The right of a woman in labor to choose a maternity hospital. When to go to the clinic? How to choose a maternity hospital. Choosing the best option

Choose the maternity hospital that you like. Compulsory health insurance (MHI) gives such a right. However, the choice of a maternity hospital may be limited. So, an important document is an exchange card, which is issued at the 20-22th week of pregnancy in an antenatal clinic or other medical institution that has the right to conduct pregnancy. It indicates the features of the course of pregnancy, the results of all examinations and tests passed. In the absence of this important document, it will not be possible to choose a maternity hospital especially: childbirth is possible only in the infectious (observational) department of a maternity hospital or hospital.

Find out everything: reviews about the hospital and doctors, conditions in the ward, caring for newborns ...

Check out all the available reviews about the maternity hospital, the work of doctors, the conditions in the wards (such comments can be found on the Internet). There will definitely be both positive and negative responses. Pay attention to those that deal with specific actions of medical personnel, compliance with hygienic requirements for the premises, and everything that directly affects the health of mothers and babies. For example, there is a draft in the wards, nurses are always absent from the field - this is important. But that in the corridors there are old sofas and sagging armchairs - it is not so important.

Pay special attention to the comments about caring for babies. Have there been cases when children were discharged with diaper rash, weight loss, etc.? Already through official channels, clarify the issue of the presence or absence of children's intensive care.

Also, be sure to find out when choosing a maternity hospital whether there is a paid department in it, how much such childbirth can cost and how the conditions differ in the commercial version. Determine for yourself how much more comfortable living conditions are important to you and the advantages that a labor contract provides.

Check to see if the facility can be closed for sanitation on the dates of the due date. Listen to the advice of a gynecologist leading a pregnancy, perhaps he will recommend a clinic and even a doctor. After all, he knows your state of health well and can give useful advice, especially if it concerns the need for childbirth in a specialized hospital (if a woman has any diseases that may require the presence of some narrow-profile doctors or the presence of special equipment at childbirth).

When deciding to contact a commercial clinic, be sure to check it for a license and a certificate entitling you to provide such services.

Having picked up several "candidates", proceed to a detailed study of the possibilities and services of the institution that you would like to receive additionally. For example, can someone close to be there during childbirth, what is the procedure for applying anesthesia, will they give you a baby immediately after birth, is it possible for a mother to stay with a newborn? Find out in advance how many people the wards are designed for; How many women in labor at the same time, on average, are giving birth to one team or obstetrician-gynecologist; whether free behavior during childbirth is encouraged in the maternity hospital (i.e. is it allowed to get up and walk); are visits allowed or the new father will be able to see the baby only through the window of the maternity hospital. Find out which medical procedures are required and which you can refuse (for example, shaving the perineum, cleansing enema, preventive vaccinations of the child). If you feel that the restrictions and rules of the hospital do not suit you, look for other options. Do not hesitate to come to the selected maternity hospital, look at the conditions in person, talk to women in labor, talk to doctors.

Do I need a contract for childbirth or is it better to give birth for free?

During the "free" delivery, if you pay for services with a birth certificate, you will receive guaranteed medical care. But one should not hope for 100% attention of the staff with this type of delivery. You may have to give birth in a company (there may be several women in labor at the same time in the delivery room), and living conditions may not be the most comfortable.

There are often cases when relatives or friends offer to "negotiate" with a doctor. A significant disadvantage of such an oral agreement may be that no one can guarantee the presence of the chosen doctor at childbirth. At the most crucial moment, he may not work (for example, be out of town and not be able to get to the hospital on time). In addition, even while at the workplace, he can be called to another patient, who is in the clinic on a paid basis, and in whose contract this particular specialist is designated. Yes, and such agreements have no legal force. So, in the event of negligence, it will be impossible to bring the doctor to justice. Therefore, if you decide to give birth "with your" doctor, consider such moments and decide for yourself how much this option suits you.

In addition, for "paid" women in labor, as a rule, better conditions of hospital stay are provided. It can be either a separate ward or a double ward equipped with household appliances or simply with a good repair, depending on the capabilities of the maternity hospital. Some clinics also have rooms for family accommodation, when the spouse is in the hospital with his wife and child. They can offer a choice of staying with the baby or separately. And also a list of services that are available to a woman in labor is indicated: the type of anesthesia (electroneurostimulation, local infiltration anesthesia, inhalation, epidural), special nutrition, etc.

It is better to conclude a contract directly with the maternity hospital, and not through an intermediary, which is an insurance company. This can complicate decision-making in the event of an emergency (until you get through to the insurer and get permission for the necessary manipulation, the cherished minutes will go away). Before signing the papers, carefully read the contract, it is better if the spouse does it too.

In case of emergency hospitalization, if the issue of choosing a maternity hospital has not been resolved, an ambulance will take you to the nearest maternity hospital where there are free places, or if a birth certificate is issued and you already have at least minimal information about the nearest maternity hospitals or maternity wards of hospitals - in the one you ask for. The main thing is that the clinic is not private, overcrowded with patients or closed for quarantine. If you have a contract, you will be taken to your chosen medical facility. The main thing is to always keep your exchange card with you.

SARS, flu, or another infectious disease can also interfere with your plans. According to the rules, healthy and sick women cannot be together. So, in case of emergency hospitalization, you will be brought to the maternity hospital, where there is an infectious diseases department, or to a clinic with which a contract has been concluded, but to a special observational department1. The downside is that right after childbirth, even despite the terms of the contract, the child will not be given to you so as not to infect him. So before giving birth, you should carefully monitor your health.

Choosing a doctor for childbirth

Before the first acquaintance with the doctor who will take delivery, tune in to the positive and again start collecting available information, only in relation to the specialists of a particular maternity hospital. Check their regalia, work experience, patient reviews. But relying only on word of mouth is not worth it, everyone has a different temperament, education, and, accordingly, a view of the world. If the objective benefits outweigh the subjective ones, get to know your birthing doctor in person. At your first appointment, do not hesitate to ask questions and talk about anything that bothers you. Don't expect paternal or maternal sympathy. The main thing in your relationship is not tenderness, but professionalism.

Evaluate your first impressions of communicating with the doctor who will take over your childbirth. If they are unpleasant, do not hesitate to change your doctor, compatibility and trust are very important. If you cannot understand your impressions, take a sheet of paper, write down the pros and cons in two columns (for example, high qualification is a plus, he is a man, and even specifically jokes constantly - a minus, etc.). Analyze all the points, choose from the negative ones that you are ready to put up with, and those that categorically do not suit you. Which are more? This is the solution. Plan an acquaintance in advance, at least a month in advance, by coming to scheduled consultations, you will be able to assess how the chosen doctor for childbirth is punctual, courteous, and subject to mood swings. Also, do not trust the ratings and strive to give birth at the clinic's most famous doctor. As a busy person, he will not be able to pay maximum attention to you, besides, scientific titles, positions can be associated with administrative work, which often limits real practice. It is helpful to visit a doctor with your husband or a relative. The loved one will provide you with another third-party opinion. Collect all the "readings" and make a decision.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a maternity hospital

So, as you embark on a responsible choice, keep the following questions close at hand.

  • What services are offered in the maternity hospital (paid services in private and public clinics)?
  • What are the sanitary and living conditions in the clinic?
  • What is the reputation of the hospital? Were there any mentions in the press related to scandals or accidents in this medical facility?
  • Is free behavior allowed during childbirth?
  • Are family visits allowed?
  • What methods of pain relief are used, does the expectant mother have a choice?
  • What additional services can I receive during labor (vertical labor, birth with a husband)?
  • What stay of a mother with a newborn is allowed in the hospital - joint or separate?
  • What are the conditions for newborns? How qualified are neonatologists working in the clinic?
  • Is there a neonatal intensive care unit?
  • What programs are allowed, what can your family bring you after giving birth?
  • When and how is the payment for the services rendered made?

What you need to know about childbirth

It is necessary to gather information about what kind of pain relief assistance to use beforehand. So, electroneurostimulation will help in the early stages of childbirth or during the rapid course of the process, and will relieve pain that radiates primarily to the back. Inhalation anesthesia - for those who are panicky afraid of injections. Local infiltration anesthesia helps to avoid painful sensations in a specific area, but does not last long. It can be used to relieve sensations immediately after childbirth. With epidural anesthesia, medication is injected into the lumbar region and often causes pain to disappear completely. When choosing a method, it is always worth remembering that pain relief is an effect on the body of both the mother and the child, so the choice (if the clinic provides it) should be as deliberate as possible.

Pregnancy and childbirth is a joyful but responsible process, so many women are worried about choosing a maternity hospital in the first weeks of pregnancy. To choose the right clinic, you need to pay attention to many factors.

What should be considered when choosing a maternity hospital?

They offer their services in the pre- and postnatal period, but the expectant mother, when choosing a clinic, should pay attention to the list of requirements that are of the greatest importance.

What you need to know about the hospital?

Even if the chosen clinic belongs to the category "Best maternity hospitals in Moscow", a pregnant woman should talk with the head physician to find out the main points:

  • about the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the clinic;
  • on the number of places in the maternity and postpartum wards;
  • about the need to purchase medicines;
  • does the clinic have an intensive care unit;
  • methods of pain relief in the hospital;
  • methods of childbirth in the clinic: traditional, water birth, partnership, vertical;
  • is it possible to find a mother with a child together.

It should be analyzed in which it is better to look after newborns and young mothers after childbirth. It is better to choose 2-3 clinics and compare their characteristics.

Paid maternity hospital: standard set of services

If the expectant mother wants to give birth exclusively in a paid clinic, she should know what services they offer. The best and private centers often have a standard set of services:

Most of the paid clinics provide the opportunity for a newly-made father to stay in the ward with his mother and child.

Which is better: joint or separate stay of mother and baby?

There are still disputes over the joint stay of the mother and the newborn. But pregnant women, in the question of which maternity hospital is better in Moscow, pay attention to this very moment. Most of the maternity hospitals have chosen the scheme of joint stay of mother and child in the postnatal period. The advantages of such a joint finding include:

  • decrease in the intensity of postpartum depression,
  • faster addiction of the newborn to breastfeeding,
  • improvement of lactation,
  • the baby is less susceptible to hospital infections because he is not in contact with other children.

The main advantage of being together is that the mother learns to care for the baby from the first minutes of his life, which adds to her more confidence in the future.

The separate location of the mother and the newborn is practiced in several clinics. And it has only one incomparable advantage - the newly made mother can take a break from the baby and recover from the birth shock, because the baby is brought into the ward only for feeding.

When to go to the clinic?

The best maternity hospitals in Moscow do not always meet expectations if they are located far from home. After all, to get there, you need to spend a lot of time, during which the contractions can significantly intensify.

You should go to the hospital if:

  • the water departed;
  • intense contractions appeared.

In these cases, it is better not to use public transport, but to call the delivery service for women in labor, which works around the clock in Moscow.

The expectant mother must prepare the necessary things for the hospital. It is better to do this in advance (1 month before delivery). A woman in labor should not forget about an exchange card and other necessary documents.

List of the best maternity hospitals in Moscow

Maternity clinics are assessed according to three main criteria:

  • professionalism of doctors;
  • the possibility of the presence of the child's father during childbirth;
  • the presence of a joint stay of the mother and baby.

This list allows you to analyze which is the best maternity hospital in Moscow to choose for an expectant mother.

List of maternity hospitals that occupy high places in the ranking:

  • No. 4 South-West Administrative District (Moscow);
  • No. 6 Central Administrative District (Moscow);
  • No. 17 CAO (Moscow);
  • No. 25 South-West Administrative District (Moscow);
  • clinic named after Sechenov.

Every woman during pregnancy asks the question of where to give birth, how to choose the right maternity hospital, whether it is necessary to meet a doctor who will deliver the baby or trust the case ...

During pregnancy, the woman becomes more anxious. Now she feels responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn child. And it doesn't matter what kind of pregnancy. Excitement occurs both during the first and repeated pregnancies. But these worries are of a different nature.

During the first pregnancy, a woman does not know what to expect.... She had only heard about childbirth or read articles about it. Uncertainty is sometimes much more frightening than knowledge and experience of past births.

Repeated childbirth can also disturb a pregnant woman. Now she knows firsthand about childbirth and realistically assesses her situation, and perfectly understands what awaits her.

Even the easiest childbirth creates a great psychological and physical stress on the woman's body.... Nowadays, when still in schools diagnosed as "practically healthy", there are no more than 3 people out of all students. What can be said about the health of a mature woman, if now the number of late-bearing women is increasing more and more, and young girls are not distinguished by excellent health. In addition, both food and a sedentary lifestyle leave much to be desired.

All things considered, it is not very wise to rely on chance. But what to do if you do not know anything about your maternity hospital at all? And from the words of young mothers who walk with strollers, you heard terrible things: about the bad attitude of the nannies, about the terrible food in the maternity hospital canteen, and about the doctor who delivered the baby, reviews as rude and inattentive .. Do not rush to hasty conclusions ... Analyze the "terrible" responses you heard, clarify everything in order. What is the bad attitude of the nannies, maybe in the fact that they demand not to carry food into the ward so that cockroaches do not start, or to remove used diapers so that they do not lie on the changing tables. And the terrible food is not accidentally undersalted food, not fried, but boiled food, without sausages and sausages. And what is the doctor's rudeness and inattention, maybe in the fact that during labor pains you constantly called him, demanding attention only to yourself, when five women in labor were giving birth in the birth wards? Or at the moment when he told you, pull yourself together, stop yelling, this can harm the child. The opinion of each woman in labor is purely individual and a little biased, therefore you need to soberly analyze and understand how you want to see your childbirth, to which you are accustomed.

Same way you need to consider your capabilities... In fact, there are a lot of options for childbirth and the choice of a maternity hospital. You can choose a very expensive maternity hospital with an individual ward, and even with a room for a close relative, whose help you may need, with an individual doctor and nurse. You need to understand that this will cost a certain amount of money. You can simply arrange for individual childbirth. By itself, all this will be formalized. And, starting from the first contractions, until the moment the baby is put on your breast, the doctor will be right next to you. Of course, it is much wiser to find out and make a decision, agree on everything in advance, so that the doctor would be aware of the course of your pregnancy. Discuss the possibility of giving birth together with your spouse, if such a desire arises. Relying on chance is very unwise.

Now maternity hospitals are perfectly equipped with all the necessary equipment, both for childbirth and for the baby, if the need arises. There is no need to talk about the non-professionalism of doctors, because doctors are experienced. Now only experienced doctors work in maternity hospitals.

Childbirth is a very important stage in the life of both a woman and a newborn baby. Only you can decide what they will be, the memories of the appearance of the baby - beautiful or intense. Will you decide to be a happy mother for the second, or maybe the third time. And will you each time, seeing your child, tenderly remember his first cry.

Any woman who is preparing to become a mother worries about childbirth, this is not surprising. But the issue of the upcoming birth requires serious preparation from the mother for the birth of the baby. After all, very soon a wonderful baby will be born, which is awaited by both the woman and all those close to her. It is clear that choosing a maternity hospital is closer to the process of childbirth, but it is better not to delay this issue, since it is not known exactly when the baby will decide to be born. For those who prefer to solve problems as they come, it is worth noting that only 4 percent of pregnant women give birth on time. Therefore, you should not trust one hundred percent of the doctor who guides you in the consultation. After all, pregnant women often play a kind of lottery that involves unexpected decisions.

You need to understand that every woman has the right to choose, she is able to independently decide where exactly the birth process will take place. As soon as a pregnant woman receives a birth certificate for a certain period of time, she can start choosing a medical institution where she will be helped to give birth to a baby. Today, the choice of medical institutions is quite wide. It turns out that a woman has the right to choose any institution that is located within the borders of our country. It turns out that any pregnant woman can count on giving birth in good conditions. Many factors will depend on the selection of an institution for delivery. First of all, the health of the unborn child depends on this, and only then it is worth thinking about the improvement of the mother.

How to choose a maternity hospital with a certificate?

Despite the fact that when choosing a maternity hospital, pregnant women are not limited in their choice, although there is every chance of finding ideal conditions. It all depends on the woman in labor herself, since some girls say that they are in no hurry, as a result of which they have to go to the nearest maternity hospital with contractions. But there are also responsible mothers who negotiate all the conditions with doctors in advance, conclude an agreement. Sometimes the expectant mother is considered the problem of choosing a maternity hospital insignificant, because she understands that, depending on the conditions created, the condition of the crumbs will not suffer.

It often happens that the hospital is closed due to repairs and disinfection. If possible, you should not let the situation take its course, therefore, you first need to decide on the maternity hospital, think over a backup option, which will become a kind of airbag. After all, pregnancy is a responsible process in which you do not want to rely on Russian maybe.

How to choose a maternity hospital. Choosing the best option

Let there be situations when the expectant mother easily tolerates pregnancy, does not face health problems, does not know what malaise is. In these cases, you do not have to worry about choosing a place for the baby's birth. Remember that the success of childbirth depends a lot on the woman herself. According to statistics, most pregnant women are not fully healthy people. As a result, we can say that some kind of unforeseen situation may occur during childbirth. In such cases, the professionalism of the doctor, his experience, as well as a sufficient amount of equipment for the appearance of the child, will be important.

The best option would be to choose an institution in advance, and not a couple of weeks before the expected hour of delivery. In order to understand whether a healthcare facility is a good one, it is important to evaluate a number of factors.

How to choose a maternity hospital. Examining the data

  • It will be correct to turn to friends, acquaintances who have given birth not so long ago. Most likely, they will tell you which maternity hospitals are really good at. Friends will tell you what conditions exist in a particular institution. But you should not fully rely on the opinion of friends, since it can also be subjective. For some girls, an institution where it is warm and dry seems ideal, while for others, delicious food will be a prerequisite.
  • You can also refer to the reviews that are left by women in childbirth on the network, they will also help to understand a large number of maternity hospitals. Remember that often women leave negative information about maternity hospitals because of difficult childbirth.
  • To understand which maternity hospital to choose, it is important to independently assess the conditions created for pregnant women, you also need to pay attention to the specialists who work in the institution.
  • Another important factor is how close the facility is to your home.
  • Look at what kind of staff work in the institution, how equipped the wards are, perhaps you can find excellent options among them. Today, hospitals often offer separate wards, which would be an ideal option for a new mother. Remember that all people are different, because some important little things seem insignificant, and in other cases, vice versa.
  • It is great if you have a person who works in this field, since he is always aware of what is happening in the nearest maternity hospitals.

How to choose a maternity hospital. What is worth knowing about choosing a maternity hospital?

For those who are concerned about the question of whether we have the right to choose a maternity hospital, it is worth taking it easy, since a maternity hospital can be selected independently for a successful resolution of pregnancy.

  1. The ideal option would be to visit the institution on your own, see with your own eyes the conditions in which women are kept, what they are fed with, how often the bed is changed and everything like that.
  2. To give birth to the chosen maternity hospital, you need to think in advance about the presence of a toilet and shower, since these are the benefits that are very important in the process of childbirth.
  3. It is also worth knowing in advance how many people the wards are designed for, whether there are individual delivery rooms, what exactly the doctor offers during childbirth.
  4. Today, individual chambers are considered popular, where the best conditions are created after childbirth, while the spouse may also be here.
  5. Take into account the fact that at the moment most institutions offer a joint stay for mom and baby, this contributes to both the appearance of milk and the strengthening of the baby's body.
  6. Usually, when the baby feels good and nothing threatens his health, he is brought to a happy mother. It’s always worth hoping for the best, but childbirth can have an unpredictable outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in advance whether the institution has intensive care units.
  7. It is also worth asking how new is the equipment that the hospital is equipped with.
  8. The choice of institution will also depend on which method of childbirth you are going to practice.

There are many unconventional methods that are successfully used among many pregnant women.

  • For example, some experts advise giving birth upright.
  • Also, some girls may be attracted by the opportunity to give birth to a baby in the water.
  • Partner childbirth is firmly entrenched in society, but it is still worth checking with the institution staff in advance if there is an opportunity to give birth in an unconventional way.
  • It is worth finding out in advance whether medicines are free or paid, what things should be taken to the hospital, what will be needed in the delivery room.

How to choose a maternity hospital. What do you need to pay for?

Many pregnant women are considering concluding a paid contract, according to which the maternity hospital will be obliged to provide all the conditions for childbirth. It is quite possible to choose a maternity hospital for free, since most of the factors speak for a free option:

  • the high cost of services does not always indicate their quality, therefore, it is necessary to think several times before deciding to conclude a paid contract, it often happens that doctors from free clinics work part-time in paid organizations;
  • when I know a specialist, I am sure of his qualifications, there is not much difference in which clinic you have to go through childbirth, so choosing a doctor in a maternity hospital is also quite important;
  • the cost of childbirth in paid clinics seems exorbitant, you might think that you are going to give birth to a baby not in our country, but somewhere in a French city.

Speaking about the timing, it is worth recalling that the contract is concluded for about 36 weeks of pregnancy, while all the conditions regarding the upcoming birth are negotiated. The plus is that you pay a lot of money, therefore, if necessary, you can demand the comfort or care you deserve.

How to choose a maternity hospital. How to do it right?

To ensure the most comfortable conditions for yourself during childbirth, you need to carefully look at the following factors:

  1. Wards in the prenatal period, the conditions of stay, the presence of a shower room, a refrigerator in the department, depending on these seemingly insignificant trifles, your well-being before childbirth will depend. Find out how much the ward is calculated by the person, because the more people in the ward, the more discomfort you will experience.
  2. The conditions in the delivery room are of the utmost importance; the successful course of labor depends on them. Ask if there are individual delivery rooms, if it is possible to give birth with your husband.
  3. Find out about the availability of special equipment that is used in emergency situations, the availability of a specialist neonatologist who can help the baby if necessary, if something does not go according to plan.
  4. Find out in advance how you will be with the baby in the postnatal ward, some maternity hospitals practice joint stay, others separate. You can also find out if relatives are allowed to visit you, come to the department.

How many weeks should you choose a maternity hospital?

Every mother-to-be is looking forward to the birth of a small miracle that will outshine the whole environment and become the main person for a woman. If you are thinking for how long to choose a maternity hospital, then you need to focus on whether you can begin labor or it is too early for this moment. Try to think about this problem as early as possible, because:

  1. Having picked up the maternity hospital in time, you will ensure the safety of both yourself and the baby, since unforeseen situations often occur when medical attention is required, when premature birth occurs. You do not lose anything if you decide where you will give birth, at the same time, at least somehow protect yourself from surprises.
  2. A careful study of the data about a particular maternity hospital will be the basis for deciding in which institution to give birth. You should not worry about how your loved ones will look at it, because it is better to seem distrustful than to face the discomfort and unprofessionalism of the staff later in childbirth.
  3. Try to choose a doctor, because even in the same maternity hospital you may be faced with a situation where one specialist is reputed to be a professional, and the other does not inspire confidence.
  4. Do not particularly trust the reviews of pregnant women, it is better to get to know the institution on your own, since the woman before childbirth becomes more impulsive, more explosive, so it is difficult to call the comments of pregnant women genuine.

Making the right choice is the key to success

Very soon, a small miracle will appear that will fill your life with light and meaning. During pregnancy, try to provide all the conditions for the baby to fully develop, receive positive emotions, feel your warmth and care. You have the right to choose a maternity hospital, so try to approach this task as responsibly as possible, your well-being and the well-being of your child will depend on this choice.

” №2/2009 04.08.11

Labor is approaching and you are thinking about which maternity hospital to choose. How to give birth under a contract or just like that? Or maybe - go to give birth abroad, because after all, the level of medicine .... What to do if you categorically did not like the doctor. How to understand which of the two is better: if one maternity hospital is empty and beautiful, and the other (old and not modern) is overcrowded? We will try to answer all these questions.

Choosing a maternity hospital: reviews

To protect yourself from hasty decisions, start looking for a maternity hospital no later than the 22nd week of pregnancy. Moreover, many popular maternity hospitals need to sign up for a paid birth several months in advance.

The defining moment at the first stage is health problems (Rh-conflict, poor eyesight, diseases of the cardiovascular system, infections, the threat of termination of pregnancy, etc.). If there are any, the antenatal clinic doctor will issue a referral to a specialized maternity hospital, where the risk of possible complications during and after childbirth is minimal. If there are no contraindications, usually the choice of the place of birth begins with a survey of friends who have become mothers. Their opinion can be trusted, but it is not out of place to check. It is worth keeping in mind how long ago they gave birth, how responsibly they approached this issue, whether their priorities coincide with yours. A definite plus is that a friend can advise you to see a specific doctor or midwife. Dating in this matter can play a decisive role.

It is advisable that the clinic is close to your home. Traffic jams, road repairs, opening bridges - all this can prevent you from reaching your goal. On the other hand, if reviews about your district maternity hospital do not inspire confidence and optimism, choose the one that is next, but better. And you can go to the antenatal department in advance.

Choosing a maternity hospital: paid or free

You can give birth free of charge with a birth certificate and for money.

Plus free delivery - a rested duty team, which did not take extra-budgetary childbirth for several days in a row.

The advantage of paid childbirth is not hidden by the doctors themselves: they feel a great responsibility if the person paid in advance.

If you decide to secure yourself with a ruble, you should conclude an agreement at 35-36 weeks. Its effect starts from the moment of signing and ends six weeks after delivery. To know what you are paying for, ask to see the maternity and postnatal ward before signing any paperwork. Sometimes in maternity hospitals there are special open days for this. They may also be attended by "budgetary" women in labor.

Choosing a maternity hospital: childbirth abroad

The cost of giving birth abroad is in the tens of thousands of dollars. Not to mention the additional costs for a visa and tickets, a medical translator, a hotel (many clinics recommend to be there 20 days before the date of birth), meals, and accompanying relatives. In return - the highest level of medicine (according to the latest data, the best maternity hospitals are in Sweden) and comfort.

How much does it cost to give birth abroad

  • England. Private clinic The Portland Hospital, London, childbirth - 8,000-10,000 thousand dollars
  • Israel... Ramban Government Hospital, Haifa, labor 5,900 - $ 6,000
  • Germany... Concern of St. Antonius Klinikum, Düsseldorf, childbirth € 4,500

What will roughly look like a childbirth bill in Europe

  • services for opening a medical policy approximately 350 euros
  • the cost of the contract for childbirth 4,500 euros (in case of normal ongoing childbirth)
  • in case of complications and / or surgery (caesarean) 7,000 euros
  • medical translator's work hour 30-50 euros
  • round-trip air flight for two 400 euros.
  • hotel accommodation before and after childbirth approximately 70 - 250 euros

It is important!

Most European countries, some Latin American countries, Japan do not provide foreigners with the opportunity to obtain citizenship upon birth in their territory. A child born in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Malaysia can become a citizen of the state (but only upon reaching the age of majority), and this will apply even to those children whose parents are violating the visa regime.

The fact of the birth of a child must be registered at the Russian consulate in the country, otherwise you simply will not be released to your homeland.

Choosing a maternity hospital: meeting with a doctor

This can be done at the conclusion of the contract. The doctor needs to examine you before giving birth, you need to find out his qualifications and experience, as well as listen to your intuition and understand whether you will entrust this person with such a responsible matter.

There should be a guarantee that the doctor will come to your birth, not even on his shift, and will be there for as long as necessary. Actually, you pay for this.
If the doctor is stuck in a "traffic jam" or does not have time for other reasons, the maternity hospital is obliged to provide you with another specialist or return the money. The money is returned even if you only managed to get to the nearest hospital.

Choosing a maternity hospital: the degree of equipment and management of childbirth

When you call the reception or on an excursion, find out what equipment the maternity hospital has (ECG, Echocardiography, Doppler ultrasound, brain ultrasound, cardiac monitoring, artificial respiration, blood transfusion station) and how modern it is. What departments work: cardiology, intensive care, a department for premature babies with special incubators, etc. We hope that all this will not be useful to you. However, it is better to play it safe.

The attitude of doctors to the period of labor and childbirth is also important. What types of pain relief do they use, and whether you have the right to refuse them or, conversely, to demand. Check if non-drug methods are used: rocking chairs, balls, bath, massage. Not every clinic allows you to walk or sit during contractions - it is more convenient for the doctor to conduct an examination when you are lying down.

Choosing a maternity hospital: attitude towards the child

If on all (or at least most) of the above points, you and the doctor have found a common language, the next stage is your attitude towards newborns. Find out when the umbilical cord is cut: immediately after childbirth or after the cessation of its pulsation (after 5-15 minutes). Another significant question is whether the baby is placed on his stomach and immediately applied to the breast. This practice is now welcomed almost everywhere. It is good for both the baby (colostrum strengthens the immune system) and the mother (stimulates milk production).

Therefore, the next question is whether newborns are not supplemented with artificial mixtures and whether they are not supplemented with water unnecessarily. However, in the first two or three days, when milk has not yet been produced, this cannot be avoided.

It is useful when, before discharge, the neonatologist gives a lecture for new mothers. It is taught to bathe the baby, clean the nose and ears, and handle the umbilical wound. This especially helps those who become a mother for the first time.

Choosing a maternity hospital: ward

The “mother and child” ward can be single or double. The main thing is that the baby is with you all the time, and you will feed him not on schedule, but on demand. The downside of being together with another “mother-child” couple is that there will be twice as many crying and worries. But it's more fun together.

The general ward is designed for three to seven women. Children are brought only for feeding. These are free wards if you have a compulsory health insurance policy.

In the last two cases, it is necessary to clarify the office hours. Even in paid wards, visits are not allowed at all times. Although you can always negotiate with the midwife on duty.

Our expert Olga Astsaturova, MD, PhD, obstetrician-gynecologist at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Moscow Medical Academy. I.M.Sechenova, member of the Johnson’s® baby expert council:

In some cases, the maternity hospital may terminate the contract with the patient. The reason may be that the patient provided incomplete information about her health. As a rule, detection of certain diseases (oncological, mental, sexually transmitted diseases), dangerous infections (HIV), congenital malformations, developmental anomalies and other emergency conditions that are the competence of ambulance services leads to termination.

In addition, the contract is terminated if the patient violates the order and terms of payment for services, as well as the internal rules and regulations of the medical institution. In this case, the money will not be returned.

If the contract is concluded not only for childbirth, but also for the management of pregnancy, it is automatically terminated if it is prematurely terminated after the provision of an appropriate medical opinion. This practice is extremely rare, since usually contracts are concluded directly for the birth itself.
