Proper wreck. Epilation wax at home: flawless smooth! Advantages of wax epilation

Wax removal is the most common way to remove unwanted vegetation. The procedure can be carried out both in the cabin and at home. For the latter case, a number of features and recommendations have been developed, without which the procedure is not so smooth. Consider important aspects.

Varieties of wax

Depending on the temperature mode, the wax is divided into warm, hot and cold.

Warm wax. The composition practically does not have contraindications, so it is often used at home. Epilation with such a means can perform each girl, regardless of the degree of preparedness. Warm wax is considered the most expensive, since it is produced in the form of roller cassettes, which greatly simplifies application.

However, the product lacks for a long time. The pricing policy of the procedure at home is almost equal to performing it in the salon by a qualified master. Very often after epilation with warm wax, the effect of "rustling" appears, which increases with each procedure conducted.

Cold wax. It is logical to mention that it is impossible to burn, and it is an indisputable plus. The wax of the cold cycle is produced in the form of strips, on which the tool is distributed to a smooth layer over the entire surface. The composition is often used to get rid of undesirable vegetation along the bikini line, in the axillary depression zone and on the legs.

The procedure is extremely painful, it is often possible to see the formation of blood points after extracting the follicle from the epidermis. Also, a negative feature of the cold cycle is the duration of the procedure. It will take a lot of time and effort, since the hairs are removed completely only from 3-4 times. The procedure is tedious and too troublesome to conduct it at home.

Hot wax. The most common way to get rid of unwanted hair. It is often used both in the cabin and at home. Hot wax - alternative to Shugaring with alternatively by deflection. With the right procedure, it is sufficiently painful, but not to such an extent, as when using a warm or cold cycle. The effect of ingrown hairs is practically absent, the result is preserved for a long time. Due to the hot composition, the skin is pre-sprawled, which greatly simplifies the case.

Hot wax is used in the field of deep bikini, on the legs, armpits, face. The complexity of the technology is to prepare the composition: it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature, heating the mixture on the water bath or in the microwave. However, the problem disappears after the first procedure, only hourly preparation is needed. Hot wax is produced in comfortable jars, a wooden blade with a temperature regulator is attached to the product. Under all the instructions, getting a burn is minimal.

  • with proper use, hot wax does not cause irritation;
  • after a month of regular epilation disappears the effect of ingrown hairs;
  • hair grows not so intensively, they become softer and lighter;
  • the result is saved for a period of 3 to 5 weeks;
  • it is allowed to use composition on hair of any structure;
  • easyness in independent removal of epilation;
  • available components and pricing policy.

Cons Epilation wax

  • blood herones are possible;
  • painful sensations during the procedure;
  • difficulty in hair removal up to 3 mm. length;
  • wax relieves the skin from the "gun", which later begins to darken.


Any formations on skin sites, exposed to epilation (hanging moles, papillomas, warts, scars, rashes, cuts).

  • heart disease, unstable blood pressure;
  • individual intolerance between the components of the product;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • infection (acquired and chronic).

How to use wax for epilation at home

Before proceeding with the procedure, prepare all the materials and tools. For epilation, you will need:

  • paper napkins;
  • wax;
  • cotton strips;
  • cosmetic discs;
  • tweezers;
  • chamomile-based talc or without fragrances (children's powder);
  • disinfectant;
  • rubber or silicone gloves;
  • caring lotion after epilation / depilation;
  • wooden blade with thermal infection.

  1. First, make sure that the length of the hair meets the stated requirements. It should not go beyond the scope of 4-7 mm. Otherwise, compatible or, on the contrary, wait a while.
  2. 5 hours before epilation, take a hot bath. Prepare a scrub made of coffee grounds and a shower gel, wipe your skin thoroughly. Such a simple way to remove the oroging cells, which will allow you to pull out the ingrown hairs.
  3. Wipe the skin with an antiseptic to degrease the sections and prevent the occurrence of infection. Also worth the disinfection of tweezers.
  4. Preheat some wax and make a test for the possible appearance of allergies. Spend on the wrist blade, distributing the composition of 1 mm. Thick, wait a quarter of an hour. After that, wash the wax with warm water or remove olive oil, evaluate the result. If there are no redness, irritation and neoplasms, proceed to the next stage.
  5. Take from packing 5 wide strips for epilation. Cut them across so that the pieces are 2-4 cm. Width. Bedside with a paper napkin, put tweezers on it and cooked segments.
  6. Start the preparation of the composition. Remove with wax jar with a lid and remove the film. Turn on the microwave per middle power, put the tank to the edge of the rotating plate. Stop the timer for 2.5 minutes.
  7. After the time, take the composition, mix it with a spatula. The wax must resemble honey not much liquid, but not thick. It is allowed to use only a homogeneous composition without lumps. Otherwise, place the jar into the microwave for another 30 seconds.
  8. Lower to the mixture with a blade, rate the color of the indicator. Wax can be used if the shade of blue or green with the corresponding inscription "YES". If the indicator burns red, cool the composition.
  9. Take a saucepan that saves warmth well. Dial in it with boiled water, put the jar inside. Make sure that the drops do not fall on the wax, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate, and the result will be reduced to zero.

  1. Jump gloves. You have already degreased the skin, so now you need to cover it with a talc. Apply a means to hand, then touch it gently. Shake the remnants with a paper napkin.
  2. Lower the shovel into wax, cool the convex edge well, remove the surplus about the edge of the jar. Uniformly cover the skin for hair growth, do not capture the entire surface at once, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid pain. The area treated by wax should be approximately 4 cm. In length and 5 cm. In width. Immediately press the composition of the strip to remove the epilation so that it is well stuck. Wait a few minutes.
  3. Wax froze, so you can move to its removal. Press your free hand skin, take the edge of the stripes and at the expense of three dramatically pull it against hair growth. To reduce soreness, you can strongly press the area with hand.
  4. The hairs will never delete completely because they are different lengths. In this case, use the tweezers and pull them out.
  5. Repeat the wax, look out and re-remove it with a strip. It is important to consider that hot wax can not be used more than 1 time on one site, so try to immediately make the procedure qualitatively.
  6. After all the hairs are removed, remove the remnants of the wax with a cotton disk, moistened in vegetable or olive oil. The product will calm the skin and prevent irritation. Take a warm shower and apply the cream after epilation, it will exclude squaring.

Correctly use wax at home can be followed by instructions. Do peeling in advance, degrease the surface, cut strips and warm up the composition. Follow the thermal indicator, spend the procedure alternately on each site.

Video: Warm wax hair removal

12 228 0 Smooth velvet leather - the dream of any woman! Extra hairs on the body cause discomfort like their owner and the people around them. Starting in different directions in the form of hedgehogs of hairs do not add to us attractiveness and make it awkwardly feel in the company of friends on vacation, traveling, what to talk about a romantic evening with your chosen one. One of the most effective ways to eliminate such a problem is wax depilation, which is very optional to contact the beauty salon. Today we will tell you exactly how to use wax for depilation without leaving home.

Let's start with the fact that the wax for depilation is different. And to choose the appropriate option, you need to understand the differences in the types of wax. One of the main wax classifications is its separation to hot, warm and cold - that is, on the temperature of the substance used for the procedure. What features has every kind? Let's talk about it too.

How to use wax at home?

As we noted above, wax depilation happens:

  • Hot;
  • Warm;
  • Cold.

What is each of the methods?

Hot wax

The sequence of the procedure of the VAXING such as the wax looks like this:

  • Heating wax in the wax (special device for heating wax) to the temperature specified in the instructions;
  • Preheated wax neatly applied on the skin of the site that processed - the area of \u200b\u200bbikini, armpits, legs, hands, zone above the upper lip;
  • We are waiting for wax will freeze;
  • The frozen wax we remove, picking up my fingers and tearing against the growth of hair;
  • We carry out disinfection and calm the skin - process the surface with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine is suitable), we take a cool shower (you can wipe the skin with ice cubes) and apply soothing cream.

Pluses of hot wax:

  • The hairs are easier removed, as the skin is well warmed;
  • Lower pain threshold, so you can use even in the bikini zone;
  • The risk of irritation on the processed areas is reduced;
  • The result holds for a long time;
  • Such wax can be used repeatedly.

The main minus of hot wax is the danger of getting a burn due to the wrong procedure. Therefore, it is very important here to read the instructions for using wax and fulfill all its requirements.

Important! Hot wax is best warmed up in the wavelash - so you can track the desired temperature. We do not need to use prickly tools, such as a microwave or water bath - you can overlay the wax and get a serious burner instead of a beautiful smooth skin.

Warm wax

How to use warm wax for depilation:

  • Preheat the wax in the thermostat to the temperature indicated in the instruction;
  • We apply it to a special blade on the skin - legs, armpits;
  • Press the fabric strip applied with a wax layer;
  • After cooling the wax, we tear the strip along with the hairs parallel to the skin;
  • Excess wax from the skin we remove with the help of oil;
  • Disinfecting the skin, soothe it with a contrasting shower and apply a cream.

Pluses of warm wax:

  • Safe when holding a house - the risk of getting a burn is very low;
  • Has a continuous effect - about one and a half months;
  • It is often sold in the form of cartridges - such a wax is very convenient to apply.

Cold Wax

How to use wax for depilation at home? They know about cold wax, probably everything, because at least once in his life, they used "old good" wax stripes:

  • Heat the strip in the hands;
  • We apply it to the treated surface;
  • With a sharp movement we tear it against hair growth;
  • We carry out soothing procedures.

Pluses of cold wax:

  • Sold immediately in the finished form in the format of strips;
  • It is very easy to use, does not require special tools for warming up and applying;
  • Suitable for cases when the hair needs to get rid of "right now."

Among the minuses of cold wax, we note low efficiency compared to hot and warm vaccination. In addition, this method is applicable mainly to remove hair from the legs, to cleanse other zones from unnecessary vegetation with the help of wax strips will be problematic and quite painful.

Important! Before Vaxing, any wax need to carry out a test for tolerance to the medium! Apply a little wax at the forearm and wait about half an hour - an hour: if an allergic reaction began to manifest itself, then this wax should be refused and pick up another tool. If there is no reaction - you can carry out depilation.

What form of wax release for home depilation choose?

Well, have you already chosen the appropriate option for yourself? In fact, there is another classification of wax for depilation - in the form of release. If you come to the store and contact your consultant, it will offer you several wax options: in a bank, in granules, in cartridges or in cassettes. The cosmetic industry does not stand still, and the wax will soon appear in some kind of form. What to choose in the store? To do this, you need to know the features of the funds presented in the cosmetics stores.

Film wax in granules

Film wax is a kind of hot wax that has the advantages of warm vaccination. How to use film wax for depilation? Such a wax layer is applied with a special spatula on the processed section of the body, and after the frozen, it breaks down with extra hairs - the sequence of actions is almost the same as when working with hot wax.

Advantages of film wax:

  • Tender smooth skin as a result;
  • Low risk of getting a burn due to the lower melting point;
  • Low flow, as it is applied rather thin layer;
  • When removal, it does not break, as it contains in the composition of the rubber;
  • It is evenly distributed and time to heat the hair follicles before cooling;
  • Suitable for hard-to-reach and sensitive sites.

Film wax is often produced in the form of granules. You take several granules from the packaging according to the instructions and the area of \u200b\u200bthe treated surface, we melm them in the exclave to the consistency of sour cream and apply on the skin. After the frozen the rapid movement remove the wax. Then you should use the cooling and antiseptic agent.

Film wax is also available in cartridges : In this case, waxes in the wave is placed right in them. The only inconvenience of such wax is that they will not work very comfortably at large parts of the body.

On store shelves, several wax marks for depilation are usually represented. Among the film waxes, the "Depilica", White Line, Beaouty Image brands deserve a good reputation. The last brand produces wax both in banks and in the form of disks and in the form of granules. The film wax in the granules of the brand "Beauty Image" has a very attractive name "White Chocolate". Good reviews and film waxes from brands "Cristaline", "Depileve", "Rica" and "Tessiltaglio" have. In fact, there are significant differences between film wax in the bank, in the granules or in the cartridge there is just a form of release. Here everyone chooses what is comfortable to him.

How to use wax for depilation in granules is quite understandable. The advantages of this type of film wax plenty. But there are also disadvantages. In the use of such wax you need experience: you need to correctly calculate the number of granules, melt them to the desired temperature, so that and do not overpay the substance to the liquid state, and do not make it so that the wax when applying will crumble. Film wax is still to professional depilation tools and requires skillful hands.

Wax in cartridges

Next, we will answer the question how to use Cartridges for depilation? The sequence of actions is similar to previous algorithms. The only difference is that the wax is applied with a spatula or blade, but with the help of the cartridge itself, to which the nozzle dresses.

First, the cartridge with wax is placed in the wax, heats up to the desired temperature, then the nozzle is dressed on it. Next, through the nozzle, you are a thin layer apply wax to the surface being processed, and after a few seconds you clean up with the hairs.

Advantages of wax in cartridges:

  • Very convenient and safe - you do not have a nearby bank with hot wax, which you may accidentally tip over;
  • Very economically - the consumption of the means is very small;
  • Produced for all skin types and hair of any thickness - you can choose a tool taking into account your features;
  • It happens differently by the structure of the substance:
    • gel Wax Differs Hippallergenia;
    • cream Wax suits the owners of sensitive and dry skin;
    • classic Wax With fine consistency recommended for sensitive sites.

In addition, the wax in cartridges is available for narrow roller applicators. How to use roller wax for depilation? Here is still the same as with a regular cartridge, simply instead of the nozzle, a small roller. Such a procedure is suitable for removing extra hairs in delicate zones.

Wax in cassettes

Wax in cassettes is also, in fact, roller wax for depilation. Cassettes with wax - a relatively new form of release of this means to remove excess hair, so problems may arise with its acquisition, since cassette wax in simple cosmetics stores may be absent among the range.

How to use wax for depilation in cassettes? First you insert the cassette into the heater and warm the wax for some time - according to the instructions. After the wax is heated, you spend a cassette roller according to the skin depilation. Then apply paper, stroke it and tear against hair growth.

Here immediately should be noted a few minuses of such a procedure:

  • To process the same area can be maximum two times in a row, so if some hairs remain, they will have to remove tweezers;
  • For the armpits, the bikini zones and individual areas of the face such depilation is hardly suitable - these zones are very sensitive and you simply will not be able to endure the pain;
  • Many side effects with improper conduct are small bruises, severe redness.

If you still approach you exactly such a wax for depilation, then do not neglect the care of your skin. Carefully remove the remains of wax with the help of oil, apply moisturizing funds, within two or three days after the epilation, do not visit the bath, sauna, beach or solarium - give the skin to relax and come to yourself. Do not forget to make a light peeling after a while to prevent the hairs.

One of the main recommendations when using a cassette wax is the care of the cassette roller itself. After the procedure it is necessary to clean it well - it must be absolutely clean before the next procedure! Otherwise, you can make infection.

Well, here we told you all about the wax, its types and forms. But many will ask what else is needed to depilation with wax? If you finally decided for yourself with this depilation method, then you simply need to purchase Vakolar.

How to choose a wax for home epilation?

Today in the article mentioned several times about Waxoplas - special devices for warming wax during depilation at home. Buy such a device or not, and how to choose it?

For its convenience, the wax is still worth buying. Yes, you can warm the wax in the microwave or in a water bath, but, as practice shows, nothing good will come out of it. It is inconvenient and dangerous.

Advantages of Waxoplava:

  • Heats up wax to the desired temperature;
  • Has temperature indicators to monitor the process;
  • Supports the temperature for some time, which allows you to remove all excess hair in one session;
  • It works from the network, some models can operate on the type of electric kettle - you can conveniently stay in the bathroom, and not run for preheated waxing into the kitchen.

Waxoplasy are divided into cassette, cannon and combined. When choosing, refer to the manufacturer's company. Many companies producing wax for depilation offer their clients and several types of waxes. Choose one that is convenient for you, but be sure to specify the compatibility of the loved form of the wax and its brand with a specific wax model.

Useful video lesson.

To remove the wax at home, as they say, without a bitch without a zadyrink, we suggest you familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of this difficult business.

Unwanted hairs on the body are one of the most annoying and unpleasant problems for any woman. You can solve it in different ways.

Detailed video instruction

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Pros and cons of wax epilation

Vaxing or wax epilation is the most ancient view of the epilation, successfully reached the present day. He trusted his captivating beauty of the beauty of the Ancient East, making their bodies seductively attractive and smooth as silk. Since severely, the procedure has not undergone radical changes and today can be called full confidence from one of the most popular and accessible epilation methods. It is suitable for both salons and home use.

The main advantages of wax epilation:

  • The most affordable and inexpensive method of removing unwanted hair.
  • The procedure can be carried out independently at home.
  • Does not require considerable time.
  • Suitable for removing everyone without exception hair types.
  • Gives the longest effect of all inexpensive types of epilation. With regular use, the hairs will be sophisticated, become softer, the intensity of their growth slows down and the density decreases.
  • With proper carrying out, wax epilation does not cause any complications and side effects: itching, irritation, redness.

The main flaws of hair removal:

  • The main disadvantage of the method is soreness, especially acutely tangible with people with increased sensitivity. But, as we all are well known, beauty requires the victims, so the will will have to squeeze his teeth and tolerate.
  • In the process of removal epilation, all hairs are removed, including flush, which can later be reborn into tough dark full hair.
  • The method is not suitable for removing very short hair in just a few centimeters, so inquirying it will have to wait for hairs with a suitable length for the procedure.
  • On the site of hair removal, red dots are usually left, which completely disappear only after 3-4 days.
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How to act with wax

Heated melted wax is applied on the hair section of the skin. Wax penetrates the skin to the hair follicle. Enveloping hair, wax freezes with him. After frozen, the wax is removed, and the hair is pulled out along with the root, significantly removing the process of hair growing significantly. As a rule, epilation wax, depending on the individual characteristics, it allows you to forget about unwanted vegetation on a body for 3-6 weeks.

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List of striking contraindications

Despite the fact that wax epilation is considered one of the safest and gentle procedures, the specialists still recommend to exercise special care or even entirely and completely abandon the use of the method in the following cases:

  • Diabetes - slows down the processes of regeneration of damaged covers and increases the risk of septic complications.
  • All sorts of skin neoplasms: warts, papilles, moles, especially hanging.
  • Bright pronounced varicose veins.
  • Individual intolerance to wax and other components of the epilation. When applying the procedure for the first time it is better to carry out a test for tolerability and sensitivity on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
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Types of wax for epilation

Hot wax - Designed for reusable. Requires special control over the temperature and exposure time. Not very suitable for use at home. It is strictly contraindicated by people suffering from elevation.

Cold Wax - The least efficient, most tedious and painful. It is not recommended for hair removal in delicate sensitive zones: face, bikini, armpits.

Warm wax - The most optimal version of wax epilation at home. It is made of a mixture of a pine resin and softener: natural bees wax or honey. Often, the composition is supplemented with softening and soothing skin additives.

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Home epilation wax step by step

  1. Before conducting the procedure, for the first time, we certainly carry out a test for allergic reactions. To do this, we apply a small part of the arrangement of the arms and leave for 10 minutes.
  2. On a clean napkin, laying off strips for removal and set of applicators.
  3. Carefully wipe the exposure zone by the disinfectant.
  4. We process the workspace with children's powder without flavors so that the wax in the process of application does not spike with hairs.
  5. We apply warm wax with long stripes along the direction of hair fit direction.
  6. We glue the clutch strip over the wax.
  7. After frozen by a sharp decisive movement, we break the strip with wax and hairs against hair growth, i.e. What is called "against wool".
  8. It is impossible to repeatedly remove the hair removal on the same day, so any failures of the hairs will have to plug in a tweezers or get rid of them with other technicians.
  9. All waxes from the skin must be removed, but it is impossible to use a sponge and soap for this purpose, so as not to subjected to the sensitive skin with an additional aggressive effect. It is better to use a conventional cosmetic napkin.
  10. After the procedure, the entire influence zone should be carefully treated with a disinfectant. You can use special lotions or olive oil to mitigate and calm skin.
  11. Within at least 6 hours after removal of wax, it is desirable to eliminate water procedures and staying on the open sun.

It is also desirable to use special cosmetics to prevent ingrown hair and slowing their growth.

Home epilation is not a difficult case, as it may seem. The main thing is to choose exactly what suitable for you and, as they say, "fill the hand", and then everything will go like oil. Dare!

If you remove your hair on the body with roots, then over time they will stop growing at all. We propose to consider how at home is a bikini waxing zone, on the face, armpits, as far as the effect is enough, as well as the salon prices of the procedure.

Features of epilation

Wax hair removal is a method of getting rid of unwanted vegetation since ancient times. Of course, only girls from noble families could afford to be allowed to afford it to be resolved. Since then, the technique has practically not changed.

For natural epilation, ordinary candle wax is not used, there are special compositions. Most often, they are a combination of bee wax and paraffin, which have excellent density indicators, but they quickly heat up on the stove. For very sensitive, water-soluble compounds made of sugar, water are used to allergy. The mixture is prepared by type of shogaring paste (sometimes with a resin), but the wax is added, citric acid is completely excluded.

Many companies represent the finished products on the market, divides multiple types:

  • Cold wax - Choco-Milka, Wax Bar, Epil, Beauty Image;
  • Warm wax - Byly Depil, Lyconproducts, Amie, New Style, View Topic;
  • Hot wax - Depileve, Perron Rigot, Yabb, Ehu, Irisk Professional.

Video: Epilation of the armpits hot wax

How to choose wax

The main difference in waxes is the use temperature. By definition, it becomes clear that there are warm, cold and hot products. Bioepilation with cold wax is used for very gentle, sensitive parts of the body, with roast hair, most often it is the zone of the upper lip (mustache), eyebrows, epilation of hands and legs, armpits.

Warm technology is used for other parts of the body in order to remove hair of medium density and thickness - this is an intimate procedure, cleansing from the unwanted vegetation of the hands and legs, the axillary depression.

Hot wax epilation is the most dangerous, but most effective procedure. This technique removes hair with bikini, legs, hands, all parts of the body, except the face, any thickness and density. At the same time, it is compared with other, tolerant of painful sensations.

How to make hair removal

Epilation cold wax Recommended girls without experience. It is sold in almost any cosmetic store in the body of body care. Cold wax is applied to special paper strips, which are glued on the skin. The main advantage of the technique is that such bands can be used multipoint, also after the session there are no traces, with the exception of red specks.

Depilation film wax - A good solution for roasting hair, she has its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. It will not be able to remove thick vegetation;
  2. Not as effective as other techniques, after the ribbon there is enough too much;
  3. But the strips are easy to buy, Veet brand is very popular.

Purchased bands are treated with palms to give them elasticity, so you heat the wax to the body temperature. After in advance, low-fat skin pastes a tape. It is necessary to glue against hair growth, but pull - in its direction. It is necessary to act quickly, otherwise the wax will simply smoothly different and there will be no effect.

Photo - before and after the epilation of hands

Homemade epilation warm wax The houses are much more attractive in terms of performance, even for its fulfillment, some experience is needed. Wax is heated by a couple, with the help of a special blade for growth is applied to unwanted vegetation. It will be survived from 20 seconds to minutes until it freezes, after the edge of the wax "spot" is raised by a sharp movement against hair growth, the agent is pulling along with her hair. So repeats as needed. Pros and cons:

  1. Not economically. There is no possibility to use repeatedly as film wax;
  2. Painfully;
  3. On very sensitive skin, bruises can remain, redness from heat, even burns;
  4. But perfectly copes with almost any vegetation and is quite accessible.
Photo - Epilation of the armpits

Professional epilation Hot wax is the most efficient technique from all listed to eliminate absolutely any hair. Here, a hot mixture is applied to the skin for the skin of the hair (naturally, not boiling water, but the mass temperature is much higher than that of warm wax), it will be necessary to wait a minute until it finds it, after you run up the edge and tear off the film. This epilation is suitable for cleaning hands, legs, bikini, deep bikini, armpits. The main advantage is that it is not so painful as the use of strips, because the skin heats up and does not feel very pointing hair out.

Cons and pros:

  1. After a session, bruises often manifest;
  2. There are burns, redness, inflammation;
  3. It is impossible to do during pregnancy and menstruation.

Inexpensive Buy wax for epilation can be on websites online stores or in professional salons and outlets. Most often, the price is laid out in open sources, the wax cost ranges within 500-3500, depending on its properties. Women's forums at first advise to use the agent with the addition of natural resins and oils.
Video: Hair removal wax over the upper lip\u003dru-by1p1cm8.

Deep bikini

This kind of depilation needs to be discussed separately. At any time of the year, the girls strive for complete smoothness in the intimate zone. The optimal length of hair for removal is 4-7 mm, if shorter, the wax will not capture a spin, and if longer - it will be more painful and the procedure lasts longer.

InstructionHow to spend your hair removal of hair in a tender zone:

  1. Need to wash, but after the shower do not apply any lotions or gels on the processing zone - they will lower the "stickiness" of wax, it is recommended not to use even deodorants;
  2. Little secret: To reduce skin sensitivity, soda it before epilation with wax flour from oatmeal or semi;
  3. We recommend using warm wax for this procedure. The remedy is warming up, we are applied to the body, while it is better to take a horizontal or half-off-time position. After half a minute, we pull the sharp movement against hair growth, wax, repeat the manipulation;
  4. After the end of the session, you need to apply a soothing ointment on the body, for example with arnica extract, chamomile or sage, and wear clean natural underwear without lace and obvious seams.
Photo - Wax in cartridges

The cost is the highest among all types of procedure, because It is enough difficult to correctly perform this process and achieve the result as a photo from the first time. If you pull the vegetation is not in the other direction, or incorrectly apply wax, then the likelihood of rustling of spin under the skin is high, which causes a lot of inconvenience. You also need to know what flush wax after epilation. To do this, at home, simple sunflower oil is most often used, but it is advisable to apply children's, for example, Jonsson Baby. You can buy special solutions, but they are quite expensive - from 550 rubles.

Epilation Wax Bikini Zone has very good reviews, the effect lasts about a month, but the hair after the first session is growing significantly less dense, thick, rigid. To avoid rustling, we advise every week to make a soft scrub from cocoa.

Pilling Recipe:

A tablespoon of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of oil, a teaspoon of sugar, a mixture thoroughly stir up to the formation of a homogeneous mass, after applied to the tips of the fingers and soft circular motions massaging the mixture of the skin. Actions continue for 5 minutes, after another 3 leave on the dermis, then rinse with warm water. The same scrub we advise you to apply if you use an epilator or shugaring on certain zones.

Aesthetic cosmetology is a rather expensive industry industry, now waxing is popular and the price of it is growing, so we advise you to undergo special training and remove vegetation yourself for yourself. You can sign up for courses in any city.

If you want that you had velvet skin, and not sticking in all sides of the hedgehog you will have to use one of the ways of epilation or depilation. One of the most effective ways to remove hair is: Wax depilation. We will tell you how to spend this procedure at home.

Indeed, as a pleasant sunny summer to afford to wear a short skirt, swimsuit - bikini, shorts and at the same time do not think about excessive hairs!

What to say about the secular exit - in this case it is necessary to look impeccably.

This is especially true in the journey, in the company of friends or chosen.

Forget about everyday shaving and hassles associated with it will help with waxing.

What you need to know about wreck depilation

It must be said that it is not necessary to attend expensive cosmetic salons to conduct a procedure called "Vaxing".

The centuries-old experience in the struggle for beauty proves that the wax depilation can be carried out at home.

For the greatest safety procedures, it should always be remembered that all the actions associated with the skin must be as hygienic as possible.

For successful depilation of wax, it is important that the length of the hair reaches 3-4 mm.

It would be nice to prepare the skin: take a relaxing bath with the addition of lavender oil.

The surface of the skin of the legs is best to handle a scrub directly while taking a bath. This will help get rid of dead skin cells, and the wax will be better to pester. Only after this shining and updated skin is ready for hair removal procedure.

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Types of wax depilation

A total of several types of wax depilation, hot wax and cold depilation are distinguished. Hence the names of the procedures.

Depilation hot wax

Depilation hot wax is carried out as follows: the wax heats up in a special thermostat, and then neatly applied directly to the skin. The field of how he will freeze, a sharp movement directed against hair growth, it is removed with the hair.

Hot wax can remove hair even in the bikini zone. It is almost painless, because due to its exposure, the skin is heated, the hair is easier to be easier, and the procedure itself becomes less costly.

After disinfection, in the completion of the procedure, it is best to take a cold shower and apply soothing cream.

Quite well cooled and calm the skin of ice cubes, especially if you cook the ice with a chamomile decoction or calendula.

In open pores, the infection should not fall, but the most important thing in this procedure is not to overlay the wax in order not to get a burn.

Attilation warm wax

Warm wax depilation also implies cleansing, applying warm, up to fifty degrees, wax and soothing procedures.

Warm Vaxing is good in that it is absolutely safe at home, and the effect has enough long-lasting - up to one and a half months.

Warm wax affects the hair bags and perfectly reveals them.

Close of pores are also simply as with hot vaxing: to treat with alcohol, ice, contrast shower, moisturizing cream.

Cold wax depilation

Cold wax depilation is quite effective, if it is carried out on the grown hairs.

In this case, the wax is not applied to the skin, but is purchased in the finished form, in stripes. Similarly, it is convenient to remove the hairs from the surface of the legs.

To do this, each strip should be held in the palms for natural heating with the help of natural body temperature, and then applied to the skin surface.

After that, with a sharp movement, against hair growth, the strip is broken.

Soothing procedures help relieve irritation and close the pores.

Skin Care Rules after depilation

To leather remains healthy and beautiful, you need to remember several rules for caring after the procedure:

  • disinfection of skin
  • calm and refresh the skin with the help of a contrasting soul, that is, give the opportunity to close
  • take advantage of moisturizing cream to avoid dry skin
  • do not wear too tight clothes in contact with the skin for three days so that there is no irritation
  • avoid direct influence of the sun
  • three days, the field of procedure make a peeling to protect themselves from rustling hairs

Homemaking wax. Step-by-step instruction

It is fairly noted by cosmetologists that intimate moments are better worried at home.

It is completely fair for the depilation procedure.

Therefore, only a few steps towards perfection will greatly facilitate life:

  • select Wax Depilation Method (Hot, Warm, Cold)
  • choose good quality product
  • clear the skin through the adoption of the bath
  • take advantage of the scrub

With hot depilation

  • heat the wax in the thermostat to a temperature of 60 degrees
  • apply a special spatula to the skin area (bikini area, armpits, legs, hands, upper lip)
  • top to press a fabric strip
  • give to frost and sharp movement to disrupt it, grabbed the edge of the fabric strip
  • take care of disinfection
  • reassure

When depilating warm wax

  • heat the wax in the thermostat, microwave oven - 45 seconds, or on a water bath - 10 minutes. The jar should be open, and the foil is removed (so that there is no strong heating). The wax should not burn, so it is better to check it, stirring with a wooden spatula with an indicator.
  • apply a special spatula on the skin (legs, armpits)
  • press the tissue strip
  • give cool on the skin and dramatically remove it with hairs, with the help of a tissue strip
  • disinfection
  • soothe the skin with ice, contrasting soul and moisturizing cream

Cold depilation

  • get striped with waxing from packaging
  • hold between palms 30 seconds
  • attach
  • dramatically strip after 20 seconds
  • disinfection procedure
  • reassure

It should be noted that in the salon conditions, the skin is cooled with liquid nitrogen. This contributes to the rapid closure of the pores and slows the growth of hairs.

At home this procedure is impossible, but, nevertheless, the contrasting souls soothes well, which means that redness after depilation will be faster.

In any case, the effect of up to three weeks is provided. Then the procedure will have to repeat.

Wax blades are performed from high-quality wood and has a universal configuration, repeating body bends.

Thus, one part of the spatula is used to apply wax to the bikini area, and for the armpit, the rounded part, for the legs - concave.

To remove hairs over the upper lip, the angular part of the blade is used.

In addition, the blade is equipped with a special indicator (blue square at the end), allowing to set the wax temperature. For example, if the inscription NO appears when stirring, the wax is too hot and may be the cause of thermal burn. If the inscription will disappear when stirring disappear, then from this moment the wax can be applied.

Who should not be depilation

Even in the name of beauty, if the skin is problematic, that is, any painful manifestations are well noticeable, then the depilation is better not to conduct.

For example, with varicose veins in the legs, such a procedure may harm.

Healthy is also impossible to call the skin after sunburn or if there are abrasions, cuts, bites.

It is also necessary to pay attention to various moles and inflammatory elements in order not to injure them once again.

Elderly people also better abandon depilation.

Pregnant women are also better not to engage in wax depilation, due to not quite pleasant and even painful sensations during the procedure. Health is most expensive.

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Approximate Wax Consumption and Additional Materials

For regular depilation, you will need to calculate the wax consumption and accessories for the procedure.

The standard jar with wax contains 250 ml, which is enough for two leg depilation procedures.

Be sure to include one wooden blade with a temperature indicator at the end.

Fabric strips can be from 10 to 15 pieces.

The more skin sections with hairs, the more wax will be required. On average, there will be two jars of high-quality product in 250 ml for complete depilation.

The thermostat can be purchased separately or use homemade heater (microwave, water bath). In the thermostat, wax wax is much safer, since the temperature controller will not allow it to overheat.

Thus, the wax depilation is the most natural and safest after shaving method of getting rid of hairs on the skin. It is characterized by a longer effect, as well as the use of natural components.

Video Overview: Wax Depilation at Home

In the video presented below, it is considered a professional (salon) procedure and a home option to depilation with hair wax. The material is provided to compare the possibilities, the advantages and disadvantages of both procedures.