Do-it-yourself volumetric craft bullfinch. Do-it-yourself bullfinches from different materials and in different techniques. Paper snowballs

I suggest you look at the Christmas tree that we made with the children out of accordion-folded paper. Forest animals came to visit the tree and bullfinches flew in.

For the Christmas tree, we need green paper triangles, you can add several shades of green.

Fold the triangles like an accordion, bend them in half, glue them together, get the shape of a sheet. We glue such blanks to the base starting from the lower tier of the spruce and up to the crown. The Christmas tree is ready.


For bullfinches, we fold the wings from triangles with an accordion, the tail from a rectangle. Bullfinches can sit on a tree or fly nearby.

To make a hare, we need two strips of paper for the head, we fold them in an accordion, we collect them in a circle. A wide strip of paper for the torso. We fold it in a semicircle, glue it to the base. Ears and paws are made of triangles. We connect all the parts with glue, the bunny is ready. Fox.

In the same way as for a hare, we carry out the head. The strip is wider - the body, we fold it with an accordion in a quarter circle, glue it to the base. The tail is a large triangle, the legs are a small triangle. We connect the details, glue the face, ears, eyes.

To make the picture wintery, you can add accordion-folded snowflakes.

Thank you for stopping by to visit the forest beauty. I think that your pupils will also want to do such a miracle! Happy New Year!

Making a panel "Bullfinches" from threads and paper with step-by-step photos.

Panel "Bullfinches" from scrap material. Master - class with a photo.

Look, look
Bullfinches have arrived.
Here they sat on a branch:
One two Three!
Placed where they could.
Who sits on a branch
Looks up at the berries.
Someone pulls your neck down
For them, the branch is like a cornice.
And the other on the fly
Peck one berry.

Bastrykina Alyona, 11 years old, studying at the “Needlewoman” association of MBU DO Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Supervisor: teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Aleksandrovna MBU DO Lesnovsky House of Children's Art.
Work description: the master class is intended for schoolchildren, preschool teachers, technology teachers, primary school teachers, for everyone who loves handicrafts.
Purpose: the craft was made for the regional exhibition "Mirror of Nature", it can become an interior decoration and a good gift.
Target: making panels from knitting threads and paper;
- to teach to create unusual compositions on a winter theme;
- to consolidate the previously acquired skills of working with scrap materials;
- to develop artistic taste, the ability to see the beauty in the world around and convey your feelings in the picture;
- to educate independence in the manufacture of crafts, accuracy in work.

Materials and tools.

Thick cardboard for the base, blue and floral fabric;

- green and brown corrugated paper;
- wire, scissors;
- Titan glue, Snow Spray;

- threads of red, black, greenish colors;
- seeds, large beads for the eyes;
- two cardboard rectangles measuring 10cm by 14cm, 10cm by 12cm;

- twigs from a tree;
- twigs of hawthorn or mountain ash;
- polystyrene, synthetic winterizer;
- thermal gun.

Bullfinch is distributed almost throughout Europe, and in Asia, north of the Himalayas to Japan. In areas of temperate climate, bullfinches live in one place or fly near nesting sites. Northern bullfinches move far south for the winter. Bullfinches usually keep in small flocks. The bullfinch is a gullible and sociable bird. If someone from the pack falls into a trap, the rest rush to help. Bullfinches, whose food supplies in the spruce forests are running out, fly to cities and villages in the hope of finding food. The arrival of these beautiful little birds is like a holiday. Bright plumage pleases the eyes, cheers up. You can admire these cute creatures for a long time. They shout merrily, jump along the paths, fly from tree to tree, pick and scatter red rowan berries in all directions. They are not having fun at all, but looking for food. They do not want to eat the pulp of mountain ash, they only peck out the seeds. Do not mind eating the seeds of the Tatar maple, ash, pecking the seeds of the quinoa, willow and cherry buds. Bullfinches have long been considered a symbol of Russian winter. Many poems and songs have been written about them, they are painted by artists in paintings and postcards, beautiful legends and fairy tales are composed about this brave, caring, merciful bird. And they all mainly relate to the red plumage on the male's chest.
One of them tells about young birds, who decided to fly to the sun in winter to treat him with red berries and delicious seeds. But they did not calculate their strength on a long journey and burned their breasts on the sun's rays. Having fallen on the white snow, the birds became visible on it as bright specks.
Another legend says as in the summer heat in the taiga a light flashed, which could develop into a forest fire. The bullfinch saw how the light was gaining strength, covered it with his chest and extinguished the fire. The last flames left an indelible mark on the chest of the savior of the forest.
And they also say that the bullfinch received the red plumage when, on Calvary, he tried to pull out the thorns that had sunk into the head of Jesus Christ. The drops of blood fell on the bird's chest and remained there as evidence of a magnificent act. Since then, the bullfinch has been considered a protected bird.
Now let's get down to business from reading legends. We will make a red-breasted bullfinch from knitting threads. We tried to make a detailed MK with a large number of photos so that everyone can make a cute bird for themselves and decorate their house with them.

Step-by-step execution of work.

First stage. The basis for the panel.
We will wrap the cardboard with a blue cloth and glue the florestic white cloth on top.

Second phase. Making bullfinches from knitting threads.
Let's make the belly of the bullfinch. We take a piece of padding polyester, (you can use cotton wool) we make a dense lump with a diameter of 5 cm out of it, wrap it with red thread. We fix the ends of the thread with glue. The abdomen should be slightly oblong.

Take a 10cm by 12cm cardboard box and wrap it with red thread. We make 30-35 turns.

Remove the threads and tie tightly on one side.

Cut the other side.

We put the blank for the abdomen between the red threads, distributing them on the sides, and tie the bottom with a red thread.

We form the yarn for the wings. We take a 10cm by 14cm cardboard box, wind a greenish thread on it (you can take a blue, gray, at your discretion). We liked this option.

We remove the threads. We tie it at the top, cut the bottom.

We make a blank for the back and head from black threads. We wind the threads on a 10cm by 14cm rectangle (35 - 40 turns).

We remove the threads and cut.

We tie a bundle of threads, stepping back from one edge by 1/3 of the length.

We put green threads (wings) on a black bundle of threads (back), stepping back from the knot by 2cm. We twist the black threads and tie with a weak knot to separate the head.

We take the torso and wrap it tightly with the wings, tying the threads at the bottom. We lower the black threads, carefully distributing them all over the back. We tie them tightly in the tail area. (Adults and older children can immediately lay both the back and the wings, fixing them tightly to the body). Cut off the excess red threads.

Here we have such a bullfinch.

We glue the beads-eyes, we will make the nose from the seed.
In the summer, to be honest,
It is difficult to find a bullfinch.
And in winter - grace!
To see him a mile away!

The other two were already easy to do. Step by step, and now they are red-breasted birds.

Bullfinches ate mountain ash
- There is no more delicious dinner!
Even the abdomens turned red
From such a dinner.

Stage three. Making branches of a Christmas tree.
Cut off strips 6cm wide and 15cm long from green corrugated paper. We cut narrow strips from one edge, not reaching the other 1 cm. The result is a fringe. We twist each strip with our fingers, turning it into a thin "needle". We make several such blanks.

From the obtained blanks, we twist the branches, winding them spirally on the wire. We get twigs with "needles".

Let's make big and small branches.

We collect the branches into large branches, wrapping the wire with green paper.

Fourth stage. Making cones.
Take brown paper, cut 4cm wide pieces from the roll. Cut into strips 15cm long.

We start to roll the paper. We lay the corner, pressing it tightly with the fingers of our right hand. Once again we lay the paper with a corner towards us.

We hold the corner with our left hand, and turn the paper away from us with our right hand. Again, a corner to yourself and from yourself. It turns out "eight" or a kind of zigzag.

The result is such a swirling strip.

We begin to form a bump. Put some glue on the edge of the paper, put a piece of thin wire and twist the strip from top to bottom, in a spiral.

It turned out to be such a small bump. To prevent the paper from spinning, glue the tip.

We make several cones of different sizes and glue them to the branches.

Fifth stage. Assembling the winter panel "Bullfinches".
We take branches from a tree and glue them with small grains of foam plastic. Such twigs look beautiful, as if covered with frost.

We glue the twigs with a thermal gun to the base. If not very tight, sew with a thread.

Add a twig of hawthorn. It grows in abundance in our village. And the berries have not fallen yet. But the mountain ash, unfortunately, by this time, could not be found.

We supplement the composition with spruce branches with cones.

A wonderful winter day, twigs covered in hoarfrost and bright red bullfinches outside the window ... No bullfinches? No problem! You can make the most beautiful bullfinches from threads, moreover, quickly and easily. And they won't fly away when you want to touch them with your hands. It will not take much time, and the toy will delight you, household members and guests for a long time. And you can also give such a bullfinch to your friends as a handmade New Year's gift.

For the bullfinch, we need: cardboard, threads of gray, red and black colors, a small wire, a grain of almond or apricot.

Cut out a strip with a side of 10 cm from cardboard (the length of the second side is not important, let it be larger). We wind yarn on it: 30 turns of gray, next to 50 turns of black and 60 turns of red.

For the beak, put half an almond on the wire.

We cut the skeins of yarn along one edge of the cardboard so that we get 20 cm long bundles of yarn.You will get 3 bundles of yarn of different colors. We take the black and red ones, put them together (Fig. 1), tie them exactly in the middle with a black thread tightly.

Then we all bend the black threads to one side (Fig. 2). We knit with a gray thread.

We put a bunch of gray threads perpendicular to the red in the place of the bundle with a black thread (Fig. 3).

We bend the red threads so that the gray ones stick out in different directions, we tie the tail (Fig. 4).

We bend to the tail and gray threads on both sides, again tie the tail (Fig. 5)

We insert the wire with the beak into place. The bullfinch is ready.

Make a whole flock of bullfinches for New Year's souvenirs! Happy New Year!

Volumetric application on the theme of Winter

Master class "Bullfinches"

Work completed: Znakkova Margarita, pupil of the Center for Children's Creativity in the city of Surazh, Bryansk region.
Age: 8 years
Supervisor: Kaluga Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of additional education MBOU DOD Center for children's creativity in the city of Surazh, Bryansk region.
Purpose of the product: the panel is not difficult to make, but very positive. It can be used as a gift, to decorate the interior of an office or children's room.
Target: make a panel using various materials.
- improve the skills of working with different materials and the ability to combine different materials in one product;
- develop creativity, imagination;
- to educate accuracy and independence.

And in the winter will find shelter:
He is not afraid of colds,
With the first snow right there!

Who doesn't know handsome bullfinches ?!
Their chest, red as a drop of blood, indicates that they are brave birds. In Ancient Russia, there was a belief that bullfinches rescued travelers who got lost in endless snow-covered fields. Bullfinches showed them the way to residential buildings.

There is a sign that the bullfinch chirps to warm, clear and sunny weather.

Required materials and equipment:
- Velvet paper or remnants of red, black and gray velor
- Polyethylene foam (packaging)
- Styrofoam
- Cardboard blue or light blue
- Twigs of any shrub
- Wooden frame without glass
- Pencil
- Glue "Titan"
- Scissors

Our panel was made from various materials, almost all of them are junk. If you do not have just such materials, I will tell you how you can easily replace them and not spoil the appearance of the product.

Sequence of work
So, let's begin!
First, let's prepare the base for our composition! Take cardboard in blue or light blue. If there is no cardboard, you can paint the winter sky with paints on white paper or cover the backing with cloth, but this will be more laborious.

From the polyethylene foam, which remains from the packaging of various goods, we cut out snow-covered hills of arbitrary shape (depending on the size of the available pieces). It can be replaced with padding polyester or cotton wool. We glue the hills to the base. We begin to glue from the horizon, that is, from the middle of the sheet to the bottom of the picture. The main thing is to avoid background gaps.

We cut Christmas trees from thinner polyethylene foam according to templates.

We glue them in the background of the picture.

The basis for the panel is ready. We insert it into a frame without glass.

We glue the branches of any shrub to the foreground.

Let's start making bullfinches. To do this, you can use velvet paper or pieces of fabric, for example velor or velvet, only they must first be glued to the paper and dried.
So, we circle the templates from the seamy side of the material and cut it out.

We connect the details of the bullfinch with glue. Cut out an eye from paper and glue it to the bird. If it is very difficult to cut out such a small circle, you can draw it with a stroke corrector or white gouache. Draw the pupil with a black felt-tip pen.

It remains only to glue our bullfinches to the twigs. Their number in the picture can be any, depending on your desire.

Let's add a Styrofoam snowball.
Now you're done! Wish you all creative success!