Mystic numbers in the life and death of my husband. The dead husband protects me and helps to live: the real history of the relationship is folded from the little things

The car in which the spouses were crashed into a foreign car. There was adverse weather conditions. "During these days a lot of snow fell. Suggesight in the meter height lay on both sides of the road. Friends sat ahead, we are from behind. Nastya fell to my knees and fell asleep. Suddenly, a snowdrift explodes ahead, and a black minivan crawls from him, who took off the ones right on our lane, and crashed into KamAZ. At a speed of 100-120 km / h, we will fly to the black Nissan road across the road, - a 50-year-old businessman shared with subscribers.

Understanding the inevitability of the collision, Shahidzhanov did everything to save himself and Nastya. "During these two seconds before the collision, I grabbed the head of Nastya, lying on my knees, and myself, turning my back to the driver's seat, I pumped into it. I did it unconsciously, since my brain was busy in these seconds - which is better: disability or death, "he continued.

The blow when a collision was such a force that Nissan flew to the oncoming lane, where another car crashed into it. Fortunately, all participants in the accident remained alive. And Lisov, waking up, at first did not even understand what happened.

"The airbags worked in all parts of the cabin, smelling gunpowder. Nastya after hitting was on the floor, but I kept her head hard. Being whole and unharmed, she rose and asked what happened. The result: four cars and nine people participated in this meat grinder, "Mikhail said.

The law enforcement officers who came to the place of the accident were surprised that in this massacre no one had not seriously suffered, because, according to statistics, such accidents often have fatal outcomes.

Alexander Yakovlev, 38 years old, dad three children:

My wife died suddenly. He rushed with a comment on the car and fell into an accident. All passengers died in place: Valentine, two adult children and grandson. I was not my dear children in the blood, but we were family, I perceived them as my children. And grandson too. The loss is so big that two years after this date, which divided my life to "before" and "after," the wound did not heal.

We got married 14 years ago. Valentine was older than me, her first husband died. She was left alone with two children. Not everyone approved our marriage, some kindness tried to dissuade me: "Why do you need this burden?" I did not listen to such advice and did not regret: we have lived in harmony. Valentina worked as an educator, she was every day at work, so I managed with my household chores. Wise envied, said: "You are not a man, but gold got gold." But I do not see anything special about it.

In a big family, it lives easier than in a small one. All holidays are fun and friendly. It was a special time, the children were preparing in advance: they learned the poems and songs, prepared gifts, came up with contests. Now we continue all the same: celebrating birthdays, Christmas, New Year. We hold contests, decorate the room with balls. Just missing our relatives to us.

On weekdays in our house, life also boiled rapidly. Our friends and young people stretched to us. Every day we had a day of the open door - I did not pass the day, so that someone did not go to us. My wife and I did not refuse to help. Leave their problems and walked to help other people.

I did not care who would be born first: son or daughter. Your child of any roads. The first was the son of Nikita, three years later - Ulyana, after three years - the youngest suddy. While the family was complete - everyone helped everyone, for all the house-lodged doors were open. When the four remained, the time stopped enough, friends and neighbors are rare.

I am happy with the household - all for children. By profession, I am a cook and I love to cook.

We have two cows, I make cottage cheese yourself, sour cream, cheese. For the winter of one compote, twist 90 cans.

In addition to traditional drinks from strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, making Phanti: Compote from apricots, lemon and orange. His children are especially loved. Guys are glad to help cook. Nikita bake pancakes. If I have no time, he porridge cooks, the scrambled eggs. He dreams of becoming a cook. Girls do not prepare on their own: together you cut pies, buns.

Our farm is not so big now. Previously, horses were, and turkeys, and ceshards. In addition to cows, keep chickens, ducks, piglets, rabbits. Care requires strength, and feed - money. The back coars, I try not to redistribute it to have enough strength to raise children. The garden is also not fully planted - do not cope. Previously, one potato more than 20 acres were, now all the landings take ten acres. Sale what kind of guys love: cucumbers, tomatoes. Many of their strawberries - 20 liters of jam welded for the winter, frozen 30 liters, 15 jars of compote twisted, and fresh ate. Saddy we have "berry". Only distracted, I look, and she sits in a strawberry. How bugging bumps jumps. Jumps and pretends that there was not there.

We have a freezer, and the berries for the winter freeze all the little, so that the vitamins are enough for all winter. In the house, furnace heating, we buy 3 tons of coal and 3 cargo carts for the winter. The house is not very warm, but repair whether on its own way: this year was chosen by the insulation. Wear water do not have to wear - conducted a plumbing.

Economic costs are large: to buy products, hay and fuel prepare. And to put on the settlement accounts to children - if I do not provide children, no one will help them. In addition to pensions, I receive children's allowance for children - 1400 rubles per month. I can not get a job: I need to manage with the farm, to spend younger daughter to school - translate through the railway, cook, wash, stroke. We carry out the sale of milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese. In the morning, while kids at school, I drive products to the district center - the city of Bolotnaya, there I have regular buyers.

There are no problems with education - children understand that it is hard for me

In the afternoon at the table, everyone does not work together, but you must have a dinner with the whole family - this is a tradition. So it was with Valentine's and left. The evenings of Ulyana knit, Nadia - draws. Characters in children are different. Nikita is hot-tempered, but quickly departs. Ulyana shy, silent. Naduzha fracturing, responsive.

All children are homemade, do not seek to escape to the street, with pleasure sit at home. Once Nikita has been invited to his birthday. Son for a long time visited: I got tea, the cake was singing and put up home. He was asked to stay, offered to call parents and warn. But Nikita did not agree.

"I need to go home, to milk goat," he explained.

Nikita and Nadezhda

Parents of a friend were surprised. Nikita younger than their son, and already know how to militate goat. Son and cows can milk, replaces me when needed.

The children need an approach. The boy is to bring up in rigor to make it a man. He has an army ahead. I myself was in the army and understand how my son would be hard if he was brought up on tenderness. If he came up, I won't go. He must be able to stand up for himself. With girls need tenderness and caress.

Children understand what is hard for me, and try not to bother me. Do on their own lessons, wash the dishes, are cleaned in the house, the beds are stolen. Ulyana is studying in the fifth grade, she looks after a second-graders hope, and behind the eighth grader Nikita. As a true woman, watches the elder brother to go tidy. The younger sister prepares clothes, looks like it to change and gently hung uniform dress - younger sister can get carried away and walk around the house in shape, take a cat in the hands.

There are quarrels between children, but they try not to show me. Craw, quickly think, and as if nothing was. When I ask, answer: "We are fine." I constantly explain Nikita that he should join the sisters, besides him for them, no one will stand up.

I do not know how in other families, but everything is done in consent. There are no problems with raising. While children do not finish children - they are not suitable for TV. Monitor them, not necessary to control - everyone understands themselves. In their free time do what they want. We also had a friendly family. Grief even more brought us closer and rallied. It is very difficult to survive this, and you will not wish anyone.

Unnecessary skills does not happen

A varied work I learned in the parent house. Mom embroidered a cross. I became curious, I tried and learned. Aunt straight wool, I went to visit and watched. Knit mittens and socks taught the elder sister. I myself am straight, knitting, stitching. Daughters teaching these sciences. I think everything is useful in life. There is no extra skill.

The family in which I grew was large: parents and seven children. I am the fifth. My sister and I look like: Porny, I want to help everyone.

Our house stands next to the federal highway, and more than once it happened when unfamiliar people knocked into the house and asked help. All tried to warm and feed.

Once asked to eat six-year-old children, we called the police and held them all sorts of ways before the police arrived.

My skills are the upbringing of parents that they invested in me, it turned out. Therefore, I try to raise children as mom brought up. She never swear, everything tried to explain. Once he taught me to fold the dung bed for cucumbers. Once I tried it - not the case, the second time it did not work out - once again showed. Several times showed until I understood. I do in addition. It did not succeed in the girls to clean the dishes - I will not exist them that they were poorly washed. I'd rather show how to do, or remake myself. Next time it will wash it better.

I was upset those who thought I was singing

She has no questions for me - they know what kind of person I am. We participated in the whole family in different events, went out with DC to concerts, were local stars. In addition, I am a deputy of the Egorov administration.

Yakovlev. Alexander, Nikita, Ulyana, Hope

I don't think about marriage - there was little time after the death of my wife. It is hard for me, and everything around reminds: how we lived, as each other loved. It can not quickly pass. In addition, it is also necessary to find not only the soul mate for yourself, but also a mom for children. I do not want them to be bad. There are many cases on TV, when parents offend the adoptive children, beat them.

Life goes on. Some people thought that the grief would break me. Some even agreed, expecting that I was singing and I will take away the children. But I put myself a goal to put children on my feet. I upset those who thought I was singing. I have risen everyone. The children raised me. My goal in life is children.

It is hard to watch when in the family fights, fighting, bred. They do not understand the values \u200b\u200bof the spouse and how hard when the second half leaves. We must love, appreciate each other. This is life, and she is alone. I wish everyone in this world of happiness.

Doctors warned his wife: "Choose, or a child or you"

Andrei Iost, 46 years old, dad four children:

Natalia's wife fell ill with cancer, and after the birth of her daughter, in nine months, she did not. During pregnancy, doctors warned and even spoke to direct text: Choose, or a child or you. I believe that she wisely arrived - gave life to the child.

The work had to leave. It was necessary to take care of her daughter - Veronica then was nine months. Senior Children Maxim and Katya quickly learned independence: soapy dishes, looked after sister.

I was once - the children in their arms. Want you do not want to have time.

During his wife's life, he could not find his shirt in the closet or children's things. It's like in all families. To my mother a lot of questions, to the dad one: "Where is Mom?" Now I know everything: on which shelf, in which closet what lies. Began to understand what is - sit at home and look at the children. Work at work is easier. Domestic work is rather big, but no one notices him. And when I did not have time to get out - then everyone will see.

Maxim me is not a native son - Natalia was a single mother. Shortly before the care, the wife caused a lawyer and gave confirmation that I was a father of a child. I accepted fatherhood. Therefore, I did not have problems with adoption. The guardianship authorities, not knowing our circumstances, offered assistance in paperwork, but it was not needed. There could be no other way. Maxim - a member of our family and had to stay with us. Since childhood, he has problems with health - cerebral palsy, it is difficult for him to walk. Because of the limited features, his protective reaction is triggered - it can be nervously responding, flared. But quickly leaves. He is not a squirrel and smart. At the age of 14, he thinks not in the age of adulthood.

We have a school nearby - two minutes walk, but Maxim is required for a month seven or ten minutes. In the elementary grades, everything was fine, he was engaged on the same floor - on the first. From the fifth grade began running on the floors. This gave complication to his feet. I had to translate to individual training. After the operation, it was transferred to home learning. Soon still one is the fourth. I hope that the upcoming operation will give a greater effect than the previous ones, because he began to study himself.

Maxim has complexes: everyone goes, run, and he moves slowly. Thanks to the help of the school and charitable shares, we bought a running track for him at the slower speed, and he began to develop his legs. I support him in training, I say: "You need to wear a girl in my hands, and you can't hold yourself on your feet!" Maxim is engaged in 5-6 times a day, and there are already good fruits: less sludge, spin straightened, confidence appeared.

I'm not afraid of work

When the wives did not, I had to go from the apartment of her parents. There was no housing, lived on a removable apartment. Once heard that the governor leads to the reception of parents of children with disabilities, listens to them, helps. I signed up for reception. At the meeting, he said that in our entrance parapet to make or put another equipment. But for what? We live on a rented apartment. We can ask for us at any time. If we were helped with housing - it would help.

After a while I received a letter. It reported that money was allocated for the purchase of housing. Just at this time in the real estate market, stagnation came, and the price began to fall. Suddenly, a three-bedroom apartment, which was sold urgently and inferior in price. The house is located successfully - in the center of the microdistrict in Berdsk. Near the school, kindergarten, shop and dk, in which there are many circles and clubs. Plus the first floor. My mother helped with money a little, and we purchased our own housing.

The apartment was launched, but I was not afraid of work - the main wall is, there are hands.

Repair will gradually do. The first arrangement took a loan, linoleum beds, plastic windows put inserted and glazed loggia. A new furniture began to appear in the apartment, now in the assembly process kitchen set. A rolling stone gathers no moss. I would not have run, so there was no housing.

Relationships fold out of smallest things

With Svetlana, I was familiar from those times when we worked together. Her husband died of cancer, and she remained alone with the child. We live together for 4 years. So coincided that the most important thing in life is children. Svetlana loves children. I give it all. Heads for a long time old things wears. I literally lead my wife to the store to buy her something new. I can also walk in the same pants. Wife, too, I almost with force leads to the store to buy clothes. So each other and drive.

We live with Svetlana friendly. I still said my mother: all the problems need to be solved with words, often talk to each other. You can not tolerate each other for children. Children will grow up and scatter, and you will stay together, and there will be nothing to talk about. I learned this lesson. Every day, small events occur, folding in something big. And the relationship is folded from the smallest things, large in itself follows.

With Yegor, Svetlana's son, gradually found a common language. He has a folding character. You start to find out something - immediately into tears. Now he is already used to, knows that I will not scold in vain. Last year, the boys helped to separate the wire, which was needed in the farm (for pegs under tomatoes). The work was not easy - the wire was tied with nodes. Egor did not cope, upset and wanted to quit work. I told him: "Go be pierced, then you will talk, let's talk." After some time, Egor calmed himself, I calmly showed him how to straighten the wire, and did not move away from him until it began to get. He was happy that he managed to make such a serious work.

Katya, Andrey, Egor, Maxim

In the future, when Maxim School finishes, we plan to move to the Svetlana private house. In the house, with the farm, it is easier to live. The chicken is better to grow themselves than in the store to buy. No chemistry. The same with the testicles, with vegetables. While the house in the winter is empty, and in summer everything is moving to fresh air.

I treat life with humor

At first, children were difficult to get used to each other. Time passed, and everything was imprisoned - they got out. I do not share children on my own and strangers. Children - they are children. There are no special difficulties in the upbringing. In the family, anything happens, I solve problems depending on the situation: somewhere with a finger bother, somewhere on the head to stroke. Boys raise it easier than girls. Girls are all dads love, but it's more difficult with them, you need a female hand. As a child, I saw Mom communicated with me, with younger sister. I also explain the guys. I think that shouting is no sense. But to say little. It is necessary to explain and make sure that you correctly understood.

Andrei, Katya, Veronica

With social protection and care bodies work closely. At first, the representative came several times with the inspection several times, made sure that the family was prosperous, and stopped riding - calls. If problems arise, I appeal for help. This usually concerns free vouchers to rehabilitation centers and a pretentia. Information about such opportunities is silent, and the population does not know about them.

One child is an egoist, two - eternal quarrels, three are already a family.

But to give birth - this is one, to raise - another. Children are all different. Maxim - energetic, it takes to the end. Egor - breeze. Forgets to clean the bike from the passage. I reminded several times - it is useless. Then promised: next time you go to clean the bike in the middle of the night. Quickly worn!

Katya smart girl, but a lot is distracted in the lessons, it is difficult for her to focus. She studies in the fifth grade, and in the fourth grade surprised everyone. The only one from the class wrote a control according to nature for five. Veronica is a favorite in the family. Wise not by age, loves to strive about life. She is five years old - the most interesting age. From Egor, the ropes viet, is trying from Maxim too. From Katya sometimes quarreled because of the toys, but Katya swears the younger sister, calls her "my baby."

Katya, Veronica, Egor

We teach me everyone "along the way." Gone pigs to feed - immediately bring the bucket on the way back. In the morning there will be less work. So save efforts and easier to live. I also teach your children. They do not always agree, sometimes the teeth are shown, but I think: if it is correct - it is better to insist. Children have their own duties, they clean in their rooms, vacuum, wipe dust, lay out things in places.

Recently, the brothers learned how to cook. We were busy household in the house and offered them to cook soup themselves. Explained as. He led Maxim, Egor was on pickup. Buckwheat soup appreciated the whole family - it turned out unusually tasty! The child needs to show the mechanism in steps, then it is easy for him.

I would like children to receive in demand professions. Always need plumbing, auto mechanics, computerists. But it does not matter who they will be, the main thing - to learn how to work better than all. Professionals are always in demand, it means that a penny will always be in his pocket.

In the evenings, dinner all together. On holidays, fry the kebabs. The birthdays of children are holy. The first of September is the day of condolences. Summer waiting with impatience not so much kids as parents(laughs). I treat life with humor. He makes a holiday on weekdays, new emotions. Recently, the wife asked to buy watermelon. Returning, I imperceptibly listed the watermelon into the kitchen and said that there were no them in the store. Svetlana enters the kitchen - and there the long-awaited watermelon. Wife was delighted, together laughed. I am close to the words that I heard from Evgenia Petrosyan: "I have a hurry to laugh at myself, while others have not been laughed." With a joke, it becomes easier to live.

A client turned to me at the reception, which in young age remained widow. The husband died unexpectedly for all in 30 years. Death was very strange. The client had a feeling that her husband had forecloshed, as he talked about his possible death, gave instructions what to do after his death, he said goodbye to friends in advance. And before his death quarreled with his wife and relatives, thus remaining alone in the apartment. Also in the family of the client on the female line, the mother and grandmother - widow.

The main customer request: Why do I have a lesson for the early death of a husband? Have we been connected in past lives? What promised each other?

Below I give a script session:

- I see a very bright white light. I feel in heaven and see the light, ahead of the bright white sun, around like a light yellow sand. Comfortable atmosphere.

- Well, then choose, please, the place where you would like to be.

- I keep me somewhere right, where, in my opinion, there is a shadow. I see the trees.

- Then go to where the shadow exists. How do you feel, are you alone or with someone?

- I am alone, but someone is waiting for me in the shade.

- Very good. And we go to meet this someone.

- He went to meet me. This is a very old man. As an old man from movies, in white clothes and with a white beard. And with the staff.

- Ask him, please, who he is.

- Teacher.

- Greece it, thank for what has manifested itself.

- He waited for me.

- And ask him if you can ask questions about your life?

- Yes I can.

- Then ask him, why do you have a lesson for the early death of your husband? What should you endure from this lesson?

"He says to me:" You yourself wanted so much. " You wanted to be with him, and knew what it would end. You are stubborn and clung to it. And I warned. "

- Tell us, please, your teacher can show you pictures of those moments when you decide to come to this life and meet your husband?

- Yes maybe.

We stand with your husband. Around dark, I only see it. And he says that it is not necessary, I will have a complex embodiment, why do you need it. And I say that I will go with you anyway.

- And how did he react?

- He hugs me. Says: "Well, if you want so much. I will be better with you. " I say I will always be with you.

- Can you rewind a little time and see your incarnation? Who have you had each other? Why did you have such close, close relationships? How many incarnations did you have?

- Can you see the most important embodiment?

- I see a kaleidoscope from pictures belonging to different lives.

Elderly woman in the poor wooden house. The atmosphere is very gloomy. She resembles Babu Yagu. And this is he (husband).

- And I just see her, I do not know who I am. And, in my opinion, she is a sign or a witch. She is angry, but I'm not afraid of her, I just know that she is evil for others. And she helped me, she saved me.

I lying. I am young. And she saved me life. She found me when I was dying. And brought here (in the house) and cared for me.

- And what did you die?

- I was wounded, I wanted to kill. Arrow in the heart area ... and shoulder. A lot of them. There was an ambush. Robbers. They thought I was dead, but I did not die. Savory found me and brought me to the house. She cares about me and squeeze me from the spoon. I see that inside it is very kind. Just life made her such. And I see what others do not see. I am talking about that if she were younger, I would marry her.

- And how does she react?

- She laughs and says: "Do not invent!" And I kiss her hands.

- And look another very important episode of this past life. What changed?

"I didn't want to leave, but she kicked me out." Said: "Live there. What do you do here. "

And I went, but then I decided to return. For some reason, the heart staped. And I returned, and she died.

- She already knew when she would die?

- Yes, she knew everything. She is therefore kicked me out.

- Yes, she wanted to be buried near her house. I dug the grave and buried, because no one would have come anymore. No one.

- I was looking for death. I see that we are doing the recklessness. I go to war, fighting, I'm going to quarrel.

- And please tell me at what point the death of you fell.

- Also from the arrows in battle. Everything is exactly the same as when she saved me. Only now I have no one to save.

- Tell me, please, and the soul of this woman performed her tasks or was near?

- was near. At least at the time of death.

- And describe me the moment of your death. How did the soul separated from the body?

- First sharp pain. I'm falling. I look at the sky. I see a very bright sun, but for some reason it does not blind. And then the pain leaves. And it becomes very good and very easy. And then I look at the body. I seem to be next and see myself.

- Do you have any thoughts, feelings, feelings?

- Not. I just like me.

- What do you like most?

- I look, the face is pleasant: bright eyes, blond hair, white shirt, now almost all red. The word is spinning: "Decent death."

- Tell me, please, you felt the presence of the soul of this woman ...

- And now she is near?

- Yes. But it looks different: she is young, with long hair. I wonder why she looks like this. And she laughs and says: "You didn't think that I always old?" And she takes me a hand.

- And where do you get?

"I can't say, I just go for her to the Eminis." And then again light. And now I look at the teacher.

- And then we will ask the next question?

- What is the destination (name) in this life?

- Is it worth doing something in this life in order to meet with her husband in the next?

- He laughs and says: "Do you really grow?"

- Tell me, please, what is very important binding you?

- Gratitude to each other. The teacher says that we saved each other many times.

- Can a teacher open, then the future (name), which is most successful in personal life? How can events develop? The most successful option of a good marriage?

- He does not really want, but shows a picture. I stand in the kitchen. I do not know this kitchen in real life. I cook something. The door opens. I hear that two children run and scream: "dad". I'm sorry and can't break away. I turn my head. I see a tall man, but he has a blurred face.

- Tell me, please, will you feel this man when he appears in your life?

- You can now leave a tip, a signal, for example, feel the smell of the kitchen. And at that moment, when you meet this man in your life, you will feel the smell of food.

- Yes, I feel this smell.

- Tell me, please, would you like to ask something else from a teacher regarding the name of the deceased husband?

- It seems to me that for some of the questions I know the answer. I would like to ask, could I be next to him (at the time of death)? But I know that he would not want it. Could something be formed something different? I know that I could not. And we could not have children in this embodiment.

It seems to me that the teacher is waiting for the question for which he manifested itself. About (name) everything is clear to him, and he cannot understand why something is not clear to me.

- Then ask the Council teacher, instruction.

- He says: "Think about myself. You so wanted to be in the female body, and everything pulls you somewhere back. There were too many male incarnations. "

- And what tasks did you need to solve in the female body?

- He laughs and says that at first just a woman, and then there will be tasks.

That is, I need to take this fact, to do as a woman.

- Is there any explanation, why are women in your generic branch early become widows?

- Because you are all stubborn and you choose. You know what it is not for long, and still go. This is especially true of mom. Love doomed men.

- Clear. Tell me, please, do you still be a monetary question?

- Not important for me. You listen too much what other people say. In this embodiment and other incarnations, the question was not about money. There is money when you know what you want to spend. Too many other people's opinions in your head. It is important to hear yourself, then the teacher will not need.

He said everything he wanted, and already looks somewhere in the distance.

- Please ask the last question about her husband. Is it worth doing today to make any practical steps to help him in his path after death?

- He himself will cope.

"Then we thank the mentor for all the answers and say goodbye to him."

- I need to ask for finally ... about religion. Spiritual search. I'm trying to choose something for myself, understand.

- He frowned and said that this is what I am talking about, you are always trying to find other people's words. Look for your own.

All, we said goodbye.

Output through the healing space.

After the session: The client was convinced that the early death of her husband was a difficult path and a husband's task. The client's mission is to be able to start to live and not repeat the mistakes of the past life, when she was looking for death in a male embodiment on the battlefield after the death of a loved one. It was also a reasonable, what practical steps can be done today to direct your life from the mourning situation on the way to improve your life.

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    Antonina- For the first time, I tried trance methods. Feeling certainly not to convey words. I felt my body differently, I felt some vibrations, energy, something that never felt in this life. The session gave me a lot, I finally realized that I need to do in this life, I now know why I am as I am. This amazing journey lives in my memory and has connections with my life. Thank you very much Julia for the work done, for the heat and empathy.

    Kirill- I called Yulia because of interest in past reincarnations. Julia immediately asked: "Cyril, what do you want to know specifically? Do you have a request?" I was taken away. I was just curious to know who I was in the past life. But Julia insisted: "You could be anyone. But what will this know mean? Perhaps you have some kind of question or an unresolved task? Go with him to the session. After all, the question is, the clearer answer." I thought. Sketched in the questionnaire 3-4 problems and came to the session. I got into the life of an animal! I was a wolf and drunk in the forest in search of mining. I answered many of my questions about loneliness, about tough business, about relationships with women. Julia helped deal with what he saw. I am grateful to Julia for the assistance and support.

    Anastasia- I turned to Julia to understand what my destination. I have already finished learning at the institute, but was unsure of my choice. I knew what was the choice of work. But what? I took the tests at one time on vocational guidance, but the results of these tests only confused me, as I was wondering completely different. I came to Julia to regression in past lives to understand my destination. I saw an absolutely creative past life. I was a man - an artist. And I realized that I have a huge selection. I can do anything! The main thing is to make creativity in your actions, do the work not on the template, but consciously! Now I understand better what I want. Thanks to Yulia for the regression.

    Elena- In working with Julia, I feel in it what is called "his" therapist. When a person goes on a journey - a study of his inner world, into a space where he often feels vulnerable, a guide is needed, a person who would be fine and unobtrusively accompanied you. The one who travels, you need to constantly feel friendly support and sympathy, regardless of which story unfolds inside! This is what I feel when Julia accompanies me in regression in past lives or to life between lives as a therapist! I am very calm with her, and I can fully focus my attention on what needs to understand myself and hear that my soul wants to tell me without being distracted by the provision of self-defense. I know that I can always seek advice or get a new fresh look at the difficult situation. I like that Julia is attentive, professional and has a subtle little.

    Svetlana- What do I like in Julia? She is very carefully coming to any question, disassembles everything in the shelves, penetrates the smallest problem. Its method of work is very soft, not intrusive. I am very grateful for the regressions with me, our eyes opened to many things. And I am very glad that they passed exactly so - in a soft, comfortable form. Of course, regression will not solve all your problems, but it will give the key to understanding and aware of many things, aware of the reasons for existing problems and will show ways to solve these problems. And it is very important who will be your conductor in this amazing space of a past life or life between lives. It is important to get to a truly professional who will sincerely want to help you and do everything right.

    Natalia.- Julia is a very good and competent specialist who is constantly growing and improving its psychological skills. She helps to better understand himself and their problems and move towards their solution. Julia is an attentive and delicate specialist who subtlyly feels the condition of the client and knows how to quickly "add" the problem, and also suggest ways to solve it. Working with Julia is pleasant and comfortable, it is always ready to come to the rescue and to organize a meeting as quickly as possible to consult.

    Yana.- Hello Julia). I really like your articles. It's nice that you write is honest and your real experience is felt. In your articles I find important moments for myself and it is interesting to think about the topics given by you) Special thanks for the article about death. Although I did not try regressions and be slightly worse than this mystical method, but the topic of death is very important and until I see in the psychological concept worthy of its permission - and your article as a sip of fresh air on this topic. And I think you think the shaman or shaman :) And it is very close to me that psychological concepts are complemented by spiritual, mystical experiments :) Because modern psychology has developed a scientific base for some borders beyond which the spiritual growth begins. I will continue to keep track of your publications with interest :)

    Irina -I want to sincerely thank Yulia for her work and support. I turned to her in a very difficult critical moment of my life, my favorite husband died and I was looking for any way to understand for myself how and why it happened to us. Quite by chance, I came across Julina a book about death, the book itself had already had a calming effect on me and after reading it I was absolutely sure of my desire to personally meet Julia. And I am very glad that this meeting took place, Julia turned out to be an excellent listener, a very responsive girl, a wonderful conductor in the endless world of the soul, past lives, mentors, totem animals and other amazing knowledge and strength. I didn't just get answers to all the questions that torment me, but I also looked at myself on the events in your life and the life of people around me. I remember the amazing feeling after diving in the trance, when I saw myself in the mirror and did not immediately recognize. My close people also celebrated the change in my emotional state, I literally came to life after that meeting, and I thank Ulya for all this. I do not want to survive the experience that I experienced, but I can say that after working with Yule, I can confidently say that everything in our life is not accidental and when you understand the reason for the events, even the most difficult and terrible, it becomes much easier Accept them and survive. Julia Thank you so much for your sensitivity, responsiveness and care that you surround from the very first minute meeting!

A few years ago in our life there was a big tragedy: I \u200b\u200blost my favorite and caring husband, and our daughter of the father, whom she loved her very much.

We met in school and got married immediately as soon as I graduated from her - my husband was over 2 years older than me. Very soon I got pregnant - it was a huge joy for both of us. For some reason, from the very beginning, Sergey was confident that the girl would have been born - he really wanted her daughter. I know that most men dream of a son, only in our case everything was different. When the ultrasound confirmed the sex of the child, he was in the seventh heaven from happiness, literally wore me on his hands and dreamed of how the pigtails himself will be swapped. When the Lika was born, he immediately took over all the concerns about her. Moreover, I fed her little breasts - Sergey himself got up at night to change her diaper and feed from the bottle. When the baby grew a bit, he dragged her everywhere, I was even jumped, it seemed to me that they were living with her daughter in some kind of world, which was not too eager to be allowed. They constantly went everywhere together, they had their own business, even their own secrets.

To constantly be with us, the husband even abandoned the very prestigious and profitable work in the north: we could not move to him, he worked as a shift method: two months on the watch, two months at home. As I now remember, Sergey was very hard for the separation of separation with us - and I could not quit a job, a well-established life, leave some older parents. In the end, Seryozha found a suitable vacancy, and moved to us. That's just he worked outside the city - 70 km, and he had to do this path daily by car. Of course, I was very proud of it, although my husband was offered a room in a hostel, he could well stay out there and come only for a weekend, but every day he drove almost 150 km only to be with us, spent the night at home, with me and with daughter. And once all this broke off.

As I now remember that terrible day - almost every detail has been preserved in my memory. I passed the session at the institute, so one daughter stayed at home. She expected when Dad returns from work and gladly prepared dinner for him. Let it be very simple - it was the usual potato mashed potatoes and sausages - but the most important thing is that it was cooked with great love. By the way, they both loved sausages very very much, and I often scolded for the fact that they eat this non-durable food. Therefore, they tried to imagine the moment when I was not at home. Cut the table, Vika sent SMS-ku Father. Usually he answers her, but not this time.

Vika waited for dad from work, and he did not return everything. Vika tried to call him several times, but unsuccessfully, the phone was disabled. In the end, she called me and asked if I don't know where my dad. I also could not get through to him. And I immediately understood that something happened - Seryozha did not have the habit of turning off his phone, he was constantly in touch with us. But I could not assume that at that moment he was already dead. We learned only the next day about what happened the next day - as it turned out, the husband's phone also crashed, and therefore no one could tell us.

Identification, funeral - all this has passed for me as in the fog. And then I started seeing dreams. Seryozha came to me in a dream, hugged, stroked the hair. Every night I went to bed with the hope that I will see him again. In a dream, my favorite was again with me with me, I had a dream that he was sitting next to me on the sofa and moves my hair, or we were walking somewhere with him and he tells me something gentle. Whispers, as he loves me. After each such sleep, I wake up with an extraordinary ease of my soul. Sometimes it even seems to me that the dream is my everyday life, but a reality, this is what happens in a dream.

You know, sometimes people say that before the death of loved ones, some kind of premonitions were visited, there were some signs, signs. I will not lie, I did not feel anything like that, although now it seems to me that that special tenderness we have experienced each other and was so familiar. It is possible that the husband tried to spend so much time with me, and especially - with his daughter, precisely because it premeditated that he was not so much time left in this world. Nevertheless, I do not remember anything that it would have specified directly. On the contrary, we constantly built any plans for many years ahead. His 35th anniversary, we were going to celebrate in the house of His Mother - there is much more space than in our apartment, you could collect all relatives, friends and colleagues. We have already started purchasing products and draw up a holiday program. Unfortunately, tragic death introduced its own adjustments to it - our loved ones gathered not on the anniversary of my husband, but on his funeral.

And now these dreams. I am sure that my beloved constantly, every minute is next to us. What he turned into ours with the Guardian Angel's daughter. He charges me with his warmth, helps me tune in to good. If I need to feel His presence not at night, and in the afternoon, I take his terry robe, which still hangs in our closet, burning into it, and it seems to me that Seryozha is still next to us that I am in His reliable arms. It seems that not only I feel it, but also the face - I have already forced her sitting on the sofa, closed in this bathrobe.

A month ago, I got to the hospital - I had to do a difficult operation. Of course, I was very nervous, I was afraid, and not so much for myself as for the fact that I can leave the daughter of round orphan. And before the operation, I saw another dream. I dreamed that I would come to the edge of a huge high cliff. I stand and peering into the void, which opens right under my legs - there is dark and nothing can be seen. And at that moment Selery appears at the back, he hugs me, I feel the warmth of his reliable hands, and takes back from the edge of the abyss. Turns me to myself, goes through my hair, strokes on my head. "Baby," I hear his voice - I don't worry about anything, do not be afraid, I'm with you. Everything will be fine". When I woke up, I was sure that the operation would pass normally, and I quickly stand on my feet. So it happened.

Loss of a loved one is a big grief and the wrong loss. Before you there are 8 shocking stories about people who could not accept the loss and part with a deceased person. They somehow continued to live with their loved ones, but who left them. Not for the faint of heart!

A man who spent all the days on the grave of his wife for 20 years

When Rocky Abalsamo's wife died in 1993, some part of him died with her. In the sadness and longing Rocky 20 years every day spent on her grave at the cemetery of St. Joseph in Rocksbury. He almost did not eat and did not drink, while he was there, and came to the grave, despite the cold or bad weather.

On January 22, 2013, Rokki died at the Stonehenge Health Center in Rocksbury after a long illness, at the time of death he was 97 years old. He was buried on the same cemetery as his wife Julia. Their graves are quite nearby - Rocky does not part with her and after his death.

Vietnamese sleeps in one bed with late wife

In 2009, a citizen of Vietnam Le Wang fell into all local newspapers: it became known that he had slept in one bed for five years with his dead wife. Two years later, reporters from the NGUOI Lao Dong newspaper again contacted Le Ban, and he confirmed that he continues to sleep next to his beloved body. The authorities with this nothing, of course, cannot do.

Le Wang sleeps in one bed with a gypsum statue, in which there are the remains of his late wife. During the funeral, the man realized that he would not be able to live without his beloved, so I squandered the grave, an extraction of the remains, put them in the gypsum statue and continues to share his bed with her.

57-year-old Vietnamese explains that in this way hopes to increase the chances of reuniting them in the next life.

Georgian cares about the son, dead 18 years ago

Joni Bakaradze died 18 years ago, when he was 22 years old. But instead of burying it in the cemetery, the family decided to preserve the body safe, so that the two-year-old son someday could see the face of the Father.

During the first four years after the death of Joni, his mother Ciúuri Kwaracelia enjoyed a liquid for embalming, to keep Joni's body, but then she dreamed of a dream in which someone told her to use vodka instead. So she arrived: Tsiururi made vodka kartvit every night, so as not to give the body to blame and start decaying.

In the first ten years after the death of the Son, Tsiuri disguised him for every birthday. But the older she became, the harder it was to take care of the Son as she was used to. She says that the lack of care quickly became noticeable, and her son's face smoked, but as soon as she used her alcohol tincture again, the face turned again.

Currently, Joni's body is stored in a wooden coffin with a window opposite the face. Tsiuri says that her grandson, who has now been 20 years old, saw the preserved father's body and believes that the grandmother has taken the right decision.

The widow from Argentina is sleeping in the mausoleum of the deceased husband to make him a company

The widow from Argentina named Adriana Villarreal is sleeping in a little mausoleum, where her husband was buried so that it was not bored. The 43-year-old widow of Buenos Aires fell into the field of view of the media in 2012, when he admitted that several nights per year spent in this mausoleum.

According to the police Commissioner from the city of Da De Mayo Gustavo Braganca his colleagues decided to see what was happening on the Cemetery of San Lazaro, because several people complained that there were loud music there. They knocked on the door of the Mausoleum, and the door was opened by Adrian Villarreal in Pajamas. It was clear that she lived near the clerket and disabled body for some time.

The police examined the tomb: it turned out that the woman even equipped the mausoleum - brought a bed, a radio, a computer with internet access and even a small slab.

Adriana's husband, Sergio Jedi, committed suicide in 2010, when he was 28 years old. Adriana built him by Mausoleum on the money he coped to buying a house.

The widow slept with a decomposing body of her husband for a year after his death

Woman has slept for a whole year with a decaying body of her husband, while in November 2013, this terrible fact became known to the authorities.

79-year-old Marseille H. From the city of Liege, Belgium, died in November 2012 from an attack of asthma. The wife of his wife was so strong that she did not find their strength to report on the death of her husband and continued to sleep with the body in one bed until the representatives of the authorities intervened.

They came to the widow just because the owner of the apartment complained to evade this family from paying housing throughout the year. The body was not mummy, but, which is surprising, the neighbors never complained about the unpleasant smell.

A man lived with a mummified mother's body for more than ten years, and it opened only when he was found dead

The 58-year-old Claudio Alfiery was discovered lying in a chair in his apartment in Buenos Aires next to the remains of a woman. Her body was wrapped in plastic bags, there were home slippers on their feet, and the body was sitting on a chair at the kitchen table.

Police and firefighters broke into the apartment after the neighbors complained about the disgusting smell. Forensic experts and neighbors identified in a woman Claudio's mother, Margarita Aimer de Alphary. The neighbors were told that the last time you saw this woman alive ten years ago, when she was 90 years old, but the son continued to say that she was alive and healthy. An autopsy showed that both the mother and the Son died for natural reasons.

The husband kept the death of his wife for 35 days in secret and addressed her as if she was alive

The contractor 35 days went to work and lived in an ordinary life while his body of his 42-year-old wife loosened in the bedroom of their two-story house in Damaia Impare, Malaysia.

When families of the family asked about her, the husband answered indefinitely, never giving the reason to think about something. But his wife Lim ah died on September 2, 2013 after complaints about pain in his chest.

According to the police, their 16-year-old son knew that the mother died, but he gave his father time to reconcile with the reality of her death. The man killed by grief declared the death of his wife into the police only when it was impossible to endure the stench.

The police were shocked - they found the body on the bed, clean and in fresh clothes - it pointed out that her husband was regularly laid and changed it. The room also smelled badly in perfume - it is probably a husband sprayed them everywhere to kill the smell of a decaying body.

The guy hid the dead body of the Father for five months to receive benefits

In March 2012, a man was put in prison for three years after the police found the body of his 54-year-old father of Guy Blackburn on the bed of his house in Lancashire, United Kingdom. The son did not inform about the death of the father almost five months, because he wanted to receive benefits for him.

The 29-year-old Christopher Blackburn (Christopher Blackburn) lived in a house near the body, but did not say anywhere on the death of his father, who died in natural reasons. It also turned out that Christopher's ten-year-old daughter lived in the house - she was told that the grandfather just sleeps in her room.

Blackburn recognized himself guilty of refusing to his father in decent burial from October 31, 2010 to March 22, 2011, as well as in the embezzlement of £ 1869, who took on behalf of the Father in the mail. Blackburn also lied the police, saying that he was talking to his father in November 2010 and drank with him for Christmas.