. It happens that inexperienced plumbers on the inability connect the drain hose in such a way that all soulsion from the sewage penetrate into the machine. Therefore, thinking about how to get rid of smells in a washing machine, check the correct connection of the drain hose.

Measures to eliminate the problem

So, the strong smells of the machine machine - it is not only unpleasant, but not hygienic, so all sorts of ways you need to get rid of them, but right!

There are some domestic ways, how to remove smells of washing machine machine, clean the technique from mold and fungus. However, before starting to take some measures, you need to accurately understand where the flavors come from. To determine the source of sinic, it is necessary to wash things in the usual way and smell them. If the underwear after washing will not smell badly, the bacteria are not in the tank, but in plum.

To clear the hose from the fungus, sweep the wash, falling asleep in a glass of washing powder or liquid, and set the maximum temperature. The hot liquid will be held through the sewer hose, clearing its walls from the mud, destroying the sources of sinual. If this measure does not help, the drain hose will have to be replaced.

If the controversy smell of dampness exudes the detergent container, then after washing it should be removed from the groove and thoroughly rinse using a bleach or chlorine-containing substances, then the tray must be carefully dried and installed in place. The old rubber seal on the hatch or at the entrance to the drum is also needed to rinse if mold was formed and wipe dry or replace the new one.

You can use several popular methods, how to remove the mold smell with a washing machine machine, which comes from the drum.

For example, clean the drum and other metal objects of household appliances from scale and get rid of sharpness, using conventional citric acid, having spent a full washing cycle for hot mode. If, after such a cleaning, the fragrance remained or, perhaps, even intensified, then it is not necessary to worry, as the acid with time is a lining layer. If this does not happen, then repeat the procedure again.

There is a universal way to get rid of the vony. All insides machine machine must be thoroughly rinsed by a disinfectant solution. To do this, you can use special means to remove unpleasant odors or apply detergent tablets for dishwashers. However, it is not necessary to acquire these expensive means, you can use the usual bleach or other chlorine-containing means.

But such a cleaning should not be carried out too often, since the aggressive components contained in chlorine bleachs are actively corrosive not only the salt flaw, mucus, dirt and other garbage, but damage the internal elements of the washing machine. As a rule, the processing of chlorine allows you to remove not only scale, along with it the smell of rot and mold disappears.

If none of the above methods brought the desired result, then you should seek help to a professional for the repair of automatic washing machines. The master propagates the household appliances, will find out the cause of the unpleasant odor, will help to cope with it, and will also tell me how to prevent the appearance of the evils in the future, because the prevention of "disease" is better than "treatment".

To prevent the emergence of the evils from the machine machine, you need to carefully examine the instructions for the device and operate the device strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, all prophylactic measures are listed in the instruction manual so that they do not have to remove bad odors, but the leadership is either not read at all, or do not follow the advice.

Therefore, the editorial office will remind the basic measures of prevention that will help avoid the emergence of other aromas from the inside of the device:

  1. After each washing, dry the tank and especially the rubber seal. Remove and wipe the powder container, as well as the recess where it is inserted.
  2. Keep the opened door of the hatch during the non-use of the device.
  3. Periodically rinse and clean the hose filter from organic residues to drain the dirty water into the sewer.
  4. Once every 3-4 months, clean the tan and other metal parts from scale with citric acid or special means.
  5. At least each 10 wash on a long cycle with boiling and using a special bleach for washing machine gun.
  6. Do not pour too often and a lot of balsam or rinse for things. The remains of these funds are seen not only on clothes, but also on the walls of the tank, becoming a substrate for reproduction of microorganisms.
  7. Try not to use low-quality detergents.

Thus, the unpleasant smell in the washing machine can be eliminated in several ways, but first of all, you need to reveal the reason for the appearance of the evil. At the same time, it is better not to neglect the prophylaxis advice that will help prevent the appearance of sinuals in the future.

It is intended for washing things, contributing to freshness and purity, but how to get rid of the smell in the washing machine only units know. Sometimes even powders and rinsers do not cope with this problem. Folk products and household chemicals will come to the rescue, allowing you to remove the smell in a short time.

Possible causes of the appearance of a shaft smell

To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to listen to the advice, how to eliminate the smell in a washing machine:

  • the cause of sinuous can be a drain hose. Over time, the dirt falls into it, which it is impossible to remove independently, so it's easier to acquire a new one;
  • with incorrect drain setting to sewage, water can be stated in the tank. It is recommended to call the wizard that will connect everything correctly;
  • it often stinks from the washing machine from the Tan, which settles the small garbage and dirt beginning to rot in a couple of weeks. Here you will need either cleaning the heating element or buying a new one;
  • poor-quality powder may not be completely washed and shred on the walls of the unit, as a result of which an unpleasant smell appears;
  • sometimes the problem lies in the sewage, but in this case the stench is heard from all sinks in the house;
  • to exclude the appearance of poor smell from the washing machine, you should wash the powder tray in time, in which the mold occurs (see also - how to get rid of mold in the washing machine). It takes it at least once a month so that there is no longer a rotten smell of washing machine;
  • dirty underwear, which is stored inside the washer, often becomes the cause of such a problem, because the machine begins to absorb all odors.

Attention! When applying the gel, powder or rinsener in a large volume, their residues are settled in the container and drain.

Folk methods to combat

  1. Vinegar. There is a universal recipe, with the help of it is a solution to the question how to remove the smell. It is necessary to take 0.5 glasses of vinegar and pour it into the compartment for the washing powder. The washing mode is selected with the maximum temperature and turns on. It is worth knowing that the first part of the feeding water that enters the car is poured, so you have to wait half a minute and only then pour vinegar.
  2. Washed without linen. The easiest way to get rid of the poor smell of washing machine is one turn to wash without things. Before switching on, you must set the maximum temperature and pour 1 measuring glass of the conventional powder or 2 tbsp. bleach.
  3. Chlork. In the tray for the powder, 1 tbsp. citric acid and 1 tbsp. Chlorine is poured into the drum itself. The machine is turned on at the maximum temperature, and the windows in the room must be opened, because chemical steam is formed from the compound of salts and chlorine. After this method, the unit will be cleaned even in the most hard-to-reach places. The procedure is recommended to repeat every 3 months.
  4. Copper Kuner. From the fungus, because of which a rotten smell of washing machine appears, you can get rid of quite simple. A wet rag with a copper vitriol is taken, which is purchased in a specialized store, and the machine cuff is washed. The technique is left for a day and only then all components need to be washed with clean water using detergent.
  5. Drinking soda. If the cause of sinic is mold, it must be removed with a sponge dipped in a concentrated solution of ordinary soda. After the procedure, it is necessary to additionally process all the affected vessels with vinegar diluted with water in equal proportions.
  6. Lemon acid. Sometimes a rotten smell of a washing machine appears due to the scale, which appears from the sedimentation on the Tane of the undisguised Powder granules. Credit with the problem will be able to lemon acid, if it is properly applied. The separation for powder or the drum is covered with 200 g of the product and mode is selected with a temperature of about 90 degrees. After the start, you should carefully watch the washing, because there is a risk of falling, and hitting large parts of scale to rinse. If there is a buzzing sound, then you need to turn off the technique, get a scale and turn on again. After shutdown, you need to walk with a damp cloth across all rubber elements and re-clean the drain.

Helpful advice! In order to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant smell of a washing machine, after washing, rub the hatch cuff with a dry cloth and leave the door ajar. This will help avoid the formation of mold and fungus.

Prevention of the appearance of evils in a washing machine

  1. It is recommended for the hose by which water enters, or the water pipe to install a magnetic water softener. The drug has the property of splitting salt on ions.
  2. Before wondering how to clean the washing machine from smell, you should buy only proven brands of powders. It is forbidden to fall asleep the remedy for manual washing in a machine machine.
  3. After each wash, the unit needs to wipe dry.
  4. To wash things it is worth using the means that will soften the water, but before that it is necessary to make sure whether the running water is really hard.
  5. To avoid the occurrence of rotten smell of the washing machine, it is necessary to carry out its cleaning once a few months.
  6. If the powder has a soap or a rinser sufficiently thick, then the underwear needs to rinse again or turn it on again wash without these means. Their concentration does not allow water to fully wash all the granules, so with time the bacteria begin to multiply.

Now the market offers a huge range of chemicals that are designed to clean the washing machine. The buyer always chooses based on the price category and its requirements. Almost every master is confident that Kalgon will help clean the unit, preventing the appearance of scale and remove the shallow smell of the washing machine. This tool will cope with any kind of contamination, because the raid on the inner parts of the washer can have different composition and nature.

Many hostesses do not know what to do when there was an unpleasant smell from their assistant. You can use the Anti-Nakipin tool, which allows you to remove scale on the heating elements of the machine. Excellent helped store products as a means of scale and antibacterial agent, they can be purchased in the department with household chemicals.

Acting strictly according to the instructions, add a specific dose of the drug in a powder tray or a drum machine. Cleaning is carried out without linen, at the highest temperature mode once every six months.

How to quickly remove scale in a washing machine (video)

The video shows how to remove the smell from the washing machine at home, if it is a reason for the reason. It will take only ordinary powder, citric acid and soda. It is possible to alternate products, one time to use citric acid, and in the second add to the powder 1 tbsp. l. Soda, which additionally softens the water. It is necessary to wash at high temperatures to extract the resulting naughty with the heating elements completely.

In contact with


Over time, an unpleasant smell is formed in the washing machine. At the same time, it not only comes from the household appliance, but also remains on postgraded things. The reasons for the appearance of the smell set.

In some cases, it is possible to cope with the help of remedies, which are by hand at each house. The complications require the replacement of parts.

Solve the problem of unpleasant odor, you can define a source. It is necessary to understand what exactly exudes the "aroma". Several options:

  • mold;
  • stagnant water;
  • remnants of detergents and powder;
  • pollution;
  • vomor.

Smell of mold and damp

Moisture is a favorable environment for the formation of bacteria and fungi. After washing, a small amount of water remains in the machine. If you do not dry the surface, the smell of damp will appear over time.

Slores, dirt and raid from detergents also feed microorganisms. Especially often affect the tray for the powder, the hose for the drain of water, the drain pump, the cuff of the loading hatch (rubber bezel).

Timely cleaning will prevent the appearance of mold. The spoiled element will have to be replaced.

Smell of sewage

Vaulting of drains leads to stagnation water. The pile, the remnants of pollution and detergents are drunk, which leads to an increase in bacteria and rotting. After a few weeks, the smell of sewage appears. Cleaning hoses will save from an unpleasant "aroma".

Rotten smell of drum

After washing the bottom of the drum is covered with moisture with impurities of powder and contamination. If you close the machine and do not use some time, rotting will begin, and the shaft will appear.

The effect will increase when storing dirty linen in the drum. In addition, the fabric absorbs the smell, and it is difficult to get rid of it.

Smell when draining water

It happens that the smell appears only when water is drained. If during the rest of the time it is probably the problem with the drain filter. It is necessary to clean it once every six months. If you neglect the rule, the dirt, flare, mucus and pile will accumulate on it. The same effect when stamped and sticking to the walls of dirt and garbage pipes. When contacting with water, the smell will appear.

Causes of unpleasant odor formation

Before starting the fight against an unpleasant smell, you need to understand the reason. Influence both breakdowns and severe pollution. In addition, the smell may arise due to poor-quality detergents.

Change of washing powder

The poor-quality tool for washing the linen leaves the walls on the walls. There is a decomposition due to moisture, and the smell appears. Thus, the product of inappropriate quality is detected.

If the drum machine began to smell when changing the washing powder or air conditioner, you need to return to the proven version.

Pollination of trades

The common cause of mold appearance. Regularly washing the tray will reduce the amount of contaminants and reduce the likelihood of a rotten smell. Molded tray need to rinse thoroughly. If the smell did not disappear, change the item or check the machine for the presence of blockages and mold in other parts.

Channel pollution

The poor condition of the tray can lead to the contamination of the detergent channel. The remnants of the air conditioner and the powder stick to the walls and mold. The channel will be visible when the tray is removed from the washing machine. Mold and dirt easily removes ordinary enshik.

Pollution of drain filter

The filter protects the sewage from the blocks. It will be copied with dirt, powder residues and air conditioning, details of clothing. Once in six months it is necessary to change the filter, otherwise, due to severe pollution, it will become faulty and prevents the normal operation of the washing machine. Water will be worse to merge either at all ceases to leave, therefore, it will appear stagnation and the smell will increase.

Old hose.

A few years later, the hose may come into disrepair. Gradually, the walls will be performed on the walls and drove the dirt, which reduces the service life. You can drive a washing machine several times without things so that clean water was washed off. However, with strong pollution, it will not cope. In this case, the hose is replaced.

Education scale

The high content of calcium and magnesium salts in water leads to the formation of scale on a tane. Also arises due to the accumulation of dust, dirt, pile, detergents.

Cypper leads to a decrease in operability and an increase in electricity consumption. If you do not take action on time, the machine may break.

Sewage Communications Problem

The reason for an unpleasant smell can be in poor sewage condition. In this case, the washing machine is not a source, but a conductor. You can confirm this guess by checking the shells. If the same smell occurs from them, the problem is in sewage.

Abuse of detergent

Before using the powder and air conditioner, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage. If you use more laid, the residues will settle on the hose, the drum, the channel of detergent. The raid will be the cause of the smell.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

Folk methods help eliminate unwanted smell. Most of the girlfriend is in every home. The choice depends on the type of contamination.

Washing in the "boiling" or at high temperatures

It helps to cope with the raid and accumulated mucus. You need to turn on the unloaded machine and scroll at high temperatures. Repeat if the smell does not leave the first time. You can add one cap of the washing powder.


It is used to combat scale and lime bloom. Also copes with mold. Vinegar is poured into a tray for detergents either in the drum, depending on the pollution location:

  • pour into a typewriter 2 glasses of vinegar;
  • put on washing at high temperatures;
  • after 5 minutes, stop the machine and leave to dump for an hour;
  • after the time expires, start the machine and wait for the washing;
  • after idling, manually clean the filter from the dirt, and the TEN from scale;
  • dilute vinegar with water in the ratio of 1: 1 and wipe the drum, cuff, door with a dipped cloth.
  • watch dry.

Lemon acid

Removes scale and mold. Fresh lemon juice does not apply because it may not give the desired result. The concentration of the acid in the fruit is much lower. Procedure:

  • pour into the tray 100-200 g of citric acid;
  • put the machine at a high temperature and install the longest washing mode;
  • launch the machine;
  • after washing, wipe the car with a damp cloth and remove the remains of scale from the drain.

Important! During washing, they can start disappearing slices of scale. This can be found about characteristic noise. It is necessary to stop the washing and remove the detached pieces of plum.


For cleaning machine, a calcined soda is used. It is used to clean the drum and tray for detergents. Removes mold. It is recommended to repeat the procedure monthly:

  • mix soda and water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • treat drum, door and cuff;
  • leave a minimum for 30 minutes;
  • remove the soda with a sponge;
  • scroll through the car in fast washing.

Copper Kuner

Copper sulfate is used to combat fungi. It is also used in preventive purposes:

  • mix copper vigor and water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • moistened with a cloth to handle the cuff and drum;
  • leave for a day;
  • after the time expires, pour a cap of powder in the tray and drive the machine in fast wash mode;
  • advanced without the use of detergents.

Removal of unpleasant odor with household chemicals

Chemicals are used to remove fungi, lime plates and scale. Change even with strong salt sediments. Household chemicals for cleaning the washing machine there are several types:

  1. powders;
  2. liquids;
  3. pills.
  • Calgon is a popular cape.

Produced in the form of powder, gel and tablets. Means are used to remove and prevent the appearance of scale.

  • Alfagon is an alternative.

Released in the same forms as caulgon, and contains the same active ingredient.

  • Frisch Actual removes the mucous fall and contamination in the detergent container and the drum.

Can be used for prophylaxis. Produced in liquid form. Means for water mitigation are produced in the form of concentrate and tablets.

Prevention of smell

In most cases, the appearance of an unpleasant smell can be avoided. Just follow these rules:

  • do not close the door after washing;
  • periodically purify the drum, cuff and door to the dishwasher detergent;
  • rinse the tray and channel of detergent feed;
  • track the appearance of scale and delete on time;
  • use high-quality tools for washing;
  • once in 6 months change the filter;
  • do not store dirty underwear in the drum.