Poor memory in a 7-year-old child is treated. What if the child has a bad memory? Memory drugs that improve cerebral circulation

Checking the shared memory:

  • insufficient memory

1. Three words are read to the child: beam, frame, mushroom... Ask to repeat once, then again. Then they read three more words: book, tail, frame... He also repeats these words.

  • insufficient memory

How can a student develop a figurative memory?

Above, we talked about the fact that not only memory can play a role in learning difficulties, but also other mental processes (perception, attention, thinking, etc.) that are insufficiently developed by the time of the beginning of educational activity.

But what if, as a result of testing, your child saw a low level of memory development? How can you help him develop it? And is it possible to succeed?

Fortunately, these questions can be answered in the affirmative. Many outstanding psychologists have accumulated an extensive methodological base and compiled many correction exercises, which I will share with you.

First you need to understand that memory is a complex mental process, which consists in processing, storing and reproducing material. Distinguish between short-term memory and long-term memory. For example, your friend dictated his address on the phone. You can remember it without writing it down for a few seconds, then the information is erased and it is extremely difficult to reproduce it after a few minutes, unless, of course, you have repeated this address to yourself. This is an example of short-term memory.

Long-term memory has a long time interval for storing memorized material. It is closely related to thinking, operating with images. Repeatedly repeated material firmly settles in long-term memory, and if this material was supported by visual, auditory and kinesthetic (motor) effects, the strength of assimilation is measured for years and decades.

What are the physiological features of memory?

  1. The success of information processing depends on the conditions in which the person is (full consciousness, concentration, attention, physical and mental health).
  2. The combination of logical thinking with emotionally colored images increases the quality of the assimilation of the material.
  3. Information that you have memorized earlier can be “overwritten” and stored in a new image.

These provisions will help you better understand the memorization process. Obviously, if a child has difficulty memorizing, pay attention to the ways in which he memorizes. The most accessible is the figurative representation and its memorization, i.e. the material is first presented in the form of a picture or a plot (visualized), then thinking is connected to this process - the child, as it were, retells the "seen" picture, explains it. And at the end there is a repetition (reproduction) of the memorized material. It…

Stage 1 - Development of figurative memory

I will clearly present the chain:

drawing on paper -> drawing in thoughts -> connecting thinking and emotions -> repetition

Good figurative memory is based on these four components. At first, this algorithm is slow, later the process is much faster and in the end it is automated - the child easily retells stories, learns poetry, remembers the teacher's explanations. His educational activities are becoming more and more organized.

Now let's move on to exercises for the development of figurative memory. They can be used for training both auditory (read aloud to him) and visual memory (he reads words on his own).

1. Draw images

In order for the child to be able to mentally imagine the picture, at the first stage it must be sketched by hand on paper. We speak to him out loud (or let him read) simple words and phrases (you yourself can come up with others by analogy):

  • ball, wood, table, angry boy, fence
  • good weather, smart girl, gentle sun, cheerful chicken

Let the child learn to convey all this on paper. Not necessarily an exact sketch, the main thing is that the plot is clear to him and he can reproduce the dictated words correctly from the drawings.

You read aloud (or let him read) short sentences, have the child close his eyes after each sentence and try to mentally imagine the plot.

  1. Dripping icicle
  2. Babbling brook in the mountains
  3. Girl jumping rope
  4. Sweetly dozing cat on the windowsill
  5. Cheerful puppy gnawing on slippers
  6. Chocolate candy in a golden wrapper lying on the table

Now the child writes down each phrase, based on his mental images.

3. Connection of words with emotions and experiences

The child closes his eyes and imagines pictures:

  1. Hand burn
  2. Girl crying in the street
  3. Two fighting boys in the park
  4. A joyfully singing bird on a tree branch
  5. Bear breaking bush
  6. Hungry cat demanding sausages
  7. Bee flying around your head

After that, let him write down what he remembers.

4. “Taking pictures” with our eyes (training of visual memory)

Here we will play with sticks (in the first grade, students usually buy counting sticks, they can be used) or matches. Two people participate: the presenter and the player.

The presenter builds the figure so that the child does not see it, then shows it for a couple of seconds and covers it with a sheet of paper. The player “photographs” the figure, calculating how many sticks (matches) there are and tries to reproduce the same.

For a start, you can use 3-4 matches, and if you can handle it, complicate the figures by adding matches.

After successful training, we move on to the next stage in developing a good memory - conscious perception.

P.S. To be continued.

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A child's memory impairment can occur for a number of reasons. In order to understand how to deal with it, it is necessary to identify the cause. To begin with, the degree of the problem is determined, then a diagnosis is made by an experienced specialist, after which they begin to treat the child.

Child's memory problems

Memory problems in a child can manifest themselves in different ways: they asked to do something, he didn’t do it, but referred to that he had forgotten; cannot tell about the events of the day; do not remember the trivial details. First, understand if the problem exists. Is there a dissonance between parent and child. One of the basic tips from the field of parenting will be to perceive the recognition of the child as true. Nowadays, the little man is taught to listen, without waving his hand at what worries him.

Child's memory problem: what to do?

If serious problems are identified in a child with memory, it is necessary to consult an experienced doctor - pediatrician, and then refer to a neurologist or neuropathologist. With the help of special tests, the doctor will determine if there is a problem and will tell you about further treatment.

Identifying the problem by portrait (designed by Tracy Alaway)

  • Difficulty concentrating;
  • Carelessness;
  • Loss while performing complex tasks;
  • Problems with processing and storing information (in tasks);
  • Cannot answer direct questions;
  • Having normal relationships with peers;

Why does the child have memory problems?

The reasons for poor memory and developing problems can be factors such as: heredity, poor nutrition, lifestyle disorders (sleep and wakefulness phase), lack of developmental tasks, overwork.

How to deal with short-term memory in children?

After visiting a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis and describe how to deal with short-term memory in children - the main treatment - you can use home treatment methods. They consist in the normalization of the nutrition system, recreation, developmental games.

Nutrition to improve the child's memory:

In order to stimulate memory, it is imperative to introduce blueberries into the diet - they have a beneficial effect on the brain. The minimum serving, taking into account the absence of allergies, is 1 glass every 3-5 weeks.

Physical exercises for the child: it is necessary to walk more with the child in the fresh air, to perform at least basic physical activity, but it is better to give it to the section. Sport is an excellent stimulator of all metabolic processes in the body, as well as an activator of the brain.

Repetition and memorization exercises can help fight short-term memory in children at home. Psychologists recommend reading fairy tales and singing songs, learning poetry. Below are attached options for tasks for the development of memory. Also, a pediatric neurologist will tell you about this in more detail.

The main thing is a positive attitude and confidence that the technique will give results. Do not under any circumstances show your child that temporary memory difficulties are very serious - he may withdraw, and the treatment will go in the opposite direction.


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The child has a short memory

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Children have short memories - what can you do about it?

Son 3.3 talkative and quick-witted to eerie))) There is a sense of humor, can make eyes or be cunning.

It happens that he did something out of the ordinary, and moreover on purpose, and I say: "If you behave this way, you will be punished" - let's say I promise that he will be all day without cartoons or without sweets. He continues, like he doesn't understand, although he understands everything perfectly. A couple of hours is the maximum, how much he perceives information that he is punished, more or less adequately (i.e. he asks for it, and I remind him how he brought his mother almost to white heat in the morning, and he does not cry after that). Then he can come up, ask, I say - you behaved VERY badly in the morning and you are punished.

And he replies - well, now I'm behaving well! And what are your next steps? Cancel the punishment? Or do you see it through to the end?

I usually cancel, but first I deal with that situation with him, explain, etc. But by the evening he does not remember anything and can repeat the offense (((

How will be correct?

They have a really short memory, and what was in the morning for them - they wrote on Eve here - is like it was for us last month, and there is no point in continuing to punish for the morning in the evening, because in the evening he will not remember the morning and there will be a scandal again. Or not?

I am the anonymous person who answered you above.

And the child does not need to throw scandals every day, they become a habit.

Cartoons and sweets should be regulated - not when mom deigns - this is some kind of dictatorship. And, for example - candy after dinner, a cartoon - after kindergarten for half an hour and in the evening good night. LEGAL. The child will know exactly what he has the right to do and the psyche will be stronger. The punishment should not encroach on this legitimate - this is also a dictatorship. Try to explain the logic - WHY you can't do this and demonstrate the consequences.

And another magical means, to say in a stern voice "I count to three: one, TWO." Usually by "three" the son had already stopped undesirable behavior.

Well, and also learn to speak with a child. Correct wording (if possible, excluding the word "not"), switching to another type of activity, etc.

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Poor memory in a child

Memory is the most popular topic of conversation between pediatricians and psychologists. Discussions about its origin have been going on for a long time. No less popular is the question of the impact on children's memory. Indeed, is there an opportunity to change the situation if the child's bad memory is obvious?

Photo: Bad memory - is it possible to change the situation

How is a child's memory formed?

It is possible to speak seriously about childhood memory only by the age of nine months. Until this moment, parents can note the following: removing a bright toy from the crumbs' field of vision, you can cause a loss of all interest in it. The kid will not look for her, and after a few minutes he will completely forget about her existence. And only after reaching nine months, the situation changes dramatically: the child will look around in an attempt to find the loss. This suggests that he has a memory, and there is a trace of his favorite toy in it. A nine-month-old baby clearly understands that since there was a toy, it must be somewhere close.

Starting from the age of nine months, the child develops a memory, and in the future, the ability to memorize information develops.

Photo: Memory is formed from the age of nine months

Features of memory in childhood

Children's memory is syncretic, and this is its main feature. In other words, the child perceives the world in its entirety: actions, objects, emotions and images are inextricably linked with each other. At the same time, the impressions received by the child look much brighter than those of adults, which allows the memory to be long-term. The child's ability to memorize is also noticeably higher. Again, this is dictated by an inextricable union with emotions.

Children's memory is a real gift. It is received by each of us at the very beginning of his path along the road of life. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity to take advantage of the gift in full. Children, receiving an incredible amount of information, form their own worldview and worldview, which remains with them for life.

Photo: Children receive a huge amount of information

When problems arise ...

For the first time, parents of a child can talk about problems with remembering when they reach senior preschool age. At this time, many kids begin to attend school preparation classes, where they are faced with the need to memorize the material suggested by the teacher. The concern of parents in such a situation is not in vain. In fact, problems with memorization in the future can be very harmful to the child, causing lag in learning and development, or even cause ridicule of peers, which, in turn, leads to psychological disorders.

And yet, do not panic too much without understanding the situation. To begin with, parents should identify the following points:

  • Is the child really unable to answer the directly posed questions?
  • Does he refuse to perform the simplest tasks?
  • Does the child seem distracted and inattentive?
  • Is it difficult for him to follow the instructions?

If at least one of the questions is answered positively, it does not hurt to take a serious approach to the development of children's memory. But first, it is extremely important to understand the root cause of the problem.

Why does the child have a bad memory?

Children's memory can suffer for the following reasons:

Wrong daily routine

As sad as it sounds, modern children get tired no less than their parents. At the same time, fatigue tends to accumulate. A completely wrong daily routine also adds fuel to the fire. Plus, children are getting less and less balanced nutrition, live in ecologically unfavorable areas and do not have the opportunity to fully recuperate at night. Mugs, homework, and friendship with gadgets take up almost all of your time. In view of this, there is absolutely no time to rest for the child, so adults should definitely think about his sufficient stay in the fresh air.

An improperly planned daily routine for a child of any age becomes the cause of his absent-mindedness, irritability, and insufficient concentration of attention. As a result, memory suffers.

Solving the problem is not that difficult. It is enough to normalize the daily routine, and memory improvement will not be long in coming.

Lack of nutrients

One of the important roles is assigned to the child's nutrition in pediatrics. There is a simple explanation for this: a lack of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances has a most detrimental effect on the functioning of the brain. Equally important is the amount of fluid the child receives.

The child's diet should be balanced. The menu should contain healthy foods: fatty fish, carrots, walnuts, legumes and herbs. Otherwise, the child will experience constant fatigue, become lethargic and apathetic. In the future, the situation will worsen, which will lead to a deterioration in the functioning and development of a growing organism.

In addition to healthy foods and a sufficient amount of liquid, children should receive vitamins concentrated in special pharmacy complexes. Drugs should be age-appropriate.

Photo: Children need to get vitamins

Poor memory training or lack of it

If parents closely monitor the child's daily routine and pay enough attention to his diet, but memory problems are present, another reason is quite possible - insufficient training. The situation seems to be quite solvable, provided that regular classes begin. At the same time, parents should rely not only on specialists working with children in special development centers, but also show their own interest in the result.

Parents should be especially concerned when they find problems with memory and speech. In this case, contacting a neurologist is inevitable.

Other causes of memory impairment in a child include psychological trauma and stress. Indeed, very often trying to find help from a pediatrician and other doctors, the child's parents should do something completely different - turn to a psychologist!

Often, memory impairment in a child is facilitated by previously transferred diseases of various etiologies.

How to train your memory?

It is useful to start training children's memory from the cradle. In this matter, rhymes and songs, fairy tales and short stories help. Experts in child psychology strongly recommend looking at folk tales that involve many repetitions of words and phrases. Hearing the same thing all the time, the child involuntarily fixes what he heard in his memory.

When the baby can not only memorize, but also independently reproduce the rhymes, adults should encourage this and more often praise the baby for the work done. A successful situation will have a dramatic effect on the child. He will strive to memorize the verse over and over again in order to receive praise again. In this case, memory will develop just fine.

Photo: It is necessary to praise the baby more often for the work done

Communication is no less effective in the process of training a child's memory. Parents should talk with their child as often as possible, discussing any topics and being interested in the day spent. Let the child not only answer, but also listen. Adults are encouraged to show the child something new, while emotionally painting the subject and focusing on minor details. A few days after the conversation, you need to ask the baby about what he managed to remember.

Play is another important moment for training memory. You need to play with your child every day, and the games should be interesting.

Photo: It is necessary to play with the child daily

One of the simple, but very effective games for training memory, involves memorizing by the child well-known objects. Parents should lay out 4-5 objects of similar size in front of the toddler and ask to look at them for a few minutes. Then the baby must turn away so that mom or dad can pick up one of the items. After that, the child must remember what exactly is missing. Gradually, the game should become more difficult: the child is asked to identify not only the missing object, but also its location among the rest (for example, the first or the third?).

Many memory games today can be purchased in specialized stores. One of them, which has managed to establish itself in the best possible way, is called "Memori". The essence of the game is to memorize the location of two identical cards with the image of cartoon characters, that is, characters well known to the child.

Memory training is a laborious and time-consuming process, so you shouldn't expect too quick results. If, after a while, the improvements are completely invisible, you should seek help from a pediatric neurologist. In exceptional cases, poor memory can be the result of nervous pathologies. The doctor will be able to eliminate such troubles during a conversation with the child and his parents, as well as with the help of a special examination.

Timely resolved problem with poor memory in a child will help eliminate unpleasant moments at an older age!

Does the child really have a bad memory?

Often the parents of a young student complain that their child does not remember well the teacher's explanations, forgets to write down homework, cannot learn poetry or retell a short story. “I don’t understand what to do with him!” - one mother sadly shares her problem in a conversation with a friend. - "And we sit for a long time, and learn, and repeat, but the result is zero."

It happens that the memory that anxious parents and teachers complain about is not bad at all. A child, for example, perfectly remembers his desires and intentions. He is happy to tell you about his impressions, shares the news at school. So, there is something else that interferes with successful studies ... That's what exactly?

To understand the reasons for poor assimilation and memorization, it is enough to conduct a series of simple tests that will help determine the source of the problem.

For children, they are perceived as a game, but for adults they will give information for thought.

In a relaxed way, try asking your child what he was doing this morning. Yesterday afternoon? Where did you go on vacation last summer? Those. ask him about past events, which not only he knows about, but also you (to check the correctness of the answers).

Quite rarely, children do not answer such questions. Those who cannot remember the events of the past from their lives (blank slate, memory loss) are likely to lack cortical activity of the brain or dysfunction of its deep structures.

Offer your child (6-9 years old) several cards with a picture of different objects, for example, a car, cat, notebook, chair, pencil, train, suitcase, etc. There should be 5-6 of them in total. Let him look at them and try to remember. Then he closes his eyes, and you turn one of these pictures over or completely remove. The child must remember the “disappeared” object. If he completed the test with 1-2 attempts, everything is fine with visual-object memory.

We complicate the task. The child is asked to remember the order of the cards. He closes his eyes again. Now add 3 - 4 more objects to these pictures, mix and leave in random order. Now we ask him to open his eyes, select the cards that were in place before the other three or four were added and put them in the same order.

Usually, children of primary school age (6-9 years old) with a normal level of memory development in a calm environment easily complete the test.

Errors and difficulties resulting from this test may indicate:

  • insufficient memory
  • low level of attention, both voluntary and involuntary

1. Three words are read to the child: ray, frame, mushroom. Ask to repeat once, then again. Then they read three more words: book, tail, frame. He also repeats these words.

Then they ask to remember the first three words (ray, frame, mushroom) ..., the second three words (book, tail, frame).

2. Read a short story to the child:

The crow wanted to drink. There was a jug of water in the yard, and in the jug there was only water at the bottom. The crow couldn't get water. She began to throw stones into the jug and threw so much that the water became higher and it was possible to drink.

After reading, ask him to retell it in his own words. If you did it, great. Errors or reproducibility difficulties may indicate:

  • insufficient memory
  • low level of voluntary attention
  • weakness of phonemic hearing (the most common cause of poor assimilation of information)
  • insufficient development of imaginative thinking
  • low level of speech development

If you see that the tests for general and visual-object memory were performed successfully, and the test for auditory-speech memory has errors, most likely the problem lies in the listening comprehension of the material (check phonemic hearing and clarify whether he pronounces all sounds) or low level of attention, imaginative thinking.

In the next posts I will talk about what exercises will help a student in developing memory.

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Does the child forget notebooks and textbooks at home, although he was getting ready in the evening and was not in a hurry? You sent him for bread, and he bought a chocolate bar? Does he not remember what happened at school today?

Poor memory in a child - what to do?

Do not rush to accuse your son or daughter of being lazy or unwilling to learn. Perhaps the child's poor memory is to blame for everything, and there are quite objective reasons for this. To determine how to improve memory, you need to understand the reasons for this violation:

Time for lunch!

One of the reasons for memory impairment in a child is obvious - improper nutrition. If your son eats a sandwich for breakfast, a chocolate bar with Cola at school, and treats his stomach with chips before a walk at lunchtime, in this case even a full evening dinner with his parents will not help the cause.

An unbalanced diet, the lack of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances necessary for the growing body during the formation period can lead to disastrous results.

H what to do: it is in childhood that the foundation of everything in the body is laid. What was lost in childhood can no longer be made up in adulthood. Therefore, pay close attention to what your child is eating and talk to the homeroom teacher to make sure that the child gets breakfast in the school cafeteria. Children are required should have lunch at school and not cookies, but a complete hot dish ... And no diets that teenage girls are exposed to. Any dietary restrictions are fatal, including for memory.

Daily regime

Inattention, impaired concentration, memory impairment may be associated with an incorrect daily routine:

  1. the child sits late at the TV or at the computer;
  2. sleeps little;
  3. does not rest during the day;
  4. finishes doing homework late.

The wrong balance between rest and load can lead to overstrain, and the child simply ceases to perceive the amount of information he needs at his age.

H what to do: try to comply with the established daily routine. Involve your child in compiling it, let him add those activities that he considers important to it. Make a poster and hang it prominently.

Electronic evil

No one has yet been helped by the uncontrolled use of electronic means of mobile phones, computers, tablets. Why should a child train his memory, remember something, if he, all hung with gadgets, can find all the necessary information in one minute on the Internet. Here is another source of unconsciousness for modern children - computerization of our life.

What to do: try to distract the child from his personal electronic friend: talk to him, tell a story from the life of your family, share your knowledge of history, offer to read together, and then discuss a book, go to a museum together, where the child will receive new information for himself. Of course, if the storyteller is mom or dad, whom the child so rarely sees, he will remember everything much faster.

Chewing gum for unconsciousness

Modern scientists sometimes come to completely unexpected results in their research. It turns out that it impairs memory ... chewing gum. Psychologists at Cardiff University in England have proven that chewing gum harms short-term memory.

Chewing gum is a monotonous, repetitive reflex movement. But because of this, a person cannot concentrate on something important. Moreover, this applies to both children and adults. The person becomes distracted and does not remember what he was doing a minute ago. Judge for yourself, your child will not see an A if he concentrates on chewing for the entire test, and not on solving examples.

Not always the kid is in a hurry to fulfill your request right away. You should not immediately accuse him of inattention and disobedience. It may turn out that he simply did not remember what you asked him to do. At an early age, children very easily "absorb" new information, but it is not as easy for them as we think to reproduce it. If a child has a memory problem at an early age, then it is not a fact that it will not remain with him for life. With great difficulties, for example, in the process of learning at school, your baby may face in the future. Therefore, if you notice a child's memory problems, then you should immediately start looking for an answer to this question, develop the skill of memorizing new things from an early age.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the causes of poor memory in children. Your child's lack of concentration can be affected by his workload. It is necessary to correctly schedule the baby's classes. A school that develops additional activities, walks, healthy eating and sleep are essential components of a good development of a young organism. It is worth remembering that a child spends energy per day no less than an adult, which leads to fatigue. In order for the child to have time to replenish the energy spent on all the activities in the day, it is necessary to provide him with a good rest. Parents must control the situation, and in more advanced cases, they should contact a specialist. The presence of vitamins and beneficial microorganisms, proper nutrition also affect the speed and quality of memorizing any material. Even the amount of water consumed by the child is of no small importance. Sometimes poor memory training is the cause of school failure. Then it is worthwhile, without haste, in a calm atmosphere, without nerves, to work out with the child exercises to improve his memory.

There are symptoms suggesting memory problems. The child expresses his thoughts hard, gets confused in words, does not bring the phrase to the logical conclusion, the speech itself is not sufficiently developed for his age. It is worth reviewing all the causes of memory problems in order. Remove from the schedule visiting circles, the presence of which can affect the child's quick fatigue. Spend more time on individual, home memory-enhancing activities. Every parent dreams of the all-round development of their child, but it is worthwhile to correctly prioritize. In this case, health is certainly more important.

If you find that your child has a bad memory, then you should pay attention to his sleep. Does he have enough of those hours a day spent in bed in order to sleep and rest. Watching a cartoon late into the night or playing a computer will only have a bad effect on the development of a child's memory. Physiological data have their weight in the ability to quickly memorize a large amount of information and be able to reproduce it. If you are sure that this is not the problem, then professionals can always offer individual ones, where a whole range of exercises will help improve the child's memory.

Parents of a four-year-old start to worry if their toddler cannot learn a short poem. Experts say that the problem of remembering information by a child should be solved by specialists in psychology. However, to begin with, parents must themselves determine the area of ​​the problem of their baby. To do this, you need to know that memory is divided into auditory, visual and motor memory.

Memory is the most popular topic of conversation between pediatricians and psychologists. Discussions about its origin have been going on for a long time. No less popular is the question of the impact on children's memory. Indeed, is there an opportunity to change the situation if the child's bad memory is obvious?

Photo: Bad memory - is it possible to change the situation

How is a child's memory formed?

It is possible to speak seriously about childhood memory only by the age of nine months. Until this moment, parents can note the following: removing a bright toy from the crumbs' field of vision, you can cause a loss of all interest in it. The kid will not look for her, and after a few minutes he will completely forget about her existence. And only after reaching nine months, the situation changes dramatically: the child will look around in an attempt to find the loss. This suggests that he has a memory, and there is a trace of his favorite toy in it. A nine-month-old baby clearly understands that since there was a toy, it must be somewhere close.

Starting from the age of nine months, the child develops a memory, and in the future, the ability to memorize information develops.

Photo: Memory is formed from the age of nine months

Features of memory in childhood

Children's memory is syncretic, and this is its main feature. In other words, the child perceives the world in its entirety: actions, objects, emotions and images are inextricably linked with each other. At the same time, the impressions received by the child look much brighter than those of adults, which allows the memory to be long-term. The child's ability to memorize is also noticeably higher. Again, this is dictated by an inextricable union with emotions.

Children's memory is a real gift. It is received by each of us at the very beginning of his path along the road of life. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity to take advantage of the gift in full. Children, receiving an incredible amount of information, form their own worldview and worldview, which remains with them for life.

Photo: Children receive a huge amount of information

When problems arise ...

For the first time, parents of a child can talk about problems with remembering when they reach senior preschool age. At this time, many kids begin to attend school preparation classes, where they are faced with the need to memorize the material suggested by the teacher. The concern of parents in such a situation is not in vain. In fact, problems with memorization in the future can very much harm the child, causing lag in learning and development, or even cause ridicule of peers, which, in turn, leads to.

And yet, do not panic too much without understanding the situation. To begin with, parents should identify the following points:

  • Is the child really unable to answer the directly posed questions?
  • Does he refuse to perform the simplest tasks?
  • Does the child seem distracted and inattentive?
  • Is it difficult for him to follow the instructions?

If at least one of the questions is answered positively, it does not hurt to take a serious approach to the development of children's memory. But first, it is extremely important to understand the root cause of the problem.

Why does the child have a bad memory?

Children's memory can suffer for the following reasons:

Wrong daily routine

As sad as it sounds, modern children get tired no less than their parents. At the same time, fatigue tends to accumulate. A completely wrong daily routine also adds fuel to the fire. Plus, children are getting less and less balanced nutrition, live in ecologically unfavorable areas and do not have the opportunity to fully recuperate at night. Mugs, homework, and friendship with gadgets take up almost all of your time. In view of this, there is absolutely no time to rest for the child, so adults should definitely think about his sufficient stay in the fresh air.

An improperly planned daily routine for a child of any age becomes the cause of his absent-mindedness, irritability, and insufficient concentration of attention. As a result, memory suffers.

Photo: Child's day regimen

Solving the problem is not that difficult. It is enough to normalize the daily routine, and memory improvement will not be long in coming.

Lack of nutrients

One of the important roles is assigned to the child's nutrition in pediatrics. There is a simple explanation for this: a lack of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances has a most detrimental effect on the functioning of the brain. Equally important is the amount of fluid the child receives.

The menu should contain healthy foods: fatty fish, carrots, walnuts, legumes and herbs. Otherwise, the child will experience constant fatigue, become lethargic and apathetic. In the future, the situation will worsen, which will lead to a deterioration in the functioning and development of a growing organism.

In addition to healthy foods and a sufficient amount of liquid, children should receive vitamins concentrated in special pharmacy complexes. Drugs should be age-appropriate.

Photo: Children need to get vitamins

Poor memory training or lack of it

If parents closely monitor the child's daily routine and pay enough attention to his diet, but memory problems are present, another reason is quite possible - insufficient training. The situation seems to be quite solvable, provided that regular classes begin. At the same time, parents should rely not only on specialists working with children in special development centers, but also show their own interest in the result.

Parents should be especially concerned when they find problems with memory and speech. In this case, contacting a neurologist is inevitable.

Photo: Contacting a neurologist

Other causes of memory impairment in a child include psychological trauma and stress. Indeed, very often trying to find help from a pediatrician and other doctors, the child's parents should do something completely different - turn to a psychologist!

Often, memory impairment in a child is facilitated by previously transferred diseases of various etiologies.

How to train your memory?

It is useful to start training children's memory from the cradle. In this matter, rhymes and songs, fairy tales and short stories help. Experts in child psychology strongly recommend looking at folk tales that involve many repetitions of words and phrases. Hearing the same thing all the time, the child involuntarily fixes what he heard in his memory.

When the baby can not only memorize, but also independently reproduce the rhymes, adults should encourage this and more often praise the baby for the work done. A successful situation will have a dramatic effect on the child. He will strive to memorize the verse over and over again in order to receive praise again. In this case, memory will develop just fine.

Photo: It is necessary to praise the baby more often for the work done

Communication is no less effective in the process of training a child's memory.... Parents should talk with their child as often as possible, discussing any topics and being interested in the day spent. Let the child not only answer, but also listen. Adults are encouraged to show the child something new, while emotionally painting the subject and focusing on minor details. A few days after the conversation, you need to ask the baby about what he managed to remember.

The game is another important moment for training memory.... and the games should be fun.

Photo: It is necessary to play with the child daily

One of the simple, but very effective games for training memory, involves memorizing by the child well-known objects. Parents should lay out 4-5 objects of similar size in front of the toddler and ask to look at them for a few minutes. Then the baby must turn away so that mom or dad can pick up one of the items. After that, the child must remember what exactly is missing. Gradually, the game should become more difficult: the child is asked to identify not only the missing object, but also its location among the rest (for example, the first or the third?).

Many memory games today can be purchased in specialized stores. One of them, which has managed to establish itself in the best possible way, is called "Memori". The essence of the game is to memorize the location of two identical cards with the image of cartoon characters, that is, characters well known to the child.

Photo: Game "Memori"

Memory training is a laborious and time-consuming process, so you shouldn't expect too quick results. If, after a while, the improvements are completely invisible, you should seek help from a pediatric neurologist. In exceptional cases, poor memory can be the result of nervous pathologies. The doctor will be able to eliminate such troubles during a conversation with the child and his parents, as well as with the help of a special examination.

Timely resolved problem with poor memory in a child will help eliminate unpleasant moments at an older age!

- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- How can I help my child prepare the lessons?

Before entering school and in the first period of education, children often have difficulties that parents did not pay special attention to before. After all, for the successful mastering of the school curriculum, it is not enough to be a “good obedient boy” or “a sweet cheerful girl”. In addition to these remarkable qualities, one must also possess special educational skills.

In the practice of child psychologists, a lot of calls are due precisely to the fact that a child who previously completely suited his parents is not ready enough for school. This article provides some tips to give mums and dads in these situations. They will be useful to many parents who do not have the opportunity to receive individual counseling from a psychologist.

What if a child finds it difficult to learn poetry, if a kindergarten teacher or teacher complains that he does not remember the material she gives in class? Can a child's memory be developed?

In this case, you can achieve a lot using special techniques for memorization. The most important of them is figurative representation what needs to be remembered, attracting a wide variety of associations... One of the techniques that help to learn this is based on teaching a child to create drawings that reflect the material being learned. It is carried out as follows.

The child is offered to "play an interesting game":

I will tell you short stories, and you will remember them. In order not to forget anything, you will draw a simple picture for each such story.

Then a few simple, unrelated phrases are given for memorization, for example: “The wolf ran out of the forest. The girl was presented with a doll. Kolya and Masha played in the yard. It rained yesterday and the sun is shining today. ” After each phrase ("story"), a long pause is made so that the child has time to draw a picture to memorize it. It is necessary to explain to him that the drawings should be as simple as possible, that there is no need to try to make them beautiful and detailed: these are not drawing lessons, but a memory game. The main thing is to make the drawing faster. If the child is too keen on the drawing process itself (and at first this is almost inevitable), then you should stop him by saying: “In my opinion, what you have drawn is already enough to remember. Now listen to the next story. "

When creating the first drawings, you will need the help of an adult. Most likely, he will have to suggest their content and encourage the child to confine himself to an extremely schematic representation.

How do we remember that it rained yesterday? Let's draw it and cross it out: after all, today it is no longer going. And we will not cross out the sun: it shines today.

As a result, you get something like this:

In one lesson, you should not give more than three or four phrases. You can remember them on the same day after a few hours or the next day. The child is given his drawings, and he "reads" the "stories" told to him from them. This may also require the help of an adult. For example, if he says: “The rain is over, and the sun came out,” then you need to ask him a leading question: “How did we say - when it rained? That's right, "it rained yesterday" ... How next? " Regardless of how much help the child needed to correctly reproduce the phrases, one should praise him: “You see how well you remember everything! So you wrote down all the stories well with drawings. "

It is advisable to conduct such classes every day or every other day, but not more than one lesson a day. After a while, drawings will no longer be necessary, it will be enough to discuss “what could be drawn to remember history”. Thanks to this discussion, the child learns to visualize the memorized material, which will help him a lot in school in the future.

With poor memory, parents should be especially careful about the selection of material offered to the child for memorization. We must try to minimize its volume, achieving not literal memorization, but general understanding. In cases where word-for-word memorization is still required, you need to carry it out in small portions, achieving complete memorization of each such portion, before moving on to the next. For example, memorizing a poem, it is convenient to learn it one quatrain at a time (without trying to repeat the entire poem). However, before starting learning, you need to analyze in detail the development of the plot with the child so that later the quatrains do not change places.

How to help an unsettled, disorganized child? What to do if he does not complete anything, starts and quits, does not know how to concentrate, is inattentive?

With the described complaints, you need to teach the child to plan their actions. It should be mandatory, but a short step before each action. “Tell me how you will do it” - with such sentences an adult can encourage a child to plan. It can relate to the construction of cubes (what to build, what building material is needed for this), to the removal of toys (what to remove where, in what sequence), to drawing, making crafts from paper and improvised materials, in general, to any nursery activities.

Singling out a separate stage of planning as preparation for action, an adult must make sure that the plans are implemented so that the action is not replaced by planning. The work must be completed. To add value to the results you get, it is helpful to draw the attention of others to them. Show other family members a building made of bricks, hang an applique or drawing made by a child on the wall, draw the attention of visiting friends to them.

All organizational aspects of children's activities must be brought to automatism. Such separate automatisms make it possible to single out islands of order in the general chaos of the behavior of an unorganized child. Where to start, which area of ​​children's disorganization to streamline and automate in the first place - preparation of lessons, the morning ritual of getting to school or kindergarten, evening cleaning of toys - it is up to the parents to decide for themselves. Just don't grab onto everything at once and expect immediate results. Each individual automatism must be carefully practiced. A child who does not possess the skills of self-organization needs first the maximum, and then - gradually diminishing help from adults. If all the time it is difficult for him to fulfill organizational requirements, then, consequently, they are overestimated: parents are in a hurry, show inappropriate impatience.

To develop organization and attention, you can offer special tasks aimed at learning sample analysis , correlating it with the result obtained, finding and correcting errors ... For example, here is the task "Where Buratino made a mistake":

Malvina wanted to teach Pinocchio to draw beautiful patterns. She drew a pattern and told him, "Draw exactly the same." But Buratino was distracted all the time, and he did it right and wrong. Come on, find where Pinocchio's mistakes are, and help him fix them.

The patterns might look something like this:

Similar tasks can be given on other material. For example, another time Malvina can instruct Buratino to make a building out of cubes, or assemble a model from a "constructor", or arrange the pictures in a certain order (for this you need to have two identical sets of pictures), or make an applique. The habit of checking and correcting other people's mistakes will subsequently lead to the ability to check oneself, and this is the basis of attention to one's actions.