You can call a person clever words. Phrases to offend a person. How to send a person culturally, calling with witty words

Portable mini sewing machine is convenient and easy to use. Despite its small size, it can easily cope with different types of fabrics, it even performs a double-thread stitch. The sewing machine makes a straight line and works both on the mains and on batteries. If you need it in order to just sew something, it will be enough. If you are going to sew something, then it is better not to spare money and buy a real good machine. Many people wonder how to refuel a mini sewing machine? Such cars may be different, but the algorithm of actions is similar.

It includes: a pin for winding threads on a bobbin, a pin hole, a handwheel, an upper bobbin, a pin for an upper bobbin. The threads from the spool should be rewound onto the upper bobbin of the machine. More detailed instructions can be obtained in the instructions attached to the mini sewing machine or search the Internet for a video instruction from its manufacturer. But how to buy a sewing machine? Buying a sewing machine is not easy. The purchase question will make it easier to know how you will use it.

Famous brand sewing machine manufacturers produce equipment based on different tastes and finances. The quality of the machines is quite high. Its capabilities are an important factor. The lower the cost, the fewer transactions. Household cars are bought spontaneously: good design, and the price is right. It often happens that the price determines the choice. But often the emotional choice is wrong, the lack of necessary operations makes you regret the decision. Now how to refuel the Jaguar sewing machine? Thread the machine. Upper threading: Raise the presser foot lever.

Raise the thread take-up lever to the uppermost position, turn the handwheel towards you. Hold the thread taut and pull the thread through the thread guides. Thread the thread into the needle, pull the thread 10 cm through the eye of the needle. Next, pull the thread from the bobbin until the end of the thread passes through the hole in the needle. Pull the threads down, leaving a free end of the thread. How to lubricate the Brother sewing machine? For her, the instructions include a diagram for lubricating the machine. Any metal parts that have friction should be lubricated with 1 or 2 drops of machine oil. It is necessary to remove the bottom cover and drip sewing oil onto the lower rotating units.

Pour oil into a syringe and drip in small drops. After such lubrication, the machine will run quieter and softer, like a cat stroked by its owner. Oil other than sewing machine oil should not be used. How to Choose an Electric Sewing Machine? If you buy a car for your home, you need to look: for the presence of overcasting seams for cuts, the presence of seams for knitwear, the presence of a blind seam. For simple actions, there are machines that perform operations: regular stitch, zigzag, semi-automatic buttonhole. A democratic class of cars is suitable for this, their control is manual, with the help of switches. Seam selection and adjustments are made using the wheel on the front panel. The sewing machine can help to overcome the difficulties in sewing, is easy to operate, has a good set of seams, even decorative ones.

Some relationships at a certain moment enter a phase when it is no longer possible to save them, and most importantly, there is no desire. Sometimes a guy is so disappointed or offended that it becomes difficult to calm the bitterness and calm the anger. In this state, sometimes an irresistible desire arises to inflict no less suffering on him. In this case, you can use words, because, as you know, this is the most powerful weapon that can even kill.

What to say

This primarily depends on what kind of relationship you had with your boyfriend. Suppose loved ones. This means that quite a lot is known about its weaknesses and shortcomings. It is advisable to direct your efforts precisely to these places. If you wish, you can even use his dignity for your own purposes. For example, he is outwardly attractive, knows about it and is very proud of his appearance. You can condescendingly remark: “Strange. Usually girls are proud of a pretty face, in men, in real ones, that is, other qualities in price. I understand that you have nothing more to boast of, but don't advertise it like that, otherwise the rest will know about it. " Or: “You are so happy about your appearance, as if you are going to make money on it. Or is there something I don't know about you ?! " Or like this: “Even a prettier guy will feel sick if he is so dumb. You'd better read something, huh? "

A safe bet for any guy you have had a close relationship with is to express joy at the end of the relationship. You can say, “Well, better late than never! Finally, I will at least meet a man. " The phrase said with enthusiasm also touches me: "H-ah ... I lost a lot of time with you, I have to make up for it!" Usually the guy in this case is trying to say something offensive, like "yes, who needs you" or "you are in an intimate sense of zero." To this one can exclaim in amazement: “Why was it crazy to go? Now I’ll find someone really worthwhile, at least I’ll finally experience pleasure. ” Or: "Didn't you think, maybe I didn't always notice your participation at all?"

You can say a lot of humiliating phrases to anyone, even a guy who is not too close, for example: "Sorry, there is too much difference between us - they were engaged in my upbringing." Or: "Just in case, move away from me a little, otherwise they will think that we are together." You can say something like: “I ask about one thing, if suddenly a miracle happens and you find a girl, the main thing is to always protect yourself! People like you cannot reproduce. " The phrase said with participation can still quite hurt: "Only one thing can save you: make a mysterious face and be silent, you can sometimes grin thoughtfully, just do not open your mouth - you will ruin everything!"

Special attention should be paid to public insults. If there are spectators, verbal humiliation can be transformed into subtle bullying. However, here you need to be especially careful not to lose your dominant position. To do this, you can use several prepared in advance techniques. A universal way to ward off a sudden attack from a guy is to exclaim with surprise, even approval, and you can applaud while doing this: “Not bad, not bad! Even great for you! He answered directly almost on an equal footing! So maybe you've been pretending to be a fool so far? Well, give me something else? " After that, in spite of what he would say, he didn’t hesitate to answer in an already disappointed tone: “No, I didn’t pretend, everything is so, it’s a pity.”

Being with a guy in the presence of third parties, you can have a lively conversation with everyone except the guy; suddenly turn to him and try to explain the meaning of a word that one of the interlocutors or yourself has just said. This should be done as naturally as possible, as if this explanation was dictated by concern for a mentally retarded young man, and not by the intention of offending him. You can also, after the told anecdote, turn to him with words full of sad tenderness: “Everyone laughs, and you laugh, poor thing? Let me explain to you the meaning of the joke? "

If the situation is not conducive to long-term communication, for example, the guy will try to retire as quickly as possible, you can use short caustic phrases without a background. Typically, they relate to the guy's appearance. You can exclaim in surprise in front of everyone: “What's the matter with you? Did your mom wear you again? " Or: “Why did you dress so lightly? Look - you'll get cold! And everything is so bad, but in five years you will be unable to do anything at all. " If at first glance there is nothing to find fault with, you can say something like: “What do you look like, then decided to press for pity? Well, in general, maybe you're right, at least someone will pick it up. " However, the most important thing is not what, but how to say: in order to hurt more painfully.

How to behave

First of all, do not be angry in any way. It is best to pretend that you are in a great mood, or, in any case, a completely calm state of mind. The power of words spoken in anger is halved; in addition, a person who is out of balance loses a dominant position. Thus, it is necessary to tune in to a complacent, calm mood and maintain this appearance no matter what.

The likelihood of force majeure should be taken into account. The situation can turn in the most unexpected way, moreover, the guy does not necessarily remain silent; perhaps he will try to answer with a barb or hit with a return word in a sore spot. You have to be ready for this and take a hit. In this case, it is necessary at all costs to continue to remain calm or even pretend that this attack of his has sincerely amused you.

If you can't quickly find the right words, you can resort to the technique of distracting attention to your appearance. This technique involves the sudden attention to some detail or change in the guy himself. For example, his offensive speech can be suddenly interrupted by the words: “What's wrong with you ?! You went all over with spots! Don't strain your modest mental faculties so hard! Calm down, you can live with this too ”, depicting at the same time almost concern for his condition, pity for him. Without giving up, take over the initiative with the words: "Well, okay, okay, you collect your thoughts, come up with something original, consult with someone smart, then speak again."

If you need additional background as support or to create the illusion of immediacy and lightness, you can start a correspondence with someone on the phone. It doesn't matter if it is a friend, mom, or even a stranger. You can pretend that this correspondence is much more important than the presence of this guy. When you receive each message, you can smile, sometimes laugh, answer briefly, but with a feeling of joy, each time being distracted again by the guy with words like: “So what am I talking about? Oh yes. Well ... ", and then continue verbal humiliation, interrupting each time for a new message with the words:" now, a minute ... ".

It is best to avoid words like "idiot", "asshole", "bastard", etc. They are not as humiliating as it might seem, but they significantly lower the status and feeling of dignified domination of a humiliating person, more reminiscent of a hysteria. You can interrupt the conversation at any time, as if suddenly drawing attention to the guy again, saying at the same time: "How, are you still here?" or: "You can go, you are free for today." If he tries to object or add something else, interrupt him and say in a “confidential” tone something like: “Honestly, I would have chatted with you some more, but I wasted a lot of time anyway. Understand: there are people who are worth this time much more. " At this point, you can turn with dignity and leave.

Most people, faced with insults in their direction, in the first seconds feel confused, not knowing how to react to such aggressive attacks. Nevertheless, if you happen to find yourself in a similar situation again, try to get your bearings right away and remember some recommendations.

How to behave when you are insulted

Do not react to negativity and insults

Sometimes in such situations, it is the absence of any reaction that can be the best way out of the situation. It is possible that later you will begin to reproach yourself for this silence and shyness, but most often later people are proud of the fact that they managed to restrain themselves and not sink to the level of a tactless and aggressive person who tried to "hook". This is especially true when it comes to about an energy vampire - such a person only expects a response from you, it only "feeds" him. Communication with such a person always ends in the same way - you feel overwhelmed, and your opponent's mood clearly rises.

Whether to respond with aggression in a conflict

This is not the best option, and it is applicable only in exceptional cases. So, when is aggression appropriate in response:
    If the opponent uses any physical force in relation to your child or animal. If the opponent has long lost control of himself and has been trying to piss you off and hurt you for a long time. If the opponent goes beyond what is permitted and tries to offend the weaker one and unprotected person. An example would be a drunken boor who is rude on the bus to an unfamiliar child.

Put the situation on the positive side (laugh it off)

Perhaps you have a quarrel with a really close person, and you do not want to continue this ugly scene, realizing that such a development of events will only harm your relationship. In this case, it makes sense to pull yourself together and turn the conflict into a completely different direction with the help of a joke. If the person is really close, then you know what topic can provoke a smile on his face. Of course, this is not so easy to do when the insult is strangling himself, and you want to give a worthy rebuff to the interlocutor. However, it is important to understand that in this way you act the wisest way - do not allow yourself to be completely disappointed in a loved one, and in him - in you. When the intensity of passions subsides, offer to return to the topic that quarreled you in order to calmly resolve the dilemma that has arisen.

Try to shame the abuser into silence

Sometimes, a person can forget and behave completely tactless. If you know that this behavior is usually not typical for him, then, of course, it makes sense to shame him. Most likely, the opponent will immediately realize that he is overstepping the bounds of decency. This method is also effective when dealing with children. Almost all of them go through tipping points at different stages of their development, and aggression in response to their offensive tone can only do harm. In such cases, it is really better to induce a feeling of shame for your words.

Prove your case with clever words and logical arguments

Answers like these can help you reason with the offending person and redirect their energy from the flow of insults to constructive dialogue. If a person is lying, then just ask him: "Why are you behaving this way?" In response, for sure, you will hear more intelligible information than before. If necessary, this question can be repeated several times. Also, if you notice that the interlocutor is clearly "carried away", and he is already confused in his thoughts, ask him to argue his words.

Use witty, cocky and funny phrases when you are rude

The saddest thing is that most boors for some reason are not very susceptible to humor, and your witty and funny answers, most likely, to such a person will seem simply absurd. Nevertheless, you can try to laugh it off, especially if your skirmish has formed spectators. So, in response to the insult, you can answer:
    “You are not too original, the next time, maybe it will turn out better.” “You are very attentive, a valuable quality.” “A weak attempt, maybe rudeness is still not yours?” “I hope that you are just trying to look worse what you really are. "

To silence and humiliate your foe, you should learn sarcasm.

It is quite difficult to neutralize a particularly aggressive interlocutor with pre-prepared phrases, therefore, in such cases, the ability to respond with sarcasm is highly valued. For example, if an opponent with a challenge asks: "What did you say ?!", you can parry: "Yes, you also have problems with hearing ...". Or if you are asked: "The smartest, or what?", You can answer: "You are surprisingly observant!".

How to respond to offensive words if they don't get it in an amicable way

When you can use force

The use of force, of course, is appropriate only in rather rare cases, one might even say - exceptional. First of all, this is necessary when you are threatened with physical violence. Of course, if the opponent not only threatens, but also begins to put his threats into action, then in such a situation it is all the more impossible to give oneself offense. You can also use force when you see that physical suffering is inflicted on a weaker creature. This is how you can intercede for an animal, child, elderly person, or woman. Of course, in this situation it would be unwise to get involved in a scrape if you see that the rude person is clearly superior to you in physical parameters. Nevertheless, it will be correct to ask someone else for help or to intimidate the boor with the police.

Whether to use harsh obscene phrases and expressions

In very rare cases, this is indeed appropriate. As a rule, a cultured person who considers himself a worthy member of society prefers to ignore mate, not wanting to sink to the level of his opponent. Once Mikhail Zadornov advised his listeners not to enter into a dialogue with a person who sprinkles insults, arguing that this is as stupid as barking in response to a dog's barking.

Is it possible to culturally send a person without a mat to shut up?

In part, this is possible, although not without difficulty. For example, if a person starts to forget, and you understand that he is clearly meddling in his own business, you can notice: "Does it seem to me or does this really not concern you?" In addition, they will cool the ardor of the interlocutor, and such phrases:
    "Your opinion is very valuable, but not in this situation"; "If I need your advice, I will seek you out"; "What makes you think that I am interested in your opinion?"

How to offend in return if you just got sick

For rudeness, you can call it humiliating words

Of course, one should turn to insulting and humiliating insults only in very rare cases - when the opponent does not know the measure in his statements, and pours out an uncontrollable stream of "dirty" words. If you have enough willpower, then in such cases, it is best to ignore the aggressive person - to pretend that his words are empty words for you. When the interlocutor says or shouts what he thinks, you can wearily summarize: “You are very tiring , isn't that why you have problems in your personal life? " Note that such a phrase sounds very sharp and insulting, so it should be used in the case of a notorious villain. Even if he is married, such words will hurt him, because such a brawler, most likely, is really not doing well on the personal front. An aggressive overweight boor can be told: "It would be better if I signed up for the gym!" We emphasize that it is better to avoid barbs about appearance as much as possible - such comments usually humiliate not only your foe, but also you. However, if you know that some aspect of appearance is a sore subject for the interlocutor, and he himself has already fully "rode" in your appearance, then you can "give change" with such phrases.

Troll verbally and put in place

Many people are seriously affected by various "prophecies" and curses. " If your foe behaves ugly, insulting you, having long gone over all the boundaries of what is permitted, then calmly say: "From this day on you will know what misfortune lies with you." Many people are suspicious, especially if they are emotionally unstable. Most likely, your phrase will haunt your interlocutor for a long time, and he will really begin to regret his own incontinence.

Answers for all occasions

A few examples of cool phrases that will bring you to tears (examples)

If you set out to bring to tears the person who offended you, then there are phrases that contribute to such a development of events. So, let's give examples of some of them:
    I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, your primitive mind doesn’t allow you to express yourself more clearly? Your insults are so stupid that I don’t even hurt. Probably, many are accustomed to feeling only a feeling of pity for you; I can imagine how ashamed the relatives of you; So you are not only outwardly "not very".
Of course, before trying to offend a person to tears, it makes sense to think - whether it is necessary to do this at all. It is possible that over time you yourself will regret taking such a step. As a rule, conscientious people are subsequently ashamed of such behavior and incontinence.

Funny insults for humiliation (examples)

    Do you always have such a poor fantasy or today is a bad day? Probably, your parents just dreamed that you would one day run away from home. Do not stop talking, maybe this will get you to smart phrases. Probably, it is difficult for you to love nature, considering how it is. did you. If you tried to look even more stupid, I'm afraid that attempt would fail.


This can be very difficult, but remember that later you will have a reason to rejoice in your prudence and foresight. First and foremost, it’s important to realize that you don’t need to take what your opponent is telling you. Most often, insulting someone, a person rarely resorts to logic and sound facts, because his only goal is to “hurt” as much as possible! just "got under the arm." If we are talking about the second option, then it is better to avoid the manifestation of any emotions. Mentally have pity on the offender, and abstract from this situation. Ignoring is a very useful skill in many unpleasant situations. It is important to understand that insults, as a rule, are resorted to by a weak-minded person who has serious problems in upbringing. Especially, this understanding is appropriate when it comes to a person whom you are unlikely to see. Think carefully - is he worth it to inflame his energy on him or is it better to ignore this pathetic boor? Of course, some people believe that such behavior only plays into their hands, and they begin to get even more infuriated in their insults, then take a close look at the interlocutor and say: “By what right do you allow yourself such behavior towards strangers, you yourself understand how unworthy do you look? " Such a question may well "sober up" the opponent. Of course, if a person close to you unleashes a conflict, then ignoring is not always the right response. It is unlikely that the interlocutor just wanted to offend you from scratch. Most likely, this person is seriously worried about something, and it would be appropriate to talk about it directly. Just say, "Let's stop these vile insults and try to fix the problem." Most likely, after that you will really be able to close the conflict, and your interlocutor will be grateful to you for your prudence.

Motivated by reason, not emotion, you will always be a winner

If you started wondering how it is offensive to answer a person with obscenities or how to bring someone to tears with your insults, then you are clearly not on the right track. Be more judicious, do not succumb to someone else's emotional impact. If you yourself sink to such unworthy behavior, it can bring you a feeling of satisfaction for only a few seconds - then the situation will not develop so rosy. Most likely, resorting to rudeness towards another person (especially if he is close) then you will feel empty and depressed. As a rule, various verbal skirmishes bring satisfaction only to energy vampires - it is difficult to please other people with a conflict situation. Remember that people who have learned to control themselves, as a rule, always remain in a winning position. At the same time, those persons who easily start up "from a half turn", thereby attract additional negative events and emotions. Not succumbing to emotions is very useful in many cases, and one of them is a quarrel with a higher management at work or just with the person you depend on. Become aware that the person arrives in frustrated feelings, and your retaliatory parries can further aggravate the situation. To avoid such a development of the situation, it makes sense to mentally distract from the conversation. That is, outwardly, you seem to listen to everything that your opponent expresses to you, but in reality your thoughts wander somewhere far away. You can recall pleasant events in life, think about the upcoming vacation, decide which dish would be appropriate to cook for dinner.

Think ahead about the consequences of your actions.

If you understand that partly you yourself have provoked a stream of insults, although you do not deserve such unflattering words, then you should partly admit your guilt. For example: “You, of course, are right in your indignation, but the words can be chosen and softer.” Entering into a verbal skirmish with someone, remember that in the future this may turn into some problems for you. It is one thing when it comes to a person who is unlikely to meet you on the path of life, and quite another thing when a clash happened with a loved one, friend, neighbor. Such a conflict can lead to a protracted war. Even if you make up almost immediately, the offensive words voiced can remain in your memory for a long time, and sooner or later they will still lead to a chill in the relationship. Therefore, in such cases, if you feel even the slightest ability to restrain yourself, be sure to try to use it.

This is one of the first desires that arise after an insult. But a retaliatory attack is appropriate only if it:

  • witty;
  • happens in a circle of relatives or friends;
  • defuses the situation rather than aggravates the conflict.

In all other cases, even if you consider yourself a witty sharper than Oscar Wilde, responding with an insult to an insult is not the best way out. So you descend to the level of an opponent's boor and make it clear that his words hurt you, that is, there may be some truth in them.

2. Make a joke

The difference between a witty insult and a joking response is that in the latter case, you are making fun of the situation itself. The advantages of this strategy are obvious: the insult loses its toxicity, tension, and the audience (if any) takes your side.

In this case, you can also take a pseudo-self-deprecating position. This will confuse your opponent and disguise the sarcasm.

Example 1: A colleague says that you have prepared an ugly presentation.

Answer: “Perhaps you are right. Next time I will not ask my five-year-old son for help. "

Example 2: A stranger calls you names.

Answer: “Thank you, this is very valuable information. You opened my eyes to my flaws. There will be something to think about at dinner. "

3. Accept

In some cases, it is really worth analyzing words that seem offensive to you. Especially if they come from people close and respected by you. In this case, take their remarks not as an insult, but as criticism that can make you better.

It is useful to think about the motives of people, to find out what exactly made them use harsh expressions. Perhaps this is a violent reaction to your far from angelic behavior.

4. Respond to intent, not words

Any insult always has a hidden purpose. Make the secret clear: label it.

For example, in response to harsh words, say, “Wow! Something really serious happened between us, since you decided to hurt me. "

So, on the one hand, you can unsettle your opponent, and on the other, you can find out the reason for his negative attitude.

5. Keep calm

If the insult does not come from a loved one, but from a colleague, acquaintance, or even a stranger, never show that the words hurt you. Most likely, behind them lies insecurity, dissatisfaction with their own life and a desire to simply take revenge on you. Don't let the trick work, react calmly and with a smile.

If necessary, continue to bend your line: ask what exactly caused such a reaction in the person, regardless of his words.

6. Ignore

Often the best answer is no one. If we are talking about Internet trolls, you can simply not respond to their comments or send boors to. Well, "offline" you can always ignore the insult or leave. You have every right to do so.

An example from ancient Roman history ... Once in public baths, someone hit the politician Cato. When the offender came to apologize, Cato replied: "I do not remember the blow."

This phrase can be interpreted as follows: "You are so insignificant that I not only do not care about your apology, but I did not even notice the insult itself."

7. Use the law

You can bring the abuser to justice, or at least threaten him with it. The punishment for insult is spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offenses, but defamation is already in the scope of criminal law. In case of insults from your boss, you can contact the HR department.

The main thing is to remember: no one has the right to infringe on your honor, dignity and reputation. But you also have to respond to people in the same way. Otherwise, any recommendations are meaningless.

Sometimes in life there are situations when you just want to call someone and send them to a known address. But this is not always possible! This is where the question arises of how to offend a person without a mat. It's quite real!

How to insult a person without a mat: walk through the flaws in appearance

Everyone has flaws.

The main thing is to find your way around in time and understand what you can "catch" on. The simplest option is appearance.

You can nicely ask your opponent about the address of the hairdresser he visits. And immediately explain that you are doing this, taking care of your appearance and the appearance of your friends. Why would you look so lousy too? In the same way, you can talk about shades of hair dye, facial tones, clothing stores. A wonderful version of a mocking “compliment”: “Oh, there’s probably a sale on the market, you are the fifteenth today, whom I see in such a suit. Eh, people know how to save on clothes! "

You can also screw in something like: "I hope your health is not as sad as your appearance?" A variation of the same insult: “Something you don't look particularly fresh today? Probably sorted it out yesterday? " Or like this: “I would ask you to turn away or cover your face with something. You know, I don’t want the lunch curled up in my stomach. ”

Quite an offensive statement: "What a pity that we met in the dark, you are probably much prettier!"

How to insult a person without swearing: the object of ridicule is mental ability

This is perhaps the most common type of abuse. So, we can mention that you have not met such witty people for a long time. The last time you saw those who joke just as funny was in the nursery group, which was drooling and rejoicing at the fact.

You can also use a phrase of a similar plan: “You, please, tell us further. 40 minutes ago it was. Look, in an hour you will screw something intellectual! "

Another good way to insult without swearing: “You know, everyone tells me that I love fools. But I especially like you! "

It is quite possible to offend a person by commenting on how he does this or that work. For example, like this: "Do not worry, we have a bunch of mediocrity who would make this report the same way!" You can slightly modify the phrase: “Why are you trying to pretend that you are thinking about how to solve the problem? We know very well that there is nothing remotely resembling a brain under your hairdo. "

Criticism of the manner of speaking will also be unpleasant: "And your vocabulary and manner of speaking immediately remind me that the elimination of illiteracy has not been brought to an end!"

How to insult a person without a mat if he offended you first?

There are often cases when the offender has to answer. And it's better to do it gracefully and stylishly! For example, if someone criticizes your dancing style, you might say that you haven't even thought about dancing yet, but are just trying to keep your feet from stomping on them.

You can also say this: “Until you opened your mouth, I was afraid that I might seem stupid. Now I shouldn't be afraid of it - against your background it is impossible! " Or like this: “Why do you think I want to make an idiot out of you? There is no need. Is everything ready!"

Now you know how to offend a person with clever words and without a single In life, this will definitely come in handy!