Wishes for the new year in one line. Short wishes about the new year in prose

I wish this new year
Smaller sadness and worries,
More happiness and good,
Smiles, tenderness, warm!

To be faithful friends
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful,
And so that for all the strength!

Well, even let the new year
More money will bring
Health, Peace and Love,
So that in the heart there was no winter!

Happy New Year! Magic,
Laughter, happiness and heat,
Peace, joy, prosperity
And in all matters of order!

Let all gray, bad
Old year will take with him.
Only bright moments
Create the way back!

Happy New Year! I wish you to happiness and good luck for you faithful companions! Let health be strong, and all the year you are accompanied by only joyful events, positive emotions and success in all endeavors! Let the closest dreams come true, and the most cherished dreams come true!

I wish peace and good,
Love, spiritual heat!
Let you go this new year
Success and joy will bring!

Let the new year open the door
To the world of magic, care, faith.
And everything will start good!
Good luck let you smile!

All the best you, the best,
Good luck in everything and happy occasion.
Let your concerns be pleasant,
Good feelings brings work.
Let NOT be carries a new year of chagrin,
And only a great mood!

Happy New Year
And sincerely I wish
Have fun and laugh
Not to be offended
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every mig
And give their warmth,
Be on a positive
So that always all lucky!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and good!
Let all the bad weather bypass
Life will give you in full!

Every new year as a fairy tale
How the birth of a dream.
New comes joy
Our world, full beauty.

Happy New Year
And I wish you good,
Much happiness, and good luck,
And spiritual heat!

Happy New Year Congratulations
Happiness in life you wish you
Many good wishes
Extinguishing all dreams!

The most vivid impressions
The most fabulous moments.
Let this year bears
Many joyful troubles!

Let the new year give joy,
Heat hearts, love relatives.
Let it be every day you in sweetness.
Smaller days cold, evil.

I wish you happiness full heap,
Let life play paints.
Fun, joy, zador!
Let the weekdays become fairy tales.

Let luck not retreat
Let him surround a kindness
Let the new year be offended
And will always be generous to you.

I wish in the new year
To go a year without hassle
Gave you a lot of happiness
And sheltered from all the inclues.

Let the magic happen,
Gives joy celebration.
Let everyone come true dreams.
Happiness, peace, kindness!

It's time when everyone can
About new plans to dream,
Think something carefully
Yes, everything under the Christmas tree to guess.
I am glad to congratulate Happy New Year!
And late this evening
You are santa frost let pass
Approaches happiness and warmth.
Deer herd will come running
... they will bring gifts.
Rivers are good to you and myself
Do you reign the comfort.

Year of the rooster to you in the house is knocking -
Beautiful, bright, important bird.
Let the year most fabulously lucky,
And the troubles all the rooster clocks.

Nakackets let the happiness,
Love, health overnight.
And light love of bright wings
Fill life with good and peace.

Although it does not fly high,
But let you still wakes up.
We will meet it all the people
And say together: "Happy New Year!"

Here is a cock, the owner of the year
I entered into your rights.
I wish you to feed
The whole year was full.

Let you have money stable
Kura simply do not peel
And the successes and victories
Relax do not give.

Let an elegant and beautiful fiery rooster bring you energy to achieve the highest goals, color life with bright colors and will warm your heart with love of love! Let your relatives and relatives will be healthy and happy, and you drown in the sea of \u200b\u200bwealth and pleasure! I wish the peace and joy of the soul, the fortress of the body and clarity of the mind! Beauty and adorations to you, warmth and understanding, happiness for a whole year and for life!

Happy New Year
And sincerely I wish
Cockerel so as not to slander,
And in the affairs accompanied
Joy to your house brought
From adversity burned,
Stuffed pockets with happiness
Would distil all the bad weather
Gave love, wealth, passion!

I wish I in the year of the rooster,
So that your life was easy,
So that he brought the bag
So that the wallet broke!
Health will be let the car
Moments of bright million,
Wonderful days, great good luck,
Tender hugs, hot feelings,
A lot of smiles, laughter, jokes,
Good at any time of the day
Sea of \u200b\u200bLove and Strong Friendship -
Let it give all you need!

Beautiful rooster symbol of this year,
Outblow, luck and income!
Let the gold grain in the house will be
And happiness with good to you will arrive!
May the year of the rooster - the year of joy will be,
Problems in the year leave left!
Rooster let good behave
At any minute will support, save!
Let the joy always warm the heart,
And the year coming dreams performed!

Rooster comes from the east is not simple,
And fiery, successful and beautiful.
So let the year get such -
Cheerful, and successful, and happy!

Successful everyday life, wisdom and strength
Let the rooster will give not lazy,
And those who wrapped a lot on themselves,
Can be always hardworking!

Let the paints of bright love splash,
Paints everything around, and the heart too,
And life, like a new holiday, flourishing
And there will be such a good one year!

I wish that the cockerel
Filled your wallet,
Warmed your home warm
So that things went on the rise,
Difficulties so as not to meet
Year all lived - drank,
Did not hurt, not stolen,
And success in everything I had!

Hello hello
New Year!
The rooster came a turn.
Let his "ka-ka-re-ku!"
He will releave sadness, longing.
Let let wings for flight
Golden eggs without an account.
The battle will raise the Spirit
Let us fiery rooster.

Hello, fiery cock,
You are now our best friend,
Let your year be happy
Let luck we love us
Laughter let him roll up
Joy comes to the house.

The rooster is in a hurry already scrapping!
He, monkey taking under the mouse,
Health, happiness to everyone carries.
We will give us money, I will save from the troubles.
Joy and peace, success, lucky,
Azart, Victory, Mood,
Fun gives and patience!
He is about love to succeed to us,
Every good luck will find with him.

In the new year I wish you happiness,
Endless good.
Let dreams and all the desire
Performed always!

Happy New Year!
Let good luck be a lot
Let bad things be disturbed,
Let the good come.
Will let the year be wonderful
Wonderful, kind, very cool.

Happy New Year! With a new joy and happiness! Let this year be better than the former and carries only good and positive events!

In the new year I wish you happiness.
Let all the bad weather bypass.
Be happy always
Do not be sad!

I wish this year
It was a hundred times better than previous ones.
Good, good luck, all beauties,
Days of bright, cool and lucky!

New plans and ideas,
New joyful clauses!
Let give a new year
Life where every day is lucky!

New opportunities, new ideas,
Near beautiful, reliable friends!
New year will let the best,
Good, cheerful and very lucky!

I wish you good luck in the new year,
Let the guardian angel chuck down.
Health and happiness, support for friends,
High salary and many ideas!

Happy New Year,
We wish everyone in the world
To life be like in a fairy tale -
Long, bright and beautiful.

Congratulations on the New Year,
It will be happy, kind,
Let all wishes fulfill
Peace, happiness, understanding.

Brilliant New Year,
Family coziness
Health, good luck, freedom,
Successes to all your business!

Let the new year presented
Pleasant in life turn!
Live happily, calm
And be all always satisfied!

Let snowflakes melting, let them melt the hearts,
Let the fairy tale will not be the end,
Hope will bring a new year with it,
And all the long-awaited will happen!

I wish you in the New Year
Million on a personal account,
Yacht, cottage in the Maldives,
Live rich and beautiful.
Fur coats - wives, jeep - husbands ...
And great happiness to you!

I wish in the new year
So that the dance circling you
Happiness, light, and warmth,
And fun, and good,
New feelings whirlpool.
Let us be lucky!

I wish to take with him in the new year
Love, dream, pleasant moments.
And let him bring a holiday with him
More forces, health, inspiration!

The new year comes.
Every miracle is waiting in life.
Let dreams come true
And the problems will be going to die!

I wish in the New Year:
Love cycle
Wealth and luck,
Good luck, inspiration.

More: steep gifts
And the impressions of bright,
Good luck to you
And joyful clauses!

In the family - peace and love,
In career affairs - prosperity,
And let your new year
Implement all-all the desire!

Vladimir Putin congratulates Happy New Year

Magic song-Congratulations: Let the new year bridge bears!

Many times will be better than the new year!

Let 2019.
Will be a light episode.
I wish the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness,
Happy New Year. © ©

Happy New Year,
Year of Peti Cockery,
Let him fill the house wealth
He is up to the top. © ©

Year two thousand seventeen
Happiness to the house let him bring.
Let him please the wealth
You are a wonderful new year. © ©

Fiery rooster love
Let you burn you,
Let the ice torque fall
The world and joy will bring. © ©

In the new year I wish you, -
Let in everything always lucky
Let 2017.
Fortune will lead you! © ©

Ringing coins and crunch bills
Let the all year cares about the ear.
Will bring you awning
Bright and crazy cock. © ©

And in love you and in work
I wish to take place
I will embody your dreams
Year two thousand seventeen. © ©

Happy New Year Rooster!

Fire rooster entering
That night to your rights.
Favorough let give
In the new year you head. © ©

Embodiments of the desire
I wish you in the New Year.
Let 2019.
Only joy will bring. © ©

Petushok let you coins
The beak strong faithful.
In the new year, I wish you
Lada let the family reign. © ©

Let 2019.
You will please income
Happiness, joy of love.
The world you and Happy New Year. © ©

New Year Meet soon
Here knocks you a rooster.
Misfortunes are all regret
He will split in dust and fluff. © ©

Year two thousand seventeen
Let luck will attract
Let the prospects open
Before you New Year. © ©

Cockerel Meet soon
He stands at the gate.
I wish you happiness
Congratulations on the New Year. © ©

Pred success and victory
Let me not meet obstacles.
Let be victorious
Year two thousand seventeen. © ©

Proud arrival entering
In the New Year already a rooster.
Let him bring health
And go off the mind. © ©

Let two thousand seventeen
Will be a year without hassle
Let the messenger of luck
He will enter your glorious house. © ©

Happy New Year, new happiness,
With a new boss - rooster.
I wish you to live together
And do not think about the bad. © ©

Cool voice greetings happy new year

Putin congratulates Happy New Year

Cool poems: to tear off in full, I wish, from the heart to go and cheer up!

Happy New Year to you - Congratulations

Everything will be as it should:
Let the years run,
And we all become a little bit ...
I am glad to celebrate
Let the clock be trying
And I will pray to God:

You see, hurts
The heart of the world from lies, -
You wound to all assigns to us.
Someone who sin
You point out in sin
And say the right word!

Seventeenth year
Approached us already
What is waiting ahead? - You know!
Let the time goes
If only the world is in the soul,
And more in the hearts of purity!


Bought and belongs to the site.

Create postcard

Live otherwise

By mysterious circle
We go from year to year:
Telling words to each other
We are pleasant all! - Here.

And we dream all at first:
Just with pure sheet
Start off! But, often, little
Just desire us without end!

Year seventeenth meeting
From the heart I want to say:
I wish you
Never lose heart! -

Let not be richer,
Let the problems are not avoided
If only to live a little otherwise:
Always help others

Related in the eyes of the alarm
Encourage and not judge
Trust all the time to God
And for all thanks!


Bought and belongs to the site.

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Everyone is waiting...

Clappers, garlands and thousands of stars
Burn on the windows of people!
Everyone is waiting, will not wait when Santa Claus
Notic flickering lights!

When the hymn sounds, familiar to us since childhood,
Quarants twelve try,
When will be there in the hallway to undress,
After all, guests are everywhere: there and here!

I wish everyone, dear, who hears
In the seventeenth new year
See the deer on the roof
And bright star in the sky!


Bought and belongs to the site.

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Star shines brightly

The star shines brightly
That night, friends.
Year after year so year
All go, yes.

But there are no sorrow with us
We are satisfied,
Because every time
We see the light of the stars,

Because we know everything
What the star
There is a country where grief is not,
Where she reigns

And where are our Lord
Looks at this hour!
Let the seventeenth year at least
Pay all of us

To have faith we,
And his love,
And that they are saved
Remembered again!


Bought and belongs to the site.

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God is the main assistant!

My wishes you, friends,
In minutes these wonderfuls are
When changing again,
And we take the calendars others!

When on a new white sheet
We are so trying, we take the letters of life!
When you want you and me
All change, and become much cleaner!

Let the year seventeenth will not be rude and strict
Let us teach wisely to build plans!
And let God help you in this,
After all, he is our assistant, of course, the main one!


Bought and belongs to the site.

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Play Major!

On cheerless notews piano
We are with you, my dear, walked!
But then the legs are somehow tired,
And slammed the lid of the piano.

Long, long, then we were silent
And on the gray path of the steps ...
But then we gone to children,
And again the pianos were useful.

Again music, again fun,
Again holidays and birthdays ...
And elegant Christmas tree in winter
And we love yourself again with you!

So let's smile with you,
And in the seventeenth new try
Do not be sad, and not be more in a quarrel ...
On the piano to play only in Major!


Bought and belongs to the site.

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Unable to be silent ...

White snowflakes fly
Above heads all day.
And happy new year congratulate
People people. And not too lazy

Run to all sorts of shops
For multicolored tinsel ...
And surprisingly beautiful
The whole world is cold in winter!

And I admiring this picture,
Unable to silence
I call to all close and loved ones,
So that happiness in life wish:

Let the year seventeenth today
You bring a lot of happiness!
Let this evening New Year
All you will be sworn in the dance!

Happy New Year 2017 Congratulations, Long

Bought and belongs to the site.

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Nice to celebrate!

Balls on the Christmas tree
And garlands lights,
Asterisks on a wire
I see these days!

Mood is wonderful
And emotions splash!
Even ladies wise
Dressed in shine!

How nice to celebrate
And meet guests!
And diverse gifts
See in children

That anyone brought, -
Santa Claus!
And he is something
On this day brought?

Do not forget wishes
Mid now!
Soon seventeenth year
Stop the door!


And he does not go all

All frost is in a hurry, -
He is very sorry
That old year will go serious
Somewhere in darkness and distance!

And we are accustomed to everything to him -
We were warm with him!
Let's say everything to him:
"We are waiting for you! -

You come in a dream to us again,
And we remind us
About us about us and about love ...-
Do not carry them into the distance! "

And year seventeenth let
Make friends seriously
With all of us and let's
Gifts, Santa Claus!