Mimes, chamomile and "gems": where to celebrate the day of family, love and loyalty. Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Music festival will take place in Tsaritsyno, where the concert of the day of the family passes

Instituted in 2008, the day of family, love and loyalty, dedicated to the day of the commemoration of the Orthodox Russian Saints Peter and Fevronia from the ancient city of Muroma celebrates all Russia. The holiday crossed the confessional and national framework, uniting people around traditional values: family, love, loyalty.

Day of family, love and loyalty is celebrated annually on July 8. Symbol of the celebration - chamomile. On this day, solemn services will be held in the temples in honor of the Saints of Family and Marriage of Peter and Fevronia Murom. The main festive shares on tradition will be held in Murom, but Moscow also prepared for the holiday of family, love and loyalty: in July, there will be a lot of events in July.

For the day of the family, love and loyalty, which is celebrated on July 8, parks, museums, libraries and cultural centers, as well as urban cinemas prepared a festive program. In total, more than 100 events will be held in the institutions of the Department of Culture of the city of Moscow. Among them:

  • excursions dedicated to poets Alexander Pushkin and Sergey Yesenin, Music Festival of Contemporary and Classical Music, "Chamomile Ball" in the Hermitage Garden and Free Film Film Film on Family Values \u200b\u200band Love.

Day of family, love and loyalty in Tsaritsyno

The central platform of the holiday will be the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno". On Saturday, July 8, at 12:00 the music festival "New Classic" will begin. Throughout the day, artists and musicians will execute classic works for guests in traditional and modern processing. In addition, the Park is organized by the dance floor for everyone. Here, from 14:10 to 16:10, master classes in the Argentine tango will be held, on which professionals will teach the basics of passionate dance.

Visitors will be able to take pictures on the background of flower beds, flower harp and sculpture in the form of applauding palms. By the holiday in "Tsaritsyn" will land a glade with daisies - the main symbols of the holiday.

In the evening of all guests of the festival waiting for a festive firework. It will start at 22:00. To music in the sky over the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" will bloom multicolored chrysanthemums, sparkle arrows and fly autumn leaves. Also viewers are waiting for fireworks in the form of golden balls.

Festive program on July 8, day of family, love and loyalty in Moscow museums

So, in the Memorial Museum-Apartment A.S. PushkinLocated on Arbat, will hold a tour on which they will tell about the history of love and wedding of the Great Poet and the first beauty of Moscow Natalia Goncharova. Excursion "I am married and happy" will begin at 15:00.

BUT in the Moscow State Museum S.A. Yesenin in the Big Strochinovsky Lane Festive excursion will be devoted to the poet family - parents, grandparents, and his wives and descendants. Fans of creativity Yesenin will also be told, as his childhood and youth passed, as the character was formed. Excursion will begin at 16:00. Tickets for both excursions can be purchased at the office of the museum.

To learn about the traditions of the construction of residential Moscow houses of the XVI-XVII centuries, and also to get acquainted with the everyday life of citizens, family rituals and the rules of behavior in the family and society will be at the Moscow Museum.The Gaming Interactive Program "How Moscow" was built in the framework of the exhibition "The History of Moscow for Children and Adults".

BUT in the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Borisoglebsky Lanea chamber music concert for violin and piano "melodies of love" will be held. For visitors, the romantic works of Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev will be performed. You can buy a ticket for a concert on the official website of the museum or at the checkout. Beginning at 18:00.

Also for the Day of Peter and Fevronia, a free program was prepared mosquino Cinemas Department of Culture. Films of domestic directors dedicated to the family, family values, love will be united in the "most important thing" program. The full repertoire of free posts will be posted on the Moskino website. Some of them will be held in summer cinemas.

The All-Russian Day of Family, love and loyalty appeared thanks to the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the XIII century. They became a sample of strong family relations during life. Every year, the holiday has been celebrated since 2008. A chamomist is considered the main symbol - even in Russia, lovers were ghadowed on these colors and gave them to each other.

Festive program for family day, love and loyalty in Moscow parks

On July 8-9, 2017, a celebration of the day of family, love and loyalty will be held on dozens of different sites of the city of Moscow. In honor of the celebration of the Day of the family, love and loyalty, Moscow park prepared an exciting program for citizens. In Moscow parks, creative classes, lectures, balls and performances are waiting for guests. Events in honor of the Day of Family, love and loyalty will be held in 14 metropolitan parks.On Saturday, July 8, in the Hermitage Garden, a festive concert "Hearts with love will be born!", In which the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, the well-deserved artists of Russia, the winners of Russian and international competitions, famous Orthodox performers, choral and dance groups will take part. And on Wednesday, July 12, the "Hermitage" garden will be held "chamomile ball", where everyone will be able to learn the asses of historical ballroom dances. Also, festive events will be held in Gorky Park, Victory Park, "Sokolniki", Izmailovsky, Vorontsov and other parks.

  • Day of family, love and loyalty in Sokolniki: Alert dolls and performances-stormiteling

In the program of the holiday in the Park "Sokolniki" - the performance of Anna Sizova, Pavel Picalova and Helena is friendly. Guests are also waiting for contests and quiz. Speak-storming "Tale about Peter and Fevronia" will begin at 17:00. At the site "Garden of Astronomers" will hold master classes, where everyone will teach the mini-mirrors, we will weave wreaths from wildflowers and make overall dolls.

  • Day of family, love and loyalty in the garden "Hermitage": chamomile ball and master classes on floristics

In the Garden "Hermitage" on July 8, a concert "Hearts with love will burn". The soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, deserved artists of Russia, the winners of Russian and international competitions, choral and dance groups will take part in it.

The traditional chamomile ball in the garden will be held on July 12. There are a concert with the participation of famous performers, training historical ballroom dances and contests.

These days, the guests of the "Hermitage" will be able to participate in master classes in painting T-shirts, floristics, needlework.

  • Family Day, love and loyalty Park Red Presnya: Kadril with stars and traditional costumes

Guests of the Park "Red Presnya" are invited to join the traditional culture of Russia of the XIX century. In the Chamomile Bala program - games, master classes, dance and creative contests.

Together with the famous artists, the cadrille can be danced here, Cumshots or Polonaise. To participate in master classes in preparation for the ball need a preliminary registration. Traditional Russian style in costumes is welcome.

Chamomile ball and interactive journey, or how to celebrate family day, love and loyalty

  • Day of family, love and loyalty Art Park Museum: Interactive journey and "Dad-Fest"

In the Museon Art Park, "Pap-Fest" will be held. Children and their fathers will take part in interactive entertainment, master classes and competitions will see theatrical productions and performances of famous artists. They will also be able to assemble a robot, study the structure of the human body through 3D glasses and visit space using a supplemented reality helmet.

The culmination of the holiday will be "Pope Quest" - an interactive journey for the whole family.

Chamomile ball and interactive journey, or how to celebrate family day, love and loyalty

  • Family, love and loyalty in Tagansky Park: Show the comedy "Brutala from the jungle"

In the Tagansky Park will be shown an animation comedy "Brutala from the jungle".

Chamomile ball and interactive journey, or how to celebrate family day, love and loyalty

  • Day of family, love and loyalty to the Kuzminki Park: Lectures of Film and Show Soap Bubbles

Guests of the Kuzminki Park will see the show of soap bubbles. At 14:00, a dance master class will begin here, at 17:00 - the performance of the creative team. Everyone can buy handmade souvenirs and balloons at a charitable fair.

From 13:00 to 18:00 it will take care of the care of pets and security of communicating with them and a puppet play for children. And adults will be able to listen to the lectures of zoopsychologists, veterinarians and cinema. They will tell about the adaptation of animals, training and proper care.

Chamomile ball and interactive journey, or how to celebrate family day, love and loyalty

  • Family Day, Love and Vities Park North Tushino: Family of the Year and Sports Dances

July 8 at 13:00 on the central stage of the North Tushino Park, a competition of children's talents will hold a competition, at 14:00 - the competition "Family of the Year", and at 15:00 a concert will begin. Guests take part in the tournament of flying plates, master classes on artistic stuffing, scrapbooking and the manufacture of a gift cup. Family relay, demonstration performances on chirilding and master class on sports dance will arrange on the playground.

July 9 in the park prepared contests for children and adults, creative master classes and concert.

Chamomile ball and interactive journey, or how to celebrate family day, love and loyalty

  • Day of family, love and loyalty in Lianozovsky Park: candy bouquets and a festive concert

On master classes in the Lianozovo Park of all wishing to make bouquets from sweets, and will also tell how the shawls in Ebru technique are created with the original ornament. The People's Ensemble "Matrena-Art", the show duet "You and I", a children's vocal ensemble "Music Walk" and Cool ON group will perform.

  • Family Day, Love and Loyalty in Other Parks

In addition, on the playground of Victory Park on July 8 from 16:00 to 18:00, family quizzes and contests will be held. The same program is waiting for the guests of the Fili Park from 15:00 to 18:00.

In Vorontsov Park from 12:00 to 18:00, lectures will learn and will hold artistic and dance master classes. In the "Ethnographic Village of Bibirevo" from 12:00 to 14:00 for children, organize a game program. In Babushkinsky and Izmailovsky parks will prepare a festive concert.

The holiday in Moscow continues - the capital celebrates the 871th anniversary. For citizens prepared more than two thousand sites, in many museums and galleries today and tomorrow you can get free. Festival "Floral Jam", sports events in "Luzhniki", theatrical action on Manezhnaya and opera art in "Sokolniki" - the city day is gaining momentum.

In Moscow, the celebration of the City Day - the capital celebrates the 871th anniversary. The organizers have prepared a large number of entertainment: more than two thousand sites are waiting for guests throughout the city, in many museums and galleries today and tomorrow you can get free, passes.

For Muscovites, three pedestrian routes were also prepared in the center, guides are ready to tell about interesting details from Moscow history. 26 free holiday excursions are organized for everyone.

Guests are waiting for guests in 27 parks where concerts, educational master classes, interactive classes, a variety of contests and quiz for the whole family are held. And it is better to go to lovers of classical music to the temple of Christ the Savior - there are the best teams of Moscow. Literally at every step, fairs are organized, where you can try the most delicious hotels from 40 regions of Russia, including as many as 160 types of ice cream.

The festival "Flower Jam" continues. Also today, the finalists of the open international competition of landscape design are represented. And on Sunday a competition of amateur flower beds will be held. In addition, guests are ready to teach the original soverers.

One of the first Muscovites congratulated Sergei Sobyanin. In the telegram posted on the official website, the mayor invited all residents of the city to spend this weekend on the numerous holidays. And also spoke about how the capital develops. According to Sergey Sobyanin, Moscow has become a global megapolis. But at the same time she does not forget and his past and proud of them.

Notes the birthday of the capital is wide and noisy. The main events unfold on Tverskaya Street. There are several thematic areas at once, and each - its own program.

Pushkin Square is now the brightest and reading in the world. On the occasion of the day of the city, the Moscow press was arranged here. The best publications go towards the best readers. Interest is heated by concerts for every taste. There is something to read and what to listen. And immediately from here the legs go to Tver, where there are a lot of food for the mind, and the spectacle.

Artists are constantly surprised by the public on numerous venues. Imperial ballet is replacing circus acrobats, the best street theaters from different countries seem to compete, who is better. People from steel or sword wisdom? And maybe our parsley? Votes the audience. Moreover, there is a preparation for the floral ball. Tverskaya itself is drowning in colors. And on the occasion of the holiday here can decorate and all those who are indifferent.

In Moscow today is a large cultural program. In the charge - performances of artists and colorful interactive shows. And today there will be a big event: the opening of the concert-transformer hall with a unique acoustics and futuristic design. In addition, this is the only philharmonic in the world with a living roof.

Many interestingly prepared in this weekend and museums. In the biological class "Million years to Moscow". There reveal the secrets that the city keeps from prehistoric times. Near the Kremlin spread a real garden with exotic plants. This is one of the two thousand green zones created within the framework of the festival "Floral Jam".

Nearby - on Manezhnaya - in the midst of the Street Theater Festival named after Chekhov. Artists from France, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany and Brazil brought their produces to Moscow.

Graceful and air nymphs hide over the ground, overcoming attraction. Giant chandeliers with air gymnasts hung near the big theater. A little further - young extremals and a giant trapezium. The whole city is one large theater playground today. The best teams from all over the world came to the 25th Czech Theater Festival. Opera, ballet, drama and even pantomime - a lot of rooms. Artists replace each other every half hour. Taiwan, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and, of course, Russia.

Participants of all ideas can be each - Muscovites are singing today, dance, rejoice, congratulating the favorite city with birthday. You can relax with benefit, because master classes are held on all venues. For example, Florists of the Floor Jam Festival will teach the foundations of floriography: this is the language of colors.

But theatrical sites are now working not only on Tverskaya. In the garden "Hermitage" right now there is a "theater march". This is a 12-hour marathon, during which the best Moscow theaters will show their performances - from the classic "Nutcracker" to modern ballet. There is a big program for children.

The center of Opera Art for one day was the Park "Sokolniki". There you can learn about the work of Fyodor Shalyapin and other great performers. The scene is installed on the fountain square. In the evening there starts Vocal Flashmob, the guests of the holiday will be offered along with the leading the famous compositions about Moscow.

Rich cultural program and Moscow parks. Classical music sounds in Tsaritsyno. The most young residents and guests of the capital in Ostankino are waiting for thematic gaming zones, creative lessons and master classes.

And in the park of Gorky this year, in addition to traditional sporting events and theatrical performances, the festival of digital art and the competition of DJs are held.

The key theme for the holiday was chosen fashion. Near the Tretyakov Gallery has already passed the first designers showing: among them there were many familiar names. Theater performances were also prepared for guests, they will go here all day, besides, it is necessary to visit master classes in style - there will tell about the latest trends.

On the opposite side of the Crimean Vala, too, there is something to do. In the park of Gorky already opened the festival "Moscow with his own eyes." Even at the entrance, guests meet an unusual art object: the installation of Artem Stefanova "Moscow's eyes Melnikov" is a complex design, it allows you to imagine how the world's famous Soviet architect of the era of constructivism has seen. After all, Konstantin Melnikov came up with the project of the input group of Gorky Park. This ideas allowed the park to become a model for urban spaces throughout the Soviet Union. Yes, and today is a great place to relax.

All day in the Gorky Park is scheduled for a minute. On the square of the fountain today there is a world championship among DJs. Nearby will soon take place by another music event: the festival of experimental electronic music. And right in front of the entrance to the Museum "Garage" are waiting for those who like to create something new with their own hands. The organizers and lovers of different sports took care. For example, today you can go in qigun and fencing. And on Saturday, and on Sunday you can go to free excursions, where they will tell about the history of Gorky Park.

Bright and spectacular events for sports lovers in the "Luzhniki". The program is saturated. Guests have prepared fascinating competitions for dozens of types of disciplines. You can experience my strength in Arm Westing, Parkur, tightening the rope and not only.

Extreme fans will accurately appreciate the bike show. Professional motorcyclists in front of the amazed public demonstrate the most complex tricks. "Luzhniki" are preparing to take a huge number of guests today - almost 200 thousand people will celebrate this day of the city in the best sports traditions.

At noon, dozens of sports grounds opened here. Moreover, everyone will find a lesson for themselves. The smallest can overcome the bar of obstacles on the scooter. Older guys can transfer to more professional shells.

A huge cycle park is located on the central avenue, an ethnic sitting platform and real racing carbases. Muscovites will be able to take part in the master classes on aircraft location, dancing, having fallen into the drone race, play board games, tennis or football.

Today there are a lot of young people. All because these days in the "Luzhniki" passes the championship of Russia on the motorophrystyle. The strongest athletes from all over the country came to the capital to compete for the cup and champion title. There are among them and owners of several records of Russia, and participants of international competitions. Using various springboards, the guys perform acrobatic elements with a motorcycle at an altitude of 14 meters. For the allotted 80 seconds, it is necessary not only to demonstrate the entire arsenal of their tricks, but also show the style, the purity of the performance of the elements and most possibly use the platform. Evaluate all the indicators will be international judges of the highest category from Latvia, Australia and Russia.

For guests of the competition, a special entertainment program will be prepared, where everyone will have the opportunity to win valuable prizes. In addition, in the evening on the territory of the SC "Luzhniki", all visitors are waiting for a free concert of Russian stars hip-hop scene. The entrance is free.

Well, a holiday on Tverskaya is absorbed by turns. New interactive sites, lecturers, master classes for visitors of all ages open. The guests are more and the guests themselves. Classic motives still continue to sound, the ballet artists are still graceful - so the dance marathon Moscow celebrates its birthday. But, of course, here is not only a saturated cultural program - there are exercises. Here is one of the sites where you can check yourself for resistance and walk along the rope. More precisely, by tracks. This is a popular discipline now.

But the lesson on this holiday can find not only young people. Near the area of \u200b\u200b"Moscow longevity" is a project for older people who do not want to sit at home, and choose an active lifestyle. People go to the center of the capital, even from the Moscow region. Here, on Tverskaya, create pictures from felt and other healthy materials - it is said to be reminding such a bright holiday.

On the colored boulevard there is a platform of the Festival "Good Moscow". There will be an annual charitable race. Then holiday guests is waiting for a big concert with the participation of Helikon-Opera artists, Mtise and many other theaters.

In the evening, exactly at 19:00, the festive will begin on Poklonnaya Mount. Many well-known Russian performers will perform on the scene. Show show Salute. Like a live broadcast of the concert on our channel.

Olga Streltsova, Matvey Shestakov, Evgenia Karich, Anna Pekhekhonova, Boris Ivanin, "TV Center".

July 8 throughout Russia will celebrate the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty. Over the age of ten years - at the state level, the day of the family of love and loyalty is celebrated since 2008 - the holiday has become one of the favorite summer holidays of Russians. The date of the holiday is not chosen by chance - it was July 8, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the day of the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, which since ancient times was considered to be the patrons of family and marriage.

From 14.00 to 21.00 holiday guests is waiting for an extensive concert and entertainment program.

The festival will be represented by a festive concert on a large open-air scene. The famous musicians and artists who represent the famous Moscow dynasties: Christina Orbakaite, Dmitry and Inna Malikova, Gem groups and "New Gems" will take part in the concert program. Denis Maidanov, the group "Quatro" and Iowa will also perform on the scene.

The live broadcast of the concert will be available on the MEGOGO video service in the Live section.

The symbolic culmination of the holiday will be the ceremony of sense of married couples, which lived in marriage 25 or more years and a submitting an example of the fortress of family feasures, public awards - medals "for love and loyalty". Couples will receive commemorative gifts from organizers and partners: native images from the jewelry company Vladimir Mikhailov. Orthodox images and cosmetic kits from Mirra.

Separately, an extensive children's program will be presented at the festival. At the Hippodrome of the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" will be held demonstrations of riders of the Kremlin School of Riding. For children, classes for learning the initial riding skills on ponies will be held.

Master classes for children on drawing, modeling, robotics, creating thematic figures dedicated to the holiday will be held in the recreation zone. The child of any age will be able to find a leaking to taste.

Also, the young spectators of the holiday will be able to make an aqua make-up, and the older participants are to strike the face of glitter, which will create a festive mood. Women will be held master classes for making makeup.

The special program will present the regional public organization "Association of large families of the city of Moscow" - within the framework of the program, the action "Big Wedding" will be held, during which seven pairs from among many families of Moscow conclude marriage in a solemn and romantic atmosphere of the beautiful capital park. Also in the program - thematic games, interactive contests, master classes and comic weddings.

More than one hundred events will be held in the capital on the day of family, love and loyalty, which is celebrated July 8, the portal of the mayor and the Moscow government reports. The festive program has prepared libraries, cultural centers and city cinemas.

Muscovites are waiting for excursions, music festivals of modern and classical music, free film pictures on family values \u200b\u200band love and fireworks.

The central platform will be the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno". At 12:00, the music festival "New Classic" will begin. There will be classic works in traditional and modern processing in the performance of musicians and artists. Everyone will be able to dance - from 14:10 to 16:10 Master classes in the Argentine Tango will be held.

In addition, by the Day of Peter and Fevronia in Tsaritsyn, the main symbol of the holiday - a glade with daisies will fall. At 22:00 guests are waiting for a festive firework. Multicolored chrysanthemums, arrows, autumn leaves and sparkling balls will be lit in the sky over the museum-nature reserve.

A festive concert with the participation of soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, Honored Artists of Russia, Winners of Russian and International Competitors, famous Orthodox performers, choral and dance groups will be held in the Hermitage Garden. On July 12, a "chamomile ball" will be held in the garden, where you can learn the Azam historic ballroom dances. Also, festive events will be held in Gorky Park, Victory Park, "Sokolniki", Izmailovsky, Vorontsov and other parks.

In the cinemas of the Moskino network for the Day of Peter and Fevronia, the films of domestic directors dedicated to the family, family values \u200b\u200band love will show free of charge. Some of them will be held in summer cinemas. You can see the schedule on the website "Moskino".

The festive program was prepared and museums. In the Memorial Museum-Apartment, Alexander Pushkin, at Arbat at 15:00, they will hold a tour dedicated to the history of love and wedding of the Great Poet and the first beautiful beauty of Moscow Natalia Goncharova.

In the Moscow State Museum, Sergei Yesenin, in the Big Strochinovsky Lane, a tour will be devastated by the family of the poet - parents, grandparents, his wives and descendants. Also tell about the childhood and youth of the poet. Excursion will begin at 16:00. Tickets for both excursions can be purchased at the office of the museum.

The Moscow Museum will host the Gaming Interactive Program "As Moscow". Here it will be possible to learn about the traditions of the construction of residential Moscow houses of the XVI-XVII centuries, as well as to get acquainted with the everyday life of citizens, family rituals and rules of behavior in the family and society.

In the House-Museum of Marina Tsvetaeva in Borisoglebsky Lane will host a chamber music concert for violin and piano "Melodies of Love". Visitors will be able to listen to the romantic works of Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev. Starting an event at 18:00, a ticket can be bought on the official website of the museum or at the checkout.

The All-Russian Day of Family, love and loyalty appeared thanks to the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the XIII century. They became a sample of strong family relations during life. Every year, the holiday has been celebrated since 2008. A chamomist is considered the main symbol - even in Russia, lovers were ghadowed on these colors and gave them to each other.

Temporarily closed

The bright family holiday in Tsaritsyno will be celebrated with a scope. Guests will see the speeches of the riders of the Kremlin School of Riding and the concert with the participation of a huge number of stars. Soul songs and their main hits will perform Christina Orbakayte, the Iowa group, Denis Maidanov and other artists. And at the end of the holiday will be awarded to married couples, who lived together more than a quarter of a century. The festival will be held on July 8, a start at 14:00.

ul. Dolskaya, d. 1

Music picnic in the estate "Vorontsovo" 0+

July 8 in the beautiful Chinese garden, which is located on the territory of the Vorontsov Park, will arrange an original musical picnic. We will listen to the hits of the 70s, thoroughly work out in a cigoon training session and treat coffee and snacks on Fudcourt. Training at 19:00, the beginning of the concert - at 21:00.

Vorontsov Park, d. 3

Family Day in Kuskovo 0+
Temporarily closed

One of the most beautiful metropolitan estates invites you to a family weekend. July 7 and 8 from 10:00 to 18:00 you can celebrate the day of family, love and loyalty in the creative setting. On Saturday, thematic excursions will be held in the estate, classes in the ceramic workshop and master class on the manufacture of beads from Muranovsky glass, and on Sunday at 15:00 you can visit the concert of the female choir from the Music team "Elegy."

ul. Youth, d. 2

Family holiday "Everyone - special!" In Izmailovsky Park 0+

In Izmailovsky Park, a holiday will be a holiday for special children, their parents, brothers and sisters. And on stage at this time, participants of the show "Voice" and musical groups will perform. The holiday will take place on July 7 from 12:00 to 14:00.