Project "Trees of our site" Environmental project "Trees of our site. Theoretical and practical material for the project

Preparatory group number 7

Long term project

2013 - 2014


(V. Berestov)

Human and nature…

A huge role in the environmental education of preschoolers is played by practical, cognitive, research activities in natural conditions. Environmental education begins with familiarity with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. It will not be effective without the emotional perception of trees, grasses, sunsets and sunrises. A child can enjoy the beauty of a dewdrop on a leaf, the first blooming flower, the smell of rain and foliage, understand how fragile the natural world is and how dependent on human actions.

In any city, village, you can find interesting natural objects for observation. And such a natural object for our group has become a tree, a birch tree.

"Happy tree".

The tree is rustling with green foliage all summer
And having turned yellow, it will undress in the autumn.
Frost is not terrible for a tree: snow is sprinkled on the trunk.
In it the tree will warm up, it is like fur to the tree.
In the spring it glows with whitewash, it is dug around ...
A tree grows happy, the tree has a friend.
(V. Musatov)

This is what our ecological project is called "Birch is our tree."

Project type cognitive - research.

Project participants : educators, children, parents of the group.

Interested in the problem.
Find out children's ideas about trees.
Observe the changes in the life of trees in different seasons of the year.
Maintain the child's interest in nature.
Build research ability in the learning process.
Improve health.

1. To form a generalized idea of ​​trees in general and of birch in particular.
2. Develop a cognitive interest in all living things, a desire to receive new knowledge from books; develop curiosity, observation, imagination.
3. To acquire experience of research activities with children, to form the ability to realize interests.
4. Develop the ability to predict future changes.
5. To develop in children the desire for a healthy lifestyle.
6. Form imaginative thinking, emotional attitude to trees.
7. To cultivate love for nature, the desire to protect it, to protect it.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, artistic and aesthetic, reading of fiction, etc.

Estimated results: children will learn to care for plants and get acquainted with the conditions of their maintenance, they will learn to notice the beauty of the plant world.

Project activities.

Stage 1. Preparatory.
1. Study the level of knowledge of children on the topic and determine this knowledge.
2. Creation of a creative group to help implement the project: educators, parents, music director, library.
3. Drawing up a work plan. Discussion with the parents of the content of the project.
4. Selection of methodological and fictional literature. Production of visual and didactic material.

1. To reveal the knowledge and ideas of children about birch.
2. Planning the work to be done.
3. To interest parents in the topic of the project, as the content of the creative and intellectual development of pupils.
4. Collect information about birch from various sources, select fiction and educational literature, illustrations, photographs.

Stage 2. Substantial (research).

1. Lesson "The trees of our yard".
to consolidate the knowledge of children about trees as representatives of the flora of the Earth, their beauty and benefits; foster respect for the "green friend"; choose an object for observation, give it a name; teach to protect nature.

2. Excursion to the autumn garden - "Autumn drops gold."
expand children's ideas about the characteristics of autumn; to clarify ideas about changes in the life of trees in autumn. Pay attention to the beauty of birches.

3. Conversations about trees in general and about birch in more detail in the classroom and inEveryday life:
a) Acquaintance with the tree (birch "Alenushka"):

crown and leaves,
bark and trunk,
flowers (inflorescences),
fruits and seeds.

What are they birch for?
How tall is the tree?
What is the width of the tree?
Does the tree have neighbors? Friends? Familiar?
Does the tree have a family?
Does the tree have children?
What is the bark, the trunk, what is it for, what is it like? What smells at different times of the year (in dry weather, after rain ...)?
Are there cracks, hollows, lichens, mosses on the tree? What are they? How many, what color?
Are there human footprints on the bark? Was the tree able to heal the wounds?
We study fruits and seeds: what are they, who carries them, what are they for?
Are there any mushrooms on or under the tree trunk?
Is there a way to find out the age of a tree? Which?
Is it possible to hide under a tree from a thunderstorm? Why?

b) Make a tree passport.

c) Animals associated with the tree.
The tree is a dining room and home for many animals. A large number of different living organisms are associated with the tree, which we do not notice.

d) Soil.
In nature, along with the fallen leaves, nutrients return to the soil, which contributes to the circulation of matter in nature. On our site, in parks, squares, gardens, a person seeks to remove the leaves, considering them rubbish. As a result, some of the nutrients do not return to the soil, thereby reducing its fertility. Invite the children to think about where the fallen leaves go in the forest, where a person does not remove it.

Does anyone live in the soil under a tree? Examine the ground near the trunk with a magnifying glass. Residents improve the soil from which the tree obtains food.
Draw the attention of children before the rain to see if earthworms have appeared under the tree. Protect them! Take a closer look, get to know each other, find out how they crawl. Earthworms loosen the ground, recycle decaying foliage, which means they help the tree.

e) Precipitation (snow, rain, frost).
Snow depth measurement. Does snow help? How does snow help a tree? Its role in the life of trees. The snow cover protects the roots of the tree and the inhabitants of the soil from freezing.
The importance of precipitation in the life of trees. Does the tree help any animals get sheltered from the rain? How and where? Does frost form on tree branches in winter? Why? Consider.

f) Is it possible to determine the mood of the tree? On what grounds can this be done? Does it depend on the season, weather?

What hurts the tree? It is not funny
Creaks very plaintively ... Is it all the same?
I ought to know better
(We will be kind to the tree)
What happened at the roots, branches, leaves and bark?
And who is to blame now for his downcast appearance?
I'd like to understand that the tree hurts.
(A. Kondratyev)

Determine the mood of the tree: sad, cheerful, happy, sad, silent, cheerful, pensive, spring. What time of year, what weather, what is the mood of the tree?
Target: interest in the problem, find out the ideas of children about these plants, their relationship to birch.

4. Consideration of illustrative material on the topic.
arouse interest in the object in question.

5. Writing stories, fairy tales on the theme "Once upon a time there was a birch tree ..."

6. Drawing a birch tree at different times of the year, with friends, with different moods and so on.

7. Application on themes: "Autumn carpet", "Birch in autumn", "Who lives under a birch tree."

8. Plasticineography on the theme: "Birch leaf".
Target: develop imagination, a sense of form and proportion. Introduce unconventional drawing and sculpting techniques.

9. Memorizing poems:
E. Trutneva "Autumn",
S. Yesenin "White Birch",
F. Tyutchev "The first sheet",
A. Prokofiev “I love Russian birch”.

10. Reading fiction:
V. Rozhdestvensky "Birch",
F. Sologub "Letter - Bereza's complaint",
P. Voronko "Birch",
I. Raduzhnaya "Winter dream of birches",
Russian folk song "There was a birch tree in the field"
Russian folk song "My birch, birch ...",
Russian folk song "Oh, birch, my little green ...",
B. Zakhoder "Why don't trees walk?"
V. Bianchi "Lesnaya Gazeta", "Magic Birch",
V. Zotov "Birch" (book "Forest Mosaic"),
S. Voronin “My birch. Summer. In the autumn. In winter. In the spring ",
A. Lopatina "The Wisdom of a Tree", "Life of a Tree".

Target: fostering a respect for trees, instilling a love of nature, birch.

11. Selection of riddles, proverbs, sayings, signs about a birch.
enrich children's knowledge through artistic words.

12. Creation of the album "Birch -" Alyonushka ".

13. Board - printed games:
"What grows in the forest?"
"The fourth extra".


14. Didactic games:
"Pick a word" (by the word birch),
"What birch?" (selection of adjectives),
"Come up with words of the same root",
"Find a tree by description"
"From seed to tree"
"Guess the plant"
"What's superfluous?"
"Useful - harmful",
“Say it differently,” etc.

Target: teach to compare, generalize, qualify.

15. Psycho-gymnastics:"A trip to the forest", "I look like a birch tree."

16. Finger gymnastics:"Trees".

17. Outdoor games:“Find the same leaf”, “Find a couple”, “Who will run faster to the birch tree”.

Target: develop physical qualities.

18. Subject - role-playing games:“How did we go to the forest?”, “Excursion to the park”.

19. Joint trips with parents to the forest, park, nature.

20. Music:
- listening to the sounds of nature, the noise of leaves;
- to depict the life of a birch in a dance, a plastic sketch.

21. Experiments:"What do we breathe?", "Can a plant breathe?", "How does a plant breathe?", "Do the roots need air?" and in the cold. "

22. Morning exercises and outdoor exercise.

23. Labor on site and in nature:
- tree care, cleaning of broken branches on the site;
- production of bird feeders;

- rendering assistance if necessary (to tie up a broken branch or "heal" the wounds left by a person: you can cover up the cuts with wax, pine resin, plasticine).
- preparation and drying of leaves for application, herbarium.

Target: to teach children to work harmoniously in a team, to bring the work started to the end.

24. Exhibition of things made of wood, birch bark on the theme: "This is a magic tree."

25. Quiz "What do we know about trees?"

26. Holiday "Day of the birch tree".

Stage 3. Final (final).
1. Multi-presentation based on the results of the project.
2. Exhibition of drawings, photographs.
3. Album "Birch - Alyonushka".

Target: foster a sense of responsibility, teach to share the knowledge gained with others.

Interaction with parents.
1. To acquaint parents with the project. Tell about the goals, objectives of the project. To convince parents of the need for assistance, a serious attitude to the research of children.
2. Find out what trees grow in the yards of the children, in their summer cottages.
3. Offer to help in the selection of cognitive material about the selected tree (photographs, illustrations, fairy tales, stories, riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems).
4. Joint and family excursions to the forest.
5. Offer to carry out with the children a variety of studies of birch, games during outdoor recreation, in the country.
6. Conduct a parent meeting on the topic "Environmental education of senior preschoolers."
7. Questionnaire on the topic "City ecology".
8. Assistance in collecting items made of wood, birch bark for an exhibition on the theme "This is a magic tree."
9. Participation in the holiday "Day of the birch tree".

Tree passport.
Age: Many, many years.
Height: Higher than any dad, even our d / garden.
Neighbors: Aspen, mountain ash and other birches.
Friends: All of us, insects, birds, and plants.
What he likes: Light, warmth, water, a kind word, guests, holidays, gifts, listen to fairy tales, songs, poems about yourself.

Birch letter

Dear Guys! So you came to me again, so I was waiting for you, I was swinging with branches, rustling with leaves so that you could hear me. Thank you for your gifts to me, look how beautiful I have become, all in ribbons, balloons. I will also give you my leaves in the fall, and now please fulfill my wishes and tasks. Stroke my bark, smell it and tell me: how are we alike with an aspen, and how are we different? How did you know that we are trees with the aspen? Are we blades of grass? Prove to me that I am a tree!
And I also have a request for you guys. We, birches, love to hear songs and poems about ourselves, please me.
Thank you guys for everything! Come to me again, don't forget me!
Your birch.

Quiz on the topic "What do we know about trees?"

1. How are trees different from other plants?
2. What trees do you know?
3. Trees - alive or not? Why do you think so?
4. How many trees grow on our site? What are their names?
5. How many trees are there near your house? What are their names?
6. Who do you think planted the trees near our kindergarten, in the city? For what?
7. How many have seen trees in the forest? And who is planting them there?
8. Where did you see the trees in our city?
9. Do you think there are many or few trees in our city? Justify your point of view.
10. Where do you think trees live better - in the forest or in the city? Why do you think so?
11. Do you think people pay enough attention to trees? And you personally?
12. Have trees ever helped you? And you to them? Give examples.
13. Let's imagine that the trees suddenly disappeared. What will happen on the whole earth? In our city? Near our kindergarten? On our site? At your house?
14. Will anything change in our life then?
15. Why can trees disappear?

Sayings, proverbs, signs

The nightingale will sing when he can drink dew from a birch leaf.
A lot of sap flows from birch - by a rainy summer.
If the birch is pubescent in April before everyone else, expect a dry summer.


All summer walks in a green dress,
And he meets winter both barefoot and naked.
We saw him dressed in spring and summer,
And in the fall all the shirts were ripped off the poor thing.
Many hands, but one leg.
It is fun in summer, satisfying in autumn, and warm in winter.
Cheers in the spring, chills in the summer,
In autumn it nourishes, in winter it warms.
Sisters stand in the field, dresses are bleached, hats are green.
Green, not meadow, white, not snow, curly, but no hair.
Girlfriends ran along the edge in white dresses.
In a white sundress she stood in a clearing.
The tits flew, sat on the braids.
And on one of the warm days, May gives her earrings.
Alena is standing - a green handkerchief,
Thin waist, white sundress.

A Russian beauty stands in a clearing
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.
The trunk turns white, the cap turns green.
Stands in white clothes, dangling earrings.

Math problems

1. There were 4 tits perched on a birch tree. Another 5 flew to them. How many birds were there in the tree?

2. Six mushrooms grew under the birch - boletus. The squirrel has dried three of them. How many mushrooms are left under the tree?

3. There were 10 leaves on a birch branch. Two of them were ripped off and carried away by the wind. How many leaves are left?

4. 8 ants were crawling along the birch trunk. Three of them descended to the ground. How many ants are left on the tree?

5. In a forest clearing, there were 5 young birches and one old one. How many trees were there in the meadow?

Russian folk song

My birch, birch! My white birch! Curly birch!
You are standing, birch, in the middle of the valley,
On you, birch, green leaves,
Beneath you, birch, silk grass.
Near you, birch, red girls
Wreaths are woven, weaved.

Russian folk song

Oh, birch, my green, curly, cheerful.
Near you, birch, there is silk grass.
Beneath you, birch, is spring water.
On you, birch, - the nightingales are singing.
Around you, birch, - the red girls lead a round dance.


Where there was an empty place, where there was nothing
Let everyone plant a tree and not forget it.
It is your wordless friend, a living being like you.
It is of a watch nature, it will not leave the post.
And he will stand before you in all his heroic growth.
And how much freshness, and bird songs, and nests will be in it!
V. Berestov

At the beauty - birch trees, the dress is silvery.
The beauty - birch trees, green plaits.
Goats jumped out of the yard to the birch tree.
They began to gnaw on a birch tree, and a birch tree in tears.
We became a crowd to protect the birch,
So that the birch tree grows, it grows big.
P. Voronko

The sun slightly warmed the slopes and it became warmer in the forest,
A birch tree hung green braids from thin branches.
All dressed in a white dress, in earrings, in lace foliage,
She meets a hot summer at the edge of the forest.
V. Rozhdestvensky

A slender beauty is famous in all countries:
White clothes, gold earrings.
With a loosened braid, he washes himself with dew.
The wind moves the strands, it does not order to braid them.

The letter is a birch complaint.
On a spring day, the boy is angry
I pierced the bark of a birch with a knife, -
And drops of juice, like tears,
They flowed like a transparent river.
F. Sologub

In a clearing, on a hillock, under a window, among fields
The white birch tree is a symbol of my Motherland.

White birch
White birch under my window
She covered herself with snow, like silver.
On fluffy branches with a snowy border
The brushes have blossomed in a white fringe.
And the birch stands in sleepy silence
And snowflakes burn in golden fire
And the dawn, lazily walking around,
Sprinkles new silver on the branches.
S. Yesenin

Winter dream of birches
Thin birches are covered with silver,
As if they had turned gray and fell asleep in dreams.
As if winter had come in their souls
I covered it with frost, covered it with snow.
You, birches, are sad - the birds do not chirp,
Uncomfortable, empty, as if - forever.
Maybe it's happiness that the frost is so -
Freeze wounds, freeze pain.
Will freeze tears and longing - sadness.
Thin birches, you are insanely sorry.
Suffer a little, you will not suffer for a century,
It remains to wait out the winter until spring.
Inna Raduzhnaya

I love Russian birch, sometimes light, sometimes sad
In a bleached sarafan, with handkerchiefs in his pockets.
With beautiful clasps, with green earrings.
I love her smart, dear, beloved,
Now clear, ebullient, now sad, weeping,
I love Russian birch.
She is always with her friends.
Leans low in the wind
And bends, but does not break.
A. Prokofiev

First sheet
The leaf turns green young.
See how young leaves are covered with birches,
Through airy greenery, translucent, like smoke ...
For a long time they dreamed of spring, spring and summer golden, -
And here are these living dreams, under the first blue sky,
They suddenly made their way into the daylight ...
Oh, beauty of the first leaves, washed in the sun's rays,
With their newborn shadow! And we can hear from their movement,
That in these thousands and darkness you will not find a dead leaf ...
F. Tyutchev

It suddenly became twice brighter, the yard was like in the sun -
This dress is gold on the shoulders of a birch tree.
In the morning we go to the yard - the leaves are falling in rain,
They rustle and fly underfoot ... fly ... fly ...
Spider webs fly by with spiders in the middle,
And the cranes flew high from the ground.
Everything flies! This must be flying away our summer.
E. Trutneva

Birch tree, white swan, I am standing next to you.
To you, my timid one, I sing a song.
How do you stand, happy, on a cheerful summer day,
Because of you, beautiful, there is light in my forest.
Green, free, you are more flexible than reeds.
White-trunk birch, well, you're good to everyone!
A. Prokofiev

Scenario of the holiday "Day of the Russian birch tree"

To the accompaniment of folk music, children go to the playground to their favorite birch tree and stand around it. It turns out that the teacher is wearing a sundress that resembles a birch tree.

Birch: This is me, a birch tree, in a new sundress!
I would like, children, to have fun with you!
Happy holiday today, I congratulate everyone,
I wish everyone joy, fun!

1 child: And you, birch, we all congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and fun.
Beauty has birches - the dress is silvery,
The beauty - birches - green braids!

Birch: Thanks guys!

Leading: Thanks guys! Do you know, guys, that in the old days in June, when the sowing work in the fields ended, and the grass for mowing had not yet grown, they celebrated a holiday dedicated to the Russian birch - the most beloved tree in Russia? Let's arrange a name day for our birch tree today and start a round dance!

Round dance "There was a birch in the field"

2 child: What a miracle the round dance! Everyone dances and sings
And how they dance gloriously in a green summer meadow
Those girls who make a birch tree in Trinity week.

3 child: At first, they chose the most beautiful:
To turn white as a nightingale and not be proud,
So that she is rich in leaves, so that she is curly,
And also, so that she grows more freely in the clearing.
For such a birch tree, the girl saved a ribbon.

4 child: "To break something" not really branches gathered,
Not for this that the girls dressed up that day.
They just bent the branches, weaved them several at a time,
And at the end of the braid, each ribbon was woven.

5 child: Here the birch tree is ready, dressed up for the holiday!
And decorated with the sun for girls' round dances!

Leading: According to legend, birch saves people from various misfortunes, makes them happy. Therefore, girls, girls on a holiday decorated this tree with ribbons, led around it, like we, round dances, sang songs, recited poetry.

Round dance "We went to the meadow"

Birch: This holiday is not easy, it is called the Trinity,
He will respond with a thick birch in souls,
Will rustle in the roadside willows like a breeze
And he will announce that everyone can braid wreaths.

Song "Troitskaya"

Oh, birch, is white, she has a cup of gold,
Highly curly, all knotty, oh - di - yes - yes!
Semik and Trinity - we have a holiday.
As soon as Ilya comes, the gulny begins, oh - di - yes - yes!

Game - round dance "I will go, I will go out"

Birch: They sang this call, guys, because haymaking began in the village, and from the early morning fathers and mothers left for the meadows to mow the grass. Only children and old people remained in the village. The children did not lag behind their parents, they went to the forest for mushrooms and berries.

Round dance "Mountain yylyn oz vyim"
(STRAWBERRY GROWS ON THE MOUNTAIN, translation from the Komi language)

Birch: Guys, birds flocked to our meadow, to our birch tree, whistled, chirped ... Oh, and who is this? (Bunny).

Bunny: I also want to play with you.

Round dance "Zainka, let's go to the forest"

Leading: Guys, let's tell you poems about your beloved birch tree. And you, bunny, listen.

(Reading poems)

Birch: Thanks guys. What interesting and useful do you know about me?
(Answers of children)

Bunny: Dear birch tree, how much useful we get from you every year: both juice and medicinal buds in spring, and delicious branches in summer and birch bark in winter ...

Birch: Thank you guys that a holiday dedicated to me is a custom with you. Do you think - we do not hear or see the trees? You are wrong, dear ones. Our leaves are eyes, our earrings are ears, and already with birch bark we smell so small and imperceptible that you cannot even imagine.

Bunny: Forest dwellers also live their own interesting lives and it is impossible to disturb their peace and quiet. In the forest, you can't talk loudly, shout, whistle. Therefore, only once a year there is a Birch holiday. Observe the rules of conduct in the forest, dear guys!

Hey guys step in a circle
Give your hand to a friend, friend.
Berezonka is calling us
In our merry round dance!

Round dance "We will stand in a round dance around the birch tree"

Leading: Many wonderful songs, poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings were put together by the people about the birch tree. Hear proverbs and sayings about birch:
You will warm yourself with a birch, but you will not dress.
And a birch tree has tears flowing when the bark is torn from it.

- And there are also such signs:
* If the birch is pubescent in April before everyone else, expect a dry summer.
* A lot of sap flows from birch - by a rainy summer.
* The nightingale will sing when he can drink dew from a birch leaf.

- Guess the riddle:
Not caring about the weather, he walks in a white sundress,
And on one of their warm days, May gives her earrings.

6 child: A slender beauty is famous in all countries:
White clothes, gold earrings
With an unbraided braid, washed with dew.
The wind moves the strands, it does not order to braid them.

Leading: We dressed up a birch tree, and it became even more beautiful. And now it's time, and desires to make plans! (Everyone closes their eyes and makes a wish)... And in order for them to come true, you need to give gifts to the birch tree. (The guys put cookies, sweets, shangi under the birch tree, they give it to the birch tree).

Birch: Thanks guys! I am glad that you visited me and warmed me with your songs, poems, round dances, the warmth of your hearts. Thanks for gifts! And here are my treats for you. (Distributes candy, thanks for the round dances, poems and songs)... Until next time!

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end, but we will come to visit our birch tree more than once. Thanks guys!

Birch observation plan

Week 1: Find a birch tree on the site. A lot of them. Choose a tree for constant monitoring, give a "name". Compare parts of our body and wood. What is the height of the birch tree? Hug the trunk.

2 week: Find out what a tree needs to grow? (Water, heat, light, air, earth). Take a picture with a birch, remember the "name" of the tree and whisper yours to him.

3 week: To get acquainted with the neighbors of our birch tree - aspen and mountain ash. Examine them, find parts: trunk, branches, leaves. Explore rowan berries. What do they look like? What color are they?

4 week: Examine birch leaves. Are there many or few of them? What color are they? Birch dressed up in a "yellow dress". What color are our clothes? Circle the outline of the leaf with your finger: what are its edges (jagged, smooth)? Is the tip sharp or dull? Collect the leaves, put them to dry. Admire the beauty of the autumn birch tree.

Week 1:
Examine the bark. Pat, what is it: smooth or rough? What color is the bark? Is it warm or cold? Why do we need clothes? The bark is a clothing near the birch, called birch bark. Sniff what the barrel smells like? Look at the top of the tree, what color is the top of the trunk?

2 week: Examine the roots: try to pull the tree out of the ground. What keeps him? Why are roots needed? In order for a tree to grow, it needs not only heat and water, but also food, which the roots "extract" from the ground. Examine the bottom of the trunk and roots.

3 week: Continue looking at the leaves. Find birch leaves of different size and color. Compare the size and shape of birch and aspen leaves. Collect colorful leaves to dry.

4 week: Explore birch in different weather (rainy, sunny, frosty). What living creatures can a birch tree help to hide from the rain? Sniff a tree in rainy and sunny weather. Consider the frost on the trees in the morning. What it is? Where did he come from? When does it appear? What colour?

Week 1:
Was the tree delighted with the first snow? Will the birch be warm under the snow? Does snow help the tree? (Covers the birch tree like a blanket, and she sleeps in winter).

2 week: Examine the tree. Where did the leaves go? (Birch stands naked)... Is the tree sad or funny? How do trees prepare for winter? (Throw off their outfit and fall asleep)... Why don't the leaves grow in the fall? What is missing from the tree? (Sunshine, warmth).

3 week: Find out how a person uses birch?
Birch firewood is the best for a stove: it gives a lot of heat and does not burn out for a long time - not like aspen or spruce.
Furniture and wooden dishes are made of wood.
Folk craftsmen make birch bark tues, boxes and various interesting things.

4 week: Continue to find out with the children how the person uses the birch.
Birches are used to weave baskets, brooms and brooms.
A birch broom in the bath drives all ailments out of a sick person. Birch buds are used to prepare medicines for many diseases.
And the birch juice is tasty and healthy!
And how many mushrooms there are in the birch forest!
Birch - people and feeds, and watered, and heals, and warms, and pleases with beauty.

Week 1:
Explore the snow around the tree. Is it clean or dirty? Take a sample of snow in a group so that it melts. Consider melt water. Is it clean and dirty?

Does snow help the tree? Measure its depth with a stick. The more snow, the warmer the tree in winter. What color is the snow?

2 week: Hang a feeder on a birch tree. Explain that a tree is a dining room and a home for animals. What kind of food do birds like? What do you need to bring to sparrows, titmouses? Consider the appearance of birds arriving at the feeder. Mark their features: they fly, have wings, beaks, etc.

3 week: Watch the birch trees during the snowfall. Consider, touch the snow. What snow? (Cold, wet, free-flowing, ...) What colour? Consider the snowflakes on the palm. What do they look like? What do the snowflakes turn into on the palm of your hand?

4 week: Prepare gifts for the birch tree for the New Year - colored ice. Decorate the tree with them. Congratulate on the holiday, read a poem "White Birch" S. Yesenin.

Did the birch tree like the gifts?

Week 1:
Watching the tree in windy and calm weather. What does birch do in winter? (Sleeps, rests). Does the wind get in the way? Observe how the branches sway and bend. What kind of weather does birch like best: windy or calm?

2 week: Add feed to the feeders. Watch the birds. Compare the appearance, habits of a sparrow and a dove. Note their features: the presence of wings, beaks. Why is it difficult for birds to find food in winter?

3 week: Learning the poem by S. Yesenin "White Birch". Read to a tree, is it pleasant for a birch to listen to a poem? What is her mood on this cold winter day?

4 week: Watching a birch tree during a snowfall. What color did our birch wear in the "dress"? Is it warm for her in such an outfit? How does snow help a tree? (Saves roots from freezing, covers them)... Measure the snow with a stick as in December and compare the results.

Week 1:
Observing the snow. What color is the snow under the tree? (White). Consider the snow in the sun. (Shines, shimmers). Is the snow clear under the tree? Are there any traces of dirt on it? (Recall the experience carried out in December. Repeat).

2 week: Observation of the trunk and branches of a birch. Compare the trunk and branches with your body: the trunk is the body, the branches of the arms. Is the trunk of a birch thick or thin? How can this be verified? (Grasp the trunk with your hands) The trunk is thin. Then hug the aspen. What is its trunk? Thick.

3 week: Observing the sun. Does it warm in winter? (No, it's cold in winter, so the children are dressed in fur coats and felt boots) Discuss with the children where the insects hid in winter? (Under the ground, under the bark of a tree) What are they doing there? (Sleeping) The sun does not warm, they do not want to go out. See the cracks in the trees.

4 week: Watching the trees. Emphasize that children are growing and the birch is growing. She is alive, just like us. Therefore, there is no need to break branches, damage the bark. What do we do when we cut ourselves? And if a birch tree has a cut in the bark, what should be done? And if the branch breaks off?

Week 1:
Continue to observe the feeder. What birds fly to the tree? What food do they like best? What do sparrows, tits, pigeons eat? What color are the feathers of the tit? Dove? Which one is bigger? What helps birds fly? Can we fly? Why?

2 week: Observing the sun. Does it give a lot of light? Does it warm well? What kind of clothes do the children wear? Why did they take off their boots? Is the birch happy with spring? Why? What happens to her at this time of year? What's her mood? (Cheerful, sunny, joyful, good)

3 week: Examine the trunk. What has he become? (Stroke, snuggle your cheek) And if you hug it with your hands, you can say that the trunk ... Examine the bark and recall previous studies.

4 week: Watching snow melt. Where does it melt the fastest? (By the trunk of the trees) Birch wants to "drink", other trees too. (Look at her neighbors: aspen, mountain ash) The roots of the trees absorb water. Measure the depth of snow near the birch with a stick, compare with previous results.

Week 1:
Observation of the kidneys. Birch woke up, and her kidneys appeared. Touch them carefully. What are they: smooth, sticky, small? What do they smell like? Do children know about the healing properties of birch buds? Trace how the leaves appear from the buds.

2 week: Observation of streams on the site. Where do streams, puddles come from? (Snow melts, turns to water) Find out where the streams run, towards the birches or not. Make boats. Check if the little brooks will bring boats to our birch tree? And to other trees?

3 week: Study the soil. After the snow has melted, observe the fallen leaves. Remember what they were like in the fall (see the herbarium), compare, mark changes. Explain to the children that all the valuable nutrients that were in the leaves have returned back to the ground. The roots of the trees provide food and the tree grows.

4 week: Discuss with the children if the birch loves rain. Can rain water the plants? What is the "mood" of the tree during the rain? Does the color of the bark and leaves change after rain? Does the tree help any animals to shelter from the rain? Where can they hide? (Under the leaves, in the cracks in the bark) Whose umbrella is the tree?

Week 1:
Examine the leaves. Invite the children to stroke the leaf with their hands, first from above, then from below. What is it: smooth, rough, prickly? Touch the tip of the leaf. Is it sharp or dull? Hard or soft? Run your finger along its circumference. Is it a smooth or notched edge?

2 week: Check soil moisture. Take a stick and try to stick it into the ground by the tree. Is it easy or difficult to do it? If the land is dry, what can we do? How to help a birch tree?

3 week: Check before the rain if earthworms have appeared near the birch. Watch them crawl, touch them. Earthworms loosen the soil, recycle decaying foliage, which means they help the tree. If the worm is on the path, move it under the tree so that no one steps on it.

4 week: Celebrate the Day of the Birch Tree. Songs, dances, games around the tree. Invite "sun", "rain" to visit.

Children's stories about birch

A birch tree grows on our site. Her name is Alyonushka. She is tall and curvy. The bark of the birch is white with black spots, rough and hard. The branches of the birch are brown in color, they have buds. Leaves will soon appear from the bud. Rims are woven from birch bark, jewelry and small figures are made. Birch sap is collected in the spring. Brooms are made from the branches for a bath. Our birch is beautiful, it purifies the air for all of us.
(Karmanova Varya)

There are a lot of birches growing on our site. One of them is very beautiful, it grows in the middle of the site. She has fluffy branches. On the branches, the buds wake up, leaves appear from them, then fall off in the fall, and reappear in the spring. The trunk of the birch is white with black spots. Its bark is rough, very hard. In spring, people collect birch sap, and birch trees also purify the air. Their birch branches make brooms for the steam room. And birch wood is used to heat the stoves when it's cold.
(Odintsov Leon)

Birches grow around our garden. On our site, there is a birch tree right in the middle. She is very tall and slender. The trunk of the birch is white - black, there are many branches, they are brown. There are buds on the branches, from which leaves will bloom later. Birch branches are used to make brooms, and bark is used to make various musical instruments and decorations. Little splinters are made from birch firewood. In the city, birches purify the air.
(Fuchko Nastya)

The birch is a deciduous tree. She will soon have leaves and earrings. The birch is thin, beautiful, white-trunked. The tree feeds itself with its roots, holds on to the ground. There are black pockets on the white trunk. Boletus mushrooms grow in the forest under a birch. Juice is taken from the birch. Various decorations are made from birch bark, birch bark: headbands, bracelets, rings, beads. Birch branches are used to make brooms to steam in the bath. Mushrooms grow on a birch - chaga, a decoction is made from it. Birch is a necessary and useful tree.
(Isachenko Veronika)

Birches grow near our garden. And in the middle of the site grows the tallest, most beautiful birch. She has a white and black trunk, very hard. The branches are long. The bark of a birch is hard, called birch bark. Birch bark is used to make all kinds of jewelry, folk musical instruments, dishes. Firewood is made from the trunk of a birch, and brooms are knitted from the branches.
(Kolesov Egor)

There is a birch tree on our site. She is tall, slender, white trunk with black pockets. Soon, green leaves and earrings will appear on the branches. In summer, the birch will be all green - green. Various dishes are made from birch bark. Very tasty and healthy birch sap. Birch is a symbol of our Motherland!
(Pertseva Julia)

There are many birches on our site, they grow almost everywhere, they purify the air. She is slim, white-barreled with black pockets. There are many branches on it, soon there will be leaves on the branches. They are green in summer and yellow in autumn. Birch gives juice, it is useful. Many wooden toys can be made from birch. Steaming with birch brooms in the bath, strengthens health. Birch is a symbol of our country.
(Shkodnik Edward)

Birches grow on our site. The birch is dressed in a white dress with black pockets. In the summer, the birch has a green dress, and in the fall - a yellow one. In winter, she is all white. Toys and dishes are made from birch bark. The birch bark is used to heat the stove. The birch tree is our best and favorite tree. Poets have written many poems about her.
(Ivanova Christina)


1. Nikolaeva Young ecologist. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group for school. For work with children 6-7 years old.
2. Ryzhova N. "Our home is nature": on environmental benefits for children 5-7 years old.

Authors: Maltseva Nadezhda Borisovna,
educator of the highest qualification category,
Alena Rudolfovna Dubova,
educator of the first qualification category,
Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
kindergarten number 93 "Berezka",

Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia

In modern conditions project training is considered as developing, based on the sequential implementation of complex educational projects with information pauses for the assimilation of basic theoretical knowledge.

The fundamentals of project-based learning were developed and tested by an American scientist John Dewey (1859-1952).

The main task of education is the actual study of the surrounding life. The educator and the children walk this path together, from project to project. D. Dewey understood the project as gradually becoming more complicated practical tasks planned and performed by children. This is how a new didactic method was developed - the project method.

A high level of search activity is a specific distinction of a person.

The project performed by children, D. Dewey notes, should arouse their enthusiasm, captivate, come from the heart. Then the need for knowledge will be realized and they will be better assimilated. Working on a project, children learn to set a goal, select the means to achieve it, evaluate the consequences, make decisions and take responsibility for them, learn to think, i.e. develop intellectually. Since the project method is a system of gradually becoming more complex practical tasks, there is a continuous restructuring of the child's experience, the deepening of his knowledge and improvement of his skills, such personality qualities as independence, initiative, curiosity, interaction experience, etc. develop.

Thus, we can formulate the main theoretical positions of project learning as follows:

  1. The focus is on the child.
  2. The educational process is built in the logic of activity, which has a personal meaning for the child, which increases his motivation to learn.
  3. The individual pace of work on the project ensures that each child reaches his own level of development.
  4. Deeply conscious assimilation of basic knowledge is ensured through their universal use in different situations.

Projects can be classified on the following grounds:

1. The dominant activity in the project:

  • research project (for example, "Tree", "Birds of Our Land", etc.);
  • practice-oriented (for example, "Party at the gate", etc.);
  • creative (for example, "Flowers in a vase", "Fairy tales on the contrary", etc.);
  • game (for example, the role-playing game "Kolobok and his friends", etc.).

2. Subject-content area:

  • monoproject (within one area of ​​knowledge, one section of the program);
  • interdisciplinary (several sections of the program, several areas of knowledge).

3. Nature of contacts:

  • among children of the same group;
  • among children of several groups;
  • among children of a preschool educational institution, district, etc.

4. Number of project participants:

  • individual;
  • paired;
  • group;
  • collective.

5. Duration of the project:

  • short-term (1 or several sessions - 1-2 weeks);
  • medium-term (1-2 weeks - 1 month);
  • long-term (1 month - six months and longer).

The implementation of project-based learning in practice requires a change in the position of the teacher. From a bearer of ready-made knowledge, he turns into an organizer of an educational environment corresponding to the interests, capabilities and needs of children, providing situations of interaction with the world of people (peers, educators, etc.), a partner, a consultant.

When planning the introduction of project-based learning technology into the system of educational work with children, the following should be observed requirements to its use:

  1. The presence of a problem, a task that is significant for children in a research, creative plan.
  2. Practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the intended results.
  3. Independent activities of children.
  4. Structuring the content of the project.
  5. The use of research methods ("brainstorming", experiments, experiments, observations, etc.).

Of course, when speaking about the independent activity of children, one should make an allowance for their age. E. Evdokimova highlights three levels of project activity for preschoolers.

1. Imitative-performing (3.5-5 years).

This level is characterized by the child's lack of life experience, an insufficient level of development of intellectual and creative abilities, which does not allow him to fully demonstrate independence in choosing a problem and solving it. An active role belongs to an adult. The child is the customer of the project (through his interests and needs). The implementation of the project by the child takes place at the imitative-performing level. He is fascinated by the process of joint activities with an adult. The kid is attracted to participate in the planning of activities, the implementation of the planned plan. Then comes the joint analysis of the project, the experience of the result. The first attempts of children to solve the problem on their own should be noticed and encouraged: “You quickly came up with it!”, “It's good that you came to the rescue in time!”.

2. Developing (5-6 years old).

By the end of the fifth year of life, children are already accumulating a certain social experience: the experience of communicating with peers, various joint activities; independence, arbitrariness develops; self-control and self-esteem, they are able to adequately assess their own actions and the actions of their peers. Preschoolers accept the problem, clarify the goal, are able to choose the necessary means to achieve the result of the activity, independently find the problem that can become the starting point for the project. The help of an adult is insignificant, differentiated.

3. Creative (6-7 years old).

By the end of the sixth and seventh year of life, all aspects of the child's personality are intensively formed: moral, intellectual, emotional-volitional, effective-practical. The role of an adult is to develop and support the creative activity of children, create conditions that allow them to independently determine the goals and content of future activities, choose ways to work on a project and organize it, and determine the prospects for the development of experience.

The teacher should remember that the projective skills of children can be formed and developed only in their vigorous activity.

Project activities with preschoolers provide for adherence to a certain sequence stages:

  1. The choice of the topic of the project, its type, the number of participants.
  2. Formulation of the problem.
  3. Goal setting.
  4. Consideration of steps to achieve the goal, forms and methods of work, distribution of roles.
  5. Independent work of the project participants according to their tasks.
  6. Interim discussion of the data obtained.
  7. Protection of projects.
  8. Collective discussion, results of external evaluation, conclusions.

The topic and the problem is formed either by the teacher, relying on the interests of the children, and the children accept it; or children with the help of leading questions from an adult.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that, despite a fairly large number of "pluses", this technology has a number of significant limitations in its use in the practice of preschool education. It is quite time consuming, requires patience from the teacher, respect for the child, faith in his capabilities. Therefore, the educator should not be forced to introduce the technology of project-based teaching in the work with children. This should be a balanced decision of the teacher himself.

Ecological project "Trees of our site"

The ecological project "The Trees of Our Site" is intended for classes with children in a preparatory group for school. In terms of the number of participants, it is collective, long-term, as it is implemented within 1 month (mid-October-November). Authors - design group of kindergarten №64: Miliya Faizovna Sakhautdinova - teacher of the preparatory group.

Objective of the project: research activities to study the life of trees in relation to its ecosystem; as well as environmental protection.

To form in preschoolers elementary ideas about the life of trees, their relationships in nature.

Study the interactions of a tree with the outside world, identify the benefits and harms of the flora and fauna of the ecosystem during observations and conversations. Investigate the functional features of tree life support systems, their dependence on the season.

Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize. Reflect empirically acquired knowledge in various activities (visual, mental, play). Study the influence of human activities on the life of a tree.

Ecological project "Trees of our site", develop interest in the representatives of the flora - trees; the acquisition by children of labor skills and skills for caring for living objects; harmoniously form different types of children's attitude to nature (environmental, humane, aesthetic, cognitive).

During the implementation of the project, we pay great attention to the development of research activities of preschoolers, the regional component, the formation of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and human health. Promotes the development of children's outlook, education of love, respect for the nature of Bashkortostan.

The project includes three stages - preparatory, research and final (generalizing).

Preparatory stage.

Conversations, classes were held, parents were attracted to participate in the project, together with the children they made bird feeders to save them from the invasion of caterpillars. Together with their parents, they created an ecological album "The Trees of Our Site"; cuts of different trees; tree seeds. Together with the children, they created a plan of the site with the object of study: "Ecological trail". In the classroom on visual activities - organized the exhibition "Forest sculptures", "Tree by tree". At the musical lesson - they learned the round dance "Berezonka", the song "Kalinka", listened to the musical and poetic accompaniment by E. Verharn "From the sun's rays ...", E. Kochetkova "Tree", songs "Oak" and "Birch" I. Tokmakova.

Work with children.

Before starting work on the "Trees in Our Site" project, we had a conversation with the children about trees. We found out their ideas about trees, their relationship to them. Offer the children an acquaintance scheme:

  1. What is your tree name?
  2. How tall are you? How tall will you be when you become an adult?
  3. Do you have flowers? What seeds will ripen in the place of your flowers?
  4. Can your seeds be seen or will they be hidden in the fruit?
  5. What is your bark (color, smooth or wrinkled)?

Research phase.

Target: choose the tree that you like the most. Find out what it's called; find out if such trees grow in our forest.

Give the children a task: to get to know your tree - to go up to it, whisper your name, say its name, hug, stroke the bark, listen to what it will answer. Do they know their tree well? Children, like all people, have arms, legs, and other parts of the body. What parts does the tree have? Consider and respond. Why do people need legs, arms; tree - leaves, roots, trunk, bark?

The children have acquaintances: friends, neighbors, and by the tree? Who is running next to them? Growing up next to them? Flies to him? Invite the children to observe the environment of the tree, by reasoning: does the tree like such neighbors? Why?

In the activity class, offer to draw the neighbors of the tree.

Everyone has a family: dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather, other relatives. And by the tree? Have the children scrutinize the area next to the tree and try to find its family. Then you can draw a family portrait of a tree. Invite the children to find the place where the trunk of the tree is the widest, the narrowest.

Let them stroke the bark, press their cheeks against it. What is it - warm, cold, rough, smooth, hard, wet, dry? Children can smell the bark. If the tree is old, pay attention to the fact that the bark is thick. The bark is like clothing for us: it protects, warms and cools. Have the children hug their tree and try to pull it out of the ground. It turns out? Why not? What keeps the tree in the ground? Are the roots visible? What are they? Thick, hooked, straight, thin, hard, soft? Let the children imagine how they grow in the ground - go into the depths or are located to the sides? In the course of the work carried out to educate preschoolers about trees, about the nature of their native land, we widely used the game. Work was carried out on the basis of a regional component. We tried to reveal the uniqueness and originality of the wealth of our native land.

It was important for us that the children feel joy in their activities. Our project was built on the basis of an integrated approach, using game learning situations, games, research activities. We built our work according to the following system.


Lesson 1. Memorizing the poem by I. Bunin "Leaf fall".

Lesson 2. "The trees of our yard".

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about trees as representatives of the flora of the Earth, their beauty and benefits, to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the "green friend", to teach to take care of nature.

Lesson 3. "Autumn drops gold" - an excursion to the autumn garden.

Target: to expand children's ideas about the characteristic features of autumn, to clarify the ideas about the changes that occur in autumn in the life of trees.

Play activities.

Didactic games:

  1. Compare. Purpose: each child talks about his tree and compares it to another.
  2. "What is superfluous." Purpose: children should identify an extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).
  3. "Name the fruit." Purpose: Children must correctly indicate the fruit of this plant.
  4. "Identify the tree by leaf." Purpose: children should name a tree by leaf.
  5. "Say it differently." Purpose: to name the leaves differently (maple leaf, maple leaf, aspen leaf, etc.).
  6. Find your tree. Purpose: to teach how to find a tree by description.

Observations and research activities.

  1. Acquaintance with sounds in nature, listening to audio recordings with sounds of nature, excursions along the ecological path. Purpose: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions about objects of nature.
  2. Exploring the tree. Purpose: to teach how to identify a tree by color, shape, structure, bark, seeds, fruits.

Artistic and productive activity.

Exhibition:"Forest sculptors", "Tree by tree", "Portrait of a tree family", "Neighbors of a tree", "Autumn birch" - drawing, application: "Decorative panel from autumn leaves", "Tree of life" panel, modeling: "Rowan brush ".

Reading fiction:

  1. "Green Country" E. Serov. Purpose: to instill love for green brothers and sisters.
  2. “The Wisdom of a Tree” by A. Lopatin. Purpose: to foster respect and love for trees, that a lot can be learned from them.
  3. "Life of a Tree" A. Lopatin. Purpose: to foster respect for trees.
  4. "Lipkin's gifts" A. Lopatin. Purpose: to explain to children that trees have healing properties.

The final, summarizing stage.

The final stage is based on the final lesson: "Trees are our friends." Children consolidated their knowledge about trees, about their beauty and benefits. A respectful attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve and protect nature is cultivated.

The result of the project "Trees of our site" was the generalization of the results of our work. The project allowed children to expand their knowledge about the nature of their native land, about the benefits of trees.

Children received answers to their questions and made recommendations:

  1. All people need to take good care of trees. They are very necessary for everyone.
  2. Know the structure of a tree: root, trunk, branches, leaves.
    Love your land, love nature!

Skrebtsova Maria Vladimirovna
Lopatina Alexandra Alexandrovna


Moral and Creative Development of Personality

Now we have collected more 200 similar fairy tales and more 700 according to different
Deciduous Forest Tales
Coniferous forest fairy tales
Fairy tales about indoor flowers
Fairy tales of wildflowers and forest flowers
About medicinal herbs for children
Natural history in fairy tales
Nature through the eyes of the soul
Tales of the Golden Bee (honey and health)
About bread and cereals (tales of cereals)
Vegetable healers (tales of vegetables)
Fruit Fairy Tales (about fruit)
Berry Academy (tales of berries)
Fairy tales of a good samovar (about tea)
About nuts and chocolate.
Tales of Letters and Words
Good mathematics in fairy tales
Tales of professions and craftsmen
Paints Tell Tales (published twice)
Musical fairy tales (in preparation)
Secrets of creativity (about paintings and artists)
600 Creative games for kids and adults
Conversations and tales about the family
150 tales of good qualities (in three volumes)

We are in love with a fairy tale and it seems to us that this unique type of creativity
closest to a child's soul. A fairy tale makes a child cry and laugh
experience and hope, in one word feel. But subtly feeling
man himself is capable of creativity.

Deciduous forest


A birch tree was born somehow under an alder. The alder was delighted. She was a kind tree. All the trees were friends with her. They grew well near the alder: it enriched the soil with an amazing substance - nitrogen. So the birch tree was lucky with the nanny. Alder protected her from severe frost (she is not afraid of frost), and sheltered her from the cold wind.
A birch tree has grown and turned into a slender white-stemmed beauty. She didn't need the alder nanny. The birch tree flaunts in front of the alder with its outfits: either a spring dress, or snow-white bark. Alder never wore such outfits, and she did not have time to dress up: it is not easy to nurse a birch tree.

Once in the fall, a birch tree began to show off its golden yellow leaves in front of an alder:
- Look, alder, what dress the autumn gave me. Apparently, I deserved such an outfit with my beauty. And you, alder, autumn has forgotten. As you were green, you remain.
Alder was upset. Moreover, the birch said the truth: the leaves on the alder last until late autumn and fall green. They are never gilded like birch. And she would so like to try on, at least once, an autumn multi-colored dress!
She took pity on the autumn alder and says:
- Don't cry, alder. It is not my fault that your leaves are not stained with my colors. Mother Nature so ordered. I'll talk to her. Maybe she will comfort you.

Autumn flew to Mother Nature, told her about the alder trouble. Mother Nature says:
- I, autumn, will console the alder. She is a kind, affectionate tree, she helps many in the forest. I will appoint her as the keeper of waters: rivers, ringing streams and crystal keys. Earthly moisture is precious, no one can live without it: neither people, nor animals, nor plants. There is no fate higher than keeping this moisture for everyone.
Mother Nature kept her word. Since then, alder has been growing along the banks of rivers, streams and forest springs. Its strong roots, like living pumps, pump and pump water from the ground, do not allow it to go to great depths. And the water comes up where the key, where the streams. And one more amazing property was presented to the alder by Mother Nature. Its wood began to change from one color to another. Only cut down, it is white, after a few minutes it begins to turn red, dries up a little, becomes a pale pink color. The furniture made from this wood is amazing.

Alder no longer grieves about autumn dresses and does not take offense at a birch tree. She has no time to be offended, she has many worries: to get everyone drunk, to grow tall herbs. People say: "Where there is an alder, there is a heap of hay."
Autumn, when decorating a birch tree, always smiles at the alder and says:
- Beauty, alder, it can be different. For some it is external, while for others it is internal.



Alexandra Lopatina

In a high-rise building, under the very roof, an artist lived in the attic. His dwelling was so spacious and so high that the wind flew freely to visit him. The artist loved his attic, it seemed to him that he was hovering over the city. One thing upset him - from such a height he did not see flowers, but he loved them. Sometimes there was a bouquet of wild or forest flowers in a jar by the window, but more often it was empty, the artist worked hard and rarely went out for walks. He missed flowers and, perhaps, therefore, often saw them in his dreams, and even talked to them.
Once he dreamed of an amazing flower of unprecedented beauty. This flower did not grow in a meadow, or in a forest under a bush, but hovered in the heavenly heights and its head shone like a small sun with radiant petals, and transparent drops fell from blue leaves.

The artist opened the window, stretched out his hands to the flower and exclaimed:
"Magic flower, who filled you with such a wonderful light ?!"
And he heard in response: "Radiance of the Blessed Beauty!"
- Why are your leaves crying?
- My heart runs out with tears of pity for the sleeping souls.

The artist woke up, jumped up, threw open the window and gazed into the brightening sky for a long time, and then found a blank canvas and began to paint until the magical vision faded from his memory. He worked and worked, forgetting about food and stoves, and it was winter. But he never managed to catch a wonderful image. In desperation, he threw his brushes and went to bed, and in the morning he could not get up. His head ached, his throat hurt, the artist was getting more expensive from the cold, but there was no strength to light the stove.

Suddenly the bell rang, with difficulty the artist got up and opened the door. On the threshold stood a little girl with a large cello.
“Excuse me,” she said politely, “I came to the music lesson, but I think I got there?”
“The musician's apartment is downstairs,” the artist croaked, remembering how often the sounds of the cello woke him up at dawn. Then he returned to the room and fell into bed unconscious. The artist woke up from the fact that someone gently tried to raise his head and give him fragrant and warm tea.

The woods crackled merrily in the stove, and a warm scarf was wrapped around his throat. There was a cello in the corner, and the eyes of a little unfamiliar girl looked at him with concern. “Well, please, have a drink, this is a very useful broth, my mother always gives it to me when my throat hurts,” she begged. Artist, drank three whole cups and immediately fell asleep. All night he dreamed of the eyes of an unfamiliar girl, he felt warm and good from their radiant light, but he could not remember where he had seen them before. The artist was ill for a whole week, and the girl looked after him. She appeared after dinner, heated the stove, gave the artist tea with herbs, and sometimes played a little cello. “You know,” she apologized, “I have not yet learned how to play for real, I am still playing in my own way.”

But to the artist her music, she herself and everything that happened to him seemed like a magical dream. On the seventh day, when he woke up, he felt completely healthy. I saw an abandoned canvas in the corner and decided to paint a portrait of my little savior. He was so carried away by work that he did not notice how dinner came, and the girl again came to him. Seeing that the artist was busy, she quietly approached. A flower with a head looked at her from the canvas, like a small sun with radiant petals, and transparent drops of tears fell from the blue leaves. “What a magical flower,” the girl whispered.
“This is your portrait,” the artist replied, “I remembered where I saw you before.”

  • Why do you think the magic flower seen by the artist was crying even though it was so beautiful?
  • Have there been times in your life when you cried and worried about others, although you were doing well?
  • Have there been moments in your life when it was with happiness and joy that you wanted to cry, as if something was shrinking inside you?
  • Why did the artist recognize the magic flower he saw in a dream in the little girl?
  • What was the little girl like?
  • The artist painted the soul of a girl in the form of a magic flower. Draw the soul of your friend also in the form of a flower.
  • Do you agree that the soul of every person is the most beautiful flower in the world, and if you see it in every person, you can become the happiest person in the world?

Selected tales in the file below:

  • Fairy tales for kids 748 Kb

Project work. Topic: "We and the Trees"

Tukhvatullina Vera Petrovna, teacher of the Yulduz kindergarten MBDOU, Chistopol region. Republic of Tatarstan.
Material description: I offer you my project for children of the older group, about the meaning of trees in our life.

Age: older group (5-6 years old).
Location of the project: Republic of Tatarstan, Chistopolsky district, Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Yulduz kindergarten".
Project type: informational, practical and indicative.
Participants: educators, children of the older group (age 5-6 years), parents of pupils.
Duration: average duration.
Target: the formation of an ecological culture, which should be understood as the totality of ecological consciousness, ecological activity and feelings.
Teach children to recognize and distinguish trees in their immediate surroundings by external signs;
To form an understanding of the basic needs of a tree in light, water and air in the process of growth and development;
Clarify the idea of ​​the relationship between living and inanimate nature, the place of man in them;
To deepen knowledge about the meaning of trees in the life of all living beings, including humans;
Involve children and parents in a variety of activities in nature;
Contribute to fostering a sense of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its safety;
Continue acquaintance with poems, songs, riddles and stories about nature;
To cultivate love for nature through direct communication with it, the ability to perceive its beauty and diversity;
Promote the formation of skills for environmentally competent moral behavior.
At present, the problem of enhancing the ecological literacy of every inhabitant of our planet has been promoted to one of the first places in terms of importance. Lost direct contact with nature, people take everything from it, giving nothing in return. The barbaric attitude of both adults and children to all living things leads to an ecological disaster. The modern content of upbringing and educational work with preschool children presupposes the humanization of the entire pedagogical process. Today, environmental literacy, careful and loving attitude to nature have become the key to human survival on our planet. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind. " It is very important from an early age to develop in children the ability to contemplate nature, enjoy it, peer and listen. Solving various cognitive and practical tasks together with adults and peers, children acquire the ability to doubt, to think practically. The positive emotions experienced at the same time - surprise, joy from success, pride in the approval of adults - give the child self-confidence and encourage a new search for knowledge. Collective experiences bring children closer to each other and to adults. We must not forget that it is necessary to cultivate a respectful attitude to nature, the desire and ability to see, hear nature, get emotional pleasure from its beauty and uniqueness from early childhood. Preschool institutions are called upon to play a crucial role in this, providing full physical, mental and spiritual development, and at the same time becoming educational centers for parents.
The essence of my project is to prevent children from being indifferent to green spaces. To deepen their knowledge of the importance of trees in people's lives. Any communication with nature should contribute to broadening one's horizons, the formation of spiritual and moral personality traits, the formation of a sense of responsibility for the fate of nature - a prerequisite for ensuring environmental safety not only of our hometown, but of the entire country as a whole.
Children's ideas about the relationship between wildlife and humans will be formed provided that a system of work on environmental education is carried out using observations, didactic role-playing games, art classes, and practical interaction with the environment. Only the active participation of each of us in the protection of the environment, the need to plant at least one tree will contribute to the fact that there will be no room for indifference and cruelty in the soul. The world will be saved.
Expected Result:
Increasing the level of environmental literacy of children;
Formation of a conscious need for communication with nature;
Creation of an ecologically - developing environment at the kindergarten site;
Creation of an artistic and aesthetic environment;
Expanding children's knowledge about trees and shrubs, their importance in nature and human life;
Formation of the ability to see the variety of shades of colors in nature, to display your impressions in creative activity;
Promote more active participation of parents in kindergarten life.
Interaction of project participants.
Stages of work on the project.
- Activities of teachers;
- Children's activities;
- Activities of parents.
Preparatory stage.
They select material, equipment, fiction, illustrations. Think over the course of conversations, organizing and conducting games, observations, excursions, classes. Diagnostic examination. They get acquainted with literature, participate in games, observations. Consider poetry, riddles. They help teachers in the selection of the necessary material, replenish the developmental environment.
Problem statement (immersion in the problem). They form a problem: “Do you know that if you do not protect, do not take care of all living things, then there will be fewer trees, the air will be polluted, it will be more difficult to breathe, our health will not be strong. To prevent this from happening, let's plant trees, watch their growth, and try to become protectors of our nature. " They enter the problem, accept the tasks. They enter the problem, accept the tasks.
Practical activities.
They carry out joint work with children, including observing the life of trees, conducting research (roots, branches, buds, leaves, flowering, seeds, soil, light). Combine activities with drawing, applique, origami, games. Participate in labor activities: planting seedlings, creating conditions for their growth. They form elementary tourism skills, fix the rules of behavior in nature during excursions. They play various games, learn poems, riddles, mold, draw, design. They take part in excursions, conversations, planting tree seedlings, caring for them, collecting seeds and leaves for making herbariums. They continue to replenish the developing environment, participate in the collection of seeds and leaves of trees, make a herbarium, help children determine the sequence of work.
The final stage. Analyze and summarize the results of the work. Strengthen the knowledge of children. Diagnostic examination is carried out. Develop recommendations for educators. They are planning new directions of project activities in the preschool educational institution. Crafts for the exhibition are made from natural materials. Make up a herbarium of leaves. They take part in the preparation of new projects.
Play activities:
1. Didactic game "Compare"
Target: each child talks about his tree and compares it to another
The teacher encourages children to complete the sentences they have begun using comparative phrases.
For example:
Viburnum leaves in autumn like ... (Gold, sun)
Viburnum berries are shiny like ... (Beads, precious stones)
Kalina is good as ... (Beautiful girl, beauty, princess)
Educator. Well done. Let's admire the beautiful viburnum. How do we call the viburnum affectionately, tenderly? (Kalinka)
Kalina has long been considered a symbol of our native land. Its red bunches are decorated with loaves, which are served to dear guests, the craftswomen embroider the viburnum on festive tablecloths.

2. Didactic game "I recognize the tree"
Target: learn to find a tree by description.
The adult asks the children to name the trees he is asking about.
Which tree has white bark and is one of the first to turn yellow? (Birch)
What tree leaves resemble a goose foot? (Maple)
What tree is compared to a Cossack, a hero? (Oak)
What tree do bees collect honey from in summer? (From linden)
Which tree has needles instead of leaves? (Fur tree, pine tree)

3. Didactic game "Green World"
Pupils give answers to the questions of an adult.
Which plant has a stem? (By the tree)
What plants grow low? (Herbaceous plants, grass)
What do the leaves of trees and bushes grow on? (On twigs)
And what about the grass and flowers? (On the stem or just next to it)
What plants do birds nest on? (In the trees, sometimes in the bushes)
What part of the plant do bees and butterflies love most? (Flower)
With what part does the plant drink moisture from the ground? (Root)
What do we call plants that have medicinal properties? (Medicinal plants)

4. Didactic game "Where is what ripens?"
Target: to teach to use knowledge about plants, to compare the fruits of a tree with its leaves.
The course of the game: two branches are laid out on the flannelgraph: on one - the fruits and leaves of one plant (apple tree), on the other - the fruits and leaves of different plants. (for example, gooseberry leaves, and pear fruits) The teacher asks the question: "Which fruits will ripen and which ones will not?" children correct mistakes made in drawing up.

5. Didactic game "Wonderful bag"
The bag contains: honey, nuts, cheese, millet, apple, carrot, etc. Children get food for animals, guess who it is for, who eats what. They go to toys and treat them.

6. Didactic game "Name the plant"
The teacher offers to name the plants (third from the right or fourth from the left, etc.). Then the condition of the game is changed ("Where is the balsam?", Etc.)
The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that plants have different stems.
- Name the plants with straight stems, curly, stemless. How should you care for them? How else do plants differ from each other?
- What do violet leaves look like? What do the leaves of balsam, ficus, etc. look like?

7. Didactic game "What is superfluous."
Target: children should identify an extra object (oak, aspen, maple, spruce, chamomile).

Outdoor games on the site:
Find your tree. Target: The game requires the participation of several children. Before starting the game, talk with the children about trees, what different trees look like, how they differ from each other (trunk, leaf shape, color and thickness of the trunk, branches, etc.) Divide the children into several groups, each becomes at a certain wood. Draw the attention of the children to which tree they are standing by, ask them to name it. Then, at your signal, everyone scatters in different directions. When an adult says: "Find your tree!", The children should gather in groups to the trees where they stood before the start of the game.

"Find the same sheet." Target: You can play this game together with your child, you can - with a group of children. During this game, children not only develop their activity, but also get acquainted with nature. Show the child a maple or birch leaf, examine it carefully. Invite the children to scatter in different directions, find the same leaves and bring them. When repeating, the task is given each time to find the leaves of another tree.

"Forest tags". Target: Children play tag games with the following conditions: you can’t kill a player with his back to a tree; two players cannot be salted if they joined hands and surrounded a tree; you can’t grease those who are able to grab a tree with their hands or hang on it.

"From tree to tree". Target: Children take turns jumping on two or one legs from tree to tree. How many jumps will have to be made to reach the goal?

Observations and research activities.

1. Acquaintance with sounds in nature, listening to audio recordings with sounds of nature, excursions along the ecological path.
Purpose: to teach children to identify sounds in nature, to consolidate the ability to observe, compare, analyze, draw conclusions about objects of nature.
2. Exploring the tree.
Purpose: to teach how to identify a tree by color, shape, structure, bark, seeds, fruits.

Artistic and productive activity.

"Forest sculptors", "Tree by tree", "Portrait of a tree family", "Neighbors of a tree", "Autumn birch" - drawing, application: "Decorative panel from autumn leaves", "Tree of life" panel, modeling: "Rowan brush ".

Reading fiction:
1. "Green Country" E. Serov.
Purpose: to instill love for green brothers and sisters.
2. “The Wisdom of a Tree” by A. Lopatin.
Purpose: to foster respect and love for trees, that a lot can be learned from them.
3. "Life of a Tree" A. Lopatin.
Purpose: to foster respect for trees.
4. "Lipkin's gifts" A. Lopatin.
Purpose: to explain to children that trees have healing properties.

Organized activities:

Conversation "What do we know about trees and about birch in particular?"
Target: Find out what children know about trees in general and about birch in particular. Deepen your interest in birch, lead to the idea that birch wants to be friends with people.
1. How are trees different from other plants?
2. What trees do you know?
3. Are the trees alive? Why do you think so?
4. Are there many trees near the kindergarten? What are their names?
5. Are there many trees near your home? What are their names?
6. Who is planting the trees? For what?
7. What is the name of the forest in which only birches grow?
8. Where is better for trees - in the forest or in the city?
9. How can you determine the age of a birch?
10. Have trees ever helped you? And you to them? Give examples.
11. Let's pretend that the trees have disappeared. What will happen on Earth? Why can trees disappear?

Educator's story "How was birch used in ancient times?"
Target: lead children to understand that trees are of great importance in human life. Introduce how birch was used in antiquity.
Our ancestors lit houses with a birch torch. Patients were treated with birch sap. The wheels of the cart were greased with tar, which was made from birch. Wooden toys, wooden sculptures, spoons were made from birch, tuyeski from birch bark (they carried water, kvass), baskets for berries and mushrooms. They wrote on birch bark. Nowadays, birch is used in construction, furniture, plywood, skis are made from it, yellow and green paint is made from birch leaves, medicines are made from buds.

Conversation "The relationship of wood with living and inanimate nature."
Target: To deepen the understanding of the relationship between living and inanimate nature and the factors that affect the life of a birch.
- Can a tree live without light? (Light, like an artist, paints the leaves green.)
- Does the birch grow in an open or shaded area?
- Can a tree live without heat? (The amount of heat affects the beginning of the appearance of leaves on trees.)
- What happens to the trees in winter? (In winter, trees do not grow - they fall asleep. And the trees are protected from the cold by cork fabric, which does not allow water or air to pass out.)
- What else cannot trees live without? (Without water, they drink water like people. The tree receives water with rain, with melt water, it drinks it from the ground - the soil.)
- Trees just like we must breathe. They breathe through small holes in the leaves, so small that they are invisible.)
- Trees need clean air: they die from dirty air. At the same time, the trees themselves purify the air, making it suitable for humans and other living beings.
- Does a tree need birds? (Birds eat a variety of insects that can harm the tree.)
- The wind carries birch seeds.
- Earthworms participate in the formation of the soil, "pass" lumps of earth, dry leaves through themselves, loosen the soil, making it suitable for the development of plants.
- What do the trees get sick from? (This means that harmful insects have settled on the bark. This can be seen if you look at the back side of the bark - the moves made by pests.)
- How can you determine the age of a birch? (On the bark: the older the tree, the harder and thicker the bark, so old trees are easier to tolerate frost.

Conversation "The beauty of nature is priceless."
Target: let the children understand that no money can buy a beautiful tree. It needs to be planted and a lot of efforts must be made so that it does not die, but takes root and grows. To foster love and respect for nature.
Complex lesson in the senior group "I love the Russian birch tree." (see the appendix)
Experiments: "Observing changes in poplar and lilac branches in a vase of water", "How trees save us from the heat."
Compilation of the herbarium of the trees of the site.

Consultation on the topic "Nature as an educator".(see the appendix)
Participation of parents in the "Plant a tree" campaign.
Making joint crafts with children:
Decorating a corner of nature with beautiful plants.
Origami making - "Fir-tree".
Mosaic - "Tree".
Proverbs, sayings about trees.
Guessing riddles.
Children inventing riddles.
Reading poems, stories, fairy tales about trees:
T. A. Shorygina “Trees. What are they? ", A. Prokofiev" Birch ", N. Nekrasov" Green noise ", I. Tokmakova" Oak ", A. Tvardovsky" Forest in autumn ", I. Sokolov - Mikitov" Listopadnichek ".
Learning: I. Bunin "Leaf fall".
Drawing: "Lilac is blooming", "A tree branch in a vase", "Autumn landscape".
Modeling "Leaf".
Application "Autumn carpet".
Hearing: PI Tchaikovsky - a cycle of works "The Seasons", memorizing songs about trees.
Tour of the kindergarten site.
Examining the seeds of various trees.
Environmental observations.
Target- to form an idea of ​​animals and plants as living organisms, to show the relationships that exist in nature. It is important to consider the observed object from all points of view. So, observing plants, you can highlight interesting information about their names, classification (tree, shrub), about their appearance, purpose, conditions of their growth; trees as habitats and food for birds; methods of seed distribution, reproduction; the importance in human life of how a person helps plants; rules of behavior in nature. Environmental knowledge is the basis of environmental awareness through the involvement of children in practical activities.
Ecological excursions.
Target- find answers to the questions posed, accumulate information, learn to observe, “read” the book of nature.
The content of excursions can be a survey of the nearest area to form ideas about the surrounding natural conditions, the ecological situation, the presence of plants. During excursions, you can collect natural material for collections. The results are presented in the form of albums, drawings, collections.
Thinking lessons.
It will make it easier to answer various questions, for example: “Why do leaves change their color? "," Why does the tree have green needles? "," What do trees eat? ". A prerequisite should be a combination of cognitive activity with practical, forming the interest of children. The walks are combined with a fascinating story, with a minor inclusion of works of art. This gives children a sense of nature.
Compiling collections of natural materials and herbariums helps to attract the attention of children to the world around them. It should not harm nature. Collecting can start conversations about the natural resources of the region, about their use, can form the basis of exhibitions, museums organized by children.
Lessons in kindness.
Target- To develop an interest in nature, to form a positive attitude towards it, a desire to take care of it and take care of it, to foster sensitivity and a sense of empathy. Kindness lessons can vary in scope. They are carried out both individually and with a group of children.
Discussion and replay of situations.
This form of work contributes to the consolidation in the mind of the norms and rules of behavior in nature. The topics of such conversations can also be varied.
Forms of work with parents.
The result is:
While working on the Trees Around Us environmental project:
children have an increased interest in nature;
knowledge about trees and shrubs was consolidated and refined;
there was a desire to learn more about trees;
a benevolent attitude towards all living things was formed;
increased mental and speech activity;
children learned to draw conclusions on their own;
aesthetic taste has been formed;
they used knowledge and impressions in practice and from activity;
parents took an active part in the improvement of the kindergarten site, planting young seedlings;
organizing an exhibition of handicrafts made from natural materials;
Questionnaire: On the basis of this project, it is possible to develop other environmental projects, such as: "From seeds to trees", "Inhabitants of gardens and forests".

Consultation "Nature as an educator".
The upbringing of the correct attitude of children to nature, the ability to carefully handle animal beings, can be fully implemented in the preschool period only if the system of work in the kindergarten is combined with the impact on the child in the family.
In kindergarten, educators pay great attention to instilling the skills of caring for plants, animals, birds.
A wonderful teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “Man has always been and remains a son of nature, and what makes him related to nature should be used to familiarize him with the wealth of spiritual culture. The world around the child is, first of all, the natural world with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the source of children's intelligence. All children are naturally inquisitive. The range of their interests is very wide. Among the questions that they ask us adults, there are those that are caused by various phenomena, objects of nature. To better understand all living things that surrounds us, parents need to be more often in the field, in the meadow, in the forest, by the river, in the park, to be able to see the beauty in everything and notice everything interesting. How the first leaves bloom, why is the spruce very green in winter, while others have fallen leaves. It depends on us adults whether the child will be inquisitive, how his speech develops. The more the child saw and understood, the brighter and more imaginative his speech, the more willingly he communicates with peers, the easier it is to get in touch with adults. The ability to express your thoughts helps you do better at school. He will in fact be convinced that not a single phenomenon arises for no reason, by itself, and nothing disappears without a trace. In the process of systematic purposeful observation, the child learns to think and answer the questions "Why?"
And even if such work is difficult, difficult, but as a result of it, in the mind of a child from early childhood, the foundations of curiosity, inquisitiveness, the ability to think logically, to draw conclusions, conclusions are laid.
Children love to go to the forest with adults, do not forget to say hello to him: "Hello, forest, dense forest full of fairy tales and miracles!", And leaving to say goodbye to him:
The sun is hiding in the fog
Dense forest goodbye!
You protected us from the heat
Gave health, fresh strength
And he treated me to a present.
You should always remind children, only those who walk slowly, step inaudibly, see and hear a lot, then he will see a lot, how the leaves rustle, the dew on the grass, the squirrel is eating sweet strawberries, and the birds are feeding their chicks, and here is the hedgehog with hedgehogs. Play a game with the children: "Forest Smells". First, invite the children to smell how strawberries, moss, mint leaves, chamomile, etc., smell. First, take 2-3 plants, and then more, the children will sniff, and then they will
with the eyes of what a plant smells. Remember riddles, small poems about plants, omens.
If you have swept the anthill - observe the life of the ants, how friendly they are, they piled on a caterpillar in a heap, drag it to their house - they clear the forest of pests. Treat them with sugar or candy and watch how they like sweets.
You can go to the forest at different times of the year and admire it, notice problems and fix them. Remove dry branches on the path, tie up a broken branch, plant a tree.
The right thing to do is done by those parents who, while walking, deal with nature and the child. "Look how beautiful it is!", "What a white, fluffy snow today!" etc.
After playing with snow, the children return home joyful. It's warm and cozy here.
Pies are often baked at home on Sundays, and the bakery smells of bread. Give the children an impetus to think by saying the saying: "A lot of snow, a lot of bread", "Snow has blown - bread has blown." Show the children a field of grain at different times of the year, explain why they say: “Bread is the head of everything”; therefore, it must be protected. Tell how many people are working so that this fragrant loaf of bread comes to our table. Everyone, even the smallest child, should take care of bread.
And who has animals at home do not forget to feed them. First, together with you, dear dads and mothers, and then it will become a habit and your child will do everything himself.
The ability to see and understand another living creature, the subtle movement of a child's soul, depends on interest in a plant, an animal - on the degree of development of observation, moral feelings. This is where the responsibility for all life on the planet begins. When we, adults, say (do not tear, do not trample, do not break, do not touch, etc.) it is necessary to explain why "Do not tear." To expand and consolidate knowledge about ecology, it is necessary to look at pictures, observe flora and fauna, and read fiction.
We must always remember to all adults and children that the Earth is our common home, a person living in this house must be kind, take care so that all living things are good.

“Our planet Earth,
Very generous and rich
Mountains, forests and fields
Home is our dear friends!
Let's take care of the planet together.
There is no other such in the world.
Let us dissolve clouds and smoke over it.
We will not give it to anyone in offense.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.
From this we will only become kinder.
We will decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,
We need such a planet. "

Complex lesson in the senior group "I love the Russian birch tree"
Target: continue to form children's interest in their native nature; generalize knowledge about a birch; to expand children's ideas about the image of birch in poetry, music, works of fine art; to cultivate love for the Russian birch.
Material for the lesson:
Illustration depicting a birch.
A tape recorder with an audio recording of the song "There was a birch tree in the field" (Russian folk song), "The Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan “Spring. Big Water "," Golden Autumn ", K. Juno" March Sun ". I. Grabar "February Azure", I. Shishkin "Wilderness".

Course of the lesson
Alenka is standing, a green handkerchief,
Thin waist, white sundress. (Birch)
The teacher proposes to consider an illustration depicting a birch.
- How can we recognize a birch at any time of the year? (White trunk only in birch.)
- What is the popular name for a birch? (Russian, white-barreled, curly, smart, golden, beloved.)
- What kind of birch leaves are there? (Green, emerald, gooey, gold.)
- Of all the trees in the Russian forest, our birch is the sweetest. The birch groves are good and clean. White trunks are covered with thin birch bark. There is a special day in Russian nature when young foliage begins to bloom on birches. You will enter the forest and gasp with joy: the forest edges are covered with a gentle green haze. What's the beautiful! What bliss!
- With whom in Russia was the beauty - a birch - compared? (With a girl who has a thin, flexible waist, with a bride.)
- In June, Russia celebrated the holiday "Russian birch". In the morning, a bright colorful crowd headed towards the birch grove. The girls chose one of the birches and decorated it, tied shreds and ribbons to the branches, hung gingerbread and sweets. They danced around, danced, played games.
- A lot of poems and songs have been composed about the white-trunk beauty.
Listening to the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field."
- Now let's read the poems about birch.
Reading poems: A. Prokofiev "I love the Russian birch", S. Yesenin "White birch".
- Many talented landscape painters captured birch in their paintings. She is good in her own way at different times of the year!
I invite children to look at reproductions of paintings and tell about them.
- In the paintings of the artists, the birches are straight, slender, white-trunked.
- Our beauty - a birch tree can predict the weather. Listen to the signs:
If a lot of sap flows from the birch in the spring - to a rainy summer.
If birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top in autumn, spring will be early.
The birch in front of the alder will dissolve the leaf - the summer will be dry, the alder in front of the birch - wet.
The collective application "Birch" is performed to the accompaniment of Russian folk melodies.

Used Books:
1. A.S. Gerasimova, O.S. Zhukova "Great encyclopedia of preschoolers", Moscow "OLMA Media Group" 2007
2. SN Nikolaeva "Young ecologist". Environmental education program in kindergarten, Moscow "Mosaic-Sintez" 2010
3. A. Dietrich, G. Yurmin, R. Koshurnikova "Why Much", Moscow "Pedagogy - Press" 2006
4. A. I. Ivanova "Environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten", Moscow TC "Sphere" 2009
5. TS Komarova "Visual activity in kindergarten", Education 1973
6. MN Sigimova "Cognition of the world of plants", Childhood press 2010
7. T. A. Shorygina “Trees. What are they? ", Moscow 2006
8. OA Solomennikova "Environmental education in kindergarten" Program and guidelines for classes with children 2-7 years old, Moscow "Mosaic - Synthesis" 2010

Zhuravkova Tatyana Sergeevna, educator of the highest qualification category MDOBU D / S No. 3 "Yolochka", Lesozavodsk, Primorsky Territory.

Project passport.
Project name: "The trees of our site"

Project participants: educator, children of the older group, parents

Direction of the project: cognitive - research, short-term

Areas of the project close to the topic: socialization, communication, artistic creativity, speech development

Target audience: targeted at ages 5-6

The aim of the project is to study the life of trees, their relationship in nature, as well as natural conservation activities.


Study the interaction of a tree with the outside world
Investigate the functional features of tree life support systems, their dependence on the seasons
To form environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and human health

Develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize

To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the surrounding nature, the desire to take care
8. Project questions:
What is your name, tree?
What are your seeds?
How tall will you be when you become an adult?
9. Project resources: informational, methodological
10. Necessary equipment: illustrations, books
11. Relevance: by implementing the project, "The trees of our site", children will develop an interest in representatives of the flora, trees; work skill and ability to care for living objects, a different approach of children to nature has been formed (environmental, aesthetic, humane and cognitive)
12. Expected result: creation of an ecological album together with the parents "The trees of our site", the exhibition "Forest sculptures"

Stages of work on the project:

Stage 1. Preparatory. Duration 1 week.

Stage 2. Basic. Duration 1 week

Target Form of work Result
Expand the children's understanding of the trees growing in the kindergarten area Observation: "What trees grow on our site?" Children got an idea about the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten, their structure, appearance
Teach children to find similarities and differences in tree bark Research activity "Examination, comparison of tree bark"
Teach children to find similarities and differences in tree seeds Research activity "Examining and comparing tree seeds" Children will gain the necessary knowledge through research activities
Learn to compare and compose a story about a tree Didactic games: "Compare" Children learned to compare and compose a short story about a tree
Identify an extra item D. and: "What is superfluous" Children have learned to identify an extra object
Indicate the fruit of the plant D. and: "Name the fruit" Children learned to recognize and name the fruits of plants
Find a tree by description D. and: "Find your tree" Children learned to find a tree by description
Teach children to draw a birch Drawing "Birch" Children learned to draw a birch at different times of the year
Teach children to make panels from autumn leaves Application "panel of autumn leaves" Children learned to make panels from autumn leaves

Stage 3. Final. Duration 3 days

Product Description: Exhibition "Forest Sculptures"
During the project, parents and children were invited to participate in the Forest Sculptures exhibition. The works were made from natural materials. Parents and children have shown imagination, creative imagination, the ability to take an extraordinary approach to business. Positive emotions were created in children and parents from the impressions received.

1. "Wisdom of a tree" A. Lopatin
2. "Life of a tree" A. Lopatin
3. "Green Country" E. Serov

Appendices 1.

Observation: "What trees grow on our site?"

Observation progress:
1. What is your tree's name? (Hug, stroke the bark. Hear what the tree will answer.)
2. Children, like all people, have arms, legs, and other parts of the body. What parts does the tree have? (Consider and answer.)
3. Why do people need legs and arms? Tree leaves, trunk, bark.
4. Children have acquaintances: friends, neighbors. And by the tree?
5. Who runs, grows next to him, flies to him?
6. Observing the environment of the tree. Determine if the tree likes its neighbors? Why?

Appendix 2.

Research activities:

"Examining, comparing the bark of a tree":
1. Consider which bark is (warm, cold, rough, smooth, hard, wet, dry, thick, thin).
2. Smell the bark.
3. What is tree bark for?

"Examining and Comparing Tree Seeds":
1. What do seeds look like?
2. What tree are these seeds from?

Appendix 3.

Lesson "Trees are our friends".

Software content: to form elementary ideas about the life of trees, their relationship in nature; teach to explore the functional features of the life support systems of the tree, their dependence on the seasons; develop imagination, creativity, cognitive interest, thinking, the ability to analyze, generalize. To foster a respectful attitude towards nature, the desire to preserve and protect nature.

Vocabulary work: on the crown, rough, needles, multiplies, leaf fall, coloring, adaptation, birch grove, aspen grove,

Preliminary work: talking about trees, exploring the tree, memorizing poetry about trees, excursion to the autumn garden, using didactic games; observation, reading fiction, viewing illustrations, paintings, listening to a recording.

Course of the lesson:
-Guys! Today we will go to our site to visit friends.
-Our friends are trees!
-Look, there are a lot of old, tall trees on our site.
-Who will tell me: - "What trees grow on our site?"
(Children: poplar, birch, spruce, mountain ash, maple.)

The first child comes out(reads the poem "The Structure of a Tree" by S.A. Vasiliev):
“The tree is powerful, the tree is strong,
After all, it is anchored in the ground by its roots. Consider it in more detail, see do not be lazy: The trunk is a support for the tree, it runs upward. You touch the hard tree bark. Protects reliably
she is a tree in a forest. Creates coolness under the tree
leaves, They grew out of a bud in the early spring.
Gently touch the leaves on the branches, But with a Christmas tree needle, look, do not prick! "
-And who can list the parts of the tree that are mentioned in the poem? (Child - the tree has roots, trunk, branches, leaves) - What is the tree trunk covered with? (Child - the trunk is covered with bark)
- What does a tree need roots, bark for? (Child - through the roots of the tree
gets food from the ground, the bark protects the trunk of the tree). - Well done!
Correctly named the structure of the tree.

And what is this tree?

The second child comes out:
"The leaves are scattered by a golden blizzard, I'm in the park
I sit and dream about something.
Above the bench, an old maple leaf is spinning And slowly falls on my palm. Autumn maples - round dances,
Both yellow and red in the midst of bad weather. I will find
green drop of color
Like a glimpse of the last summer bygone. "
(S.A. Vasilieva)

Guys! Pay attention to the shape and size of the maple leaves. What are they? (Children are large, star-like leaves, green in summer and autumn ...)
-What color are maple leaves in autumn? (Children - yellow, red)
-And if the leaf is of two colors, what can it be? (Children are yellow-red,
yellow-green leaf)
-And now what tree have we come to?

The third child comes out:
“A century-old poplar has grown under the window, in the summer it rustles with green foliage. Walking around the city, you will meet his fluff. Hundreds of white flies are flying over the street. "
(S.A. Vasilyeva.)
- Poplar is a tree that grows in the city.
-How can we tell about him what kind of tree it is? (Children: poplar is an urban tree)
-What are trees for in the city? (Children: tree leaves absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Thus, they purify the city air)
-What is the name of the trees on which the needles grow? (Children: conifers.)
-What kind of conifers do you know? (spruce, pine, fir, cedar)

The fourth child comes out:
The houses are high, The floors are innumerable, The spiers are prickly, Under the mighty clouds.
- And what do the people say about the pine?

1 child: "The pine is red there, where it grew up",
-2 child "Every pine tree makes noise in its forest"
-How does a pine tree look like?

(Children: Pine is a tall tree, its trunk is straight, twigs are only on the top of the head. At the bottom, the pine bark is rough and rough, and at the top it is thin. The pine has long and narrow needles, therefore the pine is called a coniferous tree. The needles are arranged in pairs. Pine, reproduces by cones .)
- Well done! They talked a lot about the pine. - And now, let's collect a beautiful bouquet of
autumn leaves. (Children collect leaves)
-How many beautiful leaves have been collected!
-And now we will decorate our path with autumn leaves. (Ornament)
-What a beautiful path you got!
-Do you like the guys? (children's answers)
-Well, and this beauty, do you recognize? (the teacher points to the birch tree)

Fifth child:
Girlfriends in white dresses From the Russian lands grew. At the edge of the forest, Leaves are braided into braids.
(S.A. Vasilieva)

What color are the leaves on the birch? (Children: golden yellow)
-Which tree leaves color earlier than others?
(Children: by the birch)

Which trees have the longest leaves during leaf fall? (Children: by the birch)
-What does it matter - leaf fall?
(Children: adaptation to winter cold, protection of trees from breakage, release of unnecessary substances with leaves.)

Now, guess the riddles:
3. In the silence of autumn groves
The rain is pouring golden. (Leaf fall)
4. Grow in the spring,
And fall off in the fall. (Leaves)
5. Falling off the branch
Gold coins. (Leaves)

If birches grow in a grove, what is the name of this grove? (Children: birch grove.)
-And if there are oaks in the grove? (Children: oak grove)
-What other groves are there? (Aspen grove, linden grove)

Invite children to lead round dance "There was a birch tree in the field"... So our lesson is over.
-Birch tells us: “Don't be sad, friends! It's time to sleep and rest. Soon winter will cover us
white snow, and we will fall asleep until spring. And in the spring new leaves will appear on the branches! "
- Until next time! Goodbye!

Invite the children to come up to their favorite tree, hug it, examine it again.