New military pension calculator. Military pension calculator: quick calculation, help in the comments

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The current legislation provides several types of pensions for the military (or their families):

Depending on what kind of payment a pensioner (or his family) receives, the conditions for appointment differ, however, the calculation of military pensions, regardless of the type of pension, is based on the so-called amounts of allowance.

Monetary allowance of military personnel taken into account when calculating pensions

The amount of payments to the military, as mentioned above, depends on amounts of money allowance(SDD). This concept is the salary of a serviceman (by position or rank) without taking into account the increase in its size due to any special conditions. However, the percentage bonus for seniority, indexation and monthly bonus affect the calculation of the amount of payments to military pensioners.

It should be noted that when calculating the pension from January 1, 2012 taken into account 54% from the SIS, and from January 1, 2013 this amount will increase by 2% until it reaches 100% DPV. At the same time, the possibility of an increase of more than 2% in the event of an increase in inflation is legally allowed.

In the case of receiving payments for the loss of a breadwinner, the amount of the breadwinner's allowance is taken into account.

The size of the pension of a military pensioner in 2018

The size of pension payments to the military is regulated by articles (by length of service), (by disability) and (by loss of a breadwinner) of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1.

The table below shows how the pension depends on the nature of the payment(the value is indicated as a percentage of the amount of monetary allowance that the serviceman receives / received):

The nature of the paymentAmount of pension (in % of DDS)
For length of service (with a length of service of at least 20 years)50% + 3% for each year of service after 20 years
For length of service (with a total length of service of at least 25 years, including at least 12 years of service)50% + 1% for each year of service after 25 years
By disability* I and II group85%
By disability** I and II group75%
By disability* III group50%
By disability** III group40%
For the loss of a breadwinner*50% (for each disabled family member)
For the loss of a breadwinner**40% (for each disabled family member)

* - disability or death of a serviceman occurred as a result of the direct performance of official duties (military injury);

** - the cause of death or disability is a disease acquired during the period of service, but not related to the performance of military duties.

It is worth noting that if he enters military service again, the pension will be renewed again based on the length of service and the total length of service. upon his subsequent dismissal.

In addition, articles 15, 23 and 37 set out the minimum levels of military pension payments:

  • By seniority - 100% calculated size(RR) the value of the social pension.
  • For disability - from 150% to 300% RR, depending on the group of disability and the conditions for obtaining disability.
  • On the loss of a breadwinner - from 150% to 200% for each disabled family member, depending on the category marked with an asterisk (see table above).

Coefficients for calculating the pension of military personnel

As in the case of other types of pension, military pension payments are provided for odds, which affect the amount of monetary allowance, and hence the size of the future pension. While the pensioner (and / or his family members) lives in areas where certain increasing coefficients are legally established, the pension, as well as allowances and increases to this payment, are calculated taking them into account.

Note that in the case of at least 15 and 20 years of service, respectively, in the regions of the Far North or territories equated to them, citizens who have already been assigned a pension will receive it (including all allowances and increases) using a coefficient even if move out of these areas.

Military personnel who have served in such areas for at least 15 and 20 years, but living in territories with no coefficients (or less) at the last place of service, will receive pension payments (including increases and allowances) taking into account the coefficient at the last place of service in the above areas.

It is legally established that the maximum value of the regional coefficient is 2.

Increase in military pensions

For military pensioners, a fairly large number of conditions are provided under which the amount of payments increases. These rules are governed by Article 45 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1. The table below shows the categories of citizens and the increases they are entitled to:

Category of pensionersIncrease Percentage
Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of the USSR, citizens awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees100% of the amount of pension (RP)
Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation50% of RP
Champions of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympics50% of RP
Persons awarded the Order "For Service to the Motherland" or the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees15% of RP
Veterans of the Great Patriotic War or other military operations, invalids of the Great Patriotic War, underage prisoners of concentration camps, residents of besieged Leningrad32% of the calculated amount of pension (RRP) - the amount of social pension
Rehabilitated citizens who were subjected to unjustified political repressions, persons who served for at least 6 months in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 194516% of RRS
  • It should be noted that persons who have been repeatedly recognized as Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as Heroes of Labor of the USSR or the Russian Federation, have the right to increase according to each rank received.
  • It is also worth noting that citizens (and / or their families) receiving monthly material support under the Federal Law of March 4, 2002 No. N 21-FZ for services to the fatherland are not eligible for pension increases. payments in the cases indicated in the first three lines of the tables.

Revision of the pension

If a citizen has the right to increase the size of pension payments, allowances and other conditions under which the size of the pension changes, its amount being revised(including simultaneously for several reasons). These conditions include, first of all, an increase in the monetary allowance of the military, as well as the establishment of his disability, the receipt of state awards and other conditions described in law N 4468-1.

From January 1 of each year, its size is reviewed in connection with a change in the monetary allowance received by the military.

Please note that the revision of the minimum military pension, as well as allowances and increases, which are calculated based on the estimated amount of the pension, is carried out simultaneously with increase (April 1).

Military pension supplements

Depending on the type of pension payments received, the following types of allowances are distinguished (Articles 17, 24 and 38 of Law N 4468-1).

  • In case of disability of group I or reaching the age of 80 - 100% of the calculated amount.
  • If there are disabled family members who are dependents - from 32% to 100% of the social pension, depending on the number of dependents (three or more - 100%).
  • Participants of the Second World War who are not disabled - 32%, and citizens who have reached the age of 80 - 64% of the calculated amount.

On top of the last paragraph can't claim pensioners who received an increase in pension, based on the table of increases given in the previous paragraph of the article.

  • All items applicable to seniority payments.
  • In the event of disability due to a military injury (for 60-year-old men and 55-year-old women), an allowance is assigned in the amount of 100% of the social pension.
  • If there are disabled people of group I or 80-year-old (and older) citizens among disabled family members, or disabled children and people with disabilities from childhood of groups I and II, they are assigned an allowance of 32% of the calculated amount.

How much will pensions for military pensioners be raised from January 1, 2018

The size of the pension of military personnel, in addition to annual indexation in February, is increased by increasing the amount of monetary allowance (DD), which is used when calculating the amount of pension provision (Article 43 of Law N 4468-1 of February 12, 1993). It is taken into account from January 1, 2012 in the amount of 54%, and from January 1, 2013 it increases by 2% every year until it reaches 100%.

Recall that in accordance with this article, the amount of DD (or, in other words, the reduction factor) used in calculating payments was:

  • from 1.01.2015 - 62.12%;
  • from 1.10.2015 - 66.78%;
  • from 1.02.2016 - 69.45%;
  • from 1.02.2016 - 72.23% of the size of the DD for a serviceman.

As the Government of the Russian Federation says, one should not expect an increase in the salaries of the active military before the beginning of 2018, on which the size of military pensions depends, and which has been postponed for more than 5 years. However January 1, 2018 decided to do the indexing anyway, by increasing the allowance by 4%.

Retirement deductions

Under certain circumstances, pension authorities may based on the following documents:

  • writ of execution;
  • court decisions on abuse by a citizen receiving a pension payment;
  • decisions of pension authorities on the recovery of overpaid amounts that were transferred to a citizen who did not inform these authorities on time about a change in circumstances affecting the amount of the pension received, or the very right to receive it.

When deducting a pension, certain rules apply: for example, the amount retention cannot exceed 50% on the amount of payments (with the exception of cases with alimony for minor children, compensation for harm to persons who have lost their breadwinner, infliction of harm to health or other crime - in these cases, the deduction can reach 70%). In case of deduction by decision of the pension authorities, maximum size deductions will be 20%.

It is important to know that if a citizen no longer receives a pension, and the overpaid amounts remain, the pension authority has the right go to court to recover these amounts.

Alimony from military pensions

There are cases when the family life of two people did not work out, however, minor children remained from the marriage. In order to provide them with support from both parents, the law provides for such a concept as alimony- funds paid by one of the parents for the maintenance of the child until he reaches the age of majority.

If there are contributions to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR), the employer forms for employees their future fund for the payment of an insurance pension. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if a citizen is registered under a service agreement or through a work book - if, when applying for a job, he was provided SNILS- evidence of registration in the OPS system, deductions, most likely, are coming.

In case of doubts about the payment of insurance premiums to the FIU, you can contact his branch at the place of residence and consult with specialists, or do it yourself through the PFR website.

According to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, in order to receive an old-age insurance pension (although no fixed payment), a military pensioner must meet the following criteria:

  • availability of the required amount of the individual pension coefficient (IPC);
  • the presence of a pension or through the Ministry of Defense;
  • must be at least 8 years in 2017, with an increase of 1 year annually up to 15 years. Please note that this length of service cannot include periods of service or insurance experience taken into account when assigning a superannuation pension;
  • achievement of the generally established age - 55 years for women and 60 for men (with appropriate options for reducing this age according to the criteria defined in the Federal Law "About insurance pensions").


Despite all the differences between military and insurance pensions in terms of receipt, categories of pensioners and other factors, it is not difficult to understand, if desired, how exactly the calculation takes place. There are no formulas here - in fact, there are only two parameters on which all payments depend:

  • the amount of monetary allowance of a serviceman;
  • estimated pension.

Of course, as in any type of pension, there is a place for its own rules and exceptions, but in general, the pension provision of the military, upon closer examination, will not seem incomprehensible.

What a difficult job for people who have decided to devote their lives to serving the country and its people! Military activity is not only difficult, but also very dangerous. It takes sleep, health, and sometimes life.

In this regard, the state took care of the earlier terms of retirement for a well-deserved rest for people of extreme professions. The military pension is different from other state benefits. Let's try to highlight some features and differences in the article.

Who can apply for a military pension?

A person who served has the right to receive a military pension. It could be work in the armed forces of the country, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in the penitentiary system or in the drug control authorities. Employees of these departments are classified as military personnel and, under certain circumstances, may qualify for a special type of pension provision.

There are several types of military pension:

  • by seniority;
  • by disability;
  • due to the loss of a breadwinner.

Let's take a closer look at each.

retirement pension

The most common type of military pension is based on years of service. Until recently, only a certain period of service was needed to obtain it. To date, the experience at the time of dismissal must be at least twenty years.

Due to the unstable situation in the country, the reorganization of services and departments, the need for regular events, it can be impossible to gain full military experience. In such cases, upon dismissal upon reaching the age of 45, the total length of service is calculated as 25 years, of which at least half must be in military service.

Along with others, the following periods are used for inclusion in military experience:

  • Military and all types of services that are equated to it.
  • Years of service in the USSR Armed Forces.
  • Studying in military schools, academies and other institutions.
  • Obtaining education in civilian universities, after which education was continued in military institutions.
  • Studying in civilian universities with military departments or departments, provided that the graduate was called up for service from the reserve by profession.

The pension for servicemen, accrued according to the length of service, may consist of parts of the length of service for different periods. Therefore, it is important to have and keep all records in the relevant documents.

Disability pensions

A military pension due to disability can be claimed by people who were injured during the service, which caused health problems.

The same pension is accrued to military personnel if disability occurred no later than three months after dismissal.

There are cases when disability occurs a few years after the dismissal, but in connection with the wounds received during the service, injuries, occupational diseases. Such pensioners are also recalculated for a military pension.

This type of state security has two groups:

  • Disability as a result of an injury received in military service.
  • Disability due to an illness acquired during military service.

The first group includes people who have received any kind of injury in the combat zone, at the front, border, navy, in captivity, partisan formations, as well as children taken for education in active units.

The second group includes military personnel who have received illnesses or who have had an accident resulting in disability, but this was not related to direct official duties.

Responsibility for the substantiation and argumentation of such cases rests with the commission of military doctors. Disagreement with the issued decision can be challenged in court.

The size of military disability pensions is calculated on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation (Article 43), which provides for interest rates for various disability groups.

Upon reaching a certain age, military invalids must undergo re-examination within the time limits established by the social medical examination. After age 60 for men and 55 for women, the disability pension remains for life.

In 2015, it is planned to index the pensions of disabled servicemen, taking into account the expected inflation. The authorities do not provide for a reduction in pensions and promise to make payments in full.

Military pension in connection with the loss of the breadwinner

The state legislative framework provided for the provision of families that, by coincidence, were left without a breadwinner.

Pensions for widows of military personnel are accrued when the breadwinner died in the line of duty or died from his wounds. The missing persons and those who died in captivity are equated to this category.

In the Law of the Russian Federation, you can find a complete list of persons applying for a pension in this category. Here is an abbreviated list.

All disabled family members dependent on the deceased serviceman. These include:

  • Children who have not reached working age and children with disabilities, regardless of the number of years.
  • Wife (husband), disabled or elderly parents and grandfathers in the case when the income of the deceased was the main source of income.
  • Adoptive parents and adopted children are equal to mother, father and children.

A pension for the wives of military personnel who died due to injuries or injuries received is paid when widows are forced to take care of children, elderly parents or other close family members. This type of benefit, which is received by one of the spouses, is retained in the event of remarriage.

The minimum pension for the loss of the breadwinner of a serviceman is of two types. It depends on its size.

In the event of death or injury resulting in death, the pension for each dependent will be greater than the one where the soldier died in a situation not related to the service.

How are military pensions calculated?

The calculation of the pension of a serviceman is done on the basis of the following standards:

  • official salary;
  • title bonus;
  • seniority allowance.

The applied coefficient (0.56) affects the size of the military pension. In 2013, it was decided to increase this indicator every year until it becomes equal to one.

The calculation of a military pension is affected by the level of inflation in the country, which is also taken into account.

Formula for self-calculation

If desired, you can independently calculate the pension of a serviceman. To do this, you need to know the formula and values ​​\u200b\u200bof constant and variable units.

Formula: (ATD + HVD + NVL) x 0.56 x Length of service x District coefficient

Constant values:

ATS; HIA; NVL salaries for the position, rank and length of service.

Variable units:

  • 0.56 is a reduction factor, since 2013 it has been added annually by 0.02.
  • Seniority - 50% for the first twenty years of service and 3% for each subsequent.
  • District Coefficient - Some districts and duty stations have allowances. A complete list can be found in the relevant regulation.

Thus, substituting real numbers into the formula, you can independently calculate the pension.

Additions to pensions

People receiving military pensions are in some cases entitled to additional allowances. Such persons include:

  • heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, holders of the orders of Glory;
  • participants of the Second World War, prisoners of concentration camps, falsely repressed, who fell under rehabilitation;
  • pensioners who have dependents;
  • disabled persons of the first group and persons over 80 years of age.

Each specific case for receiving a pension supplement is considered individually. The refusal of the commission can always be challenged in court if there is irrefutable evidence for the calculation of the allowance.

Increase in pensions for military personnel

From the second half of 2014, it was planned to increase pensions for military personnel. The implementation did not take place due to the difficult economic situation in the country and was postponed for a year. Nevertheless, the government is working on a program to improve the living standards of the former military - the legislative framework is being revised, additions are being made to fill gaps that were not taken into account at the time.

In addition, new coefficients are being introduced, the lists of persons entitled to benefits and allowances are being supplemented, and the list of places falling under regional indicators is being expanded.

Service in government units has a number of privileges in terms of pensions. The work of the financial department is engaged in the improvement and implementation of pension reform.

Working military pensioners

A soldier who has reached retirement age may well continue to work. At the same time, his activity may not be related to the service. In this case, he retains the right to military benefits.

Every year, pensions for former military personnel are indexed, resulting in a significant increase in the initial amount.

Second pension for military personnel

Since 2015, a new procedure for calculating and compiling benefits has been used. Thanks to this, the payment of pensions to military personnel can be carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Military pensioners have a real chance of receiving two types of such benefits.

Turning to the civil service, a former soldier must take care of registering with the Pension Fund and deducting insurance premiums to his account. This can be done independently, without resorting to the services of the employer, by contacting the district office of the PFR. Upon application, an insurance certificate is issued.

To receive a second pension, the following rules must be observed:

  • the established retirement age and the corresponding length of service;
  • unaccounted for minimum insurance experience by the military department;
  • for pensioners after 2015, a minimum pension coefficient is required;
  • the existence of a military pension.

To apply for a second pension, you must contact the district office of the PFR and provide the appropriate package of documents. It differs from the generally accepted one only in that it contains a certificate from the department that provided the military pension.

The insurance pension for former military personnel does not take into account the base amount from the calculation formula.

There are cases when a retired military man who has issued an insurance pension continues to work. Then the amount of the allowance increases annually, according to the recalculation.

Benefits for military pensions

When applying for a military pension, you need to remember that some periods of service are taken into account in a preferential way. These stages include: participation in battles, partisan detachments, being in captivity and more. In the event that there are two or more benefits, the one that is more significant is taken into account when calculating the pension.

Also, families of those who died in the line of duty or died from wounds and received a disability are entitled to benefits. In this case, the pension for military personnel and members of their families is calculated on the basis of the categories and number of applicants.

Applying for a military pension has its own nuances. Accrual and control are carried out by special departments under law enforcement agencies. The state and the government are taking all possible measures to ensure that the old age of people who gave their best years to protect and protect civilians is appreciated.

Citizens who serve in the power structures of Russia, upon receipt of a certain length of service, have the right to apply for a military pension.

The amount and conditions for receiving are prescribed by law, the amounts change annually depending on the rate of inflation and the economic situation in the country.

Terms of appointment

In Russia, you can become a military pensioner regardless of age. Some citizens receive well-deserved leave before reaching the age of 40. The main condition is the presence of experience in power structures from 20 years.

These institutions include:

  • fire departments;
  • the Ministry of Defense and all parts under its subordination;
  • police services;
  • institutions of the penitentiary service;
  • special federal agencies.

Pension maintenance can be issued ahead of schedule if a person becomes disabled during service. His relatives will receive a pension in the event of the death of a military man. Taking into account especially dangerous working conditions, citizens can become pensioners at the age of 32-35, this does not affect the amount of payments.

In order for a military man to apply for a pension, he must go to the commissariat, where he is registered. There you will need to provide:

  • the passport;
  • military ID;
  • private bussiness;
  • prescription.

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If the military registration and enlistment office approved the application, the citizen must bring SNILS, a work book, 2 new color photographs 3x4 cm in size, and a money certificate. The military will be issued a certificate of consideration of the application with the date of the decision.

In some cases, it is required to convey a certificate of non-receipt of a pension; it is issued by the Pension Fund.

To issue a monetary certificate, you need to go to the accounting department of the institution where the military served. The military registration and enlistment office has 3 months to make a decision, if they refuse, they will indicate the reasons and ways to correct them.


There are 4 types of military pension:

  • for long service.;
  • by disability;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner, if the serviceman died in the line of duty or from an injury received at work;
  • by old age.

Federal Law No. 4468-1 regulates the procedure and conditions for processing and receiving each type of pension.

Amount of pension provision

According to the Pension Fund, the average amount of pensions for former military men is from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. The amount depends on the rank and length of service of the citizen. In 2019, it is planned to increase military pensions by 10% (depending on the region of service)

In connection with the most frequent continuation of labor activity, retired military personnel imply an additional payment at retirement age, and therefore the calculation of the second pension for military pensioners can be done most accurately with a calculator.

Upon retirement, the military still has enough time to continue their professional activities, and they get a job or start doing business. Therefore, in their case, we can talk about receiving additional pension contributions.

To calculate the second pension, military pensioners must meet all the requirements for receiving it, as well as submit the necessary documents in a timely manner. To do this, you can use a special calculator.

How the payout is calculated

Thus, the size is more dependent on the number of accumulated points. Their accumulation occurs due to the growth of the length of service and the value of official wages.

Important! This calculation method is applicable to citizens who started working in 2015 and later. For military pensioners who got a job after retiring earlier than the designated year, the already accumulated merits are converted into points.

Calculation example

To better understand the procedure, consider a specific example.

An employee of the armed forces graduated from service in 2007, after which he officially got a job in a civilian organization.

After nine years, he reaches retirement age and can receive legal payments. During this time, his average salary was 28,000 rubles, and therefore 483,840 rubles were transferred to the PFR.

It turns out that 53,760 rubles were transferred per year, and by 2016 the contribution base will be 127,360 rubles. Points are calculated by the ratio of annual deductions to the size of the base, multiplied by ten and the number of years: (53.760 / 127.360) * 10 * 9 = 37.98 - the amount of accumulated points for the period of professional activity after retirement.

Attention! The amount of the second pension ultimately depends on the value of the points. It is also necessary to take into account that different indicators are possible for different regions. Therefore, for residents of different cities under the same conditions, the amounts may vary.

The indexation of the second pension takes place at the beginning of each year by the inflation rate. However, only those pensioners who officially worked a year earlier should expect indexation.

On a note! The increase in payments has a maximum threshold, depending on the number of accumulated points.

Where and when to apply for a second pension

You can make the appropriate payments at any time after reaching the appropriate age. But at the same time, it is also necessary to meet a number of requirements:

  • minimum work experience - 8 years;
  • the minimum number of points is 11.4;
  • documentary evidence of receipt of payments for military service.

You can apply at the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of registration or residence.

Required documents for payment

The list of documents requested includes:

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • a document that confirms the transfer of the main (military) pension;
  • employment history;
  • a document indicating the length of service not taken into account as official;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • a document on the presence of minor children, dependents, and children studying at universities and under 23 years old.

Methods for issuing funds

One of the following items can be selected as a listing option:

  • receiving cash at the post office;
  • delivery of funds by a postal employee;
  • crediting to a bank card account;
  • delivery of payments by employees of special companies.

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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