Why can't I hear perfume on me. How to understand in one day that perfume does not suit you and choose the perfect fragrance

In the morning before going to work, or in the evening before you go on a date, do you apply perfume behind your earlobes and pour it over your scarf? Do not be surprised that colleagues demand to open the window, and the eyes of the beloved begin to water during the kiss. You're using perfume incorrectly.

Only for skin!

Any perfume fragrance must contain ingredients that mimic the smell of human skin. Thanks to these shades, perfumes and toilet water "look" organically on people's bodies and enhance our attractiveness in the eyes of others. Hence the conclusion: perfume can only be applied to the skin! If you spray the contents of the bottle on clothes or accessories, the perfume will not work for you: firstly, their bouquet will not open, and secondly, the fragrance will live its own life, as if you did not use expensive eau de toilette, but an air freshener.

warm place

However, if you plentifully pour perfume on your skin where you please, nothing good will come of it either. For perfume to sound properly, it must be applied to exposed areas. The fact is that in the hidden corners of our body - in the armpits, in the hollow between the breasts and in other intimate folds, there is a huge number of microorganisms that destroy pathogenic microflora and thereby protect us from pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, if you use the aroma, for example, behind your earlobes, very soon your skin will be decorated with the smell of waste products of microorganisms, and not perfume. Little "protectors" will recycle perfume for the company with harmful bacteria. By the way, the ideal place for applying perfume should be not only open, but also warm: the fragrance benefits from heating - it fully reveals its bouquet. And the skin is warmer in those places where the veins are located close to the surface: these are the wrists, the neck in the region of the carotid arteries, the jugular cavity between the collarbones. In the summer, when you wear short sleeves and light skirts, it is not forbidden to decorate the inner creases of the elbows and the area under the knees with fragrance. Just keep in mind that you should not apply perfume to all available points at once, otherwise it will be difficult for people who are in the same room with you to breathe. In order not to overdo it, stop at three strategically important places for you.

Everything has its time

If, “putting on” perfume, you experience exceptionally positive emotions, and the people around you do not get tired of complimenting the perfume, this means that the fragrance contains the perfect combination of musk and amber for your body - analogues of human sex hormones: androstenol and androstenone. But due to the fact that the hormonal background is constantly changing (during menstruation, stress, etc.), there is no need to expect that your favorite eau de toilette will always “sit” on you perfectly. If you wake up in the morning and don't feel the usual joy about your perfume, don't wear it.

Not for yourself, but for others

Remember, perfume suits you 100% if you do not notice their aroma. The ideal perfume is felt only in the first minutes after application. The rest of the time it should remain elusive to your receptors. After all, you don’t smell your body: your nose starts to sniff only if something goes wrong, for example, you get sick, sweat a lot, don’t have time to take a shower, etc. The right perfume should be perceived by the body as the norm. If you catch yourself thinking that you constantly smell the aroma of new perfumes, you should not use them - they do not suit you.

Expert opinion

Zhanna Gladkova, perfumer, chairman of the jury of the international competition "Fragrance of the Year":

- Perfume fully reveals its sound only on human skin, so you should not evaluate the aroma by spraying it on a blotter. By the way, if you have a new toilet water and you still do not know how strong its sound is and how much to apply, spray it on your hair. The fact is that they tend to absorb the smell and give it away during the day in small portions. It is important to keep your hair clean: sprinkle a small amount of eau de toilette into the air and enter this fragrant cloud.

Probably, each of us has noticed this pattern more than once: the longer we use perfume, the less we feel their aroma over time. Why is this happening? Is our sense of smell dulled?

In fact, things are somewhat different. How exactly? Read below and you will find out why our nose ceases to distinguish notes of our favorite fragrance over time.

The sense of smell as the oldest defense against danger

The true purpose of human scent in all ages was only one thing - protection from danger. It has been constantly developed and stimulated, helping us to clearly distinguish the smells of rotten food, approaching predators, fires and similar factors that somehow pose a threat to life.

In principle, nothing has changed even today. We still cautiously sniff at all unusual dishes and incomprehensible objects, trying to determine with the help of our sense of smell whether there is anything repulsive or frankly unpleasant in them.

So, many of us are happy to walk near our favorite cafe, enjoying the aroma of freshly baked buns, and while cooking, by smell, determine if there is a gas leak, if the dish heated in the pan is burnt, and the like.

What causes your nose to stop responding to your favorite perfume?

In a similar way, our sense of smell reacts to new aromas. At first, the nose clearly perceives all the notes of unfamiliar spirits. His receptors send appropriate signals to the limbic system of the brain, and he perceives their smell as "new".

However, after about 10 minutes after that, the body begins to consider the "new" aroma as "old" - that is, safe (after all, we are not making any attempts to get rid of it or somehow eliminate the source of its occurrence). Thus, the scent receptors cease to react sharply to daily perfumes, and over time, a person begins to feel that he does not pick up their smell.

Another factor that significantly affects the decrease in the sensitivity of smell in relation to a particular aroma is the presence in the composition of perfumes of special substances known as beta-ionones (β-ionones). They are small molecules formed by natural reactions that have a pleasant aroma of violets. They are added to some fragrances to create woody-floral notes. However, they are able to temporarily desensitize the receptors in our nose and thereby dull our sense of smell.

How to restore sharpness of smell?

To again clearly smell your favorite perfume, you can do several different things:

  • stop using them for a while. After a couple of weeks, the aroma will begin to be felt again;
  • replace your favorite perfume with a shampoo, cream or deodorant from the same series. As a rule, their smell is very similar, but still differs by a note or two. This will give the nose a temporary reprieve, and in a few weeks it will again react sharply to all the notes of your favorite perfumes;
  • buy instead of your perfume some others with similar notes. The same principle applies here as in the previous case. You will perceive a slightly different fragrance quite normally, and when you get used to it, you can again pay attention to the one that you used before and decide what suits you best.

In any case, when choosing perfumes, remember that sooner or later you will get used to their aroma. Therefore, even if it seems to you that they smell almost nothing, before you increase the amount of perfume application, ask your loved ones how much it is felt by others. Believe me, you will be genuinely surprised by their answer.

If a person says “I feel a smell that is not there,” we are talking about the appearance of olfactory hallucinations. This term is understood as a condition, upon the appearance of which a person in the mind has a smell that does not correspond to any irritant. In fact, this fragrance is objectively absent in reality, and therefore the surrounding people do not feel it. What does this mean?

Causes of an unpleasant odor

The perception of smell depends on special olfactory receptors, which are localized in the structure of the mucous membranes of the nose.

They react to specific aromatic stimuli. However, this is only the first section of the analyzer.

Then the impulse enters the part of the brain that is responsible for evaluating sensations, namely the temporal lobes.

If a person has a sense of smell in its absence, this indicates a certain pathology.

All reasons fall into two categories. The smell is real, but the surrounding people do not feel it until the patient comes close enough.

In this case, otolaryngological and dental problems can be suspected. These include the following:

These pathologies are characterized by the appearance of purulent masses that cause an unpleasant odor.

A similar situation, when a person says “I smell a bad smell”, can occur with lesions of the digestive system. In this case, the cause may be gastritis, an ulcer, pancreatitis or cholecystitis.

When food enters the digestive organs, there are problems with its digestion.

During reflux, or burping, odor molecules are released.

Others may not even notice that a person has similar problems.

Some people have a low threshold for olfactory perception. They sense smells much better, therefore, in some cases, they may encounter a misunderstanding of others. If the fragrance is too weak, other people will not feel it.

The second group of factors is associated with a malfunction of the olfactory analyzer. The surrounding people do not feel smells, since problems with their perception are observed only in a particular person.

The cause of such problems can be a respiratory infection, which is accompanied by an inflammatory lesion of the nasal mucosa, or other disorders in the body. These include the following:

It is important to consider that there is such a thing as phantom smells.

They have been associated with severe stressful situations in the past and have left a significant mark. In similar situations, such aromas can be manifested.

Symptoms by which pathology is determined

Each pathology, during the development of which a person is haunted by smell, can have certain symptoms.

To determine the causes of the disorder, the specialist must evaluate the person's complaints, analyze the factors that preceded the appearance of an unpleasant odor, and conduct a physical examination.

It is important to determine when a foreign smell is felt, whether it is present all the time or occurs periodically, which contributes to its elimination.

The intensity of the aroma is important. In addition to the distortion of smell, a person's taste can also change. However, in any case, the symptoms depend on the cause of the development of the pathology.

Diseases of the ENT organs

The most common cause of the onset of symptoms of the problem is the pathology of the ENT organs.

With the defeat of the mucous membranes of the nose, a violation of the sense of smell is observed.

However, the appearance of a putrid odor does not always occur. Usually this symptom accompanies sinusitis, ozen and chronic tonsillitis.

In addition, there are many additional symptoms:

  • problems with nasal breathing;
  • the appearance of traffic jams on the tonsils;
  • feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​​​the sinuses;
  • the appearance of a purulent secret from the nose;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • a feeling of dryness of the mucous membranes and the appearance of crusts.

With the appearance of acute sinusitis, the purulent process necessarily provokes an increase in temperature, the appearance of symptoms of poisoning and headaches.

The chronic process is accompanied by less noticeable manifestations.

With angina, damage to the kidneys, joints, and heart often occurs. These manifestations are the result of sensitization to streptococcal antigens.

If the problem occurs due to viral infections, in addition to rhinitis, catarrhal manifestations are sure to occur - in particular, lacrimation and sore throat.

Diseases of the digestive system

An unpleasant odor often appears with pathologies of the digestive system.

At the heart of the occurrence of this symptom is a violation of the process of digestion of food.

With the development of ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs or hypoacid gastritis, a person has a smell of rotten eggs. It is not always present, but occurs after eating.

In addition, there are such manifestations:

  • belching;
  • stool disorders;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence.

Many people experience discomfort in the stomach area.

Pain in the epigastric region may also be present.

If the pathology is accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux, there is a risk of heartburn.

Subsequently, a disorder such as esophagitis develops. When the gallbladder is damaged, bitterness occurs in the oral cavity.

Psychoneurological disorders

Many people with these pathologies experience odors that are not actually there. They may have a real prototype.

In this case, we are talking about an illusion. Also, the appearance of a problem may be based on non-existent links.

In this situation, hallucinations are diagnosed.

Illusions can appear in healthy people who have experienced a serious emotional shock. Also, this problem is typical for patients who suffer from depression or neuroses.

Additional manifestations include the following:

Typical manifestations include somatic abnormalities, which are caused by a violation of the balance of nervous regulation - increased heart rate, severe sweating, shortness of breath, nausea.

Unlike neurotic reactions, psychoses are characterized by serious changes in the personal sphere. In this situation, a person has all sorts of hallucinations. They can be not only olfactory, but also visual or auditory. There are also crazy ideas, the perception of the world and behavior changes, a critical attitude to what is happening is lost.

The sensation of a rotten smell often accompanies epilepsy. Such hallucinations are considered an aura that precedes a seizure.

This suggests that the focus of abnormal activity is localized in the temporal lobe.

A few minutes later, a person has symptoms of a normal attack, which is accompanied by convulsions, fainting, biting the tongue.

Similar signs accompany tumor lesions of the brain, which have a corresponding localization, and traumatic injuries of the skull.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

To identify the causes of such problems, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Any self-treatment options in this situation are strictly prohibited.

Most often, people turn to an otolaryngologist, since diseases of the ENT organs are the most common cause of such problems.

The doctor must exclude the presence of objective cacosmia. It accompanies chronic tonsillitis. Also, this symptom may indicate the development of acute or chronic sinusitis.

Sometimes diseases of the teeth and digestive organs become the cause of problems. Therefore, they should also be excluded in the process of conducting diagnostic studies.

If such violations are not detected, it is worth contacting a psychiatrist or neurologist.

Doctors may order a neurological examination. Its conduct is aimed at identifying symptoms of damage to the nervous system.

Olfactometry is also mandatory, which helps to detect accompanying olfactory manifestations.

With the help of a psychiatric examination, it is possible to exclude schizophrenia, depression, dementia. Doctors may also prescribe additional diagnostic procedures:

  • electroencephalography - allows you to exclude the presence of epilepsy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging - helps to identify formations in the brain, circulatory disorders, inflammation, hematomas and degenerative changes in the brain;

The first sign that the chosen perfume is not yours is if you continue to feel them even 15-20 minutes after application. During this time, the human nose gets used to any aroma, and if this does not happen, then this smell will very soon begin to annoy you and seem intrusive. Down with!

You sneeze every time you put them on

Familiar story? Splashing some perfume - everything is fine. If you use others, you start sneezing as if you just sniffed pepper. This only means the sad fact that you are allergic to some of the components of the fragrance, and it is better to give this fragrance to someone than to conduct such experiments with your body.

They don't match your style

A sporty girl in Nike sneakers, skinny jeans and a sweatshirt, who exudes a spicy oriental scent or a feminine powdery one. Weird dissonance, right? Or, on the contrary, from a gentle young lady in a dress, the aroma of strict perfumes emanates, which would be suitable only for the office. When choosing a new perfume, always consider what style you most often dress in so that there are no such unfortunate blunders.

They don't sound the same on your skin as they do on a blotter.

Many perfumers even resent the fact that their creations in stores offer to test on a blotter. A piece of cardboard will never convey the real aroma - it does not open immediately and only on the skin under the influence of its heat and natural smell. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, never buy perfume right away - splash it on your skin and go “for a walk” with them. If you like the fragrance even an hour after application, you will come back for it later.

The scent doesn't suit the season

Another reason you might not be comfortable with your fragrance is that it doesn't match the season. In winter, perfumes with pronounced fresh, marine and citrus notes can be annoying, it is better to choose “warm” chords - oriental, powdery, floral-oriental. And vice versa, in summer such smells will seem too dense, “suffocating”.

Have you noticed unexplained headaches?

At first glance, an unreasonable migraine may have a completely understandable cause - an inappropriate perfume scent. Smells have an incredible power, including they can cause pain in the head. So if you began to notice such symptoms behind you, first give up your usual perfumes - it is possible that these are all of them, pests!

You get tired of them in the evening

If a perfume seems quite pleasant to you at the beginning of the day, but by the evening it seems too intrusive and annoying, it’s not even that you are tired and tired. It’s just that these perfumes don’t suit you – the ideal composition, as it were, merges with your natural smell and cannot cause any negative emotions.