Atelier marketing plan. Profitable business: sewing workshop. Garment Manufacturing Business Plan: Equipment Needed and Manufacturing Cost

The idea to open a sewing studio naturally comes to mind for experienced craftswomen, even more often for graduates of specialized lyceums and universities and inveterate women of fashion with entrepreneurial enthusiasm. We present expert opinions, as well as consider costs, risks and potential income.

Atelier from scratch: personal experience

After the crisis of 2014, sewing workshops have become extremely popular both in megalopolises and in provincial cities of Russia. Revenues plunged, store prices adjusted to the dollar, and sales areas were empty. Then the practical and experienced Russians remembered that clothes can be repaired and altered.

According to Rosstat, the growth in the number of tailoring and repair shops in our country is 10% per year. Half of startups close after several months of work, but new ones immediately open up. And these are important arguments for those who are considering opening their own workshop.

The structure of orders according to the results of a survey of the owners of ten Krasnoyarsk ateliers:

  • 45% - clothing repair;
  • 10% - reworking of fur coats and leather goods;
  • 25% - sewing home textiles (bed linen and curtains);
  • 20% - individual tailoring.

The average bill for the repair of clothes is 350 rubles, and these are reasonable prices for a sleeping area. It was with the expectation of residents with a small income that Irina Lapina opened her atelier in Vologda. The startup cost her family 112 thousand rubles. And we managed to return these investments after a year of work.

Irina's story is quite typical: studying at a vocational school, then working in a small studio, where she gained experience and professional secrets. When at the family council they decided to open their own sewing workshop, the first thing they did was to start the calculations. The start-up capital was used to purchase equipment and a modest premises.

To open a sewing workshop, a businessman needs not only start-up capital, but also professional experience.

Cost estimate for opening a tailor shop

  1. Professional sewing machine - 20,000 rubles.
  2. Household sewing machine - 7,000 rubles.
  3. Overlock - 15,000 rubles.
  4. Steam generator - 15,000 rubles.
  5. Cutting table - 3,000 rubles.
  6. Mannequin - 3,000 rubles.
  7. Furniture and equipment - 37,000 rubles.
  8. Rent of 10m 2 - 12,000 rubles.

The total costs will amount to 112,000 rubles.

It is important to take into account all the costs of promoting a business.

Initially, the office was opened in their residential area. Irina's regular customers became the first clients of the new workshop. After several months of intensive work, the owner of the atelier realized that it was time to expand - and took on another tailor.

Types of sewing workshop services

According to the 2GIS of Krasnoyarsk, now in any residential area of ​​the city there are from 1 to 5 sewing ateliers. As a rule, each one specializes in 2-3 types of services, which allows them to occupy their own business niche and reduces competition. Ateliers most often provide the following services to the population:

  • Clothing repair;
  • fitting new clothes;
  • tailoring;
  • sewing curtains;
  • sewing bed linen;
  • sewing a wedding dress;
  • sewing clothes for animals;
  • production of dance costumes.

Even at the planning stage, Irina decided that the studio would only deal with clothing repair and individual tailoring of suits. And I guessed it: in a residential area, these services were in demand - to hem a skirt or trousers, to fix a jacket, to sew a dress for a prom or an anniversary.

The novice business woman looked for new orders through the VKontakte group, and in the evenings Irina, when she was walking with the child, pasted leaflets near the entrances. She did not miss the opportunity: she participated in city fairs, exhibitions, gave small ads in magazines. And these low-cost advertising methods worked.

“I had a very low price tag for the city. For ordering a wedding dress, I made a gift - I released two pigeons: the clients were pleased. "

Irina Lapina

A year later, the monthly revenue was already 230 thousand rubles, and the customers were corporate clients: neighboring shops and dance studios. They sewed their uniforms and smart suits from Irina. When it became clear that there were not enough workers, the tailors found a larger room, bought machines and expanded their staff.

Now in this Vologda atelier 4 craftswomen are making orders and repairing them. But the owner herself takes measurements from clients and prepares patterns. The monthly income of the atelier is now about 90 thousand rubles, and this allows planning the development of the enterprise.

Everything should be ready for the arrival of customers

Table: financial indicators of the atelier 2 years after opening

This real story clearly shows: opening a sewing workshop will not be difficult and costly, but you will need an accurate calculation, great desire, courage and a lot of effort. This is exactly what the business plan serves.

Business plan: simple rules

First of all, it is the owner who is investing in a new business that needs a detailed and honest business plan. This is a simple rule that entrepreneurs underestimate. According to businessmen who started from scratch - they opened a tent on the market or a workshop for the repair of household appliances, and without any plan: more often than not, such a first experience just becomes the business plan of the next one - a working business. It turns out twice as expensive!

Meanwhile, writing a business plan will not be difficult for anyone who knows a business thoroughly. Or ready to study - in the process of writing a forecast plan for your future company. Before you start spending your investment on a sewing workshop, you will first need to sort out the upcoming costs to the nearest ruble.

Take the time to work out your business plan: these efforts will pay off handsomely

The main sections of the business plan

The main document, according to which a businessman will work in the next few years, consists of six parts:

  1. Industry analysis.
  2. Organizational plan.
  3. Production plan.
  4. Financial plan.
  5. Marketing and Advertising.
  6. Risks.

Customers are increasingly choosing repair and custom tailoring

Industry analysis

Quite simply, the industry analysis is just a "passport photo": strict size, nothing superfluous. To begin with, you will have to study the entire legislative framework for the sewing business and in the field of consumer services: federal laws, industry SNIPs and Rules. Here is a list of the main documents:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • RF Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08/15/1997. No. 1025 "On Approval of the Rules of Consumer Services for the Population of the Russian Federation".

In this section of the business plan, you need to decide who will be the main customer of the new atelier: age and gender, occupation and income, preferences in choosing clothes and the frequency of seeking sewing services. A conditional portrait of a client is considered the target audience, and all the work of the enterprise, namely the work schedule, prices, the list of services, will have to be built taking into account the interests of these consumers.

To assess the competitive environment and the demand for sewing services, you need to study the business of competitors. On the website of the Statistical Office, you can find information on the number of tailor shops in any city or village in the region. The 2GIS system will also give comparable figures. Call your potential competitors as a client - both market leaders and neighbors in the area of ​​your future office.

It is important to find out: what types of services are earned by business colleagues, prices for these works, lead times, whether additional services or discounts are provided to retirees or corporate clients.

And it is better to visit several ateliers from the list of your closest competitors. Evaluate the size and furnishings of the premises, the number of employees, opening hours and service rules.

Original solutions, peeped from competitors, will help you attract a paying clientele from the very beginning.

All collected data should be entered into a comparative table. This will make it easier to understand what niche to occupy, as well as navigate the location of the studio and the organization of its work. The market share is considered approximate. This information will be important when planning business development.

Table: garment industry - comparative characteristics

Organizational plan

Every business plan requires the same effort as planning a vacation trip, for example. In this case, they first choose a direction, then a place of rest, taking into account all wishes: so that the hotel is in the city center and next to the sea, and the room is spacious. And, finally, based on such tasks, they are determined with a budget.

In the business plan, you also need to think over the sequence of opening a sewing workshop and write down all the little things: then this will be a guide to action.

We solve organizational questions and write down the answers in the business plan:

  1. Individual entrepreneur or LLC, we take into account the time and cost of registration.
  2. Choosing a taxation system.
  3. We decide on the list of services.
  4. Where and what room will the studio occupy, the cost of rent.
  5. What equipment, at what price and where to buy.
  6. How many workers there will be and what is the payment system.
  7. Accountant, computer technician and technician - do it yourself or pay third-party specialists.
  8. How demand will be organized - advertising.

Production plan

The future of the atelier is the production of consumer services. And like any high-tech enterprise, it must operate in accordance with the requirements and norms that have developed in the industry. At this stage of preparing a business plan, you will have to study and select specific models of professional sewing machines and other equipment for a full production cycle, as well as make an estimate.

The master's tailoring is afraid

To understand how many customers a new atelier will be able to serve and which production plan should be laid down, technological standards are taken into account. For example, sewing one skirt takes a certain amount of time and steps, and so on for all types of work offered by a new sewing workshop.

Based on the number of tailors and the estimated production plan, the production volumes are calculated per day, per month and per year. Moreover, experts advise making a forecast plan for such a production for the next two to three years. The data is also entered into the business plan. And let these numbers be arbitrary, they will help you navigate the mathematics of business.

Financial plan

The financial section of the business plan is the main one. It allows you to calculate in advance the prospects for the success of a new sewing studio. In fact, in one table, he takes into account the forecast production plan, minus costs and tax deductions, and then demonstrates the financial result.

Everything is the same as in the budget of every family: there is a salary and bonuses, income from part-time jobs, utility bills and rent for an apartment.

Break-even point: a volume of production that recovers costs and brings neither profit nor loss, which indicates the stable operation of the enterprise.

Business ROI is calculated using a simple formula:

  1. We calculate the revenue for each month of the year.
  2. We calculate the monthly expenses.
  3. Let's summarize the monthly net profit (revenue minus expenses).
  4. We divide the annual expenses by the net profit, we get the profitability.

Example: the cost of a new store was 900 thousand rubles. per year, revenue - 2.1 million rubles., net profit for that period 830 thousand rubles.

900,000: 830,000 = 1.08 years

It turns out that the store will pay for itself in about a year of operation.

Now let's calculate the profitability of the business - in other words, the profitability of the enterprise. The formula is also quite simple: we divide the net profit by the annual revenue.

830 000: 2 100 000 = 39%

Conclusion: the average profitability of a store is 39%.

You need to understand that in a business plan, as a rule, the easiest-to-understand formulas are taken into account, and in the process of work, the forecast will change repeatedly. But the planned figures give a completely reliable idea of ​​the financial capabilities of a particular business.

If in the course of work the conditions for doing business change, you should promptly make adjustments to the existing financial plan.

Marketing and advertising

In this section of the business plan, the question is resolved - where and how to look for your new clients. To do this, you have to take into account the information collected about competitors, as well as your own marketing and advertising ideas.

We analyze and make decisions:

  1. The site - what it will be like and the cost of its production and maintenance.
  2. Groups in social networks - what posts are posted there, who will be doing this work.
  3. In what media do business colleagues advertise, why, rates, your choice.
  4. What are the other paid and free advertising sites, their effectiveness and use plans.


It is not difficult to calculate the possible risks. To do this, they have to be identified: through surveys of competitors and their customers, studying information about the reasons for the ruin of the atelier - now such reviews and expert opinions are easy to find on the Internet. It is better to write down all finds.

Measure seven times, cut one

Table: Risks and Countermeasures

Types of business risks Methods of action
Increased competition:
  • a similar one has opened next to your atelier, or there are too many similar workshops in the area;
  • competitors began to work at reduced prices.
We offer the best quality and service, discounts for regular customers, adjust prices.
Breakage of your only professional sewing machine or overlock. Provide for this case alternatives to buying new equipment on credit or used from reliable commission agents.
Lack of orders or their reduction. We calculate the program for organizing demand through reviews, promotions, flyers and announcements in our area.
… etc.

Atelier room

The premises in the property are a convenient option, but it should be a profitable place for a sewing workshop. Therefore, most often, before buying an office, the studio moves repeatedly until a successful option is found. Here's what experienced atelier owners advise:

  • The best place to open a new atelier is in a popular shopping center: there will always be a demand for tailoring services and various types of clothing repair. The room in this case can be small - from 12 to 20m 2, but always on the ground floor with the appropriate "leading" advertising.
  • If the workshop will specialize, for example, in sewing curtains or bed linen, then it is better to choose an office from 30 to 60 m 2 on the first line of “walkable” streets in new or prestigious residential areas. Such an atelier provides space for an exhibition of fabrics and finished products, and this requires an increase in the size of the premises and the cost of rent.
  • A custom tailoring atelier can most often be found in the city center, since it is designed for a demanding client and a demand for the author's style of design and tailoring. Opening such a highly specialized enterprise from scratch is costly, and is possible only if there are regular customers and an established business reputation.
  • Workshops offering repair and tailoring are now popular in every residential area. The cost of renting premises in an apartment building with an area of ​​12–20 m 2 is within 500–1000 rubles. for 1 m 2.
  • When renting a room, you should pay attention to the conclusion of a formal agreement, get your hands on the documents on the right to the property of the lessor, negotiate the methods and terms of payment.
  • Technical requirements: the room must have access to a voltage of 380 V; workplaces with good lighting according to SanPiN 2.2.1––03.

Rent bright and well-ventilated rooms for the atelier: this will allow you to comply with the requirements of technical regulations and reduce energy costs

IE or LLC: choose the form of business

There are two forms of business organization in the garment industry - individual entrepreneurs and LLC. There are no problems with online registration of a business on the website of the tax office. In any case, the algorithm is simple: fill out an application, pay the state fee, provide originals or copies of the required documents, and that's it. If you did not make mistakes when filling out the forms, in a few days you will pick up the registration certificate:

  • Individual entrepreneur - state duty for registration of 800 rubles.
  • LLC - state duty for registration of 4000 rubles.

We compare individual entrepreneurs and LLC

IE: it is easier and cheaper to register, and the fines in case of violations for individual entrepreneurs are much less than for LLCs. But on the other hand, the individual entrepreneur is responsible for the losses of the enterprise with all his personal property. In addition, regardless of the financial result of the year, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay insurance premiums for the year, and the amount is rather big: about 20 thousand rubles.

LLC: registration is more troublesome - more expensive, the package of documents is weighty. But the same charter of the enterprise can be found standard, and you do not need to certify the signature on the application with a notary for self-filing. An LLC can only pay taxes that it earned. And he is responsible for the company's losses only with his authorized capital (as a rule, 10 thousand rubles). But society pays fines several times more than individual entrepreneurs.

The legal address for an LLC can be a home address if the director and founder of the LLC resides in it.

Equipment selection

To start a sewing business from scratch, it is enough to get by with the necessary things - this can be seen on the example of the studio of Irina Lapina (Vologda). Depending on the profile of the workshop and the number of employees, the set of equipment can be expanded. Sewing professionals know which machines are better and more reliable.

Experienced businessmen advise to start a business to negotiate the purchase of used sewing equipment, overlocks, cutting tables, other furniture and equipment with the owners of the largest sewing workshops or factories: there, if necessary, there are knowledgeable locksmiths. New equipment should be purchased when the company is already on its feet.

Before buying equipment for the atelier, it is better to make a floor plan with the arrangement of furniture and machines: this will help avoid misunderstandings, especially if the areas are small.

A good sewing machine won't let you down

Recruitment and remuneration

The owners of the sewing ateliers say: at the first stage, it is worth taking only experienced workers. Do not neglect the rule to get feedback from their previous place of work: it is especially important that the seamstress is non-conflicting with customers and disciplined.

It is worth going to a couple of seminars on personnel records in order to correctly draw up documents for the workshop employees.

Remuneration for seamstresses provides for a salary and a percentage increase from production. This is the only way to motivate employees to increase the number of completed orders. The owner of the atelier should pay attention to the sharp fluctuations in revenue, as well as the presence of receipts for the things received, in order to avoid unaccounted orders.

Atelier's reputation depends on the experience of seamstresses

Home atelier

Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs can also work at home if this is the legal address of the Company. There is no direct prohibition in the legislation. But if neighbors complain about constant noise, clutter of common areas with garment waste or other inconveniences, then verification cannot be avoided.

According to the requirements of the legislation, when opening a sewing enterprise, the owner is obliged to notify Rospotrebnadzor and State Fire Supervision about the start of activities. On the websites of departments, you can download samples of applications and even advice on how to fill them out, as well as make an appointment at a convenient time.

A good milliner doesn't go out of style

Table: comparison of atelier in a non-residential building and a home workshop

Home atelier Atelier in a shopping center
Work address Many clients are reluctant to go to a home tailor shop. Clients are accustomed to the “atelier within walking distance” format.
Customers Basically, these are regular customers. It is difficult to significantly increase the number of customers. The flow of customers is constantly growing.
Service You can offer home visits to a client, discounts for regular customers, an individual approach. Typical discounts for retirees and regular customers.
Development A home atelier can grow into an author's, open a line of its own clothing. The atelier can open collection points in different districts, expand the list of services, sell related goods: fabrics and accessories.

When deciding to open a sewing workshop, an entrepreneur risks: money, reputation, time and plans for life. But without determination, there is no success. British billionaire Richard Branson, for just such a case when thinking gets in the way of action, argued: "Drop doubts: take it and do it." With calculation, assertiveness and thorough study of the case.

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Probably, there is no person who has not at least once turned to a sewing workshop to hem pants or change a zipper. Recently, the demand for individual tailoring has also increased. About what you need to open a tailor shop and how to draw up a business plan, further in the source.


Description of small sewing business

People who have professional skills as a seamstress most often think about opening a sewing studio. This, of course, will help in running a business, but not enough to generate a stable profit.

When we open a tailor shop for the purpose of generating a steady income, we must think about the direction of its work, the work space, the need for employees and how to attract customers. In addition, to determine possible risks, draw up a business plan, calculate the estimated income and the payback period of the enterprise.


Before opening a sewing workshop, you need to decide on the range of services provided. It can only be repairing clothes or sewing individual outfits. You can create designer clothes and immediately sell them, or engage in some narrow area: workwear, wedding dresses, outerwear, etc.

All this affects the calculations when drawing up a business plan. For example, a repair shop can be located in a small room, and 1-2 seamstresses can handle the job. Whereas a wide-profile sewing enterprise will require the lease of large areas, the purchase of expensive equipment and the search for professional workers.

Relevance of the project

Whether it is profitable to open a tailor shop also needs to be thought about in advance. Generally speaking, the idea of ​​a sewing atelier is a current business. After all, there are always people with a non-standard figure who find it difficult to find clothes. Many people have a special taste and do not want to dress in store models. And for some it is easier to sew an outfit for themselves that will meet all their whims. Therefore, they have only one way out - to contact the studio. Despite this, some businessmen go broke.

The client base and location are of great importance for business development. Study the needs of the local population and the possibility of new clients.

Table: approximate time frames for organizing a tailor shop

Risks and payback

There are always risks that the company will not be profitable or there will be few clients. To prevent this, you do not need to save on marketing operations and advertise your establishment a month before opening.

The most important thing is to provide quality services and take care of the appropriate service.

Format: Word (RAR) Volume: 32 pages

Business plan

Reviews (20)

A good tailoring business plan offered by our site will suit those who love to sew themselves and would like to plan a business to their liking. With our project it will not be difficult at all, especially if you are attracted by the option of a mini atelier or a small knitwear atelier working in a small room. In this case, starting a business will be easy.

Having received a ready-made document from us, proceed to its implementation immediately, without hesitation. Moreover, all the numbers, the list of required actions are already in your hands. Having studied it on our portal, you can use the document as an example, which will help you navigate in your endeavors. Thanks to this approach, the use of a sample, everything will pass legally, correctly and on time.

Of course, a business plan for organizing a sewing studio will require money, as well as effort and enthusiasm. However, this should not stop you, because in the end you will still get more, although income will also depend on your diligence, efforts, talent and desire to provide quality services. And you are certainly capable of it!

According to business analysts, the demand for tailor services has been falling lately - in stores there is a wide range of clothes for every taste. And, nevertheless, there is a chance to achieve success in this market segment - we are talking about a mini-studio, the creation of which does not require global costs.

If you are attracted by a quick start of a business, a mini-format studio is perfect for this. The low entry threshold is one of the clear advantages for aspiring entrepreneurs who have not had time to acquire significant capital. Opening your own mini-studio, you can easily keep within 1000-1500 dollars. The analysis of the sewing atelier market clearly demonstrates that in the conditions of a shortage of individual orders, it is precisely small ateliers that successfully survive.

Opening an individual entrepreneur for an atelier of this format is an ideal option that does not require much hassle. A standard set of documents, a visit to the tax and pension fund - the whole process, with a successful coincidence of circumstances, will take only a few days. And you can already safely start purchasing equipment and other accessories for your sewing mini-studio.

When opening your mini-studio, take care of finding a suitable room in advance. It is better to spend a couple of weeks looking for a profitable option than to stop at the first one that comes across, and then calculate the losses. The mini-studio format assumes modest areas. Is it profitable to open a private studio on 10 m? Even a smaller area may be enough, the main thing is to use them effectively. It is very profitable to rent an atelier in a shopping center, but it is important to create safe working conditions there.

At first, some businessmen prefer to open their own tailoring atelier at home, whether it is profitable or not is difficult to say for sure, it all depends on many nuances. It is certainly easier to organize work at home, there is no need to specially purchase equipment for such a studio, but the income is unlikely to be large, because even advertising your own services will be more difficult for you.

As for the equipment necessary to open a tailoring atelier, at the initial stage it can be rented. It is much more difficult to recruit staff. The wages in the mini-studio will differ significantly from that offered in the atelier of the highest category, and therefore there is a great risk that your workers will be carried away by "leftist" orders. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully study the forms of the order movement journal and order receipts in the studio. In addition, piecework wages would be most appropriate in this situation.

Atelier is a business that belongs to the service sector, and even if the figures in the income item do not satisfy you, the quality of work must always be improved. Testimonials about your atelier's work can attract new customers, but at the same time it can fundamentally tarnish your reputation. How to start a businessman with no experience, creating a tailor shop? Of course, by studying a competent example of a business plan for opening a tailor shop with ready-made calculations. In this document you will find a lot of useful information for yourself, you will learn how to open your own business - a mini-studio from scratch, what additions can be used in the list of services.

The successful development of such a business as an atelier is possible with a successful choice of the direction of activity. Of course, many entrepreneurs dream of creating something large-scale at first, but not always there is enough financial resources to implement these plans. In this case, it is most reasonable to start with a narrow specialization, for example, to open a sewing studio for sewing curtains. What is needed for that? Small room, necessary sewing equipment and experienced sewing masters.

The specificity of this business is such that significant initial costs are not required to start it. You can even open an in-house curtain shop, but this is not the best option as other overhead costs increase significantly. An ideal atelier should consist of at least two rooms - a sewing workshop and a salon, where samples of work are exhibited and where direct communication with the client is carried out.

The demand for beautiful exclusive curtains is always high, since factory products are not always able to satisfy the taste of a discerning consumer. Having decided to organize your business - studio, ensuring the high quality of products, you will create a solid foundation for the further active development of your business.

When planning to open your own business - a studio for sewing curtains, calculate your financial capabilities in advance. To start, you will need about 150 thousand rubles, including the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, purchasing sewing equipment, renting premises (advance payment for 3 months), as well as advertising costs. At first, the client should be attracted by the possibility of providing additional free services: home visits to take measurements, consultations on the individual selection of fabrics, taking into account the interior decoration of the apartment, etc.

When looking for premises for a production workshop, do not aim at the squares located in the central part of the city, since rent alone will eat up the lion's share of income. If you plan to visit a client's house, a room somewhere on the outskirts, with an area of ​​about 20-25 sq. M., Is perfect for renting a studio. meters. Pay attention to the fact that the place is quite walkable.

If you have opened an atelier, registered an individual entrepreneur, but there are still doubts about the future of your enterprise. We advise you to look into a professional business plan for a curtain sewing studio. This document will help you avoid the most common mistakes and oversights.

Do you want to open a tailor shop and do not know what is needed for this? A competent business plan will become your guide, helping to analyze and assess risks when opening your own atelier, to determine the strategy for its development with the help of statistics. The details of a business such as a curtain atelier are often discussed on the forums, but only the advice of professionals, which is contained in this most important financial document, will provide you with real support.

How to open a tailor shop, how to survive in a competitive environment, how to make it profitable - these questions worry any novice entrepreneur who decides to create his own business in the sewing business. The conditions, it would seem, are the same for everyone, but for some reason one opens his modest designer knitwear atelier and can barely cope with the huge flow of orders, while the other opens a fur atelier at the same time and burns out with a bang.

What is the reason? As the experience of creating a tailor shop shows, advertising is usually a key success factor. Any atelier, as a type of business, has certain prospects, but the difficulties of development do not always allow you to achieve what you want. Wanting to recoup the investment in the shortest possible time, a businessman purchases modern equipment, hires experienced craftsmen, but without effective advertising of services, all these efforts are doomed to failure.

Competent promotion of the atelier allows you to attract new customers, which increases profit streams. Ultimately, this is precisely the main purpose of creating any business. This means that the advertising strategy needs to be given the utmost attention.

Most of the new customers decide to look into the atelier, noticing a bright sign above the entrance. Do not spare the money to make it, especially since it is not so expensive. Moreover, the more original the name of the sewing studio, the higher the chances that people passing by will stop their attention on it.

The favorable location of the atelier also plays an important role. Located in an area of ​​high traffic, it is more likely to generate interest. When organizing business activities for opening a studio, it is necessary to provide for the costs of monthly advertising. Experienced players recommend posting information in a variety of ways to reach the largest possible audience.

Be sure to include the costs of making leaflets and advertisements in your atelier's organizational plan. They should contain a description of the main functions of the studio, the content of its work. The promise of bonuses and discounts and the holding of promotions will catch the attention of a potential client. You will find a huge number of samples of advertisements in pictures on the Internet. Limit the distribution of flyers and advertisements to nearby areas. It is unlikely that customers will go to your atelier from the other end of the city.

Even if you are planning to open your own author's studio, and you already have everything you need for this, including solid experience, do not neglect such a document as a sample studio business plan with ready-made calculations. Its effectiveness is difficult to assess, regardless of whether you decide to open a swimsuit studio or a children's clothing company. It contains a detailed description of the creation of an atelier, approximate layouts for its recoupment, which will allow a businessman to avoid annoying mistakes and recoup his investment in the shortest possible time.

In any of the cities of our country, we will find a huge number of stores that may well meet the demand for clothing. Despite the variety of assortment, in fact, it all consists of standard models. This is precisely what causes unquenchable demand for tailor shops, where they can sew original clothes for a specific person. That's why a tailor shop can be a great start-up business... Why is this business so attractive to a budding entrepreneur? Firstly, this is a good business for a tailoring specialist, and secondly, in this business, prospects are visible from the very beginning and it is clear how you can achieve success - find interested clients who will become permanent and will bring a stable income.

This business plan was created in order to open a small tailoring and repair shop. The organizational and legal form of business is individual entrepreneurship. The choice of this form of organization is justified by the fact that the consumer of the final product is an individual. Thus, the payment of tax will be reduced, and accounting and warehouse accounting will be simplified.
The success rate of this project is very high. This is due to the fact that in each city (settlement) there is a large number of people - potential clients of the studio.

Description of the enterprise
This atelier will work on individual orders for sewing and repairing clothes.

Description of services
The atelier's services include tailoring for the client, as well as the repair and restoration of the client's clothes.

Market analysis
This section provides an analysis of the market in your city, which will help you understand what the competition in this industry is and what the success of this enterprise is in your locality. Also, this section should describe the mistakes in the business of competitors, the shortcomings of their activities. This will demonstrate an understanding of how to run a business and what mistakes to avoid. Shortcomings in the work of potential competitors can push for a new solution, a marketing move.

Production plan

You need to start work by looking for a room. And here the following options are possible:

1) one room containing both the point of receiving orders and a sewing workshop;

2) two premises: a tailoring shop should be located outside the city limits, and an order acceptance point - in one of the most visited places in the city, for example, in a large shopping center.

The first option involves high rental costs, since a large room in the city is more expensive.

In the second option, you will need a smaller rental amount. Another plus is that by placing an item in a shopping center, there is a high probability of attracting customers who came here just to buy clothes and, perhaps, prefer custom tailoring or adjusting the purchased clothes. The decision of which option to choose is up to you as the business owner.

The next thing to do is to purchase sewing equipment. If you are not a specialist in sewing, then it is worth hiring an expert (manager) in this business, who will solve highly specialized issues, including managing the purchase of equipment. The main equipment is a multi-function sewing machine and a multi-operation sewing machine. The amount of equipment depends on how much work is expected.

The next question is personnel selection. Minimum number of employees: fashion designer, seamstress (sewing and repairman), order taker. A fashion designer is a highly paid specialist, so it is better to hire a talented student or a recent graduate for a start-up business who cannot demand high pay due to lack of experience. Such cooperation will be beneficial to both you and him. But an experienced master must be invited. The order taker is required to be able to take measurements.

The next important step will be the launch of an advertising campaign, which should promote the studio to the market. If you are in doubt that you will be able to cope with the strategy, use the services of specialists.

Product sales plan

Finished products will be sold through the point of ordering.

Financial plan

This section is devoted to financial matters and calculations.
- rent of premises for a sewing workshop (200,000 rubles / year)
- rent of premises for the point of receiving orders (100,000 200,000 rubles / year)
- purchase of equipment (150,000 rubles)
- staff salary (600,000 200,000 rubles / year)
- purchase of consumables - tools, fabric, threads (100,000 rubles)

Total: 1.150.000 rubles. - this is the expense in the first year of operation.
- sewing clothes (80,000 rubles per month)
- restoration, repair and other services (30,000 rubles per month)
Total: 1,320,000 rubles / year.

It becomes obvious that recoup the costs of organizing a tailor shop can be done in less than a year. Nevertheless, these calculations are approximate for the reason that the market situation in each locality is different, income will depend on competition and demand in this area.

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  • Pricelist of services for tailoring and repairing clothes
  • Production plan
  • What equipment to choose for the studio
  • What OKVED to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Recruitment of personnel for work in the atelier (sewing workshop)
  • What taxation system to choose for opening a tailor shop
  • Do I need permission to open
  • Technology of tailoring or repairing clothes and accessories
  • Financial plan
  • How much money is needed to open an atelier (sewing workshop)
  • Atelier's monthly expenses
  • How much can you earn by opening a tailor shop (sewing workshop)

Sample business plan for tailoring and repairing clothes. How to open and promote an atelier with minimal investment.

According to some reports, consumer services are growing annually by 10%. Of these, the share of services related to sewing and knitting of knitwear accounts for about 8% of the total volume of household services. Of course, tailoring and repairing clothes will always be in demand, although this market can be considered overcrowded. Today, the services of a sewing studio are often used by people who have high requirements for clothes, who are ready to pay extra, if only trousers or a skirt fit their figure as best as possible. If you decide to try your luck at tailoring and repairing clothes, then you need to be prepared for a serious competition for the client. This is especially true for large cities. In provincial towns the situation for opening an atelier is more or less favorable. But the demand, as well as the average bill, is much lower there. The profitability of the atelier, according to various estimates, is 10 - 30%.

Pricelist of services for tailoring and repairing clothes

How do tailoring and repair shops earn money? Here is just a partial list of what such an organization can offer clients:

  • Replacement of lightning - from 300 to 800 rubles. depending on the product. Replacement of a zipper for leather goods can cost more than 1000 rubles.
  • Darning, patches - 250 - 350 rubles.
  • Liquid leather, repair of breakthroughs on leather products - from 300 rubles.
  • Repair of sleeves (shorten, lengthen, change the width, etc.) - from 250 rubles.
  • Shorten / lengthen the bottom of outerwear - from 500 r. depending on the product.
  • Fitting outerwear to the figure (overlapping collars, sewing on the sides of the seam, adjusting the ridge, etc.) - from 400 rubles.
  • Repair and manufacturing of pockets - from 150 rubles.
  • Steaming - from 100 rubles.
  • Minor repairs (making belt loops, sewing on shoulder pads, making loops, etc.) - from 30 rubles.

The most expensive services on which you can earn decent money is the repair of fur products. Fur coats from rare breeds of animals, as you know, are not cheap and repairs, respectively, too. For example, the usual sewing of sleeves with cuffs will cost the client at least 2500 rubles, and in some cases, all 5000 rubles. True, the repair of fur products is somewhat seasonal (customers come mainly in autumn and winter). As a rule, serious ateliers make a 30% discount on children's clothes. This allows you to significantly increase the authority of the organization (after all, children's clothes are not so big and it is easier to work with them).

Production plan

What is the advantage of the studio as a business - it does not require large areas. The main thing is that three components are successfully located in the room:

  1. Seamstress
  2. Fitting area (closed booth)
  3. Ordering table (and trading place)

Therefore, the best option would be to select a room with an area of ​​25 - 35 sq. m., no more. There is no point in overpaying for extra square meters. It is also not worth renting space in shopping centers. This is too expensive a pleasure. For repair and tailoring services, people will go to an ordinary, even a semi-basement room. Excessive luxury in design, as well as the permeability of the object, do not play a decisive role. Although placement in close proximity to a large shopping center or clothing market will be a big advantage. Since people who have bought clothes and need additional services will certainly go to you. The maximum rental that a beginner atelier can afford is 500 rubles. per sq. m. (2018).

What equipment to choose for the studio

The next important point in a business plan is the choice of equipment. A balanced approach is also needed here, so as not to overpay for unnecessary and unnecessary devices. According to statistics, the ateliers do not use their equipment 100%, so there is no point in buying expensive devices from well-known brands. Moreover, when investments to start a business are sharply limited. According to the preliminary plan for the business, you will need:

  1. Lockstitch rewinding machine (e.g. JACK JK 8720H). You will also need to purchase additional accessories in the form of needles for fabrics, shuttles, bobbins, oil, etc.
  2. 4-thread overlock. It is desirable to take a high-speed overlock, with a capacity of 6000 st / min.
  3. Blindstitch Hemming Machine
  4. Double advance straight stitch machine. Such a device will be required to work with heavy products such as sheepskin coats, jeans, as well as leather products.
  5. Buttonhole machine
  6. Button machine
  7. Furry machine for working with fur
  8. Ironing equipment - steam generator and ironing board.
  9. Work table and chairs
  10. Fitting room equipment (mirror, chair, screen)
  11. Auxiliary equipment, as well as accessories (scissors, buttons, threads, rulers, etc.)

If you try and, if possible, take some devices in b. y., then you can keep within 300 - 400 thousand rubles.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business

Basic code: OKVED code 52.74, which covers the repair of household goods and personal items. Some additional codes that must also be specified if the atelier will produce these types of clothing or accessories: Manufacturing:

  • finished textiles, except for clothing - 17.40;
  • knitwear: vests, jumpers, jackets, cardigans and the like - 17.72;
  • outerwear - 18.22;
  • other clothes and accessories - 18.24
  • hats - 18.24.4.

And also 51.42.5 - wholesale trade in clothing accessories and hats.

What documents are needed to open

Since for this type of business it is best to register individual entrepreneurship, you will need a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of state duty, as well as a copy of the TIN certificate.

Recruitment of personnel for work in the atelier (sewing workshop)

Staff. Here the situation can develop in different ways. If initially you plan to open a small atelier that will serve the advantage of a separate area of ​​the city, then the staff will be minimal. In most cases, it is enough to hire a clothing repairman and an atelier administrator who will take orders, purchase materials, etc. The salary of the master will consist of a small salary, plus a percentage of the completed order (approximately 30-40 thousand rubles per month). Administrators, as a rule, receive a full salary: 20-25 thousand rubles. per month. Be sure to read the article “ How to hire an employee - step by step instructions". If a slightly more "powerful" project is opened, then the staff also includes cutters for sewing clothes, tailors - generalists, seamstresses (they are also universal craftsmen). The wage fund naturally increases to 150-200 thousand rubles. per month. Such a sewing atelier needs a constant stream of customers, which is extremely difficult to get from the first days. It already requires an appropriate reserve fund and readiness for large losses for the promotion of the business. Therefore, the more correct way is to start small, and expand as necessary, purchase additional equipment and increase the staff.

What taxation system to choose for opening a tailor shop

Now for the registration of a business. This question can also confuse aspiring "businessmen". What to register an individual entrepreneur or an LLC at once? How to prepare documents, which tax regime to choose? And so on and so forth. An inexperienced entrepreneur can feel dizzy. In fact, everything is extremely simple. If you open a business one (one), then you do not need anything other than an individual entrepreneur at the initial stage. You go to the tax office and in 5 days (this is how much the tax office checks your registration documents) you become an individual entrepreneur (read more in the article “ Individual entrepreneurship - the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur“), Having spent only 800 rubles of the state duty on“ everything about everything ”. If you decide to open up in partnership with someone, then you cannot do without the status of an LLC, that is, a legal entity. It is not advisable to hang all responsibilities and risks on a specific person (which happens in the case of an individual entrepreneur). As a tax regime, the classic "simplified" system, that is, the simplified taxation system, is perfect. At your discretion, you can choose two options: pay monthly 6% of the proceeds or 15% of the profits of the atelier. Which is the best option? You need to calculate everything. If the costs are high, then it is better to choose the option with 15% of the profit. The transition to the simplified tax system must be made immediately after registration of the individual entrepreneur (the transition is carried out upon application). Otherwise, you will remain on the "classic", with all the ensuing costs.

Do I need permission to open

The following extensions and registrations are required:

  • Registration at the territorial office of the Pension Fund;
  • Rospotrebnadzor work permit;
  • The permit of the State Fire Inspection to operate in this room.

Technology of tailoring or repairing clothes and accessories

Depending on the concept of the studio, the further technological course of the enterprise will depend. If specialization is aimed at sewing uniforms or workwear, this requires long-term contracts, both with suppliers and for the sale of products. If the calculation of profit goes to a client with individual orders, here you need to focus on unique accessories, cut and materials for making clothes or household textiles. Accordingly, the class of the atelier workers is selected.

Financial plan

And so, let's calculate the approximate income and payback of a small studio opened in a residential area of ​​the city on an area of ​​25 sq. m. The size of the city's population is 250,000 inhabitants, the average level of wages is 18,000 rubles. Initial data:

  • Room area - 25 sq. m.
  • Rent per month - 12,500 rubles.
  • The number of permanent employees is 3 people.
  • Tax regime - STS, 6% of proceeds

How much money is needed to open an atelier (sewing workshop)

  • Deposit by lease of premises for 2 months - 25,000 RUB
  • Redecoration (wallpaper, lighting, ventilation) - 100,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment and consumables (accessories) - 350,000 rubles.
  • Advertising costs - 30,000 rubles.
  • Business registration - 1,500 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 25,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 150,000 rubles.

Total - 681,500 rubles.

Atelier's monthly expenses

  • Rent - 12,500 rubles.
  • Salary - 90,000 rubles.
  • Contributions to off-budget funds - 30,000 rubles.
  • Accounting (outsourcing) - 6,000 rubles
  • Utility costs (electricity, water, heating) - 8,000 rubles.
  • Consumables - RUB 10,000
  • Advertising - 5,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 176,500 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a tailor shop (sewing workshop)

  • Average bill - 700 rubles.
  • Average number of clients per day - 20 people.
  • Daily revenue - 14,000 rubles.
  • Working days per month - 22
  • Revenue per month - 308,000 rubles.

Net profit calculation: Profit before tax will be: 308,000 (revenue) - 176,500 (expenses) = 131,500 rubles. Tax (STS, 6% of proceeds) is equal to 18,480 rubles. Hence, the net profit will be: 131,500 - 18,480 = 113,020 rubles. We have given calculations taking into account the fact that the studio has reached its design capacity, in other words, it has become popular among customers. This can take, according to various estimates, from 6 to 12 months. Therefore, the return on investment in the business, taking into account the above calculations, will come no earlier than in 11 - 17 months. If you want to get a "space" interest, invest in crypto coins. Correct investment can generate income in just a month. How to work with a crypto portfolio, you can find out in our training course... Watch and act.

This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Business plan content: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project 4. Description of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

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