Wedding invitation in French. Religious ceremony and preparation for it. Wedding menu in french style

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Many will agree with the fact that France is the most romantic country. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that many couples want to spend the happiest day of their lives in the atmosphere of chic and bright color of France.

Wedding preparations

How not to twist, but the most important and exciting part of any holiday is preparation for it. Agree, one thought about the upcoming event leads to a pleasant arousal. Probably, that is why the French begin to prepare for the wedding for the year.

Of course, there is a practical side of this issue. After all, so much you need to have time to celebrate the perfect french wedding. For example, you need to rent a castle. Yes, yes, no less. Fortunately, in France there is enough such a good. At worst, you can remove the chic restaurant or country villa. Just think about it in advance. For good places - great demand.

The second, quite a long, but incredibly pleasant occupation for the bride, is the selection of dress. Usually, Frenchwomen ordered a dress in the cabin, after selecting it in the catalog. Sewing such a dress can take up to six months, it is accompanied by multiple fittings and feet on the figure.

In French tradition, the invitations to the wedding are not sent themselves, and their mother. Guests are individually invited to the wedding and marriage, a cocktail and dinner. Therefore, there may be several invitations in the envelope. Guests must be written in writing to the invitation.

Necessary events

One of the most important events in front of the wedding itself is the engagement. Often, the engagement takes place in some cozy restaurant, with the participation of the closest relatives. The groom makes the official offer and gives the ring. It is better if the ring is a family jewel, but you can simply - a very expensive ring.

The French love to have fun, and bachers and bachelides are a reason to have time to spend time. Lot of shaking and hooligan. On this day, you can get fun from the soul over young: dressing them into unusual things, weching strange items, to make something strange, for example, to fly to unfamiliar people on the street. Draw and jokes on this day are only welcome.

Rite wedding

Finally, the long-awaited marriage day has come. The French are Catholics and, as a rule, observe the rite of wedding. And this is not wonderful, wedding is a very beautiful and lush rite.

The whole church is decorated with flowers. The bride in a white gorgeous dress enters the church at hand with her father. Stained-glass windows multicolored glare play on the floor and walls. Solemn music sounds. The groom stands at the altar and looks like a beauty of the bride. Elegant ladies in sophisticated hats and power male are watching the ceremony.

The ceremony is under the pleasant music that the young themselves choose. Young friends can also fulfill some songs with religious subtext. Everything goes well and joyfully. Young exchange rings and read an oath.

The secular part of the celebration

After the ceremony in the Church, the young people can go to the Merry, to register marriage, and they can do it before the wedding ceremony. Marriage registration in the city hall, usually does not take more than twenty minutes.

Then, young and invited guests go to a cocktail. Cocktail can take place at home at the young and in the place where the festive dinner will be held, but in different halls, for example, or on the street, if all this is a countryside. On the cocktail serves small snacks and sandwich, drink good wine.

Festive dinner

Secular events are over, the ladies remove the hats, and, invited guests together with young, go for dinner. Guests are searched for small tables on which there are signs with their names. Tables can wear the names of rivers, seas, cities, etc. In accordance with the wedding style.

During the evening, guests gradually drag wine bottles, which must certainly be good and, at least, older than young. In the evening several times change the dishes. Everything happens clearly and is debugged as the clock.

During dinner, guests can congratulate the young. Friends prepare presentations and photo collages, remember funny stories from bachelor life. Play contests for young. Radic parents pronounce touching speeches.

The end of the feast is marked by the ceremony cake. After everyone is given this delicacy, the young reveal the ball. The first dance is of course waltz. Then, the bride is dancing with her father, and the groom with the mother-in-law, and all guests join them.

As a rule, the ball ends at about four in the morning. Young people accompany guests and go to their marriage bed, where champagne and fruit are prepared for them. Here are the French weddings in such a pleasant and relaxed setting. Will it be fun at the wedding or not, it depends only on its organizers and you, of course.

A little Ukrainian realities

The wedding in French style is very beautiful and exquisite. But those who decided to play their wedding in Ukraine, it is worth thinking about whether to strictly observe the customs of the French feast.

Many guests, especially the older generation, may not understand why there are no strong hot drinks, because, in the French wedding it is almost impossible to get drunk. Strong alcoholic beverages are not served to the table, and the number of bottles of wine is strictly limited, and no one will run for the "additive". Also, guests may not understand why it is impossible to start dancing already during the feast? Why food is served by small portions, and why does not play Serduchka Verka, and Merry Tamada does not conduct vulgar competitions?

Making a French-style wedding Try to take into account the difference of our mentalities. Find, then a harmonious combination, between French charm and Ukrainian wide soul. The most beautiful wedding and the longest and happy family life.

If you are potential newlyweds and violently want to avoid the usual template wedding, the best way out is to hold a wedding abroad, and what could be better, only the wedding in France is in the most romantic country in Europe.

Why France?

Such an event as a wedding always remains in memory for life, which means everything in these memories should be beautiful and romantic.

You will be amazed by the beauty of magnificent landscapes and landscapes, your imagination will form numerous vintage castles and ancient estates, and at the same time, literally at every step, you will be accompanied by a real European service and genuine hospitality of local residents.

Starting with the streets of Paris and ending with the upper Normandy or the magnificent Cote d'Azur, you will have the opportunity to see really unique and incredibly beautiful and romantic places that have a beneficial effect on the fact that your hearts merge together here and precisely in France.

Symbolic ceremony in France

The symbolic ceremony is the lack of formalities and many opportunities for its holding.

Official wedding

The official wedding in France will be recognized as valid in the Russian Federation. But for this, there will be permanent residence in this country for at least a month. So that the laws of France require.

Wedding in France

Those who want to consolidate the marriage in heaven can hold a wedding on the Cote d'Azur. Most of the Catholic churches of France, but everyone, there are two Russian Orthodox churches here, where the church rite of wedding is committed. For him, no official documents do not need. The exact price for wedding is not installed, it fluctuates within the limits of the high-alien capabilities.

Wedding in Paris

There was not much time since most of us and could not dream about spending our upcoming wedding in Europe, and to get to Paris, the city of eternal love and youth could only dream.

Today everything has changed dramatically for the better and the Paris is happy with the joy of all the newlyweds, who, after a long random or in the blink of an eye, decided to contact the Uzami marriage in the city, which simply destroyed the fate to connect the hearts of all lovers.

Wedding on the Cote d'Azur (French Riviera)

The French Riviera is rich in the most picturesque places for the symbolic ceremony. Cote d'Azur inspired the most famous artists (Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, etc.). To this day, even the most avid skeptics do not cease to admire exotic plants, rocky gorges, gardens, picturesque views of the sea, fruits of tropics, beautiful sunsets and dawn.

Cote d'Azur occupies a leading position in the number of museums. For him for many years, the status of the most prestigious resort of the world is preserved! An unusually beautiful place has ample opportunities for wedding ceremonies! By landing at Nice Airport, Southeast France reveals his arms.

Côte d'Azur (or as it is also called the French Riviera) represents the strip of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea with a length of about 230 km. The most famous resorts of France are located around the coast: Nice, Cannes, Juan-les-Pen, Antibes and the heart of the country's nightlife - Saint-Tropez.

French Riviera is an indicator of prestige and luxury. Most stars and other outstanding personalities prefer to have villas in this chic place.

In this place the warm climate in all of France. And it is here that there are unique and unusually beautiful wedding exhibitions. Cote d'Azur is a favorite vacation spot of such stars, like Gerard Depardieu, Vensane Kassel, Paris Hilton, Catherine Denev and many others.

For many weddings in the French Riviera is a blue dream. To date, there are many organizations engaged in weddings anywhere in the world, including the Cote d'Azur, who will gladly agree to help embody the dream of reality (regardless of the type of wedding - whether it is wedding, official registration or wedding ceremony).

Other popular regions of France among the newlywear

Dreams will certainly come true, now many happy newlyweds have the opportunity to fulfill their dream and hold their long-awaited wedding or the upcoming honeymoon in magnificent and loving France.

Normandy, Poitu-Charente, Franch-Corte, Lorraine - These and other popular and well-known regions are ready at any time to open their front doors for a romantic couple in love.

Wedding in France Documents

To register a marriage between a citizen (KOA) of Russia and a citizen (KOA), France requires a certain package of documents:

Documents from the future spouse - a citizen of France:
A copy or an extract from the birth certificate, made no earlier than in 3 months;
Certificate of divorce or about the death of a spouse if marriage is not the first.
A document confirming the place of residence;
Some Municipality demanding a medical certificate.

Documents from the future spouse - a citizen of Russia:

Birth certificate with apostil, translated into French by the jury. The list of jury translators from Russian to French is issued in the city hall. The document must be made not early 6 months before granting the mayor;
Certificate of marriage and divorce or evidence of the death of a spouse if marriage is not the first. Documents must be translated into French and have an apostille;
Medical premissance certificate, if required;
Cértificat de Coutume is a certificate of entitle to marry. It can be obtained at the Russian consulate in France;
Photocopy and passport translation;
Photos for paperwork;
If a citizen (ka) of Russia speaks poorly in French, at the ceremony it is necessary for the presence of a jury translator.

The ceremony in Paris is not the road!

Several happy and unforgettable days or longer weeks of stay in France are able to make your long-awaited marriage of amazingly beautiful and for a long time memorable event in your life.

The most interesting thing is that such a significant event does not affect the catastrophic ruin for your budget pocket, the agency engaged in the marriage tours to France and to Europe as a whole, it is always able to pick you up the option that makes you and for the price and scenario hold.

Wedding in France photo

Wedding is the happiest holiday in a person's life. At least this is dreaming of in all ends of the world, regardless of traditions, religion, epoch ... It is always the beginning of a new life, full hopes and expectations of love, prosperity, continuation of the kind ... If the purpose of this ceremony is always alone, how you guess In every country and culture, the wedding takes place on its special symbolic manner. Today it will be about the French and American wedding.

French wedding

Preparations for the "classic" French wedding for all the rules of good tone takes an average of six months to a year. When I just arrived in France, I did not have time to figure it out in all the subtleties of local life, it seemed to me that the year was unheard of long term. Some of my Kiev acquaintances managed during this time not only to get married, but also to have children, and divorce ... And, perhaps, outline the tracks to a new marriage ... But to wait for the ceremony for a whole year ... However, when I myself had to prepare To such an important event, I understood what's the matter. Of course, every wedding is not similar to another, every holiday is a family face, her individuality and style inherent in it ... However, there are always certain rules in society, and there is nothing more significant and ... asked than the wedding. .. Your reputation as never under the sight. In France, there is still engagement tradition. True, lately, it is purely symbolic, as future spouses continue to lead the same way of life as before: to meet or live under one roof, grow children ... In my case, everything has been brought to the solemn transmission of the family jewelry - Rings with a diamond - in the circle of my future husband's family. You can tell all your friends that you are engaged, then they will look forward to wedding invitations ... However, such official ceremonies as the "engagement", "termination of the engagement" have long been drowged in the summer ... Young French exit today without all this. Preparing for the wedding is a serious thing, and most importantly, very expensive, therefore it should be very good to think well before it is for a "adventure" of marriage ... It makes no sense to ask the French how much is. Talk about money, salaries, the cost of a freshly replenished apartment is a taboo in society. You or will not answer, or will be given to understand the inappropriateness of this issue. Only sometimes, especially close friends, you can snatch recognition, "Well, how much did it cost you ..." Let's start with selection of place. This is one of the most important parts of the preparation. The French in this matter are not greatly to the "centrality" location. It all depends on what city or the province of the future spouses, and where their parents live. Therefore, often weddings of my Parisian friends took place in various places. It may be an old farm located in God forgotten, but a very picturesque place, kilometers for five hundred from your home; Or a castle in the central part of France, or a hall in the Belgian province, not far from the French border, or in the Vineyal region, in the estate surrounded by the vineyards and the South Sun ... although it happens and get to the Paris wedding, which by the way, was my own. Such long deadlines necessary for the organization are explained by the fact that it is necessary to order a hall for many months, as well as all services for reception of guests, cooking cocktail and dinner. It is important to take into account the availability of hotels near proximity, since your guests have to spend the night or two ... Even if all the stages of the ceremony (wedding, painting in the city hall, cocktail, dinner ...) Pass in the city where future lives Spouses, in France, relatives, including very close, as a rule, do not pick up at home, laying mom with dad, aunt with grandfather, grandmother with a cat stacks in the living room ... If youth people live in a big house, but in the apartment, That guest is removed the hotel. Sometimes familiar students can settle for friends if their financial position does not allow them to go to the hotel. But if you are from the "decent" family ... You yourself organize your accommodation and movement, using instructions for the events courtesy of the culprit. It is advisable to choose a place for the wedding to please the relatives and friends, call them a desire to sit on a plane, a car or train, perhaps you leave for a few days, take our chad in the yekka or lose them to grandparents ... I have been very successful. Our familiar village Soteter, where the famous wine of the same name, thick color of gold and sun, taste of honey and sweet life produced. Of course, we did not miss the tasting of this noble drink. Wine "Chateau IKEM" (from fifty to one hundred fifty euro bottle), mentioned in one of the novels of Akunin, is made literally a few kilometers from the place where the wedding evening passed ... we would never get to the province of Cantal, famous for their cheeses And red cows, if friends were not invited to a wedding in a real castle with a centuries-old history, with halls hung with the most real armor and ancient carpets. .. Far behind the lost farms can also be a wonderful place to hold the evening, around - only fields and starry sky, no one bothers, the air is fresh ...

Religious ceremony and preparation for it

Most French are Catholics for whom wedding in the church is of paramount importance, as it symbolizes the fastening of their union before God. Today, the borders of countries and human souls are both open, so there are a lot of mixed marriages: the French and French people connect their fate not only with their compatriots, they find love for all five continents. While you are representatives of one religion, as a rule, there is no problems, but if there is no ... I was told how some Catholic priests were refused to marry a couple somewhere in the French outback, if one of the future spouses passed all the stages of "confirmation" of Catholic Faith ... Fortunately, this happens not often. We must admit that the Catholic Church has opened its arms for representatives of other Christian denominations. Especially welcome they take ... Orthodox. With Protestants, it turns out, they have much more disagreement. Unfortunately, Catholics are not crowned with Muslims or Jews, sometimes there are difficulties with non-trial and atheists, but if desired, it can be achieved a lot ... If you have decided to marry in the church, you have a rather long "spiritual" preparation. You meet with the priest, which for several conversations is interested in the reasons why you decided to such a step, whether, from the point of view of religion, to such an important ceremony, do you understand the seriousness of the upcoming event. You are also discussing the ceremony itself, what themes you would like to affect the sermon. You are waiting for some duties. Deciding on a wedding, you agree to continue your genus (that is, meaninglessly not refuse to have children) and bring them up in the Catholic faith. Because I do not consider myself a truly Christian, I had to make a whole speech to submit to the priest of our arrival my path of Christians in the Soviet society, so frankly militant against religion. I was still lucky that my parents decided to dive me at the age of seventeen ... My story turned out to be very close-consuming, but before he turned his head to his father de Brignak, that he told his "colleagues" a real abrakadabra drawn by his imagination. But the most important thing is that I received permission to be crowned, remaining Orthodox, it was enough to provide a certificate about my baptism ... We were handed over to the texts with the texts, so that we could make a religious ceremony, according to our preferences, since each text has a symbolic value. We had to negotiate with the musicians, find those who will sing and that during the Mass. We were lucky that in the circle of friends of my husband there was a couple in extensive experience in this area. We had to prepare the "Livret de Messe", a bookmaker, where all the stages of the ceremony are painted and all texts are filed, so that guests can all pronounce prayers and sing (so it is printed for all the participants of the ceremony) ... Graphic design of this document you can entrust Specialists or do it yourself. The main thing is to put the soul not only in the content (most importantly!), But in the form: then your friends will want to leave him for memory, as an outstanding event ... You have to write "prayer of spouses", which you read in the church - This is a very personal message in which, as a rule, you tell the brief history of your love, thank the Lord for your meeting, give promises for the future ... that's not all! Part of spiritual preparation for the wedding is retraite. - This is when future spouses, separately from each other, for a while they will retire in the monastery, for the "ponday" and "spiritual quest." I was glad to know that privacy is not a mandatory program. However, we were obliged to spend the whole day in the society of several pairs, as well as we preparing to enter into a legitimate marriage. Our mentors had one married couple, real Catholics, of course, who asked us questions, were interested in our stories, prepared us for the future life, discussed such delicate questions with us as a quarrel in a family, as to be protected, being a righteous Catholic. At first, this day seemed to be a waste of time, but in the end, it was not sensitive to see others, listen to their opinion. Next, it is necessary to think about the decoration of the church, choosing a flower store (for example, I myself ordered the fresh rose petals that we were poured on the head when leaving the church ...), and many different details ... Wedding in the Catholic Church requires a big effort. and organizational abilities. But what happiness, when your ceremony takes place without a bitch, without a zadyrinka!

Farewell, freedom!

In order for as much as possible to say goodbye to idle life, your caring friends organize a bachelor party or a bachelorette party. If you have seen American films, which show how the strippers are invited to such events, and a drunken debacio is arranged, then everything is somewhat different in France. Of course, it is possible that you will behave into a striptease bar, but it happens infrequently. The "sacrifice" of the boy or the bachelorette party can be quite often to be seen on the streets of Paris: if a person comes across the eyes, dressed is completely impossible, with a smallest face or tightened by cans, or a girl, dressed in the style of a peppy-long stocking, surrounded by a group of "girlfriends" then know is a farewell ceremony with idle life. Depending on the degree of perversity of the imagination of your friends and the topic chosen by them, you will be asked to dress in something ridiculous, and most importantly, it will be forged to pester to passersby with a ridiculous instruction that you must fulfill. Friends at this time are mocking over you in every way, and simple citizens are comprehensively fulfilling your requirement ... You can buy in the fountain, or ask for something to sell passersby ... The topic depends on your profession or hobby. One of my husband's friends worked on a firm that produces plastic, including garbage tanks ... Here he had to dress in a large plastic bag and climb on the trash ... All this disgrace is removed on the camera or is photographed. My husband was lucky: He was dressed in the form of his favorite football team, gave the ball in his hands and took ... in Brussels, at the tour in local pivbars ... Usually, this is an unforgettable day in life ... In the vortex of preparations should not forget about Choosing a dress for the bride. As a rule, it is made to order in the sample selected according to the catalog - in the showroom you measure the model, then it is sewn through your figure. In the same boutique you will be offered all the necessary accessories: veil, gloves, flowers, hairpins, etc. The dress will remain with you for life, if you fail to sell it to someone. Men in the question of the costume is much easier - the bride and his witnesses can rent it in specialized stores. It is only necessary to buy a tie, a hairpin to it, cufflinks, socks ... In the choice, a specialist will help you who can slightly fit the costume, give a good advice. My husband was in a wedding jacket, remotely reminiscent of a tuxedo, in black striped trousers and cylinder ... and in this case there are their rules and prescriptions. For a few years I had a chance to visit many French weddings. And I came to the conclusion that there are two main styles: with hats and without. Hats most often can be seen at the weddings of middle-class representatives, as well as from wealthy families. But it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bmy future mother-in-law decided to come to the ceremony without a hat, thereby setting a common tone, slightly strict, ulstralic and modest ... But I personally like to look at the ladies' caps - they can not better reflect the individuality of every woman. Moreover, the life of a short hat - it is dressed in a wedding in the church, then to the cocktail, and at the time of dinner, it is left in the wardrobe on a special hell or risen clothespins, as if linen on the rope ... Hats can be the most different size, colors and Forms: huge or miniature, with flowers, jams or with ribbons, wide-column, almost completely covering face, or miniature and coquetty ... They transform a woman, emphasize her femininity, if, of course, the hat is chosen with taste, otherwise everything happens ... Among other things, you need to think about invitations for your guests. This is called "Faire-Part", which literally means a "notification letter". You send it to your friends, relatives, colleagues to notify them about the upcoming important event in your life: the wedding, the birth of a child, baptism, a funeral of a loved one. This "letter" is constituted according to certain rules. My mother-in-law even checked compliance with "good tone" on a special book. The invitation consists of several "documents": if you want to simply report on the wedding, you send an invitation to indicate the place and time of the ceremony. In the list of inviting your family builds up for seniority: the "Patriarchs" - grandparents are standing, if they are alive, then parents on both sides, and then you ... if you want to invite to the wedding, to the mayor and a cocktail , You add a liner indicating where and when the cocktail will be organized, it is "VIN D" Honneur ". The fact is that the full program is quite expensive, so you can not always invite everyone. If you want to make a pleasant one Chief, colleagues or acquaintances with whom you are not very close, invite them to a cocktail - it will be a manifestation of good tone and honor for those invited. When you were finally the list of Happy Few, which will stay on dinner with dancing, you put on dinner. Envelope Another liner ... Newlywed Mothers are invited to the wedding dinner: "Madame Dupon and Madame Mercier will be happy to welcome you on a solemn dinner. .. ". Guests will ask for a response to participate to a certain date, since the whole organization depends on the exact number of invited. Again, if you want to follow to the end of the" Rules of Good Tone ", you must answer newlywed parents in writing ... What does not prevent you from preventing the future spouses themselves ... Next - the question of gifts. You also need to think about it to facilitate the task for your friends and family. In France, it was accepted (for quite some time) to make a "liste de mariage" - list of gifts, Which I would like to get. You leave this list in one of the famous stores: If you live in Paris, it is most often a printed, gallery laphatete, BHV (Bazar de L "Hotel de Ville). In our era of informatics you do not even have to report what store you have chosen: the list can be found on the Internet, choose a gift on it, pay, leave a small comment to the "gift". You can simply make a cash contribution, and the newlyweds themselves will decide how to spend money. Most likely they will go to pay for a wedding trip. If you chose a little-known store, it is better to warn about your friends so that they do not scold their hair on their heads in search of your list ... This is a very useful invention, since thanks to him the end of the hill plate and ten identical services, donated with compassion relatives. .. True, if among those invited you have an English aunt (the British still give extravagant and unnecessary things), and, what is the sin to tate, the Ukrainian family, without serving and other dishes in industrial quantities or a cumbersome of the old-fashioned lamp, according to which Crying a flush dusty closet, you can not do ... After the wedding you must thank everyone who gave you something. For this, you acquire small elegant envelopes of pink, white or creamy color, with a special liner, where you express your inaccurate joy and thanks for your attention. As you understand, all these rituals occupy a lot of time, so before inviting two hundred fifty people to the wedding, think about the consequences ...

Actually wunde

And now the long-awaited day has come. The excited guests gathered in the church in anticipation of newlyweds, the priest moves the sheets with the prepared speech, the witnesses of the last time rehearse the songs and their texts, be worn around the room, checking whether the rings have not forgotten whether any of the children did not have the organist and everything Li in place ... the groom takes newcomers ... And now the bride appears ... Even the most expensive French girls who never knew cosmetics and not crawling out of jeans and T-shirts are transformed from the nasty ducklings in lovely princesses ... Sometimes they are difficult to know! One date with a hairdresser and makeup artist makes such miracles that fabulous Fayam did not dare! (True, you do not see the combat makeup "A La Russs" and the grandiose bond ... In France, from the beginning of a new thousand years in a woman, natural beauty is valued, so makeup is barely noticeable, and the dress is expensive, but modest, without abundance of lace, Rags and bows). One thing - in the Catholic Church it is not customary to enter a deep neckline and with completely open shoulders - they are covered with a thin white shawl ... the first to the church comes into the church at hand with her mother. Then the mother of the bride at hand with the pope of the groom, and, finally, the nail of the program is a bride with his father fulfilled. Playing solemn music. (So \u200b\u200bthat my guests do not feel too strangers on this cerianony, I chose the constant march of Mendelssohn ...) Further, everything happens in the same plan. The priest does not play a very active role: your singers sing, your musicians play, the texts from the Bible read your witnesses (I chose the song of Solomon's song, they say the most erotic biblical text ...) The priest reads the gospel and pre-prepared preaching "Homelie", "leads" by the participants of the Mass, makes the sacrament of the wedding ... comes the most emotionally saturated moment - the exchange of rings and a solemn oath "Love in Mount and in joy." If you expect a sacramental phrase of a priest "If someone against this marriage, let him say now or silence forever", as in the movie with Hugh Grant "Four Weddings and Some Funeral," then you will not hear it ... In general, a Catholic wedding occurs in Easy, even cheerful setting. It happens that during the singing someone from particularly impressionable ... Most of the ceremony you are sitting, your friends can sing a rapid song under the guitar, with religious subtext, naturally ... but there is no such tension and solemnity as in Orthodox Wedding, when to get scary once again, and where your role is very passive. .. it is impossible to say what a tradition is better, as it is impossible to say, what religion is better, they are just different, in every ceremony there is something divine ...

Ceremony in the city hall

We will not forget to mention an administrative and very important ceremony - painting in the mayor's office. If you are foreign origin and do not have French citizenship, it may be a real bummer. But this topic is worth a separate and detailed report, today we are talking about the "classic", about the usual, ordinary situation. As a rule, painting in the mayor's office takes place before the wedding on the same day, or long before that. It is necessary to wait at least a month from the date of submission of documents and to the celebration itself. Before you break, you must pass the blood test for various tricky diseases: diabetes, AIDS ... To the future spouse or spouse do not buy a cat in a bag. I do not know what happens if suddenly one of the lovers are really sick ... You assure this piece of paper from your doctor and serve it in the mayor. In turn, the City Hall publishes an announcement of your wedding on the "Honor Board", this is called "Publication Des Bans". For a month, people who come to the mayor's mayor can familiarize themselves with him, and perhaps give the co-guarantee information ... In fact, it is a simple formality - I do not know anyone who would prevent loving hearts after the publication ... herself The painting lasts no more than twenty minutes. You are reading quotes from marriage laws, give certificate, allowed to kiss ... in any case, this happened with us. The case was Saturday morning, employees of the mayor's office were not enough sufficiently, and we had already breathed in the back of several couples awaiting their turn ... Even if we were, as defenseless lambs, did not meet the Grozny species tightly shot down aunt from the Soviet registry office, ceremony, Unfortunately, it did not differ in particular warmth. Another thing, if it happens in somewhere in the provision - the deeper and the smallest village that you have chosen, the most soul reception of the mayor. Once we visited the wedding under Toulouse. The mayor turned out to be a nice merry, who broke out with a fiery speech with jokes-additives, forced guests to cry from laughter and lunizing. He was ready to kiss newlyweds and every invited separately, crumbled in the gratitude that such a star couple chose his modest "paraffia" to get married, settle, give birth to new citizens ...

And now, walk!

Now that young persecutacles are covered with rice or petals from the churches from roses from roses with relatives and friends, photographed and congratulated, you can go to a cocktail. This is perhaps the most secular part of the celebration. Hats still did not leave their heads of their ladies who drink champagne, chatting with other invited. It happens that you take a cocktail room first, and then for dinner, or invite to your country house, if any, or two separate rooms are served. If it happens in warm weather, somewhere near the countryside, in a beautiful estate, castle or farm, then you are serviced on the street ... For several hours, guests have time to dry all the bottles of champagne and wine, eat all the sandwich and "Petits Fours" ( Very small salt and sweet snack), discuss all the exciting topics and ... get drunk again ... The main thing is that you felt the excitement of the stomachs of your guests on time and invited them to survive. The menu for dinner is ordered in advance, and you choose dishes, which are simply in strict order, are served on the table by waiters. As a rule, the round table can sit eight - a maximum of ten people. But there are exceptions - for example, rectangular tables ... As long as I did not happen to be in a French wedding, where everyone would sit on our, Slavic manner, on the shops, everything is like under Lines, at one table. During the preparation of the wedding, you will spend a lot of hours, breaking your mind as it is better to pick up your friends and relatives. You must compile a clear plan of the tables, place the names of the invited on the tables, before their place. This is a very important detail: there is no more painful torture than sitting a few hours at the table with people with whom you have nothing to talk about ... During dinner, we get up because of the table only on a special need. So spare your friends, find them interesting interlocutors! Each table has its name, depending on the topic you have chosen: the names of the mountains that you have conquered, the cities that you visited, the colors you love, and so on ... the plan is hanging at the entrance to the hall so that guests can navigate . The change of dishes is organized as a plan of a military campaign. It is very important that the work of the waiters is perfectly established, and the next auction did not make himself wait, otherwise the guests will have time to get hungry. Such a slight piece as the murmur of the stomach at an inappropriate moment, can spoil innocence great! Dinner often begins with "Amuse - Bouche". How to describe this little culinary miracle? There is no equivalents in our kitchen ... It may be a puree of several vegetables, served in a small "stacker", from which you have to learn the contents of a small spoon. This is also a prelender eye, as it is poured so that there are several multi-colored layers. In a mini-cup, a shrimp tail in sauce can be discovered - the meaning of this dish, so that you have dried saliva ... as a construction in the army, then the ceremony takes place on a clear scheme: first "Entree" - "first", which acts Snacks, then - "Plat Principal" - "Basic Dish", Fish or Meat, Behind him appears in the pride of the French table - "FROMAGE" - "Cheese", and in conclusion - disassers with champagne. You do not risk moving (everything is relatively, of course!), Except for the dissertation will be in free access, according to the principle of a buffet, and you will scribble on him as an eagle on an unfortunate sacrifice. On the "right" French wedding there is practically no possibility to get drunk - the number of bottles of wine on each table is limited, and strong spirits are not served at all! There is still a small chance if after dinner during the dances will be opened "bar". But while I did not have to see drunk at local weddings, at best, the most persistent and inventive reach before the condition - that is, "bench". Therefore, you do not collect guests who finished the evening "face in Salate" or who is stronger - "face in disserter." The sacred problem is interrupted by the speech of touched parents, Pope are worried about the happiness of their daughters, they are proud of the achievements of their sons ... But in France, do not shout "bitter!", And toasts are pronounced infrequently ... Wine drinks calmly, without too much fuss, for a secular conversation .. . According to tradition, witnesses and witnesses (their usually several) are preparing a "program": long before the wedding, they are looking for old and funny photos to tell about the life of the bride and groom before their meeting, make up a "presentation" on Power Point (it is necessary to have Computer and project in the hall). Sometimes friends compose a funny song and sing it in front of the guests. Or organize contests to check how well young people know each other well ... Will your wedding make fun and interesting or boring and tedious, it all depends on your organizational abilities and from the ingenuity of your witnesses and close friends. It happens that the rich wedding, with two hundred and five-day invited, organized as a clock, does not leave any memories after himself. Lack of raisins ... and Slavic unstability! A small Mordoboy, vodka in the bride's shoe, "tango" from the mother-in-law, hollow rustic aunt, perky dancing to fall, the tables that nobody restricts you ... when guests discarding the masks of decency and completely surrendered to the holiday. .. What rarely happens to the French at traditional weddings. Paradoxically, what is easier people, the less pompous reception than mixing tradition, the more fun ... the culmination of dinner is the solemn deposition of a wedding cake, or "Piece Montee", sparkling by Bengal lights. Sometimes a real mini-firework is satisfied! After this last ceremony, at twelve nights, when everyone was saturated, the young reveal the ball: they dance waltz. Since nowadays, rarely who are specially learning to dance, you have to take lessons before the wedding, so as not to hit the face in front of the guests. (We took only one lesson, and then trained at home ...). After the first Waltz, the second, the third ... The bride is dancing with her father, the groom invites mother-in-law, guests join them. I must say that the older generation always admire me: they dance significantly better than young! The old school affects. Until now, mother from decent families organize a party to the House - "Rally", where children under the supervision spend the time and learn to dance. Whatever music, the French almost always dance the "French Rock", with the men of all ages often show unprecedented grace and skill ... This final part of the evening, which ends with the hour for the four in the morning. Guests are buried, tired, but happy newlyweds accompany them. That's all.

Honeymoon trip

Recently, it is very fashionable to go to the wedding trip somewhere in Africa: in the South African Republic (South Africa - the former country of Aparteed!), Madagascar, in Kenya ... The further country, the more interesting: Australia, Antilles, Island, Island Mauritius for the lazy and the island of Reunion for sports ... The main thing is to spend an unforgettable honeymoon and start a new happy life together! nine

France - Country of Love and Traditions! I will tell you about the traditions of the French wedding.

The fanjan wedding is a solemn ceremony and so that it becomes the most beautiful day of your life, you need to know about all customs and rules!

In French customs, any wedding begins with the engagement. Usually the engagement is arranged in the house of the bride or in a restaurant a year before the upcoming event. Weddings in France most often play from April to September. On the day of the engagement, young declare their decision and the date of the wedding and the groom gives the bride ring with a stone in the presence of all invited. From this point on, the bride begins to worry about the wedding dress.

Bridal wedding dress. For me, there was a surprise that there are no finished wedding dresses in France in France stores, which can be immediately bought, and there are only samples of dresses for fitting. You need to order a dress at least 6 months, because It will be called individually.

Unfortunately, I learned too late about it, so the wedding dress bought in Russia, I do not regret anything!

On the French tradition for a successful marriage in the dress of the bride should be present 4 things: something old (for example, a family relic - decoration), something new, a thing that is rented (usually at the girlfriend) and something blue. Modern Frenchwomen follow this tradition and to this day, but rather for the game.

Wedding preparations - no less exciting event than marriage day itself!Of all the guests, you need to choose those who will only come to the wedding ceremony and those who stay to celebrate with you until the night in the restaurant.

Everyone without exception to guests are sent an invitation called F Aire-Part. It is declared about the date, place and time of marriage, and the names of the young, their parents, grandparents are written. Guests who have received this invitation are usually present only in the city hall and in the wedding in the church. Guests who share a wedding dinner in addition to the main invitation, a small card Carte D "Invitation with an invitation to a festive dinner, time and address of the implementation is sent to the main invitation.

Beautiful parents.

Words of mother-in-law and father-in-law in French sound very beautiful b Elle -m
ère and beau -p ère that translated is a beautiful mother and beautiful dad. Brother and sister of the groom or bride respectively beautiful sister and beautiful brother, and all together they
A beautiful parents are called Beauxp Alents.

Rings - a symbol of the groom's oath and the bride to love each other in the mountain and in joy, in richness and in poverty, in illness and in health. Rings usually bring happiness kids. In France, the rings are dressed on the ring finger of the left hand, as Vienna love is running there, connecting this finger with a heart.

Ceremony in the city hall. This is the official ceremony of registration of the act of civil status. During the marriage, the bride is always on the left hand from the groom. This tradition comes from the times of musketeers when the right hand of the groom should be free to quickly snatch the sword to hit suddenly appearing rivals.

At the civilian ceremony, the mayor announces young about their responsibilities, registers the act and presents a marriage certificate (L IVRET de Famille).

Wedding. To celebrate a religious ceremony, it is necessary to first register in the city hall. Usually, immediately after the city hall, the wedding procession is sent to church. The first to enter the relatives and friends of the young, dissolving on different directions from the central entrance.

Under the sound of the organ in the decorated church, the Church is the first to enter the groom with her mother, comes to the altar and waiting for his bride. The bride leads her father and conveys the bridegroom. Ah how touching this scene is a meeting of the bride and groom at the altar!

After the religious Massia, all guests congratulate the young and their parents and go out to meet newlyweds under the sounds of Marsha Mendelssohn. In France, Mendelssohn march plays when the bride and groom exit, and not at the entrance, as in Russia.

The yield of young is the most long-awaited and beautiful action, when the newly-made husband and wife under the ringing of the bells are throwing rice. Rice can be replaced with alive or paper rose petals, multicolored confetti or lavender rain. Fans of exotics produce live butterflies. Here on the porch of the church, the young merge in the first married kiss!

Dragee. No French wedding do without chocolate dragee. This is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a beautiful scenery. This is usually almonds in chocolate. The tradition of wedding dragee comes from ancient Greece, where almonds Makali in honey before tasting. According to the Greek legend, almonds is a symbol of love!

This legend: the young Greek on the eve of the wedding was supposed to return to Athens, where his father died. He promises his beloved to return to the wedding day, but does not count on the time on the way and returns three months later. A young woman, convinced that her groom would not return, kills himself. The gods, touched by this proof of love, turn it into a almond tree that blooms when a young man swars like her in eternal love.

Dragee is a symbol of eternal love, fertility and offspring!

Presents. Newlyweds in France facilitate their guests a choice of gifts using a leaf of gifts. Young people write in it, whatever they want and send to a specialized store. Guests call the parents of newlyweds and find out, in which store is a sheet. Gifts are usually delivered after the wedding, it is not customary to come in France with gifts on the wedding day. Usually in the list there are always porcelain sets. The French have not been made to give gifts that are not listed. The rule of good tone is considered to send flowers with a greeting card, if the invited could not come to the wedding.

Evening. The French wedding menu is very different from our Russian. You will not see that abundance of dishes, salads and cuts, from which tables are broken in the Russian wedding. Dishes are served one by one in strict order - snacks, hot, cheese, dessert. Trapez lasts about 1.5 hours. Do not doubt what menu would not suggest at the wedding, the food will be excellent! And, of course, do not do without French champagne! After dinner, the dance part begins, which the bride opens, dancing waltz with his father.

In the middle of Waltz, his father passes his daughter with a new son-in-law and all guests join the dance. All this time sounds the first waltz! Then the music is replaced and ... I went to a row!

Pièce Montée. The following number of the program is dessert!
The wedding cake is carried out, which is called "Pieces Monte" (Pièce Montée) - a slide of small cakes like Bush, an unusually gentle and exquisite taste, lured from above caramel. Young cut the cake, everyone enjoy the eating dessert, after which the guests are older traveling around the houses, and young people are having fun until the morning.

Returning home, according to tradition, the husband makes a young wife in the house in her arms.

And again a custom: it is considered a bad admission if the wife after the wedding enters the house and stumbles - this is unhappy marriage. To avoid it, it crosses the threshold of the house on the hands of her husband - then it is a guarantee of a happy marriage!

The next day, like most newlyweds of the world, French newlyweds go to the wedding trip.

So, cute ladies, forward to happiness in your hands!


Ekaterina Klimin

The French wedding is considered a serious event, and therefore they are preparing to her very seriously and carefully, think over every step.

The very first, where preparation begins is the engagement, which implies the presentation of the rings of the bride. The ring must be old. If the groom does not have such a ring, then this does not mean that he cannot marry. He will just have to buy it at a very high price.

The wedding of the French is a very long process. As a rule, the wedding celebration takes place six months after the engagement. And on the engagement, in contrast to the wedding itself, only relatives and closest friends are invited.

The image of the bride and groom

Above the image of the bride should work very carefully, think over everything to the smallest detail. The dress style is worth choosing a refined french. It can be either fitting, or a lush dress with a deep neckline. The makeup of the bride should not be bright. The bride's face should look natural. Hair can just dissolve. Modestly and at the same time beautifully.

In the image of the groom in the French wedding, everything is much easier. It will be suitable for an ordinary classic suit. You can add a cane or a hat to it.

In the French wedding, the wedding bouquet is not allowed. Bridal bouquet is the main element in the image of the bride. Therefore, there are several rules that you need to use when you make a wedding bouquet. The most important thing is that the bouquet is not too big and its color should be combined with the bride itself. In France, as a rule, there is no special handle. Instead of her stem colors simply tie up with a beautiful ribbon.

Feast in a french wedding

As a rule, for the festival of such an event, choose a luxurious road restaurant. And great importance is not a variety of food on the tables, but the number of different types of alcoholic beverages of expensive and high-quality varieties. No french wedding can do without a sweet table.

Very great importance attaches to the one of the guests where to plant. To do this, use special cards that are folded on the table. At the entrance to each guest show a plan on which it is indicated where, who should sit. Therefore, every guest without any problems can find a place specifically reserved for it.

Be sure to restaurant must be decorated with alive colors. These can be various gentle bouquets placed on the tables.