Cool birthday invitations. Original texts for wedding invitations

Compose text for wedding invitation
Moments of inspiration will help you,
And our samples for help,
You click on the image to enlarge.


It is very important from the very beginning to decide for yourself the fundamental question: on whose behalf will the guests be invited? A wedding is a significant event not only for the bride and groom, but also for their families. Therefore, very often the text of the wedding invitation is drawn up on behalf of the family or its most senior representative. This tradition is still preserved in the southern regions of Russia and among the peoples of the East. Parents invite close relatives and guests of honor, and newlyweds invite their friends and girlfriends. Unfortunately, this tradition is becoming more and more a thing of the past, and in most cases, the text of wedding invitations is written on behalf of the bride and groom.

The text of the invitation can be classic and strict, funny and cool, original and poetic. The most important information is the date, time and address, and of course the names of the bride and groom. But otherwise, your imagination is not limited by anything!

An epigraph can be placed at the beginning of the text. For example:

"Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world."(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

"It always seems that we are loved because we are good. But we do not realize that they love us because those who love us are good."
(Lev Tolstoy)

"To love is not to look at each other, to love is to look together in the same direction."
(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

"There is no more appropriate punishment for loving hearts than a crown."
(Lope de Vega)

If you think that an epigraph is needed, and you do not have a ready-made version, then type in the search engine the query "quotes about love", and you will find countless very informative sayings.

Then, as a rule, there is an appeal to the guest: Dear ... Dear ... Honorable ...
Further traditional: date, time, address.
At the end of the invitation to the wedding, they sometimes ask to inform by phone or e-mail whether the guest will come to the celebration, and they also recommend a dress code (dress code).


Do you like to smile? Try to bring a smile to your guests by inviting them to your wedding with a fun invitation. In our catalog you will find a small collection with funny pictures.

Turtle text:

Union of two thoughtful turtles
Invites you to the race "Not even seven years have passed."
On this lifelong race
two very leisurely turtles start
Mashenka and Sashenka.
The race will be held in three stages.
Stage one "Getting Started"
Registration will take place on December 24, 2011 at 12:00.
Stage two "Attention"
Festive banquet in the restaurant "Camelot"
at the address: Krasnodar, st. Vasnetsova, 16.
Gathering of guests at 15:00.
Stage three: "March"
Night run without the right to broadcast.

About racers:

The Union of Brave Racers invites you
December 17, 2011
On the rally "Formula of Love".
On this route, a lifetime will start:
Ivanov Sergey and Ustinova Olga.
The rally will be held in three races:
Run 1 "To the start"
Registration of riders will take place at the Kutuzovsky registry office at 10:00
Address: Kutuzovsky prospect, 23.
Run 2 "Attention"
By 16:00 to the restaurant "Usadba"
at the address: Moscow Region, Arkhangelskoye settlement, building 6.
Run 3 "March"
Night check-in without the right to broadcast.

About heroes:

It's done! We dared to start a family!
We invite you, dear Maxim and Olga,
take part in the solemn ceremony of presenting us with the medal "For Courage".
The event, the significance of which cannot be overestimated, will take place
January 11, 2014 at 17:30
in the banquet hall "Marseille" of the restaurant "Avignon"
at the address: Moscow, Warsaw highway, 71, building 3.
Ivan and Maria

About gamers:

Love has come! And to her load
Perhaps for some this is a small thing -
Leave virtual reality
For us, this is an important quest:
Put an end to the lives of gamers!
The game is over, we know for sure!
We invite you to the celebration!

Dear Godmother and Sergey Mikhailovich!
Our relationship has moved to a new level - congratulate us on this!
The celebration dedicated to our marriage will take place
May 10, 2014 at 15:00
in the restaurant complex "Biserovo"
at the address: MO, Noginsk district, Biserovskoe sh., 14, p / o Biserovo.
Best regards, Evgeniy and Aleksandra

P.S. It's easy to please us with a gift: contribute to financial growth!

Ad style:

Attention! Attention! Achtung! Attention!

We hasten to convey important news to everyone!

On December 7, 2011, on planet Earth, with a favorable arrangement of heavenly bodies and as a result of great and mutual love between Alexander Evgenievich Petrov and Anna Sergeevna Semenova, a new hearth of family joy and happiness will be born. The condition of the lovers is typical: the pulse is unstable, the sparkle in the eyes, increased nervousness, excited faces, lack of appetite, refusal to live without each other. According to doctors, these symptoms are direct indications for a long and happy family life.

You, dear ________________________________________________________,

you can witness their legal marriage on December 24, 2011 at 18:00 in the Prague restaurant at 2/1 Arbat Street, Kremlin Hall.

Sincerely, Alexander and Anna.


Hooray! We're getting married!

We are waiting for you "___" ________________________ at ___ hour ___ minutes.
by the address: _________________________________________________
Sincerely yours, __________________________

We respect _________________________________!
We hasten to announce the good news - WE ARE MARRIED!
And we would like to invite you to our WEDDING!

We hope and look forward that you will put aside all your business, not go to Bali or the North Pole and spend this unforgettable day with us!
With love, __________________________

Soon, or rather on January 14 of this year,
what everyone has been waiting for a long time will happen - we will get married!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies and intend to live happily ever after!
We are waiting for you at ___ hour ___ minutes. in a restaurant _______________
by the address: ________________________ .
Please be present, have fun from the heart and rejoice for us!
Eagerly, ______________________________ .


Expensive __________________________________ !
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to relax at a party dedicated to one joyful event:
And we invite you to join us on this wonderful spring evening to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Italian Tuscany, filled with humor, champagne splashes, flowers and light music.
We will be glad if our guests support the idea of ​​a party in a light Italian style.
This means - nothing official!
Airy bright dresses and transparent scarves for beautiful ladies and light shirts and flashy ties for gallant gentlemen.
We will be waiting for you May 7, 2011
in the restaurant "Osteria Tuscany", located at:
st. Udaltsova, 15 (m. Prospect Vernadsky).


We invite you to honor the birthday of our Family with your presence!
This day will be marked by a solemn feast in honor of
Respect, Love and Loyalty,
which were the foundation of our happy union.
We are waiting for you "____" ________________________ at ___ hour ___ minutes.
in the restaurant _______________ at the address: ________________________ .
Sincerely, _______________________________________________

Expensive ____________________________________ !
We invite you to the Main Celebration of our whole life!
We want to connect our destinies and our hearts
"____"________________________ of the year
and we will be very pleased if you witness this event and share our joy.
The marriage ceremony will take place at _____. _____ min.
by the address: ______________________________________ .
And we are waiting for you at the festive banquet at _____ hour. _____ min.
in the restaurant _______________ at the address: ________________________ .

The text of the wedding invitation can be very concise. Get a very original and stylish wedding invitation. But this is a matter of taste.


Two life paths crossed
The common road was woven.
Find your soul mate
Not at all easy. We did!
Congratulate us! And if you want
Leave the affairs of the cycle
Spend an unforgettable day with us
He is close! Everything will happen soon!

May this tender card
Reminds the wedding day and hour,
You will definitely come
We will be happy to see you!

We look into the eyes to dizziness
And we know: the secret came true!
Just think, is it
Have we ever been apart?
And we have one more desire:
Already almost wife and husband
We would like to invite you to a wedding...
More precisely - the combination of two souls!

Dear Grandma and Grandpa!
We will be glad if you become involved in the celebration,
dedicated to our marriage, which will take place
April 27, 2014 at 18:00
in the hall of celebrations "Louise" of the entertainment complex "Residence of Kings"
at the address: Kaliningrad, st. Nevsky, 10.

Inspired by love
Artyom and Anna

P.S. We will evaluate your wishes for novelty and ... we are waiting for an injection into the family treasury!

We have no control over love. (Maybe it's witchcraft?)
Share our happiness - multiply yours!
There will be a wedding! This means that the two met for a reason!
A day has been chosen and an hour has been set. We report without melting:

There are advantages to single life
But decided to say goodbye to her
We want to drink wine with you,
Under yours: "Bitter!" - kiss,
Then move to tears...
We will become even closer to you.
"What? Where? When?" - the question hung.
We will answer like this: “See below!”

What?: A celebration dedicated to the marriage of Sergei and Margarita.
Where?: Restaurant "Golden Saffron", Moscow, st. Garibaldi, 23/2.
When?: May 10, 2014 at 6 p.m.

Your presence will decorate our holiday!

P.S. We will gladly hear your advice under the crunch of banknotes and the sound of coins!

Accept our invitation
The day and time have already been set!
On the day of two hearts of union,
We will be happy to see you!
You, our dear people
Priceless Grandma and Grandpa!
You, who have always been close to us,
And let nothing in this world
Does not overshadow the celebration!
" ____ " __________________ of the year
at one o'clock. ____ min.
at the restaurant ____________________
by the address_______________________
Your __________ and ___________


A wedding is a sacred rite, a church sacrament in Christianity. The Church blesses and sanctifies the family union, and the bride and groom make a promise to Jesus Christ to be faithful and devoted to each other "in wealth and poverty, in joy and sorrow, in sickness and health, until death do us part ..."

The best day for a wedding is Sunday. A week before the wedding, you need to fast (in all respects), and before the rite itself, confess and take communion. You will be asked to present a marriage certificate. That is, first to the registry office, and then to the church. Your parents should bless your marriage. And there are a few more fundamental points, which you better learn from the priest in advance.

The closest relatives and friends are usually invited to the wedding.

Who in all this does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? Job 12:9
Dear Grandma and Grandpa!
With great joy and gratitude to God for His love
We want to invite you to our wedding!
The ceremony will take place on "______" ___________________ of the year
at the Church of All Saints
(Leningradsky prospect, 73a, Sokol metro station).
Gathering of guests at 11:00.
We will be sincerely glad to see you!
__________ And __________

And once again about the classics: in the spring of 2011, the royal wedding took place. And, perhaps, it will be interesting for you to see how the text of the invitation was drawn up on behalf of the Queen of England for the marriage of her grandson.

A wedding is a special event that should be remembered by the newlyweds and their guests for a lifetime. Recently, it has become popular to hold themed celebrations - for example, in the style of retro, nautical, in the style of a Hawaiian party or some kind of movie. To make such a holiday bright and extraordinary, you need to prepare for it in advance.

Wedding invitations will help set the guests in the right mood. These are business cards of the celebration, the first thing your guests will see. Such texts can be very different - designed in a business or romantic style, funny and cool. The main thing is that they match the theme of the wedding, its spirit and mood.

You can send cool wedding invitations to relatives and friends, the texts of which can be written in poetry or prose.

Allow me to solemnly present the invitation to you
And, lost in excitement, invite you to the wedding.
We assure you that our happy day will be fun:
We promise laughter, jokes - until the morning, if you are not lazy!
Venue and time _______________
Bride and groom ______________

A wedding invitation is a very important document.
Get, review and consider this moment:
Be sure to come to the feast.
Let the bride not be a queen, let the groom not be a favorite, -
It doesn't matter at all. Here it is more important from the heart
Admire the young: how good the guys are!
We, ______________, wish to celebrate our union with a cheerful, noisy feast with games, songs, dances and a wedding commotion. And here without your help we can not do. We invite you to our solemn marriage on ______________ (date and time), which will take place at ______________.

Cool wedding invitation texts in prose

Expensive ______________!
(Number) ______________ Forget everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding.
The wedding will take place on ______________, at ______________.
After that, the guests will go to the party, which will be held on ______________ (name of the restaurant, its address).
Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes. Charity is encouraged. All funds that can be raised will go to the fund of the new (our) family. We also promise a small bonus - we will share with you our shameless happiness and all-encompassing joy.
We are waiting for you ______________ (signatures of the bride and groom).

Yes! We are broken!
There will be a pretentious white dress and a doll on the hood of the car!
We invite you to gloat, giggle and have fun!
Show "Farewell, freedom!" ______________ (date and time) will be held at ______________.
We accept presents in hard currency and strong friendly hugs!
Your ______________ (names of the bride and groom).

Yes, you are right, everything is gone! She was able to twist me, she did it! Save! SOS! The rescue operation will take place on ______________ (time and date of marriage) in our city registry office. You will easily recognize your missing friend: I will be in a black suit, and the invader will be in a chic white dress. You can laugh at my ruined free life as a bachelor at ______________ (name and address of the restaurant, time). Be sure to come, everyone will have fun, we will die with music!

Family life is like a seedling - a thin young tree. In order for it to grow stronger and begin to bear fruit, it must be diligently looked after, watered and fertilized the soil.
Today we, the groom ______________ and the bride ______________, have decided to publicly declare that we are ready to plant with love and grow with care our own tree of family happiness. And since this day has come, we hasten to invite you ______________ to our wedding, which will take place in a friendly atmosphere and in a cheerful, noisy atmosphere. The celebration will take place on ______________ (date, time), at ______________. Don't forget to take with you as much enthusiasm and smiles as possible.

Invitation texts for a themed wedding

…If you decide to organize a themed wedding, for example, retro, mafia, medieval, etc., then in invitations you need to use speech patterns that are typical for the era you want to recreate.

Invitations can be issued in the form of postcards or scrolls, decorated with knightly symbols and ornaments. Texts that are suitable for invitations to such a themed wedding in a medieval style can be, for example, the following.

Virtuous sir and sir ______________!
We hasten to tell you good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place on ______________ (date) of this year.
The noble knight ______________ (name of the groom) and the young lady of his heart ______________ (name of the bride) are waiting for you at the evening feast and jousting tournament, which will take place ______________ (name of the restaurant and its address). We ask you to give this event your attention. And let the pass for guests be a white or red rose.
With gratitude, ______________ (names of the newlyweds).

Texts for wedding invitations in gangster style

Dear Don and Don ______________!
We are pleased to inform you that on __________ (such and such a date, at such and such a time) a solemn unification of the two most powerful clans of mafiosi ______________ (surnames) will take place.
We are waiting for you for the holiday, which will take place on ______________ (day, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ______________.
The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is welcome.
Signatures of the bride and groom.

Sinors and Signoritas! Our mafia is losing the best of the best! ______________ (names of the bride and groom) have started amore and are going to make a lot of little bambino!
We invite you to break the dishes and scandalize ______________ (time, date) at ______________.
Spaghetti and limoncello will be served at one of the best pizzerias in the area at ______________ at ______________ hours.
Sirs, it will be belissimo!

Pirate Style Wedding Invitations

Or maybe you want to remember your childhood and play pirates and robbers at the wedding together with the guests? Then send them cool texts for wedding invitations in a pirate style.

Our couple of adventurers are happy to inform you that after years of wandering the seas, we have finally found our treasure!
On the Island of Tenderness in the ocean of Passion, we found a treasure of Mutual Love, which was enough for two!
We invite you to a friendly feast dedicated to this significant event!
We are waiting for you ______________ year, at ______________ hours, at the address ______________.
With you it is recommended to have wooden legs for dancing, parrot monkeys for competitions and chests of gold for complete happiness!
All for the wedding boarding!

Hawaiian wedding invitation text

Expensive ______________!
We invite you to an incendiary party dedicated to our wedding.
The reason for the party is significant, but it is not necessary to remember it.
However, be sure to have everything related to water with you: swimwear, inflatable boats, fishing rods, scuba gear, fins, etc.
Dress code: the more colorful, the better. The first prize will go to the one who looks more like a parrot. Do not come in plain clothes, do not appear with sour mines, do not look at us with sober eyes.
This mass madness will take place ______________ (the place and time of the event).
The bride and groom ______________ (names).

It remains to add that wedding invitations with funny texts are usually addressed to friends and relatives who are able to appreciate humor. The main thing is that good taste and a sense of proportion do not change you.

Take the invitation
Come to your birthday
We will be glad to see you
On this day, and at this hour,
Bring wishes
Don't be late, hurry up
Congratulations, take yours
After all, there is no better gift
than many loved ones
At the table, and wishes
Full house!

We will be glad to see you at the festive table
We promise there will be a lot of laughter and fun,
Come - the door to this house is open for you:
We invite you to celebrate your birthday with us.

Our birthday
The mood is just class.
We invite all relatives
And friends - where are the devil with you!

On this happy day
The sun shines bright - bright
The table has already been set
The only thing missing is gifts.

Come soon
All acquaintances, friends
We are waiting for you congratulations
There is a reason - I was born!

Let's celebrate, walk
We will be glad to all of you!
What would this birthday
Remember us with a smile.

Sending out an invitation
We are on holiday - birthday.
You should be there at four
We collect everyone at the apartment.
And then my mother is here,
We will order a place in the restaurant.
We'll have fun until the morning
It's time for you to get together now.
Put things aside,
And hurry up for the holiday.

We invite you to a birthday
We will be waiting for you with great impatience,
And we wish you succeeded in coming -
In our house you are always a welcome guest.
Come, come, come!
Be sure to write congratulations:
Only the one who reads the congratulations
Gets a piece of the pie!
(This is a joke - let's be honest.)
Waiting for you. Come by all means!

I have an important holiday soon,
Where I'm glad to see
I will personally you. So many different
You will meet interesting people.
Come and congratulate me
I look forward to congratulations.
I will not accept refusal, if, you know,
Just say, "Sorry, I couldn't."

I have a holiday today -
Birthday. I love you
I invite you to a feast -
Come. I'll be waiting.

I celebrate my birthday
And I hope you come
I invite, I invite
Time, place you will find here:

I invite __________ (date)
You for a holiday, for your birthday,
I'll be glad to see you, friends,
Be sure to visit.

Street house,
Don't forget the address, it's important
Remember my holiday
So that all our plans are not violated.

I want to invite you to my birthday
I really want to see you there
I'll be honest - there will be a lot of fun,
And there will be no sadness - and even a little bit,
You will be a pleasant guest at the holiday,
To have a good time,
Come to me - you will not forget the holiday,
After all, he is completely compatible with joy,
Here guests leave my house with a smile,
Come do not forget, because you will soon understand
What is so interesting is not often the case!
You can find the date and time here:

For a wonderful holiday
Come right on time!
Bring your lovely
Wonderful congratulations!

I invite you
With a big gift
For a cup of tea
Or even a jug!

I love gifts
To the itching of the bones!
Not a trifle, not a brand,
And what is more important!

Rida Khasanova July 5, 2018

Although many newlyweds prefer to have classic wedding celebrations, themed weddings are also gaining popularity. Particularly interesting in this process is the stage of preparing the program and all the nuances. Coming up with the text of the invitation, you can build on the general style of the wedding and make it comical and fun. For the adult generation, the text can be made more restrained, and for friends - creative and fun.

Cool text option for a wedding invitation

Variants of invitation texts for a themed wedding

Having arranged any style wedding: Hawaiian, gangster, marine, French or medieval, cowboy, you can be sure that guests will remember her for a long time for her originality and non-trivial approach of the newlyweds.

The text of wedding invitations can also reflect its style - this will immediately set the guests in the right mood for the holiday.

In the style of the movie "Brigade" for the groom's friends :

“Sorry, brother, it happened, I couldn’t do anything. I'm not like that, but life is like that. The arrow at the cannon (the date and time of the wedding), the lads will all have their own. Wipe a mean tear and only without offense. Your brother and sister (name of the bride and groom).

space style:

“Attention everyone! Speaks (name of the locality in which the wedding will take place). Today, at the Right Choice cosmodrome, a new generation ship called "Let's take a chance, but we'll see" will launch. The purpose of the flight is to create a new planetary system "We did it!" Spaceship pilots (name of the bride and groom). We invite everyone who is interested in a safe return to the launch site. The launch will take place (time, place of the wedding).

In the style of Romeo and Juliet:

“Honorable lord and lord (names of guests). We ask (date) to honor with your presence the celebration at which you will observe the merger of two respected families, in (name of the city, village, names of the bride and groom) and the conclusion of the eternal union of their children (names of the newlyweds). Forever and ever, may there be peace and harmony in their families, and the heirs will not make the world wait for their appearance!

Funny joke wedding invitation Hawaiian party style

“We invite you to light up at a party dedicated to our wedding. The occasion is serious, but it is not at all necessary to remember it. Be sure to take a swimsuit, fins, an air mattress, slippers and scuba gear with you. Dress code: the brighter the better. The main prize will be drawn among the most colorful guests. With a sad face, entry is prohibited. The mass mind madness is scheduled for (date and time) at (holiday location). Bride and groom".

cowboy style(for unmarried friends):

"Cowboy, stop the horse
And look at me!
I was just as careless
But it turned out that forever
I'm tamed like a mustang.
So you're invited to the wedding!
Mustanger (groom) and his lady (bride).

An example of a cowboy style invitation

Original texts of wedding invitations in prose

A wedding invitation in prose can be not only solemn and official, but also original, interesting. It is pleasant to read such a text, as it is felt that the newlyweds pay attention even to trifles when preparing for the holiday.

Taking such a postcard many years after the wedding and reading the invitation, the guests will again remember the wonderful holiday they had the honor to attend.

Cool wedding invitation:

“Dear (names of guests)! We solemnly announce to you that the bride promised to cook delicious borscht, wash and iron shirts, and the groom - to give flowers, nail shelves and take out the trash on time. To confirm the seriousness of our intentions, as well as our great love for each other, we invite you to a joyful wedding celebration. We will sign the above promises (date and time) at the address (place) and celebrate this event. Future husband and wife (names of the bride and groom).

An example of a cool wedding invitation in prose

Comic invitation of guests to the wedding table:

“When all the thoughts in your head are only about one person, when you want him to always be there, then it's time to create a happy family. Dear (names of guests), we wish that in our life there will always be a place for both family and friendly meetings. We are proud of our friendship with you and invite you to share the joy of the celebration that will take place on (date) at (address) with us. So that our life is not bitter, but sweet, we will treat you to a delicious loaf in a restaurant (name, address) at (time). Your happy (names of the newlyweds).

Cool text for a wedding invitation in prose:

Dear (guest name)! In which country we would not be, in the streets of which cities we would not walk, the happiest moments of life always associated with loved ones. We create a new history of our family and invite you to be our guest to share the joy of marriage with us. The celebration will take place at (time) at (street, house). Signature of the bride and groom.

Original wedding invitation text

Cool texts for wedding invitations for friends

Most often, funny invitations with a cool design are sent friends of the bride and groom. After all, it is close comrades who will be able to fully appreciate the sense of humor, as they observed the development of relations between the young and witnessed various curious moments.

For friends, a wedding invitation can be sent via SMS, email or social networks, adding funny animated stickers and pictures to the text.

Examples text with humor to invite friends:

  1. Friends, you were right! She got me all the same, save me! The operation to save me will take place at the registry office at the address (street, house). You will recognize your lost friend by the black suit and bow tie around his neck. The invader is in a lush white dress. You can laugh at my farewell to a free life at (restaurant address). Come - perish, so with music.
  2. Just imagine - we went crazy. We decided to put on pretentious clothes, put the doll on the hood of the car and get married! We don't mind if you twist your finger to your head, laugh at us and have a lot of fun with our boring classic wedding. The show "Farewell, Freedom" will be held for you at (place, time). You are in a good mood and congratulations (in hard currency), and we are a reason for your fun. Crazy (name of the bride and groom).
  3. No, this is not spam. The letter is actually addressed to you, friend (name). We finally decided to live happily ever after together, and die on the same day, surrounded by numerous children and grandchildren. . A master class on the topic "How to start a family without killing each other" will be held at (address and time). Yours (names of the bride and groom).

Interesting text for a wedding invitation

To make a real show out of a wedding, bright and cheerful, it is not necessary to invite professional organizers or screenwriters. Enough connect your fantasy, sense of humor and the most cheerful friends, then the holiday will be easy, relaxed and unforgettable.

Increasingly, young people prefer themed weddings: such celebrations are more fun and better remembered by guests. The preparation stage is an interesting and creative business.

Dear my readers!

The site provides only introductory information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I don't sell anything ;)

Where to buy? You can find and purchase the accessories for the celebration described in the articles in Special online stores where is delivery throughout Russia

Traditionally, the task of the older generation is to lay worthy tables and provide moments that require serious material investments.

Young people are given the honorable right to make a real show out of an ordinary wedding, bright and original. Usually this does not require large expenses, if you turn on your imagination and connect the most fun and creative friends to the preparation.

When preparing wedding invitations, we must not forget that the older generation is more conservative and classic invitations are better suited for its representatives, although an individual approach is also possible here. For young guests, any cool and comic invitations are suitable. The main thing is that you do not change your taste, sense of humor and sense of proportion.

Type of wedding invitations

The type of invitations can be different: from postcards bought in a store to invitations made by hand using "scans" of some funny photos, pictures, etc.

In our time, young people more than decently own a computer, and it will not be difficult to do this. Depending on the style of the wedding, invitations can be decorated with suitable accessories: bows, ribbons, pieces of film, hearts, etc.

Invitation texts

The texts of the invitations, respectively, also depend on the style of the wedding celebration. We will not give traditional texts, we will turn to cool and funny invitation texts.

Neutral texts (regardless of the theme of the wedding)

Wedding invitations. Option 1

Allow me to solemnly present an invitation to you,
And, lost in excitement, invite you to the wedding
We assure you that our happy day will be fun:
We promise laughter, jokes - until the morning, if you are not lazy!

Venue and time

Bride and groom

Wedding invitations. Option 2

That's all. The end crept up to the free life of a single.
No matter how hard I tried, I didn’t fight back, I’m not a hero.
So let's not be driven, deepened and wiser!
We want to celebrate, laugh and invite you (you) to the wedding

Venue and time

Bride and groom

Funny Invitations for Parents (Advanced)

Do you want, do you want to buzz at the wedding,
That's why you and your parents should sit there.
Parents must also not only eat and drink,
And surprise everyone with dances and songs.
Let's share, parents, with the kids their happiness
And we will take an active part in our wedding!

Your kids (names of the bride and groom in diminutive form).

Invitation texts for themed weddings

To the unmarried friends of the groom (in the style of "Brigade")

I'm sorry, bra-a-at! Burned out! I'm not like that, life is like that. I'm waiting on the arrow without a gun (the time and place of the wedding), the lads are peaceful. Wipe, brother, a mean male tear and no offense.

Your brother and sister (names of the bride and groom)

space style

Attention attention! Speaks and shows (name of your city, town, etc.).
Today, a new generation spacecraft "Let's take a chance - and then we'll see" starts from the "Excellent Choice" cosmodrome.
The ultimate goal of the flight is the planetary system of a star named "We did it!".
Astronauts (names of the newlyweds) are piloting the ship.
All who are interested in a happy return are invited to the launch of the ship!
The launch will take place (place and time of the celebration, the names of the bride and groom).

Wedding invitation in the style of A.S. Pushkin

Single friends

Oh, my friend, my faithful comrade!
Companion of frisky children's games.
I'll say goodbye to freedom first,
I will invite you to a feast.
Comrade, believe, she will rise,
Star of captivating happiness.
Let's say hello to family life!
And we will write the names in the registry office!

friend invitation

Girlfriend, dear friend
My carefree youth!
Do you remember balls, waltzes in a circle,
Fun, games of the old days.

Alas, love alone is submissive
All ages: old and young.
Let's not crunch popcorn,
Laugh out loud.

We dreamed - and now it happened!
It has come, seductive and enticing.
Yes darling I'm in love
And my wedding is coming soon.

So I'm waiting for you impatiently
I ask you to accept an invitation
This fun to visit
Share the joy with me!

Romeo and Juliet style

Highly esteemed sir… and sir… we humbly ask you to honor with your noble presence the celebration at which the long-awaited unification of the two most worthy families living in our city will take place: (surnames of the bride and groom); as well as the combination of their noble offspring (names of the bride and groom).

From now on and forever and ever, may peace and prosperity reign in these families, and the appearance of heirs will not be long in coming!

Cowboy style invitation. Single friends

Hey cowboy, spur your horse
And look at me!
I was, like you, careless.
But a blissful dream is not eternal.
Like a mustang I'm tamed
And you are invited to the wedding.

Dashing mustanger (name of the groom) and his bride lady (name of the bride)

19th century style invitation

Most respected (th, -th).

A girl of a noble family (name) and a noble undergrowth (for example, if the name is Ivan, and the patronymic is Petrovich, then Ivan Petrov) will be honored to see you at their wedding feast.
Both families are worthy, the pedigree is excellent. Etiquette is supposed not to sleep at the feast, not to fall into despondency, so as not to introduce others, to skip all dances without a break, to try liquors, to kiss the ladies' fingers, to observe court politeness.

Groom's signature
+ (for illiteracy)

Bride's signature

French invitation text

Oh monsieur, oh madam, I send you an invitation to a wedding party, the purpose of which is the complete reunion of mademoiselle ... and monsieur ...

It depends on how generous your presents will be, whether the newlyweds will see Montmartre, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Eiffel Tower. (That's all! No more - we can do without the Louvre, however, without Ntre-Dame de Paris too! Montmartre is enough for the eyes).

Thank you in advance. Looking forward to our celebration!

Sincerely, bride and groom.

Joke invitation text in Hawaiian style

Expensive …

We invite you to an incendiary party dedicated to our wedding.
The reason for the party is significant, but it is not necessary to remember it.
Be sure to have everything related to water with you: swimwear, boats, fishing rods, scuba gear, fins, etc.

Dress code: the more colorful, the better. The first prize will go to the one who looks more like a parrot. Do not come in plain clothes, do not come with sour mines, do not leave with sober eyes.

This mass madness will occur (place and time of the event)

Bride and groom (names).

Fairy tale style invitation

There lived a sad prince in the world.
He did not live, but vegetated.
At the ball, in the crystal palace
He met the princess.
She sailed like a miracle
Just waving your eyelashes.
Well, the prince got sick:
It just took my breath away.

The prince decided not to waste time
(pumpkins, rats, slippers)
It's all an empty burden
Stupid tales from melancholy.

He didn't hesitate a minute.
Began to ask her hand.
Well, really, why pull something?
Everyone is invited to the wedding!
Venue and time

Prince (name), princess (name)

This is how cool texts of wedding invitations can look like this or something like this, and which one to use is up to you!

Now, some online stores provide the ability to insert any texts and pictures into a wide variety of wedding invitation layouts.
For example, in this store this service is free and, judging by the reviews in Yandex Market, it is really very convenient.