Making pain at the bottom of the abdomen for 40 week

Each girl from the very first week of pregnancy would like to know what was happening with her body, so it can not disturb the pulling pain, which sometimes occurs at the bottom of the abdomen.

Factors provoking a similar phenomenon, a lot. It is impossible to determine the unarmed look, they are dangerous or not.

Therefore, at the very first alarming symptoms, the lady should seem like a gynecologist, which will conduct a number of studies and prescribe adequate treatment, if required.

It is very important to take into account the period of pregnancy, which showed unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen: the first week or the last one. Also, you should not ignore the general health of the woman.

The reasons for drawing abdominal pain

As already mentioned, the reasons for the fact that pregnant women pull the abdomen, a large amount. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Physiological reasons

The first drawing sensations of a woman can begin to experience after a few weeks after the child's conception.

This is explained by the fact that the fruit egg is trying to penetrate the endometrium of the uterus, which leads to damage to the vascular and the shell of the organ itself.

At this stage, the future mother may not suspect that life originated in her womb. She thinks that she just hurts the belly.

In addition, pulls the lower abdomen in the first week of pregnancy often due to hormonal rearrangements that provoke the stretching of the uterine ligaments.

And at the 12th week of pregnancy, the drawing sensations are explained by the changes in the center of gravity and an active increase in the fetus, which begins to put pressure on the internal organs of the future mother.

On the third trimester of pregnancy, the belly can pull as a result of training bouts.

It is worth considering such a moment that the pain should not be pronounced and periodically reinforced.

If the inverse phenomena is observed, then the girl should urgently seem like a gynecologist, which will reveal the true reason that the future of the woman in labor is pulling the abdominal at any week of pregnancy.

Pathological reasons

Factors that provoke pulling pain in pregnant women can act various pathological processes in the body and their complications. Here is some of them:

  1. Risk of miscarriage. Alas, but quite often the bottom of the belly pulls when the girl has a risk of losing a child. Along with the unpleasant sensations of a pulling nature, the woman faces grapple pain and bloody discharges.
    In addition, such symptoms that manifested in the last week of pregnancy may indicate the placenta detachment. This state is extremely dangerous both for the fetus and for the mother.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy can give themselves to know for 7-8 weeks. At this stage, the girl is experiencing strong pulling over the abdomen, bleeding and deterioration of general well-being. This situation also does not tolerate delay.
  3. The active movement of the future kid can lead to the fact that the abdominal pulls the bottom. Such a phenomenon is not always considered harmless, for the fetus can be intensely pushed at a low-body or hypoxia.

Alone, a woman cannot understand why it is worried about substantial discomfort, so if the belly begins to hurt, it is better to consult with a qualified specialist, whatever the week of pregnancy has not been.

Causes of not an obstetric nature

Very often, factors causing drawing sensations in the stomach can manifest even with a well-proceeding pregnancy.

They are not completely connected with the interesting position of the woman, but this does not mean that they can be left without attention.

  1. Pathological processes in the urinary system. Many young ladies who carry the baby are faced with the fact that they have a rapid and painful urination. A similar phenomenon is most often caused by starting cystitis. It is worth considering that the inflammation in the bladder often infects the fruit itself, causing premature childbirth. In order for this not happened, you need to undergo a course of treatment at the urologist.
  2. Problems with digestive system. When pregnancy, women often exacerbate chronic pathologies or new ones appear. For example, the intestinal dysbiosis. Hormonal restructuring and an active increase in the uterus provokes problems with defecation and intestinal pain associated with increased gas formation. Such phenomena lead to the fact that the lady pulls and cuts the lower abdomen. When problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a woman is recommended to obtain a medical advice, which will adjust its power mode and select absolutely safe medicines to restore the digestive process.
  3. Surgical pathology. Nobody is insured against such diseases, even pregnant women. The stomach can pull both small and at a large period: in the first trimester, for 12 weeks or later - after 28 weeks. The problem often lies in the intestinal obstruction or in the development of peritonitis. In the latter case, pain appear very sharp and spread throughout the abdominal cavity. VOLOTA is joined by the specified symptomatology, the loss of appetite is weakness and temperature rise. Here you need to immediately cause ambulance.
  4. The growth of the uterus stretches the muscles of the press and enhances the burden on the ligaments that support it. Such a process provokes the shifting of organs in a small pelvis and causes a painful pain of the abdomen.

The process is accompanied by a discrepancy of the pelvic bones at the last week of pregnancy, which leads to a feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen.

Such diseases and pathological processes require immediate medical intervention, for the risk for the fetus and for the future mother at any week of pregnancy.

Pulling pain in the last time

If a woman feels that pulls the lower abdomen during pregnancy on the third trimester, then it should immediately consult with a specialist.

It is worth considering all possible risks in more detail over the past weeks of the baby.

  1. With normally proceeds, the body begins to prepare for childbirth for 30 weeks. At this time, there is an active development of progesterone, relaxing muscles of a woman. But it is worth considering that not only the uterus, and the gallbladder and the intestines also possesses the smooth muscles. When violations are observed in the work of the gallbladder, the woman faces problems with digestion, despite what she has a week.
    30-32 weeks are characterized by the severity of the abdomen, exterior, heartburn and meteorism. At this stage, a woman should reconsider its nutrition and there are more products rich in fiber.
  2. Over the past week, the fruit is growing hard, which leads to a stretching of uterine ligaments. This is one of the main reasons why the belly hurts.
    The more the uterus stretches, the stronger the stress is at the bottom of the abdomen. In order to avoid this, the girl should do exercises that eliminate soreness and muscle strengthening. A few weeks before delivery, such gymnastics is also assigned, for it is completely safe.
  3. 37 - 38 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by the approach of childbirth. At this stage, you need to carefully follow the painful sensations and take into account their character, frequency and intensity. In addition, it is recommended to control the discharge from the vagina.
    The norm can be called the emergence of precursors of generic activity by 7-10 days. If the pain does not become stronger at this time, and the selection is more intensive, the pregnancy proceeds normally.
  4. In the event that the soreness does not stop for a long time, and the stomach is significantly hardening, we can talk about premature childbirth. With the appearance of sucrovic and gas selection, the situation is complicated. Birthday to 32-34 weeks are the most dangerous for the future kid, for he has not yet fully formed a respiratory system. At this time, women are recommended for saving.
  5. Catching pain, which manifested themselves in the last week before childbirth, testify to the placenta detachment.

Most often, such a state is observed as a result of injury, blood pressure jump or after high physical exertion.

Rales of the uterine vessels can provoke the hypoxia of the future kid, soreness and deterioration of the state of a pregnant woman. Simultaneously with the specified symptoms, the lady has bleeding.

Such a phenomenon is considered an indicator for immediate hospitalization and conducting cesarean sections.

How to recognize not dangerous pain

There are several main factors that indicate that there are no reasons for panic. They are as follows:

  1. Belly pulls periodically, not regularly. If a woman takes a horizontal position, then the unpleasant sensations pass.
  2. The pain is stupid, not a sharp and grapple-shaped character.
  3. The lady does not show signs of disruption of digestion, loss of appetite or vomiting.
  4. After the pregnant girl drinks a tablet but-shops, painful sensations subsided.
  5. The pain of the belly does not become stronger and it is not accompanied by soreness in the back, rectum or bladder.
  6. The woman does not have a fainting state, the pressure does not fall and the pulse is not student. The symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are completely absent.

But if any specified symptoms are manifested too often or go in the complex, then you should not engage in self-medication and hope for a miracle.

It is better to reinforce it again and consult with specialists.

How to diagnose pulling abdominal pain

If timely diagnose developing pathologies, it is possible to avoid the development of hazardous complications.

Therefore, doctors, when contacting them pregnant patients, should exclude various pathological conditions and only after that approve the normal flow of pregnancy.

First of all, a specialist is obliged to assemble anamnesis and take into account what is his patient on what week to wear a child. The doctor further examines the type of pain and possible physical exertion that a woman is experiencing.

Experts always send ladies for surrendering the analysis of blood, which helps to identify pathology and the presence in the body of the inflammatory process on the early period of its origin.

In addition, according to the results of the overall analysis of urine, the specialist will appreciate the work of the kidneys and the urogenital system. If an increased amount of leukocytes or protein is observed, inflammation occurs in the body.

Vaginal studies are appropriate in the case when doctors suspect the discontinuation of the placenta or the threat of miscarriage. By how openly the royal zevo, gynecologists determine whether pregnancy will be able to preserve.

At ultrasound examination, doctors visible fruit, its condition and physical development. In addition, ultrasound makes it possible to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys and the liver of the future mother.

Cardiotokography is appropriate to spend at the later period of pregnancy. Such a study indicates the state of the uterus and the kid, in it located.

If the stomach hurts and the pain is drawn, it is precisely such a method of diagnostics will establish a tone of the uterus and will make it possible to understand why soreness arose.

The main task of all diagnostic methods is the exclusion of pathologies in the fetus and the urgent state in a pregnant woman.

Treatment of pulling abdominal pain

If the belly hurts in the first or last week of pregnancy, the doctor may suspect any pathology flowing in the body of a woman.

Treatment Specialist appoints when there is a threat to interrupting pregnancy.

The standard treatment diagram depends on the cause that provoked pain at any week to wear a child. Therapeutic measures are as follows:

  1. In diagnosis, the threat of miscarriage patients prescribe sedatives, antispasmodics and vitamin E. When it comes to hormonal imbalance, women are appointed reception analogs of progesterone. 14 Week of pregnancy, on which pain manifests themselves, may indicate Eastic-cervical insufficiency. In this case, you need to wear a ring on the uterus. This is relevant even if there is a last week of an interesting position at the lady.
  2. If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, then the further reproductive possibility of the patient will depend on the action of doctors. Experts should immediately remove the fruit to prevent the uterine pipe break.
  3. At the beginning of the placenta detachment, the woman should comply with bed regime for a couple of weeks and not nervous. It is prescribed antispasmodic, hemostatic and iron-containing agents from drugs.
  4. To normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the girl prescribe adherence to the diet for several weeks. Dietary food should eliminate gas-forming products: peas and cabbage.
  5. Infections in the urinary system are treated with antibiotic, spasmolytic and uroantisptic.

It is very important to understand that self-treatment can be dangerous for the future mother and fetus.

Therefore, when the first dangerous symptoms appear, it is better to call the ambulance brigade or to go to the hospital for preservation, despite the one week of the fetus of the fetus flows at the time of the appearance of pain.

Useful video

The term of your pregnancy is coming to an end, you and the baby have already reached a peculiar frontier. 40 weeks of pregnancy corresponds to 10 obstetric months, which means that the date of the appearance of a new man into the world is approaching.

Now your baby is completely ready for birth, although his nervous system still continues to develop. The child actively reacts to your emotions. Try to think positively, worry less and upset over trifles.

Size, weight and growth of kid

The weight of the child at the 40th week of pregnancy is about 3000 grams. Growth from "Makushka to Tail" - 37 cm, and full growth is about 50 centimeters. As you already know, these are averaged indicators. In fact, everything is very individual.

What's new in the child's development

Now the crumb looks exactly how it will look like the first of your meeting. Consider what is happening at the 40th week of pregnancy:

  1. Almost completely lacking a cannon covering the previously toddler;
  2. The skin became pink, palms and heels slightly shroud;
  3. The original grease almost disappeared. It remained only in places of folds, and helps the child to avoid rubbing;
  4. The fetus size at the fortieth week of pregnancy reached its maximum. The uterus takes all the abdominal cavity, and the child is the whole uterus. Therefore, the movements of the fetus are very limited;
  5. The development of the fetus at the 40th week of pregnancy is almost completed. In the body of a small little man there is an adjustment of all systems, the internal organs are preparing for independent work;
  6. In the intestine there are Mekonia (original feces), which will be released a few hours after birth;
  7. Final system was finally formed;
  8. The fetus at the 40th week of pregnancy is already ready to make his first sigh, but the development of the lungs continues. Many future mothers are interested in the question, whether the baby must scream after birth. The answer is unequivocal - "yes." The first cry of the baby occurs immediately after the first full-fledged phase of air and after the disclosure of the lungs;
  9. Most babies at this stage are already comfortable settled down the head, preparing for the appearance. But if your harm is "sits on the pope" or is in cross position - the doctor will most likely schedule a root separation by cesarean sections.

Shevlenia activity before childbirth

On the period of 40 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is already boring in the womb, since it does not have the opportunity. It often happens that shortly before childbirth, the baby practically ceases their motor activity.

There is no reason for excitement, so he just saves strength to overcome his first challenging path. Moreover, the closer childbirth, the more calm in the movements will be your baby.

The state of the future mother at the 40th week of pregnancy

With the onset of the fortieth week of pregnancy, your body is practically ready for childbirth. Most pregnant women at this stage are especially sensitive, because they are waiting for the first symptoms that will prompt that it is time to go to the hospital.

Characteristic symptoms on this period

Symptoms for 40 weeks of pregnancy:

  • Belly shifts down. Ollowing the belly immediately becomes visually noticeable for others and tangible for you (breathing becomes easier, stops disturbing heartburn);
  • Increase the flexibility of pelvic ties, which is happening at 40 week of pregnancy, contributes to the kid not injured during the passage of the generic paths;
  • Discharge. Doctors recommend to carefully monitor the discharges and, if you have brown mucus or blood in them, immediately contact the doctor. I must say that the occurrence of the 40th week of pregnancy is becoming more abundant;
  • The cervix gradually softens, and closer to the generic process begins to reveal. This leads to the fact that the plug that protects the baby from the infections hit, begins to peel. At this time, it is possible to discharge with blood. Doctors consider their harbingers of childbirth;
  • Hemorrhoids. During this period, the child's pressure on the pelvis increases, which can lead to inflammation of hemorrhoidal nodes;
  • Frequent urination. The pressure of the uterus on the bladder has increased. Do not ignore the urge to the toilet, because it is fraught with complications;
  • Phlebeurysm. Try to spend less time on your feet, but do not sit too long in one pose;
  • Breast is ready for kid feeding. It often stands out by colosure. And on the third day after childbirth, it will be replaced by breast milk.

What unpleasant sensations may arise

On this time, all future mothers are already thinking only about how soon it is to meet with their baby, while the feeling of pregnancy does not bring the former ease.

The forty obstetric week of pregnancy is one of the last weeks before childbirth.

It is characterized by such sensations:

  1. Pain in the lower back and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sacrum, which arise more and more. They are associated with an increasing burden on the spine;
  2. Unpleasant swelling sensations in the crotch area;
  3. Training bouts. Many women have a similar phenomenon by the 40th week of pregnancy already familiar enough. Training (false) contractions continue to prepare the uterus to the process of childbirth.

Size and form of your tummy

At this stage you gain weight no longer as actively, as before. However, this is not reflected on the size of the abdomen and its shape. At the 40th week, the stomach is not just big, but huge. He turns the pregnant woman in a clumsy bear, because it becomes more difficult to move, it is extremely difficult to get comfortable in bed, and the skin on the stomach constantly itching.

In addition, as we have noted above, the stomach on this period begins to descend and felt that it is associated with an increase in the tone of the uterus. Pummies in 40 weeks look like:

Necessary medical examinations and ultrasound

In the last days and weeks of pregnancy, visit your gynecologist, you will have quite frequently. Get ready for trips to women's advice 2-3 times a week. At the reception, the doctor will carry out already familiar to you manipulation:

  • measuring blood pressure;
  • measurements of belly girth;
  • visual examination of the limbs for the presence of edema;
  • listening to the heartbeat kid.

Ultrasound in the fortieth week of pregnancy is carried out in order to study such basic parameters:

Want something interesting?

  • The mass of the child;
  • The state of the baby and its position in the womb;
  • The presence of a crucial cord;
  • Length and structure of the cervix. During the entire period of pregnancy, the neck of the uterus is not in one state, closer to childbirth it is shortened. Zev should be closed or opened by 1 cm. With zev, it opens by 10 cm;
  • The presence of a tone of the uterus. On this time, training contractions are considered the norm, but if such contractions occur not only during the ultrasound and the state deteriorates, the question of the hypertonus of the uterus;
  • The state of the placenta. In the last time, it is very important to determine the state of the placenta, since its functioning is directly related to how your future child is powered and breathes. Often, during this period, the placenta is already in the worn out state and works in defective, as a result of which the hypoxia of the fetus arises (the lack of oxygen and nutrients). Over time, the placenta ages, and its walls become thin. Now infections easier to penetrate them. It is for this reason that a pregnant woman in the last periods of pregnancy should attend the doctor with a periodic frequency, as well as to take the necessary tests and to do ultrasound research. If you have any doubts about the functional abilities of the placenta, it is necessary to conduct a study of CTG with Doppler;
  • The location of the placenta. An important factor affecting the decision on the method of a delivery, this is the location of the placenta relative to the bottom of the uterus. If it is less than 5 cm from the lower edge, the cesarean operation is recommended;
  • The number of accumulating waters and their structure. In case of deviations in the amount of amniotic fluid, conclusions may be made regardingly low and multi-way. In the early periods of pregnancy, such a conclusion may indicate the development of the infectious process, but at the end of the third trimester, a malfunction is likely to speak about the rejunction of the fetus. But the multi-way can be both an option for the norm and evidence of the presence of deviations in the development of the fetus.

How to determine the beginning of a generic activity

According to the observations of doctors, childbirth most often starts from the 39th to the 40th week of pregnancy. By the beginning of the generic process, it is necessary to prepare in advance.

Most of the pregnant women feels harbingers of childbirth, which include:

  • Contamination;
  • The output of the mucosa, which closed the entrance to the uterus;
  • Displacement of the abdomen down;
  • Weight loss by more than 1 kg;
  • Reducing the motor activity of the fetus;
  • Diarrhea, lack of appetite, nausea.

However, it often happens that a woman does not observe any harbors.

In fact, childbirth can begin completely calmly without them. The beginning of the generic activity can be provoked by any physical exertion, sexual intercourse or even problems in the work of the intestine.

The binding birth at the 40th week of pregnancy is accompanied by:

  • The appearance of regular cuts of the uterus, the interval between which is reduced. If the uterus is reduced through a strictly defined time - congratulations, the generic process began! In addition, in contrast to false, real contractions are more painful. Most women say that pain in the fights is very similar to menstrual. If you have previously had painful periods, you can approximately imagine what to expect soon;
  • The disorder of the spindle water. Pullen can occur immediately, with a volume of up to 1 cup, or drops. The liquid can be both transparent and muddy with a greenish tint (this indicates the presence of deviations from the norm).

Possible complications for the fortieth week

At this stage of pregnancy, it is worth carefully treating the movements of the fetus, which has already become quite closely in the uterus. Also, possible complications include:

  • Euchness. Many pregnant women suffer from edema. The fact is that due to the increased load of the kidney, they work in emergency mode and may not cope with the volume of fluid entering the body. Often swell legs and fingers of the hands;
  • Gestosis. If even increased blood pressure is added to the swelling, it is worth a doctor immediately. Such symptoms can talk about the development of gestosis;
  • Hypoxia fruit. The placenta for this period has practically spent its resources, and it is a source of nutrition and oxygen for the baby. It is necessary to monitor its condition by means of an ultrasound;
  • Running. Normally, childbirth should occur until 42 weeks, but there are cases when the PDR is delivered incorrectly. The child born after this period is considered to be overwhelmed. When the pregnancy is shown, the cesarean section is shown.

Term of 40 obstetric weeks - it's time to finish preparation for a meeting with the baby. Useful tips this week such:

  1. Take advantage of the last days of your happy pregnancy, spend time with pleasure, relax and fly in the fresh air;
  2. Check your "alarm suitcase." It should contain all the necessary documents, as well as things for you and the baby, which will be needed during your stay in the maternity hospital;
  3. If possible, you should not leave home. Wherever you go, be sure to take with you the exchange card and cell phone;
  4. Under the condition of well-being, we can make a light gymnastics, and hiking are able to regulate the beginning of childbirth in a natural way.

This material is exceptionally introductory character, before using the outlined information it is necessary be sure to consult with a specialist.

A forty week of pregnancy is a finish straight way, which a woman passed to give life a new person. Future mom in anxious waiting for childbirth, because this is the time when permission from the burden of pregnancy comes and she will see her child. New sensations appeared: it became easier to breathe, heartburn disappeared, and at the same time he arose the burden at the bottom of the abdomen, hiking was frequent. And then there is also a signal, disturbing and alarming future mother, pulls the belly at 40 week of pregnancy, how to treat it?


The epidemiology of the symptoms of the late deadlines of pregnancy testifies that almost all women experience certain unpleasant signs of future birth. So, more than 20% of pregnant women under the 40th week of pregnancy were bloated by the abdomen, 80% - stretching pains in the field of back and lower back, more than 70% - a stomach obsession, which is caused by an increased tone of the uterus, some had constipation, and part of women notes the appearance of a relaxed chair . Two thirds of women experiencing stretching believing at thenime belly did not have complications, and for a third they carried a potential threat. So, the placenta detachment happened with one of 120 pregnant women.

Causes of drawing pain in the stomach at 40 pregnancy week

The most likely cause of pulling sensations at the bottom of the abdomen for 40 week of pregnancy is that the fruit has already sank to a small pelvis by this time and took a position with which he will be convenient to pass the generic paths and appear. The load at this time increases on pelvic bones, lower back, belly. The severity is at the bottom of the abdomen, and sometimes pain in groin, the sacrum is the harbingers of fast birth. But the occurrence of pathologies at such a late period of pregnancy should not be excluded. These include the following:

  • the inflammatory process flowing into the internal genitals. To a greater extent, women may be subject to pregnancy suffered from infectious inflammations of the uterine appendages or had ovarian cysts. Infectious focus, spreading to neighboring organs, affects the pains of peritoneous tissue receptors, causing pulling pain;
  • inflammation of the urinary system and kidneys;
  • rupture of the cyst of the ovary when it is presented, which can increase simultaneously with the growth of the fetus;
  • discontinuation of the placenta;
  • elevated uterus tone.

There are other reasons for such states, so differentiated diagnosis is necessary to give answers to all concerns of the future mother, and qualified doctors will take a threat to life for mom and child.

Risk factors

Risk factors for the normal course of pregnancy, women and the prosperous flow of labor activities are:

  • stress;
  • severe physical work;
  • hormonal splash;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • the pathology of the liver, kidneys, hearts, the age of a woman (after 35 years, cases of increased tone of the uterus);
  • endocrine diseases;
  • frequent abortions;
  • harmful habits (smoking, alcohol).


The pathogenesis of one of the factors representing a threat to the fetus - an increased tone of the uterus, lies in the emergence of muscle spasms of the middle layer of the uterus (there are three of them three) - myometrium. In the normal state, this muscle is relaxed, which makes it possible to carry a kid. When her tension arises for one reason or another, the woman feels the severity, sometimes painful sensations in the stomach. Most often it happens in the first trimester of pregnancy. With a short period of such muscular reduction, the threat of the fruit and the woman is not. The long state of the tone of the muscles will attract the danger of miscarriage. The emergence of such symptoms at the 40th week of pregnancy may testify only about the approach of childbirth. Short contractions of myometrium, the body is prepared for the fights. But it is better to avoid complications, to give a doctor to evaluate your condition.

The mechanism of another serious threat characteristic of the 40 week of pregnancy is the placenta detachment, it lies in the fact that blood is accumulated between the placenta and the wall of the uterus, forming the hematoma. Over time, the hematoma is growing, increasing the placenta detachment. This is a very dangerous phenomenon that requires immediate intervention of specialists.

Symptoms of drawing pain in the stomach at 40 pregnancy week

The symptoms of the drawing sensations at the bottom of the abdomen for 40 weeks of pregnancy, most likely indicate the approach of childbirth and take them to be calm, because This is quite normal for this period of pregnancy. If it is the only symptom, then you need to lie on the side, relax, stroking the stomach. Wear a special bandage that supports the stomach. If other features are present, testifying to pathology, it is necessary to raise anxiety.

First signs

Thus, the first signs of inflammation can be increased body temperature, purulent discharge from the vagina. Cystitis will sign up for itself not only frequent urges to urination, which is also characteristic of pregnancy, but also by cutting pain. The first signs of the placenta detachment are bloody discharges, a stupid non-peculiar pain at the bottom of the abdomen and during palpation, a decrease in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, vomiting and even fainting. Recent symptoms may also indicate food poisoning. To properly assess the state of the pregnant, it is necessary to analyze all the symptoms that occur, and not only the sensation at the bottom of the abdomen.

Complications and consequences

The consequences and complications depend on the causes and the speed of its elimination. So, pairing the placenta is a big risk for the life of both the mother and the child. It is fraught with severe uterine bleeding, which carries a serious threat to the life of a woman. For a child, it is also a big risk, because Through the placenta, the fruit receives everything necessary for its existence: oxygen, nutrients. With 25% of the detachment area begins to suffocate, at 30% - direct threat of life, and at 50% or more - the death of the fetus. According to statistics, every sixth child with such a diagnosis dies in the womb of the mother. With timely handling of the medical institution such a late period of pregnancy, as 40 weeks, gives all the chances of the appearance of a healthy child.

Diagnosis of drawing pain in the stomach at 40 pregnancy week

Faced with symptoms causing a certain alertness, anxiety and suspicions, it is necessary to undergo a survey to eliminate the presence of pathologies. The timeliness of this step can prevent many complications. The diagnosis of pulling sensations at the bottom of the abdomen for 40 week of pregnancy is to carry out laboratory studies of urine and blood, smear from the vagina, as well as conducting an ultrasound research.


Pregnancy is a large burden load, so urine analysis is carried out at all stages of pregnancy. With it, it is determined by the presence of a protein, indicating violations in the work of the kidneys, possible pyelonephritis. A general blood test will give a picture of the hemoglobin level through which oxygen falls into the tissue, and also detect inflammation in the body. Bacteriological examination of the vaginal smear will indicate the presence of erythrocytes, leukocytes and key cells. With the rhesus-conflict of parents, immunological analysis on antibodies is also carried out.

Instrumental diagnostics

When complaints about pulling and pain in the lower abdomen, to eliminate the intrauterine pathology at the 40th week of pregnancy appoint an ultrasound. With this study, the doctor will establish a state of the placenta, does not threaten the fetus oxygen starvation, because This can provoke a violation of the brain, cardiac activity of the fetus, and sometimes lead to his death. The ultrasound will show the state of the uterus, the accumulating waters, whether the neck of the baby's cord, the preparedness of the cervix for childbirth, the weight of the fetus, will be the opportunity to determine the method of childbirth. According to ultrasound indications, another type of this study can be appointed - Dopplerometry. Its goal is to determine disorders in the features of the placenta and explore the blood flow of umbilical cord, uterus and fetal vessels. If disorders in the development of the fetus are noticed (hypoxia, placental failure) to clarify the diagnosis and state of the fetus, cardiotography is carried out, which determines the uterus tone, the motor activity of the child, the frequency of its heart abbreviations.

Differential diagnosis

The main task of differential diagnostics is the separation of physiological pain from pathological in the stretching sensations at the bottom of the abdomen. This is necessary to eliminate the urgent states.

Treatment of drawing pain in the stomach at the 40th week of pregnancy

Treatment of pulling sensations At the bottom of the abdomen for 40 weeks of pregnancy is appointed in the case when pathology is diagnosed, requiring intervention. Indications for therapy is, for example, detection of foci of infections. For example, the inflammation of the urinary tract: cystitis and pyelonephritis. Treatment with these diseases is prescribed a complex, consisting of spasmolitics, antipyretic and allowed antibacterial drugs: aminopenicillins and cephalosporins. With inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, not avoiding the use of antibiotics. If the increased tone of the uterus, expressed in grapple-shaped pulling pains, does not pass after the adoption of the horizontal position and acceptance of the spasmolytic, then the childbirth may begin. The child has already been fully formed and is ready to be born, but to avoid such hazardous consequences as oxygen fasting and discontinuation of the placenta, it is necessary to go to the hospital. If the disclosure of the placenta still happened, the measures are taken depending on its area. With a small detachment, doctors stimulate childbirth, otherwise a cesarean section is carried out.


To the safest spasmolitics for pregnant women can be ranked No-Shpu, Papaverin, Baratgin, Spasgan, Trigar and Maxigan .

But-shpa is the antispasmodic agent, the active substance of which is drastherin. Produced in the form of convex on both sides of the pills of yellow color, with the inscription SPA on one of the surfaces. Eliminates spasms of smooth muscles. It has contraindications for renal, heart failure, with reduced arterial pressure and intolerance to the active substance. Particularity, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting can be attributed to side effects. For one reception you can drink no more than two tablets 2-3 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets.

Among the antipyretic for reception, paracetomol can be pregnant.

Paracetomol is an unricotic analgesic, which is produced in different forms: tablets, capsules, suspensions, syrup. It has contraindications for receiving with allergies to the drug and with renal and liver failure. Side effects may arise from the side of the blood, urinary systems, nervous - in the form of increased excitability or drowsiness, cardiovascular - reduced heart cuts, digestive system - in the form of nausea. The recommended one-time dose of reception of tablets is not more than 1.5g, and the maximum daily - 3-4g, evenly distributed by 3-4 reception. Adult syrup is recommended in a dose of 20-40ml 3-4 times a day.

From the group of aminopenicillin, in the event of the need, it is possible to apply amosyn - white-color tablets of the antibacterial orientation of a wide spectrum of action, the amoxicillin active substance. Contraindicated in allergies on the components of the drug, diseases of the gastric-intestinal tract, kidneys, liver. With caution to use pregnant and during lactation. Amosin may cause adverse reactions in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, dizziness, anxiety state, insomnia. Dose of reception - 0.5g three times a day, regardless of the food reception.

Cephalosporins are bactericidal drugs or beta-lactam antibiotics, the mechanism of action of which is to destroy the cells of the bacteria wall. There are 5 generations, depending on the effects spectrum of action, structure and resistance to the action of bacteria enzymes on the antibiotic, as well as the method of introducing into the body. Here are some of them: cefaloridine, cefassoline, cefoxitin, cefotaxim, cefpodoxime, cofodox, cefepim, ceftobiprol, cefolozan, etc.

Cefodox - 3 generation drug, can be applied to pregnant in cystitis and pyelonephritis. Produced in powders and tablets. Contraindicated with allergies to the components of the means. Side effects are possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, changes in blood formula. Daily dose - 200mg.


For 40 weeks of pregnancy, as in other times, future mothers require vitamins A, C, D, as well as iron (30-60 mg per day). Iron deficiency can lead to muscle weakness. You can replenish the body by this element due to the use of meat, fish, eggs. Iron in vegetable products is designed worse than in animal products. Squeeze the food of tea or coffee is not recommended, because They prevent his assimilation. Therefore, after eating it is best to drink juice or compote. Vitamin C is needed to strengthen immunity. His need for the future mother is 100mg per day. Currant, sweet pepper, lemon, orange, strawberry, kiwi - here are products rich in this vitamin. Vitamin D forms a healthy cardiovascular system of the child, prevents the occurrence of rickets. Daily need for it - 400mg. Provide the body with this vitamin using food completely fails, because It contains in minor quantities in the yolk egg, liver cod, some varieties of fish, butter, milk.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

In gynecology, physiotherapeutic treatment is widely used, along with drug, homeopathic. Even during pregnancy in the early deadlines, they resort to physics, because They sometimes in their effect on the focus of pathology are able to replace drugs harmful to the fetal. But for 40 weeks of pregnancy, it is not worth exposing yourself and a child with magnetic, electric, ultrasound.

Popular treatment

If time came up to give birth, then the traditional medicine will not help the only recipe - to go to the hospital. But if pathology is diagnosed, you can carefully resort to some recipes that will not be able to harm the fetus. Thus, with inflammatory processes of urinary tract, the intestines can be drinking herbs with an antiseptic effect, but in no case do not spend the scriptures so as not to provoke premature genera.

Treatment of herbs

Famous and widely used in grass urology: bearish ears, corn storks, flooring, field hand, birch kidneys with a diuretic and disinfectant action are not all recommended pregnant. Some of them annoy the muscles of the uterus, causing an increased her tone. Before cooking champs and infusions should still get acquainted with the contraindications or consult with the doctor, and it is also desirable to make them one-component. Alcohol tinctures do not take. Here are some rapid recipes:

  • 10G cornflowers pour hot water with glass, bring to a boil and hold on fire for a few minutes. Drink in 30 minutes. Before receiving food for a third of a glass;
  • 2 Tea spoons Paul-Pali on a glass of water are brought to a boil and boil 5 minutes, after which they insist for several hours. It is accepted in warm form through the tube 50g for half an hour before meals.

With discomfort in the intestines, a meteorism, which can also cause the sensation at the bottom of the abdomen, a chamomile is good. It is preparing simply:

  • 1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water and insist an hour to use a thermos for this. Take a third cup before meal.

But the grass such as bearish ears, birch kidneys, field hands, strawberry berries, parsley root, fruits of juniper pregnant women are contraindicated due to the ability to provoke contractions of the uterus.


When identifying inflammatory processes in the sexual area, which is a source of pulling sensations at the bottom of the abdomen for 40 weeks of pregnancy, you can apply such a homeopathic tool as a canofron.

Kanefron - thanks to its components of plant origin (the root of the lismarity, the gold masculine, rosemary), the drug affects the foci of inflammation, is an anti-standard and antispasmodic agent. Produced in tablets. There are practically no contraindications. Adverse reactions are possible with allergies to the drug component. Carefully take patients with diabetes mell. As part of the funds there are carbohydrates. Drinking without raving three times a day duration of two weeks before the month.

Widely applied during pregnancy for the treatment of inflammations of the genital organs, to reduce the tone of the uterus, eliminate the meteorism of the candle of Viborol.

Viborol - a safe homeopathic agent, not only eliminating the infection, but also the activating protective forces of the body. Available in the form of candles that are put deep into the rectum, after which it is necessary to lie down 10 minutes on the side. On a day, 2 candles are recommended, in the morning and in the evening. The drug practically does not have contraindications. From the adverse reactions, the intestinal emptying is noted. It can be applied along with other treatment.

Such drugs like Caulofillum, the pulsatill will help prepare for childbirth, soften the cervix.

Caulofillum is considered a female root, it is accepted twice a day for three balls, it is necessary to begin two weeks before the expected delivery.

Pulsatilla - the preparation is based on the breeding of the grass of grass stroll. The range of action is quite wide, so the appointment of the doctor will determine the dose and frequency of admission. There are practically no contraindications, except the individual intolerance of grass. Produced in granules (dilution D3, D6, D12, D30, D200).

Operational treatment

Operational treatment at the 40th week of pregnancy may be needed in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. In this case, the removal of a worm-like process is carried out and at the same time make a cesarean section. Sugges to such a rootorification and in uterine bleeding caused by the detachment of the placenta. Do not avoid operational interference when you twist the legs of the ovarian cyst either when it is ruptured.


To predict and prevent all the complications that can climb a woman on the way to getting Mom's status, it is impossible. But every future mother should do everything from her depends to go through this way with good well-being and mood and give a healthy start to your baby. The best prevention of all possible trouble will be a healthy lifestyle consisting in proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air, refusing to bad habits, reducing physical and emotional loads.


With a timely reaction to failures in the functioning of a complex system "female fruit" and the competent intervention of specialists, the forecast of childbirth is prosperous. It is worth remembering that at the 40th week of pregnancy the fruit is already a bottom, ready to get out of his wife's mother and exist outside of its body.

40 week of pregnancy is the term at which childbirth should begin. However, this is only a conditional date, since no more than 4% of women give birth to 40 weeks. Some of this period are thrown out, and some are disappeared. The reason lies on the surface: the date of conception was determined incorrectly. Therefore, even if the woman does not give birth at the 40th week of pregnancy, it should not be for a panic.

Mining fetal

The child is in a ready state. All parts of the face and body are finally formed, all internal organs are ready for work outside the mother's belly. The average fetal growth at 40 week is 51.2 cm, and the mass of the body reaches 3.5 kg. The baby already has a subcutaneous fat tissue, got chuckles and smooth skin. He seeks the first meeting with mom and a huge world.

Although there is no place for the accomplishment of active movements in the child, the woman will constantly feel his heels. At the same time, even the slightest attempt of the child is clearly felt, the uterus is strongly stretched.

The child is in a pose, which contributes to the highest passage of the generic paths. His head pressed against the pelvis, the legs bent, the hands are folded on the chest. This is a well-known "embryo posture."

In the lungs there is enough surfactant to ensure normal breathing the crumbs immediately after the appearance of the light. From this point on, the Alveola will begin to enrich blood oxygen. The heart and blood vessels are also fully formed as soon as the child will make the first breath of air, they will be included in the overall system of blood flow.

The intestine of the child is sterile, it is only Mekonia, which comes out in the first days after birth.

At 40 week, a woman must pay attention to the nature of the kid's movements and on their frequency. According to these features, you can judge the well-being of the future child. It is worth contacting the doctor if the movements are missing for a long time, or, on the contrary, the fruit becomes excessively active.

The normal number of movements per day is about 10. If the crumb begins to move more active, it may indicate oxygen starvation. But also the lack of chapels is no less dangerous sign. Therefore, tighten with the campaign to the doctor should not.

How does the future mother feel?

As a rule, every woman at such a late period of pregnancy is in constant waiting that the contractions will soon begin. Do not worry about the fact that the pregnancy is strongly delayed. Most likely, an error was made in obstetric calculations. Therefore, there is no reason for panic.

Do not constantly sit in the apartment, keeping a package with things for the maternity hospital. It is necessary to continue to conduct a familiar lifestyle, but do not forget that childbirth every day and even every hour are becoming closer, and the fights can begin at any time.

Harbingers of childbirth for 40 weeks of pregnancy

There are some signs that indicate that childbirth will begin soon. Each pregnant woman should know them and be able to recognize.

First, the stomach is lowered before the upcoming births, and with him the uterus and a child. The baby presses his head to the pelvic DNU, and the pressure on the diaphragm decreases. Thanks to this, the woman feels breathing. Also lost boring heartburn and belching. However, the desired uterus begins to put it stronger on the bladder, which leads to more frequent urination.

Secondly, the approaching childbirth may indicate disorders of the digestive organs, which appear about 1-2 days before the start of the bout. It occurs, nausea can join and.

Thirdly, many women indicate that they have an unprecedented tide of strength. Almost all of these forces, pregnant directs to the arrangement of housing, trying to prepare as much as possible to arrive a new little family member.

Fourth, at random labor may indicate a decrease in appetite. Sometimes there is no desire to take food at all. In parallel, weight is treated, or fixed on one mark. The maximum loss can be 2 kg.

Be sure to pay attention to the 3 main points, according to which you can accurately understand that childbirth will begin very soon:

    Testing mucosa. It looks like a dense lump of mucus, there may be included in the bloody residences. This traffic jam over the entire time closed the cervix, protecting the child from viruses and other infections. After her disappearance, labor paths become free.

    Powering of ammunition. It is impossible not to notice this, since the jets are flowing transparent, slightly yellowish liquid. Sometimes to 40 weeks the intestines of the child is exempt from the megonium (from the original feces). In this case, the accumulating water acquire a greenish color.

    Frequent and painful contractions indicate that childbirth will soon begin. However, it is worth remembering that the fights can often be false. To distinguish them from the real, you just need to get up and walk around the room. If the bouts stopped, they were false. If the fight continues, and their frequency increases, then they are real. This means that it is time to go to the hospital.

The abdominal pain, which is drawn, at such late stages of the development of pregnancy is normal. She can also give to the lower back, which is explained by the position of the child in the stomach: the baby fell below and presses on the pelvic bones. The woman is experiencing the strongest loads that are mainly in the belly and lower back.

Pains are usually strengthened after lowing the stomach. Although he can stay in the same position and do not go down to the birth. It is the norm, and it is definitely not worth worrying.

In addition, the woman pulls the belly and lower back, her legs, back muscles and a vertebral pole as a whole can also hurt. This is quite natural, because the body is preparing for the emergence of a child: bones and joints soften, muscles and ligaments are stretched.

Pelvic bones slowly, but systematically diverge, since the body of the relaxin hormone is reinforced in the body. It contributes to the softening of the bones and their slipper. Naturally, this process can cause some painful sensations in groin and in the pubic area. They are always accompanied by a feeling of gravity.

Sometimes pregnant women complain about hip pain. Her reason is the crime of the increased uterus of the femoral nerve. In some cases, pain can be very intense and reach the knee cup.

At this stage of pregnancy, a woman should carefully listen to their own feelings. If she has at least a small suspicion that the pain is not connected with the natural processes occurring in the body, then it is necessary to contact the doctor.

As with the entire period of pregnancy, at 40 week, a woman needs to carefully monitor the character of the selection. The absence of pathology indicates light or dairy selection, which may contain a certain amount of mucus. Allocations can become more crazy and thick, which is explained by the output of the piece of mucosa.

There may be bloody streaks in the discharge. They appear there due to the fact that the cervix before childbirth becomes softer, the smallest capillaries are bursting, and the insignificant part of blood falls into the selection.

However, truly bloody isolation is a reason for immediate access to the doctor. Blood, coming out of the genital paths of a pregnant woman at such a late period, is a sign of detachment of the placenta. This condition requires the operational provision of medical care, so the woman should immediately call the medical team. It is impossible to slow, as there is a direct threat to the life and health of the fetus and the future mother.

Fencing isolation of green or yellow, they bleave with impurities in pus require an urgent campaign to the doctor. They definitely indicate the attachment of the infection that must be accelerated. If this is not done, then there is a high risk that the infant will be infected. Moreover, the time to get rid of the disease remains.

Liquid, watery and abundant discharges indicate the existence of water. This process indicates the emergence of childbirth, so you need to go to the maternity hospital, taking with you everything you need.

A woman should know one feature: water does not always waste massively. Sometimes they are gradually leaked, while the fights do not begin. When leaving the leaking arrogant waters, you need to immediately contact the doctor. This is happening when the shells surrounding the child are thinning, and the liquid begins to go out. Such a condition requires medical control, as the risk of fetal infection is significantly increased.

If a woman feels good and she does not have any pathology of pregnancy, then the implementation of ultrasound research is not required on this period. Although some experts recommend passing ultrasound to assess the state of the placenta. After all, every day she is still stronger and aging. Naturally, this is reflected in its functioning, and hence the child's health. For example, it may begin to suffer from oxygen starvation, which leads to the oppression of brain activity, to the violations of the heart, and sometimes even to the death of the fetus.

If the ultrasound is carried out to evaluate the state of the placenta, then the doctor will necessarily examine the kid himself, clarify its parameters, eliminates the slightest probability of a child's neck cord. Equally, it is not less important to check the quality and volume of the accumulation waters, the readiness of the cervix to the upcoming birth.

During the ultrasound, the woman will be able to see her child well, if it allows the equipment. At this time, he has perfectly formed face features and all parts of the body.

Immediately after birth, mom can be confused by the appearance of the child. For example, its body is sometimes covered with a flush, the skin has a spotted or blue color, the genitals often swell, and liquid is distinguished from the nipples. The head of the crumbs can be incorrect, slightly elongated form. Do not worry about this, in the near future all these "frightening flaws" will be held by themselves.

After childbirth, it is necessary to insist that the child immediately attached to the chest. This is very important not only for the baby, but also for the woman itself. With the first drops of colostrum, the intestine will occur with useful bacteria, in addition, it is a very emotional and touching moment.

Immediately after the birth of a child, they wash, clean the respiratory tract, dress up, drip droplets that impede the development of infection. The state of the newborn is estimated by the doctors on the scale of apgar. Then the tag is put on the crumb, where the mother's surname, the number of the medical card, the growth and weight of the child, as well as its sexuality, is indicated. From this point on, you can begin to enjoy the great happiness in the life of every woman - maternity.

Other analyzes.A woman at this time will need to pass the overall analysis of urine and a general blood test, which will make sure in the normal operation of the body. She also needs to visit the gynecologist, who will make the belly and pelvis measurements. As necessary, the neck of the uterus is examined and its readiness for childbirth is evaluated.

    When the fights lasting for 1 minute, and the interval between them is about 4 minutes, and this condition is preserved for an hour, you need to go to the maternity hospital.

    Although the time of waiting for the appearance of a child to the world seems to be painfully long, you need to stay in a good arms. Everything goes, as it should be, and excessive nervousness can affect the child's condition. In the future, the woman will suffer from sleepless nights because of the increased concerns of the crumbs. Therefore, it is important to control yourself at the stage of pregnancy.

Be sure to adjust the menu of a pregnant woman. It should be focused on relief of childbirth and to achieve normal lactation after them.

All substances from food that eats mom will receive her child. At first, this is due to the placenta, and then through breastfeeding.

It is extremely important to completely eliminate from its menu high-caliped products, trans-fats, sharp and fried dishes. Milk products should be left on vegetables and fruits.

Almost all women in late stages of pregnancy are often visited by the toilet at night in order to empty the bladder. It does not allow to fully sleep, so it is possible in a couple of hours from the departure to reduce the volume of the drinking liquid.


If pregnancy has a normal course, then even for 40 weeks doctors do not prohibit intimate relationships between partners. The substances that are contained in sperm helps the uterus better prepare for childbirth, and the woman itself proximity brings pleasure, which contributes to improving the mood. If still there are any doubts, then you should consult with the doctor. He, like no other, knows all the nuances of the course of concrete pregnancy, so be able to give a good advice.

Answers to questions about 40 weeks of pregnancy

    Training contractions for 40 weeks are painful, but not participated. Is it normal?This is the norm. If training contractions become more tangible, this indicates the approach of childbirth. You need to continue to control the time intervals between the fights. If the fights happen at least once every 10 minutes, it indicates the beginning of the generic process.

    The loin hurts, but at the same time the water did not move away, there is no batch. So maybe a childbirth?Many women note that the fights from them began to begin with the appearance of pulling pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt. This is explained by the location of the nerves in the uterus, as well as a lifestyle of the child in the stomach. At the same time, which are characteristic of the beginning of the generic activity will differ in certain frequency. For this you just need to move time and everything will become understandable. If the pain is enhanced, then you need to go to the maternity hospital.

    At the 40th week of pregnancy, a pulling feeling in the stomach appeared, but there are no pains and water do not depart. The mucous plug came out, the stomach fell, and the birth still does not begin. This is dangerous? There is no danger. Birth is considered normal, even if they start at 42 weeks of pregnancy. All individually. However, if there are any doubts, it is best to dispel them from the doctor. The main danger of transferred pregnancy is aging the placenta, which is not able to provide a child with all the necessary substances. However, 40 weeks are a normal period of pregnancy.

    At 40 weeks there were bloody discharges. What could it be?Blood isolation indicate the placenta detachment, which occurs in the wrong time. It is necessary as soon as possible to call the ambulance brigade.

    Allocations for 40 weeks have become more liquid. What does it mean?Most likely, the woman began to leak water. To refute or confirm this fact, you need to go to the maternity hospital. It is impossible to allow a long anhydrous period, since for the fetus it can be dangerous.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" was obtained at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Health and Social Development Agency (2010). In 2013, graduate school in Nima is finished. N. I. Pirogova.