"Wash off" stains. How to get rid of pigmentation on the skin. How to remove age spots on the face? Clean skin without problems

A fresh, even complexion is every woman's dream. However, even with good skin care, pigmentation may appear on the face. The reasons for this phenomenon are varied. We will talk about how to remove age spots on the face at home in this article.

Pigmentation reasons

White, brown, yellow spots can appear on the skin at any age. Why are there age spots on the face? Such a disadvantage may arise as a result of:

    Hormonal changes. Pigmentation can be triggered by a hormonal surge due to pregnancy, endocrine diseases, and taking certain medications.

    Use of cosmetics of dubious quality.

    Age-related changes. Over time, pigment cells lose their ability to stop melanin production. And age spots appear on the face.

    Diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

    Occupational exposure to a wide variety of chemicals.

    Deficiency of certain minerals or vitamins (PP, C, A, group B).

    Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays (as a result, age spots from the sun appear).

    Unbalanced and unhealthy diet.

    Genetic predisposition.

As you can see, the reasons for this phenomenon are very diverse. Therefore, it is possible to cleanse the face of age spots only with an integrated approach. And it is desirable, of course, to undergo a medical examination for any diseases. Perhaps, having got rid of a certain ailment, you will forget about pigmentation.

How to remove age spots on the face?

Today, many beauty salons use the latest technology. As a result, pigmentation on the face disappears after several treatments. However, such methods are not very cheap. Therefore, many are thinking about how to remove age spots on the face at home. There are proven folk ways to eliminate such a shortcoming.


If you don't drink enough water every day, your skin becomes more prone to pigmentation. Experts recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. Thanks to this, our body can easily get rid of toxins through urine or sweat. In the event that the liquid does not come in enough, he will not be able to cope with the task at hand, which will instantly affect the condition of the skin. Every morning you should start your day with a glass of clean cool water.


Almost everyone knows that this cereal is extremely useful for the human body. Oats can also significantly improve skin health. To whiten age spots on the face with oatmeal, combine 2-3 tbsp. l. flakes with a few tablespoons of fresh milk. Use the mixture as a mask. Massage the skin in a circular motion and leave it on for 30-40 minutes to dry. After the specified time, you need to wash your face with water and lightly pat it dry with a towel. Such a product has a rather coarse structure, as a result of its application, the skin is naturally cleansed of dead cells and impurities. The positive effect will be noticeable after the second procedure.


Few know about the benefits of this vegetable for treating pigmentation on the face. You need to take a medium-sized potato, wash, cut and apply for a while on problem areas of the skin.

Also, the vegetable can be grated (preferably fine) and used as a mask.


Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of this product. Honey is an excellent antibacterial agent that deeply nourishes the skin and prevents hyperpigmentation. Apply it several times a day on your face and you will notice a positive result very soon.


The walnut is used to eliminate many skin diseases. To treat pigmentation, take a few almonds, put them in a glass of clean water and leave overnight. In the morning, grind the nuts with a blender together with water. The prepared gruel should be applied to the face, gently massage the skin and leave the mask for an hour, then gently rinse off. When milk or honey is added, the effect will increase.

Green tea

The drink removes toxins from the body, which are often the cause of pigmentation. Drinking green tea is recommended without sugar. You can also use it externally. Place the tea bags in the refrigerator and then apply to the affected area.

A pineapple

This fruit is acidic and contains vitamins that perfectly nourish the skin. Soak a soft cloth in pineapple juice, cover your face and let sit for 60 minutes. The juice contains enzymes that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face with warm water.

Effective masks

How to remove age spots on the face at home? Use proven recipes. The most effective of them are the following:

    Pepper mask. Grate the bell pepper on a fine grater, trying to preserve the juice to the maximum. Apply the resulting mixture to your face.

    Honey, parsley and lemon juice mask. Grind parsley leaves, combine 2 tablespoons of raw materials with the same amount of lemon juice and liquid honey. Lemon juice and parsley are the most effective whitening products.

    Lemon-yeast mask. Combine yeast (25 g) with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of milk. This mask is able to eliminate even white age spots.

    Cucumber mask. Cucumber is also effective in whitening the skin. Grate the vegetable on a fine grater. Combine 3 tablespoons of the resulting mass with a tablespoon of lemon juice, olive oil or daily cream (your choice).

    Berry honey mask. Wash the viburnum and black currant berries well, squeeze the juice out of them. Take two tablespoons of each and combine with liquid honey (1 teaspoon). The resulting composition should be moistened with a napkin and applied to the face.

    Onion juice mask. Take a tablespoon of onion juice and liquid honey (for dry skin) or table vinegar (for oily skin).

    Horseradish mask. Combine a tablespoon of horseradish grated on the shallow side of the grater with a tablespoon of chopped green apple.

    All of the above masks are applied to the skin for 20-30 minutes and washed off with warm filtered water.

    Healing decoctions and infusions

    Anti-age spots cream

    Today, pharmacies offer a fairly wide range of products that help whiten age spots. One of them is a mercury-based cream. It is highly effective, but it also has a number of contraindications. It should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for kidney and liver diseases. Before using such a remedy, you should check how your skin will tolerate it. For this purpose, the cream is applied to the bend of the elbow and the reaction is monitored throughout the day. If no discomfort has arisen, the product can be used. Mercury-based anti-age cream is toxic and should not be used for extended periods of time.

    Products containing glycolic acid are widely used today. These cosmetic products not only lighten age spots, but also smoothen and soften the skin. The only drawback of such a cream is that a positive result will have to wait for several months.

    No less popular are products based on azelaic acid. These creams have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they are mainly used to lighten age spots that form after acne treatment.

    Also, the cosmetic industry produces special oily-based creams. They do not contain water, due to which toxic substances cannot penetrate the skin. An important point: when using this product, the skin should not be moistened with water, as severe irritation may appear. It is recommended to cleanse the face with special lotions.

    When choosing cosmetic products for skin care, pay special attention to their composition. It is desirable that it contains components such as:

    Salon procedures

    Many cosmetic centers use laser technology to treat pigmentation. The pigment is exposed to concentrated light, as a result of which it is destroyed. And the skin takes on a normal, healthy look. After several sessions of this procedure, unwanted pigmentation will disappear.

    Mesotherapy is also quite in demand. This method is based on the action of injections, which are capable of destroying pigment accumulations. In addition, this procedure prevents the appearance of other spots: the enzyme that causes skin darkening is no longer produced.

    For shallow pigmentation, the blemishes can be treated with phototherapy. Cosmetic imperfections are eliminated by intense pulsed light. Also, this procedure is effective in the treatment of acne.

    With a strong desire, almost any skin imperfections can be eliminated with folk remedies without resorting to expensive salon procedures. In this article, you learned how to remove age spots on the face at home. We hope you find these recommendations useful.

  • The composition of the brightening cosmetics
  • Funds overview

Causes of the appearance of age spots on the face

Cosmetologists call pigmented areas of the skin that are darkened from excessive production of melanin. It has been scientifically proven that age spots can be located in the epidermis, dermis and at their borders. The result of the correction depends on the depth of pigmentation: the deeper and the greater the accumulation of melanin, the more difficult it is to get rid of it.

Age spots can be congenital, acquired, or age-related. Patients go to cosmetologists or dermatologists with such types of hyperpigmentation as freckles, lentigo, melasma, clinical manifestations of photodamage.

Freckles are most common in people with fair skin and fair or red hair © iStock

« Freckles(ephelids) are small spots, mostly rounded, uniform in color, 1–2 mm in diameter, ”says Karine Vardanyan, SkinCeuticals brand expert, dermatovenerologist and head of the allergology department of the European Medical Center clinic. "Freckles most often occur in blondes, brown-haired people and red-haired people on open areas of the skin under the active influence of solar radiation."

The more intense the ultraviolet light, the darker the freckles. Without exposure to the sun, they turn pale, and in winter they can disappear altogether.

Solar lentigo- These are oval pigment spots, 2–20 mm in size. They are most often located on the face and hands, but can also appear on the trunk. The color of the spots is mostly uniform, the pigmentation is persistent, does not disappear on its own.

How to deal with age spots

It doesn't matter if you just discovered age spots or have been struggling with them for a long time, the first and main rule is to use a cream with a sunscreen factor and moderate sun exposure.

Pigmented spots are most often provoked by ultraviolet light © iStock

Cosmetologists urge to protect the skin from the sun, especially the skin of the face. Ultraviolet rays reduce the skin's immunity, dry it out, provoke photoaging and the appearance of age spots.

Whitening creams give a certain effect if they are regularly used for a long time, but they are not able to completely get rid of pigmentation. Spots can be effectively corrected only with the help of cosmetic procedures - hardware or injection.

Brightening agents will help:

    reduce the contrast between the age spot and the surrounding skin;

    reduce the spot size;

    maintain the clarification result;

    prevent the appearance of new stains.

Whitening creams and serums, as a rule, contain a loading dose of acids, which means that it is better to use them in the autumn-winter period, when the sun is the least active in our latitudes.

Cosmetologists recommend using brightening serums with acids and retinol at bedtime, and in the morning, by all means apply a cream with SPF to avoid the appearance of new spots.

Cosmetology against pigmentation

Today, there are many methods for correcting pigmentation and hyperpigmentation. An integrated approach to treatment implies:

    whitening procedures;

    reduction of UV-induced melanin synthesis;

    reduced transport of new melanin into cells.

Whitening treatments include chemical peels, mesotherapy, phototherapy (IPL systems), phonophoresis, and of course the use of professional and home brightening agents.

Chemical peeling

One of the softest procedures for getting rid of age spots. In the course of superficial peeling (for example, glycolic), the thinnest upper layer of the skin is gradually removed under the influence of weak acid solutions. We'll have to be patient: to get rid of a small age spot, you will need a course of procedures.

With regard to pigmentation, which has already appeared some time ago, the use of medium peelings based on trichloroacetic acid or retinol is effective. After they are carried out, rehabilitation is required for several days.

Pigmented spots can be congenital or acquired with age © iStock

Whitening mesotherapy

Biorevitalization cannot defeat age spots - this is a fact. But peptide injections, enriched with vitamin C, contribute not only to lightening the skin, but also to increase its immunity.

One of the most progressive methods of dealing with skin problems, including pigmentation, is plasma therapy: the patient is injected with his own plasma enriched with platelets and growth factors.

Phototherapy (IPL systems)

For those who panic at the sight of a needle, we recommend that you take a closer look at the hardware methods of dealing with pigmentation. Phototherapy is a treatment with broadband pulsed light. Unlike a laser, it does not "burn out" the top layer of the skin, but heats it up, activating the production of new collagen and elastin.

A certain temperature regime allows you to fight stains - it is not painful and not hot. To get a visible result, 5–7 sessions are enough.

Laser therapy

New generation lasers work wonders. The most advanced today are the American machines Fraxel and Picosure. The rays warm the skin deep enough to start the renewal processes.

Of the side effects, doctors call redness and swelling within a couple of days. But with proper home care, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations the very next day after the hardware exposure.

The composition of the brightening cosmetics

To combat pigmentation, various serums and creams are used, which we will discuss in the next paragraph. Let's take a look at what components they work with.

Pigmentation Prevention - Sun Protection © iStock

Essential whitening ingredients block melanin synthesis by acting on the enzyme tyrosinase involved in this process.

  1. 1

    Hydroquinone- a substance that damages or kills melanocytes, which synthesize the pigment melanin. Toxic, therefore banned for use in Europe.

  2. 2

    Kojic acid- one of the ANA acids with a whitening and exfoliating effect.

  3. 3

    Arbutin- a vegetable component found in bearberry and blackberry. Combined with kojic acid, its whitening effect is enhanced.

  4. 4

    Glabridin- extract of licorice root (licorice), has not only whitening, but also anti-inflammatory effect.

  5. 5

    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)- antioxidant. It is easily destroyed, therefore, the magnesium salt of L-ascorbic acid is often used in cosmetics. Reduces the production of melanin and enhances collagen synthesis.

  6. 6

    Azelaic acid- in high concentrations, it has a brightening effect. Able to inhibit the growth and activity of abnormal melanocytes.

Funds overview

For night care

Name of funds Active ingredients Action
Night peeling lotion Revitalift Laser x3, L'Oréal Paris glycolic and fruit acids Gently exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, improves complexion, makes the skin smoother, and fights fine wrinkles.
Night micro-peeling Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate, Kiehl "s quinoa husk extract, fruit acid blend, phytic acid, cactus extract Accelerates the natural process of cell renewal, softens and smoothes the skin, evens out its tone.
Night regenerating balm-gel Idéalia Skin Sleep, Vichy regenerating ceramides, hyaluronic acid, adenosine, vitamin B3, apricot oil

Promotes cell regeneration, improves skin tone and smoothes microrelief. Visibly shrinks pores,

Strengthens the protective properties of the skin.

Night peeling Idéalia, Vichy

blueberry extract, fermented black tea extract, glycolic acid

Removes dead cells, stimulates skin renewal, neutralizes oxidative stress, restores cellular respiration, and improves complexion.
Night two-phase peeling Visionnaire Crescendo, Lancôme

glycolic, salicylic and fruit acids, quinoa extract

Gently exfoliates the top layer for an even complexion. After two weeks, the skin becomes radiant, after a month the age spots brighten, the pores become narrower, and fine wrinkles become invisible.

For day care

Name of funds Active ingredients Action
Cream against hyperpigmentation Advanced Pigment Corrector, SkinCeuticals salicylic acid, hydroxyphenoxypropionic acid, ellagic acid, yeast extract Reduces the production of excess melanin, reduces the severity and size of age spots, reduces the likelihood of new spots, evens out the complexion.
Antioxidant Serum Phloretin CF, SkinCeuticals

L-ascorbic acid, phloretin, ferulic acid

Protects cells from DNA damage under the influence of UV rays, increases the skin's own protective properties, its immunity. Helps neutralize the effects of oxidative stress. Improves skin firmness.
Revitalizing agent Cicaplast Baume B5 SPF 50, La Roche-Posay thermal water La Roche-Posay, madecassoside, panthenol 5% Soothes the skin, reduces inflammation. Suitable for skin care after cosmetic whitening procedures.
Serum for even skin tone Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, Kiehl's active vitamin C, extracts of white birch and peony Reduces the intensity of age spots, prevents the re-appearance of pigmentation, evens out skin tone and makes it glow.

Moisturizing gel for an even tone and smooth skin texture Brightening and Smoothing Moisture Treatment, Kiehl's

active vitamin C, glycolic acid, birch and peony extracts

Brightens and evens skin tone, moisturizes.

The best prevention is to use SPF creams and moderate sun exposure. If you are going on vacation in hot countries, stock up on sunscreen for your face and body.

    If it is a medium band, the SPF can range from 30 to 50 units.

    In tropical climates, SPF 50+ is essential.

    The Fifty Rule also applies to climbers and skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. The sun reflecting off the snow can cause skin burns and age spots.

What to use in the city

    Moisturizing face cream Ultra Facial Cream SPF 30, Kiehl's

    The squalane formula protects the skin not only from moisture loss, but also from photoaging.

    Sunscreen fluid Mineral Radiance UV Defense SPF 50, SkinCeuticals

    Thanks to titanium dioxide, plankton extract and toning mineral pigments, the skin is effectively protected from UV damage.

    Multi-active anti-aging fluid Renergie Multi-Lift Ultra SPF 25, Lancôme

    Contains flax extract, which is rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids and promotes skin regeneration. Plus a sun protection factor sufficient for urban use.

What to take with you to the sea and to the mountains

    Sunscreen for face and body "Expert Protection Ambre Solaire" SPF 50, Garnier

    The high UV protection factor is a guarantee that hyperpigmentation does not attack the skin after returning from vacation in hot countries.

    Sunscreen fluid Ultra Light Daily UV Defense SPF 50, Kiehl "s

    Vitamin E in the product acts as an antioxidant, and a sunscreen (titanium dioxide) reflects the attacks of UV rays.

    Sunscreen for face Soleil Bronzer SPF 50, Lancôme

    The maximum sun protection factor allows you to use the product in extreme climatic conditions: in the mountains or in the tropics.

Well, what woman does not dream of a perfectly even, smooth and uniform skin of the face? But, as it turns out, this is not always easy to achieve. Wrinkles, pimples and freckles often spoil the appearance of the skin, making the fair sex pretty nervous. But the biggest grief for a woman of any age is age spots. It is quite difficult to get rid of them, moreover, they affect a large area of ​​the skin. But before getting rid of such spots, you need to find out how and why they appear.

What are age spots

Melanin is responsible for the color of human skin. Violations in its production can be caused by external factors or internal disruptions in the body. The age spot can be darker or, conversely, lighter than the rest of the skin. The size of the spots can be different - from one millimeter to several centimeters. Often, pigment spots are localized in one place in large numbers. Freckles are also age spots that usually appear at a young age. Over time, they can go away or remain on the skin forever. Lentigines are spots that, on the contrary, appear in adulthood. They are also called senile spots.

Sometimes the skin does not form brown and yellow spots, but, on the contrary, becomes whitish. This depigmentation is called vitiligo. The edges of such spots can be either even and symmetrical, or absolutely ugly.

Pigmented spots do not rise above the skin, they are completely flat. In addition, such a condition does not carry any harm to health. The only drawback of age spots is the aesthetic component. Often, even a small amount of age spots spoils the appearance of the face. That is why everyone is trying to get rid of them as soon as possible. But where do they come from?

Try to analyze the time and place when your age spots appeared. Check with your doctor. And then, perhaps, you can accurately determine the reason for their occurrence. In the meantime, you need to find out how to deal with them.

Cosmetics for age spots

There are a variety of creams and tonics to help you get rid of hateful stains. Among them are such funds as Skinoren, Melantiv, Oriflame Whitening Line, Evinal, Vichy, Differin, Benoquin and others. All of them are marketed as "anti-pigmentation cream" or "whitening cream". They contain substances such as hydroquinone, kojic acid, arbutin, rucinol, as well as natural extracts of bleaching plants and herbs.

When it comes to beauty treatments, there are also plenty of methods to get rid of annoying blemishes.

  1. Laser peeling. Under the influence of laser beams, the beautician removes the thin top layer of dead skin. Together with this layer, the age spot is also removed, at least a significant part of it. Do not sunbathe after laser peeling - the skin is incredibly sensitive.
  2. Microdermabrasion. The procedure does not differ in principle from laser peeling. However, in this case, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed not by laser beams, but by physical action, that is, mechanical cleansing of the upper layer of the skin. This is most often done with the smallest particles of aluminum.
  3. Chemical peeling. In this case, the keratinized layer of the skin is removed with the help of light acid, which eats away at the dead scales. For such a procedure, you can use natural acids - lemon juice or use a special glycolic or trichloroacetic acid. Depending on the skin type and acid concentration, you can do superficial, medium or deep peels.

In addition, modern techniques offer complete removal of the age spot, preventing its reappearance. Aesthetic medicine clinics remove age spots with laser acupuncture, liquid nitrogen and targeted infrared treatment. All these procedures are quite expensive, but don't despair. Some home cosmetology recipes are as effective as expensive salon procedures.

  1. Lemon juice. It is a natural product that has excellent whitening properties. With lemon juice, you can simply wipe your face in the morning and evening using a cotton swab. After a couple of weeks of this rubbing, you will notice that the skin has become much lighter, and age spots are less noticeable.
  2. Cucumbers and alcohol. Grate a couple of large cucumbers and place in a glass bottle. Fill the pulp with alcohol, diluted in half with water. Leave the tincture in a cool place for two weeks, shake the container periodically. When the tincture is ready, you can use it to wipe your face like a tonic. It not only brightens pigmentation but also becomes a solution for oily skin. If you have dry skin, add a few teaspoons of olive oil before using the toner.
  3. Parsley and milk. Take a few bunches of parsley and chop the herbs. Pour in hot milk, cover and let it brew. After a few hours, the mass can be filtered. First you need to use the pulp itself - put the herbs on your face and lie still. After that, wipe your face with the strained liquid every day before bed. Store in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage.
  4. Grapefruit. If there are large, obvious spots on your face, you can get rid of them with grapefruit. It is enough to squeeze fresh fruit juice into a small container and use a cotton swab to smear the stain several times during the day. The next day, you need to use fresh juice. After a few days of such treatment, you will notice that the stain has become much lighter.
  5. Red currant and kefir. A handful of freshly picked red currants should be chopped in a blender and mixed with kefir. If your skin is oily, you need to take low-fat kefir. If dry, then you need to use fatty kefir or even sour cream. Mix the two ingredients and apply the mask to your face. If the mask turned out to be very liquid, then you can do this. Cut an oval out of a piece of clean fabric and make slits for the eyes. Soak a homemade mask in currant-kefir liquid and apply on your face for a few minutes.
  6. Cottage cheese, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Beat a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a blender, after mixing the product with a teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting mass in a thin layer on the face and leave for 10 minutes. This is a real way to quickly and efficiently whiten your face and get rid of age spots. However, remember that such a mask cannot be kept longer than 15 minutes.

Among these simple tips, you will find the one that will certainly suit your skin.

In order not to fight with age spots, you need to be able to prevent their appearance in time. To do this, in the summertime, wear hats that hide your face, and also use sunscreen. Monitor the health of the body and its changes. Remember that the ideal face is not a given of nature, but a long and painstaking work. Be charming at any age!

Video: how to get rid of age spots

Age spots are a problem for many women. They are able to ruin even the most delicate, attractive female image. TO age spots on the face include freckles, spots that appear during pregnancy, the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun, various age-related changes and moles. All of the above can not only ruin a woman's mood and beauty, but also become a serious psychological problem.

Why do age spots appear on the face

To get rid of age spots, you need to know what caused them to appear on your face. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist who will conduct an examination and identify causes of age spots... Prolonged exposure to tanning beds can lead to the appearance of age spots. If metabolic processes in the body are disturbed, spots also appear on the face. Pregnancy is another cause of age spots. The reasons can also be attributed to the constant lack of various vitamins, diseases of the stomach, intestines and age-related changes in the skin.

The effect of the sun on the skin

If the sun's rays are the cause, the woman needs to take care of her safety. You should not go out into the street in the summer without applying special sunscreens to your face, without wearing a hat with wide brims, without taking sunglasses with you. Decorative cosmetics should also be selected taking into account the effects of sun rays. You need to buy cosmetics that protect you from the sun.

Home remedies for age spots

Fight against age spots it is possible at home with the help of infusions of various herbs, lotions, whitening masks, compresses.

Cucumber mask for age spots

Everyone knows the unique whitening properties cucumber. People suffering from pigmentation have long been convinced of the ability of this vegetable to fight pigments. You can make a cucumber mask. To do this, take a cucumber (1 vegetable), rub it on a fine grater, as a result of which a gruel is obtained. Then add lemon juice (half a teaspoon) or olive oil (1 teaspoon). The gruel is applied to the face and left on the skin for 20 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, the skin is moisturized with a cream.

Parsley mask to fight age spots

Take fresh parsley (1 bunch), cut it as small as possible, then pour boiling water (1 glass), Insist for 1 hour. This mask is recommended to be done before going to bed, adding milk to the infusion and rubbing the face with the resulting mixture. Do not rinse off the mask. It is better to do this in the morning during the washing procedure.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice works well for pigmented skin. To do this, take the above product in the amount of 1 tbsp, add to water (10 tbsp). It is advisable to wipe the pigmented face with the resulting solution 3-4 times a day. A mask with lemon juice is also effective. To do this, take starch (1 tablespoon), dilute with lemon juice, bringing to the consistency of porridge. The mask is applied to the pigmented area and kept for 15 minutes. This mask is not suitable for wearers and skin prone to irritation.

Black currant

Blackcurrant mask has a beneficial effect on the skin. Take (1 tablespoon), currant berries (1 tablespoon), the components are thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas of the skin, leaving for 30 minutes. Then the mask is washed off and the face is rubbed with lemon juice.

The above folk remedies will help a woman get rid of complexes and love herself again.

Pure light skin is the basis of female beauty. If hyperpigmented areas appear on the face, it is very unpleasant. Do not despair: cosmetology knows a lot of ways to get rid of the problem.

Causes of hyperpigmentation

Pigmented spots on the face are formed when melanocyte cells begin to produce too much natural pigment, melanin, in certain areas of the skin. It is responsible for coloring human skin, hair, and the iris of the eyes. The higher the concentration of melanin, the darker the color becomes.

The reasons for the appearance of increased pigmentation are different, but they can be divided into two groups: external and internal. The first are:

Excessive sun exposure, that is, prolonged exposure to the sun or in a solarium without the use of products without a UV filter;

Use of hormonal cosmetics, as well as low quality cosmetic products.

The effect of the sun on the skin is especially strong in early spring and summer. Being outdoors at this time of the year without protecting your face with a special cream or lotion is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. In order not to have to think about how to remove age spots on your face, do not forget to apply a cream with a high level of UV protection to your skin.

Internal causes of hyperpigmentation include:

Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy;

Age-related hormonal changes;

Imbalance of vitamins and minerals with a lack of folic acid;

Taking antibiotics, hormones and some other medications.

Most often, the appearance of age spots on the face is associated precisely with pregnancy or old age. Sometimes hyperpigmented areas remain on the face for a long time after the baby is born.

How to remove age spots on the face and is it possible in principle? Of course, it is possible to fight pigmentation, but only if it is actually an external defect. If we are talking about the manifestation of some kind of disease (inflammation of the kidneys, liver, cancer), the skin cannot be affected. therefore, if you do not have pregnancy, you are under 30 years old, do not experience health problems, do not like to sunbathe, but hyperpigmented areas have appeared on your face, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

After making sure that the skin defect is not dangerous, you can start to eliminate stains. Moreover, in the arsenal of cosmetology there are many ways to do it quickly and efficiently.

Salon treatments for removing age spots

Among the most popular and effective salon procedures are phototherapy, laser whitening, chemical peeling. In terms of efficiency, they are approximately equal, as well as in terms of cost. However, each method has its own nuances.


Allows you to see the result after the first session. The beautician treats the stain with flashes of light that destroy melanin. By reducing the concentration of pigment, the skin instantly brightens, and over time, the stain disappears altogether. Other advantages of the method:

No pain;

No recovery period required;

There is no danger that a scar will form at the site of exposure.

Phototherapy has a pronounced guaranteed effect. But there are contraindications: diabetes, poor blood clotting, scars and scars on the skin, herpes and inflammation on the face.

Laser whitening

The light beam selectively affects the darkened area of ​​the skin, that is, the beautician works exclusively with a pigmented spot and does not affect normal skin areas. The procedure is atraumatic and painless, but the effect will only appear after exfoliating the treated skin. The spot after laser therapy will either disappear or lighten significantly. Another session may be required.

Contraindication to the procedure is pregnancy, skin inflammation, cancer pathology.

Chemical peeling

Whitening of the skin in this procedure is carried out with active chemical acids. After the procedure, the top layer of the skin dies off, exfoliates, and the new skin pleases with an even beautiful color and natural whiteness.

There are three types of peeling with different depth of impact: superficial, middle and deep. The cosmetologist decides which procedure to use, although all three types of procedures are performed due to strong, especially senile pigmentation.

Salon peeling is accompanied by unpleasant sensations (it stings the skin), and after the procedure, a rehabilitation period is needed. With superficial peeling, it takes 4-5 days, with deep peeling - several weeks. The effectiveness of the procedure is very high, but there is a risk of chemical burns and scarring,

How to remove age spots on the face yourself

A visit to a beauty salon is time-consuming and costly. If there is no way to lighten the skin from a professional beautician, try to do it yourself.

Please note that you can only process chloasma itself - areas of flat focal pigmentation. If the hyperpigmented area is on the changed surface (the skin is compacted, inflamed, there is a bulge), it is impossible to influence the spot. In addition, you cannot try to remove moles, it is not only useless, but also very dangerous. But freckles can be dealt with.

How to remove age spots on the face at home?

First, apply brightening and rather aggressive procedures:

Mechanical peeling;

Chemical acid peeling.

During mechanical peeling, which is carried out with special household devices with a rotating round brush, the upper stratum corneum with dead cells is removed with the help of cosmetics. The method works if the stain has appeared recently, and there is not a lot of pigment. In order for the peeling effect to become noticeable, you need to do several procedures.

Chemically peeling at home is carried out with compositions in which the percentage of acids does not exceed 6%, 9%, maximum 12%. These products can be found in several cosmetic brands. The effect will be visible immediately, but at the first application you need to carry out a mandatory test to see how the skin will react to acid.

For gradual lightening of age spots, you can use care cosmetics: lotions, masks, creams, serums, peels. Their action is aimed at the gradual exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis, as a result of which the age spots gradually lighten. Pay attention to cosmetics with a fairly high acid content. If you are not allergic to it, then you can try to cope with hyperpigmentation by switching to acid care.

Lightening products can also be found in drugstore cosmetics. An inexpensive remedy is a badyaga. This is a special type of algae that is crushed into powder. When applied to the skin, the product acts like a stiff brush, scrubbing off the skin layer and providing a pronounced brightening effect. To enhance the effect, you can add a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to a badyag diluted with water.

Folk recipes for brightening agents

Folk remedies will help remove age spots from the skin: lotions and masks. This bleaching method has its advantages: it is safe, easy to prepare, inexpensive and effective. Remember that plant foods are acidic and can be irritating to sensitive skin.

Lemon juice

When it comes to how to remove age spots on the face, first of all, they talk about lemon juice. Indeed, fresh lemon juice has pronounced whitening properties. The easiest way is to soak a cotton pad with juice and wipe the stains 2-3 times a day. This will work like a chemical peel. After the juice is dry, you can rinse it off. Pigmented spots will begin to lighten immediately, and by 4-5 days they may disappear altogether.

You can enhance the whitening effect of lemon with the cleansing properties of white clay. After mixing these components, the composition is applied to the face pointwise and allowed to work until the clay dries.

Parsley juice

Parsley is known for its bleaching properties. Cut fresh grass, pour 3-4 tablespoons of boiling water over 1 liter, wrap with a towel and let it brew. With a strained infusion, wipe your face in the morning and in the evening, but remember that you cannot store the herbal decoction for a long time. If you get a lot of it, you can freeze and wipe the age spots with a piece of ice.

Fresh parsley juice applies very well fresh directly to the stain. Another option is to mix the juice with sour cream and apply as a mask.

Potato juice

Fresh potato juice also perfectly bleaches. Try rubbing the stains with potato slices for a few days. If there is a noticeable result, you can continue until the hyperpigmentation disappears completely. Potato juice dries dry skin, so apply a moisturizer after washing.

Soap and hydrogen peroxide

Mix 1 tsp. shavings of white soap with 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide. When the mass becomes homogeneous, add 2 drops of ammonia. Apply the mass pointwise to the stain, rinse off after 15 minutes.

You can get rid of pigmentation on the face within 1-2 weeks. Remember to protect your skin, and it will keep it fresh, clean and youthful for a long time.