Christmas paper crafts for home decoration. Spiral of stars. Necessary materials for DIY paper Christmas decorations

Liana Raymanova

The New Year is a time of magic, fairy tales and a festive atmosphere that fills the frosty air. And, of course, everyone, without exception, is preparing for an exciting moment - decorating the Christmas tree. But, despite the rich selection of toys in stores, many people prefer to decorate the Christmas tree on their own and with their own hand-made decorations.

Most popular stuff for the manufacture of New Year's toys - paper. This material is affordable and easy to use. But you can see how to make Christmas tree toys with your own hands from paper in this article. It will be much more interesting if you involve your children in this activity, because children are able to create something that an adult simply does not have enough imagination for.

How to make a Christmas tree toy out of colored paper

Colored paper toys will bring bright accents to the festive interior. The main thing is to take high-quality and thick enough paper so that the finished product is durable and pleases you with its appearance for a long time.

New Year paper toys

The most traditional New Year's toy is considered christmas ball. So why not try making it out of paper. It is very easy to make such decorations for a paper Christmas tree with your own hands, but you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools.

To make such an interesting Christmas ball, you will need the following materials:

  • thick paper of any color;
  • scissors;
  • compasses or any round object;
  • PVA glue;
  • satin ribbon or thread.

When all the tools are at hand, you can get to work. It does not take a lot of time. Similar paper fakes for a Christmas tree are made in several stages:

  1. Draw identical circles on paper using a compass or, for example, a coffee lid, and cut it out. As a result, the number of circles should be 20.
  2. In each circle, draw an isosceles triangle with a pencil or fold the circle in half on both sides to mark the center with a cross.
  3. Bend the edges of the circles along the lines of the triangles and iron the fold well with your fingers.
  4. From the resulting triangles, glue the base for the ball. To do this, lay out a line of triangles on a flat surface so that their bases form a straight line. Here you can notice that the “top” of the line is with spaces, so in the gaps you need to insert five more circles. The result is a strip of 10 triangles, which must be closed in a circle.
  5. From the remaining 10 circles, make the bottom and top of the ball. To do this, glue 5 triangles into a circle so that the tops of the triangles are together.
  6. Glue the resulting caps to the base. The ball is ready.

After the ball is completely glued, you need to take a ribbon or any dense thread and attach it with glue to any place. This is necessary so that the ball can be easily hung on a Christmas tree branch.

If you find it difficult to draw triangles in each circle, you can make a spare circle and cut out the desired triangle from it. This will serve as a template and greatly facilitate the process.

You can also make not a round ball, but a square one. This requires 6 circles. Only the edges should be bent not in a triangle, but in a square. As a result, 4 squares will go to the base and 2 to the lids.

Similar paper toys for the New Year can be made plain or multi-colored.

It is important to understand that the larger the circles are in diameter, the larger the Christmas ball itself will be. Thus, it is possible to compose whole compositions from balls of different sizes.

Christmas tree toys made of cardboard

The simplest New Year's toys made of cardboard are Christmas trees from animals, which can be placed next to these Christmas trees. The principle of making animals and Christmas trees will not be explained, it is quite easy. Refer to the image below.

Christmas trees made of cardboard

But making a ball out of cardboard is not so easy. In addition, it is not always possible to find a ball with the desired pattern in the store, but we know that it you can always do it yourself. Such New Year's decorations made of cardboard can become the main and brightest accents on the Christmas tree.

Necessary materials:

  • postcard with your favorite image or photo;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • thread or ribbon;
  • small screw and nut.

A unique Christmas ball is prepared in three stages:

  1. A photo or postcard must be cut into an arbitrary number of strips.
  2. On each strip, at the top and bottom, you need to make a hole with a hole punch.
  3. Collect all the strips together by threading a screw through the holes and securing with a nut so that they can move. The toy is ready.

After the toy is assembled, you need to straighten the strips so that the pattern is visible. And in order to be able to hang it on the Christmas tree, you need to attach a thread or ribbon to the top screw.

It is not necessary to use a photo or a postcard in order to view the image: it is quite possible to use colored cardboard, in two or more colors. You can decorate the ball with a bow, beads.

The number of stripes should not be less than 5 pieces. If there are fewer of them, the ball will look awkward

From cardboard you can create beautiful "winter" toys. How to do it, see this video:

What New Year's toys can be made from corrugated paper

Paper Christmas decorations look especially interesting if you use not plain paper, but corrugated paper. Looks very nice corrugated paper tree.

Necessary materials:

  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • sheet of cardboard of any size.

First you need to make the base of the Christmas tree out of thick cardboard, for example, a rolled cone. It must be secured along the seam with tape or glue. For stability, the cavity of the cone is filled with any material.

Strips of corrugated paper should be 10 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide. The strip should be twisted in the middle and folded into a loop, pressing down with your fingertip. All prepared loops are glued to the cone, starting from the bottom row. The fluffiness and volume of the Christmas tree depends on the number of loops used. You can attach a bow or a large bead to the top of the finished beauty.

How to make voluminous Christmas paper toys

If you looked at various photos of New Year's toys made of paper with your own hands, then you probably noticed that mostly Christmas tree decorations are made voluminous. The thing is that such toys are much easier to make, because they are made according to special patterns. Such patterns of Christmas paper toys are easy to find on the Internet, they even sold in stores.

To make a toy according to such a pattern, you need to print a pattern on a color printer, cut it out and glue it along the indicated lines.

It is better to print such templates on thick paper, a simple office paper will not work. From the glue, it will get wet, and the toy will look sloppy, or even completely fall apart.

Finished products look very original. They can be given as a small gift., after putting a small treat inside, for example, a few sweets or a chocolate egg.

Do not think that handmade Christmas decorations will look unnatural and ugly on a festive tree. It's not like that at all. You can’t buy such jewelry in a store, and the time that was spent with the family for creativity will be for a long time put a smile on your face. Especially the smallest members of the family will like this activity.

September 27, 2017

Someone is preparing for the new year, decorating the Christmas tree with expensive designer decorations, and someone with cheerful multi-colored electric garlands and glass balls from the store.

Such Christmas tree decorations will undoubtedly make the New Year's beauty stylish and beautiful, but, unfortunately, they cannot be compared with hand-made toys. After all, the very process of their creation not only enhances the anticipation of the holiday, but also gives invaluable minutes of communication to all family members.

There are a lot of options on how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands for the new coming year, but the most affordable and not requiring special skill in manufacturing are New Year's paper toys. You only need improvised materials that can be found in any home, a little patience and creative imagination.

The most common and versatile toys for the new year are Christmas balls. You can make them with your own hands from any thick paper: colored cardboard, colorful postcards or old magazine covers. Monochromatic balls will give a single style to the room, and multi-colored - an atmosphere of fun and fabulous magic.

So, before you start making these paper toys, you need to prepare the following:

  • thick paper with a pattern you like;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • a compass or any object, outlining which you can reproduce a circle (jars, lids, glasses, etc.).

How to do:

  • Draw 21 identical circles on paper and cut them out with scissors.

Prepare the circles as follows:

  • bend the circle twice in half (this is necessary to determine the center);
  • unbend the circle and bend one side of it so that the edge of the circle is exactly in the center;
  • bend two more sides of the circle to make a triangle with equal sides;
  • cut out the resulting triangle, which will play the role of a pattern for the rest of the details;
  • impose a triangle on the rest of the circles, circle with a pencil and bend the edges outward along the lines.
  • Glue 10 circles together with two sides so that you get a strip: 5 circles on top, and 5 on the bottom. The strip must be glued into a ring. This will be the base for the ball.

  • Divide the remaining 10 parts into 5 pieces, which are glued into a circle. Got two "caps".

  • Glue the top and bottom "lid" to the base in sequence.
  • The loop for hanging the ball can be made from a thread threaded through the top of the toy with a needle, or from a beautiful ribbon. A loop of ribbon is fixed with a knot and threaded through the top of the "cap" of the ball before gluing it to the base. The knot stays inside the toy, and the loop stays outside.

The original do-it-yourself paper toy is ready for the new coming year!

More paper balls for the Christmas tree

Volumetric snowflake

Another indispensable attribute of the new year is snowflakes. They can be the simplest, cut out from a sheet of paper with an arbitrary pattern, or they can be voluminous using the origami technique. We offer to make the last version of the New Year's snowflake with your own hands.

To do this, you need to cut six squares of the same size, fold each of them diagonally, and then in half. Parallel incisions are made along the fold. The square unfolds, the inner tongues are wrapped and fastened together.

The outer petals are connected to the same petals of the remaining squares. You can attach them both with glue and with a regular stapler.

Do you love needlework? Then you will love making DIY Christmas decorations! This is a pleasant and exciting activity for the whole family that will not leave anyone indifferent - you will spend several evenings with pleasure making toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands.

What do we use for the material

What do you need to make DIY Christmas decorations? You can use almost anything that comes your way. If you want, you can buy special consumables (sold in art stores), or you can use what is in any home. So what to prepare:
  • plain paper (suitable for making patterns);
  • pencils and markers;
  • ordinary, white and colored cardboard (velvet can be used);
  • sharp scissors and a dummy knife;
  • glue (PVA or glue gun with rods);
  • threads and needles;
  • yarn of different shades;
  • various decorative materials - it can be sparkles, sequins, confetti, multi-colored foil, stickers and much more.
This is a basic set, but in order to make a specific Christmas tree toy, something else may be required.

Simple crafts from improvised materials

Of course, you have probably seen how Christmas balls are made from threads and glue with your own hands, but why not expand the range? We make different Christmas decorations with our own hands.

From yarn

This is a simple and at the same time spectacular Christmas decoration that can decorate any Christmas tree.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • yarn;
  • tailor's pins;
  • plate or bowl;
  • porous material (for example, a disposable tray);
  • cutting paper;
  • marker.
The threads need to be soaked in glue - the glue should soak the yarn well, it is thanks to it that the decoration will keep its shape. While the threads are absorbing the glue, you need to make a template for your toy - draw on paper what you want. It can be DIY Christmas balls, outlandish birds or neat little houses. You can also try to make a snowman, a couple of small Christmas trees and a star.

The template needs to be attached with pins (or ordinary toothpicks) to the porous material, and lay out the pattern you need on top - first the outline is laid out, then the interior decor. Do not cross the threads too often, the toy should be fairly flat. After you are done, dry the product and remove it from the pins, and tie a loop in the eye. If desired, you can decorate with sparkles or rain.

From wire

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands in just a couple of minutes? Use wire!

To make toys you will need:

  • two types of wire - thick and thin (thin can be replaced with bright threads, for example, floss. Pure white strong threads look very nice);
  • beads, beads;
  • colored tape;
  • pliers.
In order to make figurines or balls for the Christmas tree, cut a few pieces from thick wire and give them the shape that your Christmas decoration will have. In our case, this is a star, but you can use any geometric shapes and simple silhouettes.

The ends of the thick wire must be twisted. You need to string beads and beads mixed on a thin wire, tie the end of a thin wire to a future Christmas tree decoration, and wrap it randomly.

When the toy is evenly wrapped, you need to wrap the free tail of the wire around the toy, and tie a ribbon in the shape of a bow - your toy is ready.

Another original idea:

Ribbon and beads

Who said that do-it-yourself New Year's toys must be done for a long time and painstakingly? Not at all. Literally in five minutes you can, which will decorate both the New Year's tree and the interior.

You will need:

  • beads;
  • narrow tape;
  • yellow, gold or silver cardboard;
  • glue "Second";
  • needle with thread.
We fold the ribbon with an accordion and string it on a thread, after each loop of the ribbon you need to string a bead. The more "tiers", the smaller they are - you see, the Christmas tree is already starting to turn out. When the ribbon ends, the thread must be tied in a knot, and a small star should be cut out of the cardboard. Next, you need to glue your Christmas tree to the star, and make a loop on top so that the decoration can be easily hung.

The interior decor made in this way looks very attractive.

From cardboard - in a couple of minutes

Some Christmas toys made of paper or cardboard take a lot of time to make, but not in this case - here you really need a couple of minutes to make an elegant hand-made Christmas decoration.

So, you will need:

  • ordinary cardboard;
  • some twine or thick yarn;
  • glue;
  • paints and brushes;
  • napkin or cloth;
  • varied decor.
Make two figurines out of cardboard, glue them together, laying a thread with a loop between them - the blank for the toy is ready.

We wrap the tree in different directions with a free tail of twine. After some pattern of threads appears on the Christmas tree, you can start gluing it with a napkin. You can tear the napkin into pieces, coat the Christmas tree well with glue, and glue it tightly with a napkin. This will give a nice texture to the future toy.

After the toy has dried, you can start painting - paint the Christmas tree green.

After the paint layer dries, shade the texture of the toy with a dry hard brush and white paint, and then decorate as you like.

From bright patches

Here you will need a sewing machine, but with a special desire, you can manage without it. This is the best way to make Christmas toys out of cotton wool and fabric - just choose a fabric with a Christmas ornament, or use the one you have on hand.

Prepare some paper patterns - for example, deer, stars, gingerbread men, cubs, letters and hearts. Cut the blanks out of the fabric with your own hands, sew them in pairs, leaving a small gap (for stuffing), and through this small hole, tightly stuff the toys with cotton wool or padding polyester. It is most convenient to fill with a pencil.

Patterns can be downloaded here:

By the way, do not forget - we sew on a typewriter from the inside, but if you decide to make toys made of dense fabric with the kids, then it is better to sew them with a decorative seam over the edge - a do-it-yourself toy will look simply charming and suitable even for a home Christmas tree, even for a kindergarten - usually for kindergarten trees, children make decorations themselves.

From twine and cardboard

New Year's toys made of paper and cardboard will be much more interesting if you add a couple more simple materials to them. To make such a toy, you will need ordinary cardboard, simple paper or natural twine, a little felt or any other fabric, as well as plain paper, a pencil and a ruler, a drop of glue.

The star pattern can be downloaded here:

First, make a pattern on plain paper, and then transfer it to cardboard. Do not forget that the star must be double. Do not make the star too thin, it is better to make it from a centimeter or more. The tail of the twine is glued to the cardboard, then you need to gradually wrap the entire workpiece.

Lay the thread as tightly as possible so that there are no gaps. In order to decorate the star, make a couple of leaves and berries out of fabric and decorate one of the rays. Your decoration is ready.

From yarn and cardboard

Do you want to make original and at the same time charming Christmas decorations with your own hands? Then it's time to make small gift hats with your own hands from improvised materials. This is a wonderful Christmas gift that looks cute and will keep you warm all winter!

To make Christmas tree decorations in the form of hats, you will need:

  • a couple of toilet paper bushings (you can just glue cardboard rings together);
  • remnants of colored yarn;
  • beads and sequins for decoration.
From cardboard, you need to glue rings about 1.5-2 cm wide. If you use a toilet paper sleeve as a base, cut it into several segments of approximately the same width.

The threads need to be cut into segments of approximately 20-22 centimeters. We fold each piece in half, draw the loop through the cardboard ring, and stretch the free edges of the threads through the loop. It is necessary that the thread is firmly fixed on the cardboard base. So you need to repeat until the cardboard base is hidden under the threads.

All thread tails need to be pulled through the ring so that our hat has a “lapel”.

And now we drag the free ponytails tightly with a thread and cut them in the shape of a pompom - the hat is ready! It remains only to make a loop and decorate your Christmas tree toy with sequins and sparkles.

From beads

Making a New Year's toy in the style of minimalism is easy and simple - you will need wire, beads and beads, a ribbon and a coin (you can replace it with a small candy, but it looks much more spectacular with a coin). Try to make this Christmas tree toy with your own hands, a very simple master class.

Make a loop on the wire and string green beads mixed with large beads on it - they will play the role of New Year's balls on our Christmas tree. After the wire is filled, give it the shape of a Christmas tree, folding in a spiral.

Once your tree is in shape, fold the loose end into a loop.

We cut off a piece of tape, form a loop for hanging from it and stretch it through the Christmas tree, and decorate the free tail with a coin (the easiest way is to stick it on double-sided tape). We tie a decorative bow on the loop for hanging - your decor is ready!

Christmas balls

How to make a Christmas ball of thread? As easy as shelling pears, watch our master class about spectacular lace balls on the Christmas tree.

Would need:

  • several balloons;
  • cotton threads;
  • PVA, water and sugar;
  • scissors;
  • polymer glue;
  • spray paint;
  • decor.

First you need to inflate the balloon - not completely, but according to the size of the future decoration. Mix two tablespoons of water, two teaspoons of sugar and PVA glue (50 ml), and soak the thread in this mixture so that the thread is saturated. Then you need to wrap the ball with a thread randomly. The balls need to be dried for several hours. After the glue is completely dry, you need to blow off the ball and take it out, and gently paint the thread ball with spray paint and decorate with sequins and sparkles.

Do-it-yourself thread Christmas balls will turn out to be very, very spectacular if you make them in different tones - for example, red, silver and gold. Try to make Christmas balls with your own hands using different techniques - you can sew or knit balls, make them from cotton wool with your own hands or, for example, sew them from felt - there are never too many such toys.

From paper

New Year's paper decorations are very popular among both big and small admirers of the New Year's miracle - try making paper Christmas balls with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself New Year's paper toy is done like this:

Decorating such a toy is not additionally required, it is already expressive.

Another version of the ball:

Or you can make such a ball according to the master class:

From felt

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys made of felt look very warm and cozy, and making them is very, very simple. To make your own charming Christmas toys made of felt, you will need:
  • red, white and green felt;
  • threads of red, white and green;
  • glue Crystal;
  • scissors and needles;
  • cardboard;
  • some satin ribbon;
  • soft filler (cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer).

First make sketches for your future toys. It can be anything. After the patterns are ready, transfer them to the felt and cut them out. What is good about this material is that it does not crumble, you will not need to additionally process the edge of each workpiece.

Make the same decorative elements - for example, holly branches (by the way, did you know that this is a symbol of joy and Christmas reconciliation?). Berries need to be glued to the leaf with glue, and then make a decorative knot - this will add volume to the berries.

We sew each blank in pairs. By the way, it is best to sew with contrasting threads, it will be fun and elegant. And how to make Christmas decorations voluminous? Stuff them with holofiber before sewing them up completely! Spread the product well, so the Christmas tree toy will be stuffed more evenly. For stuffing, you can use the back of the pencil.

Sew on decorative elements and your Christmas toy is ready!

Try sewing felt decorations not only for the Christmas tree, but also for the home - for example, a Christmas wreath decorated with felt toys looks very stylish. Look at a selection of DIY Christmas decorations photo workshops - and you will understand how much interesting things can be done from ordinary felt of two or three colors.

Master class on how to make a Christmas garland with your own hands from felt:

Below you can download templates and patterns of different Christmas trees for crafts from felt.

Paper is by far the most inexpensive and easy-to-use material for holiday crafts, which is why we arm ourselves with scissors, glue, stapler and tape, as well as a pile of colorful leaves to make the most beautiful do-it-yourself paper Christmas decorations. And although some of the ideas are not new, you can start doing this right today, without any complicated and expensive preliminary preparation.

DIY paper Christmas decorations

The garlands that stretch around the entire perimeter of the room, curl the walls, furniture, ceiling, have been made by us since childhood. Colored chains are no longer the most popular long variety. DIY paper Christmas decorations. The hit of this winter is the starfall, the end of which is not visible.

To create these, you will need one template or stencil, a long rope and glue. On stencils, you need to cut out so many stars that it is enough to shower the whole house. Since the version of such a craft is very simple, it is necessary that the stars themselves have individual artistic value, therefore, if you take bright, colored sheets for them, maybe even with sparkles or metallic tints, then it will only get better. Another good option is wrappers, which are sold for gift wrapping departments, this material already has an interesting texture, but is not so expensive. One such leaf can become the progenitor for hundreds of stars. You need to assemble the garland on a rope, using glue for this, coat it on one asterisk, lay the rope on it so that it passes in the middle, and then cover it with a second asterisk on top and gently press it with your fingers so that the elements are fixed. You can string a string of strings, you can arrange an entire star curtain by placing them on a window cornice or doorway, or you can let them slide down from a chandelier, shining beautifully in artificial light. To complicate the task a little, you can glue together not two, but five elements in series, then you will get interesting voluminous Christmas decorations with their own hands made of paper. To save money, because several times more will go to this type of material, it is worth taking newspaper sheets.

You should not stop only on the stars, when there are still so many different elements for. For example, you can use large images of Christmas symbols - deer, Christmas trees, candy canes and gingerbread men - as such elements. They are not glued to a rope, but attached with an ordinary clothesline, making a creative garland in the style of photographic dryer exhibitions.

Volumetric decorative accents can complement garlands with a more uniform texture, for example, paper balls folded in any way you know always make bright strokes. They are both fragile and strong, large and neat, suitable for any interior, as the color for them is limited only by the palette of your colored cardboard box. Pay attention to how beautiful the heart pendants look, the photos of which you can see above, moreover, you can later use the idea of ​​​​creating such pendants for Valentine's Day decor, but without depicting snowflakes on the front of the hearts.

New Year's home decoration made of paper

What is good volumetric New Year's decoration of the house with your own hands from paper, is the fact that it can be used not only in hanging garlands, but also in desktop compositions, which can become no less in demand, especially if they are illuminated inside with an LED garland or in other ways.

In the photo example, you can see some ideas for both table and hanging decor. Such cones with the image of Christmas heroes can not only be printed on a color printer, but also drawn with your own hands. It is only necessary to first draw a diagram of the layout of such an ornament, for this it is worth arming yourself with a compass so that the circle turns out to be correct and even, the larger its diameter, the higher the cone will eventually turn out. The resulting circle must be divided into four parts in the middle and color only three, because you will need to cut off the fourth part. After cutting, the cone is twisted in just one movement and fixed with glue. It is somewhat more difficult to make such pretty snow-white lanterns; the vytynanka technique is used for them, when an openwork pattern is carefully created with a sharp mock-up knife or scissors. To get just such an elegant effect, you first need to fold solid candlesticks, but with the help of a more transparent material, such as tracing paper or parchment for baking, and the top layer, on which the pattern will already be cut out, is made based on the usual drawing format, it Holds its shape well and is easy to cut. But we will return to this beautiful technique when we study the options in more detail.

Apply all the cool techniques you know to get a great New Year's Eve result. Some people prove it to us DIY paper Christmas decorations, photo which are above. For example, the classic origami technique can be quite complicated, but if you want voluminous stars, then you can use its schemes, which can be found quite a lot on the Web. Such stars can generally be hung not as a common garland, but separately, as they certainly deserve. Pay attention also to, which is a folded book pages. As the basis for the Christmas tree, you will need a log or a small log in which vertical grooves are made. The villages are folded into identical right-angled triangles and inserted into these holes so that the sharp end - the top of the Christmas tree - is on top, and at the bottom there would be wide legs. From above, a decorative tree is simply obliged to complement a wooden star or a voluminous origami craft.

DIY paper Christmas decorations

Not so long ago, snowflakes thin as lace were used only as. Now, their elegance is the best suited for decorating a modern interior in the Provence style or similar classical styles, so snow lace should definitely be considered in any material dedicated to DIY paper Christmas decorations.

Of course, the inspirers DIY Christmas decorations made of paper - snowflakes, may not be the most classical form. In all examples of decorative crafts, snowflakes of one variety or another are used, depending on the tasks that are set for them. So, for example, for an elegant garland that hangs in the most visible place, it is best to choose multi-layered snowflakes, with a dense middle, the shape of hearts, circles, crescents, which are shown in the photo, is suitable for this. But if you want to combine snow elements, for example, into a common wreath to decorate a window opening or front door with it, then you should make a lot of them, but in the simplest possible form, because the beauty will lie in their number, and not the delicacy of each individual part. It is for wreaths that you can deviate from the classic white color and make New Year's decorations from colored paper with your own hands, let them be pink, blue, red, to match the color of your interior.

But for windows today, not just snowflakes are cut out, but entire snowy landscapes, compositions that look especially impressive if they are highlighted. Above you can see suitable for similar Christmas decorations made of paper do-it-yourself templates.

DIY Christmas decorations from corrugated paper

Do not hold tenderness either do-it-yourself crepe paper Christmas decorations. This material seems to be created for the most festive crafts, what beautiful flowers, weightless garlands and so on turn out with it. If you stock up on several rolls of corrugated material in basic shades, you are guaranteed to be able to make the most fashionable and elegant varieties of New Year's decor.

For example, you and I know that they are often used to decorate large areas, this is a fairly simple element. Strips of corrugated material are twisted into roses and fastened with glue. So that there is a place for flowers in the winter interior, use them to decorate Christmas balls or a large ball that decorates the chandelier. Also an interesting idea is to make a wall-mounted Christmas tree using such green material. The strips are cut into fringes and glued to the wall (or even base), starting from the bottom. Or you can use known to you for do-it-yourself Christmas decorations from paper scheme, which will allow you to make garlands that differ in texture, more voluminous and bright. For example, such simple bows do not require special gluing or folding, but look very elegant.

Make your own paper Christmas decorations

Now let's take a simple example of how DIY paper Christmas decorations that will meet all the fashion trends of today. These include window decor, which has several layers. On sale, such cities, however, plywood, wooden, cardboard, are quite expensive, but if you use thick, high-quality paper, and even do everything yourself, you can get by with quite modest funds.

You can either develop it yourself or download a ready-made Christmas window decoration made of paper. DIY you need to transfer the sketch to the material and carefully cut it out with a breadboard knife. If you iron the format first. It will be easier to work with him. Fold the cut out houses, glue the roof to them and place them in the prepared box.

On both sides of the box, you need to make the outer layers of the composition. For the layer that will be on the glass, the image of tall houses, a month in the sky, and so on, will suit, for the foreground - walking people, a standing Christmas tree.

Inside, houses are installed and fixed, inside which garland bulbs are placed. To heighten the effect on the glass, with the help of artificial snow, draw the very last distant plan.