Pickup techniques and protection against them. Pickup phrases for girls who catch on. Pickup phrases are funny. Best pick-up phrases

Darina Kataeva

Every woman is a pick-up artist by nature, but not everyone knows about this. Many girls visit, take care of themselves every day, but they do not deserve recognition, love and respect! But how you always want to catch the admiring glances of men on yourself! What is needed for this and how to fall in love with a man? Pickup Secrets will help you achieve your desired goal and find "your" man!

What is a women's pickup truck?

Women's pickup is an art where every woman tries to find her role. Translated from English, the word "pickup" means seduction. However, it is important to understand the difference between a men's pickup and a women's one. The male pickup is about seducing a woman for physical intimacy. In the morning, this relationship ends. However, a women's pickup truck is a deep and multifaceted concept that implies with the aim of further marriage.

The women's pickup truck is based on two main goals:

Hurry up.
Falling in love with another guy in order to satisfy your own ego.

The concept of "excitement" is also attached to the concept of a pickup truck, so women treat this as an art that needs to be fully mastered. Every girl can learn a pickup if she knows the basic rules and possible mistakes of behavior with a man she likes.

Why do women go in for pickup?

Since male pick-up artists have one goal, therefore, their methods are primitive. Most use proven methods: they begin to tell their victim about her beauty, attractiveness and the depth of her soul. Almost all women are led to such a lie. However, it is much more difficult for pickup girls with men, because their goal is longer: they strive to fall in love with a man and. And the methods must be so skillful that they do not suspect anything. But what prompts girls to do such desperate things?

Loneliness and desire to get married. When a woman reaches adulthood, but at the same time they still do not find a life partner, she begins to carefully examine the question of how. At first glance, banal, but at the same time effective methods help to achieve the desired result.
Disappointment. Most pick-up artists are mature women who have had good experiences in their lives, so they know very well how a man should be around. However, their ideal is often unresponsive to flirting. Therefore, desperate women embark on hidden methods in order to achieve what they want by any effort!
Revenge. When a woman is on the verge of her despair, and she has been abandoned by men more than once, she proceeds to. Falling in love with another victim, a woman gets satisfaction from breaking up a relationship.
Benefit. Men in love are often ready to go to any lengths to make their woman feel happiness and satisfaction, which is even more beneficial for pickup artists. And if their relationship is registered, then the woman will also receive a share of the property.
Boredom. Some women, or for a sense of self-satisfaction, start hunting for men. Someone then breaks up with men, while others manage to find themselves a husband for life.

Regardless of her goal, every pickup woman is similar in one thing: her chosen one should be the most attractive, wealthy, athletic and pleasant to talk to. In general, an impossible mission is the main task in seducing a man.

How to fall in love with a man?

Although every woman already has personal charm and attractiveness, she needs to add to her arsenal several pick-up tools, with the help of which no man's heart can resist.

To begin with, a woman finds her chosen one and studies his main features: what he likes, as well. If you want to meet a man you've only seen a few times before, you will have to face some surprises during the conversation. But a woman can prepare herself for such situations by talking to her friends who know this man well. Just a few notable thoughts and personality traits you know will help you to have a casual, lighthearted, and frank conversation.
Be sure to prepare for. Looks are key in a pickup truck, but don't overdo it with makeup and outfit. Makeup should not be too flashy, and the outfit should be vulgar, as men who are interested in long-term relationships are only discouraged. Perfect for flirting, long eyelashes and. A finished look is an indicator of femininity and tenderness, so forget about sports and business style. Choose the one that matches the institution you are going to. Large cuts or too much will not help you achieve your main goal - to make a man fall in love with you. So you can only seduce him. , never superfluous! Don't forget about the scent. , rely on your tastes and the place of your meeting with the chosen one. For conquering the heart of a man, not trail aromas are suitable, but bodily aromas, which are felt only at close range. Such a scent will make you inaccessible, but at the same time attractive to a man.

The first and most effective remedy is the usual one, which includes an unobtrusive smile, accidental touching, throwing a playful yet intent gaze, touching your hair, ringing laughter, or accidentally dropping your purse. What effect is achieved at the first stage? The man pays attention to you. He sets you apart from the crowd, from the large number of women around him. It is important not to overdo it with such playful movements, as the man will suspect that something is wrong with your increased initiative.

Behavior. Keep yourself confident, calm, open in some ways, and restrained in some things. Forget worries, worries and worries! Remember how many such men there were in whom you were disappointed! Treat the pickup like a game, so enjoy every moment in the circle. Be confident in yourself and your strengths, because this is the only way you will be able to win the man's attention and convince him of your own attractiveness.
Listen! This is the secret of communicating with any person, including the man you like. Members of the opposite sex will be thinking about winning your attention at the moment of pickup, so they will try to captivate you with their conversations and learned stories. Listen carefully, ask questions, maintain a dialogue, and then your chosen one will have the best impressions of the evening.
Find a reason to be appropriate. However, avoid phrases: what a cool car you have. Better to emphasize how skillfully the man drives the car. This will raise his self-esteem and encourage a long lasting relationship with you.

6 tips for a woman's pickup truck will help you reach your goal and win the heart of your chosen one. Although girls are familiar with them, many still repeat common mistakes. The main ones are:

Search for the ideal. If you create an unreal image of a man with a set of favorite qualities, you will never find your own and the only one. Remember, there are no perfect people!
The rise of the chosen one in his own eyes. Do not close your eyes, do not exaggerate the advantages and disadvantages. Carefully study the character of the man and his behavior in unusual situations. Do not rush to desperate actions!

Immodesty and, as a result, the presence of too vulgar attire.
Dominating conversation and decisions. Men hate female commanders.

How to understand that a man is in love?

If your pickup is successful, you will clearly notice that the man is in love with you. This becomes especially obvious if he is already taking the initiative, showing signs of attention, giving gifts and inviting him to a restaurant. You should not show the full depth of your happiness, keep your distance and allow the man to show love and care for you.

In addition to signs of attention, you should expect warm and open communication, to which the man devotes the first minute he has freed up. He doesn't look for excuses that he was busy, a lot of work, or tired. But the best sign of winning a man's heart is priorities that are redefined after meeting you. Ask yourself: what does the man give preference to: communication with you or with friends, his own interests or joint activities that bring you joy and pleasure?

Every girl who cares for her external beauty and at the same time pays special attention to self-development and education of a mature and highly moral personality is capable of falling in love with a man!

December 28, 2013

The wisdom of a woman lies in the ability to pretend to be stupid in time. And if we talk about relationships, then here we are talking about the art of turning things around in such a way that a man thinks that the initiative comes from him. In life, it is so arranged that it was men who reserved the right to conquer and be active. But this does not prevent lovely ladies from using their rules to attract the powerful. Pickup lessons for girls - this is the topic of our conversation.

Pickup rules for women

If you are determined to master the art of meeting men and warming up their interest in your person, then careful preparation will not hurt you. You should start with yourself. We usually blame others for our failures. But in gaining the attention of a man, you should pay attention to your mistakes. Two of them are especially common:

  1. Appearance. Many people think that to look attractive is to be in a stylish outfit and, as they say, in full dress. But there are things more noticeable - gait, facial expressions and gestures. If you sit hunched over or walk around with a disgruntled face, whatever you do will be a failure. Therefore, observe yourself more often from the side.
  2. Inaccessibility. Many women from birth absorb the rules of conduct in the presence of a man. And many find it very difficult to become open to communication if taught to do the opposite. Try to tune yourself into a different behavior.

Having mastered these small nuances, it's time to start a direct assault on the strength of the male heart. Let's start with an acquaintance. The rules for a women's pickup truck have little difference from a man's. All manipulations are aimed at gaining attention and not letting go of it. We will discuss how to do this:

  1. The first thing to do is at least appear in the field of vision of your chosen one. At the same time, it would be nice if he was in no hurry, was not busy with business and was as relaxed as possible.
  2. We approach a distance of about half a meter. This is the so-called "personal zone". Not everyone is allowed into it, and if your victim has moved away, stay in the same place where you were. It is important that your chosen one is comfortable near you.

From this minute, the main lessons of the female pickup begin, namely, the dating technique:

So, let's say you succeeded in one of the dating options. What to do next?

Remember that men are tired of being first and foremost in everything. Unobtrusively invite your chosen one for coffee or a walk. This point will set a good ground for seduction.

The continuation of the story depends entirely on your initiative. Forget about embarrassment and complexes. A pickup truck for girls is a great way to boost your self-esteem. So down with prejudice. Learn new techniques, for example. Life is already too short to sit and wait for your man to find you. Seek and strive, and you will be happy!

How to start a multivariate relationship with any man without any problems? First of all, learn some of the rules and principles of a pickup truck.

For those who are not burdened with dreams of a prince who will knock on the door himself and those who are not obsessed with the principles of modesty, the concept of a women's pickup truck has existed for many years. It differs from the male one in that girls do not meet men. They only create conditions for the mighty of this world to show a desire to get to know each other. A female pickup is more likely not a way to start a relationship, but the creation of multivariance in any relationship. Because the hunter, unlike the victim, always retains the psychological initiative. She always leads in relationships, even when outwardly she maintains absolute inaction.

Men are intuitively attracted to being elected. However, while playing a cautious game, it is important not to make a mistake and, out of inexperience, not to seem a sophisticated fatal madame.

Where to pick up

For those who have set themselves the task of meeting an ordinary average man, the place does not really matter. But for those whose goal is an oligarch of the highest echelon or oligarch-light, the place is of fundamental importance. This should be where the potential victim does not expect to be attacked. Business class carriage on the train, expensive fitness center, premium car dealership. It will not be difficult to attract male attention here due to the obvious topics of conversation and the absence of a large number of competitors. What, for example, cannot be said about such utopian places as nightclubs, mansions on Rublevka and other places where hunters gather. And, by the way, an additional bonus of honing the skill of a pickup truck with representatives of the wealthiest stratum of society is that, having successfully spud the oligarch, the girl will also be able to successfully meet any representative with a lesser fortune without any problems.


If a woman's goal is a 100% successful pickup with a subsequent hit in the heart of a man, then appearance is of paramount importance. Choosing a wardrobe, we give preference to a cute look. Low stiletto heel, fitted outfit, small neckline. One or a pair of expressive accessories. By the way, here is what the famous capital's owner of the VIP dating agency, Peter Listerman, says about the appearance: “A girl must be a dream! When meeting a businessman for the first time, it is better for a girl to dress modestly. Lokhov's colors - white, pink, red - should not be present in her wardrobe. "

Visual contact

To strike up a conversation, you first need to make eye contact. To do this, we find with our eyes the victim, a couple of times we linger on it with a glance. And when a man notices it, we look away. But trying to attract attention, in this way, it is very easy for a wealthy man to seem like another doll for one evening. At least that's how he might treat you.

A much more practical and skillful trick is an "accidental" encounter and subsequent "accidental" conversation. Of course, it is better to prepare a topic for conversation in advance, and this requires maximum observation and a broad outlook.

According to psychologist Kurt Lewin, a man's motivation is always based on the confrontation between "I am afraid" and "I want." After all, even if a man liked the girl, the likelihood that he will not get acquainted because of the unsuccessful experience of past relationships is very high.


For a successful pickup truck, it is best for a girl to remember a few simple rules. Until the man offers to go to "you", it is best to contact "you". In a conversation, rude words, obscene expressions and the like should not flicker. An excellent option would be to "accidentally" find you have the same hobby. It is not bad for the situation to insert a couple of quotes from famous people into the conversation. But the most important thing is to listen carefully to the interlocutor. And in compliments, it is better to admire not a man's property, but himself. Avoid the phrases "what a cool car you have." Better emphasize how skillfully he drives his car. For a successful pickup, so as not to betray our true intentions, we never specify the data on his work, wealth or places of his rest. This will betray the hunter in the woman.

The list of possible topics for starting a conversation is extremely commonplace. According to experts from the University of Social Psychology and Humanities, these can be completely simple techniques, such as:

Making a minor request. Please hand over a napkin, close / open the window, give directions, address.

Wrong! For acquaintance, sometimes it is enough to "identify yourself" and then embarrassedly apologize.

Ask to use the phone. For example, you urgently need to call, but, as luck would have it, your phone is dead. By the way, you can also ask to charge the phone from his laptop, and while the gadget is charging, it is quite possible to drink coffee and chat.

Get hooked up next to you at the airport while you "wait for your relatives to arrive." There will be more than enough topics for conversation.

Ask for advice when buying. This excuse will work great as a car dealership, in an elite boutique where you “choose a tie for your dad,” or in a store of elite alcohol or gourmet cheese.

"We've met?" This phrase will work well if you have already made eye contact with the victim and after a few of his hot looks, you can come up and say: “I see you seemed to be behind me. Have we met before? " This is a very good way to give a man the impression that he was the real initiator of the acquaintance.

If within 3 days the man did not receive a call, then you can safely call him. But for a conversation, a completely convincing reason is absolutely necessary. No "let's have a coffee" or "would like to see again."

And remember that the joke that “a man, in order to drag a girl into bed, is, in principle, capable of any meanness. Only a woman who has firmly decided to marry can surpass him in this, ”is by no means a joke.

Natalia Kaptsova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Everyone dreams that men would fold their necks, looking after her, and fall in stacks under their feet. But to one the art of "enchanting" is given from the cradle, while the other has to learn this all his life. The "science" of seduction of the opposite sex that has appeared in our time - the pickup truck - was the prerogative of exclusively men. But this complex of techniques and skills of seduction has become interesting for modern women as well. The only difference is that the task of a woman's pickup truck, as a rule, is not a one-time pleasure, but a search for true love and a desire to become attractive, self-confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of a women's pickup truck?

Why do girls do pickup trucks? Goals

For male pick-ups, the goals are simple and clear - to please the girl and put her to bed as quickly as possible. Girls' goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to get acquainted.
  • How to charm.
  • How to keep.

And it is desirable - all at once. But, of course, it doesn't work that way. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse, who, upon seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, heart and a Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get to know each other correctly and how to behave so that the gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what a female pickup teaches - how not to scare a man, how to impress etc.

Women's pickup - dating rules

Basic rules for a women's pickup

Pickup task - provoking a man to take action ... The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance in the horizontal plane, or a serious relationship and starting a family. The "science" of a pickup truck can be learned both independently and at special trainings. What are basic rules of a female pickup truck?

  • Go out more often, expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Targeting a handsome blue-eyed athlete? Don't look for it in the library. The oligarch? You won't find him at the diner around the corner.
  • Always be ready to meet your dream.... Perfect appearance, excellent mood and charming smile should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the basics of proper makeup, you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight-fitting dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to following this rule even at home (when no one sees you). Look.
  • Study male psychology... With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your own one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent.... Become as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Keep your speech flowing and calm.... No "nerve" in the voice.
  • Do not get confused in words... Listen carefully as if this fishing story is the most amazing thing you've ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and their desires. The man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person. And, of course, avoid asking questions about the number of your exes or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be delighted to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for a fourth marriage.
  • Remember to praise the man... Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just do not overdo it - you should not praise a gentleman for a beautiful tie or clean shoes, you need to praise for actions.
  • Be humble... No need to put your legs on the table, sweep away dinner in a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always beautifies.
  • When dealing with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech... This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just don't get carried away - it shouldn't be obvious.
  • If you are invited to dance, you shouldn't be too frank in your movements- that is, hang yourself on a gentleman and cuddle with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, control yourself and wait for the "client to mature."
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural and minimal as possible.... Eliminate red varnish right away - it is unnerving. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that will magically affect a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change wheels, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your sympathy..
  • After dating, don't be intrusive. He should be looking for you, calling and making appointments. And you - only condescendingly accept his courtship.
  • Don't hang a kilo of jewelry on yourself. Better one or two decorations, but spectacular and high quality, than looking like a Christmas tree.
  • Don't go overboard in facial expressions and "erotic" movements. It is enough to fix your hair, lick your lips and throw your leg over the leg. Do not wag your hips or swallow bananas.
  • Don't tell yourself or let a man tell greasy jokes.
  • Having met the same man, do not continue the "pickup games"... A man should love you, not your seduction technique. Keeping him in a pickup truck next to you for life will not work.

The ideal woman pickup is one who ...

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Self-reliant.
  • Relaxed and free in relationships.
  • He does not carry a suitcase of complexes with him.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a pick-up artist by nature. In fact, she absolutely does not need to learn the science of seduction, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. It remains only to use them competently and wisely. And the main thing - understand what exactly you are waiting for? Imagine that all men are paying attention to you, drooling and dreaming at least to hold your palm. Are you sure you need this? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male increased attention to you will increase... And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

Not many people know that there is not only a male pickup, but also a female one. His task is to seduce the object of desire by any means. After the goal is achieved, you can do whatever you want - marry this person, continue dating, or simply leave him. But few women can achieve such opportunities, as they make many mistakes. On the way to the goal, there are several obstacles that prevent you from achieving what you want.

The history of the pickup truck began in the United States in 1992 after the publication of a book by Ross Jeffries, describing various manipulations through which any woman can be seduced. Of course, in response to such a terrible attitude towards female nature, the young ladies also decided to master this art in order to break the hearts of impudent men. The basis of the women's pickup is a simple flirtation, thanks to which you can attract the attention of any man. Currently, this science contains many more rules, but still its basis has remained the same.

Choosing the right outfit and accessories

Everyone knows that men love women primarily with their eyes. That is why it is very important to make a good impression on the first meeting. In order for a guy to pay attention to a young lady, she needs to choose the right image. Of course, nothing will catch his attention like high heels and a beautiful, preferably tight dress. According to statistics, in this case, the girl is guaranteed to get 90% of the attention from men. It is worth choosing a dress style that fits a certain body shape. Color also matters, so you should not be based on fashion trends, but choose a dress of the shade that suits your appearance. If a woman does not know how to walk in high heels, then it is better for her to limit herself to an average length of heels. There is nothing worse than an awful gait due to too high heels. By the way, you can apply some trick. Now there are a lot of shoes that have rather high heels, but due to the platform it is much easier to walk in them. In addition to the outfit and shoes, it is very important to choose the right accessories. A huge bag will not go well with a beautiful evening dress, but a neat little clutch will complement it perfectly. Excessive decorations can also ruin the overall look. It is better to limit yourself to a modest chain with a small pendant and earrings with a bracelet in a set with it. In general, it is recommended to wear earrings if the ears are open. Otherwise, you do not need to wear them. In the outfit, you should choose a maximum of 2 catchy things, for example, a handbag and a belt. If you use more bright elements, then you can become like a Christmas tree.

Beautiful and discreet makeup is the key to success

Proper makeup is a very important element. Men prefer rather discreet makeup. Therefore, you should not use too much makeup, especially if the date is in the daytime. Bright makeup is only suitable for special occasions, such as a gala at work or New Year's Eve. Do not experiment before a date, as it is best to stick with the make-up that is used most often and is ideal for a particular appearance.

Making eye contact

If the outfit and makeup made a splash, then it's time to take the next step. This will be eye contact with the object of desire. Having given him your modest smile, you should turn your head and continue talking with your friend or sip your cocktail. If a man did not have time to notice such a beautiful person, then you need to attract his attention. But you should not flicker in front of his eyes, as this will only cause unpleasant emotions. The psychology of men is not too complicated, simply by adjusting her hair and shifting her legs, a woman has the opportunity to lure a man into her nets. It is especially important to show some indifference to this object. You can even flirt with another man to arouse his desire and interest even more. But do not overdo it, you should just let him know that he is not the only man in this institution. After such manipulations, he will have no choice but to approach the seductress and express a desire to get to know her.

The manifestation of sexuality and femininity in communication

Having perfectly followed the first rules that a pickup for women contains, many ladies make a lot of mistakes in the future. The behavior of a young lady tells a man a lot. He will either continue communication, or interrupt it, remembering serious and unexpected matters. Therefore, you should continue to lure the man of your dreams. You don't have to dress too sexy to show your dignity. It is much more important to excite a man with your behavior, fleeting languid glances and heartfelt voice. You can use some gestures to show your sexuality. For example, if a woman runs her hand over her neck and lowers her to her thigh, then the man will definitely pay attention to this. He will awaken fantasies about what is hidden from his eyes under your clothes. It is also necessary to show your femininity, since, coupled with sexuality, this will be the perfect tandem for seducing a man. Femininity is not only a pleasant and beautiful appearance, but also the behavior of a girl. A true lady will not drink male drinks and say unpleasant words. Also, you should not talk in all colors about past relationships, since a couple of common phrases will be enough. If a woman has long hair, then this should definitely be shown to her interlocutor, seductively winding a strand of hair around her finger or just sometimes throwing it back by turning her head.

Correct behavior when dealing with a man

A very important point is talking with a man. Here you need to be tactful and show interest in the words of the interlocutor. You need to listen carefully to the man and ask questions if something is not clear, as it will be very pleasant for him. You need to try to speak with him in the same language, using in communication some phrases from his vocabulary. During communication, you can accidentally touch his knee or shoulder, so the woman will show sympathy for this man. There is a very interesting expression: “A man is ready to commit any meanness in order to win the favor of a woman. Only a woman can surpass him in this. " As you can see, girls have every chance of winning any man they like. It is not necessary to attend women's trainings, which teach a pickup truck for girls, in order to learn how to seduce men. All you need to do is dress and make up correctly, as well as reveal your true feminine qualities, such as femininity, sexuality and the art of communication.

The trick of high society girls