Removal of the mucous plug in pregnant women. The cork has come off, when is the birth and what does it look like? What measures should be taken if the cork has come off

Shortly before childbirth, a dense clot of mucus comes out of the cervix - this is the cork. Throughout pregnancy, the cork protects the baby from any danger from the outside.

In the last weeks, the cervix begins to smooth and expand. The plug falls out.

note! After the cork comes out, nothing blocks the cervix - and it becomes susceptible to dirt.

In the period of time from the fall of the cork to the very birth, it is worth strenuously monitoring hygiene, refusing to swim in reservoirs and have sex.

Usually it is transparent, yellowish in color and with small patches of blood. However, the color can be anything: white, brownish or even greenish. This is fine.

If the cork is liquid and heavily bloody, you need to urgently go to the doctor..

The plug may come off entirely or in parts. Often it comes out already during childbirth. Sometimes a doctor "helps" her.

Important! The exit of the cork does not mean that you are giving birth. It can occur a month or an hour before delivery.

But if the cork has gone earlier than two weeks before the expected date, you need to inform the doctor about this. Its early exit may be the first harbinger of premature birth.

How to understand that the cork has come off during pregnancy?

Sometimes it is not noticeable at all: the cork can come out while taking a shower or toilet.

Attention! Do not confuse the exit of the cork with the leakage of amniotic fluid.

Thick mucous discharge - cork. Abundant liquid discharge - the beginning of the departure of water immediately before childbirth.

The exit of the cork does not mean the onset of labor, and the outflow of water - albeit gradual - indicates that it is time to go to the hospital.

How not to confuse the exit of the cork with the leakage of amniotic fluid?

The water usually breaks instantly.. This occurs as a result of rupture of the fetal bladder. Usually, the process is accompanied by a noticeable click in the abdomen, but there should be no pain.

Sometimes it happens differently: a few hours before the birth, the water begins to slowly leak.

A characteristic clot of mucus the size of two tablespoons on linen is the cork that came out. If it is dense and tight, then it comes out in one lump.

Cork is also loose: then it will stand out in parts for one or two days. Sometimes its exit is accompanied by a pulling pain in the lower abdomen.

There is no need to worry: the exit of the cork is one of the first harbingers of the approaching birth.

Jelly-like discharge in recent weeks only indicates that your body is properly preparing for the birth of crumbs.

Don't worry: ahead - the finish line. Your task now is to take care, monitor the state of the body, give up important things and long trips and ... wait!

When will childbirth begin if the cork has come off?

Everything is very individual. The cork usually comes out a few days before delivery. In some cases, this can happen even a month before the “X” day. It is impossible to say exactly when you will give birth. The correct answer is soon.

Noticed: if you are not giving birth for the first time, the cork will fall out earlier. In women who have given birth, the cervix is ​​​​wider - which means that the cork is easier to get out.

The exit of the cork is a natural process, indicating the active preparation of the body for the birth of a child.

Thick jelly-like discharge in the last weeks is not a pathology at all, but a harbinger of an early birth. The cervix is ​​smoothed and gradually opens.

The mucous plug, which has always protected the little one from infections, dirt and other troubles, falls out.

Now the uterus is more vulnerable: you need to take care of enhanced hygiene, protect yourself from stress as much as possible and wait for childbirth. Let them pass successfully and easily!

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Pregnancy is a period in a woman's life filled with joyful expectation. A baby growing inside, dreams of what it will be like, make the expectant mother happy. But, bearing and giving birth to a child is not easy, the fears and worries of pregnant women are understandable. They worry about whether the pregnancy is going well, whether the baby will be born healthy, how the birth will go and when it will begin.

The last question is most relevant for those who will give birth for the first time: it is difficult for women to imagine how childbirth will begin for them and what they will feel at the same time. It will be quite natural to listen to your body and see the harbingers, signs of an approaching birth, one of which is the discharge of the mucous plug.


Prenatal signs: at the finish line

According to the new sensations and physiological changes that have arisen in the body, a woman can understand that there are only a few days or even hours left before the birth. These include:

- Increased pressure on the pelvic area and rectum associated with pressing the fetus to the pelvic bones. May occur a few weeks before childbirth or immediately before them.

- Decrease in body weight gain or its suspension. Quite often, a pregnant woman in the ninth month “loses weight” by 1-1.5 kg.

- Frequent mood swings, high and low strength alternately. The awakening of the so-called "nesting instinct". This is due to the rampage of hormones that occurs on the eve of childbirth.

– Thicker and more abundant vaginal discharge removal of the mucous plug from the cervix.

- Increased warning contractions Braxton-Hicks.

The presence of certain signs in a pregnant woman is not at all necessary. In addition, even with their presence, the most experienced obstetrician-gynecologist will not be able to determine the onset of labor with an accuracy of up to a minute. Nevertheless, in the doctor's office, at the courses for future parents and on the Internet forums, you can often hear from expectant mothers: “The cork has gone when the birth begins”?

What is a mucosal plug during pregnancy and what does it look like?

The mother's body takes a whole range of measures to protect the fetus, the unborn child. The mucous plug that forms in the cervix during pregnancy also performs an important protective function - it prevents the fetal bladder and the fetus itself from infection (bacteria and viruses) and mechanical damage. A mucous plug begins to form inside the cervix closer to the middle of the first trimester of pregnancy, after the fetal egg has been implanted. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the cervix swells, the cervical canal is filled with mucus, which, thickening, seals the uterus.

In the last month of pregnancy, under the influence of estrogen, the cervix smooths out, then it opens. At the same time, spontaneous removal of the mucous plug may occur. Sometimes, even a month or a few weeks before the birth, the neck of the poppy opens one centimeter, and the mucous plug leaves. In some women, the removal of mucus from the cervical canal occurs the day before or immediately before childbirth, in others it is already in their process.

The reason for the discharge of the cork can be gynecological examination in the last weeks of pregnancy. If the cork has departed when the birth is unambiguous, it is impossible to say. However, pregnant women try not to miss the moment of removing the mucous plug and are afraid to confuse it with ordinary vaginal discharge, or even amniotic fluid.

Cork is thicker and more viscous than vaginal discharge. The color of this jelly-like clot of mucus is heterogeneous, most often opaque. It may be whitish or yellowish, brownish with pink streaks of blood. The presence of blood in the mucous plug is not an alarming sign, as it is caused by damage to the vessels of the cervix during its opening.

According to gynecologists, The optimal time for the cork to come out is the last two weeks of pregnancy. It precedes the outpouring of amniotic waters. You can notice the removal of mucus from the cervix during morning hygiene procedures. A clot of mucus can be distinguished on the linen, but if this does not happen, it is not at all necessary that the cork has not been removed. This phenomenon may not be accompanied by any sensations and occur imperceptibly during bathing or going to the toilet.

What measures should be taken if the cork has come off

Any changes in feelings or physical condition during pregnancy should not go unnoticed by the doctor who observes the pregnancy, and especially if they directly or indirectly portend the upcoming birth. If a cork has come off in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist about this. If the discharge of the cork is not accompanied by cramping pains, bloody discharge from the vagina and rupture of the amniotic sac, it is too early to talk about the labor that has begun.

But the protection of the unborn baby is now weakened, there is one less barrier. The lifestyle of a pregnant woman should undergo changes:

- in order to avoid infection of the female genital organs, the fetal bladder and the fetus itself, it is not recommended to take a bath, it is better to replace it with a shower;

- swimming in public pools and reservoirs should be postponed for the same reasons;

- sexuality issue a pregnant woman after the discharge of cervical mucus should be discussed with a gynecologist;

personal hygiene rules should be observed more carefully.

You should immediately consult a doctor if:

removal of the cork is accompanied by pain and profuse bleeding, this may be a sign of exfoliation of a child's place;

removal of the cork is accompanied by the release of a clear liquid from the vagina and colorless and odorless, damage to the amniotic bladder is possible.

In any case, the imminent approach of childbirth should be associated with the discharge of the mucous plug. This is an excellent opportunity for a pregnant woman to relax and gain strength before the upcoming grand event. Once again, it is also worth checking all the things necessary for staying in the maternity hospital.

How much is left before childbirth if the mucous plug has come off, video

All expectant mothers know that the entrance to the uterus, where the future baby develops, is the cervix. Normally, the cervix is ​​closed during pregnancy, which does not allow the baby to leave the mother's womb ahead of time on the one hand and reliably protects it from the penetration of foreign substances and infections on the other hand.

Additional protection is created by the so-called mucous (or birth) plug - an accumulation of mucus tightly covering the cervix, providing additional protection to the fetus. As the due date approaches, the estrogen secreted by the female body flattens the cervix, liquefies the mucous plug, and it is excreted from the cervix naturally through the vagina.

With (ICN), the mucous plug is virtually absent due to the fact that the cervix is ​​in a slightly open state.

What does a mucus plug (birth plug) look like?

The mucous plug has a viscous viscous structure, which sometimes has the form of a rather dense lump. The color of the cork can vary from cloudy cream to rich beige, and the volume can be up to 2 tablespoons.

In some cases, the mucous plug during pregnancy (photo >>>) may contain small bloody inclusions (both individual streaks of blood, and a slight daub as at the very end of menstruation), which is the norm and should not be a cause for concern. The appearance of bloody streaks and daubing is explained by the fact that the liquefaction of the birth plug often coincides with the softening and opening of the cervix, which leads to damage to the small blood vessels in it.

Blood from the mucous plug is a reason for immediate medical attention if:

  • there is a significant amount of blood in the secretions;
  • even if the amount of blood is small, but the blood has a bright scarlet color.

In such situations, it is safer for mom and baby not to wait for a planned visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, but to urgently call an ambulance.

By the way, if you are afraid of getting your laundry dirty, you can use inexpensive disposable panties - they are soft, breathable and do not need to be washed. This is especially true if for some reason you went to the antenatal ward a few days before the expected date of the baby's birth (for example, if you have a post-term pregnancy and childbirth is planned to be stimulated or for a planned caesarean section), because there is nowhere to wash in the maternity hospital.

Removal of the mucous plug before childbirth. What to do if part of the mucous plug has come off?

The volume of the mucous plug, the photo of which you can see in this article, can vary and be so insignificant that the fact of the discharge of the mucous plug softened by estrogen before childbirth can go unnoticed for the woman. Sometimes the mucus plug comes off at one time, sometimes this process stretches for several days (that is, the mucus plug comes off in parts). However, it is worth remembering that the discharge of the mucous plug even in parts in most cases indicates that the body is preparing for the process of childbirth, which can begin within the next few days or even hours. It is not uncommon for a birth (mucous) plug to come off already in the process of childbirth.

Departure of the mucous plug in primiparas. What to do if the mucous plug is completely gone (birth plug)?

In most cases, the discharge of the birth plug does not require special action on the part of the expectant mother. If a woman does not experience any disturbing symptoms (including those described above), then you can simply relax and continue to wait for the onset of childbirth. A doctor's consultation will be needed even in the absence of disturbing symptoms if the mucous plug has departed earlier than 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

The discharge of the mucous plug in multiparous women (during the second and subsequent births) does not have specific features.

Pregnancy is a time when it is important not only to enjoy the expectation of the upcoming replenishment of the family, but also to carefully monitor the state of your body. Some women have no idea how their body changes during the development of the baby. For example, not everyone has a clear idea of ​​​​what a mucus plug is, how to determine that it has come out and what functions it performs during pregnancy. This information is especially useful for women who are going to become mothers for the first time.

What is a mucus plug and what is it for?

As soon as fertilization has occurred, cervical mucus begins to accumulate in the cervix, which is produced directly in the uterus. By the way, mucus appears not only after conception, but also during ovulation, when the walls of the uterus soften slightly in order to accept the fertilized egg. This mucus changes its properties during the menstrual cycle: by the time of ovulation, it becomes less thick so as not to prevent the penetration of sperm to the egg.

If pregnancy does not occur, the mucus just comes out. If conception has occurred, the body begins to prepare to create suitable conditions for the embryo. Therefore, the mucus becomes thicker and denser. Due to its consistency, it reliably clogs the cervix of the uterine cavity, protecting the baby from any external influence, in particular, from the ingress of pathogens of dangerous infections that can lead to impaired intrauterine development.

Cork protects the child not only mechanically: the mucus contains antibodies, that is, cells that destroy microorganisms that can cause infection.

The mucous plug in pregnant women completes its formation at 4 weeks. However, the cervical glands do not stop functioning: mucus is produced continuously, due to which the plug is constantly updated.

The cork looks like a clot of mucus, usually it has a light yellow color, but sometimes slight traces of blood are visible in the cork. Women who have experienced childbirth say that the mucous plug in pregnant women resembles a piece of jelly in appearance and consistency. Cork can be not only colorless, but also pink, greenish and even brown.

It may seem that the exit of the mucous plug is impossible not to feel. However, this is not so: the process of cork exit to the outside of each woman proceeds in her own way.

What does the mucous plug look like in pregnant women - Photo:

How does the mucous plug come out in pregnant women and the causes

Each process in the human body proceeds in connection with certain reasons. Prenatal discharge of the mucous plug is no exception. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes very much, which causes the discharge of mucus. The mucous plug during pregnancy often departs at 38 weeks. From this moment, you can begin to expect the appearance of jelly-like secretions, they are the signal that there is very little time left before the birth. In order to eliminate excitement, it is better to immediately understand the reasons for which the cork is discharged and prepare in advance.

The provoking factors are the following:

  • Change in hormonal background. Throughout the entire period from conception to the 38th week, progesterone is produced. It is this hormone that closes the cervix. After the expiration of the specified period, its production is suspended, which leads to softening and gradual opening of the cervical canal. As a result, the cork is released, since nothing else holds it.
  • Tension and relaxation of the muscles of the vagina. Tension occurs when the water breaks or having sex, and relaxation occurs when taking a shower or bath.
  • Attempts. It is in connection with this that most often the cork leaves when visiting the toilet.
  • mechanical invasion. In this case, we mean a gynecological examination.
  • Colpitis. Causes premature discharge of the cork. Such an event should be regarded by a woman as a signal to visit a medical institution.

The change in the hormonal background in pregnant women proceeds in different ways. Therefore, the reaction of the body is also individual. Therefore, it is quite difficult to say exactly how long the mucous plug in pregnant women leaves, and after what time the baby will be born. For some, this process takes a couple of weeks, for others, everything ends immediately during childbirth.

Sometimes the discharge of the mucous plug is accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which resemble pain during menstruation. However, much more often the mucous plug during pregnancy departs imperceptibly. Pain when the mucous plug comes out is observed in women whose cervical canal is damaged for some reason. Damage may occur due to previous abortions or the presence of an infectious lesion of the cervical canal.

The mucous plug before childbirth may not come out entirely, but in fragments. In this case, only slight "smears" of mucus can be seen.

Sometimes the mucous plug during pregnancy does not go away until the very birth. Then the obstetrician who delivers has to remove it manually.

In women who are going to become mothers for the first time and in multiparous women, the exit of the cork due to physiological reasons occurs in different ways. If a woman gives birth for the first time, the cervix has a relatively small diameter, and its walls are denser, as a result of which the cork “sits” more firmly and, as a rule, comes out in parts and with a small amount of blood. In women who give birth again, the cervix is ​​​​softer, and its internal canal is quite loose. For this reason, the cork leaves them quickly and with little or no bleeding.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

If contractions and the outpouring of amniotic fluid are signs of the onset of labor, then the release of the cork does not yet indicate that the child is about to be born. Of course, for some expectant mothers, childbirth can begin immediately after the cork has come out, but sometimes it leaves long before the birth. Therefore, if you notice a cork coming out, you should not go to the maternity hospital, but you should tune in to the fact that you are about to hug your long-awaited baby.

How to distinguish the discharge of the mucous plug from the leakage of water:

anxiety symptoms

The expectant mother should be wary if she finds a large amount of blood in the mucous plug. Normally, traces of blood are present in the mucous plug: when the cervical canal expands, the capillaries can burst, which causes the appearance of small reddish veins in the plug. However, a large volume of blood in the plug is a rather dangerous sign. This symptom indicates placental abruption, which can threaten the life of the fetus.

It is equally important to monitor the nature of the discharge at the end of pregnancy. Sometimes a leak of amniotic fluid is mistaken for a gradually receding plug. In order to determine the cause of the discharge, you can buy a special test to determine whether there is amniotic fluid in the discharge. Leakage of amniotic fluid is also evidenced by an increase in the intensity of secretions during coughing or physical exertion. If the test showed a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor: leakage of amniotic fluid is a dangerous symptom that can cause premature birth and even death of the baby. After all, if the integrity of the amniotic sac is broken, the baby becomes defenseless against dangerous infections, and the threat of infection is steadily increasing. Too much discharge also indicates the leakage of amniotic fluid. The volume of the mucous plug does not exceed two tablespoons, so if you notice that the discharge has become too intense, immediately go to the gynecologist.

The discharge of the mucous plug from the genital tract of a woman is one of those processes that precede the completion of pregnancy and the onset of childbirth. Many expectant mothers, especially primiparas, in the last weeks of pregnancy, in anticipation of their “H” hour, want to know what the cork looks like and how the cork leaves in pregnant women, so as not to miss the time when childbirth begins and when it is worth going to the hospital.

Why is this tube needed?

Nature has done everything possible to protect the developing fetus from external influences. Through the cervical canal, undesirable microorganisms during pregnancy can enter the uterine cavity. To prevent this, the cervix begins to thicken even in the first trimester due to collagen fibers and an increase in connective tissue.

In addition, thick dense mucus begins to be intensively produced in the cervix, which clogs the outlet of the uterus, like a cork in a bottle (hence the name "mucus plug"). The composition of the cervical secretion includes a large number of leukocytes, which provide antimicrobial protection, and collagen, which gives mucus density.

Before childbirth, the hormonal background changes - there is an increase in the content of estrogens, which in turn stimulate the synthesis of prostaglandins in the cervix. It is thanks to these substances that the cork softens and comes out.

What does a cork look like in pregnant women?

The plug that closes the lumen of the cervical canal looks like a gel-like lump of mucus from colorless to yellow. More often, the cork is oblong, which is associated with the anatomical structure of the cervix, but when the mucus is separated in several stages, the shape of the lump can be any.

The amount of mucus plug released can vary from one teaspoon to several tablespoons. The mucus may contain streaks of coagulated blood. The cork does not normally cause bleeding, therefore, if drops of blood are found along with the cork, you should immediately see a doctor.

How and when does the cork come off?

The process of discharge of mucus from the cervix is ​​usually painless, only some pregnant women note slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. The cork before childbirth is separated more often in the morning - at once or in a few days.

In 80% of cases, from the release of the cork to the onset of labor, an average of 3 days to 2 weeks passes. But there are more rare cases when labor activity begins a few hours after the separation of mucus, or when childbirth occurs after 3-4 weeks.

Are there cases when the cork does not come off?

The cork does not always leave at the same time in the form of a large clot of mucus. A gradual slow separation of the cervical contents may occur, then the pregnant woman most likely simply will not notice the passage of the cork. On the eve of childbirth, the level of estrogen increases, which increase the secretion of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix, therefore, normally, the amount of transparent vaginal discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy increases.

Together with these secretions, cervical mucus may come out for several days or even weeks, and then the woman will find out from the doctor upon examination that the cork has already gone from her. In addition, a pregnant woman may not notice the exit of the cork if this happens in the toilet or simultaneously with the discharge of amniotic fluid. Therefore, the absence of a clear separation of the cork should not bother the pregnant woman.

What are the features of the cork discharge during repeated births?

There is no particular difference in the discharge of the cork during the first and subsequent births. Each pregnancy is different. If before the first birth the mucus plug came off in 3 days, then this does not mean at all that it will be so in subsequent pregnancies.

In multiparas, childbirth usually occurs faster than the first time. This is due to the shorter time it takes for the cervix to dilate during labor. But since the timing of the discharge of cervical mucus does not affect the speed and degree of opening of the cervix itself, it is not worth looking for patterns or calculating the time of onset of labor on this basis.

What to do if the cork has come off?

First, there is no need to panic. This natural process indicates that childbirth is approaching, but does not at all indicate a specific date for their onset. More important diagnostic harbingers of labor are the discharge of amniotic fluid, and the appearance of regular contractions with a short period of time.

Secondly, the best option would be to report the fact to the doctor who is observing you so that he can assess the timeliness of this process and your approximate readiness for childbirth. If the pregnancy is premature in terms of time, then it is usually necessary to go to the hospital for preservation. In addition, you need to describe to the doctor the color and consistency of the departed mucus so that the gynecologist can make sure that nothing threatens your condition. If spotting or heavy spotting appeared along with the cork before childbirth, this is a reason for immediate hospitalization to clarify the cause.

Know that the loose cork is one of the first reminders that the body has begun to actively prepare for childbirth, which means that very soon (on average within 3-10 days) the most wonderful event in life will happen - your meeting with the baby!