The right words for a loved one. Texts of confessions to a man - in his own words to a beloved

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Tender confessions. - Tender words to your beloved guy, man.

I'm so glad I met you

You light up the whole world

Now for me love is like an idol.

She captivated me with her beauty,

She opened the universe with her kindness,

Another dimension opened up for me

Meeting with you is the highest pleasure.

Darling. Darling. Tender.

Like an ocean serene

Like a clear singing bird,

Like a red summer sun.

I want so much nonsense

Speak and without thinking

Do something wonderful

What is insane...

Get to write a revelation

Or here is a poem.

No, the poet's genes do not live in me,

And not a fan of cutting veins with a razor.

Alas, I don’t know tender words of love -

Come on, I'll just read this:

I saw you alone

Happy clear sometimes

I've been dreaming of you for weeks...

I already fell into sadness

But suddenly I met you again

And my life has completely changed!

I love! And I can't imagine life without you

How I lived before

Darling, I don't know.

Let's be together we always

Next to you

Because you are my dream...

My destiny!

And every time is like the first time

I follow you in the crowd.

Your eyes are the cutest

Ready to look into them endlessly.

I ask God for one thing:

So that we can be together forever.

What a joy to be with you!

A wonderful gift from fate.

And may my love forever

It will warm you from bad weather.

I couldn't say again today

Three words known such and simple,

I couldn't call you by name

I could not promise you mountains of gold.

I will tell about my feeling in verses,

About how much I love you so much

Words may not be in verse, ah

And it's not stylish anymore.

But the main idea I'm talking about

How much, how much I love you.

Remained in my memory

Your beautiful eyes

Am I in love? Of course yes!

I don't understand this feeling

Sympathy or love?

I'm ready to sing, play the harp.

Hope we meet again.

I so want to see you

And see your beautiful face

And I can't foresee everything

That we did not meet in vain.

My dear, beloved, my tender!

How could you be careless

Don't appreciate you?

I'll roll up my sleeves!

I'll take all the sadness off your face!

I'll take away the fragments of sensational phrases!

I'll be the best, even if you refuse!

Don't worry too much!

Better smile!

Wake up from good thoughts in the morning!

Surprised rather by the beauty around -

I dreamed of expressing more than once

All the things you mean to me.

I was looking for unique phrases,

Searched for words that are so rich.

But speech is not subject to feelings.

And I accepted it as an inevitability

That I can't put into words

Endless tenderness.

Never forget this evening

Your bare shoulders

Your sequined dress

My madness, angel, damnation.

How long will this continue?

And when do you have to leave?

You don't have to think about it

Just enjoy the light.

More confessions: Poems for your beloved

SMS recognition of a loved one

Confessions pages for her

Short declarations of love to loved ones

Happiness minutes took power in fate

This love is trying on its patterns on me ...

Well, apparently, it works ... Powerfully hits right on target ...

You are my sweetest, my tiger, my beast.

You lit candles brightly in the soul

For this word "I love" I send you

I open my soul for you

And with a bunch of grapes I'm waiting for you here

This is how I make a declaration of love ...

I want to walk side by side through life ...

The moon ascended into the sky at night

Lines of love brought into my mind

I interrupted them in this love SMS

And (the name is gentle) sent tender words weight.

You are happiness, you are joy, you are the sweetness of May honey.

I want to be with you and taste the forbidden fruit.

A veil of love wrapped my life

And signed:

“(The name is gentle) I love very, very much ...”

Evening. Candles. Wine. Dim candles...

In the cold twilight I will hug tender shoulders ...

Where are the shores along which loving couples walk

I really want to see how our bodies slowly walk along the yellow sands by the warm waves.

I would have leaned against you tightly at this moment ...

And in my ear quietly: "my sweet, it seems that I fell in love for the first time ..."

You are happiness, you are light, joy in the soul

You must be pure cliché love...

To the music of happiness I approach you

And I bring honey lips to your lips

Gently, quietly, I'll whisper to you

That the bunny (gentle name) loves very much ...

You pour chips of happiness into fate ...

You bring the sugar of bliss into my life ...

You are pleasure, grace, you are warmth...

Tell me, please, why do I love you so much?

I live my life like I'm floating in the sky

After all, next to (the name is gentle), and he is a guarantee of love and happiness in the eyes ...

Heart in SMS writes line confessions

And with him sends kisses with a powerful stream ...

Cream with strawberries in a blender I load

And I send you a declaration of sweet love ...

Love spins me waltz all day

So my shadow can't keep up with me

It's all your eyes... And your kiss...

It makes me repeat again "madly in love ..."

The smell of lilac in my brain...

There is love in the heart. And it's spring...

I guess it's just that I'm going crazy without you ...

A glass full of happiness in crystal poured me

And for the effect of a torch of love lit

Now I'm afraid to drink it...

I won't get burned when I touch it?

With the taste of blueberries you gave days

And the doors of love opened wide for me

He opened it and said, go slowly ...

And after the first step, the soul fell in love ...

The hands of the seconds freeze without you ...

After all, my heart loves, and waits, and misses ...

Fate turned on the mixer of love for us

And united our souls into one.

After that, just say "I love"

I always everywhere and always want to be with you.

A soul with a flag of love steps on you

To let you know how my heart misses...

Seashore with footprints...

Here we began the construction of the senses of our rafts...

Now the ship, return the ship

My heart says: "Full speed ahead!"

Tell me, my sun, do you believe in love?

In love, which without a syringe gets into our blood

In love, which without wings brings people to heaven ...

In love, which changes the weight of people's hearts ...

I want to jump, run, scream

I want to whisper in my ear to be silent ...

I want closer so that it's warm

From my heart to your soul came ...

Short declarations of love to loved ones

Colors of bright colors created a new world

And with a wide brush name + name = love they wrote ...

Let our bodies merge into tango

I whisper with a rose in my teeth:

You drive me crazy...

In SMS recognition slowly upload

And I send it to my bunny

He will read it all, will cry out: hurrah!

And in response he will write: I also love you very, very much!

You have opened an embassy of love in my heart.

And he put an angel with arrows there (a) ...

The lilac smell of love, along with the flowers of your kisses, will captivate my heart with strong ropes ...

What do you want to feel on your lips

Calm? Happiness? Or kiss your love a little sweeten?

You are a piece of happiness, you are the whole world ...

Who arranged a feast in my soul of love ...

Candles are burning, wine is pouring into glasses.

Let our love be the color of Bordeaux ...

Let our fate become a single link

I will never get tired of writing you a confession ...

The pen of my feelings in black ink draws a confession for you... A confession that comes from the very depths of my heart... And quietly whispers in my ear: "you settled me on a new planet, a planet that bears the name le coup de foudre..."

Today the mouth will release words

Today your soul will hear your declaration of love.

Today lips will drop the word "love" ...

You know, I write this word for the first time in my life to a guy ...

The sky covered the night with a wide canvas

Well, in the twilight it will be easier to make a confession that

In the fact that the heart accelerates its course, its frequency

When the impulse of vision sends your image to my brain.

I want to be with you always and everywhere

I really want to swim with you along the river of life

I want to light the candles of love with you with a kiss

I want to walk endlessly through soft clouds with you by the hand

Your green eyes just intoxicate me

She pulls with force day and night

She speeds up the heart rate day and night

And from time to time it makes you bored ...

Let me take a step and hug you tight

Hug, feel warm and kiss

Kiss and leave a seal on the cheeks

On which the word "love" is depicted on our names with you ...

I found a line on my hand in my palm

And it says clearly that you are my destiny ...

I press the phone with my finger and collect SMS for you ...

In which I will tell you how much I miss ...

In which so casually I hint

About the fact that (name is gentle) madly in love ...

Declaration of love to a beloved man in verse: chamomile

I want you to become a daisy

In a velvety green dress.

I would fly like a bee next to you

Drinking in your scent.

And gave you kisses

Bathed in golden dust

And I would collect nectar for a long time,

Reflecting in the sunlight.

You would be blindingly gentle

In his snow-white attire.

Glittering golden center

The petals would dance.

I love you my flower

I love you as much as I can

I love you, at least sometimes

I dare not touch you.

I want to be your sun.

I want to warm you with light.

Awaken you with the first beam,

And give kisses with the dawn.

Beautiful words in communication with men are no less important than in communication with girls. But, unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to convey thoughts at a distance in your own words. How to do this and when it is appropriate to say beautiful words to men is described in this article.

Despite the fact that pleasant words for men have a certain meaning, they should not be used thoughtlessly. After all, not in all cases and not with every man is it appropriate to use beautiful words, even at a distance.

It is permissible to speak beautiful words to a man in your own words at a distance if:

  • a man feels mutual sympathy for a girl;
  • the man is a husband or boyfriend;
  • a man knows that he is worthy of what has been said;
  • an important event for a man takes place;
  • a man uses beautiful words in favor of a woman;
  • a guy or a man really needs kind words;
  • the young man himself asks for compliments and praise;
  • the chosen one is now ready to hear the girl (for example, if a man is at an important meeting, he may react negatively to any external stimuli).

It is advisable to say something pleasant to a man, being at a distance, at the moment when he is alone. So the man will have more opportunities to listen and respond to what was said.

What beautiful words men love

Psychologists say that due to the fact that male psychology is different from female, long and convoluted expressions should be avoided.

In order for the words spoken to a man to have the proper effect, the character of the individual should be taken into account.

Affectionate and beautiful words spoken to a man in his own words at a distance help him open up to the fullest, feel more confident and strong.

But despite this, a man can say words such as:

  • kitten, hare, beloved, cute, dear;
  • diminutive forms of the name, for example, Denisochka, Andryushenka or Dimochka;
  • pleasant traits of his character, for example, strong, gentle, affectionate.

It is impossible to know in advance what tender words will please this or that man. But it is necessary that what is said correspond to the character and lifestyle of the chosen one.

Important to remember! Words should be spoken from a pure heart, sincerely and without irony in the voice. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect.

For example, if a man leads a brutal and sporty lifestyle, you should not tell him an excessive amount of tenderness. It is best to note his strong qualities and tell him how strong, courageous, brave, etc. he is.

Note! Do not be afraid to experiment and apply more and more pleasant words. So that a man’s beautiful words do not become boring in his own words at a distance, you should replenish your vocabulary of “tenderness”. And it is important to watch the reaction so that you know exactly what effect is being said.

beautiful words for your boyfriend

When a guy is at a distance, he also needs to know about the girl's feelings.

You can say the following beautiful words to him:

  1. You warm me with your warmth even at a distance.
  2. After your return, I will be the happiest girl in the world!
  3. I look forward to when you return and warm me with your warmth.
  4. Even being in an empty room, I do not feel lonely, because I have you.

Beautiful words to a man in his own words at a distance should be spoken deliberately.

Also, do not forget about common phrases that are pleasant for any person. These are far from diminutive nicknames combined with declarations of love, but ordinary words about the health, deeds and mood of the chosen one. For example, while at a distance, you can say to a guy, “I know you had a hard day. Therefore, you now rest, and when you return, we will shine the whole day, just the two of us.

Beautiful words for a beloved husband

Most often, beautiful phrases and complements cease to be used in everyday family life, and this is in vain.

It is best for a man who is fond of scientific activity to say pleasant words in favor of his mental abilities.

The husband is a closer and dearer person, so bolder, but no less beautiful phrases can be used in his address:

  1. Even memories about your touch awakens in me a strong desire for intimacy.
  2. You'll be fine. I believe in you.
  3. Do you remember(intimate details of personal life)? It was amazing. I would like to repeat.

It is not difficult to come up with beautiful words for a beloved man. The main thing is that they are sincere.

Beautiful compliments for a beloved man

Relations with a beloved man need to be maintained with beautiful and gentle words. Psychologists say that the best compliments for a man are simple but capacious phrases. But if they are simple, this does not mean that they cannot be presented beautifully.

Beautiful words for men in your own words How not to talk at a distance and not only
You are the best man . And I believe that you will achieve everything you want.You are better than all the men that I have had.
You are a strong and reliable man. I am grateful to you that in your presence I can feel like a weak and fragile girl.I am a weak and fragile girl, even in your presence.
You're a big lad. At this rate, you will conquer the whole world.Well done. But if not for me ... (You should not talk about your importance in the activities of a man, so as not to underestimate his importance)
You are doing great (some undertaking of a man). I admire you and your skillIt works out well. But I would correct (point to the defect)
You look great! Do you spend a lot of time in the gym?You look good. But if you like the hall, it will be even better

It is necessary to say beautiful words to a man, but you should not overdo it, as this will lead to the fact that he:

  • get used to;
  • won't believe;
  • consider what was said not sincere;
  • considers that he is being flattered;
  • believes that the girl is guilty of something.

In addition to simple and beautiful complements, in some cases, but not very often, you can use compliments in poetry.

Beautiful words that rhyme with the name of a man

If fantasy works well, then you can not only say beautiful words to a man, but also rhyme them with his name.

The simplest compliments that rhyme with a name are:

  • Dima - beloved;
  • Lesha - good;
  • Sasha, you are not more beautiful.

In addition to the usual rhyming words, you can find or write yourself beautiful words in poetry.

For example:

Ah, Alexander, Sashechka, Sashulya!

I relish your name like a monpensier.

In your eyes I seemed to drown

And I feel wonderful in this depth.

My love for you is pure and unconditional

I would be afraid to lose her.

But I don't want to be too verbose,

After all, modesty is still valuable.

However do not get carried away and complicate confessions and compliments, because according to experts, the brain of a man perceives simple phrases better.

Beautiful words of gratitude for a beloved man

The easiest way to please a man is to thank him. Psychologists say that ordinary words of gratitude carry more meaning than far-fetched and beautiful phrases.

But if you really want to somehow diversify the praise, you can supplement gratitude with the following words:

  1. I wouldn't have made it without you!
  2. You did so well. Will you teach?
  3. If it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done.

Beautiful words in English for a man

When you want to diversify pleasant words for men, you can use compliments in English.

According to experts, girls who say the usual “Thank you, darling” every time a man has done this or that act are valued higher in his eyes than girls who make far-fetched and long compliments in verse.

The most popular are:

  1. You are very beautiful (You are very beautiful).
  2. You are the strongest (You are the strongest).
  3. You are the most intelligent and quick-witted.

Using compliments in a foreign language, do not forget about the language abilities of a man. After all, if he does not understand what was said, there will be no result.

Psychologists are sure men love to hear beautiful and kind words addressed to them no less than women. Therefore, it is necessary to say more affectionate words to them, especially at a distance.

Options for beautiful words for a man:

Gently and beautifully say in your own words at a distance (options):

My beloved man, I can’t even find words in order to once again express my love for you. It is about a man like you that I have dreamed of for many years. When everyone around said that I was dreaming of someone unreal, I still quietly believed that I would meet a real man who could surround me with love and care, who would give me the opportunity to live a quiet life. And then you appeared in my life, and I realized that life is not as complicated as it seems. My dear, I want to thank you for everything that you do for me. I don’t think that I would be happy with another person, so I don’t even want to think about how my life would have turned out otherwise. My dear, believe that my love will last for many years. I will try to work on our relationship so that everything is wonderful with us. Love you honey!

My love, one could only dream of a man like you. In principle, I dreamed for many years, but did not even hope that I would meet such an amazing man who would protect me from all problems. All my life I solved all the issues myself, but after meeting with you everything changed. And I love being weak next to such an incredible man. I want to repeat again and again that I love you more than anyone in the world. I will never have enough words to tell you how I feel just thinking about you. I really want our relationship to develop, so that we can be happy together, and for this I will not regret anything. My dear, I want you to always be full of strength, and I will work on this too. I love you very much, my most wonderful man. I believe in us and in our love.

My dearest man, I would never have thought that I would feel so happy. And in all this it is your merit, so you can be proud. My dear, I want to tell you that every day I feel that I love you more and more. It seems to me that until the last day of my life I will love you as much as on the first day of our acquaintance. Even then, I realized that you and I would be together, but at the same time I didn’t understand how to draw your attention, but I didn’t have to do anything, because you yourself turned your attention to me. At that moment, I felt that my life had changed. I love you very much, my dear. I don't want to think about how things would have turned out if our eyes hadn't met then. But I'm really glad that it happened the way it did. I dream that our relationship will always be so tender and reverent, my beloved.

My love, I have never been as happy as I am now. You were able to surround me with care, love and tenderness. I know that I can always count on your support, I know that you will protect not only me, but also our relationship. I have never seen a man so reverent about his relationship. But I was definitely lucky, because in our case, both a man and a woman work on relationships. My beloved, I will never tire of thanking fate for giving us the opportunity to spend our lives together, holding hands. I want to once again tell you how much I love you, how much I value our feelings, so I will definitely do everything so that they only develop. My dear, I dreamed of just such an amazing man, and now you are sitting next to me and hugging me. What could be better than this?

I don't know what has to happen in this world for us to quarrel. We understand each other so well that we don’t even think that we will quarrel and break up. You and I work equally hard on our relationship because we want to live together for the rest of our lives. My beloved, you are exactly the man that I dreamed of for many years. Many people told me that such men exist only in films and dreams, but I still felt that I would have just such a life partner. I was not mistaken, because I met you, my dear. For me, there is no person dearer and closer than you, so I will never leave you for anything. I dream that you and I will create a family, so that we can always be together, and I have no doubt that this will be the case. My dear, thank you for all that you do for me. I love you!

Next to me is just an incredible man whom I love with all my heart. Dear, you won my heart already at the moment when we first met eyes. Since then, all my thoughts have been occupied only with you, all my dreams are connected only with you, so I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if we had never met. I love you very much, I am proud of you and your successes, I admire you and dream that my children are the same as you, or rather our children, it cannot be otherwise. My beloved, let it not always be easy for us, but we steadfastly endure all these difficulties. I am sure that it will be even better in the future, because our life with you will be rich and interesting. We need to always stick together, then everything will work out for sure, do not even hesitate. I love you very much, my dear and most amazing man.

The most important thing for me in this life is the creation of a family, and this is what I have always strived for. I wanted to find a reliable life partner who would be a support for our family. And a few years ago I met you, my dear. I could not even think that I would meet my fate under such circumstances. I was not ready to meet my future husband, so I didn’t even do my hair. But since I didn’t scare you then, it means that everything will be just fine with us. Beloved, but seriously speaking, I must say that you are the most reliable life partner you can rely on. I really want our relations to always develop, so that we always go hand in hand. You and I are never bored together, so every day for us is a new life. I love you very much, my dear man.

We do not need reasons to confess our love to each other. We do not need holidays to arrange some surprises for each other. And now I just want to say without any reason that I love you very much, that I value our relationship and feelings. It is important for me that you always be sure that I will always support you, that I will give you strength. You know that you can always count on me, because your favorite girl will do everything to cheer you up. My beloved man, I believe that we can achieve all our goals with you, because we are making every effort for this. My beloved, let all difficulties bypass us, because there have already been many of them in our life. I love you very much, my dear man. Never doubt my feelings. We'll all be great.

My beloved man, we have been together for so long that we know everything about each other. But I, as before, will never get tired of confessing my love to you. Every time I try to find new words to tell you about my love in a new way. Darling, I love you so much that sometimes I just forget about everything around. I forget about myself too, because I just dedicate myself to you. I am ready to dissolve in you, ready to do everything to make you feel like the happiest man in this world. My dear, believe that everything will be just fine with us, because we have been moving towards this for so long. You and I deserve real happiness that will haunt you throughout our lives. I love you very much, my dear little man. Do not doubt me, do not worry about trifles, because together we will solve all problems.

Everyone wants to find a soul mate, with whom it will be interesting, comfortable and safe. My dear, here you and I were able to find each other, we were able to build strong and fairly strong relationships based on love and mutual understanding. My darling, this is the kind of relationship I dreamed of, but I don’t think I could create it in a pair with another man. You are exactly the person that one could dream of, and now my dream has come true. I really want to tell you again that I love you very much, that I do everything to make you feel happy. I do not feel sorry for anything for you, my dear. You can be sure that I will even give my life, if necessary. It is important for me that you feel my love, because every day it becomes more and more. My beloved, you and I will have a happy life, because we both want it.

A few years ago, I began to think about what kind of man I need. I dreamed of a real man who would do everything for his family, who was not afraid of difficulties. When we met, I immediately realized that I had found my man. I love you very much, my dear. I feel that today I love you more than a few days ago, and in a few more days I will love you even more than today. There is no end to this cycle of love in our relationship. You and I are both trying for the sake of our relationship, so we can be sure that everything will be just fine with us. I will never get tired of improving for you, because I know that you like it when I develop. Thanks to you, I became a completely different girl, and now I like it more. My dear, thank you for every happy moment in our lives.

I never thought that I would become such a calm girl who no longer runs and solves problems. It was at that moment when you appeared in my life that I realized that now my life will change dramatically. I love you very much, my dear and most wonderful man. Believe me, there is no other like you in this world, so I'm definitely lucky. You create a unique atmosphere of joy and fairy tale in our house, you never let me get bored. I can talk about you for hours, I can confess my love to you for hours, because it is simply necessary to talk about such a wonderful man. But at the same time, I try not to shout to the whole world about how everything is fine with you and me. You yourself know that happiness loves silence, so we must protect our relationship and our love. I am sure that it will be even better in the future, because we are striving for this.

My beloved, I look at you and cannot believe that such happiness has come to me. I really think that I am lucky to have you, because every day you make me more and more happy. My life without you will no longer make sense, so I will try to do everything. For our relationship to develop, for our love to grow stronger. My love, do you remember the day we met? It seems to me that it will be impossible to forget, because it was like a scene from a movie. In general, everything happens with you like in a movie. I am very happy with you, my beloved man. Day by day you prove your love to me, your serious intentions, so I can afford to be weak next to you. My beloved, thank you for making me happy, for making me happy every day, for helping me cope with problems.

My dear, not so long ago I caught myself thinking that my current life is like a fairy tale. In the morning you wake me up with kisses and beautiful compliments, and then during the day the smile just does not leave me. In the evenings I go to bed in a great mood, because you calm me down and make me think only about all the good things. Throughout the day you send me beautiful messages, call me to tell me how much you love me. All this makes me the happiest girl in this world, although with such an amazing man it cannot be otherwise. I am sure that our further life will be even more interesting, because we are working on it every day. We have managed to create a relationship with you that others look up to. I love you very much, my dearest man. Never doubt me and my feelings. Love you!

I have never been so happy and calm, and all because next to me there was no such a wonderful man as you. I will not forget the day of our meeting, because it connected us with you into a single whole. Now I feel absolute happiness, which I absolutely do not want to lose. My beloved, I value our relationship very much, I value your and my feelings, so I will do everything to make them flare up more and more. I love you, my most dear and incredible man! You were able to turn my life into a fairy tale. All my friends envy me, because they see how much you treat me with trepidation. I never thought that I would ever be so lucky in my life. My beloved, never be sad and do not worry, because you have me, which means that together we can solve any problems and questions. Together we are not afraid of any difficulties, my dear.

Any woman dreams of a strong male shoulder. She dreams that her man decides all important issues, not her. A woman should create comfort in the house, but it is the man who should build the house. But this is all just a theory, because in practice everything happens differently. But I'm definitely lucky, because next to you, my dear, I can afford to feel like a weak woman, because my strong man will solve any issues. Darling, it is impossible to find words to express all that I feel towards you. This is love, respect, gratitude, tenderness and much more. I'm just overwhelmed with all these feelings, because I'm going crazy with love. My dear, I love you very much, and I don’t even want to imagine another person in your place. I am absolutely happy with you, my dear. I'm sure you're happy too.

My beloved man, I can talk about you for hours. I can go on and on about how lucky I am to have met you. Our meeting was so accidental that I'm afraid to imagine what would have happened if we had not met then. But still, I believe in fate, because we could not just meet, our meeting was pre-planned by fate. My dear, you and I must do everything to prove to fate that we are happy, that we will not miss this relationship. You and I work every day to make our love grow stronger, so that our life becomes brighter and more interesting. I love you very much, so I will not even spare my life for you. I have never loved someone so much. Just thinking about you leaves me breathless. Thank you for being with me, because otherwise I simply would not be able to.

My beloved man, I no longer know how to express my love for you, because I have already gone through all the possible words over these few years of our relationship. But most of all, I was afraid that during this time our relationship would become commonplace for us, so we would not want to work on it further. But everything happened differently, because every day we confess our love to each other, we generally behave like children. But I like all this, because it makes our relationship different from others. I love you very much, my dear man. Believe that no difficulties and obstacles will be terrible for us if we are together. My love, just don't forget how difficult it was for us at the very beginning of our relationship. Now we are absolutely happy, and I do not want to lose this feeling. My dear, thanks to fate for you, and to you - for our endless happiness.

My love, do you remember the day we met? It was like a fairy tale that one could only dream of. Since then, you and I ourselves have been living in a fairy tale that you arrange for me every day. I never cease to admire what a strong, wonderful and unusually gentle man you are. You can just dream of such a man, but I don’t need to dream, because I found my happiness in your face. My dear, let's always thank fate for organizing our meeting a few years ago. I am sure that fate has prepared many more interesting surprises for us, so we will certainly have an interesting life filled with joyful moments. My beloved, I am so proud that next to me is such a stately and strong man who surrounded me with care and tenderness. But I'm lucky because only I know how gentle you can be.

Confessions to a guy on the phone

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52);">TO How lonely I am without you, my kitten .... Being always next to you is such a happiness that cannot be described in words. I will prove to you through actions that you are the best of men….

52); "> I will write confession with my love and ask the rain so that he does not touch them when he wants to go for a walk. My love is something lasting, something eternal. It is never given to me to stop loving you, because I myself do not want it.

52);">Your eyes are magical lights. If I drowned in them, I would become the happiest! The reflection of your eyes is my world.

52); "> Do you want me to fall asleep with you? I will fall asleep in order to burn with feelings in your arms. You are dearer to me than all people in life! And you will remain forever dear and best.

52); "> What can be more pleasant than a gentle kiss on the shoulder early in the morning? Nothing warms like hugs, tenderness and caress. Nothing else gives such inspiration, nothing binds like that. Love gave us meaning in life, making our souls happy So let it last forever!

52);"> My dear! I often think what would have happened if I had not met you ... My life would be empty and gloomy, I would be lost in its labyrinths in search of you, my only and most beloved. But I I can say with confidence that I am the happiest of women, because I have found my soul mate!

52); "> Sometimes I want to say so much to you, my love, but the words are not at such moments. And then I glide over your cheek with rain, stroke your hair with the wind and kiss your eyelids with the sun. This is the only way I can show all those feelings to you, with which fate gave me!

52); "> Your kisses flow like nectar from my lips and fall like a thick layer of love on my soul... And I really want your heart to spread the same sweetness through each of your veins, capillaries and arteries. I love you very much!

52);"> When you are near, I feel the sweet taste of sweet air around my soul, it intoxicates and intoxicates me from head to toe, like red semi-dry ... I don’t know what it is and how to deal with it and whether I need to at all ... I I feel like I'm just losing my mind...

52); "> When you are near, the world acquires bright colors, and the heart beats in unison. When you are near, the windows of my house let in an order of magnitude higher than the sun's rays and warmth into my soul. When you are near, a nightingale trill and a trickle sound in my ears nectar is pouring like a waterfall from heaven right into my mouth ... (Name), it seems to me that I fell in love ...

52);"> Dear, when you are near, the bright rays of the orange sun fall into my life. And the water of a warm waterfall flows ...

52);"> Your touch is like a warm wave of the southern shores of the Pacific Ocean, it relaxes and gives caress to the body and at the same time to the soul ... I have never experienced more beautiful emotions than emotions from crystal clear and great love ...

52);"> Every kiss of yours is overcoming a new step to the top of boundless and pure love... To the pedestal of mutual and hot feelings... steps to the highest point of the enjoyment of our relationship...

52); "> May the silence of the night be filled with my love for you, such a dear little man!

52);">I would give anything right now to feel your sweet kisses on my body under the reflections of the moon through the window!

52);"> Your magical charm and breadth of soul filled my life with meaning ... this night will pass and speed up our meeting!

52);"> Let the night outside the window, but your beautiful image shines brighter for me than the midday sun!

52);"> I am now looking at the night sky and imagining the most gentle man, because of whom my heart is beating wildly!

52); "> You settled in my heart and captivated my mind with the tenderness and warmth of your soul!

52);"> You are the firefly of my heart, which lit the flame of love in it.

52);"> Without you, my marmalade is like a song without a melody, and I feel very sad when you are not around.

52);"> My eyes limply shed tears, and my heart pricks like rose thorns when our eyes do not touch ((

52);"> The features of your face for me have become the most beloved and close to my heart.

52); "> How I sometimes want to scream about my feelings, all because they fill me to the brim and voluntarily break out. All this is thanks to you alone, my beloved man. You are so extraordinary! that you are not like everyone else, you are special and only mine.I was waiting for you, dreaming about you, but even in my dreams I could not imagine how wonderful you would be.

52); "> It's interesting with you always and everywhere, you are very smart, deep, fair, brave. I can list your virtues for hours. But the main thing is that next to you I feel loved and desired, a fragile girl. Near with you I will always be the happiest woman on earth.You fill me with new meaning, you inspire me with incredible feelings and great interest.I love you.Thank you for being mine!

52); "> With every day that we spend together from the very moment we met, my love only grows stronger. I want to give it to you, take care and care. Accept my love and give me the opportunity to be with you all the time.

52);"> When you are near, I am in seventh heaven with happiness. But as soon as you move away, I feel like I miss you. I really hope that we will not part for a long time, because without you I can no longer imagine own life.

52);"> Well, when I close my eyes, I think about you. You appear in my every dream, and in the morning you become real. me to you.

You are the first man I truly loved. I can't think of anyone else but you. Words of love and happiness are constantly spinning in my head, which I want to give to you. I can't sleep at night because I can't stop dreaming of meeting you. I love you.

Men like you just don't exist. You are the meaning of my life and I love you very much. I want to be only with you, and I want you to know that there is a heart beating in my chest that loves you endlessly. I hope that this strong love is mutual.

Every morning I see desire in your eyes, every evening I drown in your strong arms.

I'm happy to be able to love you to infinity because you and I, now we

When we met, it was winter, but in my soul you awakened spring.

The most beautiful, the most wonderful - YOU are the daily cause of smiles and joy.

I may lose everything I have, but I don't want to lose you.

When you read this confession to the end, you will know for sure that one person on this huge planet loves you very much. So much so that he simply cannot imagine his life without you. It's me, I'm the person who loves you madly.

I want to tell you an important secret. There was a time when I didn't love you But that was a time before you and I met! Now my love is huge and beautiful.

Recognition of a beloved man in your own words should not sound pretentious or somehow arrogant, everything should be simple, understandable and pleasant. Do not stop surprising your loved ones with warm, gentle, affectionate and kind words, and then you will see and feel reciprocity.

the most beautiful, gentle, warm declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words. Love men, they really need your Love. Even if they never admit it. Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him and truly loved him.

Dear, my happiness is woven into the letters of your name. You are my heaven, just be with me and hold my hand

I love our beautiful nights and happy days. I love being in your arms and listening to your heartbeat.

In fact, men can show their indifference to such words, but in their hearts they are very pleased and flattered to hear positive feedback, gentle words addressed to them and praise.

You appeared in my life like a rainbow, illuminating my world with colorful colors.

I love looking into your eyes. Like the sun, you light up my days and warm my nights. I am happy next to you. (Beautiful words to a beloved man)

Whenever I think about you, a star falls from the sky, and if there are no stars on any of the days, you know it's your fault, because I think about you too often.

The star of my heart, part of my life, my half, I would like to say the most important words for me - I LOVE YOU, it was, is and will be!

Every day I feel the joy of understanding and confidence that this is true love, the true thing that fate gives to each of us when we appear in this beautiful world.

Judge me as you like, but I'm not lying, maybe you don't believe me, but I love you!

I will give you the dawn, the moon and stars, moonlight. And the breath of the breeze, gentle as lips touch. I will give myself to you, because I love you!

Now I look into your eyes and say from the bottom of my heart: My dear, I don’t know why, I just love you and I don’t want to lose you for anything in the world.

I have no kingdom, not our crown, I have one love, and I give it to you!

I really miss you, I miss you, even when I'm around, I miss your gentle hands, I need to feel your warmth, warm me in return, I will give you my love, I love you.

Years shrink into moments with you. A second without you equals centuries. I love you so much and it's forever!

My beloved, gentle kitten! I love you more than life! The fact that we are now very hard - I believe it will soon pass! I can't live without you. I love you so much

There is only one phrase in my head. I love you infection!

There would be more goodness, happiness, love, beauty in the world if there were more kind and sweet people like you in it!

Believe me, I will not forget you, I will not find another for myself. I love you forever, and I will never stop loving!

I have two suns, one shines on me from high heaven, the second is looking at me now.

If there is beauty in the world, it is in your eyes. If there is pain in the world, then this is life without You. If someone in the world is truly loved, then this person is YOU, believe me.

“I thought about you even when I didn’t know that you really exist in the world. I dreamed of love that would change my life. I dreamed about you And now that we met, I realized what it means to be truly happy!”

I will not be your most gorgeous ex, but I will be the only one who understood you and loved you for who you are.

I miss your hands that caress me, I miss your eyes that look at me, I miss your warm body, I miss your heart that loves me. I miss you! I miss you and love you madly!

If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less so that I don’t live a single day without you. If you jump off the bridge - I won't jump after you - I'll catch you under the bridge. And let everyone hear what you are talking about, but as soon as I hear what you are silent about, because I really love you.

How I rejoice in yesterday! It was probably one of the best days with you in my life. It was great to spend the whole day together! All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you!

It doesn't matter if months or years of dating connect you with the man you love. In order for feelings not to cool down, it is necessary to feed them and at least occasionally voice them.

Although the representatives of the stronger sex are not as emotional as the lovely young ladies, the sincere girlish emotions will not leave anyone, even the coolest, macho indifferent.

So what is the best declaration of love to a loved one? How to tell your lover about your sympathy and strong feelings? We have prepared the most pleasant, warm and tender words that every man will definitely like.

Time them to read or send by SMS to some important event in your life together: first date, wedding anniversary, etc. Well, or just dare to say about love without any reason!

You just be! Live under this sky
Let it be far, at the other end of the Earth
You just be - good, kind, bright,
Let not with me, but loving me.
You just know that I'm under this sky
Far away, but I remember you.
You just know: soul, mind, heart -
I live, I love, I dream - for you

Agree, such poems touch the soul to tears, so your man can’t resist such incredibly beautiful words.

Agree, not every man will like a poem, and not every girl will be able to easily and without excitement read it at the right time. It is good that in addition to rhyming lines, there is another declaration of love - ordinary prose.

How to confess and present this magnificent surprise is entirely your choice. You can, of course, say at a meeting, but the most memorable way is to write a letter and send it, as in the old days, by mail (an electronic version is also allowed).

Such a declaration of love to a husband from his wife touches to tears, forcing him to look for equally pleasant words to say about his feelings. Be sure that after receiving such a letter, a man will want to arrange a romantic evening for you and also confess his sincere feelings.

Who said that beautiful declarations of love must be in verse or downloaded from the Internet? It is quite possible to move a loved one to tears in your own words. Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex are skeptical about pompous phrases and pathetic speeches.

Below are SMS about love in verse, but you can convert them into prose or even say about feelings in your own words. Try to add a couple of gentle phrases, compliments and feel free to send SMS to your chosen one with a short postscript: "From a loving and beloved wife."

Great happiness for me
Near to see only you!
Only you I will wait
Always dream of you!

There are many different men in the world,
But I don't look at others
You are indicated to me from heaven by God,
And I already love you!

I'm sad without you
I often see us in my dreams.
I dream to hug again soon,
And talk about your love.

If a girl is lucky to meet a cheerful and positive guy, then you can confess your sincere feelings to him in a joking way.

Another unusual declaration of love is “funny” prose that your chosen one will definitely like. Use the following templates to come up with your own fun and completely unbanal love surprises:

Are you not enough love confessions to your husband in prose and poetry? It's time to act decisively! To add variety to your established relationship, talk about your moods and feelings very gently and romantically. Use one of the following options:

However, in order to please your beloved, it is important not to cross the fine line between surprise and annoying. Let your pleasant words and actions become something between the rule and the exception!

My dear, my good! If you only knew what you mean to me!
From the first minute of our meeting, you changed my life, filled it with meaning, joy and light!
You gave me wings, you taught me how to love! I am very grateful to you for this!
Thank you dear for having me!

My love! I thought for a long time and decided. And I want you to know it was not an easy decision.
From today and forever I want to be with you! I want to give you my love and affection!
I want to make you the happiest person in the whole world. I love you very much!

My dear, maybe I rarely tell you about this, but I want you to know.
You are perfect, you are the best man in the whole world.
And I am grateful to fate for bringing us together!
I love you madly and miss you, I'm counting the minutes until we meet!

Once breaking into my quiet and peaceful life, you changed it.
You gave me so many bright and unforgettable emotions!
You taught me to truly love, and only with you can I be truly happy!
I love you very much!

Sun! You are the best in the whole world! And I didn’t even notice how I myself became the best with you!
You give me so many gentle, affectionate and pleasant emotions.
Only you gave me true love, which became the meaning of my life!
You have become the meaning of my life! I love you very much!

There is a distance between us now. But it made me realize what you mean to me.
I miss you so much! I'm sad and lonely without you!
I need you like air! I love you very much and look forward to meeting you!

To make a declaration of love in your own words for your beloved man unexpected, try to do it when you are together. Prepare SMS in advance, and make its sending inconspicuous. He will be surprised, and his reaction will be interesting - watch him.

Declarations of love for a beloved man are best said in your own, simple words. And if he loves you, then there will be tears, at least in his soul and from love for you.

Bring the man you love to tears? Choose a declaration of love and send SMS in your own words. Don't forget to add a description of how you really feel.

It is desirable to tell your beloved man a declaration of love to tears in prose, that is, in your own words, in simple language, so that he really understands your feelings that you have for him. As a rule, rhyme - diverts attention.

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How to tell a man about your feelings for him? What words to say to a man?

Pleasant words to the beloved and only man:

1. My gentle fluffy! I can't live without you even for one second.... Even a millisecond without you is a long eternity. Come, hurry up, my love, I'm waiting for you!
2. Look to look…. Lips to lips... Stay close forever. I won't give you another! If necessary, I will fight. I want to be with you always. After all, I'm looking for your image everywhere .... And I want to say yes to you!
3. I just opened my handbag. Found, in it, my favorite phone. I spent a lot of time searching. But, on the screen of the phone - your photo! I can't stop looking at you. You are the most handsome man. I love admiring you….
4. Words of love in prose. - Why do you have so much tenderness? If it were measured in numbers, I would just lose count. Darling, you drive me crazy! I promise that I will repay you the same ....
5. You draw me in your imagination…. I am also a good artist. Therefore, I, with all love and warmth, also “make”, mentally, your imposing portrait. Do you want to see him? Dream me, please, tonight ....
6. Words of love in prose. - The best, favorite, the only one! I give you all my love. And you take it as much as you want. All love is yours. All love is for you. Manage it the way you want. Only…. Don't kill her, please!
7. What words to say to a man? - Your palm warms my soul .... Dear, darling and sweet .... If you knew how much I love you...
8. No need to cry with your eyes or soul .... I will not leave, but I will always be with you. I'll be your angel if you want. And love the clouds, we'll fly away together!
9. I am your new page in life. Don't tear me apart and don't burn me. I allow you to ignite only with the flame of love and passion. In such a flame, believe me, I will burn with great pleasure!
10. Words of love in prose. - I love…. I love…. I love…. I love…. How many times, for you, to repeat these pleasant words, so that you, without the slightest doubt, believe in them? I can write all the entrances, all the roads and all the notebooks, if you want. Perhaps everything will get tired of my handwriting and writing, but I will never get tired of convincing you that I love without memory ....
11. Pleasant words to a beloved man. - Honey, I'm so bored that I can't work normally. All thoughts, literally, are clogged with you. And I don't want to get rid of this "downtroddenness". I am pleased to think of you, dedicating every moment of thought. Catch my pleasure!
12. You are a prince. And I don't care that you have neither a horse, nor palaces, nor overseas riches! You are the prince of my heart. You rule, in it, the kingdom of our love. And love, taking me away on its wings, to beautiful skies, reminds me that you are waiting for me, and that you need me very, very ....
13. Warm and affectionate words to your beloved man. - I'll call, so as not to let go .... I need you. I'll die without you…. Stay there as long as possible, I beg you! I'll drown in your arms... I love to dive into them... You and your eyes are the most beautiful oceans on the entire globe!
14. Give me your hand. Can you feel my hand reach for yours? And attraction is inevitable. So, let's not avoid them! Let's go meet them! I want to feel the attraction of feelings ....
15. Only yours…. I don't want to be anyone but you! With others - bad, dreary and boring. With you - fun, comfortable and positive. Thank you for being with me and not someone else!
16. Words of love in prose. - Thank you for the ocean of your love .... Thank you for the feelings that you give me so sincerely .... Thanks to the earth that you are on it .... Without you, the earth will perish. And, along with her, and I ....
17. My favorite! You are the most wonderful gift on my birthday! I don't need another gift. You appeared in my life, and I will appreciate this appearance. Thank you dear for being with me!
18. You are a hero! You are the first who was able to conquer, without difficulty, both the top and the depth of my loving heart. Take it, it's yours! It has so much love... By the way, she's also yours. And I belong to you. I love you madly and passionately!
19. My angel…. You gave me your wings.... And I fly without them: from love! I'm sorry that I, then, was in a hurry, and did not say: "I - to you, catch!". Word me, squeeze me into your arms! I want to drown in them, fall, resurrect .... And kiss... After all, again, I want to understand how great it is, love, in you, to look for ....
20. I count the seconds until the meeting .... Here, a few more seconds flew through me, reminding me of waiting. Oh, how painful it is! I can not wait! But, the hands of the clock, to turn, at least in some way, I can not: they do not obey me. I don't need anyone's submission! I really want your love .... Give, share, donate!
21. Come close to me. You are so warm and sweet. You are my favorite pillow. Not offended, right? I so love to fall asleep on your chest, to the beating of your loving heart .... Your heartbeat is a lullaby. Let it sound forever! Live because I live by you….
22. What can I do for you so that you believe in the eternity of my love? I will do whatever you want: I will come to your dream, I will become the moon or the sun, I will disappear and appear, I will turn any page of life, I will say (or shout), any confession ... .. Say .... Only one word of yours .... And I can melt, a drop of a smile on your face .... Which I love very much.
23. Give a ring - I, without hesitation, will tell you, "yes." If you don’t give it, I’m ready to wait for you all eternity. You are life, you are the continuation of the lines in my destiny. And I'm ready to beg that you remain mine and with me. Do you agree?
24. Words of love in prose. - Thousands of "sorry" and thousands of "love." Everything is for you. I can say even more. You are the light. You are the breath. You are the whisper of all the sweetest words in the world. You are my luck. You are the beginning of all beginnings. You are the only person for whose sake, if necessary, I will be able to say goodbye to my only life!
25. Your name rushes through me with a pleasant sound. Your name is an amber light in the semi-darkness of loneliness. I love your name: it saves and protects me. It is my talisman. I won't give you to anyone! Never ever, my love.
26. Forget everything bad and gloomy. Let's leave everything light and bright. Let's turn our lives, thanks to each other, into a solar rainbow .... I want you to live on earth so cloudlessly and happily that all the angels who look at us from the clouds envied us with "white" envy. We, being together, will be able to repaint envy into rainbow walls ...

What words do men like? Affectionate, warm words of gratitude to the beloved man. Prose.

Speak beautiful words to men! After all, you, dear women, like it when men tell them to you every day. Men are the stronger sex, but they all have hearts that yearn for the beauty of words, and there are souls that “fly” with happiness if you speak beautifully.

What kind of ridiculous "stereotyping" about the fact that men are only able to love food, sex, sports and women? They are not as primitive as you think. Listen and take a closer look at your loved one. You may be able to see something that will simply blow your mind. And you will fall in love with your man again.

Gentle, pleasant, beautiful words to a beloved man. In prose.

What words do men like:
The only one.

If these words are “weaved” into beautiful phrases and phrases, the man of your dreams will be delighted. Let's try to do "phrasing".

What words do men like? - Gentle, pleasant, affectionate, warm, beautiful words to your beloved man. In prose.

Tenderness and beauty are hidden in the following lines:

My kitty, I'm very lonely without you. I want to always, always be by your side. I dream that we purr, to each other, words of love, and never get tired of doing it.
Do you know why I love mornings? For the fact that it is in the morning that you wake me up with your kiss. Do you know why I love the day? For the fact that at this time of the day I am looking forward to you from work and I receive a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsms from you. Why do I love the evening? For long and frank conversations with you. And I love the night, because you and I swim on the waves of romance and passion ....
For me you are warmer than the sun, more tender than clouds, more fragrant than flowers. I am the happiest woman in the world, because my happiness is you.
I will write on the sand, on the asphalt, on the walls about how wonderful and good you are. If this inscription is washed away by rain, I will ask him to write it all over again with a rainbow. I want you to remember, know and believe: my love for you is eternal.
You are my dream, which came true thanks to our meeting. I'm glad we're together, my dear. Let's always be together, in joy and in misfortune. We need each other.
My darling angel! You gave me your wings, you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take all…. Take all of me....
Your sexuality ignites my body with the flames of desire and passion. Extinguish it, please, with hugs, kisses and touches. I really look forward to everything related to you.
For your love, my gentle hero, I am ready to die. But I will live to enjoy your feelings. Take mine. Let's change. Changing feelings is a pleasant experience.
You are the dearest of all. Even mothers are dearer, although I love her very much. You are the most precious person on the planet for me. Thank you so much for being with me.
You are so wonderful…. Why did I get such joy as you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you so much. May my madness of love be and remain your amulet and amulet.
I remember all the gifts that have been given to me in my entire life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Each of your gifts is a small "pleasure" of the soul, which, like the apple of an eye, is guarded by a memory.
I won't deceive you for anything in the world. You deserve only the purest truth. Even if the truth is bitter, to taste, I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And her bitterness, I will, every day, make it sweeter with the help of kisses.

What other words do men like? Men are romantics. But, for them, words that reflect their passions or hobbies will be very pleasant. They are pleased to hear something about sports, about fishing, about the attributes of "artificial", but sexual beauty. How does this translate into words?

Affectionate, warm, beautiful, gentle and pleasant words of "thank you" to your beloved man.

I remember that your long-awaited World Cup begins today. I promise that I will not interfere with your enjoyment of watching your favorite sport. On this occasion, which, for you, is very important, I will buy you a beer and chips, and I will not be angry when you make a vuvuzella noise and applaud loudly.
Tomorrow, for dinner, I will cook for you those dishes that you love so much. So, make a list of what you want to eat. It may not be in alphabetical order, but “in discord”. I promise to cook everything as if dinner is the most important holiday of the year.
Do you know what I'll buy you? New fishing rod! Just. I really want to please you. I even looked after the shop, where I will definitely find something that will make you even happier.
If I ever win even one million dollars, I would have a breast augmentation. I know it's bad. But I also know what size of female breasts you like. I want to translate into reality everything that you feel sympathy for.

So many of her beautiful and tender words, from which, a man, will love his beloved even more. You want love and all quivering feelings to become even stronger - speak pleasant, affectionate and tender words.

If you want to say something original, first write down your “fantasy” on a piece of paper. Well, learn by heart what you wrote, if you don’t remember it.

A man is a man worthy of pleasant speeches. And do not think that he is obliged only to say pleasant things. Give your loved one the opportunity to enjoy the words that you, of course, will say with all your heart and soul.

The words "I love you" are magical. But they can be diversified, “diluted” with others to make it “more fun”.

What other beautiful, gentle, warm, affectionate words do men love? Prose.

Here are phrases in which there is the fullness of the necessary words that will always be found by themselves:
Good morning, love! How did you sleep, my sunshine? I thought about you even in my sleep....
How are you doing at work? Dear, I really want your every success to be multiplied a thousand times, and multiplied every day.
I spent all the money you gave me on new outfits. But I promise that for every penny you spend, you will get a passionate and unforgettable kiss.

How to be the first to confess to a man in love? How to tell a man about love?

Love is beautiful and easy. Do you want your beloved man to feel all the lightness and beauty of the touch of love?

Do you dream big but don't know how to put it into words? Looking for inspiration?

How beautiful is it to confess your love to a man?

Beautiful words of love for a beloved man.

Confess your feelings beautifully:

“I will always remember the day we met. You know, that day changed my whole life. He made it brighter and richer. Thank you for the brightness of the colors of my new life. I very love you".
"I miss you…. I miss you even when you are a millimeter away from me. I need your gentle touches so much, the warmth of your hands is so important to me .... Touch and warm. And in return - get my endless love for you. I love you".
“I want to become a raindrop to quench your thirst for expectations. I want to become a snowflake to melt on your tender cheek. I want to become the moon to illuminate, in the evenings, your path home. Every morning I want to be a sunny bunny to wake you up for work .... But, most of all, I want to always be and remain your favorite. I love you, my most affectionate and most tender.
“Your kisses are priceless. I dream that there are as many of them as there are stars in the height of the romantic night sky. Give me your kisses. I will die without them. And with them I will find unearthly happiness and faith that I can be the happiest woman on earth. I love you"
“I do not need an asterisk from heaven: it is useless on earth. I do not need gold: I myself am an ornament. I don't need expensive cars: I like walking with you more. Give me love! May its flame never go out, may neither quarrels, nor scandals, nor disagreements destroy the power of your love. Love, take care, remember.
“Your eyes are the lights that I live by. I want to fall into their abyss and not return. Will you take me into your eyes? I would like to live in them, and in their reflection. I love your eyes. Don't be jealous, I love you more."
“How much has been said about the love of words. Let me repeat myself, let me be banal, but I will say: for me you are everything. If not for you, my life would be emptiness, bitterness and a river of tears. Thank fate for you! Thank you for being with me. Thank you…. I love you like no one has ever loved."
“If I had a flower - a seven-flower, I would make seven wishes. First, I want to always be with you. Second: I always want to be yours. Third: I want us to never quarrel. Seventh: I dream that all these desires will be fulfilled tenfold. I love you, my flower."

You can talk about love endlessly. There are so many of them that you can even get confused in it. I wish you that you never get confused in feelings, but always know exactly and clearly who your heart is given to.

Where is it beautiful to confess your love for a man? In what environment to say words of love to your beloved man? Where to tell a man about love?

How to confess to a man in love? If there is a “how” question, then somewhere nearby, there is also a “where” question. This can be done anywhere:
At the cinema (the last row is a great place for confessions).
On the street (for example, standing at a bus stop).
By phone (at any time).
In the store (so that the queue was not so dreary waiting).
At a party (any second of all that "fun fussiness").
At the disco (inviting him to the "white dance").
In the theater (during the intermission, for example, when you eat ice cream cutely).
In the gym (to the noise of simulators).
In bed (during kissing).
In nature (to the aroma of a fire and to the sound of a guitar).
In a romantic setting (you will create it yourself, the way your soul desires).
In transport (when you stand or sit next to).
At a concert (to melodic music).
In a letter or note (which you can, for the sake of humor, leave in the refrigerator, right under the sausage).
In the park (on a pretty bench, under the crowns of no less pretty trees).
In a cafe (when you drink your favorite cocktail).
In a restaurant (when you get tired of scrolling through the menu).
Away (during the break "between the first and second", in the ear).
In the registry office (and it is not necessary to do this strictly during registration).
At home (cozy and warm, and from love - even warmer).

Words for declarations of love will always be found. Especially in women. They know how to speak beautifully and emotionally. Men love it. Declarations of love are much better than women talking about cosmetics, shops, problems and other topics not related to love.

You can just say “I love you very much”, but put your whole soul and all your feelings into these seemingly ordinary words. Then, these words will become something unearthly for any man. If a man, during a confession, is a little confused - do not think that he does not care what you say. Men do not have such a quick reaction to "literacy" as women do.

Do not be offended by a man if, out of excitement, to your long confession, he answers briefly “I love you too.” He does not want to compete with you, because he knows that you have no equal in verbal communication. And he is ashamed that he, at his age, cannot speak as beautifully and smoothly as you do.

Errors in declarations of love for a man:

Love, fall in love and don't be afraid of your own love!