Birthday gifts for 2 year olds. Gifts for the physical development of the crumbs. Photo gallery: options for useful gifts

The exciting question of what to give a child for 2 years worries all relatives and friends of the birthday man long before the significant day. The variety of gifts in stores does not help solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. How not to get confused in the world of toys and educational games, choosing the best option for a present for a two-year-old birthday, you will learn from our article.

What to give a child for 2 years is decided based on the specifics of his age and personal preferences. Our "top" selection will allow you to choose the best gift for a two-year-old child, choosing the best option for the baby.

  1. Magnetic board complete with puzzles will help the birthday boy develop during an exciting game.
  2. - A great helper for treating pets, dolls, family members.

  3. The BBQ set will teach you not only to "cook", but also to sort the parts by color, size, shape.

  4. A set of vegetables, fruits, parts of which are connected by magnets or Velcro. With its help, a two-year-old child learns to distinguish between a part and a whole, to search, to connect similar figures.
  5. Lego constructors develops the creative and analytical abilities of the birthday boy.
  6. The mosaic will allow the baby not only to have fun, but also to develop fine motor skills.
  7. toy bowling- a great game for a fun pastime.

  8. Large soft puzzles teach mindfulness, help develop speech.
  9. Bright wax pencils- the best gift for young artists.
  10. kinetic sand develops fine motor skills, imagination, creativity.
  11. The kit for modeling allows you to realize all artistic ideas.
  12. Wheelchairs are toys that improve balance and good mood.

  13. interactive toy- a new friend with whom you can sing, learn poetry, even dance.
  14. repeat toy will repeat everything said by the birthday man, which will greatly amuse him.
  15. Swings are loved by all small children. A 2-year-old child will definitely like such a gift.

  16. Dry pool filled with balls, allow you to have fun with friends or alone.

  17. Such a gift will appeal to boys and girls of 2 years. They enjoy driving almost a real car.

  18. plush cartoon characters bring joy to the child.
  19. Development Center- a fascinating tool for development for a child in two years.
  20. will allow you to sculpt magic castles on your own.

  21. Non-bursting bubbles. You can play with such a toy all day long, filling the whole room with large soap bubbles.
  22. - not just a constructor, but a toy that allows you to create your own, albeit still a very small world.

  23. The sorter will allow children to develop logical thinking, learn the shape, color.
  24. The jumper is a fun toy that develops the vestibular apparatus.
  25. Tolocar makes it possible for a child of 2 years old to move quickly and maneuverably both at home and on the street.
  26. Constructor from large parts– the opportunity to realize the full range of creative possibilities.
  27. Bath set will allow you to take a bath in a cheerful company, turning washing into a pleasure.
  28. Developing miracle suitcase has in its arsenal many details that the baby can use for many games.
  29. Tricycle- the favorite transport of young birthday people.
  30. Squishy. Fun toy characters can be crushed, thrown and rolled. They are great for relieving stress.
  31. Musical instruments develop ear, sense of tact.
  32. Flashlight projector. Suitable for kids who are afraid of the dark. They are lit before going to bed, directing a pillar of light to the ceiling.
  33. Development mat. Such a toy allows not only to have fun, but also to prevent or cure many diseases.
  34. Nice clothes or shoes. Little fashionistas love beautiful outfits no less than adults.
  35. Accessory set. Beautiful hairpins, headbands for girls or ties, thongs for boys aged 2 years are a great gift idea.
  36. Soft books. Books should be read to children as early as possible. However, it is too early for two-year-olds to buy expensive illustrated editions. Therefore, at this age, they acquire rubberized copies with which you can swim and read without worrying about the integrity of the pages.
  37. Hygiene kits. Shampoos, children's perfumes, shower gels, bath foams - all these things that are necessary in everyday life are purchased individually or in a set.
  38. and accessories for playing in it will allow kids to enjoy the game "in the sand" in any weather.

  39. Table, chair for creativity. Among the useful presentations, this one is the most necessary.
  40. A children's tablet will allow you to spend time with enthusiasm, help develop intellectual and creative abilities.

Before purchasing a gift for two years, you should ask your parents about its need.

Top Ideas for Two Years Old

When planning what to give a child at 2 years old, you need to focus on his gender. Presents for boys and girls will differ in form, content, because many things have their own characteristics. Let's figure out what their differences and specifics are.

Gifts for girls

What gift to choose for a little princess, we already told in a previous article. Recall that girls are very fond of dolls and everything connected with them. Give her a toy kitchen, a vacuum cleaner, or an ironing board. She will be happy to repeat the household chores after her mother.

However, do not forget that babies need to develop mentally and physically, so choose birthday gifts that meet these needs. Such gifts include drawing kits, modeling, balls, trampoline, scooters and other interesting things for girls in their second year of life.

Gifts for boys

The boy should also have the right toys for his birthday. When choosing a gift, pay attention to things intended for real men: soldiers, cars, planes, tools. The latter are needed to "help" the father with the housework.

Do not forget about the comprehensive development of the baby. Find out how to choose the right birthday present for a two-year-old man here. In the meantime, let's deal with the specifics of choosing educational gifts.

Educational gifts

2 years - the age of intensive growth and development of the child. At this time, he laid the foundations of speech skills, social adaptation, intellectual, physical development. At this age, the baby perceives information indirectly, that is, in the process of life. While playing, the child with pleasure comprehends all the “wisdom” that appears on his way. Therefore, properly selected original educational toys are the basis for the harmonious and comprehensive development of the birthday boy.

Toys for the development of child's speech

Since speech develops intensively at the age of 2, the child needs to give gifts that stimulate it. Among them are such things:

  1. Educational cards, on each of which objects or phenomena are drawn. The child plays with an adult who names the object and indicates its purpose.
  2. "Talking" posters. The kid plays without the help of adults. By clicking on the image, he hears their name and scope.
  3. Children's tablets perform almost the same function as posters. But these devices are more compact and convenient: they can be taken with you on the road.
  4. Books that independently "tell" poems, introduce the baby to poetic speech.
  5. Colorful illustrated editions of fairy tales kids are ready to watch for hours.
  6. Alphabets of any format: posters, magnets, books.
  7. Magnetic letters, numbers, pictures. Naming objects, moving them, the baby not only expands the vocabulary, but also learns to form the first sentences.

Children's musical instruments

If you doubt the correct choice of a gift for a child for 2 years, then feel free to choose a musical instrument. Toddlers love to dance, sing and make their own sounds from various devices. Consider the most popular musical toys for children at 2 years old.

  1. Xylophone;
  2. Harmonic;
  3. Piano;
  4. Synthesizer;
  5. Tambourine;
  6. Dudka;
  7. Drum;
  8. Music phone;
  9. Ratchets;
  10. Guitar.

The choice of children's musical "devices" is large. Different toys have their own equipment, shape and color, but all of them are very popular with children.


Sculpting kits allow to develop the creative potential of the baby. They may include different materials: plasticine, a special composition of soft clay, "salty" dough. Also, the kits contain a variety of molds with which children learn the basics of sculpture.

Such a gift will help to have fun, learn how to create, analyze form, color and texture. Modeling is the best way to develop fine motor skills, so you can be sure that such a present will definitely please the birthday man.


Another favorite activity for kids at 2 years old is drawing. Therefore, feel free to give things intended for this exciting business:

  1. Easel;
  2. Finger paint;
  3. wax pencils;
  4. Large albums with stencils;
  5. felt-tip pens;
  6. multi-colored crayons;
  7. Sets for artistic creativity;
  8. Watercolor.

You can give aquamat to a child for 2 years. This is the name of a special set, which includes a rubber mat designed for creativity, and many markers that show color.

Board games

From an early age, children are taught to perseverance. The easiest way to do this is with board games, so you can safely choose them as a gift for a 2-year-old baby.

Among the most popular board games that will be of interest to children at such a young age are the following game sets:

  1. Lotto;
  2. Children's dominoes;
  3. Balancers;
  4. Action games;
  5. Walkers;
  6. IQ games;
  7. Logical games.

You can offer the birthday boy such games:

  1. "My first orchard";
  2. "Shy Bunny";
  3. "City";
  4. "Palette";
  5. "Frog balancer";
  6. "Mathematics: form, count";
  7. Domino "Where is my tail?";
  8. "Blue elephant";
  9. “Bunnies. Tenth Kingdom".

Before buying a gift, consult with the child's parents, because, perhaps, he already has some board games.

Gifts for physical development

The physical development of a child at two years old is a natural opportunity for a baby to grow up healthy. Therefore, for the significant day of his name day, you can prepare such gifts:

  1. Bike;
  2. Ring throwers;
  3. Skittles;
  4. Balls;
  5. Mini basketball;
  6. Knockers;
  7. Bibicar;
  8. Soft modules;
  9. Home trampoline;
  10. Tolokar.

An excellent gift that develops physical activity, strength and endurance of a two-year-old will be a Swedish wall. This gymnastic complex will serve the birthday man for many years, helping him to stay strong and healthy.

Inexpensive gifts for two years

If material resources do not allow you to buy an expensive gift for your child, do not despair. There are many inexpensive things that will delight him. These surprises include:

  1. Stellar pyramid;
  2. Antistress;
  3. plastic machine;
  4. Small soft toy;
  5. Music phone;
  6. Animal figurines;
  7. Sound hammer - knocker;
  8. Developing pyramid;
  9. Small sorter;
  10. Play set for bathing;
  11. Sandbox set.

You can prepare a special surprise: sew a dress for the girl's favorite doll or knit a sweater for the birthday boy. Any handmade gift will be special and original.

What to give a two-year-old child for the New Year

At 2 years old, a child is a developing personality. He, seeing the fuss before the New Year holidays, wants to take a direct part in arranging the celebration, decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping gifts. He already understands that on this special day everyone gets surprises.

Consider what you can give your child for the New Year, so that he will have memories of this amazing holiday for a long time.

  1. Music rug. While walking in the painted footsteps, the child hears the sounds of music or the voices of animals. While playing, you can count steps or pronounce the names of animals, sing songs or read poems of a suitable theme.
  2. Wooden figurines. Choose a set in which there will be figures of different shapes, colors. Such a toy will allow you to play with enthusiasm and unconsciously train fine motor skills, master counting skills, distinguish colors and shapes.
  3. Magnetic constructor. The main difference between this construction kit and others is that, having assembled the toy, the kid can play with it for a long time: magnetic fasteners will securely connect the parts, preventing them from falling apart.
  4. Space sand. What a pleasure it is to make sand cakes when it's snowing and frosty outside! Such sand has a mysterious glow in the dark, restores its properties after getting wet and is perfectly molded without scattering around the house.
  5. Interactive toys. Children love soft toys that sing songs, recite poems or ask questions.
  6. Bath toys set. You can purchase a ready-made kit or assemble it yourself.
  7. Tablet player. Such a toy almost completely imitates an "adult" smartphone. Such a comparison with adults is very popular with birthday people. In addition, the tablet makes funny sounds or names letters, counts, sings or makes animal sounds. Two-year-olds quickly master the touch buttons and enjoy playing with the tablet.
  8. Water painting game. A special mat and water marker allow you to draw exclusively on the “equipment provided”, leaving tables and chairs clean.
  9. The board game will teach the kid perseverance, show how and why you need to follow the rules.
Liana Raymanova November 8, 2018, 09:14

The birthday of a child is a joyful event for all family members, as well as relatives and friends. Everyone wants to give the best gift to a child for 2 years.

The range of children's gifts is huge, but when choosing, you should first of all take into account the individual characteristics of a 2-year-old child. What one child will love, another may not like at all.

Before buying, you can ask his parents what you can give a child for 2 years for his birthday. Then the gift will be necessary and useful. First you need to decide from which category you are going to make a present.


It is customary to give toys to a child. Two-year-old children actively explore the world, they are attracted by everything new and bright. When choosing a toy, pay special attention for her safety. It should not contain small parts and emit a pungent chemical odor. It’s good if the toy has the inscription: “2+”. Gifts that both the boy and the girl will be happy with include:

  • wheelchair;
  • dry pool;
  • tricycle;
  • trampoline;
  • balls.

A rubber baby doll will be great, and choose a big truck. Any child will always be happy to receive another new doll or another car. You can't go wrong here.

Swing as a gift to a child for 2 years

Both the boy and the girl will be pleased to receive a hanging swing as a gift. They can be fixed directly in the apartment, if necessary, the swing can be easily removed. Children's swings are safe, as they are equipped with special restraints. The child will be very pleased.

Educational toys

It's a good idea to give a 2 year old for his birthday something that will help him develop. It can be:

  • modeling kits;
  • drawing kits, including finger paints;
  • musical instruments;
  • coloring pages.

There are a lot of developing centers, tables, rugs on sale. You can also take a look at them.

You can give a 2-year-old child something that will develop his mental abilities, teach him to find logical solutions. Toys in this category include:

  • large mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • large designers;
  • lotto with pictures of vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.

Large mosaic as a gift to a child for 2 years

If parents devote a lot of time to the early development of the child, suitable gift will become educational talking posters

Talking toys

A good gift for a child of 2 years old will be a talking toy or a book with an audio recording. Such presents especially liked by children. They easily memorize rhymes and songs that their toy pronounces, thereby developing auditory memory.


Children grow up very quickly, so clothes will be an appropriate birthday present. Try to find him something original so that the baby likes the present.

Glowing boots

Shoes with luminous soles deserve special attention. These shoes will make the child visible in the dark, thereby securing him on the roadway. They are bright and the kids will love them.

Luminous shoes as a gift for a child for 2 years


Funny home clothes. Came to Russia from Japan and immediately gained popularity among the population of all ages. It is comfortable and suitable for wearing in the cold season. Kigurumi is made in the form of an animal costume. Children like it very much. You can choose both a boy's version and a costume for a girl.

Sweater with squeakers

Both boys and girls will like this sweater. On the chest or pockets there is a special device that makes sounds when pressed. It will not deteriorate during washing, just remove the squeaking element, and after washing, insert it back.


a good gift for the child will be children's furniture. Ask your parents if it will be superfluous. Ordinary furniture for the baby is too large, otherwise it will be comfortable for him.

Table and chair

If the child does not have his own place where he can draw, do modeling or assemble a designer, a children's table with a high chair will be an excellent gift.

The table usually has drawers in which all children's albums, pencils, paints, plasticine, coloring books are put.

Now all this will have its place, and mom will get rid of everyday cleaning and searching for the things the child needs


A great solution to give a chest of drawers to a family with a child. Children's things usually take up a lot of space, there is nowhere to store them, otherwise everything will be in its place.

mini sofa

You can give the child a mini-sofa. He will have his own bed. The sofa unfolds, will last a long time. And when assembled, it does not take up much space.

Furniture in the girl's room as a gift for 2 years

What else can you give?

If it is difficult to choose a gift, or, for example, the donor is not familiar with the child, and it is inconvenient to ask parents, give bright balloons to a child for 2 years, and give parents an envelope with a sum of money or gift Certificate to a children's store.

Original birthday gift for 2 years with your own hands

You can always give a two-year-old child something made with their own hands. There are many tutorials on the Internet for making crafts suitable for a baby. It can be educational toys, various puzzles, coloring books.

DIY puzzles for a 2-year-old child's birthday

In making gifts with your own hands for the birthday all family members can participate. For example, let mom prepare multi-colored modeling dough, dad design doll furniture or plywood puzzles, and older children prepare educational cards for their brother for 2 years for his birthday.

Educational cards

Making them is very easy:

  1. From thick paper, rectangular cards of the same length should be prepared.
  2. Divide them equally.
  3. On one part of the cards, draw on any one subject (balloons, sweets, crackers, etc.).
  4. On the second part, draw exactly the same objects, but 2 or 3 each.

The child will be able to learn to distinguish between the concepts of "a lot - a little", to master the beginning of the account.


You can make a poster for a birthday for 2 years for a child, make a beautiful inscription, post photos of the birthday person from the moment of birth. Get excellent commemorative gift!

Shoe lacing trainer

An excellent option for a do-it-yourself presentation will be a device in order to teach your baby to tie shoelaces. It is very easy to make it:

  1. You will need a sheet of thick paper or cardboard (you can take plywood), an awl, paints, laces.
  2. On the sheet draw a pair of shoes (you need a front view).
  3. Make holes with an awl, like a real shoe.
  4. Lace up one shoe, and thread the lace through the second one and show the child how to lace up the shoes.

Now he will be able to independently learn to thread the laces through the holes and tie a bow. A sample in the form of a second shoe is always in front of his eyes.

DIY gift for a child's birthday for 2 years

What to give twins for 2 years?

Many questions arise when you need to give birthday gifts to twin children for 2 years. People do not know how to choose a gift, they need one present or two, the same or different.

Psychologists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that everything that is the same in the life of twins deprives them of their individuality, and one thing for two causes discord between them. It is better to listen to their recommendations and buy two different gifts. If a boy and a girl celebrate a birthday in a family, there are no problems. You can choose a gift by gender, for example, give a girl a dress, and a boy - trousers. Or buy a car for a boy, and a doll for a girl.

If there are two birthdays of the same sex in the family, gifts should be given that will be different from each other. Of course, this does not mean that you need to give one child a wheelchair and give another chocolate bar.

Birthday dolls for 2 years old twins

In this case, buy two wheelchairs, but different in color or shape. The same should be done with educational toys. If one child gets a loto with fruits, give the second one with vegetables. Twins, as a rule, live together, they will exchange gifts.

When choosing a gift for a child, make sure that it is safe for his health. Ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product, see if the gift matches the age of the child.

Children 2 years of age do not yet understand the value of the gift. Them attracts everything bright, sounding even if it costs a penny . It is much more important for a child to have the closest people next to him. The emotional balance of the baby itself also depends on their emotional state. For the birthday boy, the holiday will be fun and enjoyable if there are people who sincerely love him nearby.

Children from an early age love the attention of their parents and gifts, which they first study with curiosity, and then sometimes set aside. The question immediately arises: what to give a child for two years, so as not only to interest him for a few minutes, but to develop, train fine motor skills of fingers, quick wits? It is important to take into account financial possibilities, because it is not at all necessary to buy an electric car of the latest model, you can get by with an ordinary scooter. But there are other options that you should pay attention to before buying.

Criteria for choosing a gift for a baby

If adults are to attend the birthday of a two-year-old child, and not a christening, for example, it is necessary to decide in advance on a gift that will please the birthday man. Below are the main evaluation criteria that will definitely facilitate the task of an adult:

  1. The gift should be interesting and bright, because children at this age pay more attention to the appearance than to the content. If a new item attracts outwardly, then in the future it has every chance of becoming a favorite toy.
  2. When choosing a gift, please note that the manufacturing material must be hypoallergenic, especially when it comes to dolls for girls, cars for boys. At this age, the habit of “tasting everything by mouth” disappears in most children, but some babies still put everything in their mouths.
  3. The gift should be useful so that the children can study with it, improve their intellectual abilities, and receive elementary skills. As an option, you can offer interactive toys that have a huge number of functions, while being designed for a specific age.
  4. When choosing a gift, it is important not to forget who it is intended for - a boy or a girl. The difference of interests affects from the first days of life, so the little princess is unlikely to be interested in a soccer ball.
  5. The packaging of the future gift is of great importance. If a child sees a beautiful bow or paper shimmering in different colors, then there will be no limit to happiness and delight, and it is not so important what is packed inside.
  6. When choosing a gift, it is important to consider the temperament of the crumbs. Active children are more fond of outdoor games, walks in the fresh air and adventures. Quiet kids, on the contrary, prefer home comfort, studying books, watching cartoons, board games, exciting cubes.

Given all these rules, you can make the best gift for a child for 2 years, which he will prefer to others in his daily games. Too expensive gifts should be chosen by those parents whose budget will bear their loss or breakage, in other cases, grief will block all the joy of buying, and pulling the baby constantly out of their own fears of breakage is also not an option.

Top 10 universal gifts for children 2 years old

A birthday gift is especially memorable, so it is important to make the right choice here, but first consider the various options, refuse knick-knacks and sweets. So what to give a child for two years to become a long-awaited guest and a good wizard for him? It can be:

  • colorful book with large letters and pictures;
  • easel for drawing or wooden board;
  • constructor with large segments;
  • Zaitsev's cubes for the development of logical thinking;
  • rocking horse for fun;
  • finger theater for role-playing games with parents;
  • a children's backpack with a toy, for example, as an option - cartoon characters about the Teletubbies;
  • toy musical instruments for the first lessons or games;
  • a set for drawing or modeling for training fine motor skills of fingers;
  • frame insert or lacing for quick wit tasks.

Boys and girls will definitely be happy with such gifts from parents and adults, they will immediately decide to play. Such presents are relevant not only for birthdays, but also for the New Year, on March 8, so it will be easy for you to plan purchases for the future. It should be borne in mind that it is better to choose products of well-known brands, because the safety of a gift is no less important than beauty and functionality.

Ideas for original gifts for a child for 2 years

The fertile time of early childhood gives parents a lot of chances to buy gifts. When choosing, creativity and imagination are welcome, especially since it is easy to buy something original, unhackneyed in stores. Pyramids and sorters are already fed up, and the time has not yet come for the alphabet, but there is a whole list of products that will play their role as a gift for boys or girls of tender age.

For boy

Future men from early childhood dream of a personal vehicle. Based on financial capabilities, you can buy an electric car, but the kid will also like a tricycle in the style of his favorite cartoon characters. An excellent gift would be a set of tools, a knight's sword, a football or basketball, a set of a young detective or a novice researcher.

The boy also needs clothes, but it should be a bright elegant suit or other wardrobe items on the advice of his parents. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of such a gift, it is important to find out in advance the children's size and consult what is better and in what color scheme to purchase. It is not recommended to arbitrarily buy things for a child, because the baby may never wear them.

At the age of two, little boys are particularly inquisitive, so it is recommended to read and play mind games with them. You will definitely like such a gift, especially if you choose printed publications about cars, helicopters, dinosaurs. The behavior of the baby, his desire to delve into the topic will tell adults what to choose here.

For girl

It is recommended to start looking for a worthy gift for a girl who is about to turn two in advance, and it is advisable to find out from the future birthday girl what she will like. Stylish clothes become an excellent option, and children love bright, colorful, rich, cheerful wardrobe items.

Parents often choose dolls, a toy house with interior items, interactive pets, sets for children's creativity, coloring books and simply educational books for little princesses as a gift for a girl. But it can also be a children's bike or scooter, a fashionable handbag or backpack, a set of children's cosmetics and even hypoallergenic perfumes. Here it is better to ask in advance what to give her for the next holiday, what other cherished dream to fulfill.

If adults are lost in choosing a gift, they can watch modern advertisements and find out what the younger generation lives and is interested in. It does not hurt to enlist the support of a sales assistant when answering the question of what to give a smart child for two years. It is important to proceed from your budget, but at the same time remember that a gift in any case should be useful, necessary and exciting.

Video: what toys are interesting for a child at two years old

By their second birthday, the kids are already confident on their feet, walk well and make their first attempts to talk coherently. In a period of such active and comprehensive development, I want to give the child the necessary thing. The present should be not only useful, but also to please the birthday man.

What does a 2 year old need?

If a practical gift is expected that will come in handy in everyday life, it is better to consult with the crumbs' parents in advance. What you need for a child in 2 years:

  • quality clothes or shoes;
  • children's hygiene products;
  • underwear, bed linen;
  • pillows, blankets, mattresses;
  • hosiery;
  • tableware;

A useful gift for a child for 2 years

When you want to please not only parents, but also the hero of the occasion, the present should be both practical and entertaining. What to give a child for 2 years:

  • children's accessories (backpack, handbag, trolley);
  • sets, drawing boards, easels;
  • felt-tip pens, pencils, paints;
  • books;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • children's tent;
  • inflatable pool;
  • things for family holidays (swimming sleeves, circle and others);
  • swing;
  • small .

You can make more than a gift to a child for 2 years in the form of a certificate for visiting some new place or useful event:

  • developmental activities;
  • city ​​or contact zoo;
  • Exhibitions;
  • circus;
  • massage course;
  • children's sports games;
  • photoshoot;
  • swimming pool;
  • attractions;
  • entertainment center.

The described age is characterized by copying of adult behavior and habits. The baby strives to do everything like mom and dad, tries on their clothes and shoes, imitates the use of everyday household items (hair dryer, cosmetics, vacuum cleaner, tools, and others). A gift for 2 years that will definitely interest the baby is a role-playing set. Depending on the preferences of the child, you need to choose a bright and multifunctional set.

On the second birthday, the baby will be happy to receive any present, in their entertainment, kids of this age use any surrounding objects, they are very inventive and curious. What to give a child at 2 years old:

  • interactive toy;
  • children's musical instrument;
  • set for creativity;
  • a book with thick (silicone, inflatable, cardboard) pages;
  • role-playing sets (kitchen, doctor, tools, etc.);

  • children's bowling;
  • balls with Velcro rackets;
  • home mini-football;
  • soft toy;
  • doll.

What to give an active child for 2 years:

  • Kick scooter;
  • roller skates or skates;
  • tricycle;
  • a wheelchair with a seat;
  • rubber jumper;
  • or sports area.

Educational toys for children 2 years

A kid at this age continues to learn new knowledge and acquires many additional skills. To help him improve, you can give educational toys for children at 2 years old:

  • sorter;
  • labyrinth;
  • a set of nesting dolls;
  • mitten dolls;
  • puzzle with large elements;
  • shadow theater set;
  • a board game (the most popular options are “Whose ice is stronger?” and “The cat on the wall”);
  • constructor with large and simple details;
  • fairy tales-books with Velcro heroes;
  • educational cubes;
  • kinetic sand;
  • plasticine;
  • insert cups;
  • pyramid;
  • 3D cubes;
  • dough for creativity;
  • lacing and others.

What to give a child for 2 years for physical development:

  • sports accessories;
  • 2-3-wheeled scooter, bicycle;
  • wheelchair, run bike;
  • jumper;
  • children's skateboard;
  • roller or classic skates.

Original gift for a child

The most unusual and memorable gift is unique, selected for a particular baby. Original gifts:

  • a book with a story about a child with his photographs or drawings (can be ordered from a printing house in a single copy);
  • portrait of the crumbs or the whole family;
  • subscription to visiting developing classes, sections, swimming pool;
  • photo session certificate

Participation in the organization of a festive party is considered an interesting present. As a gift for a 2-year-old girl on her birthday, you can order animators dressed as fairies, Peppa Pig cartoon characters, and other favorite characters. For a boy, more “masculine” themes are suitable - cowboys, construction, Indians, dinosaurs and similar options. As a present, you can also present:

  • children's trampoline on the street;
  • festive decoration;
  • figures from balloons;
  • organization of a banquet;
  • a trip to the zoo or entertainment center, to the attractions.

Handmade is always original, stylish and modern. Such a gift will definitely be remembered by both parents and the baby. Having a hobby or talent for some business, it is easy to choose what to give a child for 2 years. If you have skills in sewing or knitting, the following items are suitable for a birthday:

  • clothes with a monogram, monograms, initials, handmade embroidery;
  • knitted things, blankets, accessories, toys;
  • hand-made tents, wigwams, swings, hammocks;
  • items made in the style of patchwork;
  • personal accessories for the bedroom (bed linen, pillow, blanket);
  • soft book.

Owners of outstanding culinary and confectionery abilities can give the crumbs a unique birthday cake in the shape of his favorite characters or on his preferred theme. A good present would be to create a small buffet for guests:

  • cupcakes;
  • macarons;
  • sweet rolls;
  • mini cakes;
  • handmade sweets;
  • mini pizzas and similar snacks.

What to give a child for 2 years with other skills:

  • handmade furniture;
  • business board;
  • photoshoot;
  • picture;
  • fairy tale book;
  • dancing, singing and similar educational or sports activities;
  • family video, mini-movie about a baby;
  • figures from balloons;
  • ceramic, wooden toys or decorations;
  • stylish haircut.

The best gift for a 2 year old

The perfect present for each crumb is individual. It should be selected taking into account the personal preferences of the baby, his hobbies in games, the level of intellectual and physical development. If there are no ideas at all, parents will suggest the best gift for a child. If you want to make a surprise, surprise the guests and the baby, you can use the lists proposed in the paragraphs below.

What to give a child for 2 years, a boy?

Future men copy dad and grandfathers in everything, so they will be happy with any items related to their occupations. Suitable gift for a 2 year old boy:

  • children's tool kit;
  • cars;
  • dinosaur figurines;
  • soldiers;
  • constructor;
  • superheroes;
  • 2-3-level garage for cars;
  • race;
  • toy railway;
  • toy pistols, swords, machine guns;
  • dump truck;
  • cars, boats, planes and helicopters on radio control;
  • quadrocopter;
  • bulldozer;
  • musical instrument (the most popular options are drum, guitar).

As a gift to a son for 2 years, parents can choose any item from the list presented, or purchase a more expensive gift:

  • Kick scooter;
  • skates;
  • skate;
  • bike;
  • rollers, skates;
  • children's tablet;
  • game, sports complex.

What to give a child for 2 years, a girl?

The little princess imitates the behavior of her mother, imagines herself as the heroine of her favorite cartoons. It is very easy to find a gift for a girl for 2 years.

Before heading to the store, remember a few simple tips:

  • At the age of 2, our little ones won't talk about their dreams. Start from the general children's preferences characteristic of this period of development.
  • When 2 years of life are behind, the list of options expands significantly. However, things containing a large number of small parts are still better not to buy.
  • Children at 2 years old are very mobile. They not only walk, but also constantly run. In this regard, we can recommend accessories for active pastime as a gift.
  • Buying expensive toys is hardly worth it. The kid is interested to know what is inside them. Playful kids will quickly disable the present, making you sad about the money spent.
  • 2 years - the time of the first creative search. Markers that the child likes to draw on the wallpaper should be hidden away. But developing kits are the right choice for a novice master.
  • The gift should attract children's attention with bright colors. Gray, plain things may not be of interest to the birthday man.
  • It is more convenient for kids if the present is light and compact. Huge soft toys are of little use, and moving them around the apartment is quite difficult.

A suitable option can always be found in the list of universal ideas. A two-year-old baby will be pleased with the following signs of attention:

  • Seasonal clothes and shoes.
  • Game arena, pool with balls.
  • Puzzles, dominoes with images of vegetables and fruits.
  • Children's puzzles.
  • Cars for boys, dolls for girls.
  • Children's computer, projector.
  • Game console.
  • A set of an album and finger paints.
  • Illustrated book, coloring book, sticker album.
  • Tricycle, scooter, car with pedals.
  • Gift certificates.
  • Tickets to the zoo, circus, puppet theater, bubble show.

Educational birthday gift 2 years

When dealing with children, remember that games should not only entertain the birthday boy, but also develop him. In this regard, you can give the crumbs pencils and felt-tip pens, special plasticine, cubes, a musical instrument. Do not forget that the youngest member of the family has a habit of blowing a pipe or beating a drum for a long time. By the end of the day, adults can grab their heads. But a play piano is a good choice. His keyboard looks like a real one. Over time, a child who has learned a couple of simple melodies may want to continue his studies at a music school.

For intellectual development, purchase a set of animal figurines or geometric shapes. The gift will help to learn colors and shapes, train memory, spatial thinking. The play medical case has similar functions. In addition, the present will dispel the traditional children's fear of people in white coats. An equally interesting option would be:

3D coloring "Live alphabet". Useful for the development of perseverance and strong-willed qualities. At the same time, young artists will get acquainted with the alphabet in a playful way.

Set of dishes "Bulldog". At this age, babies should already have their own cup and plate. It's time for birthday people to remember the name of the appliances and the periods of eating.

Logic game Hen Hens Bondibon. It is worth giving for the development of logical thinking. The task of the child is to put laying hens on eggs according to the principle of tags.

Educational wooden toy "Pear Lacing". Here, the kids will have to thread the lace with a worm at the end through small holes. The technique is designed to improve fine motor skills.

A set of speech therapy cards "Speech therapy". Children with speech defects simply need this gift. Daily classes will help solve problems with pronunciation.

Black Board Sticker. It can be glued on the wall, cabinet, refrigerator. Little heroes of the occasion will gladly draw with chalk on a smooth surface.

Original birthday surprises for a two-year-old child

The choice of a gift must be approached carefully. Ideally, before buying - consult with the parents of the baby. You simply do not know what kind of thing he already has and you can present a similar or exactly the same thing. When there is no time for talking, the only way out is an unusual surprise. They will be a certificate for a thematic photo session. The two-year-old hero of the occasion is unlikely to understand that he is posing for a family album. But it will be interesting for the child to explore the unfamiliar interior of the studio, to tinker with new toys. Snapping cool shots at this moment is a matter of technology.

An equally creative idea is planting a tree in the country or in the park. Of course, the baby will take a symbolic part in the process. However, by the age of twenty, an adult will be pleased to treat friends to the fruits of the plant or share the history of its appearance. Also, for 2 years, a child can be presented with a bottle of vintage cognac. The drink does not lose its taste properties for a long time. In the memorandum, indicate after how many years it needs to be opened and tasted.

T-shirt "I'm 2 years old". Give the baby, try on and take a picture all together. The gift is useful for trips to visit and walks.

Pillow with your photo and the letter "Smile". For its manufacture will require the best pictures. Children will be amazed to see their own image outside the albums and frames.

Personal book "The Adventures of a Kid Who Lost His Name". Without exaggeration, a unique gift. Your child will become the hero of a specially written story. Illustrate the fascinating story of his photo.

Warmer toy "Cat". Not afraid to be in the microwave. After a minute of warming up, it will remain soft and warm all night long. The birthday boy will love the celebration.

Blanket "Dragon". A blanket and a soft toy that will spend the night with the baby. The original combination should be used when decorating a nursery.

Lamp "UFO". Sconce in the shape of a flying saucer. The opportunity to change the backlight intensity and color scheme gives a special mystery to the present.

Variants of sports presentations for kids for 2 years

The beginning of the third year of life is the best period for active physical development. The most common gifts here are balls, jump ropes, equipment for outdoor games. The parents who decide to equip the baby with a sports corner are right. Simple at first glance, the shells will help the child use the energy supply to good use.

Children are known to love to jump. In the summer they can be taken to an inflatable city, but what about in the winter? Give your treasure a collapsible trampoline. With this present you will kill several birds with one stone. Do not let the baby get bored at home and in the country, and also make a wonderful surprise.

Swing. A much-desired present. Do not feed the smallest ones with bread, let them roam from side to side to their heart's content.

Grasshopper. It is necessary to give the baby, showing excessive activity. In about an hour, he will have the strength only for lunch and a sweet dream.

Horizontal bar. The development of the crossbar will go much faster if adults start working with children. Arrange a pull-up competition and come up with a prize for the winner.

Inflatable armlets. Without them, it is generally better for a baby not to enter the water. When the fear of depth fades into the background, start learning to swim.

home basketball. The small ring and ball are designed so that kids can play enough without leaving the room. To begin with, it is enough to learn how to hit exactly in the basket.

Ideas for memorable gifts for a child for 2 years on the occasion of his birthday

The baby will not immediately understand the value of the offering. It will take a long time before the birthday boy realizes how expensive a silver cross or personalized mug is, made at the moment when he was 2 years old. A similar gift was ordered specifically for the hero of the occasion. As a rule, it exists in a single copy.

Quite often, jewelry is bought for a child. So, a gold pendant or medallion can be decorated with the initials of the owner. The thing will never lose relevance. Like an oil painting portrait. Ideally, the images on the canvas should be painted from nature. If children are difficult to hold in place for posing, ask the artist to do the photography work. The value of the canvas will not change from this.

Original photo collage on canvas. Nice alternative to a portrait. The photos of babies chosen by you are processed and assembled in agreement with the customer.

Children's photo-night light with fairy-tale characters. Memorable gifts can be decorated not only with the image of the birthday man. Heroes of your favorite cartoons, games and comics look great on an interior lightbox.

Large photo album "Newborn". It will be dear to the baby thanks to the prints of the palms and feet, which are used to design the cover. Special composition for casts is included in the kit.

Alarm clock with your picture. Inexpensive but interesting gift. The classic mechanism is a guarantee of many years of trouble-free operation.

What a gift for a 2-year-old child can make grandparents

Due to experience, representatives of the older generation know better what things the youngest need. By the cherished day, they are trying to present not just another toy, but a warm jacket in which you can walk all day, new shoes, furniture for the nursery. Being two years old, grandchildren and granddaughters will not consider such an acquisition useless.

A common gift for grown-up kids is a bed, a table and a chair, an inflatable chair. No less often, close relatives give bath accessories and bath toys. If finances allow, impress the child with a car with an electric motor. Surely no one in the yard has one like it.

The book "Charlie the Goat Looks for Medicinal Herbs". Reading stories with a baby, you will learn a lot about the plant world. In addition, the baby will get acquainted with the aromas of flowers and herbs.

Dinosaurs Mini-Mo Kids Backpack. When going to the country with your child, do not forget toys, a drawing set. They can easily fit inside.

Jumbo Jr. mouthwash container Only experienced people worry about such gifts. In the company of a blue elephant, you want to brush your teeth before going to bed.

Spoon "Feed me". Funny thing. The yellow chicken and the birthday people seem to be feeding each other.

Shower cap "Swimming without tears". The kid will appreciate the purchase! He instantly loves to wash his hair.