New year on the Eastern calendar of which. When the new year ends on the Chinese calendar. Celebration of the New Year on the Chinese calendar

Chinese New Year 2018 ©

Chinese New Year 2018 - what is this event

Chinese New Year is one of the most important oriental holidays, which has already been not only noted enough in Asian countries, but also around the world. After all, our people with a wide soul love holidays and with pleasure perceives the new year on the Eastern calendar as another reason to gather and note a significant event.

As for us, the new year in the inhabitants of the East marks a new round of time, the beginning, update. On the day, when the new year arrives in the Chinese calendar, winter will meet the spring and the new life cycle will begin.

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Chinese New Year 2018: When it starts


The Chinese New Year has a non-permanent date, because it is entirely depends on the lunar calendar. The Chinese New Year comes on the second new moon after the winter solstice, December 21. Every year, this holiday can fall out one day in the interval from January 21 to February 21.

New Year on the Chinese calendar 2018 will come on February 16. More precisely, 2018 will be in the Gregorian Souluscript, but on the Chinese calendar we will meet 4716, which will come under the sign and last until February 4, 2019, when a year of yellow pig will be replaced.

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Chinese New Year 2018: As noted in China


This holiday, the Chinese call the "meeting after separation", because according to the tradition of the new year, all family members, wherever they are, go home and are going for a richly covered holiday table. It is also believed that the Chinese New Year at the table there are spirits of the dead ancestors, which are also members of the holiday.

During the New Year holidays, people walk to visit each other with congratulations, gifts in the form of money in red envelopes, and necklaces of coins and tangerines, as a symbol of wealth.

Throughout the time of the Chinese New Year celebrations, Merry Folk Gulyanya, fairs, costume dancing and masquerade street processions are held in China.

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Chinese New Year 2018: When the celebration ends


In the countries of the East, the Chinese New - one of the longest holidays, which in the old days lasted a whole month. However, in our time, due to a rich lifestyle and dense work schedule, the Chinese reduced the number of weekends almost twice, and the feast ends on the fifteenth day.

Chinese New Year 2018 (weekends for the Chinese) lasts as 15 days. March 2 will be the Grand Festival of Chinese Lights. Up to this day, the meeting of the Chinese New Year 2018 will last, when the festival ends, and the people return to the usual working rhythm.

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We will remind, earlier we told what should be on the table in the New Year Dog 2018. Read more read

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We all know that in the Gregorian calendar, according to which we all live with you, the new year is celebrated on the night of December 31 on January 1. But, the Eastern New Year, the same, whose symbol is a red fiery cock, for all the rules will come on the night from 27 to 28 January.

For almost all East Asian countries, the New Year on the Eastern Calendar 2017 comes on January 28, 2017. This is a very important holiday for Asian countries, it is noted noisy and with a big sweep. Celebrations last fifteen days in a row.

It is interesting! Many wonder when the New Year comes on the Eastern Calendar 2017, because every year this date is changing. It depends on the lunar calendar. The new year is included in its rights to the first lunar day of the second new moon, be sure after the winter solstice.

New Year's Eve on the Eastern Calendar 2017 is the year of the red fiery rooster. If you go deep into oriental teachings, you can find out that the year will bring good luck and in general will be filled with good events. It is the red rooster for a long time considered a strong magic symbol. He is able to fly, show power and courage even in the most difficult situations.

It is quite clear what to celebrate the New Year on the Eastern Calendar, because our rooster is red. But this is not the only color to pay attention. New Year in Asian countries is one of the brightest and long holidays. Traditionally, especially great importance during the celebration is also given to the gold color. So, in order to please the rooster and all oriental signs, in your outfit you can harmoniously combine red and white color.

It is interesting!In the east, red symbolizes the fire, it will be distilled off and trouble. Asians not only put on red clothes for celebrating the celebration, but also write postcards on red paper, give gifts in red packaging, lanterns lanterns of desires of this color.

The meeting of the New Year in China and other countries of this region is very noisy. Communicable triumph attributes are festivals, fiery shows and fireworks. It is considered that no more feast will be, the simpler, the people will distil off evil spirits from themselves and their family.

If you think you cook for the new year 2017 on the Eastern calendar, then it is important to pay east food. But, fixed only on it is not worth it. On the festive table you can also file dishes that go rooster. First of all, it is fresh apples. Also, the rooster will be happy with her beloved fresh vegetables, greens.

The Legend of the Eastern Calendar

It is not at all by chance that the New Year on the Eastern Calendar 2017 is the year of the rooster. The fact is that the lunar calendar consists of twelve cycles, each of which is inherent its animal symbol, but how are these characters appear? In all the Buddha was noticeable. Before going from the ground, the Buddha decided to collect all the animals and say goodbye to them. Twelve animals came in the same order in which they came, Buddha gave them a year. As a result, the first year - rats (tricky), then there is a bull (hardworking), tiger (bold), rabbit (quiet) and dragon (strong), snake (wise), horse (beautiful) and sheep or goat (artistic), monkey (smart), rooster (bright), dog (faithful) and pig (happy). In addition, each animal received his year, it transferred the year of his character: both positive and negative. It is believed that a person born in a year of a certain animal also adapts these features. It receives both the strengths and weaknesses of the animal and must decide what kind of behavior line to choose.

Other traditions of the celebration of the Chinese New Year

What to do in the New Year on the Eastern Calendar 2017, except what to make oriental dishes and put on red clothes? In Asia, the new year they write wishes in the form of poems on red paper. Children in red envelopes are taken to give happy money.
The first days of the holiday in China is an opportunity for family reunification. All family members, no matter how far they lived from each other, should be gathering at a large holiday table. New Year's dinner together - the same important tradition of the New Year, like Fireworks.

New Year for residents of East Asia countries is the longest and important holiday. Family celebration continues festivals. Finishes the festive period of the Festival of Lanterns, it is held on the fifteenth day of the celebration. An important part of the lantern festival is the dragon dance. The dragon is made of thirty-meter diena from silk, paper and bamboo. The big dragon shakes people who hold the doll and dance under it.
These are the traditions of the new year on the Eastern calendar 2017. If you want to get a holiday once again, to get together with friends and have a drink for good luck and success in the new year, then February 8 is a great reason to do it! Happy holiday!

The new year is the most important holiday not only for the inhabitants of our country, but also around the world, and in each corner of the globe in their own way to this date. There was no exception to this list and China, where traditions and customs were developing and formed for 2,000 years. It is worth saying that the Chinese calendar is slightly different from the European calendar familiar to us, as it has a number of its features. Ask what? The main difference is that the calculation of the beginning of the new period is determined according to the situation of such a heavenly body, like the Sun and the satellite of the Luna of the Moon.

Date. Beginning and the end.

If we talk about the exact date of the beginning of the new 2017 on this calendar, it is already known and installed.

In other words, the Chinese New Year 2017 on the Chinese calendar will come on January 28, and will last until February 15, 2018.

As you know, this 2017 will be held under the rule of such a symbol as a fiery rooster. If you believe the Chinese horoscope, then this luck this year will be on the side of creative and creative people who simply do not know how to sit, folded hands in one place. It is worth noting that the fiery rooster is considered the most curious animal in China and its main color is a red shade. But, despite the successful forecasts, the year, everything will be characterized by a small nervousness, since the rooster is considered an animal with a rather impulsive character and temperament. It is the rooster that will contribute to significant and serious change in social and political areas. It really will actually show time, and we can only wait with great imposition in 2017.

Customs and traditions in China.

The Chinese are a people who with great trepidation are suitable for the celebration of this holiday. After all, even wise men and thinkers. Who live with hermits and away from people plunge into ordinary human joys and await the new year. That is why it is trying to observe all the traditions and customs that have come down to us since ancient times. What of them can be called the most interesting and even unusual?

You can talk about customs and traditions in China for a very long time, but for the new 2017 the inhabitants will try to adhere to them as much as possible without missing not one trifle and the item. The Chinese believe that it is such rites to save the house and a family from the enemies and ill-wishers, and, it means, happiness and good luck will not leave them and in this 2017.

New Year for residents of the PRC is one of the main holidays in the year. Traditions and customs were in this country for more than two millennia. The Chinese calendar differs from the usual European summer calendar - the beginning of the new period is determined in it according to the situation of the Sun and the constant companion of our planet - the Moon. Therefore, the holiday does not have a fixed date.

Every new year comes to residents of China on the day of the new new moon, which is counting after the day of the winter solstice. In 2017, the New Year in the ancient Chinese calendar will come on January 28 and will last until February 15, 2018. The celebration in this country is characterized by a lot of adoption and traditions, differs by a special scope and is delayed for weeks. You do not know anything about him? Then the time to fill the gap!

2017 - Year of Fire Rooster

According to Chinese astrological teachings, every year passes under the sign that he patronizes. In addition, every year has its dominant element - land, tree, water, fire or metal. The change in the animal totem occurs according to the cycle consisting of 12 years, and the change of the element is per 10-year periodization. Animal Talisman for 2017 will become. The primacy of the rooster promises us difficult, but interesting and exciting year.

This animal is considered one of the most emotional representatives of the Chinese calendar. The fervor and activity of this sign opens up for all new horizons and prevents ample opportunities, both in the field of personal life and in the industry of professional interests. Rooster does not tolerate deception, lies and cunning and always removes hypocrites on clean water. He appreciates diligence and perseverance, always encouraging honest and purposeful people.

Year of the fiery rooster promises us the period

However, 2017 will be characterized by several increased nervousness, as the rooster has a very impulsive character, which is even more emphasized by the elements of the new year - fire. In the Chinese, the fire is always identified with the activity, life force and the desire to swell. The rooster with a flame color contributes to significant changes in the social and political spheres - especially this concerns the international situation.

Chinese customs and traditions

The Chinese are so loved by the new year that even the wise men and thinkers who are detached from the world, with pleasure immersed in ordinary human joy. The night before the new year is held with relatives and loved ones, sharing with them the joy of the onset of another life milestone. Sleep this night does not fall - according to beliefs, troubles and misfortunes are trying to stay in the house, and wakefulness helps to expel them from your abode.

Before the holiday, the Chinese do not buy shoes and do not attend the hairdresser - so you can get a failure. But cleaning is an indispensable point of the New Year events, as a clean house attracts good spirits to itself. Cleaning at home or apartments should level negative energy and make room for good events. Old things are taken to throw out or give those who need them. It is believed that littered boxes, shelves and even the desktop computer take away vitality.

The noise of traditional fireworks symbolically distinguishes evil spirits

At the time of the New Year's festivities, the Chinese are fully cleaned with window sills to open the path for sunlight and positive energy. The holiday itself declares itself a lot of bright fireworks, which are illuminated by the sky, turning the night a day. The tradition of Christmas salutes is rooted in the distant past: the Chinese have long been celebrating the holiday by noise and burning torches to drive evil spirits.

It is believed that on this night the relationship between the world of living and the dead is practically erased, and the evil deities are looking for a loophole to penetrate the Earth. Traditional colors are red and yellow - evil does not like these bright life-affirming shades. After the new year's onset, mass processions and presentations with the participation of huge dragon and lion shapes begin with the participation of huge dragon figures.

New Year's table in Chinese

Chinese New Year's dinner is preparing in advance, since in the new year the residents of this country fear in the hands of the knife. It is believed that so you can trim your own good luck. No New Year's table arrives without hundreds of small dumplings, which are one of the traditional festive dishes of China. The dumplings are taken to sculpt the whole family so that the year is generous and favorable. They are molded in the form of triangular converters, as this form on Feng Shui is a symbol of fire.

Abundance on the New Year's table, all nations foreshadow

Another traditional New Year's dish is the "Labadjow" - porridge, in which the lotus seeds add. The table necessarily contains dishes from chicken, fish, cheese and vegetables, so that abundance does not leave the house throughout the year. Even if the family is not too big, the places at the table are served much more to fit and the relatives who left her. The table itself and its form are also an important element of the celebration.

The Chinese do not like to keep home many objects with corners, so the dining table should be round or oval. These geometric shapes are considered particularly harmonious and help to obtain the blessing of the universe. In the design of the festive table, various shades of the scarlet and gold, which are. On the tables are installed lanterns and candles to give the tribute to the elements of the fire.

Chinese jewelry and gifts

As decorations, residents of the Middle Kingdom use red-gold paper stripes, symbolizing good luck, honor, long years of life, joy and material well-being. There are no traditions in China. However, there is another New Year's custom - put the so-called tree of light, decorated with flowers, small Chinese lanterns and multi-colored LED garlands.

In China, it is customary to give each other two mandarin, as a symbol of wealth

According to Chinese Feng Shui Rules, the tree put in a certain place. For example, if we need to get rich in the house, choose the south-eastern part of the space, to strengthen the family, the tree put in the east to ensure health - in the center, for a career - in the north, and to meet ambitions in the south. After graduating from the holiday, all children are definitely given paper envelopes with money. This custom went from a long tradition to present a bundle from a hundred coins, wanting to live a hundred years thus.