The original script of the repurchase of the bride in a private house. Scenario for redemption of the bride in a private house

Redemption of the bride Cool Scenario in a private house (on the first floor)

Evidence. (on the street)
Hello, guests are expensive! Why did you come to us?

For the bride.

Not a bride, but the queen, yes such a master!
We are worthwhile, we will just not give away!
We need a redemption to us
What not to express at the price:
Three bottles of lemonade
Yes two chocolate tiles,
Vodka, beer - all - the river,
And the ring is gold.

To bride at the window
I did not miss alone
I must her from here you
Shout about your love.

And now, the groom,
Not anywhere:
We will tell us frankly
Why do you marry:
Here are three traces before you,
Choose yourself anyone.

Test "Guess the riddle"
For this contest, it is necessary to cut 3 tracks (better from dense cardboard) and put them on each other before the bridegroom. For laughter, make them very small or put on a long distance (but the distance should not be very big, in this case the groom will very quickly overcome the path to the porch of the bride at home).
The task is to be as follows: when the groom ghosts a mystery or show a flaw, it is allowed to make one step, coming to the trail. As we have noticed earlier, the riddles should not be more than three or five.


To pass us
And the bride is the way to find,
We will give you riddles,
Guess them without regard
And show up
And I do not have it - pay!

Clea, yes not water;
Adhesive, yes not resin;
Bela, yes not snow;
Sweet, yes not honey;
From horned taught
And give the guys.

The bridegroom is offered to solve a riddle. If he cannot do this, then the ransom pays. And if the riddle is solved, then ask to show the gifue.


You will show a guess!

Her bridegroom, of course, does not turn out.


If there is no milk,
Give it to us silver !!!

After these words, the groom and the witness pay redemption. When the redemption is paid, the groom takes a step and comes on the trail.
Similarly, the subsequent riddles are guessing.


One do not eat me
And without me, I don't look at the food.


Ah, and no salt, too,
Give us a bag of coins!

The groom is forced to pay redemption, and the guests are shouting at the same time: "Little, not a bisp!"


Sits a lady in a spoon,
Swim legs.


How can you without noodle
For the bride to go!?
For laughter from the soul
We are hanging the lady!

Evidence (at the door to the house).

And now, cute fiance, show us
What life you will have.
Here are three water mugs:
One mug talks about sweet life (with sugar)
Second - About Gorky (Salu)
And the third - oxy (with citric acid)
Drink water from any mug
And in your face we will find out
What life awaits you.

Test "Call me, Favorite!"

For this task you need to prepare an ad in advance. In the center of it, write: "Call me, Favorite!" At the bottom, cut the announcement on the stripes, on each of them put any letter. This is the prepared announcement hang on the door.


Announcement ahead
You tear off,
The letter you need read
And the bride is called!

The groom should call his bride, calling her a word that began with the letters written on the leaflet.
For example:
M - cute;
N - gentle;
C - happy and so on.

If he finds it difficult to call the bride on any letter, then friends help him. If they are hampered, they pay a ransom.

The witness offers three packaged bouquets - in one home broom, in the second - a bath broom, in the third - wedding flowers).

Here are three bouquets from us,
Answer us now -
Bride which you take?
What gives her a gift to her?

(The groom points to one of the bouquets, if he is incorrect, the witness requires a redemption, while the groom does not fade).

It can be seen, the little smelled,
Since you got a bath broom
For trying for the second
Give a car big ...

Oh, and this is not suitable,
Know, have to pay.

Well, and this bouquet to the place,
He will like the bride ...

And the bride do not chrome?
Well, Topney foot.
The groom is tolerate.

You don't like people,
We are gypsy ware.

The bride is beautiful loves fun,
Dams are not alone, but with everyone!

Friends of the groom and he himself performed the gypsy.

The test passed,
Before the bride you reached!
And so now
You bring the bride to the registry office!

Wedding - a solemn event in the life of a girl and a man, which the couple should remember forever. Very often people marry and live in love and care together all their life.

Today's theme is such an integral part of the wedding, as the redemption of the bride - contests for the groom, simply speaking.

Redemption of the bride at the wedding

The redemption of the main heroine of the wedding is a very funny idea, formed by the bride's girlfriends, which occurs at the very beginning of the celebration. The main actors are the groom, his witness and girlfriend the abducted bride during playing such an important scene as the redemption of the bride. Contests for the groom are cool and interesting should always be, otherwise it will look silly!

Together with one of the bride's girlfriends to help in search of the main heroine of the holiday can all other persons invited to the wedding: relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, etc. It is important! The groom and his witness should be prepared for everything, they must have a decent amount of money, chocolate candies and a variety of alcoholic beverages.

Selection of tests for the groom do girlfriends of the main heroine of the wedding. Very often, contests for the redemption of the bride primitive and monotonous, guests are not interested ... But you can always choose something very interesting so that the guests have fun. Believe me, spending time to choose from contests, you will not regret, the wedding will pass with a bang!

The proverb "How New Year will meet, so you will spend it" is ideal for a wedding. How the wedding will start, so it will pass. You will begin the fun - have fun at the wedding to glory, and if you start somehow boring, what can I wait then? Nothing interesting and fun!

If you are going to organize the redemption of the bride, contests for the groom is cool and very interesting should be in any case - this is the main thing!

Do not forget that all the attention during the redemption of the bride focuses on the bride, so you do not need to delay it. The ransom should last no more than 10-20 minutes, during which time you have time to spend 2-4 interesting competitions, about which it will be somewhat lower. Each next competition should not be similar to any of the previous ones.

And now let's talk about what contests for the wedding to buy the bride are the best.

Competition "Love in percent"

It is very interesting and at the same time an incredibly simple contest, the preparation of which does not require any huge investments. For the competition you will need a big poster on which you should portray the following inscriptions in chaotic order: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and, of course, 100 %.

Cut 10 hearts of this size so that they can close each of the numbers at the same time. Simply put, select such a heart, which will completely close the inscription "100%", after which you make another 9. Gently close each percentage of these hearts, but so that the groom should be chopped off the hearts without any effort. Such contests for redemption of the bride are enjoying great popularity!

Men is given 3 attempts in order to find 100%. If he did not work out this for 3 attempts, he can buy every next chance for 1,000 rubles, because love is forever!

This idea can be attributed to this type of drawing, as contests for the redemption of the bride in the entrance, as it is not necessary for a lot of space.

Competition "Three pieces of bread"

This is one of the primitive, but very interesting contests. With it, you can find out how newlyweds will live: richly, poor or not poor, but not rich.

To prepare, you will need three pieces of bread (preferably the ripper). In each of the pumps, we make a very small and imperceptible hole with a sharp knife. We take some coin, put it in any of the pieces of bread. We take another coin (for example, the first coin was 1 ruble), probably the second - 2 rubles. Put it in another piece of bread. Now we take a coin of 5 rubles and put it on the third piece of bread. Similar contests for redemption of the bride Most like guests!

It is important that all three pieces of bread be the same so that coins in them do not fit and did not look out. You can choose smaller coins, for example: 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks and 1 ruble.

The groom has only 1 attempt to pull out a suitable coin. If a man pulls a pump with 10 kopecks, this means that his family will be poor, if with 50 kopecks - not poor, but not rich, and if with 1 ruble - newlyweds will live richly.

If you do not want the groom to pull out a small coin, you can put another 50 more instead of kopecks. You can also safely insert all coins on 1 ruble to the groom that fate suggests him that he and his family will live richly and did Everything possible for this. Similar contests for redemption of the bride in a private house are very convenient.

Competition "True? Not?"

This contest is used to find out how well the bridegroom knows his beloved. For the competition will need to be remembered with the bride the most interesting episodes from her life, which she did not tell her husband. You can come up with your own script of the repurchase of the bride in verses with contests, that is, simply speaking, ask the groom about this or that history of life with his beloved poem.

To check whether a man knows his bride, it will be necessary to tell him invented stories, listening, which he must say, believes in it or not. For example, in early childhood, she loved to travel without parents very much. If the groom is guessing, he receives 1 point to his account. You can send a SMS message points to it - then it will look much more effectively. Having gained a certain amount of balls, a man gets the right to go to his bride. As you understand, the redemption of the bride, contests for the groom and other moments of the wedding are simply necessary for holding such an important event!

Competition "Memorable Nodes"

To carry out such a competition, it will be necessary to prepare a not very long rope on which to tie the nodules with the same distance between them. The number of nodules - at the request of the bride itself.

This and other similar scenes are perfectly suitable in order to accomplish the redemption of the bride. Contests for the groom can be not so simple as the "nodules" competition, but even much more difficult, but still enjoy a rather big popularity in Russia.

The groom will have to unleash all the nodes in turn, but there is one thing ... After each unleashed knot, for 3 seconds, it must say one word about his wife (you can nickname), for example: cute, kind, affectionate, beautiful, sun and others.

Attention! Contests for redemption of the bride scenario must have at least a few days before the event, otherwise something can go wrong, as a result will not work.

If a man fails to unleash some node or he simply cannot remember some word about his wife, the hero must pay during the time.

Competition "Problem Towel"

The rules of the competitor can in no way voice before the start, because there is a small trick. To carry out this test you will need a wet towel. First of all, you need to ask the main character of the event to tie a knot on this wet Towel as much as he, in fact, loves his wife. It would seem, nothing complicated, right? But no, similar contests for buying a bride have their own harsh!

A man can ask friends to help him tie a towel to a node - it is not prohibited by the rules. The catch is that after the bridegroom causals a towel, he will need to unleash him as quickly as possible (there is no help from friends to wait), because the towel needs to be unleashed as quickly as a man will be able to solve family conflicts and disputes. After all, we all know that friends often help to quarrel the beloved, but young people must already put up - so this is a kind of rehearsal!

If a man fails to unleash, he can pay money to not do this, ascetic to get to the lover and complete the redemption of the bride. Contests for the groom - sometimes a very big problem, but if your beloved coped with them, it means that he really loves you and ready to do everything for you!

Competition "Staircase of Magic"

This is very popular, but not a primitive contest, which is best to spend only in cases where the wedding is celebrated in a large private house or on the 2nd and above floors of some multi-storey house. As you already understood, similar to very interesting contests for the redemption of the bride in a private house are popular among businessmen, but you too can easily arrange such a competition at your wedding!

The whole point of the competition is that when the bride and his witness fit the house in which the bride is located, they are met by her friends, explaining to men that the staircase to the bride's room is not simple, but the magic.

It is important to know that such contests for the redemption of the bride at the entrance - a big plus for a wedding, on which you want to save a little.

So: it turns out to overcome this staircase, it will be necessary to sing every second and dance. But there is one more catch, because at each step of the stairs in the room of the conviction of the celebration, 100 rubles should be magically (can be less, and more - at will). If the guys stop dancing, singing or forget to put money on a step, they pay a fine, whose size is negotiated before the competition.

As you already understood, everything that happens during the celebration should be interesting and cheerful (even contests for the redemption of the bride). Original are needed and words, because you can copy something from the Internet, but will it look so interesting and spectacular as your own speech? Of course not!

Competition "Polyglot"

This competition is most often put at the most recent place, as it is desirable that the bride heard what will speak her lover. The essence of the competition is that a man should be explained by his bride in love, being a few meters to her, but at the same time she should not see him, and he.

The wedding should be fun, and guests are always interesting to observe the actions of the groom. Therefore, as you understand, in the script you need to insert contests for the repurchase of the bride. A cool contest is what is missing in many weddings!

The most interesting thing is that the hero of the celebration should be explained in the love of their bride in 5 different languages. All friends can suggest a man's wording of recognition in foreign languages, but in the end it will have to do it all this. After that, a man must convince everyone that he will not stop only these 5 languages, but will continue to rejoice his bride with love phrases in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Similar "Language" contests for redemption of the bride are popular at the weddings of such steam, which do not know foreign languages \u200b\u200bvery well. Watch this will be interesting, and let's laugh at what!

Competition "Sweet Life"

Groom gives 2 glasses with drinks that seem the same. In one of them vodka, in the other - a sweet driver. He must make a sip of one of any glasses, if vodka came across, he should not show that such really happened, otherwise they will have to spill off.

It is always very funny to watch how the groom is trying to lie, which drank not vodka, and sweet water, so be sure to insert contests to the script to redeem the bride. Funny competition - a pledge of a cheerful wedding!

Competition "Love?"

You will need not very large darts. Around Darts Cray to the following comments: 10 - exactly in the heart, 9 - I love her, 8 - marriage by calculation, 7 - Wola Parents, 6 - Blackmailing Bride, 5 - Friends advised, 4 - need, 3-Worth of everything curiosity, 2 - This is all my dull, 1 - I was on the demon.

Such contests for the redemption of the bride are in several modifications, but this is the most popular.

Bridegroom is given three darts. There is an opportunity to buy some more throws to achieve the desired result. The maximum number of throw is leveling 5.


The article featured the most common contests for the redemption of the bride who enjoy incredible popularity in a wide variety of weddings worldwide. We hope you were able to find something interesting for yourself for the upcoming event.

All the above contests for the redemption of the bride are original, so you can safely add them to the wedding script.

Good mood and unforgettable celebration!

In the process of organizing a wedding there are many diverse issues: how to choose a registry office, rings, suits, who to invite how to redeem the bride in a private house, in which restaurant go, what to do on the second day and much more. And all this falls around the cargo both on the young and on their relatives, as well as a shower and a girlfriend.

The first point that begins to disturb the girlfriend is how to organize the redemption of the bride. The scenario is cool (in a private house) is not as difficult, as it seems, but it is necessary to approach this case responsibly.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance, buy the necessary materials and give a certain amount of time. Usually grabs one day to plan the buyback of the bride. The Cool Scenario in a private house can be played without problems, the main thing is the responsible understanding of your duties and memorizing the text.

Ransom - the tradition that can not be omitted

Of course, every wedding implies its scenario for which the holiday will be held. There are many firms that are engaged in organizing similar events, but you can try to come up with an action plan on your own.

Be sure to face the question of which choose, or invent the script of the redemption of the bride in a private house. Below is an excellent example of how this process can be organized.

You can take it for an example and on its foundation make your own.

Bride repurchase scenario in a private pirate style house

The example below scenario needs serious preliminary preparation. In addition to the responsible girlfriend, which should learn its text, which is rather large, you need to prepare different scenery.

Preparing the redemption of the bride in a private house, keep in mind that you will need 1-2 days to buy materials and prepare decorations. You can invite assistants. But the bridegroom is about it, naturally, should not know anything.

What materials need to prepare?

All the action will be interesting if you come up with contests (original). The redemption of the bride in a private house, which will be described below, combines all the necessary qualities that allow you to make a holiday even more fun.

    format sheets A4;

  • white and red balls filled with helium;

    markers of different colors;

    several pieces of chalk;

    two ropes in length of meter;

    toy sword;

    5 darts and target for playing darts;

    set for pirate (beard, hook, hat, sword, belt, parrot or other accessories);

    laptop, speakers, injected music from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean";

    the dressing on the neck and the symbolic key of the bride's room, tied to the bandage (it all needs to wear on the pirate);

    the Internet;

    basket for collecting money.

Yes, materials, of course, a lot, but from good scenery and contests, the redemption of the bride in a private house becomes much more interesting.

How to prepare scenery and accessories?

First of all, buy balls with helium and beautify them beautifully in the house and in the yard. Leave two balls that will symbolize the groom with the bride. Tie them: they will come up with the bride when she hears her name is the groom with Schafer.

Find pictures with some marine monsters and print on A4 sheets in such a way that the picture is stretched to all the cloth.

Further in the courtyard of the house in which everything will happen, you need to draw the circles with a soccer ball with chalk (from the gate to the entrance to the house). It is not necessary to draw them in a straight line. You can position them "snake" or even draw in a completely white color. As a result, these circles must be at a certain distance from each other, about 50 cm so that the bridegroom can jump over them.

Hang the darts door at the head of the groom's head. Put next to 5 darts so that in the process of redemption did not have to search for them.

Agree with any relative of the bride, you can with your father, so that he played the role of the pirate. I don't need to teach anyone - it's enough only at the time of redemption to be in a pirate costume and be able to "fight" on the sword. Give him his outfit, as well as a dressing on the neck with a prepared key.

Give several times to read this scenario with a girlfriend, as it is one of the key characters. She can record his speech on a leaf attached to a beautiful festive tablet, and during the action from there read its text. But, of course, it will be better to look if she will learn everything by heart or will improvise without reading with such a tip.

That's it. You are ready to carry out such an event as a funny buyback of the bride in a private house.

First actions

At that moment, when the bridegroom came and buy a bride, everything should be ready. After the balls were released and flew up, the bride hides in the room, and the girlfriend goes outside to the goal. It is better that with her there was still at least one girlfriend, which will help her carry a rope, eye bandage, a basket for collecting money, etc.

What does it look like from the bridegroom?

At the appointed time comes the bride and scam. Together with them the family and friends of the groom arrive (optional). Since they understand that before being able to pick up the bride with them, they will have to go through all the tests, they must tune in and to prepare morally. Also, Schaefer should prepare money that will be required for redemption.

When everyone took their positions, the groom begins to shout with all his might: (name of the bride), marry me! If he is weak, the bathfoot can help. It is necessary to do this until the bride "will not hear." It should last about 1-2 minutes.

As soon as it happened, a previously prepared bunch of white or red balloons with hearted hearts should be departed from the house window. Seeing the balls, the groom with a bath stop screaming and waiting until the nurse with girlfriends open the gate.

Meanwhile, in the house of girlfriends, the bride is prepared, take the necessary equipment and go outside, opening the gate. From now on, all the most interesting begins.

The girlfriend opens the gate and says the groom:

Why did you come here that you forgot here?

The groom replies that he came for his bride. And the girlfriend to him in response:

Your bride kidnapped a pirate, which is called Jack Sparrow.

The groom asks about how it can be saved. Girlfriend answers:

If you love her, then there must be tests and traps who put a pirate everywhere. Then you have to fight the villain, and in the case of victory, the bride will be yours.

The groom agrees to pass the test, the girlfriend opens a completely gate and imparts all guests to the courtyard. Skapfer and groom should stand closer to home than everyone else.

First test: "One-eyed single-legged bob chose his way"

The girlfriend shows the groom specially prepared part of the road in the yard and says that the evil pirate put his monsters, and not to come on them, you need to go through the road, jumping into the draws.

If the groom accidentally stupns, falls, it will not jump onto a white circle, then he will have to pay a fine.

After the groom agrees to undergo a test, the girlfriend gives the scope two rings and eye bandage. Rope, Schaefer tows the legs of the groom, and dressing up on any eye.

Then the bathman unlock the groom. A girlfriend solemnly presents the bride among the sword, which he will be useful in the future, with the words: "Congratulations, you have become one step closer to your bride, accepting this sword, which will help you cut all the troubles on the way."

Then the following test begins.

Second test: "How to open a pirate door?"

Girlfriend says:

Dear bridegroom, pirate locked the bride in the castle. You need to unlock the door. But she was not easy - the pirate found her on the Wing Island. To open this door, you need to get a dot to the very center of the target (best if the target that hangs on the door will be about 2-3 meters away from the pioneer position).

5 darts are issued to the main character, the bandage remains led by the eye. He makes 5 attempts to get to the center of the target. For each promach, Shafer gives some money.

As soon as 5 attempts passed or the groom came to the goal, the test is considered complete, and the action goes into the house.

Warring Jack Sparrow!

Girlfriend opens the door to the house and admits the bride and shower. Abruptly hesitated by an angry laughter of the pirate, and he jumps out of the room with the bride.

Oh no, this is an evil pirate Jack Sparrow, who kidnapped the bride and locked it in the room. To pick up the bride, you need to defeat the villain and pick up the keys from the door.

At that moment, any bride girlfriend should include music from the film "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea". The villain will attack the groom, and they have a comic battle on swords. Shafer should also help defeat the terrible villain: he must distract him every way.

After a few minutes of battles, the villain buys the bridegroom, and he "pierces" the sword of the villain in the heart (in fact, the pirate presses his left hand to the body, and the bride inserts his sword between the body and hand).

After the pirate fell to the floor, it turns off the music, the groom disrupts the key from his neck. At this point, all surrounding relatives and friends should loudly applaud and congratulate the winner. A girlfriend says words: "Well done, you proved your bravery and strength, mind and smelting, you are worthy of the bride, you can go to her."

The groom "as if" opens the door from the bride's room. On this redemption of the bride for the groom in a private house ends. Next, the light photo session of the groom with the bride, which retires in the room, is usually begins.

What can be added to the script of the repurchase of the bride in a private house?

Funny and funny effect appears only when the groom's dialog is built by a beautiful speech. And imagine how all the guests, the bride and groom will be surprised when the girlfriend starts talking to verses while the bride is redeeming in a private house!

Poems come up, is undoubtedly quite difficult. It is worth avoiding the harsh phrases and square rhymes. But if you want to impress others, then below the texts will help you do it. You can use the following poems for girlfriend.

1. At the opening of the door:

"Hi Groom, why did you come?

You stand as if you found the bride. "

2. When the bridegroom says that the bride was stolen:

"I kidnapped your bride the villain, and his name is Jack Sparrow."

3. Before the first test:

"You have to go through the road,

Relying on his leg

For each fall will have to pay,

So that the monsters could not drown you! "

Try in this way to beat the entire redemption of the bride in a private house. Funny poems will definitely like the modern public.

It may not be possible to come up with something original, but in this case it is impossible to hurry, and it is necessary to thoroughly prepare.


The above scenario is just an example of how you can redeem the bride in a private house. If you see any disadvantages, you can correct it to your taste or generally remake.

Of course, for help in organizing a wedding you can contact special firms that are engaged in holidays and events at a professional level.

Wedding is a very beautiful celebration. But in order for the wedding to be remembered, it must be cheerful.

The redemption of the bride is not only a fun rite, but also a wonderful means to introduce all the guests with each other and give them to show their wit.

Bridesmaid girlfriends are usually engaged in preparation for redemptionAlthough the attraction of men's relatives is only welcome to this process.

The redemption in a private house is good and the fact that the bride can secretly watch what is happening in the courtyard from its window and may somehow regulate the process, seeing that the groom is tired or starting nervous.

An exemplary bride repurchase scenario in a private house

It is necessary to thoroughly think out the details, prepare props and scenery, distribute the roles. The more people will participate in funny scenes, the better.

But the "chief seller" or lead must be one. A brisk girl is suitable for this role, and even better - a man with a sense of humor.

It was the chief seller to "command a parade", to give instructions to your bridesmaids, handle comic questions to the friends of the groom and guests.

In advance, you should decorate the courtyard, tracks, a gate, some part of the fence and doors of the house with flowers, garlands, comic posters.

The groom and his friends must be warned to take with them more small coins, sweets, drinking, - in a word of everything that the leading and girlfriends of the bride will agree to take as ransom.

Meeting at the gate

The prepared group of guests led by the lead should overlapping the bride and his friends way Right in front of the house at home.

It is necessary to conduct "aggressive" interrogation in style: "Where do you keep the way, kind well done?".

The answer of the bridegroom, which came for the bride should be explained that the bride is very good, not about anything, - in a word, to make it clear that this value will not give out this value.

After the groom pays the entrance to the courtyard, the next stage of redemption begins. You can immediately move to merry contests, but much more will work out if you organize a micencesen with a false bride.

Fake bride

Any relative-man can act as a false bride.

It is enough to wrap it with the old sealing curtain (according to the principle of Indian sari). The face must necessarily be closed.

Funny moments are allowed: wreath on the head of very large plastic colors, overhead lush "Grenadier" mustache, patch nose.

The role of a false bride can play any respectable grandmother with a sense of humor. You can even prepare a few fake brides and make the groom choose, each time revealed to the fact that young people went picking up, they can't please her.

Of course, the groom fake bride does not suit. It is necessary to answer that we have an honest commercial institution: how much paid, such a product and issued. Rejected fake bride the groom should pay "compensation". In short, "redemption" bottles, sweets, money from the groom should not be pulled out.

Comic task

After the option of the sucked bride, the wrapped curtain, the bridegroom does not suit, you need to offer him a number of tasks.

As each of them is fulfilled, the groom will be able to move closer and closer to the house.

You can scatter on the path to the house of cardboard circles, which the groom will attack by completing the next task.

Suppose the option and with "posts" of two chairs, which can not be circumvented, without fulfilling the tasks and not paying the ransom.

In addition, it is necessary to take advantage of the private house and organize tests in the courtyard buildings, whether it is a gazebo or summer kitchen. It is here that you can hide fake brides or prepare those tests that require entourage or requisite. Especially convenient it will be in case of bad weather.

You can also use lawns or a vegetable garden, for example, bury a box or a bottle with another task, at the same time see how the groom or his friends are controlled with a shovel.

Examples of tasks

It will be very fun if it makes the groom and his friends to fulfill serenada. In the conditions of a private house, there can be songs under the window of your beloved, as you like loudly, so that she heard.

Friends in this case are issued musical instruments. The most ridiculous items can be in their quality: a children's drum, two old iron, iron spoons, metal covers from a saucepan.

If there is a chance that the groom is offended, then you can offer to sing karaoke.
Assistant to the help of some kind of relative of the bride, which has a musical hearing.

Finally, the groom approached the doors at home. On the porch or in the Seine, he can be found by the father of the bride with his own task.
For example, he wants to hear as many compliments as possible to his daughter. Or an oath in eternal love and loyalty.

Here, on the threshold of the house, you can offer the groom to choose from several keys the one that opens the door from the room where the bride is locked. The girl needs to hide in advance.
Each incorrectly selected key entails a fine.

The same task can be played differently: to inflate several balls, to one of them put the key to others - notes with the amounts of ransom. The groom will have to pay until find the key.

If you do not want to get involved with the keys (in the turmoil they can lose), then you can just force the groom to seek the bride, and at this time will shout "hot - cold."

The couple of "provocateurs", which will be for remuneration lure the bridegroom. In the role of "provocateurs" can be played by children.

Some Soviets

  • Conducting various contests and tests, in no case cannot be delayed - otherwise the guests will not get lost and lose interest.
  • The action should be the most interactive: all invited needs to be constantly involved in witty dialogs.
  • Do not try to raise the groom and his friends! Better, if in contests you will use juices or compotes instead of alcohol - the wedding just begins, and the groom has many duties.