Work program (middle group) on the topic: Circle work "Skillful hands" middle group. Circle work in the middle group - interesting things to do


"Crazy hands "

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world around him. The more diverse children's activities, the more successful the versatile development of the child is, its potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of work in kindergarten is artistic manual labor, which creates conditions for involving the child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful, unusual is created.

This is what I want to teach the children of my "Bees" group. Artistic manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor coordination in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making applications, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. Manual labor has a great influence on the mental development of the child, on the development of his thinking.

The direct contact of the child with paper, natural material, or paints, elementary experiments with them allow you to know their properties, qualities, capabilities, awaken curiosity, enrich with vivid images of the world around. In the course of creative work, a preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, analyze and draw conclusions. As the experience of practical work shows, productive activity not only optimizes the corrective impact on the development of the motor sphere, but also helps to eliminate the shortcomings of speech and non-speech mental functions in preschoolers.

Relevance and novelty mug lies in the fact that different forms of work approaches are used.

A favorable emotional state of children during manual labor lessons, the pleasure experienced in the process of work, are very important for overall development. Gradually, children develop such qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Watching the children in the arts and crafts classes, I noticed that the children in my group did not use scissors well, they did not know the safety rules at work. How to safely use glue while working with the application. When creating the program of the Crazy Hands circle, she set goals and objectives for herself.


1. Develop thinking, imagination

2. Fine motor skills of the hands;

3. Cultivate independence, confidence, initiative.


1. To form in children an interest in the types of labor.

2. Get acquainted with the properties of materials.

3.Develop the ability to safely use tools when working.

4. Contribute to the development of skills in working with various materials.

5. Learn to stick ready-made forms, make images of finished objects from them, improving orientation on the plane.

6. Contribute to the development of constructive activities.

7. Develop hand strength, technical skills.

8. Promote the development of attention. Memory, imagination. Creative fantasy.

Children's age: 4-5 years.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Summarizing: is carried out in the form of drawing up clamshell books with photographs of works, holding exhibitions.

The program of the circle "Crazy Hands" includes a number of sections:

Working with paper and cardboard

Working with fabric and thread

Working with natural material

Waste material handling


At the beginning of the school year, introductory classes are held for children in order to form interest in artistic work. At the end of the school year, a photo exhibition of children's works is held in order to sum up the results of the program.

Basic forms and methods of work.

To achieve the set goals, the selection of the main forms and methods of activity is envisaged. A special place in the program is occupied by the following forms and methods of teaching:

Reproductive (reproducing);

Explanatory - illustrative (the explanation is accompanied by a demonstration of visual material);

The method of problem presentation (the teacher poses a problem and, together with the children, looks for ways to solve it);

Partial search;


In conducting classes, both individual and group and collective forms of work are used.

Educational thematic plan






Introductory lesson

Mosaic applique


Breakaway application


Volumetric application from waste material


Cotton applique


Application of cereals, threads, eggs, pasta.


fakes made from natural material


Applications from colored and corrugated paper


Fabric applications

long term plan

October (Mosaic application).

1. Introductory lesson.

2. Conversation "How scissors appeared." Volumetric water lily.

3. "Apple".

Purpose: To learn how to glue small squares of colored paper in a circular,

maintaining a distance between them.

4. "Leaf".

Purpose: We continue to teach how to glue a small area of ​​​​the picture with glue and glue the squares, observing the distance, and so on until the entire drawing of the leaf is filled with squares.

November (break application).

1. Trees.

Purpose: To learn how to construct an image of the crown of a deciduous tree from scraps of green paper; cut off the edges of rounded paper, depicting leaves.

2 .Apple Orchard.

Purpose: To continue to introduce the properties of soft paper; learn to roll large and small lumps (apples) out of it; develop imagination.

3. "There are many berries and flowers in the garden."

Purpose: To teach how to design a landscape composition, to supplement the work begun with new elements; learn to crumple soft paper into small lumps of berries, flowers. (Collective work).

4. "Animals".

Purpose: To teach children to do the work on their own, to invite them to come up with and make animals.


(voluminous applications from waste material).

1. "Winter, winter."
Target:To cultivate patience in children, to improve artistic and creative abilities.

2.UChristmas tree decoration (snowflake).

Target:educate children in patience, independence and accuracy. 3. Postcard "Merry round dance".

Purpose: To teach children to carefully fold a sheet of paper in half along the long side, fold it like an accordion, cut out a snowman figure and carefully paste it inside the postcard blank.

4. "Herringbone"

Goal: pContinue to introduce children to a new type of manual labor for them.

January (cotton applications)

1. "Bunny"

Purpose: To teach on velvet paper to depict the silhouette of a cotton bunny, complementing the landscape with details from colored paper.

2. "Lamb"

Purpose: we continue to learn how to make an application from cotton wool.

3. "Cheerful snowman."

Objectives: to clarify and summarize children's knowledge about winter;

4. "Picture winter forest."

February (application of cereals, eggs, pasta).

1. "Decorative patterns on the circle." (Craft from pumpkin seeds, watermelon and seeds).

Purpose: To teach to think about the content of the drawing on the circle and bring it to the end. Fix sculpting techniques. Develop imagination, creativity

2. "Chicken". (Application from cereals).

Purpose: To continue teaching children how to stick grits on a finished silhouette. We sprinkle millet on the chicken, we make the worm from buckwheat, weed from peas.

3. "Exotic fish". (Applique from pumpkin seeds).

Purpose: To teach how to carefully glue pumpkin seeds on the appliqué elements, placing them in a certain order.

4. "Postcard for the Defender of the Fatherland Day." (Application of pasta).

Purpose: To teach children how to decorate a postcard with pasta, creating an airplane, rocket, boat at the request of the children. Glue carefully onto cardboard.

March "application from natural material"

1. "Animals".

Purpose: To teach children to make animals from natural material: the body is a bump, the head is a chestnut. Use plasticine to connect parts.

2. "Hedgehog".

Purpose: To teach children how to make a chestnut hedgehog, show imagination, sculpt small details from plasticine.

3. "Twigs with leaves"

4. “Conversation about floristry. Leaves painting»


"Application of colored and corrugated paper"

    " First flowers".

Purpose: To teach children to independently cut petals from a rectangle of colored paper, to make a flower out of them.

2. "Rockets and comets".

Purpose: To teach children how to create and cut rockets in a rational way: divide the square into 3 triangles (the big triangle is the nose of the rocket, two small ones are the wings).

3. "Elegant wings" (Crafts from candy wrappers, corrugated paper).

Goal: Prepare different cylinders the size of a finger. And we will make different insects, the body of which resembles a tube. They have such beautiful wings. We will cut them out of wrappers and corrugated paper.

4. "Applique flower basket".

May "application of fabric and thread"

1. “A conversation where the threads came from. ApplicationWillow"

Purpose: To introduce children to the technique of pulling cotton from a lump, making branches from a thread and tying knots to thicken.

2. "Carrot". (Applique from threads).

Purpose: To teach children to independently glue the finished form on a sheet of cardboard with the addition of yarn.

3. "Valentines". (Applique cut threads).

Purpose: To continue to introduce the technique of making applications from threads. Learn to evenly smear areas of the image and sprinkle them with threads finely chopped by the teacher.

4. "Beautiful dress." (Fabric application).

Purpose: To learn how to make an appliqué from fabric, to correctly position the elements of decoration. Develop creative imagination.

As a result of studying in a circle, children should gain knowledge:

About materials, tools;

On the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene in the processing of various materials;

About the place and role of arts and crafts in human life;

On the types of decorative and applied art

On the features of stucco toys;

About the methods of application in folk art (fabric, paper, fabric, etc.)

About project activity.


Recall that abilities are manifested and formed only in activity. This means that only by properly organizing the activity of the child, it is possible to identify and then develop his abilities. K.D. Ushinsky wrote: "The basic law of children's nature can be expressed as follows: the child needs activity incessantly and gets tired not of activity, but of its monotony or one-sidedness."

Thus, in activities aimed at achieving a specific goal, not only this activity itself is improved, but also the child's visual perception of objects in the world around him. Productive activities contribute to the improvement of children's speech, the formation of the moral qualities of a person, such as independence, initiative, organization and responsibility when performing a task. The effectiveness of the correctional process in the course of productive activities directly depends on the methods and techniques that are used in the work. According to scientists, it is advisable to carry out special work with the help of natural material.


    Agnieszka Bajrakowska-Pzhenieslo "Wonderful pasta crafts", Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2013

    Green D. "Everything will come in handy", publishing house "Makhaon", 1998

    Gulyants E.K., Bazik I.Ya. "What can be made from natural material", a book for a kindergarten teacher, 2nd edition M, "Enlightenment", 1991

    Koshelev V.M., Afonkin S.Yu. "Cut and Fold", St. Petersburg, ed. "Crystal", 1999

    Kutsakova L.V. “Mom, I can make things”, M., ed. "My world", 2007

    Makarova N.R. "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2007

    Makarova N.R. "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2008

    Machinistov V.G. "Didactic material on labor training", M., "Enlightenment", 1989.

    Roenko I.P. "Crafts, amulets, paintings, postcards, jewelry, gifts from natural materials", Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2012

    Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. "Smart hands", publishing house "Fedorov", 2000

"Funny crafts" / compiled by V.I. Fedorova, M.: "My world", 2008.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 5

I approve

Head of MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5


Order No.


circle work "Magic dough"

for children of the middle group

2012 - 2013 academic year

middle group

Supervisor -


Explanatory note.

Man is a creator by nature. For this, he has everything: imagination, thoughts, ideas and a body that brings it all to life. How interesting it is to watch your ideas expressed in dance, sound, paint, clay or dough! The dance of the fingers gives the matter a shape given by our imagination, and the name of this "dance" of the hands is MOLDING! There are plenty of materials for modeling: clay, plasticine, gypsum, dough, snow, sand! You can even sculpt from bread and wax.

Salt dough is becoming more and more popular in our country, successfully competing with traditional materials - clay and plasticine. In working with it, many are attracted not so much by accessibility and relative cheapness, but by the endless possibilities that this material provides for the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Salt dough is a wonderful craft material. It has a number of advantages: leaves no residue and is easy to clean, safe for children, environmentally friendly natural material that does not cause allergies. You can even eat it. Both children of 5-6 years old and the smallest can sculpt. The dough is very plastic and allows you to work out small details. On the test, wonderful prints from any objects remain - buttons, palms, forks, cloves, combs, fabrics - any object whose relief is of interest to you.

Observations of children in the younger group showed that 60% of children have a low level of development of fine motor skills of the hands. They do not know how to use scissors, draw poorly with pencils and paints, and hardly hold a spoon and fork. Children are timid and shy, unsure of their abilities.

Working with dough is a kind of exercise that helps in the development of fine differentiated movements, coordination, and tactile sensations in children. Everything that is so necessary for a child at school: education of perseverance, accuracy, patience; development of manual dexterity and accuracy of the eye; mastery of technological operations and, above all, a creative approach to any work, the joy of creativity through self-expression through the manufacture of products from salt dough.

Correction-developing - development and correction of all mental functions (perception, attention, thinking, motor skills and coordination of movements, etc.)
Educational - expanding knowledge and ideas about oneself, others, the world around, revealing the creative abilities of children, the ability to see the unusual in the subject of study.
Communicative - development of skills of positive communication and cooperation.
Relaxation - the transformation of destructive forms of energy into a socially adaptive form of activity, the removal of psycho-emotional stress
Educational - the development of the moral aspects of the child's personality, love for work, the process of creativity and knowledge.

Expected result of the work of the circle:

Build a general awareness among children

Enhanced technical skills and abilities

Hand motor skills will develop

Children will be creative in the process of sculpting

Interest in art in the classroom and independent activity will become stable.

PURPOSE OF THE WORK: give children the joy of creativity, show salt dough modeling techniques, help develop the child's creative and communication skills through the manufacture of salt dough products.


    Raise interest and desire to engage in arts and crafts. Develop aesthetic and artistic taste in children. Introduce testoplasty. Develop fine motor skills. Learn the techniques of working with dough and improvised tools. Familiarize yourself with the methods and techniques of the image.

Methodological techniques

Demonstration of technological methods.

Examining toys, sculptures, etc.

Looking at illustrations from books, photographs, paintings, etc.

Game techniques (the arrival of a hero, etc.).

Exercise children the skills to use modeling tools (stacks, seals, etc.).

Didactic material:

Audio recordings.

Use of samples (models, toys, salt dough crafts, sculptures, models).

The use of visibility (photos, paintings, drawings of children, illustrations from books, etc.).

Technical equipment:

Additional material for creating an expressive image (beads, beads, fishing line, sequins, pieces of fur).

Modeling tools (stacks, seals, modeling tournet, marker caps, etc.).

Work form:

· Collaborate with teachers.


· From simple to complex.

· Communication of knowledge, skills with life, with practice.

· Science.

· Availability.

· Consistency of knowledge.

· Educational and developmental orientation.

· Comprehensiveness, harmony in the content of knowledge, skills and abilities.

· Activity and independence.

· Accounting for age and individual characteristics.


Rolling with direct movements;

rolling in circular motions


connection in the form of a ring;

pinching the edge of the form;

· modeling from several parts;

The proportions

pulling a part from the main form;

· smoothing the surface of the form;

attachment of a part;


· lubrication;

indentation to obtain a hollow shape;

use of the stack.

The circle "Magic Dough" is held with children of the 5th year of life. Classes are held during the school year (from October to May) once a week with a group of 8 children, lasting up to 20 minutes.

The program is designed for 28 lessons.

1. Germanovich Vladlena

2. Gorodetskaya Dasha

3. Danil Makarov

4. Nyukhov Ilkham

5. Pankov Georgy

6. Popikhina Arina

7. Tropin Maxim

8. Trunov Gleb

Lesson topic.

Organization method.

Month. Quantity

1. Salt dough patterns

Introduction to the test

Creating prints and drawings on a dough cake using cereals, bones.

2. Caterpillars sculpting caterpillars and painting with gouache.

Methodical methods:

Fingering bones, seeds - didactic exercise "Guess by touch".

Acquaintance with plastic material (salt dough). Practical activities - modeling and drawing.

Dictionary Enrichment: scattered, round.


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. Fruits in a basket

Collective panel.

2. Pies and buns

Creation of attributes with the role-playing game "Shop".

Methodical methods: Looking at pictures of fruits, natural objects.

Joint practical activity - combining drawing and modeling in one story.

Independent actions of children, help of the teacher to children in the implementation.

Dictionary Enrichment: harvest,


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. "Christmas Toys"

Creation of toys for the Christmas tree, modeling, coloring.

2. "Christmas tree beauty"

Setting up a thematic exhibition.

Methodical methods: Examination of postcards, illustrations, photographs.

Cutting contour "toys" as a gift to children (educator).

Practical activities - modeling and drawing.

Dictionary Enrichment: cones, bells


2 lessons.

2 lessons

one. " Hedgehogs»

Creation of a hedgehog figurine, coloring

2. "Forest Animals"

Collective creation of crafts forest glade.

Methodical methods: Reading stories with descriptions of animals. Examination of illustrations, dummies of animals.

Dictionary Enrichment: fluffy, prickly.


1 lesson.

1 lesson.

2. "Ship" (gift for dad)

Methodical methods: Reading poetry. Examination of postcards about winter, photographs depicting winter phenomena.

Consideration of illustrations depicting ships, models.

Practical activities - modeling, drawing.

Dictionary Enrichment: It swirls, sparks, silvery, scattered all around, trees in the snow, a sailboat, a boat.


1 lesson

2 lessons

1. "Picture for Mom" (balerief)

2. "Flowers in a vase"

Methodical methods: Reading a poem about mother. Looking at pictures of flowers.

Practical activities - modeling, application and drawing.

Dictionary Enrichment: semi-flower, rose, tulip, etc.


1 lesson

2 lessons

1. "Aquarium" (balerief)

2. "Easter Egg Stand"

Methodical methods: Examination of illustrations depicting fish, dummies of fish.

Holiday story. Looking at candle holders.

Practical activities - modeling, application and drawing.

Dictionary Enrichment: crucian carp, goldfish, algae.


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. "Photo frame"

2. Exhibition design

Methodical methods: looking at photo frames.

Practical activities - modeling, applique and drawing

2 lessons

2 lessons


1. We sculpt from salt dough. Decorations. Souvenirs. Crafts. Decor. - M: Eksmo, 2004. - 160 p.

2. Kiskalt I. Salty dough / Per. with him. - M.: AST-press book, 2003 - 144 p.

3. Kiskalt I. Salty dough. Fun modding. - M.:
Profizdat 2002. - 80 p.

4. Kolotova O. Testoplasty // Pozashkillya. - 2007. - No. 7. - With. 40-42.

5. Khananova I. Salty dough. - M.: AST-press book, 2004 - 104 p.

Perspective plan of the circle on modeling

paper flowers

"Color Experiences"

for 2016-2017 academic year


Groups 3.6 "Lukomorye"

V.N. Fedotova

Saratov 2016

A child's heart is sensitive to the call to create beauty

It is important that behind the call

labor followed.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Explanatory note

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the child's connection with the leading spheres of being is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. Curiosity develops, interest in creativity is formed.
To support this interest, it is necessary to stimulate the imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activity. At the lessons on drawing, modeling, appliqué, children develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, improve the skills of fine and constructive creativity.
One of the most interesting areas of the artistic and aesthetic cycle is paper construction. When working with paper, children improve a number of important mental qualities, and also provide a platform for the development of creative inclinations.
The content of the circle program "Color Experiences" involves the development of children's creative abilities when constructing from paper in interaction with other activities. In the process of implementing circle activities, the ability of preschoolers to select the necessary means for the presentation of creative abilities, the desire to achieve a positive result, the free operation of learned methods, combining and transforming them in different ways, is formed.
Classes of the circle "Color experiences" are aimed at the comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of preschoolers, increasing their effectiveness. One of the main goals of paper design activities is the development of the child's personality, his abilities, creative inclinations, and intelligence. Learning skills does not replace the immediacy of children's perception. In the process of constructing from paper, in addition to the development of fine motor skills, the child develops spatial imagination, artistic taste and accuracy. Paper design activity teaches attention concentration, as it makes you focus on the process of making crafts, teaches you to follow oral instructions, and also stimulates the development of memory, spatial imagination.
For training, game forms of children's activity should be widely used. Taking into account the specific features of the design activity of children allows us to determine the tasks of the work of the circle "Color experiences":
· to form mental prerequisites for labor activity;
interest in the result and a sense of pride in it, the desire to improve its quality;
a variety of ways to work with different materials and tools;
improve the ability to reproduce the simplest samples of crafts.
When constructing from paper, children learn various methods of work, such as bending, folding, cutting, gluing. A visit to the circle "Color experiences" will allow children to develop the ability to work with their hands, accustom them to precise finger movements, improve fine motor skills of the hands, and develop an eye. In the process of creating a composition, children develop a sense of color, symmetry, an idea of ​​the depth of space of a sheet of paper. They will learn how to correctly place objects on the plane of the sheet, to establish a connection between objects located in different parts of the background. A very important point in working with paper is the relationship of classes with the independent creative activity of children.
When selecting the content of methods and forms of the educational process, the level of preparation for the development of children, individual and psychological characteristics, and inclinations of children are taken into account. Among the techniques used in the process of implementing circle activities that enhance the motivation for learning, the following should be mentioned:
activation and individualization of learning;
collective work;
creative works, etc.

The purpose of the circle program " Color experiences» - comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of paper design.
The objectives of the circle program " Color experiences»:
· develop the ability to follow oral instructions;
teach different techniques of working with paper;
introduce children to the basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle. Side, top, etc.;
enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms;
create compositions with products made of paper.
develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination;
develop fine motor skills of hands and eye;
develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children;
develop in children the ability to work with their hands, accustom them to precise finger movements;
develop spatial imagination.
· nurture interest in paper design;
to form a culture of work and improve labor skills;
to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, to keep the workplace in order.
Methods used in the circle classes:
· conversation, story, fairy tale;
viewing illustrations;
showing a sample workflow execution.
Form of occupation – thematic joint activity.
AT result children under this program:
learn different ways to work with paper;
learn to follow oral instructions;
will create compositions with products made of paper;
develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination;
develop fine motor skills of hands and an eye;
develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination;
Get to know different paperwork techniques
master the skills of work culture;
improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Forms of summarizing the implementation of the circle " Color experiences»:
· production of collective compositions;
holding exhibitions of children's work.

Organizational and methodological support of the program (age of children, terms of implementation, class schedule, group size)

The program of the circle "Color experiences" is designed for 1 year (with children of the middle group). For the successful development of the lesson program, the number of children in the circle group should be 10 people. Classes are held in two subgroups, four times a month from September to May.

Number of lessons

Number of children in the subgroup

Per month

In year




Perspective plan of the circle " Color experiences »
For 2016-2017 academic year




"The Magical Properties of Paper"

Introduce children to the properties of paper. Tell about the types of paper and the appropriateness of its use for a particular craft


"Volumetric figures with a simple wave of scissors"

Introduce children to the technique of obtaining three-dimensional figures with scissors. Improve your cutting skills.


"Fantasy with a sheet of paper"

To acquaint with the ways of using different types of paper in relation to different textured crafts; develop imagination, fantasy; develop an interest in paper design.


"Symmetrical Cut"

Acquaintance with the phenomena of ray (radial) symmetry.

Development of spatial thinking. Formation of the ability to plan their actions.


"Autumn has come to visit us"

Teach children how to cut out details; improve cutting skills, learn to create a bright and expressive image.


"Fantasy Flowers"

To fix the methods of cutting along a complex contour; improve the skills of cutting out the details of crafts; cultivate accuracy in work.

"Under arched bouquet »

Teach children to create voluminous curly images; learn to clearly follow the oral instructions of the educator; to cultivate the ability to work collectively, listening to the opinion of the participants in productive activities.



Creative experimentation is the search for expressive means to convey the characteristic features of the image.
Development of imagination, fine motor skills, coordination in the eye-hand system.


"Fancy Postcards"

Develop imagination, fantasy; Learn to anticipate the result, work clearly, striving for the final goal.


"Flower Fantasy"

Continue to work on the design, complicating the elements. Develop logical thinking, imagination, memory. Cultivate an interest in design



Improve skills in designing using natural materials; develop a sense of color, composition; to cultivate a desire to help a friend, to give advice on the design of work.

"Basket of flowers"

Learn to create additional compositional details from paper that would improve previously made images; to teach to see shortcomings in their own work, to cultivate a desire to improve their work, to bring the work begun to the end.


" Flowers in a pot"

Introduce children to corrugated and crepe paper; mastering a rational way to obtain the same elements: folding a paper strip twice or three times in half and cutting out the silhouette along the contour. Work form.



Teach children to anticipate results. Develop imagination; improve cutting skills; cultivate the ability to bring the work begun to the end.


"Blossoming cactus"

Repeat and generalize the concepts of three-dimensional figures; improve crafting skills; develop creative imagination; educate the desire to experience pleasure from the final result of their activities.



"Snow White Flowers"

To learn to work collectively, to discuss what was planned; to teach how to create buildings using several learned techniques: pattern work, design, Raise a desire to help a friend.


"Composition of flowers"

Improve your design skills; develop a sense of color, composition; to cultivate a desire to help a friend, to give advice on the design of work.


"Button Flowers"

Learn to create non-standard images on your own, improve cutting and working with glue; develop fine motor skills of children's hands; to cultivate interest in the design of paper and improvised material



Acquaintance with the phenomenon of axial symmetry and mastering the technique of volumetric symmetrical application: folding a square (rectangle) in half, cutting out half of the image (the fold line is the middle of the flower) along a drawn or imaginary contour and obtaining a symmetrical silhouette. Enrichment and expansion of the capabilities of mastered technology

"Paper Bow"

To teach children using a ruler to measure clear long strips of the same length and width; improve cutting skills; learn from long thin strips of paper to create a large bow for decorating postcards. Develop fine motor skills.


"Congratulations Mom"

Teach yourself to glue on the basis of the pattern proposed by the educator; learn to decorate the result with different types of paper; develop imagination; cultivate aesthetic feelings.

"Lilac" "Mimosa"

The use of trimming technique for flower decoration. Using the symmetrical appliqué technique to cut out leaves of various shapes


"Bouquet of wild flowers"

Develop fine motor skills of children's hands; nurture interest in paper design; apply the skills of folding, cutting out symmetrical shapes.

"Calla" "Peony"

The use of symmetrical appliqué techniques for cutting out leaves of various shapes; creative experimentation - the search for expressive means to convey the characteristic features of the image.

"Easter card"

Teach diagonal bending techniques; develop fine motor skills of the hands; nurture an interest in making crafts with your own hands


"Asters" "Roses"

Teaching children to create crafts; learn to decorate your creative work; develop a sense of color, composition.


Teach children to repeatedly bend, according to the "accordion" principle; develop aesthetic feelings; develop fine motor skills



To learn to work collectively, to discuss what was planned; learn to create buildings using several learned techniques: pattern work, quilling, trimming, origami. Cultivate a desire to help a friend

"Vase with Flowers"

Learn to combine waste materials used as auxiliary materials in the manufacture of paper crafts; develop creative imagination.

Postcard "Ladybug"

To teach children to create vivid images from the material at their discretion; learn how to correctly select material for crafts on the proposed topic; develop creative imagination; development of fine motor skills of the hands.

"Bouquet in the technique of cold porcelain"

To teach children to work collectively, conferring, using the knowledge and skills of working with various types of paper obtained earlier. Development of creative thinking



Making an exhibition where the child has the opportunity to demonstrate the skills acquired while visiting the circle.

Methodological support of the circle program

"Color Experiences"
I. Teaching and teaching aids. Internet resources

Davydova G.N. Paper plastics. Floral motifs. - M: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003",

2. Hanna Lind. Paper mosaic. - M: Iris-Press 2007

3. June Jackson. Origami. Translation from English. S.V. Grigorieva - M: "Enlightenment", 1979

4. Marina Tretyakova "Flowers from corrugated paper" M: Publishing house "EKSMO" 2013
II. Materials from the experience of the teacher

Instruction cards and schemes for making crafts

2. Product Assembly Instruction Sheets

3. Product samples

Olga Milyutina
Circle "Skillful Hands". Plan of work in the middle group

Plan for circle work in the middle group"Chamomile" on the topic:

« skillful hands»

caregiver: Milyutina O. G.

1. Explanatory note

2. Relevance. Target. Tasks.

3. Shapes work. Implementation deadlines. Conduct mode. Expected results. Forms of carrying out the results of the program implementation.

4. Principles of constructing the program.

5. Age features of children 4-5 years old.

6. Promising plan.

7. List of used literature

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that every child is a little explorer, with joy and surprise discovering an unfamiliar and amazing world. the world. The more diverse children's activities, the more successful the versatile development of the child is, its potentialities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types work in kindergarten is artistic manual labor, creating conditions for involving the child in their own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful, unusual is created.

This is what I want to teach my children. groups"Chamomile". Artistic manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor coordination in eye and hand work, improving coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making applications, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. Manual labor has a great influence on the mental development of the child, on the development of his thinking.

Direct child's contact with paper, natural material, or paints, elementary experiments with them allow you to know their properties, qualities, capabilities, awaken curiosity, enrich with vivid images the world around. During the creative work a preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, analyze and draw conclusions. As practical experience shows work, productive activity not only optimizes the corrective impact on the development of the motor sphere, but also helps to eliminate the shortcomings of speech and non-speech mental functions in preschoolers.


Nowadays, the issue of developing the creative abilities of children is particularly acute. This is probably due to the fact that children began to spend more time with the computer and other means technical progress. Less and less attention is paid by parents to drawing, modeling, appliqué and manual labor with their child. Children are naturally endowed with bright abilities. And the task adults: both teachers and parents - to interest the child in artistic activities, arouse the desire to create various crafts, develop the most important mental processes: imagination, thinking, etc., help to master simple manual operations, prepare the child for schooling.

The development of intellectual and thought processes must begin with the development of hand movements, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers. This is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for a child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. “The sources of children's creativity and gifts are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. Others words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child, ”V. A. Sukhomlinsky said.

1. Develop thinking, imagination

2. Fine motor skills of the hands;

3. Cultivate independence, confidence, initiative.

1. To form in children an interest in the types of labor.

2. Introduce the properties of materials.

3. Develop the ability to use tools safely when work.

4. Contribute work skills with various materials.

5. Learn to stick ready-made forms, make images of finished objects from them, improving orientation on the plane.

6. Contribute to the development of constructive activities.

7. Develop hand strength, technical skills.

8. Promote the development of attention. Memory, imagination. Creative fantasy.

Basic forms

Subgroup of children(6-9 people).

Forms of conducting classes are different. There are both theoretical - the teacher's story, a conversation with children, children's stories, the teacher showing the mode of action - and practical lessons: preparation and holding of exhibitions for children works, handing over ready works parents as gifts.

Holding mode: one lesson per week, in the afternoon lasting 20 minutes is designed for working with children 4-5 years old.

At the beginning of classes, it is recommended to carry out finger gymnastics; during the lesson, to relax muscles, relieve tension - physical minutes. Complexes of finger gymnastics, physical minutes, the educator selects independently, since the methodological literature on this issue is very diverse and informative.

Expected results.

After each stage mug work it is assumed that children will acquire certain knowledge, skills, abilities, the child will identify and realize his abilities, the formation of general labor and special skills, methods of self-control.

Children will get acquainted with various materials and their properties;

Master the skills work with scissors and glue;

Learn some techniques for converting materials;

Develop fine motor skills.

Forms of carrying out the results of implementation programs:

Children's exhibitions work in kindergarten;

Children's Presentation Days work for parents(employees, kids)

Principles of building a program

1. From simple to complex.

2. Connection of knowledge, skills with life, with practice.

3. Scientific.

4. Availability.

5. Consistency of knowledge.

6. Educational and developing Wednesday.

7. Comprehensiveness, harmony in the content of knowledge, skills and abilities.

8. Activity and independence.

9. Accounting for age and individual characteristics.

Age features of children 4-5 years old.

The age of four to five years is a period of relative calm. The child came out and, on the whole, became calmer, more obedient, more accommodating. The need for friends is becoming stronger, the interest in the world around.

At this age, your child is actively appear:

Striving for independence. It is important for a child to do a lot on his own, he is already more able to take care of himself and needs less care from adults. The reverse side of independence is a statement about one's rights, needs, attempts to establish one's own rules in the world around him.

ethical ideas. The child expands the palette of conscious emotions, he begins to understand the feelings of other people, to empathize. At this age, basic ethical concepts begin to form, perceived by the child not through what adults tell him, but based on how they act.

Creative skills. The development of the imagination enters a very active phase. A child lives in a world of fairy tales, fantasies, he is able to create entire worlds on paper or in his head. In dreams, various fantasies, the child gets the opportunity to become the main character, to achieve the recognition he lacks.

Relationships with peers. The child develops a great interest in peers, and he moves more and more from intra-family relations to broader relations with the world. Joint play becomes more difficult, it has a variety of role-playing content (games in the hospital, in the store, in the war, playing favorite fairy tales). Children make friends, quarrel, make up, get offended, jealous, help each other. Communication with peers occupies an increasing place in the life of a child, the need for recognition and respect from peers becomes more and more pronounced.

Active curiosity, which causes children to constantly ask questions about everything they see. They are ready to talk all the time, to discuss various issues. But their arbitrariness, that is, the ability to do what they are not interested in, is still not sufficiently developed, and therefore their cognitive interest is best quenched in an exciting conversation or an entertaining game.

Perspective plan.

"Autumn Leaf"

(Plasticineography). Create an expressive image through transfer of volume and color. Strengthen skills work with plasticine: rolling, flattening, spreading the used material on the base, smoothing the finished surface. Plasticine, cardboard with a stencil

2 "Autumn forest". (Breaking application). Collective Work. To expand the knowledge of children about the signs of autumn; continue to learn to tear off small pieces from a sheet of paper, apply glue to them, stick them in the right place in the picture. Paper, glue

3 Theme: "Fungus". Teach children work with cereals and glue. . Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, grits.

4 "Lamb". Teach children work with cotton and glue. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Chick". Learn to build simple crafts. Learn to use different materials. To form independence, to develop a sense of self-confidence. Cultivate independence. paper, bird stencil, millet, cotton wool, PVA glue, brush.

2 "Hedgehog". Teach safety rules work with glue, seeds. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones. Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, seeds.

3 "Bunch of grapes". To teach children to convey the shape of a bunch of grapes in a drawing, to form the ability to independently choose the color of the berries (light green or purple, fix the grape berries by drawing with a finger. Cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton wool.

4 "Cookie" Teaching children to knead salt dough, develop the ability work with him. Cultivate a love of work. Flour, salt, water

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Snowflake". Teach children work with different materials. Teach safety rules work with glue, groats. Learn plan your work. Develop fine motor skills, perseverance. Develop a desire to see things through to the end. pasta, cardboard, stencil, glue, brush.

2 "Magical forest" Introduce children to a new way of drawing "paralon". Learn to draw fluffy snow on the branches of trees and Christmas trees, snowdrifts on the ground. Paint paper, steam lon

3 "Mittens" Teach safety rules work with glue, cardboard. Develop compositional skills. Cardboard, glue, brush.

4 "Snowmen" Teach children work with plasticine working with such material. work. plasticine.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Winter's Tale". Collective Work. Learn to create a picture of snow-covered trees. using cotton wool, salt. Styrofoam. Cardboard, cotton, polystyrene, salt

2 "Bunny". (Applique from cotton wool). Depict the silhouette of a cotton bunny, complementing the landscape with colored paper details. Colored paper, cotton

3 "Bird on the feeder". Teach safety rules work with glue, cereals. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones. Cardboard with a stencil, glue, brush, cereals.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Bullfinches on branches". (Plasticine mosaic). Develop the ability to pull details from a whole piece, form balls, press and stick them to paper. Plasticine, paper

2 "Car". Learn to convey the image, observing the relative value. Develop figurative, aesthetic perception. Cultivate independence. matchboxes, PVA glue, brush.

3 "Dad Cup". Teach children work with different materials. Learn to build simple crafts. Develop compositional skills. To cultivate the ability to bring the work started to the end. cardboard stencil, PVA glue, seeds, cereals.

4 "Penguins on the Ice" continue to teach children work with plasticine. Learn to enjoy working with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate perseverance, patience, accuracy in work. plasticine.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Flower for Mom". Teach children work with paper towel and glue. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, paper napkin, disposable plate.

2 "Giraffe". Teach children work with grits and glue. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, millet.

3 "Here's our bouquet." (Plasticineography). Learn to connect the ends of the column, rolled between the palms, in the form of a ring and attach them to the circle. Plasticine, paper

4 "Snowdrop". Teach safety rules work with glue, paper. Develop compositional skills. Raise the desire to give gifts to your loved ones. Quilling paper, glue, brush.

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 Collective Work. "Migratory birds" Teach children work with cotton and glue, groats. Work collectively. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. cardboard, stencil, glue, brush, cotton pads, cereals.

2 "Space" Learn plan your work. Develop manual skill

3 "Willow twig" To develop the ability to roll small pieces of paper into a tight ball, tear off pieces from cotton wool, carefully stick them on cardboard. crumpled paper cotton

4 "Easter Eggs" Learn how to decorate eggs using a variety of techniques and materials of your choice. Egg, cereal

№ date of the event Theme Program content Material

1 "Butterfly" Form skill work with paper to make preparations for work. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. strips of colored paper, PVA glue, brush.

2 "Postcard for Veterans" Form skill work collectively. Plan work progress. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet. Develop fine motor skills. Cultivate interest in the activity. PVA glue, brush, Pencils, napkins.

3 "Apple trees in bloom". Collective Work. (application from napkins). Learn plan your work. Develop manual skill. Cultivate independence Colored paper, cardboard, cereals, PVA glue, scissors, brush.

4 "The world is like a colored meadow." Collective children's work.


To form the ability to stick plasticine to paper without going beyond the contours of the picture. Use in work plasticine 3 different colors. Paper, plasticine


1. "Colored palms" E. Lykova.

2. Child in kindergarten” magazine

3. "Hoop" magazine edited by T. Doronova.

4. "Manual labor" edited by I. Klimova.

5. "From napkins to quilling" I. A. Cherkasova, V. Yu. Rusnak, M. V. Butova, Moscow, publishing house "Scriptorium 2003", 2013

6. "Miracles for children from unnecessary things", M. I. Nagibina, Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1998

7. "Mosaic of cereals and seeds" G. I. Pereverten, Publishing House "Stalker", 2006

8. "Funny plastic toys", L. V. Kulikova, O. A. Solomennikova, Moscow "Mosaic-Synthesis"

9. “We make with the kids. Wonderful crafts from anything.” O. V. Poida publishing house: « OlmaMediaGroup» , 2013