It is unusual to propose to a girl to marry. Unusual proposals to marry on a desert island. For birthday

You have been dating for a long time and are sure that you see your chosen one as a life partner and a mother of your future children. They are already ready to make an offer, but the question is tormenting: how to make an offer to a girl to get married so that she will remember this day for a long time, and her girlfriends died of envy?

Simply giving a ring, standing on one knee, is no longer original, you want to surprise and cause a storm of emotions.

We have prepared some tips on how to get away from everyday phrases, such as: "You will become my wife", "Let's live together." We hope that our selection will help you make your beloved proposal interesting.

Surely you are already familiar with the tastes of your chosen one and at least once heard her hints about how she sees this event in her fantasies. If not, contact her mom - this is your best helper and ally. True, there are also best friends, but it is not a fact that they will not give you up ahead of time.

So, first of all, the sentence should sound nice. It's no secret that women love with their ears, so prepare those words and phrases that will be especially pleasant for your girlfriend.

Examples of sentences in verse

Before you, beloved, kneel down,

I will repeat once again that I love you!

Be my wife!

I want to confess to you - you are my best gift in the world!

I give you my heart and I want us to have children!

Will you be my wife?

Hold my hand and heart! Own!

From now on I am yours forever!

Do you remember we saw those swans

They are inseparable forever.

I will love you all my life, marry me!

I didn't seem to live before you

It was as if I had not seen before you.

The Lord offered you to me.

I saw the world in a new way.

My angel, I dream that you and I will always be together!

Be my wife!

It doesn't matter which words you say, but they should come from the very depths of your heart and express sincere feelings. Your girlfriend will immediately feel it.

Immediately stretch out the coveted box with a ring. The ring must be purchased in advance, while choosing the right size. Mom will also help you here if you cannot figure out the size yourself.

Where is the best place to propose

Where and how the proposal is made depends on the hobbies and preferences of the couple. If you like to travel, choose the most romantic place for this. It can be a sunset by the sea, a sunrise in the mountains, any other place that you think is suitable for this event.

It is now very popular to make proposals with a large crowd of people. Girls are simply delighted when many people become witnesses of how loved and desired they are. You can record a video and post it on the Internet, very quickly gaining a large number of likes and reposts. Usually people are happy to support such impulses.

If you like to walk in the park, you can arrange with local musicians so that when you and your chosen one appear on the scheduled day and hour, they begin to play the desired song.

The now fashionable flash mob is organized by students. They will gladly support your idea with a proposal and play any song. Go to the nearest university, talk to the guys, you will be surprised by their energy and willingness to help.

What mistakes should be avoided

But no less important is the mood of your future bride. Choose a day when she doesn't have a hard time at work, if she works and complains about the lack of time all the time. Try to propose outside the session if your girlfriend is a student. The mood should be positive and romantic.

Do not forget about flowers and champagne, because no important event takes place without them. And a marriage proposal is one of the most important in the life of any girl.

You must be absolutely sober (for your words to be taken seriously), not chewing gum or whatever. Be sure to turn off your phone so that at the most crucial moment the call does not interfere with such an important event.

Never hide the ring beforehand in food or drink. It is only in the movies that such an idea looks romantic and the ring is caught with the lips. In life, such an experience is much sadder - a broken tooth can lead not only to the dentist, but also to separation. Therefore, it is better to have the coveted box with you.

Why do girls answer "I'll think about it"

When making an offer, you must be prepared for the fact that the girl will not immediately answer the coveted "yes". She may refer to the fact that she needs time to think. Do not despair, after all, you have been preparing for several days and nights, developing a plan for how to call her in marriage. She didn't know anything at that time (even if she secretly dreamed about it for the last couple of years). Therefore, treat her statement "I will think" as part of the script, especially since she has heard this phrase in almost all the romantic films she has seen.

Video on the topic of the article:

Now we'll tell you about the best ways to propose to a girl. In the life of every loving man, there comes a moment when he decides to propose to his beloved. But how exactly is the best way to offer a hand and a heart to a girl, we have described below:

You need to invite your parents' girl's parents to dinner. Dinner should be perfect. The table needs to be covered with a beautiful tablecloth. It is best to cook dinner for the man himself, but if the young man does not know how to cook, then you can order food in a restaurant or ask your beloved for help. And at that moment when a toast needs to be said, a man can propose to his girlfriend.

Method two.

Book a VIP table at the restaurant. It should be beautifully decorated with flowers and candles. It is worth ordering only light meals that the girl loves. Well, the ring itself needs to be put in a glass of champagne. Or you can ask the waiter in advance to place a ring on top of a piece of cake or pastry when serving dessert.

Method three.

If a girl stays with a young man for the night, then one thing is to cook her breakfast. But you will need to get up early so as not to look sleepy and disheveled. Breakfast can include morning coffee and croissants. And on a tray with coffee and rolls you need to put a box with a ring.

Method four.

A man should write in advance a declaration of love and a marriage proposal on beautiful paper. You need to pack the letter in a bright envelope, and next to it, catch a box with a ring. The moment the girl wakes up, the letter and the ring should lie next to her beloved lady, on the next pillow. And the young man himself must go to the shower or on business for a short time.

The fifth method.

Now you can order a cake of any shape and with any inscription. Therefore, such a proposal would be very original. On the cake you need to put a general photo and the inscription "Marry me!"

Sixth method.

The proposal will look very impressive if you make it in the salon of a beautiful limousine. You need to buy expensive champagne in advance. It is fashionable to meet your beloved from work in a limousine and offer her a hand and a heart there.

Method seven.

You can order balloons on which the letter from the phrase "Marry me!" Will be written. These balloons need to be pumped with helium and tied to the stair rail. When the girl returns home, she will see this proposal. And at the door her apartment should be met by a young man with a wedding ring. You can not tie the balls to the railing of the stairs, but simply decorate the room with balls, buy a large teddy bear and catch a box with a ring in its paws.

Method eight.

You can propose to your beloved in a crowded square. A man should kneel down to ask if the girl is ready to marry him, while presenting the lady with a wedding ring. This way is very romantic.

Method nine.

Calls with congratulations are accepted at each radio station. You can write your favorite SMS message to turn on a certain radio wave. Then you need to call there and make an offer to your beloved.

In fact, a man only needs to show imagination., so that the proposal will be remembered for a lifetime both for him and his girlfriend. Someone prefers more traditional ways, while for someone they prefer more extreme and original ways to propose to their girlfriend. But in any case, this day will be remembered by the lovers for a lifetime.

Since childhood, all girls dream of the moment when a guy will kneel in front of them and offer such a long-awaited ring. Therefore, in search of advice on how to propose to get married, a guy should be guided by the fact that it should be beautiful, tender and touching. This is the only way the girl will remember this event for a long time. Moreover, for a very long time she will be able to brag about it in front of her friends, and this, believe me, is very important for most women.


The most common, but no less desirable, is the classic version of how to propose to get married. To do this, you need a romantic atmosphere at home or a couple of glasses of champagne and such a welcome ring. It is better not to inform the chosen one about your intention in advance, let it be a surprise for her. The height of pleasure at the moment of recognition for any girl will be the situation if the guy goes down on one knee while delivering the main speech. You also need to take care of the words that will be said, for every girl they are very important.

If you want to find a clue, get married, you can choose an unusual, extreme option. Here the long-awaited event can happen in the air at the time of a parachute jump, under water in funny diving suits or at speed on the coolest bike. The main thing is to be sure that the girl will like it, and she will appreciate the efforts at its true worth.

An option for making a proposal to get married can be organizing a small show for your chosen one. The orchestra, dancers and fireworks only in honor of the beloved, and in the midst of the fun - the long-awaited recognition and a huge number of witnesses of this event. You can be sure that most women will like it.

Among the options, to get married, you can send your beloved a bouquet of flowers to work, to which a small gift will be attached. At the moment of its deployment, the guy should appear in the office and, in front of everyone, propose to his lady to become a wife. The girl will like this option. Moreover, all employees will treat it somewhat differently - better and warmer - rejoicing for their colleague.

In a close circle

You can follow in the footsteps of your ancestors and propose to the girl with your family. The business should start by asking the parents whether it is possible to marry their daughter, and after consenting to turn to the chosen one herself. But this scenario has two sides: on the one hand, the beloved person, as it may seem, considers the opinion of the parents, and not the beloved, as the main thing, which can offend the girl, and on the other, he respects and appreciates the opinion of her mother and father, which will amaze the chosen one before depths of the soul.


You can also make a beautiful proposal to get married. To do this, you can write "Marry me" on the sand or snow and ask your beloved to look out of the window. An option could be the creation of a business card site, the viewing of which ends with a marriage proposal, writing a kind of personal diary, where important moments from the life of a couple will be highlighted. And it should end with the date and words: today she agreed to marry me. There are a huge number of options. The main thing is to choose the one that suits the chosen one and the man himself likes.

You met the one and only girl with whom you want to connect fate, go through life together and grow old surrounded by children and grandchildren. And to hear: “Yes! I agree! ”, It remains to make an offer. How to make it memorable and become a family history, and your chosen one bragged about it in front of her friends?


Find out the size of the ring

To propose to a woman, you first need to buy a ring.

There are two options: you make a surprise or go to the store with your chosen one, and she chooses the ring herself.

In the latter case, the surprise effect will be lost. We will not consider such a situation.

Does the girl really love you

In order not to get into a stupid position, you need to make sure 100% that the girl loves you. You can read about how to do this in.

How to choose the best words, what to talk about

Before starting to implement your plans, it would be nice to think about what you will say.

In fact, you can say anything you want. The only rule is to avoid pompous, bombastic phrases. It will look silly and unnatural. The more succinctly you formulate your thoughts, the better. Ideally, just a few words are enough: “I love you. Will you marry me?".

House offer options

Romantic dinner

It is necessary to create a romantic atmosphere around: light candles, decorate the room with balloons or flowers. You can sit on a blanket on the floor for a change.

Don't forget to buy a bottle of champagne.

No need to throw rings into glasses, put them in cakes, fruits. A ring placed in food you can choke.

Wrap the case with the ring in cellophane and place the case in the center of the cake, from the bottom, so that it is not visible. Ask the girl to cut the cake. When she cuts the cake and takes out the box, you can kneel down and make her an offer that she cannot refuse.

Such a proposal will cost about 3-4 thousand rubles. No ring cost.

If you have the skills of working in Photoshop, creating collages from photos, creating websites, you can create a website or put collages from photos in a certain order on a photo hosting site.

Photos can be arranged in the form of a tree: first, each of you is small, then photos of teenagers, adults, then you met, your joint photos. Finish it all off with the question: “Are we going to continue this tree with our family photos? Will you become my wife? "

Professional website development will cost from 5000 rubles A good hosting will cost about 100-150 rubles. per month, but for such purposes it is quite possible to use the free one.

Quest at home

Come up with tasks, solving which, the girl will move around the apartment, approaching the finish line. There she will be waiting for the last riddle, the answer to which will be a box with a ring and a cherished question. Here, only your imagination and the Internet will help you.

Picture puzzle

Order a jigsaw puzzle from the photo where you kneel in front of your girlfriend with a box in your hand.

You can combine 2 photos, your new one where you are standing in front of it and the existing photo of the girl. Put the puzzle together, and at the end you will hear a request: "Become my wife!"

Order a puzzle from a photo costs from 300 rubles to 6500 thousand, depending on the size. The main thing is to choose a magnetic one. Can then be placed on the refrigerator.

You can find a suitable agency using Yandex at the request: "A puzzle from a photo in (your city)"

Option of suggestions in a restaurant

Gather relatives and friends, make an offer in front of everyone.

After the musician puts on her favorite music, invite the girl to dance. Arrange with the waiter to bring a tray with a ring and a marriage question or written chocolate on a tray of fruit pieces. Get on one knee and propose.

Combine business with pleasure, if you already have a vacation planned and you are going on a trip, make an offer on the trip.
Or organize just a romantic trip for the proposal.

5 most romantic places in the world to propose

Paris- one most suitable place. Invite your girlfriend to get married in a restaurant on the Eiffel Tower.

You can fix the result at the Pere Lachaise cemetery at 12 o'clock in the morning, giving the sphinx a kiss on the grave of Oscar Wilde. According to the legend, after this, the lovers will not part.

Verona. Juliet's house. You can attach a note with your proposal to the stand next to the sculpture of Juliet. You can propose on Juliet's balcony.

Iron the parts of Juliet's sculpture so that happy love doesn't end.

Rest in a bungalow and an inscription on the sand, coupled with an atmosphere saturated with romance, is a guarantee of a positive answer.

Charles Bridge in Prague... Move your girlfriend through it, according to legend, this is the road to happiness. And at the end, make an offer.

By the way, the length of the bridge is 520 m. Therefore, before carrying the girl, it doesn't hurt to practice a little.

Valley of the Butterflies in Turkey... Untouched nature, many butterflies, the beauty of waterfalls and silence. The road there is only by sea. What could be more romantic than a boat offer? Tie a box with a ring with a thin fishing line, and make the girl "catch" it

Public offers

Here you can no longer do without agencies organizing such events. Agency employees will agree on everything and settle issues with the administration of the place chosen for the event. You can find a suitable agency in any search engine by request: "Agency for organizing events in (your city)", "Propose to a girl with the help of an agency in (your city)".

Here are some options:

  • In the theater, go on stage after the performance;
  • In the cinema after the film, launch a video dedicated to your relationship (from 18,500 rubles);
  • On the field after the match, an inscription with a question appears on the scoreboard.

Flashmob will cost from 13 500 rubles without shooting. With videos and bells and whistles (balls, fire show, increased number of people, etc.) about 100,000 rubles.

How will it look like? For example, you invite her for a walk. Strangers will approach her and give a rose. There will be no limit to the girl's surprise.

Do not forget to make a surprised face, otherwise, the girl will immediately guess everything.

The last person will give you a bouquet of flowers and a box with a ring, which you will present to the chosen one.

You can organize a flash mob for free, with the help of friends:

  • Friends will at once raise their parts of the posters that make up the marriage proposal;
  • The guys begin to dance, diverting attention from the stand with a poster on which a proposal will appear at the end of the dance;
  • The guys are dancing, balls appear and a stretch with a proposal;

The most creative ways

Balloon and the offer on it will cost from 5000 rubles. depending on the flying club.

Organize a mock interview(pseudo-business meeting). This can be done either through an agency, or you can arrange with friends unfamiliar to the girl so that they play the role of personnel officers (customers).

This option is suitable if a girl is looking for a job or if her job involves meeting with customers. This guarantees the full effect of surprise both from your appearance there, and from further actions. The appointment must be made at a cafe in the mall.

Then perform a song for her, or play an instrument if you know how to play compact instruments (violin, guitar, flute) and are not afraid to draw attention to yourself.
After the performance, present the ring. If there is a beautiful fountain nearby with light music, remove the ring from there by tying it to a fishing line. And present to the girl.

Diary proposal... Make a diary. Include significant events and dates of the relationship. Describe your emotions, impressions and thoughts at that moment. Can be supplemented with photographs. Make a special note of the day of the offer. Then the diary will become a family one.

Kinder Surprise... If a girl loves sweets, then you can hide the ring inside a kinder surprise. To do this, carefully divide the chocolate egg into two parts, place the ring, “solder” the chocolate with a warm knife and carefully wrap the wrapper.

If risk in your blood then you can do something like this:

Prince on a white horse... All girls dream of a prince on a white horse. Why not make this dream come true literally. The biggest problem is finding a horse. This can be done at the nearest equestrian club.

Knock on the window... You can rent a car with a lifting basket from an electrician. Your beloved will be very surprised when you wake her up with a knock on the window and present a huge bouquet of flowers.

Organize an unexpected and unplanned picnic in nature or in the park and propose during it. Bring the girl during the walk to the place where a picnic blanket will be spread, there will be a basket with food, the table is laid on this blanket.

If you decide to get out into nature, do not forget the insect repellent.

How not to propose

If you do not want to receive a negative answer, to spoil such an important moment in the life of two, then you should not make an offer:

  • in SMS or by phone. It looks frivolous and looks like a joke or a mockery;
  • in extreme ways, if you have a domestic or conservative girl;
  • in public ways, if your girlfriend is shy and does not like to draw attention to herself;
  • on the run and by the way;
  • drunk.

Whichever way you choose, it will be a truly memorable event in your life and hers. For her, the very fact that she is the only one with whom you decided to connect your life will be pleasant. So go for it !!!

A young man who is preparing to take a very responsible step - to invite a girl to become his wife - must thoroughly prepare for this event in order to look dignified in front of his beloved, and in return receive the desired "yes". We advise you to study all possible ways of how to beautifully propose to a girl, and then decide on an option that is acceptable for yourself.

7 ways to make a beautiful proposal

Are you sure you know your future soul mate well? The chosen method of making an offer will directly depend on its nature. Think about what your beloved expects from you, feel her state of mind. If your girlfriend is shy, discreet, present an engagement ring in a warm, cozy atmosphere at home or tete-a-tete in a restaurant. Well, if she loves publicity, then it is better to make a loud confession on radio or TV, or in a suitable public place.


Ask your girlfriend if she agrees to spend a day off at a picnic, if she has any other plans. If everything goes well, start preparing. It is clear that this will not be a simple picnic with baked potatoes, everything should be organized in the best possible way. Choose a scenic spot at the edge of a forest or near a river, where a tent will be set up in advance.

To create a festive mood for the girl, save her from cooking, take care of it yourself. Let your beloved just take a break from all worries, think exclusively about you. Come up with a way to set an impromptu table with delicious, beautifully decorated dishes.

Do not forget about the ceremonially opened champagne, a huge bouquet of flowers and the highlight of the program - a ringlet worn on the finger of your beloved. You will need to stand in front of the girl on one knee, give a gallant speech or read a suitable poem.

Do you want to enlist the support of your friends? Invite them to a picnic, they will tell you how beautiful you can propose to a girl. Successfully passing contests, tests, games, prove yourself a real superman hero, then your chosen one simply cannot refuse you.

Instead of a picnic in nature, it became popular to propose to a girl on the roof of a high-rise building. How did our hero do it? Watch the video:

At home

There are girls who do not like publicity, preferring to keep everything personal behind the closed doors of their home. Then it is better to make an offer at home.

Do you live with your girlfriend? This means that you have all the trump cards. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - while the girl is not at home, decorate the house with rose petals, line them with a path from the front door to the bedroom itself, let it touch the sincerity of your feelings with bare feet. Light a lot of candles, turn on relaxing music, prepare a small buffet with champagne, sweets.

Meet your beloved at the door with a large bouquet of flowers, while she is shocked by everything that happens, hold your hand into the bedroom, kneel down and propose. Open the box with the ring, put it on the bride's finger.

If the girl is still living separately, you will definitely have a conversation with the girl's parents, receiving their blessings. Dress solidly, get your festive suit, tie for this, stock up on flowers for her mother and a bottle of good wine or cognac for her father - everyone likes to receive gifts. Well, the gift for the bride is kept by a magic box. The formula for success is simple:

  • Be punctual, don't be late.
  • Think over the words that you would use to thank your parents for such a good daughter, tell them why they fell in love with her.
  • Be sincere, say what you think, and then you will see tears of happiness in their eyes.
  • After that, go to the main thing - declare that you intend to legalize the relationship and came here to ask for the hand of their daughter and get consent to the marriage.

In public

You guess that the girl wants to hear from you an offer not in private, but when a large number people, as a confirmation of your boundless love? So go towards your dream! Believe me, this will flatter her pride and play in your favor. If you think carefully about how beautiful it is to propose to a girl in a public place, then you will find a lot of suitable places for such a case - a metro, a shopping center, a square, a theater, a concert venue, a park.

Does your girlfriend love theater? So, she just needs to hear the marriage proposal right from his stage. Take courage, go on stage and, in front of all honest people, say the cherished words. Believe me, the support of the large hall will play a role, the response of the beloved will be positive.

Can you sing? Gather your friends, sing a serenade with them under the girl's balcony. Let the whole house know that you are in love, that your chosen one is the best of all! But you should not make an offer like this if the girl lives on the top floor of a very high house, otherwise you will not be heard.

And at night, lay out your confession with the help of lighted small bright candles, as shown in the photo. The effect will be amazing!

Look in the video how beautifully, with the help of friends, an ordinary guy proposed to a girl.

In the restaurant

A marriage proposal in a restaurant is a timeless classic. This is what they did in the old days, this is what connoisseurs of good taste and gallant manners do now. Beautiful clothes, exquisite dishes, romantic music - all this disposes to pleasant conversations, spiritual closeness, it is not for nothing that the restaurant has heard the most of such proposals.

Do not rush to propose to the girl immediately upon arrival, limit yourself to a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Continue to constantly look after your lady, show all sorts of signs of attention, let her feel like a real queen.

When the moment is right, take out the box with the ring and invite the girl to accept it as a sign of your love and desire to be together all your life. To make the offer more original, try to negotiate with the waiter, let him unexpectedly bring a ring on a tray covered with a beautiful napkin or cap. Then take the initiative.

At work or school

Want to make your girlfriend's day at work or school the happiest? Then arm yourself with flowers, a cherished ring - and head straight for where she is now. Your appearance will be unexpected, but this is the beauty of the moment! Imagine how surprised everyone around you will be when you appear in the office or audience with a bouquet, fall on your knees and ask for her hand in marriage! Such a touching moment will not leave her indifferent.

On the radio

You will never guess what else there is a way to beautifully propose to a girl! If your beloved listens to radio programs in which congratulations on your birthday and other holidays are transmitted, this is an occasion to call or write a letter to the host of the program and order a song for her, and at the same time make an offer to the girl right in front of an audience of thousands! Let the whole country hear that there is a man who loves her more than life! By doing this, you will reach the very depths of her soul.

On the journey

Fork, buy a ticket for two to some romantic place, for example, the city of lovers, Paris, is suitable for this. The destination of the trip does not play a special role, the main thing is that you will be only the two of you, devote unforgettable moments to each other. Traveling will help you relax, give free rein to your senses. A new setting, a variety of impressions will revive emotions, and you will guess how beautiful it is to propose to your beloved girlfriend.