Father's Curse. What is a parental curse and why should you be afraid of it. The last will of the deceased. Curse before death

The curse is quiet and constant, it disguises itself as a joke or educational conversation, but its essence is simple - you are Nothing. And you don't have to live. This is a complete devaluation of the personality of the child, zeroing.

A parental curse is not the cries of a crazy grandmother from Sanaev's story: "I curse you with the name of birds, I curse you with the name of fish!" And not the tragic cries of a gray-haired father on the stage of the theater: “I curse you, O ungrateful son! Let the monsters from the abyss of hell drag you to the fiery hell! That's what they shout only in a lunatic asylum or in an old play. In real life, no one screams like that, only crazy people. But their cries are not a curse, but a symptom of mental illness. Listen disgusting, but not dangerous.

You are Nothing - parental curse

The real parental curse is this. The father of the famous playwright and writer Oscar Wilde called his son in childhood a cute nickname: "Nothing." Not by name, but like this: "Nothing." "Come here, Nothing. How are you, Nothing? What have you done, Nothing?

Oscar Wilde achieved great success in life. He was the highest paid playwright in England; he lived in grand style, basking in money and fame. And he ended his life as Nothing: he ended up in prison, incurred disgrace and contempt, became a beggar and died as a young man in a miserable hotel - he had nowhere else to live.

That's what a parent's curse is - when you're nothing. Even if you achieve something, it's still no one and nothing. You are Nobody and your name is No way, - there is such an expression. Even if you achieve something in life, it means absolutely nothing. After all, you are nothing. But most likely, you will not achieve anything. And they will not marry, and there will be no success, and you will end your life under a fence or in prison. Or in a remote hotel.

Obvious disrespect for the child, lack of love, mockery of his feelings, overt or covert, ridicule and humiliation - this is the curse. And shouting out spells and theatrically invoking a million misfortunes is ordinary nonsense.

The curse is quiet and constant, it disguises itself as a joke or educational conversation, but its essence is simple - you are Nothing. And you don't have to live. This is a complete devaluation of the personality of the child, zeroing. To consolidate the curse, a rhetorical question is asked: "why did we just give birth to you?". It's a veiled order to self-destruct. Not to be. Disappear and become Nothing.

So it's not mystical. It's a parent program, that's what it is. And you can save yourself if you find this program and neutralize it, like a mine or a bomb. It is possible, but requires a lot of patience sometimes. And a lot of work. You are unique as a person. And you can do it if you want... published .

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

The Christian Church recognizes the existence of such a thing as a curse. It is the parental relationship that is considered the strongest, because the relationship between a parent and a child is the closest and strongest in the life of every person. Parents have the power to control the fate of their children, because they have almost unlimited spiritual power over them. What is dangerous and is it possible to get rid of the parental curse?

What is parental curse

According to the clergy, the emotions, words and thoughts of parents about their children never go unnoticed. Since one of the commandments is “Honor your father and your mother,” the Lord severely punishes those who disobey her. Children whose parents, even in a fit of anger, say phrases like: “Damn you,” dedicate their children to Satan, and their lives are unlikely to be happy.

Parents play a very important role in the life of any person // Photo: cyrillitsa.ru

The sacred books describe one of the first cases of parental cursing. An old woman who had nine sons quarreled with the eldest of them. The man not only did not show respect for the parent, but also raised his hands to her. Then, in anger at the eldest son and at the others who did not stop him, the mother cursed all her children. Literally a few days later, the offender of the old woman was paralyzed. Later, the disease spread to the rest of the sons.

Parental curses are all offensive words that parents say to their children. This also includes "stupid", "unskillful" and the like. It is believed that if in childhood parents often insulted the child, then he will grow up the way he was called. It is also of particular interest to evil spirits.

All offensive words that parents say to their children are considered a parental curse // Photo: .b17.ru

“God's judgment is upon irreverent children. Parents also sin, who, in a fit of feelings, allow themselves to invite misfortune on their children. But children are doubly guilty, provoking their behavior to extreme measures like parental curses. the clergy say.

Curse of ignorance

One of the biggest vices is pride. Often, after the birth of a child, young mothers begin to compare it with other people's children and praise their baby in every possible way. They brag to others and to themselves that their child is the most beautiful, smartest, sweetest, and so on. Excessive pride of parents negatively affects the child. This can manifest itself in the form of various troubles up to serious health problems.

What can parental curses do?

The parental curse is one of the strongest and never goes unnoticed. For example, if the parents are too tired of the child and longing for him to leave them alone, then he may disappear. Some especially unrestrained parents may even wish for the death of the heir, not knowing that this can actually come true. It is not uncommon for parents to disapprove of their child's choice of partner. This threatens with infertility, and sometimes with the fact that a person fails to create a full-fledged family.

The parental curse is one of the strongest and never goes unnoticed // Photo: econet.ru

A case is described when several brothers could not find wives for themselves. At the same time, their mother suffered greatly due to the absence of grandchildren and families from her children. The sufferers could not figure out what they were doing wrong. When they turned to the church for help, the priest asked them to remember their childhood. After that, it turned out that the boys were often naughty, and the mother in her heart wished them to remain stumps all their lives. Her wish was fulfilled, and the sons could not arrange their personal lives. When the reason was found out, for some time the young people managed to create families.

How to overcome the parental curse

Unfortunately, most people are unrestrained in their thoughts and emotions. It often happens that they cause evil, although initially they did not want it. However, you must be held accountable for your actions, words, and thoughts. If a parental curse fell on the head of a child, then first of all, he himself needs to understand what caused it, realize his actions and repent. A parent should also seriously reflect on their behavior and understand that forgiveness is the greatest gift and grace. If a parent cursed a child through negligence, then in the future he needs to be more restrained and remember that everything has its consequences. Parents and children need to pray a lot and ask God to help them.

Priests can help overcome a strong parental curse // Photo: eparhia-saratov.ru

If the parents are no longer alive, then the curse can still be removed. The most important thing is to really understand your wrong and repent. Priests of higher ranks can help in overcoming a strong parental curse. These include bishops, metropolitans and patriarchs.

The most beautiful thing a parent can give a child is their blessing. It is no less powerful than a curse and can become a guiding star for a person. Parents need to understand that children do not have to meet all their expectations, much less dedicate their lives to serving them. Also, children should realize that parents are not able to solve all their problems. A positive attitude, bright thoughts, faith in goodness and striving for it can make any person truly happy.

The ritual can be performed at dusk or early in the morning. Basically, the curses of the father fall on the daughter, from the fact that fathers love their daughters more. They are more jealous and see their wives in their youth. Read from 3 to 7 times. After the ritual, pour the water no matter where. It can be done even if you do not have a natural father, or if you do not know your father. You will make peace with the ancestral souls and your protection will increase.

We will need: attributes that personify the forces of the elements: water in a goblet, air-incense, fire-candles 2 black, 1 red, black altar.

“Adam begat the human race, and you, my father, begat me. I am blood of blood, I am flesh of your flesh, father. I am an extension of your kind. I am the keeper of the secrets of your kind and your seed will continue with me. Your lips have cursed me, but the blood of the family will bless me. By our fathers, by our forefathers, by the call of our blood, I interrupt your curses with the power of an ancestral spell. One father cursed me, and hundreds of souls of my forefathers blessed me. I give my father's curse to the winds: Develop, I command! I give my father's curse to the seas: Drown, I command! I give my father's curse to the fire: Burn, I command! I forgive my father, I break the shackles of hatred. Peace is now between me and my father's family. Cursed!”

To get rid of a parental curse, the mother (father) and son (daughter) to whom the curse was addressed should take any icon of the Mother of God, put it in a corner and read the following prayers in front of it: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary, Rejoice” and the Creed. Then, standing in front of the parent, the child should make three bows to the earth and ask for forgiveness: “Mom (father), please forgive me, for Christ's sake, for my (and) child (s) (adult) misunderstanding, disobedience, insolence, pranks, swearing

(if there is - beatings), for all the evil done against you ". At the same time, it is necessary to remember, if possible, all the unseemly acts in relation to the parent.

After that, the parent should also put three bows to the earth in front of the son or daughter and say: “I take off all the words of my curse, anger, impudence, beatings, all the evil and abusive words spoken to you, and I give you (name) under the Protection of the Mother of God”. Next, you need to take the icon of the Mother of God and, in turn, ask for forgiveness from your son or daughter. The icon should henceforth belong to a son or daughter as a symbol of parental blessing.

In addition, both - both the parent and the child, must go to the temple, confess and take communion.

If the parents have already died, then children can still get rid of their curse. “Looking closer at themselves, they most likely admit that at one time they smoked, tormented their parents, and therefore they cursed them., - says Paisiy Svyatogorets. - If they realize their guilt, sincerely repent and confess their sins, then everything will work out for them. Prospering spiritually, they will also help their deceased parents.”.

If the curse is very strong and has an extremely negative impact on the life of the one who was cursed, then only the highest spiritual rank - a bishop, metropolitan or patriarch - can remove it.

My husband's father left the family. Since then, the mother has been against communication between father and son. The husband continues to communicate with his father, but when the mother-in-law found out about this, she cursed our entire family. We pray for her health, for the deliverance of her soul from anger and hatred, but there is no peace of mind. Advise how to get rid of the mother's curse. It is said to be the strongest.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Curse - deprivation of blessing and condemnation to disasters. This power belongs exclusively to God. However, even in ancient biblical times, the Lord gave special spiritual authority to some righteous people to bless or curse. Such power was with the patriarchs, and then with the prophets.

The Lord gave parents special spiritual and moral authority over their children. According to St. John Chrysostom, it is assumed by the very origin of children. “The power of parents over children has its origin in nature itself. Such an honor is their reward for the illnesses of birth ”(Eight words on the book of Genesis. Word IV). The basis of this power is also the exclusive responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children. Their relationship should be modeled on our relationship with God. The goal of our spiritual life is to be worthy of that highest title, about which the holy Apostle Paul speaks: “Therefore, you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Jesus Christ” (Gal. 4:7). We, the people of the New Testament, “received the Spirit of adoption, by which we cry, “Abba, Father!”” (Rom. 8:15). The word "abba » Aramaic corresponds to our "dad" - confidentiality of children to their father.

The spiritual and moral education of children is based on this parental authority, correctly applied. Without this power, parents cannot fulfill their obligations to their children. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) in the word “On Honoring Parents” says: “There are many stories that confirm the real power of parents' power over children. There are many such examples when a parent's blessing brought down grace on the souls of their children. And vice versa, the parental curse subjected disobedient children to terrible suffering, torment. Blessed Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, relates one incident. Once, in one of the cities of his diocese, an entire family was subjected to such a curse. The mother of nine sons, an old woman, was once very upset by her eldest son, who not only insulted her verbally, but also dared to beat her. Offended, upset by such an act of her eldest son, the mother grieved at her other sons: why did they not restrain him and help, did not protect her when he struck her a blow? And in a fit of such indignation, anger, she cursed them all indiscriminately. And the judgment of God, the inevitable judgment, took place. The eldest son was stricken with paralysis the same day. His hands, and then all the members of his body, began to tremble. He was completely exhausted, he could not even walk. The same fate befell all the other sons within a single year. So they, unable to bear the shame, unable to bear the disgrace of their fellow citizens, left this city and wandered somewhere throughout the Roman Empire. Here is a clear example, an obvious example, of how swiftly the judgment of God is carried out on impudent, irreverent children. This example also convinces us that mothers who dare to utter such reckless curses on their children are also sinning. And doubly sinning children who force their parents to such extreme acts - curses.

Having many examples of curses being fulfilled, one cannot think that the power of parents over children is absolute, and it is even more unacceptable to attribute magical power to the words of a father or mother. Both an unreasonable blessing and a parental curse, contrary to Divine truth, the Lord does not fulfill. The Holy Scripture says: “As a sparrow flutters, as a swallow flies away, so an undeserved curse will not come true” (Prov. 26: 2). The psalmist also addresses the Lord: “They curse, but you bless” (Ps. 109:28). A parent's unkind word is no exception to this truth.

Many parents, unfortunately, are in disbelief and blindness. Others, although they consider themselves believers, have a damaged spirituality. It would be a great disaster for children if curses containing malevolence were to achieve their purpose. If children do not live in sin, fulfill the commandments, the most important of which is “honor your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may be long” (Ex. 20: 12), the merciful and all-good God will not only not fulfill the evil word of such parents, but also to protect the children.

Our Lord Jesus Christ brought a blessing into this world. By His death on the cross He conquered the curse. “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit” (Rom. 8:1). Therefore, the New Testament Holy Scripture forbids cursing: “Bless your persecutors; bless, and do not curse” (Rom. 12:14). The curser commits a grave sin. “Whoever blesses his enemy, blesses himself, and whoever curses him, curses himself, and whoever prays for the enemy, prays for himself, and not for him” (St. John Chrysostom).

If, nevertheless, a father or mother in malice, anger and blindness curses one of the children, then, first of all, one must pray fervently for the world as a great treasure and for parents so that they have a peaceful spirit. Prayer brings people together. The person on whom the curse has been pronounced should very carefully examine his spiritual and external life: was there a reason for such a temptation that a person could not see due to insensitivity and inattention. “Beware, Christians, of insulting your parents, so as not to experience the punishing hand of God. After God, we have no great benefactors like our parents. It is terrible to be ungrateful to them! Moreover, know: what you will be to your parents, such will your children be to you, according to the word of Christ: measure according to the measure, it will be measured to you! (Matt. 7: 2) ”(St. Tikhon of Zadonsk). It often happens that a person considers himself right, but in a conversation with him you are convinced that in his behavior his rightness was external, formal. There was no love in the relationship, no true Christian humility. Without this, it is impossible to fulfill the commandment "honor your father and your mother." The Holy Scripture does not say: "good father" or "good mother." The commandment does not require obedience from children that is contrary to their Christian conscience, but forbids malice, hostility, and even simple indifference towards them. A person who has fallen under a parental curse must also, without delay, prepare and proceed to a full confession. Having fulfilled all this (honoring parents, praying for them, regularly being cleansed of sins, living in the grace-filled experience of the Church), a person must free himself from all fear and calmly follow his saving path.

“In deed and word, honor your father and mother, so that a blessing from them may come upon you, for the blessing of the father establishes the houses of children” (Sir. 3: 8-9).