Valentine's day invitation. Red, white and pink balloons

The holiday is held in honor of St. Valentine. A participant in the role of “Saint Valentine” invites the audience to the celebration. “Saint Valentine” is dressed in white clothes, he has hearts in his hands - a symbol of this holiday, on which the text is written - an invitation to participate in the holiday “Valentine's Day”.

Valentine's Day
Glitter of loving eyes.
We are for Valentine's Day
We invite you!

We invite you to a holiday,
Don't pass by.
Visit by all means
Valentine's Day!

In the foyer of "Saint Valentine" children are accompanied, they help to distribute hearts, and little spectators (children) distribute balloons in the form of hearts.

At the entrance to the auditorium, two participants in the game action invite guests to take part in the celebration (for the text of the invitation, see above). All spectators from the foyer go to the “auditorium” and are located on two sides of the playground, in the center of which there is a statue of “St. Valentine”.

The specificity of the “Valentine's Day” holiday is that there should be no distinction between the stage and the auditorium. It is necessary to have a reference group, acting as performers and knowing about the rules of the game at this holiday. The playground is designed as a “gate”. It was believed that if you go through the "Valentine's Gate", then luck and success in love will certainly be guaranteed. Spectators are positioned on two sides of the St. Valentine's statue.

The reference group is:

small group - children;

middle group - youth;

older group - adults.

The episode "Captivity of Love" as a ceremonial play action includes:

Honoring Valentine;

Procession of children;

Procession of adults.

Purpose of the event: explain the rules of the game to the viewer. The task of the participants is to honor the name of St. Valentine.

The game action begins in the dark, doors open slowly in the auditorium, an organ sounds. A spotlight turns on, highlighting the participants in the reference group. They are lined up in a "column" mise-en-scene. The procession in the foyer goes through the entire auditorium to the center of the playground, where the statue of St. Valentine is located. The procession is headed by the most senior participant of the game action with a “tree” (small spruce) in his hands. Children follow him. They are carrying paper doves. The children are followed by the middle group of participants - young people; girls carry wreaths, boys - spruce branches. The procession is completed by adult participants, with the exception of the leader of the procession. They are holding fir garlands decorated with ribbons. The procession stops in front of the statue and forms a "chess order" mise-en-scene. Then, all participants kneel slowly on one knee in front of the statue, expressing their preference and respect for Saint Valentine. The phonogram is mixed.

The oldest member is the first to refer to the statue of St. Valentine. He says the text:

We swear to forget the poverty of the earth, about Valentine,
We swear to taste your kindness, O Valentine,
We swear to pour light on the blind into their darkness, O Valentine!
Let the roses bloom in wounds, O Valentine,
To grow up humble from the hardships, O Valentine,
To the eternal shrines on the way, about Valentine.

Goal of request: make a promise to Saint Valentine to preserve the traditions of the holiday. The oath-text is recited by all participants in the game action. At the end of the oath-text, a phonogram with the recording “Lonely shepherd” sounds, the senior participant approaches the statue of St. Valentine and places a tree (spruce) in front of it. The participant returns to the original "chess order" mise-en-scene and hands the heart to the boy. This game action is played out according to the principle of a relay race. The heart will be a sign of passing the baton - a symbol of the "Saint Valentine" holiday. After receiving the heart, each age group gets the right to greet Valentine.

The boy with the heart in his hands leads the small reference group (children). Their action is to dress the trees with paper pigeons. Passing the baton to the participants of the middle group, the children disperse on two sides of the playground, adjoining the audience. The middle group is led by a participant holding a heart.

Young participants dress the “tree” with wreaths, after which they return to the “chess order” mise-en-scene. The senior participants of the game action - adults - conclude the greeting to St. Valentine. They dress the “tree” with fir garlands decorated with ribbons, after which they remain in the mise-en-scène “circle” (they stand around the tree).

In playing the event "Honoring Valentine", the retardation technique is used, replacing and repeating the game action.

This technique is necessary to explain to the viewer, in whose honor the holiday “Valentine's Day” is organized. The ringing of the bell is a signal for the “procession of children”.

The ringing of the bell switches the attention of adults and young participants in the play action from the statue to the children. For the children themselves, the ringing of the bell is a signal for lining up into a “small” procession, which is committed to both sides of the playing space, where the viewer is.

Children under the soundtrack of the march go towards each other, then line up in a single procession, which is led by a boy with a bell in his hands. The processions walk through the entire auditorium and distribute paper doves to the audience with wishes of happiness and love. The procession of children is accompanied by a cheerful song.

She will raise her cup, -
Itself is more captivating than wine, -
But he walks so confidently
That he will not shed a drop on the ground.
He makes the steed
Even though he is hot, freeze in place
That the power is not visible.
Her movements are light
And in him - determination and courage,
And the cup is full and good.

Having passed through the auditorium, the procession of children again diverges along two sides of the playing space, where the spectator is.

The song of the adult participants in the game action "makes" the participants' object of attention change to the older group - adults.

Somewhere in the grass the smell of a violet was carried,
Blooming in the morning
And as if a girl is telling you:
"Good morning!"
And it reminds you that she's yours already
Not just a girl, but your girlfriend
Not some, but yours.
And the sun splashes in all directions.

During the song performance, adult members tie colorful ribbons to a tree. In this dressing of a tree with ribbons, the action is of a different nature. The task of the senior participants is to prepare the place for the youth games. After dressing the “tree”, the phonogram of the dance “Polka” sounds parallel to the song of the adults, after which the adult participants, taking the ribbons in their hands and stretching them in a circle, begin to dance around the dressed “tree”.

The final episode is Flower Parade, which includes the following events:

Honoring “Valentine” and “Valentine”.

Processions in honor of lovers.

Thanks to Saint Valentine.

As a ceremonial play action, the first event - "Honoring" - includes:

dressing up "Valentina" and "Valentina";

praising lovers;

wishes to the lovers of happiness.

The first event in the episode “The Flower Parade” begins with the fact that the selected lovers are dressed up by the most senior participants in the game action, since adults are carriers of cultural experience, it is they who have knowledge of the traditions and customs associated with any holiday, which, in turn , refers to a specific annual cycle. The selected “Valentin” and “Valentina”, according to the tradition of this holiday, become the bride and groom for a year, or Valentin and Valentina. It is necessary to observe some points of the wedding ceremony. During the blessing of the young, the bride is put on a flower garland around her neck, the groom carries a green tree in his hands, which symbolizes the presence of the spirit of vegetation, and therefore the presence of the creative powers and abilities of this person.

After the dressing up of the lovers by the oldest participants in the game action, a couple (a boy and a girl) of the smallest participants approach the lovers and present them with a heart (a symbol of love) and a paper dove (a symbol of peace).

Thus, children wish the “young” peace and love. Having handed over a paper dove and a heart as symbols of love and peace, the children protected the lovers from evil forces and misfortunes for the whole year. After all, children have always personified purity and protection from all evil.

The presentation of the “talismans” by the children means the transition to the next event: “procession in honor of the lovers”. The lovers, taking the hands of the children who handed over the "talismans", open the procession to the cheerful music (polka). A little boy with a bell in his hands, after a short pause, turns to the statue of St. Valentine:

Accept, oh statue of Saint Valentine,
My woeful outcome
Everyday love languor
A reproach to fate and a hymn to my love,
Which in the world has never been cleaner.
I burned incense to you as a tribute
With diligence, faith, good thoughts,
With a prayer, with a hope to bequeath to centuries
Your blissful holy name!

This appeal text is worn by all participants in the game action.

Participants' task: to thank Saint Valentine for the holiday, which would not have happened if there had not been a legend about Valentine, for the fact that he gave people the opportunity to open their hearts and give love to their neighbors, helped to believe that LOVE will save the WORLD.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a holiday of love for everyone, without exception; in addition to lovers, others can also express their tenderness and care - in relation to their parents, grandmothers, brothers and sisters.

On this day, even middle-aged couples pay tribute to modern fashion and exchange not only affectionate looks, but also valentines.

A holiday for all lovers can be arranged both in a cafe, restaurant, and in a friendly family atmosphere. In this case, to create a romantic atmosphere, it is enough to decorate the apartment a little, cook a festive dinner and watch a good old movie about love.

Options for the holiday Valentine's Day

In order for the holiday to bring joy and to be remembered for a long time, you need to draw up a script for its holding in advance and decorate your home (or the chosen venue) a little.

Traditionally, the main symbols of this day are numerous hearts, lips folded in a kiss, and a pair of kissing doves.

For example, a window in a house will be transformed in a couple of minutes if you attach several red hearts made of cardboard or foil to the glass, and tie multi-colored ribbons and bows on the curtains.

A garland of silk hearts looks very elegant, which can be additionally scented with natural rose essential oil. Small hearts sewn from fabric in a red box are hung directly from the chandelier, fixed on the curtains or tied to the cornices. Alternatively, the curtains can be beautifully draped and tied with red ribbons, and the pick-up place can be additionally decorated with large pink hearts. The bedroom door is beautifully decorated with a heart-shaped wreath, decorated with many small red and pink hearts, ribbons, beads, bows.

The living room in the house will be transformed if soft heart-shaped pillows are scattered on sofas and armchairs. Even a simple applique in the form of hearts on an ordinary dummy pillow will help create a festive and romantic mood.

If it is planned to celebrate Valentine's Day in the company, then additional table decoration will be required. There are a lot of options for decorating an ordinary white tablecloth. For example, you can transform it with sewn or painted red and pink hearts (use special paint for textiles). A composition of flowers, candles and large hearts will look great in the center of the table. If you are planning a big party with a large number of guests, be sure to include nameplates next to the cutlery or attached to the back of the chair. In this case, cute valentines or hearts on a stand, on which the name of the guest is written, will look very elegant and romantic. Each plate can be filled with a heart-ring serving napkin and a heart-shaped chocolate bar. To create a romantic atmosphere on Valentine's Day, decorative candles are absolutely necessary, which are lit during the slow dances of couples in love. These candles can be placed on windowsills, on a coffee table, or even on the floor, but in this case it is best to use large, thick candles. Simple white screw candles can be easily transformed into scented candles by rubbing the candle wax with a few drops of rose or jasmine oil. You can decorate candles for lovers with a few small red foil hearts.

Valentine's Day at home, in the office, and more

In order to notify everyone about the upcoming holiday, you need to prepare a poster in advance with a message about where the holiday is taking place and what it is dedicated to, and hang it in the most conspicuous place. It will be much more interesting if it is informal, in an artistic style. For example, this.

Poster for the holiday of all lovers:

Attention!!! In the event that you have been in love for a long time or recently, if you are ready for madness and feats for the sake of your love, if you want to shout about it to the whole world, then you certainly need to be at our holiday dedicated to Valentine's Day !!! We invite EVERYONE to the holiday !!!
The celebration will take place at (indicate place and time).

To create a festive mood, the room where the event will be held is also decorated with carved hearts, ribbons and flowers.
A large number of valentines are also prepared in advance.
For Valentine's Day, in addition to a poster, you can print invitations and even number them, and then arrange a drawing of prizes in the "Happy Valentine's Day!" Lottery using these numbers.

Two presenters enter the stage (it is better to choose a man and a woman for the role of presenters - this will correspond to the spirit of the holiday).

1-host: Good afternoon to everyone who is with us today.

2-lead: We welcome on Valentine's Day all those who love and love and who know firsthand what love is.

1-presenter: I dare to suggest that, probably, few of those gathered here know the history of this wonderful holiday. So let's listen to her. (The story of Valentine's Day can be briefly told not only by the presenter, but also by one of the invited guests, who in this case memorizes the text in advance.)
Dear guests, today our postmen had a difficult day. They delivered a huge number of valentines to addressees in all parts of our wonderful city.
And for those who have not yet had time to send congratulations to their addressee, we will help to do it right now. Especially for our guests, local postmen work in the hall, who will not only deliver your messages to the indicated addresses, but also provide you with the valentines themselves. (The texts of messages on valentines can be written in advance, in this case the congratulation procedure will proceed faster - after all, the guests will only have to enter the addressee's name.)

2-lead: It is on this day, like no other, that I want to talk about love. What can I say! I would like to perform feats in the name of love. And this requires real knights.

1-host: And now we will find them! (At least three men are invited from the audience. The number of participants in competitions depends on the number of different entertainments that the presenters will conduct in the future. It is important that all guests can take part in at least one game or competition.)

2-host: At all times, men performed feats and overcame difficulties for the sake of beautiful women whom they loved without memory. So our men are ready for anything for the sake of their soul mates! (Further, the presenter introduces the contestants.)

1-master: So, our men probably know one simple truth: all women love with their ears. Today we have to confirm this truth once again!

2-lead: But first, we will ask you to go to our small dressing room. The costumes are waiting for you there. Put them on and come back to us. (Participants dress up in pre-prepared costumes, choosing an image of their choice. These can be Othello, Onegin, Pechorin, Don Juan, Don Quihot, Shepherd, Minstrel, etc.)

1 - leading: But getting dressed in a romantic dress is only half the battle. We have already found out that women love with their ears and appreciate the mind in a man. And real lovers do understand each other without words. But what to do to those who just liked the girl, but he cannot express his sympathy to her in words? Show resourcefulness and in no case get lost under any life circumstances!

2-lead: Men, show your resourcefulness and ingenuity! Imagine the following situation: you are walking along a road along which cars are racing at great speed. There is no traffic light or crossing next to you. And suddenly, on the other side of the road, you see an attractive, a little familiar to you girl, whom you have long dreamed of inviting somewhere in the evening. She, too, notices you and even waves her hand in greeting. Such an opportunity should not be missed: they have noticed you and are ready to accept your invitation, but here's how to get it across? Since the girl cannot hear what you are shouting to her in any way, it is necessary to invite her exclusively with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

1-host: To pass this test, each of the participants must go down to the hall and find a mate: Othello is looking for Desdemona, Onegin is looking for Tatiana, Pechorin can choose a girl of his choice: Bella, Mary, Vera or someone else.

In the competition, you should try to tell the girl (so that your significant other understands) exactly where you invite her: to a restaurant, to a zoo, to an amusement park, museum, theater or disco. And after she understands you, each of the participants must declare his love to his lady on behalf of the hero he has the honor to be. (Participants go down to the hall and find their soul mates. They return to the presenter in pairs. The girls stand on one side of the hall, and the men on the other. To each man, the presenters secretly name the places where men invite their girls. The competition is held against the background of a romantic , but fast music and accompanied by witty comments from the hosts.)

Throughout the evening, the winners of the contests can be presented with heart-shaped tokens. They can be made in different sizes and colors for each competition. The main thing is not to forget that red should be the dominant color.

2-lead: Now let's summarize the results of the competition. (The winners are those three couples who understood each other faster than others. They are given tokens made of thick red paper in the form of hearts. The rest of the participants are awarded incentive prizes. The final of the competition is announced.)

1- presenter: Oh, how difficult life is for women in the modern world. But, fortunately, there are attentive and empathetic men next to them.
It is always much easier to overcome difficulties when you are in a couple. And before the beginning of the final competition of our evening, we will ask the young people-contestants to give their girls a bouquet of flowers. Go to our young flower girl Ksyusha and choose each bouquet. (Participation in the competition is accepted by the previously winning couples. A flower girl appears on the stage with the sky. \ Big bunches of flowers. She can appear not only at this moment, be in the hall during the entire performance and stay after it. The girl performing this role must be dressed in a beautiful but modest dress, preferably in light colors.)

2-lead: And now each of the participants must present flowers to their lady and invite her to a restaurant. And we will ask you to organize this restaurant for us. (They bring out small round tables and 2 chairs for each of them on the stage. Menus are put on the tables and vases for flowers are placed.)

1-host: Gentlemen, invite your ladies, take a seat at the tables. There is a menu in front of each of you, but they do not contain the names of dishes, but proverbs about love. The ladies pick up the menu and read the beginning of the proverbs, and the gentlemen must continue them from memory. (The girls read the beginning and the men continue. At the end of the competition, the winner is selected.)

2-lead: Now we all see that you know enough about love, but are you capable of joint creativity? When a person loves, he always becomes at least a little bit of a creator and a poet. We will now check this. Each couple will now receive cards in the form of hearts. The beginning of the quatrain will be written on them, which must be continued in rhyme: "On this day of world love I really want to shout ..." We will give a few minutes to think about what our participants want to shout on this day.
If you want the valentine to be original, come up with the text of the card yourself. For example, write a message in the form of Destiny's address to the guest: “Just love me for who I am, and I will do whatever you want! Fate". Or you can change the ritual of giving a valentine: attach a message to the balloon on a ribbon by writing the name of your beloved and your own into the card, and then with the words "I want to always be there!" release this ball into the sky.

1-host: Now let's hear what our couples have come up with. (Prizes in this competition in the form of tokens-hearts are awarded to the couple whose work of literary creativity is the most successful. To determine the winner, ask the couple to read the quatrain, and the audience - to express their attitude towards him with applause. It will be much more interesting if during this competition the girl will begin to read the beginning of the poem, and the young man - to finish it, or vice versa.

On Valentine's Day, the best restaurants in Kiev arrange programs, offer a special menu and all kinds of romantic gifts. Do you usually celebrate at home? This means that there is an opportunity to make some kind of variety on Valentine's Day. Try the best dishes from Kiev chefs!

1. Restaurant "Three Forks"

13th and 14th February, the halls of the restaurant will be imbued with a love mood, which will createthere will be appropriate surroundings, live music and sparkling wine, which willtreat all guests in the morning!On February 14, a special program awaits you in the restaurant, in which real magic will reign with a drawing of valuable gifts from the partners of the institution.

And all the happiest and most sincere momentsthe holiday will be captured by a guest cupid photographer!Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of warm feelings, gentle words, quivering hugs and loudbeating hearts in the restaurant "Three Forks"!

2. Restaurant ODESSA

Subdued lights and pleasant live music -the perfect place for an unforgettable evening with your soul mate! Warmth awaits youfire, flickering candles, sparkling drinks ... ODESSA restaurant has long established itselfas the best place in the capital with a special menu on this special day!

One of the best chefs of Ukraine Yuriy Priemskiy prepared a gastronomic surprise- a chocolate ball that magically opens up and "bare" hearts! All festivethe atmosphere will dispose you to a responsible step - it is not surprising that on Valentine's Day, within the walls of the ODESSA restaurant, they often make a marriage proposal! And also in the ODESSA restaurant the most delicious desserts in the world!

3. Complex "Constantinople"

Valentine's Day is a special holiday. It is on February 14 that we strive to create a romantic mood and enjoy communication with a loved one.
A romantic evening in the hotel and restaurant complex Tsargrad will add brightness and exciting moments to your love story!

Valentine's Day at the "Tsargrad" restaurant:

  • romantic atmosphere
  • live music
  • 14% discount on restaurant menu
  • all couples in love - a sweet compliment from the restaurant "Tsargrad"

The hotel and restaurant complex "Tsargrad" invites all lovers tounforgettable evening!

Have an amazing romantic dinner!

And if you decide to stay at home, you can prepare an unusual treat! On Valentine's Day, the chef of the Tsargrad restaurant shares a recipe for an exquisite dessert: !

4. Country Club Grand Admiral Resort & SPA

For all hearts in love, France is the most romantic, mysterious and festive country in the world. M Do you dream of visiting this legendary and ever-blooming country and once again seeing the Eiffel Tower? Do you want to chat with a real Parisian mime and taste a delicious French croissant to the enchanting melodies of a live accordion and piano? Especially for you on February 14 at 18:00 a romantic meeting with Paris will take place in the MOZART panoramic restaurant! In Paris!

They are waiting for you and gourmet cakes from the chef and a welcome glass of red wine, marathon of French kisses under the Eiffel Tower, nAn unforgettable candlelit dinner with a subtle French flavor.

And also in a cheerful cartoon from the charming Cupid and holiday pictures in memory of a romantic evening, andnasty surprises and gifts for happy couples, wand my own performance of legendary French compositions,och French love films in the Cinema and, of course, the special decor of the room.

5. Restaurant "Mille Miglia"

The daily hustle and bustle often gets in the waytune in to a romantic mood. But at least once a year it is worth making an effort andcreate a fairy tale for yourself and your soul mate. And choose the right dishes fora romantic dinner is one of the main tasks. Food should be light but satisfyingand at the same time, to act correctly on the body, to cause not sleep, but passion.

The chef of the Kiev restaurant "Mille Miglia" is Italian Fabrizio Righetti (and we allwe know what passion Italians are famous for) advises as an aphrodisiac dishes fromseafood. It was this ingredient that became the basis of the romantic menu.Fabrizio for Valentine's Day. A glass of sparkling wine with oysters is served as a welcome drink. Antipasto (an appetizer in Italian cuisine) is scallops and langoustines (they are also called Dublin shrimp or Norwegian lobster).

These delicacies are best seasoned with lemon. Swordfish fillet withChef Righetti chose zucchini and capers as the main course. By the way, capers -the strongest aphrodisiac, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, whichvery important for women's and men's health.

And the sweet end of the evening is of course a strawberry dessert. Also, especially for you, the restaurant chef has shared a recipe for Valentine's Day.

6. Restaurant "Terracotta" at the Premier Palace Hotel

Spend an exquisite candlelit evening in a panoramic restaurant overlooking the city lights - what could be more romantic. Have throm February 14, you can slowly wake up and soak up under a warm blanket, spend the day in the fresh air. And in the evening, you will be glad to see you at the "Terracotta" restaurant for a romantic dinner with pleasant live music, an exquisite menu and an unexpected surprise.

The menu, specially developed for Valentine's Day by the Chef of the Restaurant Victoria Ontcheva, will inflame feelings and set you in a romantic mood! In addition, when ordering a romantic dinner, the hotel offers accommodation in KING rooms at a special rate.The offer includes: an exquisite room with a king-size bed, a delicious breakfast with a panoramic view of the morning city and live piano music, a visit to the SPA zone (fitness club, swimming pool under a glass dome, saunas).

7. Boutique hotel "Vozdvyzhensky"

Enjoy the atmosphere of love and gourmet in one of the most romantic places in Kiev! An evening of love begins at 19:00 in the cozy lobby bar of the hotel, where the chef of the Terrace restaurant will serve you welcome treats: oysters and champagne. At this time, men can delight their beloved with a gift in our Chambre concept store, where each item is unique and exquisite. Get inspired and enjoy! And may your life be filled with love, joy and pleasure!

On February 14, guests of the party have the opportunity to win a certificate in the festive lottery to buy a gift in the Chambre boutique. The evening will continue with a gourmet dinner in the cozy Terrace restaurant, accompanied by romantic live music. During the evening, you will be served four delicious dishes from the Chef of the "Terrace" restaurant Bogdan Reminsky, which will not leave indifferent any gourmet.

8. Sam’s Steak House restaurant

Valentine's Day is a holiday of pure love, a magical time to confess all your feelings and spend time with a loved one.On this day at the Sam’s Steak House restaurant you will find:

  • R romantic atmosphere, candlelight dinner
  • a large selection of self-matured steaks accompanied by good wine
  • pleasant and sweet "Valentines" from the Chef, Dmitry Suharchenko

Photo in text: Three Forks restaurant, ODESSA restaurant, Tsargrad hotel and restaurant complex, Mille Milya restaurant, Grand Admiral Resort & SPA country club , Restaurant "Terracotta" in the Premier Palace Hotel, boutique hotel "Vozdvyzhensky","Sam's Steak House".

Who said that the great holiday of Love exists only for two? Indeed, love can be confessed not only to a guy or a girl, but also to friends, girlfriends, acquaintances and even strangers! Believe it or not, every second single girl in our country dreams of getting to a party soaked through with the scent of love on Valentine's Day and meeting the same, lonely guy there! And every (EVERYONE!) Lonely, unlucky or very shy guy dreams of getting to a holiday where you don't have to come up with answers to the question: "How to meet a girl you like?" Knowing such curious statistics, it remains to find the answer to the last, and most important, question: "Why wait for an invitation to such a holiday, if you can organize it yourself?" How? I'll tell you now!



Invitations, since the time of Cinderella, who dreamed of getting to the ball in the palace, are an obligatory attribute of amorous parties. There is also a practical point. By sending out invitations, you will clearly know how many friends, of what age and gender, will come to your holiday. This will allow you to perfectly plan both the menu and the entertainment program from which your guests expect a lot. And the very fact of an official invitation to a holiday will raise the opinion of your event by several points. Therefore, do not be lazy and ignore invitation cards. A few simple postcard options that you can quickly make with your own hands, exclusively for Dikmi readers! Get to work!

Option 1. Elementary, Watson!

A simpler invitation card, and at the same time - with charm, tastefully decorated, simply cannot be imagined! For one invitation you will need: a quarter sheet of A4 white paper, a sheet of red colored paper, thread, glue, scissors and a confession printed on a printer: “I love you!”.

Fold the white sheet in half. On the front side, in the middle, cut out a heart. Opposite the cutout, inside the postcard, glue a heart made of red colored paper. Attach a string to the bottom corner of the heart, from the front side, or just draw a line (to make the heart look like a balloon). Glue a declaration of love over the heart! Inside - write your invitation text. The postcard is ready!

Option 2. Difficult, but tasteful!

Recently, butterflies are also considered to be involved in the affairs of Cupid. Even on the wedding day they are released "for luck!" out of the box to freedom. Why not use the wings of a lucky symbol as a decoration for your invitation card when organizing a celebration in honor of the Day of Love? To do this, you just need to make a template, buy a spool of silver thread, a tube of sparkles and a couple of dozen rhinestones. From the template, you need to cut two wings for each invitation. Decorate the wings with sparkles, rhinestones, and tie them to the scroll with the invitation text with silver thread. Voila! The original scroll promising the anticipation of happiness is ready!

Option 3. An invitation with a hint

If you are planning to host an 18+ party, send out these erotic invitations to your friends. Surely (especially male friends), your creativity will be appreciated!

Regardless of which option you choose for your holiday, the text of the invitation card should be something like this:

“______ (date) we're having a Cupid party! Join us, and together we will be able to realize the heart's greatest dream! Coffee and Sweet Hearts will be handed out at ____ (time) at ______. "

To the text of the invitation card, you can add famous (or just your favorite) statements of love, your photos or pictures with the image of famous lovers.


When preparing a holiday of Love, you must not disappoint your guests! In your house on the day of the holiday, the maximum concentration of fluids and other magical substances should be observed, forcing people to turn off their brains and think with their hearts. And I think you need to start from the front door.

Decorate the threshold of your house and the door itself with hearts, words of love, or at least a wreath of red roses! So that all guests can see that it is in this house that a grandiose celebration will take place today, designed to unite lonely hearts!

Red carpet at the entrance. Glamor factor

For very insecure, lonely people who will rush to your holiday, it is vital to feel needed, welcome guests. The red carpet (both a sign of the greatness of the person you meet and a symbol of the heart) is just what you need.

Since, in principle, the main hero of the occasion, Cupid is a celestial dweller, special attention should be paid to the ceiling when decorating the hall for the holiday. For example, to decorate it with paper prototypes of Cupid, or to present the guests with a surprise in the form of a hologram of Cupid babies and bright hearts, to which each of them will have to find a key today.

A simpler option for decorating the ceiling for Valentine's Day is bright fabrics (best of all red and white chiffon) and monochromatic garlands with small bulbs. In order to create a romantic atmosphere in the room, you need to take care of subdued lighting. Just by giving up the bright light of chandeliers and ARBs and replacing them with the diffused light of a garland, you will succeed!

Paper hearts suspended on stretchers and small glass bulbs with romantic content - a flower or a lighted candle - will become a luxurious decoration for the ceiling.

Red, white and pink balloons

To saturate the atmosphere with "love mood" to the maximum, both simple balloons and compositions with their use, on a "heart" theme, will help.

Vases with roses

Decorating shelves, window sills and tables with compositions from fresh flowers is a chic solution for a Valentine's Day party. Unfortunately, roses in the middle of February, and to the sound of a holiday fogging the mind, are not cheap pleasure. Therefore, you can resort to an alternative option - buy a bag of rose petals and decorate all free surfaces with them, including the floor.

Paper, aluminum or plastic large confetti on the table and floor - the final touch to the picture of "love" decor.

Well, your home is already ready to welcome guests and embrace them in its strong arms! However, not only the hall where the celebration will take place needs to create a festive image, but also the owner (or hostess) of the party himself. After all, you should look no less amazing than your holiday! Otherwise, this love game will simply not be worth the candle, and end in disappointment! Convinced? Then run to our dressing room!


Before buying a Valentine's Party outfit, answer three simple questions for yourself:

- What direction is assumed?

If your holiday is supposed to be the most inspired romantic event, a half-naked Valkyrie costume is unlikely to suit you. And vice versa. If the party was originally conceived as a celebration of the absence of prohibitions and maximum relaxedness, cute angels in chaste dresses will obviously feel “out of place” here.

- What circle of people is the holiday designed for?

Age, gender, education, field of activity, upbringing and even religion of the invitees matter. For example, middle-aged people and in high positions with a 100% guarantee will not understand girls in leather shorts with handcuffs. And young people with a very democratic outlook on life and a wind in their heads will get bored in the company of chaste ladies in knee-length dresses.

- Is the dress code specified in the invitations?

In honor of Valentine's Day, you can also organize a fancy-dress party. For example, ask guests to come in the images of famous lovers (Romeo and Juliet, Orpheus and Eurydice, etc.). If your entertainment program calls for just such a turn of events, be sure to mention this in your invitations! If the holiday of Love will be held without any specific focus, any costume will be appropriate and appropriate. And now - some stunning options for fashionable Valentine's outfit, as they say, for all occasions.

Sexy looks for an uninhibited party

Many men call their loved ones "cats", "bunnies", "suns". Why not give them pleasure and make their dreams come true in a very attractive and tangible reality?