Congratulations to the gift of the tableware blanket. Congratulations for a gift blanket. Gift "casket with butterflies"

Issue from the university - I really want to prevent something original with the meaning of the perpetrator of the celebration.

Most often, it is customary to desire success, financial well-being. And in order not to give cash to this well-being in the convective, invent or original packaging, or.

How to make it yourself

One of these gifts is the manufacture of money carpet. Especially relevant such a surprise for the wedding. How to make it?

Need to cook:

  • polyethylene sheets;
  • strong threads;
  • photos;
  • sewing needles.

To make a carpet as a gift, you need to make a lot of effort. The first thing you need is, naturally, the finance themselves. The basis can be invented a variety of. It is only worth thinking well and take advantage of creative abilities.

The simplest way to make money cover - take a polyethylene film with a large sheet, folded in half and sew in three parties to get a cover.

There is neatly putting bills in one layer, so that they cover the entire surface and were between two sheets of the cover. Next will have to perform painstaking work: settling the straight seams of the line between pieces.

It is necessary that each of them turns out to be in a separate cell. Then money will not move from the place and each in its "compartment" will be located.

The procedure can be done gradually, flashing each row and every banknote. It will be easier than to sew a filled envelope.

You can also attach them to the bottom of the sheet, but only then cover the second half of the film. But for this it is better to use the bouta money, and the real give separately.

This option is not acceptable not as a financial surprise, but as support for the wish. Real, of course, should not be attached to anything. And you can add similar accompaniment to one of the presents:

Handmade carpet in the form of a handmade carpet has become popular recently. Therefore, such a cover can be bought in the agencies for holidays or to order in the studio.

How to hand?

But it is not always enough just to prevent original cash. Therefore, it is worth thinking how else and beautifully make a money carpet for a gift.

It can be decorated with flowers from the butt bills, you can attach in any order of photos of newlyweds or jubilers, decorate portraits by frames from the bills intertwined into patterns.

It is better to use banknotes of contrasting colors, for example, the advantage of 500 rubles and 1000 is one burgundy, the other is green. With this combination, it is very convenient to make ornaments and patterns.

In order to present a gift for a wedding in the form of a carpet of money, of course, you will have to use real bills. In this case, it will not be exactly of them to make decorations on the surface itself.

And, moreover, if it is supposed to pack all the amounts made there, they must first be collected from those guests who prepared them to give.

Or if finances of one guest will be packed, it is better to exchange them on fifty and hundreds - banknotes will be many, and the cover can be made of large size.

For a birthday, it is also nice to present such a present. Especially if it is an anniversary, and guests are going to hand large amounts. If you congratulate without money, then the money carpet for a birthday can be a symbolic gift.

It can be made from toy bills, decorate and present the owner of the holiday as a wish of secured and a comfortable life.

Congratulations, wishes and poems

Words to a gift in the form of a cash carpet must explain the essence of the symbol. If such a surprise is made of unreal bills, and the meaning of it is only in the wish, then the text of the congratulations may contain a private birthday party, "so that he lived." You can even beat, where the jubile is standing on the rug or goes on it.

At the weddings, all congratulations and wishes are more often taken to pronounce in the form of poems. Such verse should be composed of themselves. Surely among many invited will be at least one creative person.

In the text, of course, there will be wishes so that the newlyweds never knew difficulties and needs to be money in such a sufficiency that they can be treated under their feet, etc.

If the coat itself serves as a kind of packaging for the presentation of finances, the words should contain a positive young family so that this wedding rug is the beginning of a rich life.

You can also come up with a congratulations ceremony. For example, wrap the bride into it, as in the shawl. To give it to him also the mattress under which family savings will be stored.

Such an original, though popular congratulations, will certainly have a celebration of the celebration, and all guests. Boldly need to invent ways to preeter, and the more funnime they will be, the more fun there will be a holiday.

I give you a blanket -
To warm the winter,
Heat to you so that I do not regret
Create comfort is always skillful!
But better all the same arms ...
They are love and happiness brothers,
Let your favorite warms
And the blanket helps!

Blankets are hiding
And with love warmer!

I will give a blanket as a gift
And while I am far away,
I instruct to protect your dream to him
To be on my soul easily.
For you, it will give dreams,
Lungs like swan fluff
You do not be afraid with him even firm darkness,
Protects you presented with me friend.

I notice something I
That you often freeze,
I also notice
What is increasingly - at night.
I love you, cutie,
And so I give,
I am, yes, a blanket,
After all, I love you so much.

We give you a blanket,
To sleep warmer became,
So that it hugged you,
And with love shelted!
So that dreams were calm
So that you, as in the boat, sailed,
By seas and by waves,
To cool to you!
So that warm under the blanket
He warmed your soul!

As a gift, take a warm blanket,
It will last for many years.
Being warm, comfortable,
You do not care about us.

I love you, drogh,
And so I give,
You have a blanket today,
After all, I love you so much.
And the poems keep my, firmly,
Do not throw it out
After all, then the time will pass again,
It will be funny to us.

So that in our relationship is warmer,
I give you a big blanket!

I dismiss you,
In my gift you
After all, I bought for you,
My friend, blanket.
Be happy every day
Remember your loved ones
Difficult to fully live,
Without emotions strong.

Our gift is very warm, friends,
Under it climb the whole family will be able
It will warm it in the winter
If a quarrel - to river will be able!
There will be a dream your sweet guard,
You will be nice to sleep under it!
You give you a joy to give a blanket,
To sleep with a smile helped!

We wish you all
That warm will warm you!
We are not worth nothing
Give warm now!
We give you a blanket
With heating fluff
So that always heat is enough
In the summer, in the fall, in winter!
Blankets are hiding
And with love warmer!

Let it be warm and cozy
Caress you in the cold
Funny, as you can see - wonderful!
Give it by year!
Coloring will delight the motley
And you can change it ...
After all, if you do not worry soul
Check the blanket to "five"
When you wander in the cold
... and remember - gave!
Relax will be reasons
So they said!

You always warm so little
You freeze in winter and summer,
We will give a blanket,
Under it is comfortable than under the plaid!
You look now warmed
Night to sleep more pleasant,
With cute, all "secrets" are hidden,
For what "Thank you" blanket!

Like flower glade
You have a blanket as a gift.
And warm and hugging
And fatigue will quickly remove.

I want the whole life to the sun light up,
And it gotten a soul of you warmly.
More joy so that the satellite it has become
And so that you would always be light!
In July day and autumn rainy.
And in the cold, I will tell you without embellishment,
In winter, even in the frost is lazy,
So that this blanket warp you!

Whether warm friends of Sogret
You will see in winter in the summer.
Well, so that heat is enough -
Here as a gift - blanket.

To warm the cold,
I give you a blanket,
Let reliably cover,
Your strong sleep is guarded.

Money is the most common gift for any celebration, including the marriage ceremony. Some banal envelope will seem boring. For you, we have collected a lot, how to present a monetary gift for a wedding. The carpet is originally from money at the wedding, which is done very simple and quickly. In addition, you will find many other methods of presenting a monetary gift.

Ways to organize the wedding money original

Below are the most interesting and bright ways to give newlywed money to the wedding:

How to make a carpet out of money with your own hands

A wedding carpet from money is an original and funny idea. In the farm he will be useless, but such a gift will deliver a lot of pleasure to the young couple. The bills are laid out by rows, chaotically, by any pattern. It is better to use bills of different nominal to look diverse. To make a carpet out of money, spread the tissue bills, cover the film. Every money will be hand-made either on the typewriter.

Necessary materials

To create a carpet for a wedding, you will need:

  • needle;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • fringe;
  • the rectangle of the fabric with a size of 100x120 cm, 80x100 cm, the size depends on the number of bills;
  • money themselves;
  • transparent film of the same size as the fabric. It should not be very thin, otherwise the puncture breaks down, but not too thick so that you are not tired to sew it.

Schemes for crafts

Before starting to sew, it is necessary to think about how money will be located. Spread them on fabric in several ways, evaluate how much it looks. Lay out the money in order either as a pattern. Carpets look very interesting, borrowings in which sections are located, for example, six bills together, located in a square, after a short distance still the same square. The distance between monetary squares is decorated, for example, tapes.

How to sew edges fringe

When you crossed all the money, proceed to the decor with a fringe. Top, sides, cover with a wide braid, and at the bottom - fringe. Does not take completely all the edges to decorate the fringe. When attaching a braid, bend it in half, because it should be from the side of the film and fabric, so the edges will look much more careful. It is better to sew the fringe manually, because some cars are swinging the film, as a result it will be corrupted.

Options for congratulatory poems to a monetary gift

To such an original gift for a wedding, like a carpet of money, requires original accompanying wishes. Come up with your own speech on the monetary presentation, which will disclose the essence of the gift, show fantasy: for example, if the young drove into a new apartment, give money with words for new equipment or furniture. Not adequately take advantage of the ready-made wishes in poetic form. If you are difficult to remember it, write verse on the greeting card and peep up.

Absolutely everyone knows -
There is a lot of money!
Therefore I give an envelope
With the amount of money to you!
Know that such a gift
Pleasure will give.
We like something safe!
Money is a hiring case!

This monetary gift
From me, accept now!
There is not much and not enough
And literally just right!
They say, not in money happiness,
But without them sadness to live.
Gladly sweep them
All that I want to buy!

To the celebration through a happy occasion
There is a surprise to live without turning!
I wish you well-being
Pleasure, health and joy!
Keep a big money in a gift
Buy on them yourself any beauty,
Looking from the depths of the showcases, Child,
On them the sadness disperse the darkness.

In life, everything can be useful,
And a plot on the moon on something yes to make it,
True, to achieve something,
You need to work much and stubborn!
In order to put a wonderful start
We give you a little and quite a lot
So that "where to live?" The question did not arise
We hand it on the apartment to you this first installment!

Everything in life has a meaning:
Shopping, budget, entertainment!
On the day of the wedding - we give letters,
And the choice of gift is yours!

Giving money to young!
Here you have copper money,
So that you were not poor!
Here you are silver,
To be good!
Here you have money paper,
To go important!

Long thought-wondered,
What do you present?
So that original
Non-standard, from the soul.
What can non-standard
And original to be
Than that thing you yourself chose
And decided to buy yourself?
So our creativity
From the soul you will be appreciated
Take more cash -
And with the purchase does not pull!

Video: Congratulations on a celebration in the form of a cash carpet

The presented video demonstrates the method of presentation of the carpet with young. The gift is accompanied by original poething: several guests are going together and become in a row, everyone reads their part of the general congratulations. At the end of the wishes, a young bridal gift is presented in the form of a cash carpet. This method of congratulations looks very creative.

In the last decade, fashion for wedding gifts has changed significantly. Sets, carpets, cutlery, household appliances, of course, go into the past and their place occupy the originally decorated gifts.

With the advent of specialized wedding agencies of opportunity to make newlyweds creative surprise has become much more. The choice depends on your financial investments and personal preferences of future spouses.

Before you begin to choose a gift, carry a veiled blitz poll and brides in order to learn their tastes and hobbies. It must be done in order for a gift to be disappointing both for them and for you.

Of course, if you ask about the fact that young want to see at the wedding as a gift, then in most cases they will hear the answer: "Money!".
Many guests are even glad to such an answer. After all, you can save time and not "breaking" your head yourself, and at the same time you can please the young.

And yet there are many options to show the originality in taking the young (even money) on this beautiful day. It is these "original" gifts and help the celebration to remember for a long time, be bright and cheerful. Let's not simplify the newlyweds of their labored life, and bring Rainbow shades already on the day of the wedding. It is possible to charge a couple positive for the rest of my life.

So, let's begin!

Surprise "Merry ATM"

This gift needs to be prepared well. It will take a big box from under the refrigerator. It should be calculated under the ATM. Young to make nominal cards from cardboard, type: concern about (the name of the bride) and tenderness to (the name of the groom).

When grabbing a box to put a person who will issue bills from an ATM.
First give cards. Young respond to the question How to keep love for all your life to each other?
Guests say that they want to give a magic ATM, which gives money only to those who truly love each other. Naturally, if love is, there will be money.
The groom is asked to take the bride and say loudly: "I promise to take care of you all my life!" The bridegroom inserts the card and give him money.
The bride is asked to gently kiss the groom and say: "I promise to kiss every morning and be a tender all my life." Inserts a card and gets money.
We define the amount yourself.

Money Tree

Money is considered, on the one hand, a practical gift, and, on the other, is original, as you can present it in different ways. An interesting option will be a gift in the form of a money tree.

To do this, you need to purchase a flower with a massive barrel and leaves in the store. Bills of different nominal neatly roll into the tubes, tie the red satin ribbon and hang out on the branches.

Also an unusual approach is a money-album, in which bills are inserted instead of shots. On how much it is customary to give a wedding, you can find out.

Surprise "Money Carpet"

This is the option when young ordered money as a gift. We are preparing newlyweds a carpet of money. What will your gift look like, depends on the amount you want to give.

If 5 thousand, then you need to change the money like this: 100 bills of 50 rubles. If 10 thousand: 100 bills of 100 rubles. If 100 thousand: 100 bills of 1000 rubles. Etc…
We sew from a transparent oilcloth with pockets 10x10. You can sew two canvases, strain pockets, and then cut them from above. To invest money. Wrap in a bundle.

Say speech, for example:

You start with scratch together
We want to help us with advice,
So that the lacks were not ruble,
We wisely said it:
First you need to get up in the morning
And naked legs together
On the rug this attack
And sing about happiness "Super - Song!"

Gift "Anxious Bag" or "Rescue Bag"

Before presenting this gift, it should be said that family life always begins unexpectedly. Many newlyweds do not have time to acquire the necessary small but necessary subjects, and there are quarrels from this. Guests decided to prevent the lack of trifles and prepared an "alarming bag."

They carry a big bag (the name is embroidered or passed) and begin to unleash, commenting on every thing. All things are kept on a linen rope (that e is tied to it). Be sure to give the end of the rope to the first guests sitting at the table. Guests pass the end to each other, thereby pulling out things from the bag and demonstrating things tied to the rope. Rope, going around in a circle, returns back to the bag. The gift is solemnly handed to young.

What needs to be placed on the rope

Lowering rope is the first thing that can be urgently needed immediately after the marriage night, on it a bag with clothespins (comment).
Next - Towel, spoons, forks, napkins, a pair of plates, pan, pyro.
Tea couple plus a bag with tea and coffee - the next thing, which newlyweds think about in the morning.
Kettle and matches (you can lighter) - just as tied to the rope.
Next - Put powder, toothpaste, two brushes.
Then packing with canned food, pasta, packaging of sugar and salt.
Candles, candlestick, aromatic oils ...
Two pillows, bed linen, blanket - are also located on the rope.
Completes the show - a children's pot!

It is important that guests have fun commented on every thing. (You can remove something from items or add in the view of the donas).

The gift will cost approximately 10,000 rubles.

Extreme Spirit

Gift "Scarlet Sails"

We buy (or maternity themselves) Beautiful ship.
On masts, we place red monetary papers (5 thousand rubles).

When donation, you need to tell the parable

"Once young lovers decided to get married. But the young man was poor, and the father of the bride forbidden to marry the poor, but promised to accept marriage when the young man gets rich. The guy went to make money on the ship in the sea. He wanted to marry his beloved. The girl was waiting for her beloved. There was a lot of time and only after 50 years of wanderings in love managed to earn so much money that the sails of the ship were sewn. They were red from the Sun, which was faltered banknotes. Lovers were able to be together, but a lot of time passed. They were then 70 years old. Why wait so long? We decided that the ship with Alami sails should be with you while you are young! "

Gift "casket with butterflies"

Such a gift will please with its romanticism and unforgettable beauty.
Now you can buy live butterflies from the Botanical Studio in the agencies. The cost of one butterfly from 300 rubles. The gift will cost 30 thousand if we order 100 butterflies.
The chest should be big. You can order less butterflies, respectively, the chest too.
We will need beautiful words that will be told under musical accompaniment.

Certificates and Master Classes

Joint activities and recreation for newlyweds are a great and creative way to learn each other in different situations. Come to this issue seriously and carefully learn the service market in various fields of entertainment. Conditionally gifts in the form of certificates can be divided into several groups:

  • Procedures in beauty salons and wellness centers (massages, detoxification programs, general facial and body care, wrapping, etc.).
  • Master classes on cooking, needlework, family psychology, director, focus, painting sand, acting.
  • Joint riding or swimming with dolphins, as well as photo shoots.

The originality of such wedding gifts is that they give the maximum of positive emotions.why they are remembered forever.

Surprise "Cheerful bus"

A gift for raising the mood. The bus is painted with paints, decorated with balls. In the bus, the growth dolls with treats.
Young invited growth dolls for a walk. Skating on the "cheerful bus" better to learn before the feast, or on the second day.
Gift price from 5 thousand rubles. Young wish funny life.

Surprise from Ice

Recently, agencies began to appear, which offer the manufacture of ice statues as a gift for young.
Of course, such a gift is best given in winter, but perhaps at another time of year.
You can give a couple of angels, two hearts, a cupid with arrows, flowers, a figurine of the bride and groom. The cost of one figure is at least 3000 rubles. The size and time of the year also affect the price.

Family Relics

Russian wedding traditions are prescribed to give newlywed values \u200b\u200bthat are transferred to the family from generation to generation. As a rule, these are ancient icons, consecrated in the temples.

As a unique and original gift, a family bible or a chronicle can act, the design of which is ordered in the typography of the designer. The portrait made of crystal or the family coat of arms will also be pleasantly surprised by the newlyweds.

A wonderful wedding gift will be a personal family treerepresenting the whole family pedigree bride and a bride or a detailed astrological forecast for compatibility. Such a present requires careful preparation, as it should be the most reliable and take into account the smallest details of the biography of the genus.

Gifts - jokes

Young people always have an excellent sense of humor, so the "HR" will perceive a gift with humor.

Picture-cartoon. Newlyweds can be depicted in the form of a king and queen, lion and lioness, rich oligarch and beauty model, etc. The cost of such a gift from 10 thousand rubles.

"Pseudo - TV". Young is reported to give TV. They ask to unpack the box. There is a smaller box hidden. Then even smaller, and more ... ends with a jar in which the amount of money for the purchase of a TV is installed under the lid.

Creative gifts

A very bright and memorable surprise will be fayer - Show for young.
The program is designed for 20-30 minutes. You can order in the air names or initial letters of the names of the culprits of the celebration. The cost of a gift is 15 thousand rubles.

Speech by artists It will also be an original gift for young. (Price from 3000 rubles)

The most memorable gift may be star in our chaise. This, of course, is not a cheap gift, but it will be included in the history of the whole family. Cost from 100 thousand rubles.

Individual print textiles

Clothes with photographs and inscriptions of wedding themes are ordered in specialized stores for three or two weeks before the celebration. Registration of T-shirts, towels, bed linen is not expensive, but the originality of such a gift is indisputable.

The color gamut and stylistics are selected depending on the topics of the wedding and the preferences of the young.

The most popular inscriptions are considered to be such as "date of the wedding", "Husband and wife - one Satan", "Justmarried", "GameOver", "I love my wife (husband)", etc.

In addition to T-shirts, additionally ordered icons with humorous text or circles with photos.

In essence, it is not so important what form of the original gift you will be presented to the wedding, the most important thing is what the point you invest in it and sincere desire to make newlyweds nicely.
If the bride and groom have an excellent sense of humor and self-irony, then the humorous surprise will not disappoint them, but only please.

So that you do not think to give on the wedding day, do not forget that Gifting - "Laying the first brick" in the construction of a new family. Gifts must be kind to create and strengthen relationships.

Stock Foto Beautiful hairstyles for a wedding guests -

I want the whole life to the sun light up,
And it gotten a soul of you warmly.
More joy so that the satellite it has become
And so that you would always be light!

In July day and autumn rainy.
And in the cold, I will tell you without embellishment,
In winter, even in the frost is lazy,
So that this blanket warp you!

Let it be warm and cozy

Let it be warm and cozy
Caress you in the cold
Funny, as you can see - wonderful!
Give it by year!
Coloring will delight the motley
And you can change it ...
After all, if you do not worry soul
Check the blanket to "five"
When you wander in the cold
... and remember - gave!
Relax will be reasons
So they said!

I notice something i

I notice something I
That you often freeze,
I also notice
What is increasingly - at night.

I love you, cutie,
And so I give,
I am, yes, a blanket,
After all, I love you so much.

Congratulations to keep my firmly,
And do not throw it out,
After all, then the time will pass again,
It will be funny to us.

We give you a blanket

We give you a blanket,
To sleep warmer became,
So that it hugged you,
And with love shelted!

So that dreams were calm
So that you, as in the boat, sailed,
By seas and by waves,
To cool to you!

So that warm under the blanket
He warmed your soul!
In this festive day -
Our heart congratulations!

Our gift is very warm, friends

Our gift is very warm, friends,
Under it climb the whole family will be able
It will warm it in the winter
If a quarrel - to river will be able!

There will be a dream your sweet guard,
You will be nice to sleep under it!
You give you a joy to give a blanket,
To sleep with a smile helped!

I climb you

I dismiss you,
In my gift you
After all, I bought for you,
My friend, blanket.

Be happy every day
Remember your loved ones
Difficult to fully live,
Without emotions strong.

Well, I handed the congratulations
I have your new one
I love you, my friend,
You are so calm.

Congratulations! You bought a wonderful and useful gift - warm plaid! But here is the question, how best to give a plaid? How to pack the plaid to make a gift more enjoyable?

We will tell you how to make an unusual gift from an ordinary gift. Such a gift will become an exclusive and the moment of donation will be remembered for many years of using the plaid.

We present several options for packing plaid as a gift:


1. Fold the plaid into a narrow strip.

2. Cock the center.

3. Scatter the heart and fix the ribbon.

4. Decorate the plaid on your taste.

Now you can easily show this gift your warmest feelings for a close person.


1. We fold the plaid into a narrow strip.

2. Twisting one edge to another until the middle. Fix pins or ribbon.

3. The second part be bent on the manner of the snail head and fix the ribbon.

Packed so the plaid will immediately become from a simple gift very original and will definitely cause a smile.


1. We fold the plaid into a wide band.

2. One third of the bands with sprawling and with the help of rubber bands formulate foot.

3. The remaining part is folded in half and refuel into the shell.

4. We throw the armor with the paws from above.

5. With the help of rubber or tape form a head.

6. Cut out your eyes out of paper and fix them with pins.

Congratulations to the turtle ready!

Man, kitten, etc.

1. Fold the plaid into a wide band.

2. Remove one part of the plaid.

3. Wrapped two corners the rest of the plaid form the head.

3. Secure the head with rubber bands or pins.

4. Cut from paper eyes, spout and mouth and pin them with pins.

If you do a cat - stick to him a mustache from a wire or paper.

Now your plaid with delight will take even a child as a gift! Pack the plaids and give your care closest and loved!

To make you warmer
Fall asleep in winter in the night
My gift - blanket
Rather, get!

This is a soft miracle
Let him warm at night,
And come from nowhere
Super dreams, giving peace!


Our gift is very warm, friends,
Under it climb the whole family will be able
It will warm it in the winter
If a quarrel - to river will be able!

There will be a dream your sweet guard,
You will be nice to sleep under it!
You give you a joy to give a blanket,
To fall asleep with a smile helped!


Let it be warm and cozy.
Will damage you in the cold
Funny gift is wonderful.
Give it for years!
Coloring will delight motdrah,
And you can change it ...
After all, if you do not worry soul,
You do not dare to forget about him.
When you wander in the cold
... you remember, because they gave the soul!
Relax will be and reason -
Hide, as we said!


You always warm so little
You freeze in winter and summer,
We will give a blanket,
Under it is more comfortable than under the plaid!

You look now warmed
At night, it was nicer to sleep,
All & laquo hidden with cute; Secrets & raquo;
For what "Thank you" blanket!


Let this blanket warms
See helps a wonderful dream.
Let happiness wait a long time - it will not force
Let the whole house be fulfilled by smiles.

Worthy life, bright colors,
With the help not to go to the doctor.
So that in the wallet is always saved,
And it will be in the focus of your comfort.


I want the whole life to the sun light up,
And it gotten a soul of you warmly.
More joy so that the satellite it becomes you,
And so that you would always be light!

In July day and autumn rainy.
And in the cold, I will tell you without embellishment,
In winter, even in the frost is lazy,
So that this blanket warmed you!


I will give a blanket as a gift
And while I am far away,
I instruct to protect your dream to him
To be on my soul easily.

For you, it will give dreams,
Lungs like swan fluff
You do not be afraid with him even midnight darkness,
Protects you presented with me friend.