You can give a girl for 5. Gifts for creative babies. Movement and coordination

A girl who turns 5 is much more mature than her parents think. Children of this age make a big step forward in their development, and it often goes unnoticed by adults. Gifts and holidays for a daughter of this age should be special and meet her psychological and physiological needs. About what to give a girl for 5 years, it is worth talking in more detail.

Dolls and toys

At this age, girls are very fond of joint games in which roles are clearly distributed. The most favorite game is the classic "daughters-mothers". The doll is a welcome and necessary gift. At the age of five, a child will be interested in an ordinary doll, but the interactive "ward" is fully capable of satisfying the child's need to show the nascent maternal instinct.

The most economical option is Shantou Gepai Bonnie. This is a doll that costs about 700 rubles, but it is a pleasure to play with it. Includes clothes, bottle and pacifier. The doll makes many very realistic sounds and requires care and attention, just like a real baby.

Inexpensive are the dolls of the manufacturer "Spring" - Nastenka, Dasha and others. Their cost is about 800 rubles. They can pronounce up to 10-15 phrases, have luxurious hair, so the girl can experiment with hairstyles. The manufacturer produces several dozen varieties of dolls - from baby dolls to slender beauties.

Very realistic interactive baby dolls are produced under the brand name Lisa Jane. They are soft, only the handles and head are hard. Dolls sing lullabies, talk, can sit and lie down. The cost is from 1200 rubles.

Cartoon favorite girls - Dora the traveler and Slipper from Fisher Price. This is a musical interactive doll. It differs not only in sound, but also in lighting effects. The cost is from 2600 rubles.

The choice of manufacturers is very large, but Barbie and Baby Born have been very popular for many years.

Toys for five-year-old girls are not only dolls, but also furniture, dollhouses, strollers, small kitchens where the girl can cook dinner for her “ward”, as well as kits for treatment, for organizing a real school, for puppet trips .


Since at the age of 5 it is already quite easy to play in a team, you can give the girl a quest game in which all her friends could take part. True, it is difficult to count on the help of professional animators, since most of the companies organizing such games make adventures for children from 10-11 years old, but you can search. For a 5+ company, it is quite possible to come up with a game on your own. Children will be able to look for notes, guess riddles, look for a hidden birthday cake.

Gifts-experiences depend on the interests of a particular child. In some cases, these may be tickets to a circus or a zoo, a puppet theater or a movie.

Presents for musical and creative personalities

If a girl loves to sing, you can give her a toy piano, a synthesizer, a whole DJ console that will allow the young talent to extract various sounds, sing, and also record the resulting compositions and happily demonstrate them to fans of their work - mom and dad. An interesting set for a little composer is "Project MC2" (price - from 4500 rubles).

For girls who are very fond of dancing, you can buy a dance mat that connects to a TV or computer. Rugs can have one dance place or 2-3 at once to play together with parents and friends, compete with them, dance in one team against the computer team.

There are dance mats that not only make it possible to move around, but also teach counting and the alphabet. These include the Robot Bibo mat from Fisher Price. The little robot will praise the owner if she completes the tasks correctly.

You can give the girl a set for creativity - for creating doll dresses, stained glass paintings, for modeling candles, creating fridge magnets, 3D applications, engravings. The most interesting manufacturers offering such kits are Docha & Mama, Pony, Kalyaka-Malyaka, Limpopo.

Ideas for fidgets

Active and mobile girls who cannot sit still for a minute can be given something that will help them direct their energy in a useful direction - a bicycle, a gyro scooter, roller skates. The choice of gyroscooters today is great, the cost is different - from 7,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Rollers are the most popular gift, among many manufacturers, Amigo Sport Powerflex, Hello Kitty, Reaction Galaxy have proven themselves the most.

For a bicycle, hoverboard or roller skates, you should definitely buy a protection kit, which will include a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, ankle protection, and hands.

Books and educational games

Regardless of whether the girl can read, you can buy and give her an interesting book. A great option is to give an encyclopedia with 3D volumetric pictures. You can donate a book from the Uzorova and Nefyodova Class series - these are collections of tasks for preparing for school, coloring books, publications with logical tasks, funny puzzles and quizzes. Any child will like a gift big book of fairy tales - for example, "100 favorite fairy tales" from the series "500 favorite pages".

Particularly noteworthy are the books in the Robins Universal Method series. These are books for learning the alphabet, counting, arithmetic, English and biology with "smart" slides, moving which with her fingers, the girl will be able to learn new words, concepts, syllables.

The baby will be able to get ready for school faster if you give her the I "M Toy 7 in 1 development center." A panel with wooden letters and numbers will help you master the alphabet and counting, a chalk and marker board will be useful for consolidating your knowledge.

The board can be an easel if you fix a sheet of paper on it - with the help of special fasteners. There is a dial with moving arrows, as well as a labyrinth and several logic games. The cost of the center is about 7000 rubles.

A good gift for active and sufficiently socialized children at the age of 5 will be a set of mitten dolls for staging their own performances. Without exception, all girls at this age will be completely delighted if they are presented with a children's educational educational tablet - for example, "TurboKids Princess New" (a good option is "Dasha the Traveler").

Clothing and jewelry

Many girls at 5 years old are big fashionistas. For this reason, a beautiful dress, a sundress, a stylish suit will come in handy.

It is best to choose such a gift together with the one to whom the present is intended, in order to take into account all the features of the figure.

The range of prices for children's clothing is incredibly wide - it all depends on whether you want to buy a branded item or just looking for a quality and beautiful dress at a reasonable price.

A little fashionista will also be very happy with a set of jewelry. These can be sets of rubber bands and hairpins, sets of bracelets and beads, sets of accessories for weaving braids. You can give the girl a book - instructions for weaving jewelry from beads, creating brooches, hairpins, bracelets (and a set of appropriate materials for their creation - beads, pieces of fabric, thread, braid).

When a child turns five years old, the main issue for parents and grandparents is the choice of a gift. At this age, children are well aware of their desires, they can get carried away with certain toys and creativity, so parents should know their interests well. Finding out what to give a child for 5 years will help understanding that yesterday's little one is already a person who has his own personal preferences and his own opinion.

Parents and their acquaintances, invited to the baby’s fifth birthday, should pay attention to the age characteristics of the child, making sure that the things and toys they bought correspond to the level of his development, and, therefore, are interesting and useful.

Psychologists note that age leaves its mark on the inclinations of children, so at the age of 5 they should give certain gifts:

  1. Boys continue to get involved in playing cars, but at the age of 5 they are advised not to buy souvenirs, but large and durable models with different functions - let such a car open the doors, body, wheels spinning. A great option is a railway with a train and a whole train of wagons.
  2. The creative abilities of children, their passion for music or drawing, are more and more clearly manifested. Such a hobby should be encouraged and stimulated. You can give a child an electric organol, a guitar, a drum or another musical instrument for five years, which will contribute to the development of an ear for music, rhythm, and also help him overcome shyness by speaking in front of the household.
  3. Educational games are necessary not only for the development of fine motor skills, but also for the manifestation of fantasy, the improvement of logical thinking, the training of memory and attention. First of all, these are constructors, table dominoes, lotto, games of chance - children's poker, dominoes, loto, games in the rpg genre, logical arithmetic games.
  4. The intensive growth of the baby and his physical condition requires daily active games - roller skates, a bicycle, a sports home corner, a badminton set, a swimming circle will help with this.
  5. A book is one of the best gifts for a five year old child. The letters in it should still be large, which will help the child learn to read faster. Illustrations should also be present - after all, this is additional visual information, thanks to which the baby learns the world around him, his living and inanimate objects.
  6. To some extent, we also need computer games, training sessions, in addition, this is how children learn to control this technique. But such a pastime should be dosed and be under the control of adults.

Sets for role-playing games at this time are especially relevant. Far in the past is simple manipulation, studying the properties of objects, and even directorial games in which the child was not a direct participant. Now he wants to be one of the heroes himself, because for games he needs certain accessories and attributes. This role is played by toy furniture, sets of household appliances, sets of items that accompany people of different professions, special capes, hats and other details of clothing that make the game a costume performance.

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daily routine for a 5 year old

What should a 5 year old be able to do?

Do not think that role-playing games are only for girls, boys at the age of 5 also love to transform into their favorite characters and need bright puppet heroes. It is important that they have dolls of both sexes, so children can better know themselves, learn communication skills, and be able to overcome their fears.

What to give a child for 5 years: educational toys

Any new games can arouse genuine interest in an older preschooler, and this should definitely be used. But today there are a huge number of such toys on sale and it is difficult to understand how to choose a gift for 5 years. Actually, the main condition is age compliance and safe material from which the thing is made, since all games of this kind are educational and entertaining at the same time.

In addition to simple and interactive books, these games include:

  1. Constructors. This is a great simulator for a child, improving his logical abilities, memory and attention, creative imagination, development of fine motor skills. For five-year-olds, the following games are suitable - Collapsible house (wooden), Radio-controlled all-terrain vehicle Leader, Alternative energy sources. At first, you can buy a baby constructor First steps in electronics, it will be a great surprise for the boy. Magformers are special magnetic constructors with geometric parts connected by means of magnets, which can also be chosen as a present. A father can give his son a special constructor for assembling robots, but the kid will cope with such a toy only under the guidance of a parent, but the gameplay will be extremely exciting and educational.
  2. Such a board game as puzzles, Might be a great 5th birthday present. Classes in assembling pictures from individual elements train many important skills of the child, and develop his determination and perseverance. At the age of five, kids can be given such high-quality toys as a Tetris puzzle, a set of puzzle-erasers Sea animals, a double-sided wooden puzzle Cat, story puzzles Baba Yaga in a hut.
  3. Mosaic games, which are a set of small details of various shapes, for creating your own paintings, as well as already invented images. They are different - floor, desktop and differ only in material and method of collection. Five-year-olds need more complex build-by-number kits. The plot of the game also matters - usually, this is a marine theme, cartoon characters, fairy-tale characters, animals.
  4. Educational board games, replenishing the vocabulary of the baby, improving his memory, increasing the intelligence and horizons of the child. Some of the best are Activity, My First Monopoly, Finding Dory, Masha and the Bear, Rush Hour. Parking, Iceheart.

If the birthday boy likes to tinker with cars, you don’t have to worry about what to give a child for 5 years - give him a Young Mechanic set, a designer or puzzles depicting a car, the kid will surely appreciate the attention of parents or guests to his hobby.

What to give a girl for 5 years: video

Creative Presents

Creativity is an integral part of a child's life. With unbridled curiosity and imagination, normal healthy children will never give up on doing something with their own hands.

In this regard, choosing what to give a five-year-old child, he can be presented with such gifts:

  • a children's drawing tablet, for example, a Wacom brand model, is a durable, easy-to-use device, relatively inexpensive;
  • a magnetic board for drawing with crayons with an additional set of magnets for learning to count or the alphabet;
  • set of polymer clay for modeling;
  • mega-coloring pages in the form of Easter cakes, Christmas trees, hearts, rockets;
  • book with creative tasks;
  • an album of sheets for watercolors and a set of paints;
  • a set of multi-colored wax plasticine;
  • double-sided easel for drawing with felt-tip pens and crayons with a set of paints and brushes;
  • creative kits - origami, figurines for painting, a set of lumigurumi for weaving rubber bands with a hook.

Many kids will be pleased with musical gifts:

  • an electric piano or small synthesizer with few functions and simple controls;
  • dance mat for the development of hearing and sense of rhythm;
  • microphone for karaoke;
  • children's guitar with amplifier;
  • a boy can be pleased with a drum kit equipped with sound control, if parents agree with such a gift.

Children of both sexes will love all kinds of creative kits - for needlework, soap making, candles, sand pictures, appliqués, paper crafts.

Gifts for sports and outdoor games

For a five-year-old baby, physical fitness is extremely important, normal physiological development allows the baby to actively learn different skills, improves his mental activity. Most children get used to spending time in front of a computer monitor from an early age, so it is important for them to give sports gifts that will make the baby be outdoors more often and move more.

Five-year-old children are usually given:

  • roller skates with elbow pads, knee pads and a helmet;
  • badminton accessories;
  • classic skates;
  • children's skis;
  • Swedish wall;
  • sports complex;
  • bike with protective pads;
  • outdoor game Twister, including a special rug and roulette;
  • a set for playing Gorodki, consisting of a bat and wooden figures;
  • a two-wheeled bicycle that will appeal to both boys and girls.

For those kids who can't imagine their life without dancing, buy a dance mat or CD with good rhythmic music.

What to give a boy for 5 years: video

Other gifts for five year olds

Many children often ask their parents to buy them a pet, and quite often they are refused. In vain, parents react so negatively to the appearance of a little friend of their son or daughter in the house, because the benefits of such communication are obvious.

If adults are constrained in funds or living space, it is not necessary to purchase a puppy or kitten, you can choose a parrot, a hamster, a rat or an aquarium with fish. Caring for a pet will have a beneficial effect on the character and attitude of the baby towards living beings, in general - the child will learn empathy, kindness, responsibility, perhaps he will even show a talent for animal training.

Guests, in turn, can please the five-year-old with practical gifts, such as a beautiful dress for a girl and a dress suit for a boy, a cap, hat or baseball cap with photo printing, a photo collage with photos of the birthday boy, a microscope for children. It is quite acceptable for boys to give a nominal silver spoon, a golden cross, for girls - golden earrings.

In some cases, after discussion with parents, the necessary household appliances, a projector with a set of filmstrips and other devices can become a gift. Any kid, like his parents, will be pleased if a trip to an amusement park, a water park or a dolphinarium turns out to be a gift.

What gifts to choose for girls and boys

On the fifth birthday, preschool children are waiting for various gifts, but, first of all, these are, of course, toys, unfamiliar devices, children's vehicles. Judging by the reviews of parents, there are such presents that children will definitely like.

As a gift for a boy, you can buy:

  • hourglass or wristwatch;
  • robot-transformer;
  • spaceship;
  • board games with treasure hunt;
  • kaleidoscope;
  • globe, world map;
  • camera:
  • children's encyclopedia;
  • rollerblading, skiing, bicycle;
  • radio controlled cars;
  • children's bowling alley, darts and badminton;
  • thematic sets of Magician, Hairdresser, Carpenter, Car Technician, Spy;
  • constructor (electronic, needle, magnetic, with details in the form of gears, joints and pipes).

Finding out what to choose for a girl, it remains to recognize that it is:

  • beautiful dolls, toy furniture, utensils, crockery;
  • toys - characters of your favorite cartoons
  • children's backpack on wheels;
  • tree house;
  • castle with fairy tale characters;
  • constructor of the corresponding subject;
  • a set for creating jewelry without threading;
  • lamp Night sky;
  • soft children's sofa of bright colors;
  • cartoon slippers;
  • a set of soft plasticine, an easel, a set of paints;
  • creative sets for needlework;
  • thematic sets for role-playing games;
  • figure skates, bicycle.

The significance of the question of what to give a child for 5 years is explained by child psychologists

quite simply - from 4 to 6 years old, the baby may already have a serious hobby, to which he is able to devote most of his adult life, so the right, useful gift plays an important role in the development of talent and life goal of a young talent.

Your daughter's fifth birthday is no joke. The little princess has her first birthday! This means that both the celebration and the gifts should be special. The situation is complicated by the fact that at this age the baby is already hard to surprise. The girl has toys for every taste, a lot of outfits. In addition, modern children very quickly get used to the world around them, so there are more than enough impressions in their lives. But let's not panic. There are tricks that will help you please the birthday girl and choose an original gift for a girl for 5 years.

At the age of five, the girl receives a new status. You can't call her "baby" anymore. Before us is a preschooler. This is a young lady who knows how to behave in society, competently answers questions, writes letters, reads syllables and can even solve simple mathematical exercises. In general, preparation for school is in full swing.

What gifts are needed for the fifth anniversary

But not only the foundation of knowledge is laid by the girl during this period. From five to seven years, according to psychologists, the character, qualities and habits of the baby are finally formed. Therefore, now parents should be especially attentive to the girl, spend more time together and set a good example.

The girl continues to grow. And now the child is stretching, adding well in growth. This is due to the development of the skeleton and muscles. In order for her to be in good physical shape in the future, it is now important to lead an active lifestyle, play sports.

At the age of five, you need to instill in the girl the right eating habits. But a healthy diet and a strong body are not all that adults should take care of. It also depends on the parents what conditions are created for the intellectual, creative development of the child.

Given the listed age features, you can narrow down the range of things that are suitable for a gift for a five-year-old girl. So, the girl needs interesting educational “gadgets”, equipment for physical exercises, leisure time together with her parents and help in unlocking her creative potential. Well, we must not forget that we are dealing with a young fashionista who is rapidly changing size. So, new items in the wardrobe or in the jewelry box will be very useful.

Useful for preparing for school

Now the girl is easily given knowledge. If you are not lazy and engage with your child, you will be surprised how smart your daughter is growing beyond her years. When choosing a gift for a 5-year-old girl in this category, the main thing is not to overdo it.

A stack of boring notebooks will only scare the girl away. And our task is to strengthen the craving for knowledge. This can be done in a playful way and with the help of bright objects of the appropriate direction. Plus, the fact that such birthday gifts are inexpensive.

  • This is a kind of simulator for the correct writing of a girl. This device is in the form of animals, birds or fish, which is worn on a pencil. So the girl is easier and more interesting to write. In addition, you can buy a children's picture book from the "Write beautifully" series.
  • This is a mini-laboratory of knowledge for a girl. The set contains puzzles and cards that will help the girl consolidate knowledge about letters, numbers, words, concepts, shapes and colors.
  • Set of cards for reading. Allows a girl to learn to read while playing. There are sets of different difficulty levels. For a five-year-old girl, you need to take a set not for syllables, but already with words.
  • Double-sided magnetic board. On such a surface, you can write with chalk on one side, and on the other, you can collect drawings, words from magnets. So, the girl will have a personal attribute, without which not a single lesson can do at school.
  • Accounts. Better than this toy for teaching mathematics has not yet been invented. And if you choose a fun design, you definitely won’t go wrong.
  • Game set "First desk". This is not just a study table. The kit includes a whole arsenal of useful things for a preschooler. And the board, and the alphabet, and pictures of animals, and magnetic letters, a marker, crayons, a sponge.
  • Board game for the whole family. This is a word-building team competition that will help the girl improve her grammar and vocabulary.

Is the girl always trying to occupy her father's computer or take away her mother's tablet? Fine! Give her a children's laptop with a set of learning cards. Such a thing will help the girl gain new general knowledge, as well as in the field of arithmetic, grammar, music, etc. Plus, the “gadget” will check how the student learned the lesson and help correct mistakes.

Gifts that make you move

At the age of five, some girls already take part in beauty contests. Even if your baby does not dream of a modeling future, you need to follow the figure in any case. Since baby food is balanced and, as a rule, high-calorie, it is necessary to create conditions under which the child will spend energy with pleasure and benefit. Sports goods are a gift that will be good for an anniversary and a new year for a girl of 5 years old.

  • Today, there are improved versions of this projectile on sale. For example, with an electronic counter of revolutions and calories. The girl will be able to practice on it both in the yard and indoors. And you can compete with your girlfriends in jumping for speed, learn various exercises on a rope.
  • If the little lady doesn't have a hoop yet, it's time to give one. A useful thing for the waist and good mood.
  • balancing disk. Spinning while standing on a moving circle is both useful and fun. Such a projectile contributes to the formation of the correct posture of the girl, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the heart and increases the endurance of the body.
  • Roller Skates. And protective equipment for them. If the girl still does not like active games in the air, then rollers are the most suitable gift for a 5-year-old girl.
  • Beautiful bathing suit. The set should also include a hat and glasses. The girl will definitely want to demonstrate such new clothes in the classroom in the pool.
  • A device on which a girl can jump like a kangaroo. Made in the form of a cane with a footrest and a "jumping" base.
  • Twister. Great game simulator for the whole family. To position yourself in accordance with the color marks on the playing canvas, you need to be dexterous and quick-witted.

Bowling, frisbee, boomerang, children's croquet and tennis, fitness ball - all these are also good gifts for a five-year-old girl. If parents fail to interest the baby in sports, think about the spectacle as a gift. For example, tickets to a circus, a basketball tournament, dance and gymnastic reporting concerts, and figure skating may come in handy.

To train the intellect and imagination

At the age of five, a girl can already play alone for a long time, but this should not be abused. Yes, she must have things for individual lessons. But it is better that the nursery also has a variety of devices for joint games.

These can be desktop options to work with mom and dad. Or attributes for "role playing" with friends. Suitable various designers and puzzles, which also allow for collective participation in the process.

  • Big game book for girls. This is a whole encyclopedia of developmental tasks that are "packed" on colored cardboard pages. Includes tokens and markers. Opening a book, you can play tic-tac-toe, checkers, sea battle. Also, the girl will face many interesting puzzles and crossword puzzles.
  • Set for making jewelry. For example, for hair ornaments: a hoop or hairpins. Such sets include beads and paints, decorative inserts.
  • Perfume laboratory. The instructions say that this set is more suitable for older girls. However, according to parents, it is also interesting for five-year-old fashionistas to mess around with different odorous tubes and create their own perfumes. Just during the "production" of flavors you need to be close to the child. Such laboratories include fruit bases for perfumes, dried flowers, tools for creating and storing compositions, as well as a book on fragrances and instructions.
  • Mannequin for creating hairstyles. As a rule, this is the head of a doll - the prototype of the heroine of popular cartoons for girls. The mannequin has long hair, and the kit has everything to do different hairstyles and even dye your hair.
  • A rare girl does not dream of becoming an artist, so the main attribute of the scene will be a good gift. This toy has the functions of a real microphone. With it, the girl will be able to sing to the music, and even receive applause in gratitude for her performance.
  • Figurines of popular cartoon characters. For example, Peppa Pig's family. Or pony Sweetie Drops. Or the Little Mermaid. Or Masha and the Bear.
  • Puzzle mat. For example, with the image of the characters of your favorite cartoons. On the rug after assembly, you can do exercises or take it with you to nature.
  • Teaching piano. Such an instrument will teach your girl music, poetry and singing.
  • Doll travel van. Wow, such a toy costs decently, but it will become a highlight in a doll collection. On the van, baby dolls will be able to travel. Inside, everything is equipped for comfortable trips: a kitchen, a bed, a bathroom and even a pool!
  • This is a set with which the birthday girl can create outfits for her dolls without a needle and thread.
  • Mosaic clutch. This is such a fashionable evening bag, like my mother. Only better, because the girl will make the decor of the accessory with her own hands. The set contains rhinestones or beads that you need to attach to the bag yourself.
  • Hallie Gallie. A team competition that will show who is the smartest and most dexterous in the family. As soon as five identical elements are collected in the layout of the cards, you need to instantly ring the bell. Who gets there first?
  • Surprises. Memory training game. This is also a competition. Players will find themselves in an elven pantry. According to legend, chaos reigned here, and the task of the players is to eliminate the chaos and sort all the New Year's gifts into categories.
  • Jenga. Game for good coordination of movements and fine motor skills. First, the participants build a multi-storey building from game elements. Further - each of the players takes out the lower link and shifts it to the upper tier.

At the age of five, a girl will be happy with fashionable dolls and baby dolls like Monster High, Moxie, Steffi or Bratz. And even more, the baby will be delighted with the magic. Come up with an unusual story for her and about her. For example, give a flower in a pot. If the birthday girl knows that he was raised in a secret fairy garden especially in her honor, then he will learn how to care for him, and he will quickly get used to the role of a princess.

For decoration and mood

What else to give a daughter for 5 years? Of course, clothes and jewelry. Now this gesture will be appreciated not only by parents, but also by the birthday girl herself. Her new dress is a dream. Especially if it's big. And gold earrings, the first precious bracelet, a chain or a good watch are a real treasure. This is an example of solid gifts that are usually given from godparents.

When choosing what to give a girl at 5 years old, remember that the birthday girl is a little owner. She definitely needs her own set of dishes for dolls, her own play kitchen, a veterinary clinic and a sewing machine. And many, many more. But most importantly, she needs her big and fun anniversary. With surprises, surprises and happy parents nearby.


The right gifts for a five year old girl

It is difficult to surprise a five-year-old girl not only with a jump rope or a ball, but also with Tetris on her father's smartphone. At this age, she is much more interested in trying herself in "real adult affairs": for example, preparing breakfast, raising a younger sister, a kitten or a doll. She likes to compete with her peers and adults, constantly learn something new and immediately check whether this is really so. With this in mind, you can easily pick up a gift for a 5-year-old girl, which will be a real surprise, allowing the baby to actively explore the world around her and develop her natural abilities, while receiving a lot of positive emotions.

So, now you know what to give a girl for 5 years: the baby will be delighted with the activity that will give her an outlet, albeit a small, but already existing life experience, as well as overflowing energy, fantasy and desire for self-realization. Best of all, a “smart” board game will cope with these tasks.

Such games are able to "communicate" with little dreamers in their language. That is why girls easily and happily:

  • learn new information and skills;
  • learn to be patient, wise, caring and self-confident;
  • train the eye, fine motor skills, logic, memory, reaction speed and other important qualities necessary for the formation of a full-fledged self-sufficient personality.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a gift, analyze the character of the child and his interests, study the features of the best board games and toys for children of this age, think about what each toy can give a young lady in addition to positive emotions, and make your choice.

For example, sociable, restless and gambling babies will surely like the fun catching of grasshoppers and other insects along with ... other people's hands.

Exciting hunting for insects and numbers

In the board game "Chameleon" lives the famous "insect hunter" with a lightning-fast reaction and the ability to constantly reincarnate. This small, cunning and agile lizard hides among 54 insect cards and gives the player who was able to cover it with his palm first, a lot of advantages. To win, your child will need to collect as many insects and numbers of different colors as possible according to special rules, quickly clapping cards or ... other hunters for grasshoppers, flies and butterflies! The winner is the one who has better developed reaction, memory and attention.

An equally useful and interesting gift for a 5-year-old girl who loves to spend time in a noisy company is a game in pictures where funny, very funny and very mysterious creatures live.

Incredible Dating

Like the Chameleon with his army of insects, " Cephalopods" on the cards are the subject of the "hunt" of the players, but according to completely different rules. First, the whole company needs to come up with a name for each fantastic creature. Did you get the first Cephalopod? Let there be Ushastik. And this one is a Toothpicker. The main thing is not to mix up the names during the game, taking out one card from the deck. The one who quickly shouts out the name of a familiar cephalopod gets it in his piggy bank. The player who collects the most cards wins. It is very important to always shout not only very quickly and very loudly, but also correctly, otherwise all the collected cephalopods will go to a more attentive player.

Another gift is sure to be an exciting activity for the child and her friends. Especially if the girl does not like to sit in one place and is not indifferent to the fun wars between green pigs and angry birds.

The battle of birds and pigs in real space

The desktop version of the mega-popular computer game "Angry Birds" will surely remind the grandparents of 5-year-old babies the old Russian fun "Gorodki". The task of the players is to knock down a green pig that has climbed onto a "fence" of wooden bars with a very soft and very angry bird. An important point: you need not only to hit the pig and destroy its "perch", but also to do it in such a way as to score as many points as possible, calculated according to special rules. During the game, you can laugh a lot, as well as develop dexterity, accuracy and good eye.

When choosing what to give a 5 year old girl, do not ignore the “falling tower”, around which real African passions flare up during the game.

A game that turns everything upside down

“The Leaning Tower of Miombo” is a great gift for a five-year-old girl who is not indifferent to zebras, giraffes, rhinos and ... the laws of balance. Unlike other leaning towers (including the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa), Miombo Tower has to be constantly rebuilt as the game progresses. In this case, it is necessary to get bars with a certain coloring from the bottom of the 16-storey structure and lay them on the very top. It's no wonder that the building is kept literally on parole, or rather, on a good eye, spatial thinking and skill of the owner of the game and her friends. The game is won by the lucky one who managed to pull out the last piece of wood before someone collapsed the structure.

An important point: an interesting and useful gift for a 5-year-old child does not always require the participation of other children or adults in the game. There are board games that in themselves are able to occupy the baby for long hours, give her a lot of fun, as well as new opportunities, knowledge and skills.

DIY flower

A special magnetic construction set SmartMax Funny Flowers is a real find for a five-year-old girl with a creative streak and research inclinations. Collecting a flower from magic stems and cups that firmly stick to each other or, on the contrary, repel each other, she will be able to study the basics of botany and streamline her ideas about the harmony of color and shape. And at the same time - to get acquainted with the most interesting physical phenomenon and train fine motor skills.

Plasticine breakfast from the future hostess

One of the most useful gifts for a five-year-old lady is Tutti Frutti Breakfast plasticine. Babies at this age really want to start cooking in the same way as mom does, but it’s too early to allow her to a real stove. Soft plasticine and special molds will give the child the opportunity to try their hand at creating dishes and table setting, and at the same time they will practice fine motor skills.

Tricky paths for a bold kolobok

The baby will have to solve not the easiest tasks, building paths for other characters of the famous fairy tale, who must get to their goal, avoiding dangerous places and unwanted meetings. Nine puzzles with track fragments can be used not only according to the instructions, but also at your own discretion, creating new tasks, developing spatial thinking, logic and fine motor skills.

First true friends

It is not always possible to buy a gift for a 5-year-old girl not only a puppy or a kitten, but even an aquarium fish. After all, the baby is not yet able to fully care for them, and parents often simply do not have enough time for this (or the size of the apartment). But the funny Furby Boom "Solar Wave" is perfect for a five-year-old baby. In the electronic "soul" of the touching eared animal, there is a place for real feelings and "live" emotions, which the toy will generously give to its owner. Solar Wave is very obedient and happily hurries to execute commands from a tablet or laptop, eats only electricity from batteries, can sing, dance, quickly learns to speak Russian and can even hatch little Furby!

Is your beautiful princess approaching her first birthday? Well, this is a serious matter and should be treated with all care. On this festive day, the birthday girl is waiting not only for the most fun holiday, but also for special gifts, as beautiful as the hero of the occasion herself. The situation is slightly complicated by the fact that, for sure, your girl is used to various presents and it is now very, very difficult to surprise her. But do not despair, in our article we, as always, will tell you what to give your daughter for 5 years, so that the holiday is sure to succeed. Here we will tell you about the most wonderful ideas that will certainly please her, surprise and, of course, delight her.

When choosing a gift for a 5-year-old daughter, do not forget that you are dealing not just with a child, but with a sweet lady, although still quite small, but already very attentive to herself, her appearance and leisure. Therefore, the gift must be beautiful even externally! Take care of the bright packaging.

What can I give my daughter for her birthday: the first anniversary

With the approach of this significant day, it will not be out of place to remind you that your girl is already at the age when it is time to prepare as hard as possible for school. Of course, this does not mean that you should present the birthday girl with a lot of things that are extremely useful for the school. No, it’s better to let them be gifts that, in a playful way, will allow you to prepare well for the upcoming educational process.

A child is a person who is not too interested in the practical side of the present, so you can safely give something that is simply interesting. And this is definitely not a warm sweater and not new pants, the baby does not see any joy in such gifts. Better than a bright dress!

For your daughter's birthday on her first anniversary, you should give something very special that she will not forget for many years and with which she will be interested to spend time. Some girls at this age are already seriously interested in fashion, others like to imitate their mother, playing with her makeup, the rest are fans of outdoor and active games. The choice of a present depends solely on the nature and hobbies of your hero of the occasion.

Useful gift for a 5 year old girl

It is a mistake to think that your daughter did not like a useful gift. Of course, even a practical present should be something interesting and exciting. It's no secret that at such a young age all children are drawn to knowledge and the best part is that everything new is easy for them, so it's time to come to grips with learning the crumbs. Of course, a pile of boring notebooks and books will only scare the child away, but if you find something original and interesting, then be sure that your lessons will be held in an atmosphere of fun and joy. And we know many such gifts. And here are the most popular among them:

  • Self-taught pen. Of course, this pen will not learn letters and numbers for your daughter. We are talking about a kind of simulator that will allow the girl to learn how to write correctly and beautifully. The device can have the most diverse design performance: in the form of various animals or cartoon characters.
  • Set for the little prodigy. After all, we do not even doubt that your baby is an incredibly developed girl. And so we propose to give our daughter an unusual mini-laboratory for her first experiments for her 5th birthday. Traditional kits include puzzles and cards that will allow you to repeat all the knowledge about letters and numbers, words, colors, etc. in an exciting way.
  • Interesting set of reading cards. It is likely that your birthday girl already knows how to read, albeit in syllables. And this skill, of course, needs to be honed. By playing, she will be able to learn how to read easily and quickly, using your gift and, thereby, turning the lesson into an interesting activity.
  • Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel. On such a board, you can write and collect various drawings using magnetic figures. That's why it is a double-sided board, to be multifunctional and as interesting as possible to the child.
  • Colorful abacus. For a birthday, you can give a 5-year-old girl a children's abacus. It was on such a toy that you once learned the first basics of mathematics, and now it's time for your baby. Of course, the appearance and functionality of modern models has changed a lot, but, perhaps, the best game for learning to count has not yet been invented.
  • Game complex in the form of a colorful table for lessons, on which any task will be doubly enjoyable. Complete with such a table, as a rule, there is still a lot of necessary accessories for the school: a marker, crayons, felt-tip pens and much more.
  • Scrabble for kids. The world-famous family board game in a children's variation.

As you can see, a useful gift is a great idea. You can present a very inexpensive gift to your daughter, which will be very useful to her before school and, of course, will turn into one of her favorite toys. It can be an educational painting, the first spelling book with bright pictures.

What to give a child from parents: gadgets

Considering that your girl is already very mature, it's time to learn how to use her first gadgets.

  • Mobile phone. You should not buy a model that is too expensive, especially since the profile market is ready to offer even special children's models, slightly simplified and distinguished by a very attractive appearance and low price.
  • Educational laptop with a bright design and many functions for learning not only letters and numbers, but also foreign languages. Depending on the model, a laptop may have a different set of functions, therefore, the price also varies from very inexpensive to more advanced models. But, it is worth noting that both the first and second options deserve attention, because even the most democratic options are a fascinating toy that will keep your daughter busy for a long time and help her in learning.
  • A simple player or tape recorder. If a child is not indifferent to music, give her a bright children's tape recorder. To decorate the room and listen to your favorite discs at any time.

You can also present other gadgets that are useful in life to your daughter for her birthday. For example - a clock that helps to learn the time, a children's tablet, a convenient alarm clock with pleasant melodies.

Birthday Gift Ideas for Daughter: Presents for Outdoor Games

The choice of a gift for a 5-year-old girl may be related to her free time. Children at this age, of course, are very mobile and always take part in various active games with genuine enthusiasm. Your present may be associated with this childhood hobby.

  • Rope. But not just boring, but modern and very bright. The market offers various advanced models, for example, with an electronic meter. So the girls in the yard will be able to compete among themselves who made the most jumps.
  • balancing disc, which can be made in the form of a hemisphere or a flat plate on an unstable leg. It helps to develop coordination and the vestibular apparatus of the child, in addition, it is very funny - to try to "tame" this toy.
  • Rollers. And, of course, all the necessary protective equipment is included. We are sure that your little one will be delighted with such a gift, so feel free to include this idea in the list of the best gifts for your daughter.
  • Jumper. An original design with which the girl can master the most interesting and unusual jumps, thus maintaining her physical fitness at the highest level.
  • Twister. One of the most interesting games for a fun company, which can be both friends of your birthday girl and parents. Such family evenings with an interesting game will unite you even more.

Children's croquet, bowling or boomerang can be safely attributed to the category of these same gifts. But if you still haven’t managed to get your child interested in sports, then maybe he should show how interesting it is? Tickets for various sports competitions, for example, in rhythmic gymnastics or figure skating, are suitable for this.

A variant of interesting gifts for a girl: presents for a real fashionista

For a 5-year-old girl, you can buy something completely girly, because your little princess is growing up, who will certainly become a real queen, like her mother.

  • Set of children's cosmetics. Preference should still be given to decorative, not care. So for the birthday girl it will be more interesting. Do not be afraid, such cosmetics do not contain harmful substances and are completely hypoallergenic. Now the girl will be able to make herself beautiful makeup every morning, just like her mother, having fun together.
  • Set for needlework. It can be, for example, a set for creating beautiful bracelets or any other jewelry. Which then will become excellent gifts for girlfriends and worthy additions to the name-day wardrobe.
  • Hair accessories. If your birthday girl has long beautiful hair, then she probably loves her mother to make her fashionable hairstyles and use the most beautiful hairpins. Now she will have a whole set of such accessories, consisting of all kinds of hairpins, elastic bands and other hair ornaments.
  • Fairy or princess dress. What girl doesn’t want to dress up in a beautiful costume of a real princess with a real crown or a real fairy with a real magic wand on her holiday? Give your smart girl such a great opportunity.

TOP 10 gifts for a daughter for 5 years:

  1. Set of children's cosmetics.
  2. New party dress.
  3. Set for home creativity.
  4. Roller Skates.
  5. Board developing game.
  6. Dance mat.
  7. Educational laptop.
  8. An unusual pen that writes with invisible ink.
  9. Double-sided magnetic board in the form of an easel
  10. Surprise themed party.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to find a good gift for a girl on her first anniversary. At a young age of five, a baby can be interested in many different toys, which, at the same time, are very exciting, are also useful and help to prepare well for the upcoming school.