Signs of extrasensory abilities. How to determine psychic abilities by hand People with paranormal abilities

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Every person has psychic abilities. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, whether it be clairvoyance, a talent for the occult or healing.

A psychic gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will he be able to fully express himself. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can incur a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. At a more mature age, there are no obstacles for independent work on oneself. Certain signs in the palm of your hand will help you better understand which direction to take.

1 The cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency to clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious accident or the death of loved ones. The owners of such a sign can at certain moments literally see pictures of future events. The best use of this ability is when preaching, since the "cross" is also an indicator of good relations with the church.

2 The triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of occupation in the occult sciences. This sign indicates a high sensitivity to subtle energies.

3 Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. Such a sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also testifies to high professionalism in any field of activity.

4 At least three lines on the hill of Mercury are called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were necessarily given as apprentices to the doctor. As a rule, the owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It is never too late to take up energy techniques such as reiki, as well as healing touch, “alive” practice, etc.

5 An island on the belt of Venus is found in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities in the normal state may not manifest themselves in any way. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future, falling into a trance, for example, with a strong emotional experience.

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6 Ring of the white magician (Ring of Jupiter). This is the sign of the master. He speaks of the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. "Ring" is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, yogis. These are people who have reached deep self-realization. Often the carriers of the "ring of the white magician" also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, and so on.

7 Ring of the black magician. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with an "evil" eye. It is best not to get in their way and not to come into conflict with them. They have a great potential for negative power, but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to especially carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message to the outside, sooner or later comes back.

8 A separate cross in the center of the palm is called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that the emotions and mind of a person (right and left hemispheres of the brain) are in perfect harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calmness. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make very right decisions in any situation.

9 Square on the hill of Jupiter, or the square of the teacher - testify to innate oratorical talents. These people are great at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.

10 Line of Isis. Owners of an arcuate line from the hill of Mercury to the hill of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people's thoughts.

In a few minutes you will know for sure whether you have psychic abilities. Check yourself!

Find out now!

Man has five sense organs. But some have a so-called "sixth sense". It is also called psychic ability. However, some tend to believe that absolutely everyone has certain abilities, only some have them more developed, and some have less. Human psychic abilities are a highly debated topic that continues to gain momentum in its popularity. They began to study a few decades ago. History knows many individuals who somehow owned them. It was thanks to the appearance of these people that scientists began to seriously explore this area.

However, not all people believe that psychic abilities really exist. It really does seem like something out of the ordinary. But then how to explain the numerous examples?

Causes of psychic abilities

An interesting question is why some people have these abilities and some do not. There is a point of view that they can be inherited. You can also develop them in yourself, train them like muscles. But, in any case, it is not very clear: where do they come from? Maybe there is some section of DNA in the human genotype that is responsible for psychic abilities? It just hasn't been revealed yet. Or is it God's gift to the elect? Then why are many burdened by their unusual abilities, trying to ignore them, to suppress them?

People with propensities for extrasensory perception and clairvoyance can discover them in their early childhood. For example, talking about what will happen in the future. By this they often scare relatives. There are also stories that a person gains a gift after severe stress: clinical death, severe injury, natural disaster, and others. But is it true? Or are we just being deceived?

Varieties and uses of psychic abilities

Not every person with psychic abilities talks about it to others. But some successfully use their skills and abilities: they help others, guess, earn money. And, unfortunately, many charlatans and swindlers have appeared on this basis, who use human grief to earn money.

The question is also discussed about the attitude of the church towards psychics. In general, it often sounds negative. The position here is that only God can know the future. The person who predicts it puts himself on the same level with God.

How can a person's extrasensory abilities be expressed? In fact, in completely different manifestations. Some can see the past and the future, some can communicate with the dead, someone sees from a distance. A separate category is made up of sorcerers, shamans and others. They are engaged in magic, can influence the events and phenomena of human life.

There are also healers who can cure ailments. Of course, doctors do not agree with this at all. Yes, there are urgent conditions that can only be stopped in a medical institution. But hopeless situations, chronic diseases sometimes really pass. But here it is necessary to take into account the role of psychotherapeutic influence: a person believes too much in the success of healing, and it happens.

Signs of having psychic abilities

If you think that you have certain abilities, or at least inclinations towards extrasensory perception, then try to compare them with some signs. Of course, they are not one hundred percent, but they can say a lot. Signs of psychic abilities:

These were likely signs. But there are also clear signs that you have psychic abilities. These include the vision of the past and the future, the ability to predict events, communicate with the dead.

If you have found at least some of the signs, then you should think about it. Perhaps it makes sense to develop them, to reveal them. Of course, all this will depend only on your desire, your readiness to engage in extrasensory perception.

How to develop psychic abilities?

Psychic abilities are a unique gift that combines high intuition, premonitions and telepathy. Many consider psychic abilities to be a unique gift given to a person from above. In fact, extrasensory perception is just the ability to feel the vibrations of the earth's bioenergetic field in a slightly different range, which is inaccessible to an ordinary person. The ability to extrasensory perception is inherent in nature in every person. However, not everyone can successfully use such a gift. Now there are many effective exercises that allow you to determine the level of development of your extrasensory perception. We will describe the most popular of them in our article. Exercises to identify psychic abilities

1. Exercise test

After completing this exercise, you will be able to determine your own extrasensory profile and understand which of the areas of perception you have better developed (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile). To complete the task, a person is invited to read the following text: Having chosen a warm and cloudless summer day, you went to the river sandy beach. Sitting on the sand, you feel its warmth, feel how the sun's rays warm your skin. The cries of seagulls are heard from the water. You take off your shoes and feel the warm and crumbly sand with your feet. A boy is splashing in the water, you hear his voice - he calls his mother to play ball with him. You feel thirsty and sleepy from intense heat. Reluctantly, you go to the kiosk, where they sell delicious popsicles. The kiosk beckons you with its coolness. There you buy ice cream with a wonderful strawberry flavor. Opening the package, you feel the divine smell of this berry. After tasting ice cream, you feel the taste of strawberries in your mouth .... Trickles of melting summer treats flow down your hands. After reading the text, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. Next - try to imagine everything that was written there. After that, try to answer a few questions for yourself: Could you imagine a body of water, a sandy beach and an ice cream stand? Have you clearly heard the seagulls screaming and the child talking to the mother? Did you feel the flowing sand under your feet, did you feel the coolness emanating from the kiosk. Did you manage to imagine how trickles of melted ice cream flow down your hands? Did you feel the aroma of strawberries, did you feel the taste of goodies on your lips? Describe your feelings when you are on the shore of a river reservoir? The answers received will help you understand which direction of extrasensory perception you have developed more. It is on him that you will need to focus in the future, capturing intuitive premonitions. The abilities of each psychic are based on intuition, but they manifest themselves in different ways. For example, a person capable of clairvoyance has excellent inner vision. If a psychic knows exactly what words his interlocutor will say, then he probably has the gift of an inner voice.

2. Tuning exercises

Experienced psychics advise as often as possible to conduct tuning exercises that contribute to the proper development of extrasensory abilities. To solve any problem, try to focus on your inner "I". To do this, close your eyes and mentally concentrate on a point in the middle of the forehead (it is there, according to many clairvoyants, that a person has a third eye). Using the following recommendations, you can tune in to extrasensory sensations and even enjoy it. Waking up in the morning, try to catch what news awaits you today and what information you will have to face (positive or negative); If your phone rings, try to guess (without looking at the screen) who is calling you? Try to guess what melody will sound on the radio wave at the moment when you turn on the receiver? You can develop psychic abilities even while standing at a bus stop and waiting for the arrival of transport. It is necessary to guess which bus (trolleybus, tram) number will come first. Try to intuitively guess the exact time, and then look at the clock. Regular performance of tuning exercises will allow you to feel an increase in the level of extrasensory perception in a week.

3. Question exercise

At the beginning of the day, come up with some kind of question that can be answered yes or no (for example, “Will I be able to see a certain person today”?). Adjust your answer to this question, and then, when the event occurs, see how your answer matches the current state of affairs. To answer an imaginary question, try asking it while in a relaxed, meditative state. The extrasensory information, which is the key to your question, may enter consciousness after some time. The student needs to catch and comprehend it in time. Psychics with extensive experience claim that regular practice allows you to reduce the time to get an answer to the questions posed to a minimum.

4. Mediation exercise

Mediation exercises will help a person to solve more complex issues with the help of extrasensory abilities. In order to perform such exercises, a person must choose the most appropriate moment so that no one can disturb him. For better meditation, you can light candles next to you and put an aromatic lamp. Meditation consists in performing the following series of actions: Sit comfortably, take a deep breath, then slowly exhale. Try to relax as much as possible; Close your eyelids and let your imagination imagine the bright sun caressing you with warm rays. In the center of the solar disk is the number "3". The sun descends on you, filling every cell with warmth. Sunny warm light fills the head, passes down the arms, through the palms reaches the fingers. When the sun is down to the toes, let it leave the body; At the next stage of meditation, imagine the sun, in the center of which a deuce is drawn. Let it also pass through your body. After doing this exercise, you will feel even more relaxed; Complete relaxation will come when you pass the third sun through the whole body - with the number 1; After completing this meditative exercise, a person should give himself the attitude that in order to reach the main extrasensory level, he needs to count from three to one. By doing the above exercise, in a week you will be able to learn to tune in to the wave of your inner voice. Experts recommend performing the same exercise in the field of a hard day's work, for relaxation.

5. Exercise "Stimulation of prophetic dreams"

Try before you go to bed, give your body the installation to see a prophetic dream. Psychics advise you to think before going to bed about what tomorrow will be like, what events will happen? At first glance, this exercise seems simple, but in fact, it will take a lot of time to properly perform it. A person needs to learn to fall asleep with one thought - that he wants to know about tomorrow.

6. Development of intuition

This exercise is aimed at understanding the emotions and desires of another person. It is very difficult to learn to intuitively recognize the emotions of another person, because you have to literally transform into him, put yourself in his place. Seeing the world through the eyes of another person is not so easy, but with the desire and regular training, this can be learned.

7. Perception of the aura with the hands

The basis of all extrasensory abilities is the ability to feel someone else's aura with the help of open palms. Surely many have seen the now popular program "The Battle of Psychics". There, each participant uses their own ways of seeing the future, but many of them have a common gesture - palms turned towards the object of interest (photo, some thing or person). Those who are just getting acquainted with extrasensory perception can try to feel their own aura. To do this, follow several sequential requirements: Sit on a chair, keeping a straight posture; Sit quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxed and without thinking about anything; Spread your palms to the side, removing them from each other by 30 cm (they should be parallel to each other). Gradually bring your palms closer to each other until they touch; Also slowly spread your palms, returning them to their original position. A few weeks after the start of such training, you can learn to feel the boundaries of your own biofield (a feeling of warmth or elasticity). Impact with a glance Many psychics have an amazing feature - they can influence the people around them with the power of their own gaze. Each person can master this ability by regularly performing the following exercise: Draw a circle with a diameter of 3 cm and completely paint over it with a dark marker; Fix the sheet with the picture on the wall at a distance of 90 cm from the eyes; Look at the drawing for about 1 minute, then move it to the left (90 cm). Try to keep the drawing in sight; Then move the sheet to the right by the same distance, and fix your eyes on it for another minute. Training using this exercise should be carried out daily, gradually increasing the duration of gaze fixation to a maximum (5 minutes). When the result is achieved, you will be able to influence others with your eyes. It should be noted that the science of extrasensory perception is not only a prediction of the future, it is also the ability to heal and find happiness.

You can read about the features of modeling your own life in the book "Modeling the Future", written by the winner of the "Battle of Psychics" Vitaly Gibert. The author in an interesting way tells about the meaning of human existence, and about ways to achieve happiness. Vivid allegories and colorful examples make this work interesting and captivating.

Test for the definition of psychic abilities

You can check whether you have clairvoyant and extrasensory abilities by passing a simple test. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with his questions and give one option for each of them: “Yes” or “No”. Do you have a light sleep? Do you think your intuition is well developed? Do you get the feeling that you are not alone in the room, although in fact there is no one around? Are you a lucky person? Do you believe in omens? Did you have midwives, healers, witches in your family? Do you feel the energy emanating from other people? Spread your palms to the sides, removing them from each other by 20 cm. Do you feel the heat emanating from them? Can you consider yourself born in a shirt? Have you ever had times when in a certain place you feel uncomfortable and feel that something bad happened there? Do you talk to things? Can you easily convince a person of something? Do you manage to alleviate the condition of a sick person during a conversation with him? The more you answered yes to the above questions, the stronger your psychic abilities. If there were more than 10 such answers, then you have a huge potential for extrasensory perception and perhaps you should try your hand in this direction. Even better if you are at least 30 years old. At this age, life experience and energy intersect in a woman most of all.

How to develop psychic abilities in yourself?

Psychic advice. Extrasensory perception, or the sixth sense, is an inexplicable illogical phenomenon. Psychic skills vary from person to person. Someone does not own them at all, someone knows how to foresee the future, and someone knows how to read other people's thoughts. Psychics are well versed in the ability to heal, clairvoyance, telepathy, inner vision. Experienced psychics say that every person can master unique skills, because extrasensory perception is inherent in us by nature. But in order to become a real psychic, you need to work hard, directing all your efforts to improving your inclinations. What is necessary for a good mastery of psychic abilities?

Here are some tips from experienced psychics: You must believe in your abilities, set yourself up for a positive wave and drive away doubts and fears; Try to improve your attention. Remember that the ability to pick up extrasensory signals comes gradually and depends on how attentive you are to your inner voice and everything that is happening around you; Create your own diary in which you mark achievements in extrasensory perception (, guessed events, thoughts and visions). This approach will allow you to track your own progress in developing extrasensory perception; Do visualization exercises regularly. After you master psychic abilities, certain information will often appear in your mind (in the form of a voice or picture). Learning to recognize the incoming signal and interpret it correctly will help you just mastering the visualization. In practice, visualization training can proceed as follows. Look at a photo in your album, then close your eyes and try to visualize the image you just saw; Now there are special courses that teach extrasensory skills. Their duration may be different, but in the course of such classes a person learns to develop his extrasensory perception and singles out for himself some specific area of ​​​​knowledge in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity (telepathy, clairvoyance, psychometry, mind reading). When visiting a good psychic school, upon graduation, a special diploma is issued confirming the possession of psychic abilities; During the training, test yourself to check how much your psychic abilities have improved. You can ask a loved one or friend to help you with this test. For example, ask him to think of a number, and then try to guess it.

Psychic or healing abilities attract so many people who come into contact with esotericism. Hundreds of thousands of people dream of discovering clairvoyance or clairaudience, but most of them do not even realize what responsibility lies with the person who is given this ability.

In this article, we will define what psychic abilities are, what they are, when and to whom they are given, and what needs to be done to open them. And in subsequent articles we will consider each of the abilities in more detail.

What is psychic ability?

These are special abilities inherent in the energy structure of a person (in every soul). They have not a material (not physiological), but an energy nature and are designed to work with the Subtle World. In fact, the soul of each person uses these abilities every day, when during sleep it flies away on its own business, and in order for a person to be able to use these abilities consciously, in the physical world, it is necessary to open the energy systems specially designed for this (after fulfilling certain conditions ).

Psychic abilities are owned mainly by healers, psychics, magicians (light and dark). Everyone uses them for their own purposes. Psychic abilities are opened (given) by certain Forces, either (to light people for worthy purposes), or (to dark people for appropriate purposes). Gray Forces can also give such abilities, but they have fewer opportunities (they are lower in their level).

What are psychic abilities?

1. Third eye or astral vision. The location of the third eye is the center of the chakra (energy eye in the center of the forehead). Allows you to see (energy, creatures, what is happening) in real time (aura, problems - energy impacts, etc.).

2. Inner vision- more complex than the third eye, requiring more energy ability. It is realized in the form of a screen (like TV) in front of the eyes. The energy systems of internal vision are located in the center of the head (), and governs this ability. Works: requesting the necessary information to the Higher Forces and displaying the answer on the screen (illustrations), for example, about your past lives, etc.

3. - the ability to hear sounds, music, creatures of the Subtle World. A very good opportunity to communicate with your Patrons in real time (ask questions and receive answers). The energy systems of clairaudience are located in the center of the head, as well as in the area of ​​the physical ears (there are also energy ears that can even increase and change shape).

4. Open information channel from above(connection with the Higher Forces) is a chic ability to receive ready-made answers from the Higher Forces in the form of thoughts, complex images, ready-made ideas that literally instantly open up in the center of the head (when a person is open to the Higher Forces and corresponding ideas). This ability is often discovered in people of science, researchers and creative people, and it is called insight.

5. Other abilities:clairaudience(the ability to perceive energy by smell, including at a distance), clear taste(the ability to taste energy), also work through Ajna cobra, phantoms, etc.

Each of the abilities has its own conditions for its disclosure, many of them require a large amount of energy, which 95% of all people do not have (most people live on an energy bottom).

General requirements (conditions) for the disclosure of psychic abilities

1. Understanding the goals and the presence of sane motives: Understanding why you need psychic abilities? Why will the Higher Forces give them to you? And your answers must be convincing for the Higher Forces. The purity of goals and motives determines who will give you abilities, what Forces (or). Let me remind you that the Dark Forces can give abilities right away, but then in payment, they will take your soul or part of it, they can also take something from your destiny, for example, your child (his health, vitality and even life), this also happens.

2. The presence of energy for the work of abilities! For abilities, a constant set of energy is needed - these are regular physical, energetic and spiritual trainings (, gym, meditation, the correct rhythm of life, etc.). And no extreme costs: lack of stress, emotional breakdowns and other overexpenditure of energy. As they say: “Self-control is gold, and peace is the source of strength and vestibuleto heaven…”.

3. No bad habits: refusal of alcohol and smoking (destroy, which accumulate energy for the work of abilities).

4. Absence of karmic prohibitions or spiritual purity! If a person in his past life used psychic abilities for evil or for other purposes (caused harm to others, etc.), then in this life he may have a ban on discovering abilities. And until he closes his debt, does not repent and does not perform the appropriate ritual (when working with), this ability will not be revealed.

5. Healthy eating. Often, the condition for unlocking abilities can be a refusal to eat meat (but not always).

Psychic abilities This is a huge responsibility and challenge! If a person is not ready spiritually and psychologically, he can end up very badly: go crazy, destroy his fate and the fate of his loved ones, unknowingly contact the wrong forces and lose everything. So my advice to you is not to try to discover psychic abilities on your own, but only under the guidance of an experienced mentor, teacher or spiritual healer whom you trust (with high moral character).

And about how to work with specific abilities - read the following articles on this topic.

There will be questions - just formulate your questions briefly and to the point (do not write long letters).

Good luck to you in revealing all the abilities laid down by God!

Thanks to extrasensory abilities, a person can cause phenomena that go beyond the usual life activity. In general, such abilities are inherent in every person, but usually they are in a suppressed, latent state. Psychic abilities can arise as a result of extreme life situations (serious injuries, clinical death, etc.), or they can develop with special training. Psychic abilities do not appear simply in addition to what is already in a person, as happens, for example, with the development of abilities for drawing, music or mathematics. Their appearance is associated with deep internal changes occurring in a person. Developing psychic abilities, any person is faced with the fact that his mental reactions, values ​​and priorities begin to change.

In order for abilities to manifest, inner readiness and special human qualities are necessary. It is the true human qualities that allow psychic abilities not only occasionally manifest themselves, but also harmoniously intertwine in various aspects of human life.

The main factor that reveals extrasensory perception is the ability of the brain to study and process incoming information on a spiritual level. The more the brain can process data, the more subtleties will be revealed in the case being studied.

Usually people do not use psychic abilities at all. because the modern lifestyle suppresses their natural development. But these abilities are there, and even in a depressed state, they sometimes declare themselves in moments of a personal crisis, as a result of trauma or in emergency situations. Sometimes ordinary people who have witnessed the manifestation of psychic abilities, quite spontaneously begin to demonstrate the same phenomenon.

How can you discover psychic abilities in yourself? Observe yourself and analyze yourself and your actions. You may have come across something unusual. The information below will help you figure it out.


The first sign of the presence of psychic abilities are strange dreams. For example, you have prophetic or lucid dreams. This opens the third eye and psychic abilities are born in you. If events from lucid dreams are projected during the day, then this is one of the varieties of prediction.

If after waking up you are afraid to forget your dream, without getting out of bed, retell it to yourself, and later you can write it down. Repeat the technique of telling and writing down your dreams every day. So you can restore the chronology of dreams and compare them with reality. Get yourself a notebook for these purposes, and reread your dreams.


Synchronization in life is the second sign of the presence of psychic abilities. What it is? Observe carefully, if your feelings or thoughts manifest in the space around you, then this is synchronization.

It manifests itself in this way, you attract events that you think about, but you cannot control it. Try to conduct an experiment, in your environment, select a person with troubles. Constantly think about his well-being, you can even come up with some kind of spell for him, and repeat it cyclically. If everything works out for him, then you helped him, and accordingly convinced of your abilities.


This is perhaps the easiest way to detect psychic abilities. Take a regular playing deck of cards, shuffle the cards, draw one card face down and try to determine whether it is black or red. If you passed this test with ease, complicate it, guess the cards by suit, and then go to the rank of the cards accordingly.


Find an old family album in your home. Put it on the table and run your hands over the photographs. Analyze how you feel from photographs of already dead people and living ones. With psychic abilities, your sensations can be expressed in different ways from temperature fluctuations, to changes in color before your eyes. If you feel something, try doing the same with photos of people you don't know.

Man is a unique creation of nature. And it is quite difficult to argue with this fact. In addition to the fact that we have a mind and subconscious, our body and spirit are endowed with such resources, the study of which will take more than one century. One of these unknown phenomena is psychic abilities. Scientific studies of the human brain and body have not yet given actual results and explanations for why some people are given prophetic dreams, communicate with the spirits of the dead, foresee the future, or feel the energy of places and people. However, many argue that in one way or another, everyone has these skills. And then, willy-nilly, you catch yourself thinking about how to reveal these very extrasensory abilities?

How to detect psychic abilities?

There is an opinion that only those who are endowed with a special gift can possess unusual abilities. It can appear as a result of a serious accident, a lightning strike, or be transmitted through generations, as is done by hereditary witches, magicians and clairvoyants. However, contrary to this, the disclosure of extrasensory abilities can manifest itself in almost every person. Remember how in moments of risk to life or in stressful situations, remarkable strengths, ingenuity and intuition begin to appear. This suggests that to some extent each of us is a clairvoyant.

The psychics themselves, i.e. those who already have the gift of clairvoyance, together with parapsychologists, argue that the human body is a universal device capable of receiving and transmitting wave radiation. Like antennas, our hands allow us to make the body a kind of receiver and receive signals from anywhere. The main thing is to learn how to identify psychic abilities in yourself. How to do it? Before you start practicing and expanding your range of feelings, remember a few tips:

When you hear the phone ring, do not rush to answer, try to guess who is calling you;

Before you ask a question to someone, try to determine what the answer will be.

How to unleash your psychic abilities?

How else can you recognize your psychic abilities? Signs of their presence may be unusual dreams. For example, you dreamed of a plane crash that you watched from the side, and the next day you find out on the news that the plane really crashed. And exactly as you saw it in a dream. Also, signs of extrasensory abilities are manifested in the fact that a person can see flashes of some images or pictures before his eyes. This can happen at any time of the day and indicate that you are becoming a beginner clairvoyant. There is also evidence of how some people hear voices or feel the bad energy of places and rooms. These phenomena are also a good clue on how to find out your psychic abilities.

However, developing the gift of clairvoyance is a process that requires constant practice. And, in addition to your careful work with dreams, visions and premonitions, do not forget that our hands are an excellent receiver of information. In this regard, you can study the exercises, how to use them to open extrasensory abilities:

1. Try working on an old family album. Move your hands over the photographs and try to determine if your feelings change when you touch a photo of a living and deceased person. Feelings can differ in color, temperature, or images that appear before the eyes. Over time, you can complicate the exercise and do it with photos of people you don't know.

2. With the help of hands, you can also learn to see the aura of a person. It's best to have an experienced person teach you, but if you don't have one, try the next exercise. Place your palms down with your fingers facing each other. Make sure that there is a distance of no more than 5 mm between the middle fingers. Start moving your arms in a horizontal or vertical direction. It is best to do this on a dark background. If you look closely, you will see a glow at the fingertips.

3. Try to see the biofield of the head. For this exercise, you will need a partner and a semi-dark room. Have your assistant stand with their back to a wall. In this case, the wall should be white. Squint your eyes and fix your eyes on your partner's head. After a while, you can see a slight glow around her. It can be red, blue, yellow or purple. In the same way, you can train to see the biofield of the whole body.

4. Development of the sixth sense. To test how your intuition works and start developing it, try the deck of cards exercise. Before drawing one card, try to determine what suit and color it is. If you don’t succeed, don’t be discouraged, over time you will begin to guess the cards without errors.

Signs of extrasensory abilities accompany us almost daily. It's just that many of us don't notice them and don't see them. However, if you set a goal and constantly train your feelings and sensations, you can discover new resources in yourself that you did not even know about. Who knows, maybe the strongest gift of clairvoyance is hidden inside you?

Probably, at least once in his life, every person wanted to have paranormal abilities, whether it was mind reading, predicting the future, or the ability to cure diseases.

While watching the Battle of Psychics, we often try on certain skills of the participants in the show, but sometimes it’s scary to imagine what the life of those people who have extraordinary abilities really is.
The gift of witchcraft, the gift of clairvoyance, is a great responsibility and a heavy burden. These abilities can be either innate or acquired. An innate gift is passed down from generation to generation, and a certain sequence is laid down during the transfer of the gift: it is passed down either through the female line of the family, or through the male, with a frequency from each tribe to an interval of five tribes.

Congenital and acquired paranormal abilities

An innate gift (birth gift) can manifest both after birth and in adolescence or even adulthood. Very often, a birth gift can develop after the death of an older family member who had a similar gift.
The acquired gift usually passes to the addressee after the death of the addresser of the gift, and the relationship between them is not necessary. The act of transfer always takes place in the personal presence of the addressee. The most common way to transfer a gift is a request to bring water, after which the dying addressee, together with the brought mug of water, transfers his gift to an ignorant addressee. This mainly concerns the “dark” gift, the “light” gift is not transmitted in this way. Shortly after the act of transfer, which may go unnoticed by the recipient, the addressee dies, and the recipient of the gift develops paranormal abilities. This method of transmission is fraught for the addressee with the fact that disagreement to accept the gift and develop it can lead to illness and even death. It is impossible to refuse the gift in this case, the addressee has no choice whether to accept this gift or not. In the case of a family gift, situations are known when the successor refused abilities, thereby “moving” their appearance to other generations of the family.
There are cases of the appearance of abilities after psychological shock or trauma, for example, a lightning strike, a fall from a height, as well as clinical death, lethargic sleep and oxygen starvation. The nature of such phenomena has not yet been elucidated, but science has been trying to unravel their secrets for many decades.
Also, abilities can be developed independently by a person who wants to help people with the help of his gift or who dreams of discovering something new in himself. Creative people who have intuition and are able to listen to themselves and their feelings are able to develop the gift in themselves. A variety of methods and means are used to expand consciousness and reveal abilities, from religious prayers to chemicals.

Man is a unique creation of nature. And it is quite difficult to argue with this fact. In addition to the fact that we have a mind and subconscious, our body and spirit are endowed with such resources, the study of which will take more than one century. One of these unknown phenomena is psychic abilities. Scientific studies of the human brain and body have not yet given actual results and explanations for why some people are given prophetic dreams, communicate with the spirits of the dead, foresee the future, or feel the energy of places and people. However, many argue that in one way or another, everyone has these skills. And then, willy-nilly, you catch yourself thinking about how to reveal these very extrasensory abilities?

How to detect psychic abilities?

There is an opinion that only those who are endowed with a special gift can possess unusual abilities. It can appear as a result of a serious accident, a lightning strike, or be transmitted through generations, as is done by hereditary witches, magicians and clairvoyants. However, contrary to this, the disclosure of extrasensory abilities can manifest itself in almost every person. Remember how in moments of risk to life or in stressful situations, remarkable strengths, ingenuity and intuition begin to appear. This suggests that to some extent each of us is a clairvoyant.

The psychics themselves, i.e. those who already have the gift of clairvoyance, together with parapsychologists, argue that the human body is a universal device capable of receiving and transmitting wave radiation. Like antennas, our hands allow us to make the body a kind of receiver and receive signals from anywhere. The main thing is to learn how to identify psychic abilities in yourself. How to do it? Before you start practicing and expanding your range of feelings, remember a few tips:

- Pay attention to your inner voice. Listen to him and to your feelings. Try to notice when events that you felt in advance begin to occur;

- when you hear the phone ring, do not rush to answer, try to guess who is calling you;

Before you ask a question to someone, try to determine what they will answer you.

How to unleash your psychic abilities?

How else can you recognize your psychic abilities? Signs of their presence may be unusual dreams. For example, you dreamed of a plane crash that you watched from the side, and the next day you find out on the news that the plane really crashed. And exactly as you saw it in a dream. Also, signs of extrasensory abilities are manifested in the fact that a person can see flashes of some images or pictures before his eyes. This can happen at any time of the day and indicate that you are becoming a beginner clairvoyant. There is also evidence of how some people hear voices or feel the bad energy of places and rooms. These phenomena are also a good clue on how to find out your psychic abilities.

However, developing the gift of clairvoyance is a process that requires constant practice. And, in addition to your careful work with dreams, visions and premonitions, do not forget that our hands are an excellent receiver of information. In this regard, you can study the exercises, how to use them to open extrasensory abilities:

1. Try working on an old family album. Move your hands over the photographs and try to determine if your feelings change when you touch a photo of a living and deceased person. Feelings can differ in color, temperature, or images that appear before the eyes. Over time, you can complicate the exercise and do it with photos of people you don't know.

2. With the help of hands, you can also learn to see the aura of a person. It's best to have an experienced person teach you, but if you don't have one, try the next exercise. Place your palms down with your fingers facing each other. Make sure that there is a distance of no more than 5 mm between the middle fingers. Start moving your arms in a horizontal or vertical direction. It is best to do this on a dark background. If you look closely, you will see a glow at the fingertips.

3. Try to see the biofield of the head. For this exercise, you will need a partner and a semi-dark room. Have your assistant stand with their back to a wall. In this case, the wall should be white. Squint your eyes and fix your eyes on your partner's head. After a while, you can see a slight glow around her. It can be red, blue, yellow or purple. In the same way, you can train to see the biofield of the whole body.

4. Development of the sixth sense. To test how your intuition works and start developing it, try the deck of cards exercise. Before drawing one card, try to determine what suit and color it is. If you don’t succeed, don’t be discouraged, over time you will begin to guess the cards without errors.

Signs of extrasensory abilities accompany us almost daily. It's just that many of us don't notice them and don't see them. However, if you set a goal and constantly train your feelings and sensations, you can discover new resources in yourself that you did not even know about. Who knows, maybe the strongest gift of clairvoyance is hidden inside you?
Psychic abilities. See clearly, hear clearly, know clearly Sawyer Heidi

Chapter 1

"Those who have managed to develop 'psychic abilities' have simply gotten rid of some of the limitations they have placed on their own consciousness."

A Course in Miracles

I remember very clearly when I first encountered the manifestation of the spirit world. One day, as I was backing out of my driveway on my way to the supermarket, my attention was drawn to a strange figure who rushed out of the living room and seemed to be dressed all in black. I sat in the car scared, believing it was the thief who was waiting for me to leave the house to get out of hiding.

As I continued to watch, I thought, Thieves don't go through walls or stand in a line looking at you. The figure approached the front door, and I saw in it a very happy-looking woman, about seventy years old. The woman waved at me. It was my grandmother, who had gone into the world of spirits for several years now. Feeling relieved that it was not a thief, I still went to the supermarket. For several months from that moment I was in great confusion; I couldn’t understand what had happened, and no one around me at that time understood it either: many thought that I had lost my mind for a while, or did not want to discuss it at all, because such things frightened them.

Like me after this first incident, most people are afraid of the unknown, and everything that is out of the ordinary often causes them suffering. We are brought up in the framework of linear, logical thinking, and our spiritual and supersensible beginning is suppressed in early childhood as a manifestation of an excessively violent imagination. We forget that by nature we have amazing abilities, we hide them in the depths of our personality until the breaking of the old structures begins, a flame ignites inside and a desire for development appears. For many, this manifests itself in regular and inspired flashes of intuition, a strong desire to change and grow, a love of bright colors like pink, purple and white; people see spirits (as in my case) or hear them called by name when no one else is in the room.

Such phenomena mark the beginning of major changes in your life or are a consequence of emotional trauma. Psychologists and psychiatrists call this condition not the most pleasant word, but I have noticed such symptoms in many people over many years of training in psychic development. What I call "Disclosure" begins in much the same way for most people.

The first stage of disclosure: characteristic features

There are many coincidences in your life.

You begin to see with peripheral vision.

You feel "moving air" or presence.

Seriously fond of supernatural and spiritual knowledge.

· You receive "messages" from deceased friends or relatives in a dream.

See prophetic dreams.

In reality you see those who are no longer alive.

· Hear phrases repeating “in your head” over and over again.

· People willingly tell you stories of their lives and things that they rarely tell anyone, even if you barely know each other.

· You "see" those people whom you met only recently.

You clearly feel what the state of health of other people is, and subsequently your feelings are confirmed.

· You are sensitive to noise.

You are sensitive to the moods of others.

· You experience sudden and strong urges to take care of your health and change your diet.

· You are enchanted by angels or fairies.

· You are inexplicably attracted to colors such as lilac (lilac), pink or white.

Your forehead often itches and you want to remove hair from your face; you experience a strange stretching in the forehead (tension of the "third eye").

· You strive to "save" other people and the planet.

Costs of the first stage of disclosure

· Increased irritability.

· Intolerance to what did not bother you before.

The desire to speak out where you would have kept silent before.

· Temporary optional.

The first stage of disclosure forms the basis for subsequent work; many go through the first stage long before they decide to tackle the issue at all. The first stage can be accompanied by fear and significant changes in a person's life: this is because the awakening of the inner world and spiritual changes can come into conflict with the ego. The ego is the part of your being that makes decisions based on subjective perceptions and logic, ignoring the "gut" feeling, which often turns out to be true, even if this truth is unsightly and makes you resist change.

The real problem in ignoring the symptoms of the first stage of unfoldment can be increased pressure from the spirit world and the activity of your supersensory channels; It won't go away and will only get worse with age. In the process of opening, when you are extremely receptive to supersensory and intuitive impulses, you may feel that life is hostile to you. This is not because you are opposed by some evil spirit, but because a certain part of you that yearns for development and transformation of the physical, emotional and spiritual is suppressed at every attempt to make itself known. Fear will try to suppress your extrasensory development: you may experience fear of the unknown, fear of change and development, as your subtle "I" is experiencing changes beyond your control. But the good news is that if you wholeheartedly accept everything that happens in the first stage and trust the process, the pressure from the spirit world will ease or disappear altogether, allowing the opening process to continue at your own pace.

Over the years, I have watched one woman desperately try to avoid the first stage of disclosure: she was overworked and entangled in interpersonal issues. In her case, the disclosure of the supersensible and intuitive beginning was associated with self-esteem. As soon as she embraced the supersensual side of herself and began to develop her abilities, she realized that her relationship was falling apart because she was undergoing an intense and continuous internal transformation, and as soon as she found inner balance, she met a man with whom she had been happy for several years . She allowed herself to slow down just enough to realize that by accepting her instincts, she had managed to take a brave step into new territory, although it seemed to come naturally. The visitations from the spirit world that had previously bothered her ceased, and she began to give very valuable advice to her friends and relatives in situations in which she had previously feared that something "bad" would happen.

Second stage of disclosure

· A sudden feeling that you are uncomfortable in this world and want to go "home", although it is not clear where this "home" is located.

· You resolve strong emotions through inexplicable tears.

· Hypersensitivity to the effects of alcohol.

Increased allergic reactions.

Strong desire to be in silence and solitude.

Strong desire to find your “purpose”.

· The need for depth and penetration of relationships and the desire to stay away from what seems to you more and more superficial and false.

· A deep inner conviction that some kind of change must occur, but it is not clear what.

· You feel like doing something that will significantly help others.

Costs of the second stage of disclosure

· Desire to “help” everyone and everything.

· The “Messiah complex”, when you feel like you are “chosen”, so to speak, and are convinced that your methods of helping and making decisions are better than those of others. Most often, this is a temporary state, which is a reaction to an increase in energy flow.

· Unwillingness to indulge in gluttony and drinking alcohol - friends and relatives may regard this as unsociable.

· Feeling of weakened connection with friends, relatives and relatives; you may feel as if they are disappearing from your life or that you have little in common with them because you have "changed". Again, this is a temporary situation and a reaction to energy changes.

For some people, the second stage of unfoldment accompanies the first. On the one hand, the second stage can be experienced quite calmly, on the other hand, it can be very disturbing. The second stage of opening allows you to establish a deeper connection with your inner world and comprehend what is really important to you. Vivid glimpses of intuition allow deep and memorable transformations to occur. This may relate to the conditions of your outer life - a career change, a move, a new relationship, and often all together. This happens when a certain part of yourself is no longer consistent with your destiny and you need to be “pushed” to further its embodiment. The most unsettling aspect of this stage, which some but not all people experience, is going through a "cleansing" process, which is getting rid of everything in your life that is consuming your energy, and it's necessary (even if unpleasant). ) stage of your supersensible development.

A strong sense of homelessness and a desire to go "home" can be quite intense in some people. This means that a person undergoes an amazing transformation of consciousness and that his soul begins to believe in something greater than his own personality. Fortunately, tears for no reason do not always accompany depressive states, and if this is the case, then the depression that has arisen is temporary. There is a very significant difference between opening and clinical depression: during opening, typical symptoms of depression are not observed, on the contrary, in its second stage, only short-term emotional discharges occur, during which the body gets rid of strong emotional stress.

One guy who came to see me for several consultations had typical symptoms of the second stage. Like many people at this stage, he wanted to make some changes in his life and work: he wanted to help people and find his purpose. He also had symptoms of the first stage, such as an increase in the pressure of the subtle world, a desire to remove the hair from the face, and a constant tightening sensation in the forehead. I began to do some work with this person and transfer to him the energy of the level that corresponded to the requirements of his body; soon his body began to squirm and twist, and a sound came from his throat, as if he were choking. As I continued the healing process, I noticed how a gray mist first appeared and then dissipated in the area of ​​his throat and head, after which he could not help sobbing. This poor fellow was in deep turmoil, as he had not cried for thirty years, and could not understand what was happening and why. After a few minutes he stopped crying and felt great; he admitted that his body became unusually light, and then left.

At the next meeting, he told how his life had suddenly changed; he described how willingly he accepted these changes and his abilities, and how his self-confidence and performance increased so much that he received a promotion to a very high position in one of the largest companies in the world. He helped the people around him to find the best in himself; he continues to recognize the supersensible and subtle, intuitive part of his nature, completely trusting it when this part of himself makes itself felt or prompts him to react to the events of his life in a way that others might be afraid to think.

Some people develop a “Messiah complex” at this stage, which should be somewhat disturbing, as it gives rise to a feeling of involvement in the Second Coming, and this conviction can be accompanied by vivid manifestations of newfound psychic abilities. People with "Messiah complex" symptoms, as I have seen, do exhibit some ascended master level energies, but they are actually only borrowing those energies. Often it is the person's personality or ego that imposes on him the idea that he is the reincarnation of Christ or Mary Magdalene, and this obsession often accompanies a period of low self-esteem. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but the people I've seen going through this aspect of the second stage have experienced relationship problems.

Third stage of disclosure

Strong connection with intuition and instinct.

· Trust intuition and instinct.

· A growing sense of fearlessness (you do what you want, even if you're scared).

· Firm determination to engage in self-development, no matter what the cost.

Elimination of bad habits, such as alcohol abuse and smoking.

Rigid self-discipline.

· The emergence in life of stable relationships based on mutual devotion.

You speak the truth easily and with pleasure.

· You feel "harsh vibrations" of the energy field when someone says unkind words.

· You have an increased sense of inner balance in those situations in which you previously experienced strong emotions - facing hostility, fear, suspicion.

· You see people as they are, without expecting them to change in the direction you want.

You are willing and able to get out of situations that no longer suit you.

· Fear of loneliness disappears; you are comfortable with yourself, and you are no longer afraid of being abandoned, and perhaps you prefer loneliness.

· Extremely hypersensitivity to the energy fields of other people.

· You give clear and precise interpretations of other people's emotional states, devoid of bias and fear.

· Your emotional background is evened out - there are no sharp jumps and falls.

People wonder how it all works out in your favor.

· You are considered a lucky person.

· You are considered a wise person.

· You have great confidence in the life process.

· You easily "let go" of things, people, feelings and situations, especially negative ones.

· You learn from life's troubles, you easily manage not to succumb to indignation and indignation.

Your self-image improves markedly.

· You no longer have a need to "save" the world, instead you make a significant contribution to the development of others (and you have no desire to report it).

· You make a conscious effort to prolong and improve the life of the planet by supporting energy saving practices, but no longer seek to "save the planet" alone.

· The fear of "darkness" disappears, following the realization that it is simply the absence of light.

You with incredible accuracy and with a minimum of effort, guess the subconscious motivations of other people.

· You strive for further self-realization, and not to prove something to someone.

Costs of the third stage of disclosure

People going through the third stage may appear cold and indifferent. Others may not like the reaction to their words or they may have suspicions about manipulation attempts. In addition, the lack of guilt in such a person means that it will be difficult for others to appeal to his duty; in general, misunderstandings early in this stage can be quite intense until the people around you get used to your new behavior.

I singled out the stages described above only on the basis of my observations during the training in extrasensory development (since 1996); sometimes the stages may overlap, so you may experience only some, but not all, of the symptoms associated with the different stages; however, for those who have reached the third stage, the picture is quite clear and stable. None of the stages is better than the others - each is just a continuation of the previous one. Of course, those who have moved to the third stage cease to perceive themselves from the position of "ego" and rely on a more reliable support within themselves. This does not mean that they become perfect - they tend to show many "costs", and regularly, which can lead to a short-term mini-crisis, especially in the eyes of loved ones who are unfamiliar when communicating with this "new" person.

Be that as it may, people going through the third stage of disclosure also show very noticeable signs of positive changes in their interaction with other people. Sometimes these "awakening stages" can be confusing at first, but my experience is that such confusion and fear will only get worse until you acknowledge and begin to develop your intuition. Once you accept it in yourself, many of the negative side effects will go away.

Let's go back to my experience. After I saw my grandmother's spirit, I kept trying to forget about it, but to my horror, I found that the otherworldly activity in the house increased tremendously; I often felt the presence of my grandmother, smelled the cigarettes she smoked, and heard her loudly calling my name; this voice was not in my head, it was an insistent female voice trying to get my attention; it felt like someone invisible was standing next to me. I also heard the loud tapping of someone's fingers on the windowsill, but stubbornly tried to ignore all these phenomena.

When I was already completely uneasy and scared, I finally told my mother everything - after all, all this happened in my parents' house. At that time, the paranormal was not discussed as freely as it is now; my mother was beside herself with horror - she thought that I was on the verge of joining "some kind of sect", as she put it, and the question was raised about the need for psychiatric help for me. Therefore, I decided not to discuss what was happening to me with anyone else; I only mentally asked for forgiveness from my grandmother - I did not know what else to do and how to proceed.

My story is very similar to many others I have heard over the years: many also experienced fear and a desire to get rid of the glamour, at first, especially because their relatives and friends also did not understand them in the early stages of supersensible unfoldment. Society as a whole still eschews the very fact of the existence of psychic abilities and skills, is skeptical about people of a more subtle nature, often such people become outcasts. Perhaps this is due to the centuries-old primacy of the doctrine of God and the pressure of the Church. My mother grew up in a peaceful Catholic environment, raised by nuns and a mother who humbly followed her faith. Both of them were convinced that their innate sixth sense was something from the evil one; perhaps because they believed in the sinfulness of this feeling, their religious upbringing did not allow them to go beyond public opinion - in the person of their own parents, the priest, the Church or society as a whole.

For many years I have watched people feel, at least initially, a terrible sense of guilt for discovering the intuitive essence in themselves, or even wanting to suppress it again. While working in southern Ireland, I noticed how this guilt sometimes won out. In this amazing country, full of really wonderful people, I once met two men whom I remember very well: both of them were afraid to speak to me as a psychic and healer. One of them suffered as a child at the hands of the monks, who constantly beat him with a leather belt at school for curiosity about the sixth sense and the structure of the universe. The other was a Catholic priest, a most pleasant person, who, however, was worried lest he should be caught in conversation with me; he discovered he had a healing gift and wanted to know how to develop it. Both of them feared real or imagined retribution for asking me for advice. The first man experienced a powerful emotional discharge and, bursting into tears, warmly thanked me for helping him understand that there was nothing "bad" in him and his curiosity; the priest left me in a state of complete peace, having satisfied his desire to begin to develop the wonderful healing gift that he possessed. However, both of them were deep down worried about what would happen when they told someone about our meeting with them.

Such fears are mainly due to our upbringing about what is "evil", and attempts to move from conventional to independent thinking. Such a transition enhances psychic and intuitive abilities tenfold; this tenfold increase is due to the clearing of internal energy channels and the formation of natural self-confidence. Most of the people attending the extrasensory development courses that I have been running for many years have noted how much their ability for self-realization has increased, stabilized and become effective due to the active inclusion of extrasensory abilities.

The most positive moment that I noted both in myself and in others was the transition to the level of spiritual thinking. Spiritual thinking combines all beliefs of a religious nature and ideas about God or the source of life. Spiritual beliefs involve the understanding that no one exists apart from others and cannot be considered special or cursed because of any religious notions that are imposed on us. Spiritualized people, as a rule, are pleasant and friendly in communication, they do not engage in criticism and prejudiced reasoning. This does not at all indicate that they are devoid of ordinary human shortcomings - they are simply more aware of how negative impacts affect others. Overloaded with prejudice breeds anger, accumulates and destroys from within. However, it is easy to say, "Just let go of the old prejudices that limit you," and most people need help to achieve this freedom; sometimes it may be purposeful work with a psychotherapist, while others come to this through the stages of "disclosure".

It is very pleasant to be in the atmosphere of spiritual events, such as holidays of unity of mind-body-spirit. Visitors to such events are usually very peaceful people looking for like-minded people; they spend the whole day at such holidays, enjoying the atmosphere of subtle communication.

In addition, many spiritual texts teach that our extrasensory abilities are revealed, developed, and honed as we shed limiting beliefs and our tendency to cling to past experiences. I am convinced that it is so. In my classes, I see how most people move from a purely psychic level to a level of unity between the spiritual and the supersensible; from that moment on, their innate inclinations are incredibly enhanced, and they demonstrate amazing accuracy, since the "ego" in them no longer dominates, but exists in symbiosis with the spiritual dimension of pure thought - then the psychic or clairvoyant is able to interpret information confidently, and not just following the dictates of his ego, which is perhaps more interested in pleasing or prejudicing information.

The example of a friend of mine can serve as an illustration of the above: he is really a spiritual person who has only recently recognized his supersensible principle. He finds it difficult to accept the concept of supersensible reality, due to the purely logical nature of his work. He sometimes unconsciously pronounces interesting maxims, combining the sixth sense with a pure thought that penetrates his consciousness. He does not give estimates, but prudently shares the information received; his thoughts turn out to be very simple, yet overwhelming, and deeply touch people.

Conversely, I know one woman, a very good medium, who has not bothered to develop the spiritual side of her nature and is now having difficulty interpreting the messages she receives. The problems and troubles in her life, which she is not easy to cope with, indicate that her interpretations are distorted by her own views and fears. She admits that she has noticed something similar lately, and is working hard on herself to change this situation.

Many feel fear at the thought that they may misinterpret the messages or project their own problems onto others by conveying the message to them. This fear is a healthy phenomenon in the early stages of development, and indicates that a person is aware of the possible limitations of his abilities. Such fears quickly decrease with a conscious desire to deal with their own problems. We all carry our burdens in life - it is an integral part of human existence; as soon as we begin to notice this burden and decide to drop the burden, we not only make life easier for ourselves, but we can also deal with the burden of other people and help them to drop it.

When I didn't know where to go with my paranormal experiences and my grandmother's increasingly insistent presence, I quieted down for several months, trying to keep myself occupied and forget. I continued to live my life; One day at work, while doing a boring data entry task, I found myself anticipating the information that was about to arrive and entering the data before I received it. Convinced that this was just another coincidence, I made several phone calls and for some reason asked customers about products that had not yet been released. One of them asked me: “Heidi, are you a clairvoyant? This information has not yet been circulated, how did you find out about this? Naturally, I had nothing to answer, only my bewilderment intensified even more.


Many of the vivid supersensory experiences come from childhood or are due to the revival of abilities that were available in childhood. For example, many children are incredibly sensitive to the words that adults say, and very sensitive to the meaning embedded in them. As a child, I assumed that everyone knew that people do not always say what they think, and could not understand why someone would believe the words of a person who thinks the exact opposite. This left me completely confused! I was also able to accurately predict the behavior of other people and behave accordingly. Carefully, so that no one noticed, I disappeared, dissolving into my inner world, where it was quiet and calm; the outside world saw me as a withdrawn and vulnerable child who avoided communication.

I am convinced that many people who were born with deep intuition experienced the same thing in childhood: their imaginary friends, whom many take for the fruits of fantasy, are actually people from the world of the spirits, establishing friendly relations with the consciousness of children, not yet "spoiled » logic, mistrust and prejudice. I remember my sister playing for hours as a child with her imaginary friend Margery, and I remember her wonderful childish voice in which she spoke to Margery, laughing and giggling. Unfortunately, now she no longer remembers this: the logic of study, work and life has taken precedence over the mystical and magical sphere of her imagination. Likewise, many other people are embarrassed to allow this part of themselves to wake up again, they lack confidence in it, it is easier for them to stay within the framework of daily tasks and obligations. Why? No wonder our society is so eager to escape from reality.

After those strange "coincidences" at work, I came home and started looking for the phone book; I was completely bewildered, and there was no explanation, so I began to look for the address of some spiritualist organization. I decided that I would just go there and watch what was happening: like most people, I was afraid of what I might encounter, a possible scam. What if I hear something I don't want to hear? Or worse, what would my mom say?

It was not easy to find a spiritualist organization in the phone book, let alone someone who could explain what was happening to me. I eventually found one such church many miles from where I lived. As I was getting ready to dial her number, I suddenly heard a very loud voice that said, “No, wait.” Frightened, I obeyed the order and put the phone book aside.

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