Why the uterus is constantly in the tone. How the tone of the uterus is manifested during pregnancy. When special control and treatment with hypertonus is required

Pregnancy is a pleasant, but very serious and meaningful period in the life of a woman. Now she must carefully treat their health for the birth of a strong baby. What is dangerous during pregnancy? Consider later.

The basis of the uterus is a myometrium or mucous membrane. In everyday state, it is calm and relaxed, and during childbirth, it begins to shrink, thereby helping the fetus faster and easier to go through the generic paths of the mother. Peculiar abbreviations that begin earlier than the duration of the uterus, should not be ignored by the attending physician.

Feels like an elevated tone - this is a new abdominal pain at the bottom of the abdomen and a little stretching, reminding a woman with menstruation. The loin can also respond to unpleasant sensations. At the same time, a woman may experience weakness and dizziness.

Starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, in addition to the pains described, you can still notice how the belly is compressed. He becomes solid as a stone. In some, especially severe cases, cargo bleeding may appear. Pains resemble kidney colic, they can spread to neighboring organs.

In addition to pulling and other pains, the hardness of the uterus can be felt, and the pain can wear the character of the fight. In the position lying on the back and complete relaxation, the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen when pressed should remain soft. If the belly hardens and becomes like a thigh, you can talk about the tone of the uterus.

Interestingly, the muscles of the uterus are the strongest in the body of a woman, because small fibers in childbirth can push the child from the body.

The uterus tone is confirmed in several ways:

  • The doctor makes a diagnosis in the vaginal inspection and finger feeling of the abdomen;
  • The survey is carried out by a special apparatus - the method of tonsometry;
  • Survey of ultrasound, in which muscle voltage is well visible.

Than dangerous

Danger of Hypertonus Uterus Woman and her child can feel throughout the entire period of pregnancy:

  1. Pregnancy threatens not to occur at all, since intense reductions in the mucous membrane do not allow an egg to gain an egg. It can also simply be rejected by the body, as it is perceived as a foreign body;
  2. The greatest danger is that the uterus is in a tone from the first 28 week of pregnancy, there may be a spontaneous miscarriage. The first trimester is especially dangerous, during this period unpleasant consequences are observed most often. Any painful feelings need to be discussed with a doctor. The miscarriage is accompanied by strong bleeding, which is dangerous for any woman. In addition, this fact always leads to strong experiences, which may further affect the ability to get pregnant next time;
  3. After the formation of the placenta, the probability of its detachment increases, which is accompanied by strong bleeding. It is dangerous both for the mother and for the child, so doctors, regardless of the term of pregnancy, immediately conduct an emergency caesarean section;
  4. After 28 weeks, the hyperton threatens the premature shortening and opening of the cervix, which means premature births. However, after 28 weeks, the fruit is already considered a "full-fledged child." Thanks to modern technologies, doctors learned to push premature babies. The percentage of survival is quite high, but all this creates additional difficulties and experiences for mom and baby. Doctors apply maximum efforts so that the child makes the mother in the mother's womb until 33 weeks. To this end, a woman is held in the hospital a course of a relaxing uterus procedures;
  5. The disease can affect the health of the child. Increased intensity of the uterus leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, the relief of the vessels of the umbilical cord, which connects mom with the child, and, accordingly, to the infringement of blood supply in the organs of the small pelvis. For the fetus, it is dangerous in that oxygen starvation can develop. The number of nutrients required by the crumble is reduced. Undoubtedly, this may entail a delay in the development of the brain and the nervous system of the child. The growth of such a baby is always different from his peers.

All these consequences can greatly harm both the woman itself. Pulling placenta and bleeding can make it difficult to conceive a new child and reflect on the possibility of having children in the future.

Pregnant women need to know that the hypertonus of a childbearing organ does not mean at all that there will definitely have deposits. For the development of a healthy baby, it is simply necessary that the muscles of the uterus are continuously reduced. Another thing, if the future mother continuously feels pain. You need to learn to listen to your body, and in case of any deviations, contact specialists.

The reasons

Hormonal imbalance in the first time is the most common. It leads to it to reduce the production of hormone progesterone. Mostly, this hormone is responsible for the preparation of endometrial on the attachment of the fruit egg, also its function is the relaxation of a smooth muscles.

With the development of the baby, the size of the uterus increases. Its muscle fibers increase 10 times, and the walls are compacted 4 times. In the last days of pregnancy, the uterus can weigh up to 1.5 kg, having dimensions 38 cm in height and 25 cm wide.

Material reasons can lead to a tone:

  • Stretching the uterus, which is due to the growth of the fetus. The kid may be too large, mom can have several fruits;
  • Violation of the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Resh conflict. If future parents have opposite rezes factors, the woman's body can perceive the fruit of the fruit, like someone else's body, and reject it. It is expressed in the hypertonus of the uterus;
  • Intestinal dysfunction;
  • Sexual intercourse;
  • Viral and infectious diseases that can cause tone, even if they did not bother a woman in the past;
  • Nervous overvoltage, stress;
  • Severe physical work;
  • Too early pregnancy with a non-physiologically prepared by the uterus, as well as too late pregnancy;
  • Transferred previous operations in the uterus, abortion.

The stress of the mucous membrane is affected by toxicosis, especially when it is accompanied by vomiting. By itself vomiting causes a strong reduction in many muscles, including the abdominal cavity. This undoubtedly concerns the uterus, its tone will rise.

The diagnosis of "uterus in Tonus" pursues not all pregnant women, but 60% of them hear it at least once during an interesting position.

If the uterus in the tone

Fortunately, the increased tone is successfully treated. If the symptoms described above once occurred, doctors recommend to drink any antispasmodic, for example, but-shu. If the symptoms are repeated with frequency - a goal of a doctor should be unscheduled and urgent. Vitamins B6 are usually prescribed as treatment together with sedatives (Magne B6, mother-in-law, valerian), papaverine candles, duphaston or ureasia. In combination with the specified drugs, breathing exercises are effective.

The tone of the uterus, which led a pregnant woman to the doctor, should make it revise her life mode, normalize sleep, enter frequent outdoor walks. In order not to provoke an increased tone of the uterus, the physical exertion should be minimized.

If the treatment of the house will not be successful, the doctor will offer a woman hospitalization from which no need to refuse. Under the supervision, the future guinea and her child will be more security. The state of peace should be a fundamental factor.

It must be remembered that the uterus tone is a symptom, not an independent disease.


Preventive measures are banal, but effective:

  • Psychological equilibrium of the future mother, inclusion in the ration of products containing magnesium. It has a positive impact on the nervous system, relieves excitability and fatigue;
  • Refusal of alcohol and cigarettes;
  • Full sleep;
  • Sparing schedule, redistribution of domestic duties on loved ones;
  • Timely treatment of inflammation of the sexual sphere and infectious diseases;
  • Treatment of hormonal disorders;
  • To avoid constipation, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of fluid per day;
  • Limiting the use of products causing gas formation. For example, parsley, garlic, celery. Do not recommend to eat raspberry. The restriction should also touch the salted products, as they delay the fluid in the body, and this can lead to swelling;
  • Restriction of active sexual life, extreme sex in non-standard poses.

Of course, a woman needs permanent surveillance with a gynecologist, in time to undergo all the necessary surveys and inspections of other specialists.

The future mother must learn to look at the world with a positive, be able to maintain a good mood.

Before answering the question of what is a tone of the uterus during pregnancy, it should be understood in the device of a female childbody. The uterus form three layers - endometrium, myometrium and perimetry.

Endometrium is an inner sheath addressed to the uterine cavity. It is updated monthly during menstrual bleeding. After conception, the endometrium becomes more dense and volumetric. He is rich in blood vessels, therefore, it is thanks to him to the fetus that the necessary nutrients come in the first trimester.

Myometrium is a metering layer consisting of smooth muscle fibers that go in different directions. Due to them, the body can actively shrink during childbirth. Its activity is the cause of tone during pregnancy.

Perimetry - outer layer, loose connective tissue, tightly enveloping the uterus.

The structure of the uterus

Thus, the layer responsible for the contractile activities of the childbearing body is the myometrium. As the uterus grows, the length of its muscle fibers increases about 11 times. They are 4 times thicken.

In order for the fruit normally develops, the myometrium should be most of the time in a relaxed state. Then the nutrients will flow to the baby in a sufficient amount. Nonal cuts usually begin at 7-9 months, when the body is preparing for childbirth. Training bouts are not considered pathology and do not require treatment.

But in gynecological practice there are often situations when the muscles of the uterus are tense for a very long time. As a result of increasing their activity, pressure inside the organ increases. This can lead to miscarriage. But here it is necessary to make a reservation: since the cutting of the uterus is the process of natural stipulated by nature, it does not always talk about health problems.

With hyperthonus, it is important to consult a doctor

So, in the West, doctors refer to Hypertonus, as a physiological state, if a woman does not complain about pain, the feeling of petrly belly. And there is common sense in it. After all, the uterus is reduced due to laughter, sneezing. Also, its voltage is changed during stress, emotional experience. During the visit to the doctor and inspection on the gynecological chair, the future mother is always a little nervous. Therefore, it may turn out that only during finding in the office of her uterus will decline.

To judge whether the increased tone of the norm or pathologies is followed by the duration of this state. If it is short-term and rarely occurs, it is not worth worrying. If the uterus is strained for a long time, the woman is experiencing a painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back, she needs medical care.

What threatens the uterus tone during pregnancy

Tonus of the uterus, which lasts for a long time, is fraught with serious consequences. In the early period of pregnancy, it can lead to miscarriage, in the later - to premature birth.

As statistics show, the myometrium is more often overwhelmed in the first weeks after conception. Because of this, problems may arise during the implantation of a fetal egg. Consequently, it can be rejected and die. Then the diagnosis of spontaneous miscarriage is made.

Strong tone of the uterus can lead to miscarriage

Hypertonus can harm and develop the fetus. When the muscles of the uterus are strongly tense, the vessels of the umbilical cords are compressed, a smaller amount of oxygen and nutrients enter the baby. As a result, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and hypotrophy (deficit of body mass) may occur.

Why the uterus happens in a tone during pregnancy

There are different reasons for the increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy. These are natural factors such as laughter, orgasm, sneezing, performing physical work, and pathological, requiring treatment. Let's stop more on the latter:

  • The deficit of progesterone - the hormone produced by the yellow bodies of the ovary. It is responsible for the preparation of the inner uterine layer - endometrials - to the implantation of the fetal egg, contributes to the relaxation of the smooth muscles and supports the tone at the normal level.
  • Excessive generation of male sex hormones. Some pregnant women are diagnosed with a hormonal failure. Their body produces too much male hormones. Because of this, the uterus is trying to turn the embryo - begins to shrink, strain.
  • Anomalous structure of the uterus. It can be a saddot, coulia - these are innate anomalies, which the future mother will often find out only during the first ultrasound of pregnancy. And with a coulia, and with a saddot uterus, difficulties often arise in the process of having a child.
  • Pronounced toxicosis. Toxicosis is a normal phenomenon, if a woman suffers from behind it is not very strong, that is, it can fully eat, gain weight. If, due to the vomit urges, it cannot eat anything and drink, its body weight decreases, the hospitalization is shown to stabilize the state. Hypertonus develops against the background of toxicosis for the simple reason that all the muscles of the abdominal cavity are reduced during vomiting, including uterus.
  • Resh conflict mother and fetus. The problem is relevant for a woman with a negative rhesus factor, the partner of which is a positive reserves. Then a child can be conceived, whose, as well as the father, will be positive RH. As a result, the mother's body will perceive it as a foreign body, and try to negotiate. For this, the uterus will begin to decline often. What is interesting, most often the first pregnancy flowing under the conditions of the rhesus conflict ends well, as the parent organism is developed for miscarriage the number of specific antibodies.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the female genital sphere. In some diseases, the tone of the uterus during pregnancy increases. It is possible to understand that the problem is due to inflammation or infection, in other symptoms, accompanying the ailments of such a plan - pain at the bottom of the abdomen, itching to the vagina, abundant vaginal secretions.
  • Strong stretching of the uterus. It occurs when it is tooling a large or giant fetus, twins, multi-way.
  • Abortions and miscarriages in history.
  • Tumor formations in the uterine cavity.
  • Long stay in a state of stress.
  • Improper position of the fetus (transverse) at the end of pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the gastric intestinal tract. With increased formation of gases and violation of the intestinal peristalsis, the uterus is strained.

Since the reasons for which the uterus hyperthonus occurs in pregnant women, a lot, before the start of treatment, the doctor must establish that it provoked its appearance. Only after that, adequate therapy may be selected.

Pregnant should not be very nervous

How to understand that the uterine tone is increased during pregnancy

In most cases, the future mother can understand itself that its uterus is in a state of increased tone. In the early stages, this indicates the feeling of gravity at the bottom of the abdomen, a painful pain that resembles premenstrual or menstrual. At the same time, the pains can spread to the lower back.

From the beginning of the second to the end of the third trimester, in addition to the above-mentioned hypertonus, the following symptoms speak:

  • the stomach is reduced and this can be seen visually;
  • from the genital paths there are bleeding.

As for the signs of a high uterine tone, to which the doctor is focused during the gynecological examination, then this shortening of the cervix, the seal of the anterior abdominal wall, the presence of oscillation of bloody discharges.

Hypertonus abdominal pain

Medical diagnosis of increased tone of the uterus

In suspected tone of the uterus, the future mother must immediately visit the gynecologist. To refute or confirm its concerns, the doctor:

  • will carry out palpation of the abdomen;
  • will inspect the gynecological chair to assess the state of the cervix;
  • it will assign an ultrasound (during it it can be understood, the muscular layer of the uterus is tense and thickened all the entire or tone touched only its individual sites);
  • it will make suicometry with the help of a device that precisely assessing the degree of voltage of the uterus.

Group of risk on the development of hypertonus of the uterus during pregnancy

For medical observations with a tone of the uterus, women are often facing:

  • who did abortions;
  • who have in the history of miscarriage;
  • moved the operation on the uterus;
  • in which inflammatory / infectious diseases are diagnosed, endometriosis;
  • who found myoma;
  • with violations in the system of homeostasis, pathologies of the coagulation system of blood;
  • with negative rhesus factor;
  • introducing several kids at once (with multiple pregnancy);
  • in which during the ultrasound of pregnancy, a diagnosis was diagnosed with or a multi-way basis;
  • having chronic diseases;
  • suffered shortly before conception viral or colds;
  • familiar with somatic diseases - diabetes, bronchial asthma;
  • forted with a hormonal failure.

Ultrasound - one of the methods for diagnosing the tone of the uterus

What to do with a strong tone of the uterus - methods of treatment

With a pronounced uterine tone, the future mother is prescribed individually selected therapy aimed at relaxing muscular fibers of myometrium. Treatment can be carried out both at home and in hospital conditions - it all depends on the severity of symptoms, the state of mother health, the reasons that led to the problem. If a pregnant woman was allowed to treat the tone of the uterus at home, it must comply with bed regime.

The most common drugs that help to fight hypertonus are:

  • But-shpa (tablets, candles, injections), its analogue - hydrochloride drochlorine;
  • Magne B6;
  • valerian, mother-in-law, new passite and other vegetable sedatives;
  • Duphaston;
  • Uremines and others.

Survey in uterine tone

Tone treatment of uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy

With a pulling abdominal pain, you need to immediately drink a tablet but-shops and lie down. If during the day the symptom does not disappear or become more pronounced, the emergency medical care team should be called.

In the hospital of the future mother can be assigned to the injection of progesterone, sedative pills, duphaston or uroapes. If there are bleeding outlets from the genital paths, do not do without blood-and-hemostatic drugs. This includes ditinon, transcases and others.

Tone treatment of uterus in the second trimester of pregnancy

After the twelfth obstetric week, doctors can use a larger arsenal of medicines that help lower the tone of the uterus. Here, in addition to the above-listed in the course there are stronger hormonal compositions. Additionally, physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out:

  • electroparesis with magnesia (in the body through the skin is injected into the magnesia sulfate);
  • endonazal galvanization (it provides for the use of DC low force and minimum voltage);
  • electroscapation of the uterus (on the nervous muscular apparatus of a childbearing organ of women affect the sinusoidal current, due to this, the increased tone is removed). This type of physiotherapeutic treatment is considered the safest and most effective of all permissible in the threat of miscarriage, since it does not provide for the use of drugs and ensures that the expected result is obtained during the session.

Dropper with guinipral with high uterus tone

In the second trimester, there may be droppers with Ginipral and Magnesia Magnesia. Nifedipine or Corinthar are prescribed - they are not allowed to fully function by calcium canalians localized in endometrial. As a result, they cannot actively shrink and relax.

Treatment of high tone of the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy

All recommendations regarding Hypertonus therapy in the second trimester of pregnancy are relevant for the third. If during the ultrasound it will be found that the fruit suffers due to the deficiency of oxygen or nutrients (which is possible with a strong uterine tone), the mother is prescribed by Kuraltil, Eufillin or Trental. All of these means contribute to the normalization of uterine-placental blood circulation.

Medical treatment of the shell tone must select a doctor

Also relevant with the named problem will be lipoic acid, actovegin, riboxin, calcium pantothenate - they stimulate the flow of metabolic processes. Often, doctors are discharged with hypertonus and hepatoprotectors - Essential, Hofitol.

The future mother should not perceive the high tone of the uterus, like a tragedy. This diagnosis is a reason to begin to take care of yourself, rebuild the day mode, less time to pay work.

How to quickly remove the uterine tone at home

There are ways to reduce the uterine tone that can be used before applying to the doctor. And it is not only all the well-known but-shop pills. Special gymnastics has proven well established.

Gymnastics for the uterus tone in pregnant

So, for example, the "kitty" exercise, when a woman stands on all fours and alternately bends, then beats the back, contributes to the relaxation of a smooth musculature of myometrium. The main thing is to do it slowly and carefully, follow your breath. Repeating a "kitty" 10-15 times, you need to lie down for one hour.

Another option to combat hypertonus is the relaxation of the face muscles. Scientists have long noticed that with a calm Mimica, the uterus ceases to shrink greatly, and vice versa (confirmation of this - grimace pain, which appear during childbirth due to the contraction of the uterus). It is necessary to lower the chin to the chest and try to relax the neck and face. You can breathe only mouth.

The third way is the knee-elbow pose. It is necessary to become in it for a few minutes, and then lie down.

Sources of magnesium

How to eat a pregnant woman if the high tone of the uterus is diagnosed

If during pregnancy a woman repeatedly suggest that she has a high tone of the uterus, it is important for her to follow her nutrition. It is necessary to include products containing a large amount of magnesium in the diet. This trace element is known to be greatly relaxing by the muscles of the intestine and the childbearing organ, also normalizes the work of the central nervous system.

Many magnesium is contained in:

  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • any green vegetables;
  • salfa, Coriander, Basilica;
  • barley, buckwheat, wheat;
  • chears, unsweetened natural yogurts.

Since constipation, diarrhea, increased gas formation in the intestines can lead to the uterine tone, need to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, the menu is recommended to include products rich in fiber - cucumbers (necessarily in the peel), beets, apples, carrots, bran, wholegrain bread, fresh fruits, nuts, legumes.

Prevention of tone of the uterus during pregnancy

Preventive measures aimed at combating the emergence of the uterine tone during the period of the baby tooling are pretty simple. The future mother needs to work less, avoid heavy physical exertion, it is balanced to eat, in a timely manner into account of pregnancy, to fulfill all the recommendations of the gynecologist, to sleep 8-10 hours a day.

Full holiday - the best prophylaxis of tone during pregnancy

It is very important to abandon the bad habits - smoking, alcohol. They negatively affect the development of the fetus, can provoke the occurrence of pathologies from the baby, miscarriage.

It is impossible to contact people who sick with viral or bacterial diseases. Ultrasound should be held in a timely manner, planned inspections from narrow specialists, pass laboratory tests.

The most important thing is pregnant can not worry and worry, as stress is one of the most common causes of hypertonus.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman draws high attention to any manifestations that can talk about disadvantaged. And this is right, because most often enough to consult a doctor in time to cope with the deviation. A woman is contraindicated during this period physical tension and excitement, as they can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy is a common phenomenon with which you can encounter at any week. You need to know what to do if such a situation arose.

Sometimes the tension of the uterus muscles is a completely normal process, for example, if it occurs when sneezing, laugh, changing body position. Such a state arises if a pregnant woman is alarming or worried. But it is not about the physiological increase in the tone, which is for short and unpleasant sensations does not cause.

A long-term increase in the tone that does not depend on the will and mood of a woman, but caused by any pathologies, is a danger, as it leads to a violation of development or to the death of the fetus. Depending on which part of the organ is stressed, the total hyperton is distinguished (the walls and bottom of the uterus are stressed), as well as local (on one of its walls - front or rear). At the same time they talk about pathology 1 or 2 severity.

What is the danger of condition

In the early deadlines (up to 12-16 weeks), an increased tone of the uterine muscle makes it impossible to implant the embryo in the endometrium. There is a detachment of the fetal egg or its full rejection, at which the miscarriage occurs. If the increased tone appeared after the fruit egg fastened in the uterus, it becomes the cause of nutritional nutrition, oxygen starvation. At the same time, pregnancy freezes, the fruit ceases to grow and develop. The miscarriage does not happen, but the fetus dies, and it has to be removed by scraping the uterus.

At the later deadlines for pregnancy (more than 16 weeks), the increase in the tone of the uterus is dangerous in that the intense muscles break the blood supply to the fetus, transforming blood vessels located in the umbilical cord. At the same time, there is a detachment of the placenta, hypoxia of the fetus, leading to a violation of development or to the death of a child, to the so-called "late" miscarriage.

On the eve of the birth, the increase in tone indicates that the maturation of the fetus ended. It has achieved such sizes that the "training" contractions begin.

Video: What is the uterus hypertonus. Causes of its appearance

Causes of increased tone

The reasons for increasing the tone of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy can be:

  1. Hormonal disorders are a lack of progesterone. After fertilization of the egg, due to this hormone, the endometrium is breaking down, which contributes to the fastening egg in it. When the production of progesterone is normal, the smooth muscles of the uterus is relaxed. If the hormone is missing, the tone rises. The hypertonus of the uterus is also manifested in the case when in the body of a pregnant woman the content of the male sex hormone testosterone is exceeded.
  2. Congenital violation of the development of the uterus. With the presence of a "cough uterus" or her bend, pregnancy can proceed without complications, but quite often a woman cannot bear a child due to increasing the tone of this organ.
  3. Early toxicosis. With this state, you have to face most women at the beginning of pregnancy. During severe vomiting, compression comes, the spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the uterus.
  4. Resh conflict. The mismatch of the Mother's Blood Factor and the Father of the Future Child is often leading to the death of the fetus. The tone of the uterus is automatically rising.
  5. The presence in the uterus of scars or adhesions after transferred inflammatory diseases, abortions, operations, as well as damage or stretching the muscles of the organ during previous delivery.
  6. Multi-way or multiple pregnancy. Under the action of the increasing severity of the uterus stretched, there are spasms in it. Most often, the birth of twins occurs a few weeks ahead of time.
  7. Intestinal distention, constipation.
  8. Lifting weights, harmful conditions at work, strong emotional stress, active sexual contact.

Provoke a spasmodic cut in the uterus and an increase in its tone can be too active moving fetus. If painless and short spasms, there is nothing dangerous in them.

Sometimes the pathological tone of the uterus occurs during pregnancy in women having a thyroid disease. Often, the tone is observed in the development of infectious processes in the genitals.

Note: The risk of tone is increased in pregnant women younger than 18 and over 30 years old, as well as those who have made several abortions with weak immunity. Often symptoms of hypertonus arise in smokers or drinks during pregnancy.

Symptoms of increased tone of the uterus

Often, a woman can guess the appearance of such a state. If it occurs on an early period (up to 16 weeks of pregnancy), then the severity appears at the bottom of the abdomen, the pain in the sacrum and the lower back (as during menstruation).

At later pregnancy, when the sizes of the abdomen increase, note that the uterus is in a tone, it is possible to change the elasticity of the muscles. There is a feeling of the "stone" belly. If the uterus "in the tone", it strains and shrinks.

Tip: In order to independently check, in the tone of the uterus or not, the woman should lie on the back and relax, and then with light movements carefully try to try the belly. If he is soft, nothing to fear. But if he is elastic, muscles are intense, it is necessary to report on the doctor who observes the course of pregnancy.

Signs of increased tone in 1 trimester

The danger of miscarriage during this period is the most high, so the following signs cannot be ignored:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, giving up for a lower back;
  • flying bleeding from the vagina;
  • the tension of the muscles of the abdomen, a feeling of spasm in his muscles.

Increased tone in 2 trimester of pregnancy

It is possible to assume the presence of pathology by the presence of oscillations and back pain. Most pregnant women are experiencing weak unpleasant feelings in the lower back due to the fact that the fruit is heavy, the uterus increases in the volume, ligaments that hold it stretch. But if the voltage is pathological, then the pain becomes strong. At the same time, urgent medical care is required, which will help prevent the child's loss.

Increased tone in 3 trimester pregnancy

During this period, uterine reductions occur periodically from each pregnant woman. Since in the uterus there is less and less free space, the future child is harder to change its position, his shocks in the body of the body become more tangible, which leads to the compression of the muscles. Therefore, to recognize the condition of the increased tone is not as easy as before. However, the "training" cuts in the uterus do not cause strengthening of pain in the back and in the field of abdominal nose, besides, they arise irregularly and for a while. There are no bloody discharge.

A sign of increasing the tone of the uterus during pregnancy can be the occurrence of pain during the movement of the fetus, when the hardening uterus begins to squeeze it. About the disadvantage also says a long lack of movements (more than 12 hours).

Diagnosis of increased tone

Each woman has individual changes during pregnancy in the body. They may be unexpected even for a doctor, therefore, to diagnose hypertonus only for the feels of the patient and by palpation, the belly is not always possible. To clarify the state of the uterus, an ultrasound is carried out. This study allows you to identify the violation of the form of the uterus, that is, to recognize the presence of a tone in the field of its bottom, the rear wall or anterior, and also determine the degree of abbreviations (1 or 2).

Improve the tone of muscles of the back wall

Diagnose such a state is harder, since obvious symptoms that could cause a feeling of discomfort, women are often absent. In this case, the tension of the back wall muscles is detected during the planned ultrasound and subsequent supusometry (using the sensor applied to the uterus).

With the appearance of Hypertonus 2 degrees, pain in the lower abdomen and the lower back is enhanced, it is especially felt when walking, can give a line, crotch, vagina when discovering such pathology, a woman is hospitalized and carried out treatment to prevent miscarriage or premature birth.

Increase the muscle tone of the front wall

Such a complication of pregnancy is accompanied by more pronounced symptoms: bloody discharges, strong pain in the lower part of the abdomen and the crotch. The diagnosis is established by palpation of the uterus through the vagina.

The stage of increasing the tone is determined.

At the "initial" stage of changing the form of the body is insignificant, the neck has normal sizes.

At the stage of "development", the neck is shortened and partially revealed.

The "final" stage of the neck is completely revealed, which leads to the interruption of pregnancy or premature childbirth.


Treatment depending on the degree of stress of the uterus and the threat of complications is carried out at home or in the hospital.

First of all, a woman needs bed regime. It is recommended to avoid excitement and stress, sexual contacts, as well as closely treat their nutrition (abandoning coffee, use foods containing fiber to normalize the intestinal operation). Antispasmodic preparations are prescribed, such as papaverine or but-ship to relax muscles, as well as sedatives (tincture of valerian or dyeing).

Medicia treatment

After finding out the cause of such a state, the relevant pathologies are treated. If progesterone failure is detected, duphaston or other drugs are prescribed on its basis. Excess testosterone is eliminated using estrogen-containing agents. To facilitate the manifestations of toxicosis, benedictine or other antiemetic means is prescribed.

Also preparations containing magnesium contributing to the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus, the intestines, as well as the reduced excitability of the nervous system. In the hospital, magnesia and vitamins and vitamins are intravenously introduced.

A warning: To make any drugs during pregnancy without appointing a doctor in no case, since any of them have serious side effects. Drugs can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby and the mother.

Special exercises

At home, the uterus tension is removed in the absence of serious symptoms using exercise. For example, we can weaken the tone, ending on all fours. Then the uterus turns out as if in a suspended state. Get back and stand up for both 10-15 seconds. Additionally, the antispasmodics should be taken. After the exercises completed, you need to lie down within an hour.

Well help yoga classes.

Video: Exercises for reducing the tone of the uterus

Prevention measures for the increase in the tone of the uterine muscles

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of such a complication of pregnancy. It is necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist, to undergo the necessary surveys, to fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor. This will allow you to notice infectious diseases and other pathologies.

An important role is played by the observance of the rules of hygiene. Full vacation and sleep, normal day mode, short-air breakfast walks, restriction of physical exertion, as well as emotional peace - the most important conditions for normal pregnancy. It is necessary to eat regularly and properly, refuse smoking and drinking alcohol.

The diagnosis of "Tonus of the uterus" hears almost every pregnant woman, and he can sound throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Is the tone of the uterus dangerous during pregnancy and what in this case do?

To begin with, we will understand what this incomprehensible diagnosis means. Tonus of the uterus, or "hypertonus of uterus" can more often occur in the early period of pregnancy. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy is abbreviations that appear ahead of the estimated period of childbirth. They are felt like pulling, painful pain at the bottom of the abdomen (a similar condition in the period of menstruation), sometimes pain in the lower back. It happens that a woman does not discover any extraneous sensations in its body, but when examining an ultrasound shows that she has a hypertonus of the uterus. The causes that cause tone of the uterus can be different, ranging from the underdevelopment of the genital organs and ending with the excitement.

The uterus is a female muscular organ that persistently reacts not only on physical stretching (it grows together with the fruit), but also on nerve impulses: excitement, joy, fear. Any reason can cause pain, but they should not be ignored. As soon as you felt the pain at the bottom of the abdomen, it is immediately necessary to contact the doctor, which, after clarifying the reason, will prescribe appropriate treatment.

A woman's uterus, like any other muscle, has the ability to shrink, and, accordingly, has a tone. Tone can be low, normal and elevated. If we are talking about the tone of the uterus, then the tension of the muscles of the uterus is an increased tone. Increasing the tone of the uterus during pregnancy signals a woman about what the miscarriage can happen or premature birth can begin. Therefore, it is not necessary to refer to this problem. The uterus tone refers to one of the main causes of premature birth. But you should not be afraid! With timely appeal to the doctor, fulfilling all its recommendations, the likelihood of concerning their pregnancy is very high.

Doctors are not afraid to be reinsured, because the tone of the uterus is really a very unpleasant and extremely dangerous thing. Complications of the increased tone of the uterus include interruption of pregnancy (possibly on any time), oxygen fasting (hypoxia) of the fetus, pairing placenta.

Symptoms of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

As in pregnancy, a woman itself can determine that the uterus in a tone

Often a pregnant woman can feel it herself. The tone of the uterus during pregnancy has such manifestations as pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen and the loin, as before menstruation. Moreover, sometimes pains acquire the character of the battle or the uterus is felt as "stone".

It is possible to determine whether the uterus can be used as follows. Going to your back and relax completely. Take care of the stomach carefully, ideally it should be soft. If there is a tone of the uterus during pregnancy, then the stomach on elasticity will be roughly reminded by the thigh.

When examining the abdomen and vaginal examination, the uterus is easily determined, intense muscle fibers are visible on ultrasound. There is also a special apparatus for measuring the reduction of myometrium reduction during pregnancy, although it has not received wide use - and without the symptoms of the state too noticeable.

Causes of increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy

The tone of the uterus in the first trimension of pregnancy is especially dangerous and very often in early pregnancy causes a hormonal violation of an increased tone - reduced progesterone production. In this case, you will be prescribed a Duphaston course or uprozen. Also, the cause of the tone may be cutting the uterus in response to stretching due to the growth of the fetus, toxicosis, the premature opening of the cervix, the functional disorder of the thyroid gland, rhesv conflicts, sexual intercourse. When touched the belly, the tone can also increase, because the uterus is a muscular organ and reacts to physical irritation.

External reasons that entail the tension of the muscles of the uterus include inhalation of harmful chemical vapors, the acute course of viral diseases, severe physical Tud.

Wrong the increased tone of the uterus can stress and nervous voltage. If the pains are rare, with sharp movements or with a change of poses, we are talking about the natural tension of the muscles and should not worry. Often, the belly is mounted after the ultrasound procedure and if you do not care before and after ultrasound, it means everything is in order, it's just such a reaction to the procedure. After an ultrasound, I was always talking about an increased tone, although my well-being was always good and there were no uncomfortable states. Doctors love to be reinsured and can direct you to the hospital, you should not neglect their advice and better listen.

If you often accompany the state of tension, it requires constant monitoring, timely surveys and treatment.

Tonus of the uterus in the first trimester of pregnancy

Increased tone of the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy almost always needs observation and treatment, since up to 12 weeks, the tone is especially dangerous - it can cause abortion. Ideal when pregnant woman does not feel any discomfort from 4 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Any pain, tones, pulling sensations say that they need to discuss them with a doctor.

If nothing serious does not see the doctor in your situation, I will write down the reception of but-shops. If there are hormone problems (reduced level of progesterone) - a duphastone course and ureversive. In more serious cases, hospitalization will need.

Tonus of the uterus in the second trimester of pregnancy

The closer to childbirth, the more the body is preparing to them: a hormonal perestroika is going, the uterus tone becomes quite frequent. About the 20 weeks, the body begins to train. From this time, periods of tension and relaxation can be felt, but infrequently and painlessly.

If we are talking about a serious tone of the uterus, which can cause hypoxia of the fetus, the doctor's observation is also required. Medicatically usually recommend maintaining the normal state of Magne B6

Tonus of the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the 38th week, the muscle tension can be sufficiently long. In addition, the tone of the uterus provokes himself and the kid himself who shoves mom with handles and legs in his crammery.

At the end of pregnancy, it is difficult to diagnose hypertonus and distinguish it from a normal tone - preparatory bouts. Doctors are consciously reinsured by sending pregnant women to KTG for any possibility.

In Europe, an increased tone does not cause such a rapid reaction of doctors, as in Russia. There, in most cases, the increased tone of the uterus is considered to be a normal physiological state of pregnant. Drug in the hospital are beginning to be treated only when the elevated tone delivers serious concerns to the mother itself or there are symptoms of pregnancy pathology.

What to do if the uterus in the tone

If the signs appeared for the first time during pregnancy, you can independently accept an antispasmodic, for example, "but-shlu". And with a planned reception, a doctor must tell him about his feelings. If, before visiting the doctor, the repeating of the tone of the uterus, it is necessary to apply to the doctor an unscheduled as soon as possible. As a rule, preparations of B-6 vitamins are prescribed together with sedatives - Magne-B-6, a dyeing, sometimes - calcium blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs - in this case their effect on the release of prostaglandins is important. But due to the large number of side effects in such drugs as Indomethacin, the Corinthian can only be prescribed by a doctor. Also, he may assign you a candle "Papaverin". Self-treatment and patience of pain during pregnancy is extremely undesirable.

If you felt that the uterus was a little strained, then try to relax, close your eyes, make some deep breaths and exhale. Imagine something that causes you pleasant emotions.

With a tone of the uterus during pregnancy, it is very important to establish a normal mode of work and recreation, a full sleep, sufficient stay in the fresh air, full motor activity. With the ineffectiveness of the outpatient treatment of an increased tone of the uterus, a woman will be offered by the hospitalization "to preserve" - \u200b\u200bthere, under the supervision of doctors, it will be possible to deeper the causes of the tone and address them. With a low level of progesterone, it is made in the form of drugs, if there is a high indicator of androgens - their antagonists are introduced - methipred, dexamethasone. In this case, every additional day of pregnancy is important for women.

The "full-fledged child" is considered a fruit from 28 weeks, after this period, survival is quite frequent, but it does not mean that such a baby is absolutely healthy, after all, it is advisable to dive him in the body of the mother, and not in the "tricky" kuveza. From his practice, doctors conclude that kids born in 33 weeks are better obtained, healthier than 35-weeks - nature has their own riddles, because doctors with constant tone of the uterus fight literally for every day of pregnancy. If premature generic activity occurs - they are carried out tocolic, that is, a relaxing uterus therapy - there are such schemes and such drugs. Therefore, when the uterus in a tone, abandon the treatment of pregnancy stupidly - at home is impossible so tightly controlling the state of the fetus and a pregnant uterus and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

The consequences of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

  • The most negative consequence is a spontaneous miscarriage. This will not happen if a woman appeal to medical care in time;
  • Hypertonus uterus can have negative consequences as well as for the future kid. During the disease, the blood supply to the small pelvis organs is disturbed, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and will negatively affect its health.

How to prevent the tone of the uterus

Warning of tone during pregnancy - first of all, ensuring the calm state of the nervous system of the future mother, refusal to eat cigarettes and alcohol, compliance with the sparing schedule of work, healthy sleep. However, we note, the pregnant woman all this is required and independently of medical diagnoses.

As for the prevention of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy, it includes all measures to ensure peace, recreation and normal lifestyle of a pregnant woman, timely identification of her and the treatment of hormonal dysfunctions, inflammatory diseases of the female sexual sphere and urogenital infections. In order to prevent the tone of the uterus, it is important to comply with all medical recommendations with already existing pregnancy, including drug treatment, diet and mode. The emotional state of the woman is also very important. The connection was revealed that women who are not satisfied with their pregnancy, problems arise at times more often than absolutely calm and satisfied future mothers.

The more the future mommy is experiencing, the greater the likelihood of increasing the tone. During pregnancy, try to think only about beautiful and good, think about the minute of happiness when you meet with your baby. Take care of yourself, listen to a pleasant relaxing music, set up on a good way. All these seemingly "stupid" tips can help, believe me! Of course, if the problem of a pregnant woman is only in its emotional state. But even in the case of drug or inpatient treatment, adding relaxation and tranquility in its reverent waiting for the future baby, you make a big step forward from your illness.

The uterus is an organ consisting of muscles. In a calm, balanced state, the muscles are relaxed, the uterus is not tense. Muscle tension can often be observed during pregnancy, but especially during childbirth. Such a tense condition is called a tone. Could there be a tone of the uterus without pregnancy? Of course, yes, because the contraction of the muscles can occur in any condition.

The uterus is a hollow organ penetrated by muscles. It consists of three parts: the outer serous shell (perimetry), the inner mucosa layer (endometrial) and the muscular layer (myometrium). Muscular fibers in the last layer are located unequal. In the outer part - the location is vertically, in the middle side - on the helix. The inner part is characterized by a circular arrangement of muscle fibers. The muscles are subordinate to the vegetative, nervous system, hormonal oscillations. Muscles tend to shrink and be in constant motion - tone.

In pregnant women, the tone of the female organ is a fairly common phenomenon, but if there is no pregnancy, but the reason for visiting the doctor.

With a balanced state of the uterus, its abdominal wall is soft, the muscles are relaxed. This can be felt by clicking on the lower third of the abdomen. If the tone is elevated, the abdominal wall is firm, and the muscles are tense.

Abbreviations of muscles are accompanied by painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen, which are given to the lower back. Painting and drawing character. They can be felt with slopes, walking, squats. Sometimes there may be bleeding.

Methods of diagnosis

Tonic (excited) state of the parent body can be defined in three ways:

  • Tearing with fingers - palpation. The doctor puts the diagnosis, self-taking a woman's belly and conducting a vaginal inspection;
  • Method of ultrasound research;
  • Tonusometry, with the help of a special apparatus.

The reasons

Influence the tone of the uterus without pregnancy can have a number of reasons about which a woman does not even recognize:

Cervical operations

One of the weighty causes of the tone is the operations on the cervix. The cervix is \u200b\u200ba dense frame with numerous muscle fibers. The cervix is \u200b\u200bconnected to the uterus through the cervical canal, which warns the drift of infection into the degenerate organ itself. Sometimes surgical intervention is required to treat certain diseases.

Indications for operations may be several: removal of polyps, amputation, treatment of erosion, omit, and accompanied by lengthening of cervical, background and precancerous states.

Operations can be plastic - when the organ is saved, and radical (neck is removed). In some cases, biopsy from the neck, accompanied by bleeding - the imposition of seams is not required. Bleeding stops tight gauze tampon, moistened with hydrogen peroxide solution.

To impose seams on the cervix, ketgut or semi-synthetic threads are used. The seam area is lubricated with iodine and in the vagina for some time insert a cotton swab. In the first one or two days after the overlay of the seams, a woman is experiencing pain at the bottom of the abdomen. They may be accompanied by bloody discharge, which indicates that the uterus in the tone. A woman gives drugs, relaxing a childbearing organ and shooting tone. As an anesthesia, you can take anti-inflammatory tools such as diclofenac, ibuprofen. Allocations can last up to 20 days.

During childbirth, the neck may break, it will also require the imposition of seams to the place of breaks. The process is painless, since the uterus after childbirth loses sensitivity. The seams are applied either separately when each thread is fixed by a separate node, or continuously when the seam is tied at the beginning and at the end of the row. Such seams do not need special care, and they do not deliver special inconveniences. But the painful sensations accompanying the tone of the female organ will continue for some time.

If short-lived, there is nothing terrible in it. It is enough to lie on the side, drink warm tea, take a warm bath, see a pleasant movie. At the same time, the symptoms take place very quickly. If they go to the pathological stage, no doctor do not do without intervention. When the diagnosis is set - the doctor makes a decision to hospitalize a woman in the hospital. That is how, under the supervision of specialists, treatment is faster and more correct.