Crafts from vegetables. The main characters of the fairy tale "Kolobok". Beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands - little men

Every autumn in kindergartens and primary schools there are thematic exhibitions under the general title "Gifts of Autumn". And the main characters in them are handicrafts made from vegetables and fruits.

From zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, watermelons, apples, grapes and other natural material from branches and beds you can make:

  • Figures of animals, birds, cartoon characters, people
  • Constructions - appliances, houses, household items, dishes
  • Flat paintings and panels with different subjects
  • Flowers and animals using the cutting technique (not to be confused with)

Artistic carving on vegetables and fruits

Another technique for making crafts from vegetables or fruits with your own hands is Carving(cutting out). This is when everything superfluous is cut off from the original form and a new figure is obtained, similar to something or someone.

Banana, eggplant and broccoli dog

Watermelon turtle

Watermelon dinosaur head

Zucchini Zucchini Slippers

Pig salad bowl with watermelon, berries and melon

Watermelon submarine

Bell pepper frogs

You can also cut flowers from vegetables and fruits. A sharp knife and our master class will help.

Master class "Bouquet of pepper tulips"

The flowers are very authentic, especially after 12 hours - the dried petals close, closing around the middle. But this view does not spoil.

Photo after 12 hours

To work you will need:

  • fleshy bell pepper - yellow and red
  • cherry tomatoes - small and even
  • BBQ sticks
  • squash (for base)
  • vase - we have a wicker made of paper tubes
  • mug
  • red cabbage leaves, green hot peppers and viburnum twigs - for decoration
  • tape

With a sharp, not long knife, we cut out the peaks on the pepper, trying to make both halves neat and go into action. We wash one part, where the testes are in water, removing the seeds and core. This can be done by hand.

Now we plant the flowers on a skewer, leaving 2 cm in the middle for planting tomatoes. We tape the stem.

The side where the base of the pepper is missing is very soft and can quickly slide down the stem. We make a support at the bottom - we reinforce the top with electrical tape, and then on top of it - green tape.

We put a small squash in a mug - this is the basis for a bouquet. For a vase, you can also use a small pumpkin, green zucchini.

Installing the bouquet. We decorate it with cabbage leaves, viburnum twigs, green hot pepper.

Crafts with the addition of decorative elements

Decor from other materials can be added to vegetables and fruits: plasticine, foamiran, feathers, material, as well as beads, buttons, berries.

In this way, piglets from potatoes appear:

Pumpkin Fashionista:

Watermelons and pumpkins make wonderful samovars, teapots, flower vases, clocks and funny Halloween masks.

And "Cross" offers you another master class.

Master class "Wise Turtle"

No need to introduce tortilla. This is a well-known character in the work "The Golden Key", which is loved by all readers. The turtle is a symbol of wisdom, so we will make just a fairy-tale hero.

We will need:

  • half a cabbage roach
  • large dark green cucumbers (without bumps)
  • wooden toothpicks and 3 skewers
  • base - a flat plate and herbs
  • floral wire
  • fabric on the cap, braid, needle and thread
  • toothpick scissors
  • eyes

Let's start with the shell. Cut the cucumbers into slices of equal thickness. Divide the toothpicks in half with scissors or a knife.

If you break toothpicks with your hands, you get uneven shaggy edges, and they spoil the overall picture of the shell.

We attach each circle to the base-cabbage with 3 wooden "carnations". This is enough to hold the cucumber.

For the head, cut off the end of the cucumber of the required length. We select so that the head and neck are similar - rounded, even.

For the beauty of the craft, we will decorate the place where the neck is attached to the body with a cucumber "washer": we make a circle from a cucumber, remove the middle and put it on the neck blank.

In the body, we will provide a place for the neck and select some leaves from the cabbage.

When the whole shell is ready, we will strengthen the turtle's head and neck on skewers.

We make eyes, we roll up the wire in the form of glasses. We make a cap from a mug of fabric.

We make legs from four columns of cucumber, attach to toothpicks. Place the turtle on a flat plate. For beauty, cover it with red cabbage leaves. Any greens can be used.

For the entourage - tagetes flowers, and the image of the wise and somewhere even flirty tortoise Tortilla is complete!

An excellent and long-lasting version of the turtle is the green zucchini squash.

Secrets and subtleties of creating crafts

  1. Before starting work, all vegetables must be washed, dried, and then used as material for creativity.
  2. Wooden toothpicks, skewers, floral wire will help in business.
  3. It must be borne in mind that crafts made from vegetables or fruits have a short shelf life. Soft tomatoes and juicy cucumbers, for example, leak quickly, and this must be taken into account when composing compositions.
  4. It is better to use "long-term" vegetables and root crops: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, onions.
  5. Ideally, crafts should be prepared just before the exhibition, if time permits.
  6. It is best to place each craft on a base / stand. Otherwise, the composition will not have a logical conclusion.


Take advantage of our tips and workshops for creating a wide variety! This is an interesting, fun and rewarding hobby for children and adults!

Crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands. See how to make children's crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten and school with a photo.

With the onset of autumn, harvesting begins in gardens and fields throughout our country. It is at this time of the year that fruits and vegetables look incredibly beautiful: they are already ripe, strong and bright enough. Now they, in addition to whetting the appetite, also seem to be pushing to create something new. It is not surprising, because from the collected fruits and, accordingly, vegetables, you can make very beautiful and interesting children's crafts from vegetables and fruits - natural material, at the same time quite quickly and, by the way, quite simply. We will show you interesting beautiful crafts from vegetables and fruits, made with your own hands and with photo instructions. By the way, check out the article, garden and cottages, there are also many interesting things.

In this article, you will see many unusual crafts from vegetables and fruits and will be given. They are unusual due to the fact that we are used to using vegetables and fruits for their intended purpose - to eat. In addition, handicrafts made from vegetables and fruits with your own hands are not stored for a long time and quickly deteriorate. To make such crafts, the use of a sharp knife is required, so the child should only work under the guidance of an adult assistant.
We want to note in advance that in most crafts, it is required to fasten together some parts of the product cut from vegetables or fruits. It is best to use regular toothpicks for this. Well, in extreme cases, matches.

1. Beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands - little men.

Simple and beautiful DIY apple crafts for kindergarten - little men. Nice photo example.

In order to cook such unpretentious guys, you will need the following components:

  • 1. Big apples.
  • 2. Some apple seeds.
  • 3. Simple toothpicks.
  • 4. Knife.

The process of making this apple craft for children:

- you need to take two apples, one of which will be larger than the other, and put on top of each other. Accordingly, a small apple will be on a large one. It is quite easy to fasten them with an ordinary toothpick. These two apples will serve as the body of our future person.

- after that, you need to cut off four bites from the apple. Two pieces will serve as legs and must be secured at the bottom of the torso. And accordingly, the other two pieces will be human hands and they need to be fixed on the sides.

- you need to take a small apple and cut into two equal parts. Each of the parts will serve as a hat for a man.

- pumpkin seeds will be needed in order to make the eyes and, accordingly, the nose of a person. The mouth can be cut with a knife directly on the apple. However, there is another way: you can cut off a separate piece and secure it with the same toothpicks.

2. Crafts from vegetables and fruits - giraffe from carrots or potatoes.

Beautiful children's handicrafts made from vegetables - a giraffe made from carrots or potatoes.

In order to with make a giraffe out of vegetables with your own hands, you need two potatoes of different sizes. Accordingly, the one that is larger will act as the body of a giraffe, and the one that is smaller in size will act as the head. In order to make the neck, carrots are perfect, from which you will need to cut off the tip. The body with the neck will need to be fastened with toothpicks. Of course, any giraffe has ears and they can be made using small leaves or even seeds. In order to make the legs, you can take small twigs from any trees, and the tail itself can be made of grass, which you can also look for dried for beauty. The easiest way to make eyes for a giraffe is with cereal. Buckwheat is most often used. You can also make a giraffe from a carrot, such as shown in the photo above.

3. Simple children's crafts of animals from fruits - a mouse from a pear.

What to make such an unusual mouse from? From very simple ingredients like the pear itself, a couple of pumpkin seeds, a small wire bite that has a plug and, of course, with a knife.

Crafts of animals from fruits with your own hands - a pear mouse with a photo example.

The process of making fruit crafts with your own hands:

First of all, we will make the ears of the mouse: First, with the help of a knife, you need to make cuts in the pear in those places where the ears themselves will be. After that, you should slightly bend the ears, which you get back.

The next step: we make the mouse eyes from the pear. Take the pumpkin seeds, about which we wrote earlier, and on them you need to draw black pupils with a felt-tip pen or, respectively, a marker (whichever you like best). After that, you need to make cuts where the eyes will eventually be located, and insert pumpkin seeds. There is nothing complicated in this fruit craft.

The last stage of this fruit crafts- mouse tail. In order for the mouse to have a tail, you will need a wire that was mentioned at the very beginning. We stick it on the other side of the eyes with the plug outward.

4. How to make children's crafts from pears - funny little people.

If you suddenly feel sad in the fall, you can make such unpretentious little people. To prepare the second of them, you don't even need any additional ingredients. It will be enough just to take a knife and cut out their eyes and a smile. If you want your little man to have legs and arms, then you can simply take ordinary toothpicks and insert them into the place of the arms and legs, respectively.

Funny pear men. Here's how to make DIY fruit crafts.

To prepare the very first man, you may additionally need one more pear, lettuce and grapes and a banana. In order to make the eyes, you will need two circles, which we will cut off from the banana. On the circles themselves, we will make the pupils with a marker or black felt-tip pen and, accordingly, attach them with the help of toothpicks. The role of the nose of the man's nose is performed by grapes, and the role of the hat is a circle cut from the second pear. A leaf of lettuce is just for beauty, and a smile can be simply cut out with a knife. By the way, if you want, you can also fix raspberries or blackberries with a toothpick on the tip of the pear.

5. Crafts from vegetables with your own hands - a rat Larissa from a radish.

Anyone who has a radish growing in the garden will make an interesting enough rat. You cannot distinguish it from the one that the well-known old woman Shapoklyak had. How do you make yourself such a girlfriend? It's very simple.

Beautiful handicrafts from vegetables - a rat Larissa from a radish. Photo example of the finished composition.

To make such a children's craft, you will need:

  1. - one large white radish
  2. - some lettuce leaves or, if not, cabbage
  3. - one radish
  4. - some olives to be stuffed with paprika
  5. - knife from the kitchen
  6. - five toothpicks.


- the first step is to thoroughly wash and dry your large radish accordingly. After that, you need to remove all the leaves from it. You can only leave those that are in the place of the tail of the future Lariska rat. You also need to remove all the roots, leaving them exclusively in the place of future tendrils.

- after that, the front part of the radish should be cut off, and at the end, using one of the toothpicks, the very large radish should be fixed. Immediately it is worth sticking in a couple more toothpicks so that they subsequently appear as hair on the beard of a rat.

- in order to make the ears, you will need to make two large enough notches on the left and right, respectively. They will need to stick those same lettuce or cabbage leaves. There is really no difference. Perhaps just the lettuce leaves are a little brighter.

- at the very end we will make Lariska's rat eyes. We cut the olives into small mugs and stick each of them into the radish with a toothpick (as you can see, without toothpicks, we could hardly do anything). But what is a rat without eyebrows? They can be made with a piece of radish left over.

6. How to make a teapot and a cup from an apple and an orange.

A teapot and a cup of apple and orange - a tea set and beautiful children's crafts from fruits! Brief photo instruction.

With the help of apples and oranges, you can make a real tea pair or, if you want, a whole tea set. Here it will already be a matter of dexterity and accuracy, since the only tool that you will use is a knife. With it, you can make the base of the cups by removing the pulp from the apples or, as in this example, use an orange for a cup.

7. Children's crafts from vegetables - eggplant penguin.

Making such a penguin is quite simple and you only need an eggplant and, accordingly, a knife. In order to make the eyes of a penguin, you can take beads and pins, which then simply simply fix them.

Children's crafts from vegetables with their own hands for garden and school - an eggplant penguin in several photos.

First, you just need to cut the eggplant into two even parts. Each of their parts will become a separate penguin. After that, you need to take the beads and fix them in place of the eyes. However, what is a penguin without wings? They can be easily made with a knife. It is enough just to cut them out with a knife.

You can also try to make a slightly different penguin, which will require other vegetables in addition to eggplant. You will need to take a couple more carrots and one pepper. The carrot will be used for the penguin's legs and nose, and the pepper will be used for the wings. That's all, then we will consider children's crafts from fruits with our own hands, but for now, about eggplants.

8. How to make duck from cabbage and eggplant?

How can you make a duck from cabbage and eggplant quickly, beautifully and simply?

If you take a curved eggplant and one head of cabbage, which is called Peking cabbage, then you can easily make a duck. There is already a beak and, accordingly, her chest will be made of green sweet pepper.

9. Children's crafts from vegetables and flowers - a beautiful vase.

Children's beautiful crafts from vegetables and flowers with their own hands - a beautiful vase of flowers.

Also, with the help of eggplants, you can make a beautiful vase for flowers. Using a knife, you will need to take out all the eggplant pulp, and you can cut out a beautiful pattern with a knife. By the way, the pattern can be absolutely any and as varied as your imagination allows.

10. Zucchini shark - handicrafts from vegetables for kindergarten.

Shark can be made from simple squash and sleight of hand.

Zucchini shark - crafts from vegetables for kindergarten and school with photo instructions.

It will be enough just to take a knife to cut out the fins and, accordingly, the tail. By the way, if you don't have a vegetable marrow, then a large cucumber can easily replace it.

11. Zucchini shoes - handicrafts from vegetables for children.

Beautiful shoes can be made from all the same courgettes.

Zucchini shoes - crafts from vegetables for children with a photo example of a composition.

Girls like this craft most of all. It is not surprising, because they are madly similar to the beautiful shoes that Cinderella dropped at the ball. Of course, shoes can also be made from cucumbers, but here you have to look for the right cucumber, since it must be truly large.

12. Crafts from zucchini - pig.

In order to make such an interesting pig, you will need the zucchini itself, a small cucumber, and a couple of rowan berries.

Crafts from zucchini with your own hands - a pig.

The process of cooking vegetable crafts:

  • 1. It is necessary to clean the skin from the vegetable marrow.
  • 2. Cut the cucumber into slices and take five of them
  • 3. One circle, cut into two equal parts, can be used as ears.
  • 4. The other two mugs will serve as the nose of the pig
  • 5. Rowan berries should be fixed in place of the eyes.
  • Everything. The pig is ready.

13. Train of cucumbers.

Train made of natural material - cucumbers, for kindergarten and school.

You can also make a train with cucumbers. To do this, you need four cucumbers. Two of them will serve as wagons. One will need to be fixed on the carriage of the first one for beauty. And the remaining two cucumbers need to be cut into slices. They will perform in this craft with train wheels, which will need to be fastened with toothpicks and pieces of cheese.

14. Crafts of racing cars from natural material - cucumbers.

With the help of all the same cucumbers, you can make cars for racing.

Cars - handicrafts made from natural material - cucumbers. In the photo, the children happily craft themselves.

Additionally, you will need radishes, carrots and the most common toothpicks. The radish in this craft will act as a helmet for the racer, and the carrots, cut into circles, will replace the wheels of the car. To attach the wheels, you will need a toothpick already familiar to everyone, which will connect the wheels, both to each other and to the body of the racing car.

15. Crafts of flowers from vegetables with your own hands - you need corn and carrots.

Without exception, all girls will love the flowers that can be made for the mother's holiday with the help of toothpicks and carrots.

DIY vegetable flowers - you need corn and carrots.

With a knife, you need to cut the desired flower shape and then string it onto the toothpick itself. Carrots can also be safely replaced with corn. Then the core can be made brighter with beets or corn kernels. If you make about ten flowers, you will get a pretty beautiful bouquet.

16. Cabbage and carrot ice cream for kindergarten and school.

Cabbage and carrot ice cream. DIY vegetable crafts for children with a beautiful photo example.

To prepare such a craft, you will need:

  • 1. Cauliflower
  • 2. Carrots

The amount of carrots and cauliflower depends entirely on how many servings of ice cream you want to make. Carrots will need to be washed and placed in cups. She will act as a waffle cup. On top, in the form of ice cream, you will need to fix the cauliflower. It looks very appetizing and is very similar to real ice cream.

17. Craft a lamb made of natural material - cabbage.

Craft lamb made from natural material - cabbage. Give children joy and do crafts together!

Also, you can make a rather cute lamb from cauliflower, for the preparation of which you will need more currants and, accordingly, ordinary matches or toothpicks, with which you will actually need to fix your eyes. The figure of the lamb and its legs will need to be cut out with a knife.

18. Man and Cheburashka from vegetables to kindergarten and school.

Here's how to make crafts from human vegetables and cheburashka.

Making a man's craft from vegetables with your own hands is quite simple. For the torso, medium-sized carrots are perfect. It will be ideal, of course, if during harvesting it is possible to notice carrots, which have a forked end. In this case, even the legs will not have to be additionally attached, since they will already be ready. For a person's head, you can take a small potato or even an onion.

In order for a person to be like a real person, he certainly needs eyes. It can be made from either black peas or even from any grains. For the mouth, no additional vegetables are needed, since a smile can be cut out with a simple knife. It is only advisable for an adult to do this, since not all children will be able to cut it out neatly, and in the end they want to get the perfect figure, of course. What is a person without hair on his head? They can be made using threads that can be woven into absolutely any hairstyle, or even using straw or even grass. If you come across a carrot with a forked end, then the legs can be made from carrots. Just in order to fix them we will need toothpicks or matches, depending on your preferences. For such a person, a child can come up with a name, and girls can even prepare clothes.

19. Crafts from fruits with your own hands - pear hedgehog.

Ingredients for the craft:

  • 1. Large pear
  • 2. Almond thorns or the simplest toothpicks
  • 3. Cherries in sugar
  • 4. Some raisins.

How to make a beautiful hedgehog using a pear?

Here's how to make DIY fruit crafts for the garden and for school - a pear hedgehog.

- according to your choice, the pear can be peeled or directly with the skin. However, you should understand that if you decide to leave the pear without skin, you will need to sprinkle it with a little lemon juice, otherwise the “naked” pear will darken quickly enough.

- after that, you need to stick almond thorns into the pear (if they are not there, then the most ordinary toothpicks). They will serve as needles on the hedgehog's torso.

- Of course, the hedgehog will need to make both eyes and nose. For the nose, we just took cherries in sugar, and the eyes can be made very simply by fixing them in their place according to the zest.

20. Crocodile from cucumbers - beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands.

Simple and beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands, which you can then eat. :-)

In order to make a crocodile, it is best to take a sufficiently curved cucumber that will protrude into the body. Small cuts need to be made on the cucumber. After that, another cucumber needs to be cut into two equal parts, one of which will act as the head. In order for the crocodile to have beautiful teeth that will be as similar to real ones as possible, you need to arrange it quite carefully, execute it by cutting them on both sides of the notch of the figure in the shape of triangles. Crocodile legs are best made from the other half of the cucumber. They are also best attached with matches or toothpicks. For the eye, as well as for all other shapes, you can use any berries that you just like. You can even make pupils using peas or even a slice of carrots. Only first you need to get rid of the sulfur.

21. Vegetable dog - banana dachshund.

Also recently, banana counterfeits have become very popular.

Beautiful children's crafts from fruits with their own hands in the garden. Several photo examples for a flight of imagination.

This banana craft is quite simple to make and even a small child can do it. For the body of the dog, you need a large banana. By the way, for a fake it is better to take a couple of bananas, since at least one more will be needed to make a face for a future dog. Using a knife, you can cut the dog's ears from the banana peel, the main thing is to remove all the pulp first. The head and body are simply fastened with simple matches, but the main thing: do not forget to attach eyes. For this, you can use, for example, raisins.

Beautiful children's crafts made from fruits and vegetables from natural materials, in fact, make it possible to cook a huge number of a wide variety of objects and animals, and most importantly, this is your imagination. It is she who will allow you to decorate the dinner table with such beauty that you can later eat!

Read .

What natural materials do you like to craft?

Autumn is a wonderful and sad time: nature says goodbye to warmth and sunny mood. But do not rush to yearn for the passing summer. The gifts of autumn will delight you with an exquisite and unique taste, bright colors and an indescribable aroma. And the kids will be able to make crafts from vegetables and fruits for the exhibition at school with their own hands. Dear mothers! Get ready to create with your children, and our step-by-step instructions will help you create funny heroes of fairy tales and cartoons based on ordinary vegetables and fruits.

What kind of craft to make from vegetables and fruits for the "Gifts of Autumn" exhibition

Exhibitions-fairs, traditionally held in schools, are a reason to rejoice for children, admiring the creations of others, and a "headache" for mothers who, in the evenings, and sometimes at night, perfect children's masterpieces for the competition. In order to have time to complete your plan, purchase what you need - from natural materials to cardboard - discuss with your child in advance the idea of ​​crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition at school, done by yourself.

You will find a rich selection of plots and characters in printed children's educational magazines, online publications on children's creativity. Free channels on YouTube on needlework will tell you how to decorate the craft beautifully, helping the child (and mother) to understand the intricacies of craftsmanship. The theme of the "Gifts of Autumn" exhibitions is multifaceted: heroes of popular cartoons, fairy-tale characters, animals, birds are merrily placed on autumn meadows in the middle of a fairy-tale forest.

For crafts you will need: vegetables; fruits; natural materials; glue, scissors, traditional for needlewomen; varnish to preserve and preserve the craft; various textures, paper quality; cardboard; plasticine. Here is a forest beauty - a "nutty" squirrel makes reserves for the winter, somewhere a "pineapple" owl hoots a bitch, a "carrot" horse carries a pumpkin carriage with Cinderella, »Golden Fish fulfills the most cherished desires.

Crafts in honor of All Saints Day - Halloween look boldly, stylishly. Pumpkin - the queen of the garden - is certainly present in all sorts of forms: as a vase for a maple bouquet of "roses"; like a magic lantern that drives away evil spirits; as an exquisite coach or ship for travelers. The sketch will not do without a black cat and a funny witch in a pointed hat.

Step-by-step instructions for crafts from fruits and vegetables to school

Does your child dream of making a bright, unusual DIY craft for an autumn fair at school? Our step-by-step instructions will tell you, your child, an easy, fast, high-quality way to make a real masterpiece using seasonal vegetables, fruits, natural materials, tools, and accessories for needlework. You will need a little imagination, hard work, a huge amount of patience in creating "works of autumn art" for an exhibition at school.

"Hedgehog" made from pears and grapes

Hedgehogs, although glorious, kind creatures, are still very thorny. It is very problematic to play with them, but cute, affectionate and not prickly kids at all, for whom pears and grapes will be needed that are not only funny, but also edible. Let's take a step-by-step method of preparing these pear-grape crafts for an exhibition at school with our own hands:

  1. Take a large plate, garnish with lettuce leaves, creating a forest setting.
  2. Slice each pear in half, spreading over the cut onto a plate.
  3. Prepare the "grape thorns": cut the toothpicks in half, sand the uneven edges with a sandpaper. "Dress" the grapes on half of the sticks so that the sharp edge of the toothpicks remains free.
  4. Drive in soft needles, leaving room for the head.
  5. For the eyes of the "Hedgehog" handicraft, elderberries, black chokeberries or peppercorns are suitable for the school exhibition.
  6. A small but curious nose will be a pea of ​​allspice.
  7. The dish for the exhibition is ready for school!

"Giraffe" from carrots or potatoes

"Autumn" giraffe is a funny and funny DIY craft, which even young schoolchildren will be able to prepare for the fair at school. You will need:

  • carrots - 7 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs. (for carrot and potato crafts);
  • matches;
  • peas for eyes - 2 pcs.

  1. Rinse and dry all vegetables thoroughly.
  2. A larger carrot or oblong potato will be the body of a giraffe.
  3. The smaller one is the head. If the giraffe is completely carrot, prepare 4 rectangular leg figures.
  4. Long thin carrots will serve as a neck for DIY "Giraffe" craft.
  5. It remains to connect the parts with toothpicks.
  6. Cut off half of the match, leaving the sulfur-headed part for the horns. Gently stick into carrots or potatoes.
  7. Use pepper or acrylic paints for the eyes. Do not forget to draw beautiful spots with them. Leave the craft to dry out and boldly carry it to the exhibition at the school!

"Caterpillar" of apples

Autumn fruits are ideal for creating unusual crafts. Juicy, ripe, fragrant apples will be an excellent basis for the wonderful masterpiece "Caterpillar". You will need 5-6 apples of approximately the same size, toothpicks for fasteners, 1 carrot, several rowan berries, grapes, a flower for decoration.

  1. Cut the carrots into thin - no more than 5 mm thick - rings.
  2. Stick the apple with a toothpick in the place of the tail, thread one carrot ring and connect with another apple. Repeat the process to form the body of the "insect".
  3. When 1 apple remains, which will serve as a head, attach it vertically, as shown in the photo.
  4. The remaining vegetable rings will serve as the legs of a leisurely caterpillar. Attach the carrots with toothpicks to the bottom of the sides of the caterpillar.
  5. We attach a grape as a nose.
  6. Chokeberry will replace the eyes, and will also serve to create funny antennae horns.
  7. A dried flower will turn a caterpillar into a flirty lady, and a stylish top hat - into an elegant gentleman.
  8. Autumn fruits, rowan berries as a decor will provide an opportunity to show imagination in the manufacture of crafts.

How to make "Racing cars" from vegetables and natural materials

The easiest way to make a racing car is to cut half of a peeled apple into equal large strips, as shown in the photo. Four grapes will go behind the wheels. Providing the "massiveness" of such crafts, you can recreate rally races or an autumn city with cars scurrying through the streets.

Vegetables are excellent materials for a racing car. A student of a middle or high school can do such a craft with his own hands, and the kids will need the help of their parents. Cut out the driver's seat in an open super bob with a knife, making a steering wheel from a small "round" of carrots or cucumbers. For wheels, vegetable rings are suitable: zucchini, carrots, attached with toothpicks.


To make a DIY Turtle craft for an exhibition at school, you will need the following vegetables:

  • round pumpkin of small diameter;
  • 4 gherkins and one cucumber with a rounded end for the head;
  • pumpkin seeds - 2 pcs.;
  • sunflower seeds - 2 pcs.;
  • toothpicks for fastening.

  1. Wash and cut the pumpkin in half. Peel off seeds and pulp.
  2. Carefully cut out the pattern with a knife, repeating the shape of the turtle shell.
  3. On the four sides of the body, make small arches-cuts in a semicircular shape, into which attach the gherkins. These will be the legs of the animal.
  4. Using toothpicks, attach a small piece of rounded cucumber - this will be the head.
  5. Fasten the pumpkin seed and half of the sunflower husk with plasticine, forming the eyes. Glue with double-sided tape or plasticine to the head.
  6. This wonderful handmade vegetable turtle will certainly impress the kids at the autumn fair, the exhibition at the school!


Bulky vegetables with a dense skin - zucchini or zucchini, eggplants, pumpkins, melons; "Wondrous" fruit - pineapple will become an ideal basis for creating an autumn handicraft "Vase of flowers" for an exhibition at school with your own hands. To make the vase stable, you need to cut off a small circle at the base of the vase. Decide on the required height by cutting off the excess. Then use a knife to remove the core of the vegetable or fruit.

Decorate the surface of the craft with an intricate or simple pattern if desired. Autumn flowers - oaks, asters, marigolds - will look beautiful in a vase. Do you want your DIY craft for an exhibition at school to look really autumnal? Collect yellow maple leaves and make magical roses like in our photo. Form the flowers by tying them together with thread or wire.

How to make "Piglet" from zucchini and rowan berries

Small, plump zucchini; a circle of cucumber for the ears and a thin strip of peel for the tail of the spiral; a patch of radishes (carrots), black chokeberry berries - a small list of easily accomplished, but such a funny craft "Piglet" based on vegetables for a school exhibition:

  1. Cut the cucumber slice in half. Fasten the ears as shown in the photo.
  2. Using two matches, attach the "patch" to the back of the zucchini. Matches will simultaneously play the role of nostrils and fasteners.
  3. Attach rowan berries with toothpicks. They will be the eyes of a pig.
  4. The funny ponytail remains and your creation is ready!

"Hare" from cabbage

You will need:

  • white cabbage - 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots with tops - 1 pc .;
  • plasticine.

"Cabbage stump" is a funny and funny craft that will delight children at the exhibition at the school. It is easily done with their own hands by primary school students based on seasonal vegetables:

  1. Combine both cabbage with toothpicks. The larger one will act as a torso.
  2. Cut the courgettes in half lengthwise. Then divide the larger one into 2 equal parts: these are the paws of the toy.
  3. A smaller squash will serve for long, long ears.
  4. Secure the legs and ears with toothpicks, as shown in the photo.
  5. With the help of plasticine, make the eyes, face and mouth of the bunny.
  6. Do not forget that this "beast" loves raw, healthy vegetables. Therefore, one cannot do without juicy carrots in the paws of the "oblique".

Do you want to make a funny and absolutely kind-hearted Grandma-Hedgehog for the school exhibition with your own hands? Purchase vegetables and fruits in advance:

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 apple.

  1. Cut off the rounded section of the large mortar potato and one medium section for stability.
  2. Smaller potatoes will go on the nose and hands of the "sorceress".
  3. Fasten the stupa, body with toothpicks, attaching hands and an apple head.
  4. Cut off 6-7 cm of the banana from the side of the tail. You can eat the insides, and cut the peel into small, narrow strips, imitating the unique hairstyle of Baba Yaga.
  5. Place the peel over the apple.
  6. Matches are suitable for the eyes, and a long strip of the same banana skin will become a broom.

Cartoon characters "Smeshariki"

Favorite "Smeshariki", made of vegetables, fruits and improvised materials with their own hands, will bring great joy to children and will quickly find their buyer at the fair at the school. For wise Sovunya, you need beets; Nyusha a tomato "to face"; orange / lemon Losyash, potato Kopatych, onion Hedgehog, apple Krosh will make a cheerful company. The material for hands, feet, decorative elements will be plasticine or polymer clay. Small twigs will become Losyash's horns, and mountain ash, chestnuts, leaves will emphasize the autumn mood.


Vegetables, fruits, natural materials will be needed for a variety of DIY crafts for an exhibition at school. An exquisite apple-basket will become a decoration of the children's table. An indispensable attribute of All Saints Day - a luminous pumpkin - will emphasize the mysterious, mysterious atmosphere of the holiday. "Carrot" flowers, apple-grape Princess Frog can be made with their own hands even for kids.

Every year, autumn gives us generous harvests of vegetables and fruits, from which such delicious preserves for the winter are obtained. However, ripe gifts of nature can be used in other ways, turning them into original and creative interior decorations. So, many children are happy to make crafts from vegetables and fruits - for exhibitions and competitions in a kindergarten or school. This is where there is a fantasy roaming! Indeed, from the "usual" overripe cucumber, potato or multi-colored bell pepper, you can create truly fabulous "characters". Of course, in some moments the little “craftsmen” will need the help of adults - to attach or cut out the desired part of the product. However, the result of such joint creativity will amaze both children and parents. We have selected the most original master classes with step-by-step photos of handicrafts made from autumn vegetables and fruits. And with the help of the video, you can visually study the exciting process of creating such funny figures. So, you stock up on fruits and vegetables, and from our side - interesting ideas and inspiration!

Craft from vegetables and fruits "Apple caterpillar" for kindergarten with your own hands - a step-by-step master class with a photo

In kindergarten, contests are usually held for the best craft on the theme of autumn, as well as for various significant dates and holidays. Kids, with the help of their parents, create their handmade masterpieces and bring them to the kindergarten, where the winner of the competition is determined. Do it yourself an original craft of vegetables and fruits "Apple caterpillar" - in our step-by-step master class with a photo, the process of making such a cute caterpillar is described in detail. Undoubtedly, your creation will win first place at an exhibition or competition!

Materials for making crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten:

  • medium-sized apples
  • fresh carrots
  • rowan berries
  • plasticine
  • toothpicks
  • seashells

Step-by-step instructions for making DIY fruit and vegetable crafts for kindergarten

  1. Cut the carrots into rings and put them on toothpicks.

  2. Now the toothpicks need to be inserted into the apples to connect them together.

  3. We make funny "horns" for our caterpillar - from rowan berries.

  4. A small shell will become a hat, and we sculpt the eyes, nose and mouth from plasticine.

  5. The result is a funny apple caterpillar with carrot legs.

Craft from fruits and vegetables "Apple caterpillar" with your own hands in the kindergarten - a master class on video

With the help of this video, you will easily master, together with your child, a master class on making crafts from fruits and vegetables - "Apple caterpillar". In this case, the caterpillar can be not only green, but also red or yellow. Good luck with your fruit fantasies!

Craft from vegetables and fruits "Helicopter" for an exhibition to school - a master class with step-by-step photos

Such an original craft made from vegetables and fruits can be prepared for a school exhibition. We choose a zucchini or a medium-sized pumpkin as the "main" material - fortunately, in the fall you can pick them up in any shape and for every taste. Of course, a schoolchild can do the "Helicopter" craft made of fruits and vegetables, but with mom or dad, the work process will go more fun. Well, let's fly!

Necessary materials for crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands to school

  • pumpkin or zucchini of a suitable size and shape
  • flat box - the basis for the future "helicopter"
  • chopsticks - 4 pcs.
  • carnations
  • white and brown paper
  • cardboard black - according to the size of the box
  • toothpicks
  • the fruits of the ash
  • glue
  • awl
  • felt-tip pens or colored markers

Step-by-step master class of children's crafts from vegetables and fruits for an exhibition at school:

  1. We are preparing a platform for our vegetable "helicopter". To do this, take the lid from the box and glue a sheet of cardboard onto it. Then we cut out two stripes from white paper along the length of the box and glue them on the lid, parallel to each other.

  2. Again we take white paper and cut out a circle and glue it onto strips (as in the photo). We also glue two wooden sticks on the surface of the circle.

  3. We are starting to manufacture the helicopter. For the tail rotor, cut out two circles of brown paper (each 2 cm in diameter). On the seamy side of one circle, we apply glue and lay out the ash fruits and a toothpick crosswise, with which the screw will be attached to the body of our "aircraft". We cover the second circle with glue and apply it to the first, over the screw.

  4. In the lid of the box (platform), we make a couple of holes with the help of an awl, where we insert them with a toothpick. We put the pumpkin on the toothpicks and fasten the tail rotor.

  5. We need a stud to secure the main propeller.

  6. We draw the windows. Everything, the original handicraft of vegetables and fruits "Helicopter" is ready!

Handicraft from vegetables "Helicopter" with your own hands for an exhibition at school - a master class on video

For the "Helicopter" vegetable craft, we need an eggplant and a carrot, as well as toothpicks and a knife. With the help of this video, you will learn how to make such a wonderful craft from vegetables for an exhibition in a school or kindergarten with your own hands.

Photo of children's handicrafts from vegetables to kindergarten and school

The kids' fantasy is truly limitless. It would seem that they are ordinary vegetables - and what a beauty you can make of them with your own hands! We offer you a selection of beautiful photos of children's crafts from vegetables, the authors of which are kindergarten and elementary school pupils.

Photo of children's crafts from fruits to kindergarten and school

The autumn abundance of seasonal fruits pleases with its amazing taste and inspires creativity. The photo shows the best children's handicrafts made from fruits - according to this sample, you can make a handicraft for a school exhibition or kindergarten. Or just eat such a treat right away.

Favorite activity of children in kindergarten - children's crafts from vegetables, which always turn out to be unusual and original. Such creativity allows the child to develop creative abilities from an early age, because children learn to see the unusual in the most ordinary and everyday things: before their eyes, an ordinary carrot will turn into a giraffe, and a cucumber into a crocodile. He will learn to work with different colors and textures, to combine different materials in one craft.

Lots of ideas how to create children's crafts from vegetables on the theme "Autumn", you can find, and tomorrow an original pumpkin vase may appear in your house, in which do-it-yourself flowers from autumn leaves will flaunt.

Children's crafts from vegetables and fruits

Crafts from vegetables for kindergarten very easy to perform, for example, from a few zucchini an interesting cat can turn out. First you need to take a large zucchini, cut off the bottom and tail from it, so that the body turns out to be stable. Cut out a wide circle for the head.

The second zucchini should be taken smaller and cut in half lengthwise. And cut each half in half into two parts: one goes for the ears, the other for the legs. In order for the parts to fit snugly to the base, it is necessary to make oval cuts on them.

The main feature of this cat is its tail, for it you will need another zucchini, you can also take zucchini, since the color of their peel is darker. We cut this fruit lengthwise in half, and cut this half into half rings, half a centimeter wide. If you have a short zucchini, you can add rings from the second half.

For the craft, we still need a thick needle and a strong thread, you can take the "Iris" in two folds. Starting from the first half-ring, you need to thread the needle and thread through all the elements, and then go back the second row. The ends of the thread should be tied and the resulting tail should be laid out on a flat surface, straightening it so that it is slightly curved.

For the design of the face, we will also use elements made from fruits. We will make the eyes from slices of a cucumber, a circle of carrots is suitable as a spout, and we will cut out the tongue from beets.

Typically when we do children's crafts from vegetables and fruits, we connect all the elements with the help of toothpicks, we will do the same this time. First of all, we attach the legs and head to the body, then ears to the head. It remains only to attach the tail to the body with halves of toothpicks. Last but not least, we will design the face, besides, we have all the elements ready. It is necessary to break off small pieces of a toothpick and use them to attach the eyes and nose, and for the tongue, make a small depression with a knife and insert a piece of beet there.

A child can take such a craft to an exhibition in a kindergarten, and you can put a cat on a base where a variety of greens or autumn leaves will be lined.

Children's crafts from vegetables

Children especially like to do handicrafts from vegetables and fruits, kindergarten is a great place for such creativity. By creating interesting figures from familiar food products, the child develops imagination and creativity.

In most cases, to create such crafts, it is imperative to use a knife, which is unsafe for a small child, therefore, the help of parents will be required in this creative process. Parents can prepare and cut elements, and the main task of the child will be to connect them.

However, a preschooler can cope with some crafts on his own, in them the fruits are used only as a basis, and all additional elements must be sculpted from plasticine.

You just have to show your child such crafts from vegetables for kindergarten photo, and he will definitely want to repeat them on his own, because the result will be the main characters of the favorite cartoon "Smeshariki".

The fruits will make very cute favorite characters - Losyash, Krosh, Nyusha and others, for which you can make a whole: make a clearing with a house and trees, of course, using only natural materials.

To make Smesharikov, you can use multi-colored apples (red, yellow, green), tangerines and oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, plums and other spherical vegetables and fruits. And multi-colored plasticine will act as an additional material.

Let's make Krosh: for the body we take a green apple, and we will make the nose, ears and hands with the help of green plasticine. For the mouth and the eye, we will use white cardboard, on which we need to draw the pupils, and we will make the eyebrows using black plasticine.

For Nyusha, the body will be made from a red apple; red plasticine will be used for the heel and hair. We must not forget about the main decoration of Nyusha - a bright bow, it can also be sculpted from plastic or attached with a satin ribbon.

The body of the Hedgehog will be made with red onions, red plasticine will be used for the needles and pens. The Hedgehog's nose can be made from a piece of black plasticine, and the mouth can be cut from cardboard. Be sure to make glasses by twisting them off the wire.

You can also do the rest children's crafts from vegetables and fruits, photo they will tell you how to sculpt additional elements using plastic material. The next character - Losyasha - we will make with the help of an orange, which will be used as a base. The black block will go on the eyebrows, arms and legs, and the brown one should be used for the branched horns. The cardboard will go over the eyes and mouth.

The potato is suitable as a body for Kopatych, be sure to make a plasticine hat for him. And when all the characters are ready, you need to perform a thematic composition for them. For example, a melon should be cut in half, and the core and pulp removed, and Kopatych and Losyash should be put in the finished boat. Nosha and Hedgehog will sit under a palm tree made with skewers or wooden sticks and bell pepper slices.

The child will definitely want to add other elements to decorate children's crafts from vegetables, photo lessons are not needed here at all, because working with plastic mass is very easy, as well as cutting out parts from paper or cardboard.

DIY vegetable crafts for children

Children's crafts from vegetables on the theme of autumn

It is impossible to imagine how original they look DIY vegetable crafts, which are collected in a floral arrangement. You can make a real flower bouquet from carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, but most often such figures are used by mothers to decorate festive dishes and salads.

The cucumber must be cut into thin plates with a special knife. They will be easy to bend and with their help you can make a flower. The first plate must be carefully twisted into a loose roll, and the next ones must be wrapped like petals around the core. Cucumber plates bend perfectly in different directions, therefore they can be wrapped in different ways, some examples are shown in the photographs. On a plate, frame the cucumber flower with green leaves.

A very beautiful fluffy bow is obtained from leeks. With a sharp knife, you need to make a cross-shaped incision along the entire length of the bow, but when cutting, you need to leave the whole center.

Now you need to carefully separate the cut strips and bend them inward. Do this with all the "petals" to the very middle, and you will get a lush bow, a spectacular decoration for any festive dish.

A carrot flower will help to complement the composition: you need to peel the root crop and cut off a not very long (but not short) piece. Use a knife to cut off the sides of the plate to form a pentagon. Further, on the edges, you need to make cuts, not reaching the end. Each petal must be cut off at the edges of the pieces so that it turns out to be sharp. All other petals should also be sharpened. All the following cuts must be done in a checkerboard pattern to make the flower lush. When you get to the middle, you need to trim it a little to get a pointed cone.

Children's crafts from vegetables: photo

To figure out how to accomplish children's crafts from vegetables with their own hands, photo you can find master classes on the pages of our website, and you will immediately understand that there is nothing difficult in transforming several carrots into an interesting giraffe, and a couple of cucumbers will turn into a kind crocodile before your very eyes.

You can bring to the Bright Autumn exhibition, and present a vase made from a pumpkin and painted with white acrylic paint to the class teacher on Teacher's Day. However, in order for such a vase to be stored for a long time, it must be thoroughly cleaned of the pulp and dried.